Iclab: a Global, Longitudinal Internet Censorship Measurement Platform
ICLab: A Global, Longitudinal Internet Censorship Measurement Platform Arian Akhavan Niaki∗y Shinyoung Cho∗yz Zachary Weinberg∗x Nguyen Phong Hoangz Abbas Razaghpanahz Nicolas Christinx Phillipa Gilly yUniversity of Massachusetts, Amherst zStony Brook University xCarnegie Mellon University {arian, shicho, phillipa}@cs.umass.edu {shicho, nghoang, arazaghpanah}@cs.stonybrook.edu {zackw, nicolasc}@cmu.edu Abstract—Researchers have studied Internet censorship for remains elusive. We highlight three key challenges that must nearly as long as attempts to censor contents have taken place. be addressed to make progress in this space: Most studies have however been limited to a short period of time and/or a few countries; the few exceptions have traded off detail Challenge 1: Access to Vantage Points. With few ex- for breadth of coverage. Collecting enough data for a compre- ceptions,1 measuring Internet censorship requires access to hensive, global, longitudinal perspective remains challenging. “vantage point” hosts within the region of interest. In this work, we present ICLab, an Internet measurement The simplest way to obtain vantage points is to recruit platform specialized for censorship research. It achieves a new balance between breadth of coverage and detail of measurements, volunteers [37], [43], [73], [80]. Volunteers can run software by using commercial VPNs as vantage points distributed around that performs arbitrary network measurements from each the world. ICLab has been operated continuously since late vantage point, but recruiting more than a few volunteers per 2016. It can currently detect DNS manipulation and TCP packet country and retaining them for long periods is difficult. Further, injection, and overt “block pages” however they are delivered.
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