An Annotated Bibliography of Works Pertinent to Vocation and Values

Works on Theology and Vocation:

Title Author/Publisher Work Description A collection of theological essays from a multi- and interdisciplinary approach, stemming from Loyola University John Haughey, S. J., editor; 2003 Revisiting the Idea of Vocation: of ’s participation in the The Catholic University of Theological Explorations Programs for the Theological America Press Exploration of Vocation. The volume includes essays written from Jewish and Islamic perspectives.

Gilbert C. Meilander; 2000 Notre This collection offers a Working: Its Meaning and Its Dame Press comprehensive look at work by Limits different authors.

Historical review of professional life in America and the impact of Work and Integrity: The Crisis William Sullivan; 1995 globalization, technology, and and Promise of Professionalism HarperCollins changing work patterns on in America professionals. The book promotes civic responsibilities for professionals, and commitments to the larger society. Guide to help people discover R. J. Ledier & D. A. Shapiro; Whistle While You Work and heed their callings, using 2001 Berrett-Koehler stories and exercises. Best-seller for twenty-five years— helps job hunters define their Richard N. Bolles; 2002 Ten What Color is Your Parachute? interests, experience, goals, and Speed Press state of mind, then points them

in the direction of a suitable, satisfying and profitable career. Arguing that all work should have The Reinvention of Work: A dignity, Fox envisions a work Matthew Fox; 1995 Harper San New Vision of Livelihood for world in which intellect, heart, Francisco Our Time and health harmonize to celebrate the whole person. Drawing on interviews with fast- trackers, Albion shares how these Making a Life, Making a Living: Mark Albion; 2000 Warner Books men and women found the Reclaiming Your Purpose and courage and motivation to re- Passion in Business and Life create successful professional lives guided by passion.

Discusses the disparity between teen beliefs and aspirations, and the new economic and labor Getting Real: Helping Teens Find Kenneth Gray; 1999 Corwin markets they will face as adults; Their Future designed as a resource for educators, parents, and employers. Twenty interviews with one Find Your Calling, Love Your Martha I. Finney & Deborah simple objective: find out how Life: Paths to Your Truest Self in Dasch; 1998 McGraw-Hill people with good jobs went Life and Work about getting them. From a member of the theology faculty at Loyola University of Converting Nine to Five: Chicago who has written on Bringing Spirituality to Your John C. Haughey, S. J.; 1995 topics as wide-ranging and Daily Work Crossroad/Herder & Herder pertinent as the nature of holiness, justice, spirituality and the use of money, personal finance and affluence. Careers in social services, government, healthcare, religious Careers for Good Samaritans and Marjorie Eberts & Margaret institutions, voluntary Other Humanitarian Types Gisler; 1998 McGraw Hill organizations, and similar others

offer rewards that go far beyond a paycheck.

Exploration of work from an The Fabric of This World: evangelical perspective, Inquiries into Calling Career Lee Hardy; highlighting the Christian concept Choice and the Design of Human 1990 Eerdmans of vocation as articulated by Work Luther and Calvin, and including applications for today.

Far bigger than jobs and accomplishments, and higher

than ideas of self-fulfillment, The Call calling does more than give Os Guinness; 1998 W. Publishing purpose and meaning to lives—it Group completes God’s plan

Explores the themes of call, discernment, and community as Listening Hearts: Discerning Call Suzanne Farnham; they relate to each other. The in Community 1991 Morehouse book is designed for use in prayer

and meditation and as the basis for group discussion. Title derived from the Quaker admonition to allow vocation to Let Your Life Speak: Listening come from listening to and Parker Palmer; 1999 Jossey-Bass for the Voice of Vocation accepting "true self" rather than

from willfulness. Palmer begins a meditation on finding one’s true calling. Muller asks four questions focused on the beauty and Wayne Muller; 1996 Bantam How, Then, Shall We Live? meaning in our daily lives. Books Throughout the text are stories,

contemplations, daily practices, poems, and teachings.

An exploration of the spiritual How to Find Your Mission in Richard N. Bolles; 2001 Ten aspects of finding one’s place in Life Speed Press the world; originally an appendix

to What Color is Your Parachute?

