Memphis In The First Two Millennia August 14 and 15 2008 The Australian Centre for Egyptology Macquarie University Sydney Australia Memphis in the First Two Millennia Venue Robert Menzies Chapel Macquarie University Convener Linda Evans Host The Australian Centre for Egyptology Division of Humanities Macquarie University Sydney NSW 2109 Australia Telephone: (+612) 9850-8848 Email:
[email protected] Conference Web Site Cover Photograph: © Leonie Donovan ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Preparations for Memphis in the First Two Millennia have been greatly assisted by a number of organisations and enthusiastic individuals. We would like to acknowledge the Australian Research Council's Discovery Projects funding scheme, which has supported our studies of the Memphite region for the past four years. We also offer our sincere thanks to Professor Stephen Schwartz, Vice- Chancellor of Macquarie University, for hosting a welcome reception for our speakers on August 13, and to members of the Vice-Chancellor's staff - particularly Bronwyn Forster and Kris Kolc - for their cheerful assistance. We greatly appeciate the friendly advice provided by Vicky Deane of Robert Menzies College and Jennifer Hearn of Dunmore Lang College regarding the venue and catering. We are particularly grateful to Faye Sutherland of the Co-op Book Shop (Macquarie University) for generously supplying book bags and bookmarks for all of our conference registrants. We also thank Marie Carter for providing back-issues of Archaeological Diggings magazine, and the Sydney Convention and Tourist Bureau for issuing us with The Official Guide to Sydney. Special thanks go to the volunteers in the Australian Centre for Egyptology office – Carmel Amos, Carol Allen, Janet Condon, Joyce Swinton, Tom Lockley, and Bob Parker – for their help with many aspects of the conference organization during the past year.