HSA January 2010 Newsletter
HSA Hungarian Studies Association www.hungarianstudies.info January 2010 NEWSLETTER Election Results: Emese Ivan was elected as vice president, Steve Jobbitt and Catherine Portuges were elected to serve on the executive board, and I was reelected as secretary/treasurer for the next two years. Thank you and congratulations to the others elected. Thus, the current leadership is: President: Paul Hanebrink, Rutgers U., Term: 2010-2011. Email: hanebrin@history.rutgers.edu Vice-President*: Emese Ivan, St. John’s U., Term: 2010-2011. Email: emese.ivan@gmail.com Secretary-Treasurer: Susan Glanz, St. John’s U., Term: 2010-2011. Email: glanzs@stjohns.edu Executive Committee: Steve Jobbitt, California State U.-Fullerton., Term: 2010-2011. Email: sjobbitt@fullerton.edu Catherine Portuges, U of Mass. -Amherst, Term: 2010-2011. Email: portuges@complit.umass.edu Julia Bock, Long Island U., Term: 2009-2010. Email: Julia.Bock@liu.edu Béla Bodó, Missouri State U., Term: 2009–2010. Email: belabodo@ missouristate.edu *According to our by-laws on January 1, 2012, Emese Ivan, our current VP, will automatically assume the position of the president. Report from the Treasurer: Opening balance 12/1/2008 $2,978.59 Income: $1024.91 Subtotal $4003.50 Expenditures*: Central Europeanist meeting at AAASS $375.00 Business meeting at AASS $122.24 PennyWise Consulting (website) $160.00 Bank Service fee $ 5.00 Subtotal $662.24 Closing balance 12/22/2009 $3,341.26 The check for the *article award ($200.00) was mailed, but has not been cashed yet. The Book Award: In 2010, the HSA will be awarding the Book Award. Nominations should be forwarded directly to the Book Prize Committee: Paul Hanebrink, hanebrin@history.rutgers.edu Arpad von Klimo, aklimo@zedat.fu-berlin.de Mark Pittaway, M.D.Pittaway@open.ac.uk 1 To be eligible for the Book Award the book must be in English and be published in the last three years.
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