A Study Guide presented by San Jose Repertory Theatre For more information, contact Karen Altree Piemme, Director of Outreach
[email protected] or 408.367.7291 BY SAMUEL SHEM JUNE 21 - JULY 15, 2012 AND JANET SURREY 1 Table of Contents SYNOPSIS Synopsis...........................................1 About the Playwrights..…….2-3 A GREAT AMERICAN STORY ABOUT HEALING AND CONNECTION Alcoholism…..………………...4 This quick-witted and honest docu-drama follows two dynam- The Twelve Steps..... ………….5 ic and dedicated men who, in the midst of their battle with Twelve Step Programs.....…..6-7 acute and debilitating alcoholism, forged a formidable and his- Co-Dependency……….…....8-9 toric alliance to help others combat the same addiction. Bill Alcoholic Slang…..………......10 Wilson, a stockbroker who crashed with the stock market, 8nds Who’s Who in the Play.......11-19 himself in a bar. He could have pursued any number of dis- The Oxford Group and tractions — a game of solitaire, a book — instead he chose to Towns Hospital……………...20 make a phone call. Through an astonishing series of events, Carl Jung………………...…...21 punctuated by bitter humor, comes the inspiring, true story of Carl Jung and Alcoholics the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous. Anonymous…………...…22-25 This work does not imply a:liation with or endorsement from Alcoholics Anonymous World Service, Inc. William James………..……....26 William James and Alcoholics Anonymous……………...27-29 Discussion Questions….....30-31 “Funny and fast moving… mesmerizing drama. This is what good theatre should be.” Further Research……...….….32 -TalkinBroadway.com 1 About the Playwrights SAMUEL SHEM, Co-author Samuel Shem, the pen-name of Stephen Bergman, is a doctor, novelist, playwright and activist.