"This engaging book invites us to explore the places where our deep gladness and the world’s great hunger might possibly meet. It is about claiming vocation in Forgetting Ourselves on Purpose: the spiritual sense of finding a Vocation and the Ethics of Brian Mahan; 2002 Jossey-Bass purpose for our lives that is part Ambition of the purposes of God. Its special gift lies in helping us examine our personal and cultural inhibitions about claiming our calling." (James W. Fowler, author of Stages of Faith)

Provides a theological foundation for identifying vocation. Courage and Calling: Embracing Gordon T. Smith; 1999 Recommended for those seeking Your God Given Potential InterVarsity Press vocational guidance in early

adulthood or during a midlife re- evaluation A study that reveals how we Common Fire: Leading Lives of become committed to the Commitment in a Complex Laurent A. Parks Daloz; 1997 common good and sustain such World : Beacon Press commitments in a changing

world Levoy describes the myriad ways Callings: Finding and Following Gregg Levoy; 1998 Three Rivers individuals are directed to follow an Authentic Life Press their authentic true work and provides psychological, spiritual, and practical guidance. Takes on the theological complexities of a major struggle Also a Mother: Work and Family Bonnie Miller-McLemore; 1994 in womanhood, that of vocation as Theological Dilemma Abingdon Press versus maternity, and suggests that beneath the struggles over gender roles and child care lies a religious crisis of work and love. Taylor defines the modern identity by tracing its genesis, analyzing the writings of such thinkers as Augustine, Descartes, Montaigne, Luther, and others. Far from being a disastrous Sources of the Self: The Making Charles Taylor; 1992 Harvard rejection of rationality, the of the Modern Identity University Press modern turn inwards has at its heart what Taylor calls the affirmation of ordinary life. He concludes that the modern identity and its attendant rejection of an objective order of reason is far richer in moral sources than its detractors allow. Badcock develops a constructive Gary D. Badcock; 1998 The Way of Life: A Theology of theology of Christian vocation Eerdmans Christian Vocation where vocation is not about what

one does, but who one is. A book about "coping with multiple overwhelmings, both good and bad" and the way our lives are shaped in the midst of The Shape of Living: Spiritual David F. Ford; 1997 Baker Books these. Ford, Regius Professor Life Directions for Everyday Divinity at the University of Cambridge, examines how religions serve as "resources for coping with being overwhelmed." The Ethics of Authenticity Charles Taylor; 1992 Harvard

University Press

Works Relevant to Teaching:

Title Author/Publisher Work Description Beleaguered Rulers: The Public William F. May; Explores eight professions as Obligation of the Professional 2001 W/JK they struggle with their professional double identity: that of a means to a livelihood and as a common calling in the spirit of public service.

Courage to Teach: Exploring the Parker Palmer; The author's premise is that good Inner Landscape of a Teacher's 1997 Jossey-Bass teaching comes from the identity Life and integrity of the teacher; discusses the inner life of the teacher.

The Call of Stories: Teaching and Robert Coles; Presents conversations with the Moral Imagination 1990 Mariner college, law, and medical school students and studies how listening to stories promotes learning and self-discovery.

The Heart of Learning: Steven Glazer; Collection of essays that focus on Spirituality in Education 1999 New York: Putnam making education not just an intellectual endeavor but a process of cultivating identity and encouraging creativity.

To Know as We Are Known: Parker Palmer; 1993 Jossey-Bass "Without a doubt the most Education as a Spiritual Journey inspiring book on education I have read in a long time." (John H. Westerhoff III, Duke University)

Works on Education and Religion Title Author/Publisher Work Description Education, Religion, and the Martin E. Marty; 2000 Jossey- Marty discusses the proper role Common Good: Advancing a Bass of religion in educating and Distinctly American forming the next generation Conversation about Religion's within a pluralist society; engages Role in Shared Life questions on the place of religion in public, private, and denominational education from kindergarten to post-graduate. Exiles from Eden: Religion and Mark R. Schwehn; 1992 Oxford Argues that higher education was the Academic Vocation in University led astray by stressing research at America the expense of shaping moral character and suggests a prescription for a classroom- centered spiritual community of scholars. Faith and Knowledge: Mainline Douglas Sloan; 1994 W/JK Analyzes the brief renaissance in Protestantism and American American Protestant theology Higher Education from 1925 to 1960 and is written primarily for Christians who want to do faith-based scholarship. How Christian Faith Can Sustain Richard T. Hughes; 2001 An aid for academics seeking to the Life of the Mind Eerdmans integrate Christian faith with scholarship and teaching in meaningful and effective ways. In Search of a Calling: The Thomas O. Buford; 1995 Mercer A teacher who has an interest in College's Role in Shaping Identity University Press the character of his students extends the idea of a calling to all who want to make their lives meaningful.

