CLARION February 2019

Welcome to the February 2019 edition of the Clawton Clarion.

We are all still in the long dark days of winter, but St Valentine’s Day is a welcome celebration to look forward to in February. The encyclopaedia Britannica tells us that this holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February to herald the coming of Spring and fertility. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine's Day. It came to be celebrated as a day of romance from about the 14th century through the writings of the poet Chaucer.

We have started a new section of “Parish Notices” this month. Please send any good news, comments, birthday messages or welcomes to be included. This month’s puzzle is a Winter-themed wordsearch. If you would like this feature to continue, please e mail me some puzzles to be included.

We are always looking for more people to help and participate in the events to keep Clawton the vibrant community that we know and love, and to maintain our village facilities. Don’t forget, the Clawton Clarion is about YOU and YOUR COMMUNITY.

Please send any contributions for the next edition by 20th February 2019

[email protected] or call me, Judi Graham: 01409 271265 If you would like to receive the Clarion electronically, send me your e mail address.

Dates for your Diary

6th February Women on Wednesday 7.30pm Clawton Parish Hall

11th February Inter parish walk 10.00am Thornbury Holiday Park, EX22 7BT. 13th February Whist 7.30pm Clawton Parish Hall

15th February Home from Home Coffee 10.30am 1, Memorial Cottages – hosted Morning by Rosie 22nd February Wine and Wisdom 7.30pm Clawton Parish Hall Proceeds to Parish hall Funds 27th February Defibrillator training session 7.00pm Clawton Parish Hall

4th March Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Clawton Parish Hall

Church services ( Benefice)- February/March 2019

Friday 1st 10.00am Church Morning Prayer

Saturday 2nd 6.30pm Ashwater Church Holy Communion and Compline

Sunday 3rd 10.30am Church Holy Communion and Coffee 5.30pm Church Church tea and informal worship Wednesday 6th 7.00pm St Leonard’s, Clawton Holy Communion

Saturday 9th 10.00am Bradford Parish Hall Saturday church – all ages, fun and activities Sunday 10th 10.30am St Leonard’s , Clawton Holy Communion & Coffee-supporting Ruth Jones, Youth Worker in College. 6.30pm Beaworthy Church BCP Evensong Saturday 16th 6.30pm Beaworthy Church Celtic Communion

Sunday 17th 10.30am Ashwater Church Holy Communion & coffee with Benefice. 6.30pm St Leonard’s, Clawton Evening Prayer Wednesday 20th 10.00am Halwill Church Holy Communion

Sunday 24th 10.30am Beaworthy Church Holy Communion and coffee 6.30pm Ashwater Church Evening prayer Friday 1st 10.00am Beaworthy Church Morning Prayer

Thought for the month – Rev Jane Lucas Dear Parishioners,

Greetings to everyone for 2019, I hope it will be the best for you, your families and for this parish and community of Clawton. This year heralds changes, as all years do, but this one affects the Church and parish in that I retire gracefully at the end of May. My last service will be on the 26th of May at 11am to which everyone is invited to come along followed by lunch. This January has begun with a new pattern of services, which I have to say have been well supported up to this point. The pattern reflects a willingness to do things differently and is an opportunity to welcome people into an encounter with Jesus, and to be part of something larger and bigger than just ‘our’ church. The coffee and fellowship after services is an opportunity to meet other Christians. I look forward to seeing and being with you this month. Blessings to all, Jane.

Buckhorn Methodist Chapel

Services will be held every Sunday at 11.00 subject to arrangement.

For confirmation of services or any queries please contact Rosemary Colwill on 01409 253770 or Rita Stacey on 01409 211201 Parish Hall News – From Maralyn Bailey – Chair

Our hall is well used - short mat bowls, skittles, whist, WOW group and railway club are regular users, and the committee wish to improve the facilities offered to the hirers. Recently we have had several family parties, (a great venue for the larger gatherings) along with christenings and some after funerals teas. To enquire about booking the hall, please ring Sue Bailey our caretaker/booking secretary on 254891.

However, we need more committee members or helpers to assist with the general running of the hall, extra hands will always be welcome to set up for and help at events. We are basically seven members, along with an outer circle of people who will help but do not like meetings!!! Just contact Ruth or myself to get details of our next meeting, we usually have a meeting every three months.

The Defibrillator is now installed at the Parish Hall – many thanks to all fundraisers including Anita Fisher and the Parish Council. A training session has been arranged for 27th February at 7.00pm in the Parish Hall We would encourage as many people as possible to attend - although we hope their services will never be needed.

We have plans to tarmac the outer apron of the car park and hopefully provide a new disabled bay along with side access to the hall. This will all happen once some drainage issues have been addressed. Our management committee have planned the year's events. Friday February 22nd will be our first wine and wisdom. Please book your table with Maralyn on 271315.

We aim to have an event every six weeks or so, once the dates have been “firmed up” we will publish details in the Clawton Clarion.

Women on Wednesday

The next meeting is on Wednesday 6th February 2019 at 7.30 p.m. in Clawton Parish Hall. The speaker is Mary Cole who will be talking about Vintage Underwear. Visitors are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there.

