Recessed September Meeting
RECESSED SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 19, 2006 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2006 NINE THIRTY A.M. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF WILL Executive Walsh called the meeting to order. Member Woods led in the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Member Woods introduced Member Travis, a Deacon at the Mt. Mariah Church, who delivered the invocation. He asked everyone to bear with him as he may make mistakes; he just lost his brother and has to attend his nephew’s funeral today. Roll call showed the following Board members present: Brandolino, Woods, Anderson, Singer, Weigel, Dralle, Riley, Wisniewski, Maher, McMillan, Wintermute, Blackburn, Gerl, Goodson, Gould, Rozak, Sheridan, Bilotta, Konicki, Svara, Stewart, Travis, Adamic, Babich, Wilhelmi, Moustis. Total: twenty-six. THE EXECUTIVE DECLARED A QUORUM PRESENT. Member Babich made a motion, seconded by Member Adamic, the Certificate of Publication be placed on file. Voting Affirmative were: Brandolino, Woods, Anderson, Singer, Weigel, Dralle, Riley, Wisniewski, Maher, McMillan, Wintermute, Blackburn, Gerl, Goodson, Gould, Rozak, Sheridan, Bilotta, Konicki, Svara, Stewart, Travis, Adamic, Babich, Wilhelmi, Moustis. Total: twenty-six. No negative votes. THE CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION IS PLACED ON FILE. Member Stewart made a motion, seconded by Member Travis, to approve the Annual September 21, 2006 County Board Minutes. Voting Affirmative were: Brandolino, Woods, Anderson, Singer, Weigel, Dralle, Riley, Wisniewski, Maher, McMillan, Wintermute, Blackburn, Gerl, Goodson, Gould, Rozak, Sheridan,
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