Religion and American Warren A. Nord; 1995 University Addressing religion in the Education: Rethinking a National of North Carolina Press curriculum in American public Dilemma schools and universities, Nord contends that education must include attention to religion if it is to attend accurately to the world. Should God Get Tenure? Essays David W. Gill; 1996 Eerdmans Presents articles that argue for the on Religion and Higher inclusion of theological and Education religious perspectives in higher education. The Future of Christian Higher David S. Dockery & David P. Articles on the future of Christian Education Gushee; 1999 Broadman & colleges and universities with Holman respect to maintaining high Christian values and morals in an increasingly secular age. Works on Mentoring: Title Author/Publisher Work Description Big Questions, Worthy Dreams: Sharon Daloz Parks; 2000 Jossey- Looks at the challenges young Mentoring Young Adults in Their Bass adults face in their search for Search for Meaning, Purpose and meaning, integrity, and Faith contribution. A call to thoughtful adults to mentor actively the next generation. Connecting: The Mentoring Paul D. Stanley; 1992 NavPress Because the concept of a mentor Relationships You Need to is misunderstood, many miss out Succeed in Life on mentoring possibilities. This book is designed to help one connect with others, either to be a mentor or to be mentored

Going on Retreat: A Beginner's Margaret Silf; 2002 Loyola Press Advice on planning a retreat Guide to the Christian Retreat experience well-suited for the Experience Christian community

The Implications of Student Margaret Jablonski; 2001 Jossey- Provides student affairs Spirituality for Student Affairs Bass professionals and others on Practices college campuses with information and guidance about including spirituality in student life. Contributors explore the role that faith and spirit play in individual and group development on campuses. The Mentor's Spirit: Life Lessons Marsha Sinetar; 1999 Griffin Presents ideas on mentors and on Leadership and the Art of mentoring spirits as sources of Encouragement guidance and inspiration. Four short informal talks followed by a question and answer session. The Soul of Education: Helping R. Kessler; 2000 Association for Guide for helping young people Students Find Connection, Supervision and Curriculum find meaning and purpose in life Compassion, and Character at Development as well as connect with their School spiritual yearnings. Athena's Disguises: Mentors in Susan Forn Wiltshire; 1998 Explores the multitude of ways Everyday Life W/JK mentoring occurs in our lives, using inspiring examples of several remarkable women who touched the author's own life.

Works Useful in Instructional Settings: Title Author/Publisher Work Description The Fabric of Faithfulness: Steve Garber; 1997 InterVarsity Addresses the question: how does Weaving Together Beliefs and Press one help Christian students, Behavior During the University during one of the most eventful Years and intense periods of their lives, learn to connect what they believe with how they live? Crossing the Jordan: Meditations Sam Anthony Portaro; 1999 This book began as a set of essays on Vocation Cowley Publications for student retreats on vocation. Portaro suggests themes that will apply to all. Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Kathleen Norris; 1999 Riverhead Author of "The Cloister Walk" Faith and "Dakota", Norris blends history, theology, storytelling, etymology, and memoir to reflect on the meaning of faith. Career and Calling: A Guide for Ginny Ward Holderness; 2000 Written for students, young Counselors, Youth and Young Geneva adults, and those that work with Adults them, this book contains a six session small group career counseling program that focuses on God's calling, individual gifts and talents, and the world of work.

Dante to Dead Man Walking: Raymond A Schroth; Schroth discusses fifty works that One Reader's Guide through the 2001 Loyola Press challenge the social conscience Christian Classics and raise moral or religious issues in provocative ways.

Doing the Truth In Love: Michael Himes; 1995 Paulist Catholic in its theological Conversations about God, Press orientation, this collection of Relationships, and Service conversations led by Fr. Himes is an example of theological reflection that can occur in the context of service. If Jesus Were a Senior: Last- Bruce Main; 2002 W/JK The final years of college can be a Minute Preparations for Post- difficult time for students College Life committed to a life of Christian discipleship. How does a student begin to prepare for the "real world" so that it will not end in collapse of faith or a slow series of compromises? Main argues that students should examine Jesus as a human being who also had to go through various stages in development. Each chapter includes study and devotional material. Honoring the Body: Meditations Stephanie Paulsell; 2002 Jossey- Part of the "Practices of Faith" on Christian Practice Bass series, this book offers a guide for cherishing the human body and navigating through cultural messages that prohibit it.

If Jesus Were a Sophomore: Bruce Main; 2001 W/JK Challenges college students to Discipleship for College Students embrace actively young adulthood's time for identity formation, and intentionally to begin to establish habits of discipleship that will create a foundation for a life of radical faithfulness. Main raises the question, "How might Jesus want a young adult to use his or her college years?" and he explores potential answers through a number of relevant themes, including dating relationships, relationships with parents, cultivating an "attitude of gratitude," learning tolerance, and the role of wisdom. Jayber Crow Wendell Berry; 2000 The poet, novelist, and essayist, Counterpoint Wendell Berry recounts the life- long vocational discernment of Jayber Crow, a child of Kentucky. Lifekeys: Discovering Who You Jane Kise; 1998 Bethany House Workbook program is designed Are, Why You're Here and What to help people discover their You Do Best talents, spiritual gifts, passions, values, and personality. Ordinary Saints: An Introduction Robert Benne; 1988 OOP A comprehensive and to the Christian Life contemporary interpretation of the Christian life that touches on marriage, family life, work, public life, and the church. Selling Ourselves Short: Why We Catherine M. Wallace; 2003 Struggle to Earn a Living and Brazos Press Have a Life The Active Life: A Spirituality of Parker Palmer; 1999 Jossey-Bass Telling stories from a variety of Work, Creativity and Caring religious traditions, Palmer shows that the spiritual life does not mean abandoning the world but engaging it more deeply through life-giving action.