Parish Notices

We would like to welcome new families to Clawton at Moor Barn Park, Ivy Cottage and Wits End. We look forward to meeting you at Clawton events

George Axford would like to thank everyone for their good wishes and generous donations towards his fundraising for the Cardiac department at Derriford Hospital in through the British Heart Foundation. A fantastic total of £1300 has been donated. Winter Time Wordsearch

S I V A H R M D X E F A T G S X F A Z Y X K V R I C L O L D Q A L A G D G H R A T I A O K F W E O C T Q E C H Z C D V K R A N Z W G P N A R J Z F E D A M T B P L N W E Y F Z I S M C F I C A G Y P C W H H D L W S W N C S A M T S I R H C W B C N E Q V U A J L F R O Z E N J H O T J H A U I B O O T S T T P I W S C N M A Q A C H H C U Y P L K O R O S M A O K F J A O R E L O R J S X I L F P Z I Z T K T Y P F A E G D E L S R O T S M M Y P W G S G O L H Find the following words in the table above






Clawton Parish Council News The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Parish Hall on Monday 4th March 2019 at 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend. Please send any matters for the attention to the Parish Council to the parish clerk, Sally Whitehead via [email protected] Minutes and Agenda are available on our village web site:

Report from Chairman – Paul Grafton

The full minutes will be available on the village website and notice boards

Airband Broadband: 35 residents attended the presentation on 4th January. Two masts have been installed and a third is in progress. It looks like all except about 11 households will be able to receive the signal. Several different data packages will be available from Airband though the pricing differs from area to area so we don’t yet have the final information for Clawton. Residents should express interest via the Airband website if they have not already done so. It is anticipated that connections will begin around April this year. See further information.

Parish Hall Telephone Line: If more than 30% of eligible households sign up to the Airband service a free broadband line will be provided, so the current contract will not be changed at this time. Horsewatch, Neighbourhood Watch and Speedwatch: Awaiting information from PCSO Mark James regarding the response to the article in December’s Clarion calling for volunteers. Crime Report: Nothing in Clawton but a couple of instances of caravan theft and burglary in surrounding areas.

Defibrillator: Now installed and working, on the external wall to the right of the Parish Hall entrance. A training session for interested potential users will be held on Wednesday 27th February.

Planning: No applications received.

Highways: A number of issues regarding road signs have been rectified.

Finance: Parish Precept agreed for 2019.

Holsworthy Amateur Theatrical Society

Puss in Boots

Panto, written by Ben Crocker, directed by Sue & Robert Painter

The Show runs: Mon 4th Feb - Sat 9th Feb and Mon 11th Feb - Sat 16th Feb 19th 2019 Monday-Friday: evenings only. Saturdays: matinée and evening performances.


Airband Broadband

At a public meeting in the Parish Hall on 4th January Anna Tansley presented information about Airband, the broadband provider which was awarded the contract by Connecting and Somerset to provide broadband in our area.

The system uses masts to transmit a radio signal to each connected house. Two masts have been installed in the Clawton area and a third is in progress. It looks according to initial calculations that all except about 11 households will be able to receive the signal. Even some of these 11 may be able to connect (for example by using a tall pole to put an aerial in line of sight of a transmission mast, or trimming trees) but this may incur extra cost.

Airband engineers will carry out a same-day survey and (where signal is OK) aerial installation. They will survey even those premises which currently look as if they will not be able to receive the signal and advise if anything can be done.

Residents will be able to take out a contract with a (separate) VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) provider if they would like to replace their current telephone with a VOIP one, in which case they will be able to cancel their BT line. Some providers may be able to transfer the current telephone number. It may be possible to install a converter and use an existing phone, otherwise a replacement VOIP telephone will be needed.

Several different data packages will be available from Airband though the pricing differs from area to area. We don’t yet have the final information for Clawton but a sample is shown in the picture.

Residents should express interest via the Airband website if they have not already done so. It is anticipated that connections will begin around April this year.


Inter Parish Footpath Walks 2019 – From Evelyn Sharman

All walks start at 10.00am & have a walk leader who may decide, if conditions are not suitable on the day, to change the venue &/or route. These walks are intended to check on the current state of Parish footpaths & therefore will be walked at a casual pace. These walks can be wet & muddy so suitable footwear/clothing is advised & great care needs to be taken especially when it is slippery underfoot. Parking can be limited so please share transport where possible. Everyone is most welcome to come along. If you need any more information, please contact Evelyn Sharman Tel: 01409 259 848 Email: [email protected]

Monday 11th February – Thornbury/Woodacott. Meet at Thornbury Holiday Park, EX22 7BT.

Monday 11th March – Halwill. Meet by Halwill Parish Church, EX21 5UH (Note: NOT Halwill Junction).

Monday 8th April – . Meet at Pyworthy Village Hall, EX22 6SZ.

Monday 13th May - . Meet at Milton Damerel Parish Hall, EX22 7NZ.

Monday 10th June – . Meet in Bradworthy Square, EX22 7TD.

Monday 8th July – . Meet at East Vognacott near Chilsworthy, EX22 7BJ.

Monday 12th August – . Meet in Lower Tamar Lake car park, EX22 7LB. We will walk alongside the Bude Aqueduct to Vealand nature reserve. This is quite a long walk so please bring a snack lunch.

Monday 9th September – Clawton. Meet at Village Hall, EX22 6PS.

Monday 14th October – Bradworthy. Meet in Bradworthy Square, EX22 7TD.

Monday 11th November – Ashwater. Meet at Higher Larkworthy Farm, EX21 5DE.


Friday 22nd February 2019 7.30pm start

Clawton Parish Hall's Wine and Wisdom Usual great refreshments

Raffle £6 per person -Tables of up to 6 Local Holsworthy Ales beer from the barrel Local Cider Wine and soft drinks

Please book your table with Maralyn on 271315