Muddy River Botanical Inventory, Mapping, and Weed Treatment January 2012 For Clark County Desert Conservation Program (DCP) Cover Photos (Clockwise from top left): Lake Mead Exotic Plant Management Team (EPMT) treating exotic plant species on the Clark County Muddy River Reserve. Using GPS to record an Acroptilon repens (Russian Knapweed) population. The landscape in Unit E varied from riparian, to open disturbed meadow and upland slopes. The vegetation cover class also changed along with landscape. This is represented in within the report. Sphaeralcea angustifolia (copper globemallow) was commonly found in the disturbed open areas of Units A, and C. In Units E and F, S. angustifolia was found growing in the low lying areas amongst other native species. Agency Organization: National Park Service- Lake Mead National Recreation Area Project Number: 2005-NPS-561N Project Contact and Information: Curt Deuser Supervisory Ecologist/Liaison Lake Mead Exotic Plant Management Team National Park Service 601 Nevada Way Boulder City, NV 89005 702-293-8979
[email protected] THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK Table of Contents: Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 Inventoried Exotic Species ............................................................................................................................ 1 Treatments and Herbicide ...........................................................................................................................