The Call of Service: A Witness to Robert Coles; 1993 Houghton Coles, the Pulitzer Prize-winning Idealism Mifflin author of The Spiritual Life of Children, contends that while motives vary, and stresses frequently wear people down, the satisfactions of service are plentiful and sustaining. The Return of the Prodigal Son: Henri Nowen; 1994 Image Books Inspired by Rembrandt's A Story of Homecoming depiction of the gospel story, the late Catholic priest reflects on homecoming, affirmation, reconciliation, and forgiveness while probing the complexity of the parent-child relationship.

Works for Students: Title Author/Publisher Work Description Finding Your Religion: When the Scotty McLennan; 1999 Harper McLennan, Faith You Grew Up With Has San Francisco Chaplain, offers a guidebook to Lost Its Meaning those seeking a new spiritual path or wishing to reconnect to the religion of their youth. Finding a fulfilling spirituality is understanding one's place in any of six universal stages of faith: Magic, Reality, Independence, Interdependence, and Unity.

Majoring in the Rest of Your Carol Carter; 1998 Farrar, Straus, Carter believes college students Life: College and Career Secrets and Giroux who want to succeed after for Students graduation must start preparing as soon as they begin their post- high school education. She presents a series of suggestions to help students move from their unfocused freshman years to landing the job of their dreams.

Making the Most of College: Richard J. Light; 2000 Harvard Light spent ten years interviewing Students Speak Their Minds University Press undergraduates at Harvard on how to make the most of the college experience. The book includes stories of students' self- doubts, failures, discoveries, and hopes, as well as a comprehensive blueprint for undergraduate success.

Men and Their Religion: Honor, Donald Capps; 2002 Trinity Press A discussion of the origins of the Hope, and Humor Internationals interior space where religious feeling is commonly cultivated in males. Helpful to those involved in discernment with young men who would refer to themselves as "non-religious," the book rebuts that notion with a description of the "personal religion" that is operative in males.

The Critical Years: The Young Sharon Daloz Parks; 1986 Harper Parks examines the place of Adult Search for a Faith to Live San Francisco young adulthood and the role of higher education, including higher education's contribution to the formation of young adult faith.

Works Relevant to Ecclesiastical Vocations: Title Author/Publication Work Description Called by God: A Theology of Marie Theresa Coombs & Francis Presents the theological Vocation and Lifelong Kelly Nemeck; 1992 Liturgical foundation and implications of Commitment Press living one's life in union with God's will. Primarily concerned with the fundamental human vocation of accepting who one is within the paradigm of creation, redemption, and sanctification/transformation. God's Yes Was Louder than My William H. Meyers; 1994 "An outstanding study of the call No: Rethinking the African Eerdmans to ministry among African American Call to Ministry American clergy. This is the broadest and deepest study of African American call stories and narratives ever written…." (Lawrence H. Mamiya, Vassar College) In Good Company: The Fast James S. J. Martin; 2000 Sheed The story of one young man's Track from the Corporate World and Ward journey from corporate America to Poverty, Chastity, and to the Society of Jesus, the Obedience world's largest Catholic religious order. Is it I Lord? Discerning God's James Chatham; 2003 Chatham offers resources for Call to be a Pastor Presbyterian Publishing those seeking to become pastors Corporation and guides readers through the discernment process. Testing and Reclaiming Your Call Robert C. Schnase; 1991 "Schnase explores as a pastor to Ministry Abingdon what it means to discern God's will for one's life. As a practical theologian, he reflects on the cultural shock of leaving seminary, experiencing conflict and criticism in the parish, and questioning the nature of one's call. It is an invitation for passion and grace!" (Donald E. Messer, Illiff School of Theology) What Shall I Say? Discerning Walter R. Bouman & Sue M. Provides guidance and direction God's Call to Ministry Setzer; 1995 ELCA for individuals in the ministerial discernment process. Who Will Go For Us? An Dennis Campbell; 1994 Helps decide if the ministry is a Invitation to Ordained Ministry Abingdon viable option for the individual. Explains the roles and responsibilities of ordained ministers, and details the sacrifices that must be made.