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- - - a?HB (REPHBIJICj S.U.NDSSSI. RSBNiCJfiEBSI 19, 1902--


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41 ffff V irP-irfflK- f t "TiHl'iff '"il ffnWssssOrSissssri rETT :av'Mii MitfffTfr f JL v,? KWm'SM1 m m B- - "" Potsdam and that you must take the nett train back home. At the same time I urn desired to warn you against remaining in Berlin, whose police will treat ou summa- rily as disorderly persons or obnoxious for- eigners, as the case might be" After this blast the Lieutenant ordered : -- -- the cabbies to-- take their passengers to. tl.e -- if"" railway station, without stopping, on"j?in - of losing their license, and two plain- , - zs m clothes men were detailed to see to it that m 2jrHEBft3-- mt.p'fMimimKaBm&s.tAm the command was carried out A to the letter. High-hand- proceedings, you say, but ifs bard to blame a father for trjing- to 1 1 1 1 save his son from wrecking his health" and l f the hope of the nation. BpcUl Correioaamc oi Th Eosaay ntpublla. couple were referred to these1 published served for her too. But. as soon as the sKsBkiV Frederick William the Richest Berlin. Jan. lv Tho Crown Prlnca hasn't statements were absolutely nntrua, newspapers announced the fact, orders were Crown Prince in Europe. P&iss'WreSaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT.f v5Sk"-BMB?t'w- ?.i M cons to eea th doctors irere olrnld hs Reported That the Grown at once countermanded and officially de- Frederick William Is the richest Crown nied. Her Majesty objects couldn't stand the sharp air. He Is rtay-in-p strenuously to Prince known to contemporary history hii Prince Might Have Consumption. be classed with the royal consumptives' income depending neither on nor the Neues Palace In Potsdam under Parliament at Current report has It that the Crown colony. That Includes the Crown Princess on his parents, as Frederick the Great, who the 'watchful eyes of bis parents and Is Prince is rapidly polng into consumption, of Sweden. Archduke Ferdinand, suffered intensely by his father's nlggard-llness- v Francis provided fund m. very sick boy as Elck as any youn man several Grand a for the benefit of but as far as can be learned that surmise Russian Dukes and one or every heir to the Prussian cronn, after him. Just cut loosa from mother's apron strings is borne out by nothing more than Fred- two Dukes of Mecklenburg. Similar rea- the interest of which must be capitalized in keep -, might be after a year of unhampered dis- erick "William's looks, which, augmented sons the Crown Prince in foggy, wind his favor from the day of birth. As a re- . and frost ridden Potsdam, when hs ought suit Frederick William came in for a mil- - sipation in Tvlne, women and song-- by long, figure, convey im- his thin a. sorry to be basking in the soft sunshine of St. lion dollars In cash on May 6, 1300. He arrived from Bona for the holidays in pression at the present moment. But the Moritz, San Remo or Mentone, Besides, when only 3 years old. he in- the Imperial hospital car, and even then Hohenzcllerns are a hardy race, and the herited from the last Duke of Brunswick Held a Prisoner at Potsdam foe the Principality of Oels, yielding a revenue crave doubts were entertained as to wheth- Kaiser, who made himself a well boy and er he could stand the Journey. His Own Good. m k F hwww per annum. All that money, and f?l After the man by sheer will power and exercise, may w family k. w w Interest, fell Into the hands of breakfast Frederick William ordered be trusted to And ways and means to save The Kaiser knew what he was doing BHVrK!H3)SSV aBiderienced boy. who never $3 j BmK'--tUmam- had had his carriage to drive to his own palace, X m. X "&? and his eldest son. At any rate, consumption Is when he declared the Crown Prince prison- m. m. vttg? lmseir with, it's not at all sur- - It Is said that there was a scene when his not in the catalogue of Prussian hereditary er and wouldn't allow him to go to bis PlB.Vf31HMr n. inai ne went tne pace that kills. cap father told him. "Xo more private lodgings ailments, unless, indeed, her Majesty the own palace he knew a choice collec- . r Vi the climax. hl3 father, ac that 'HHIHIHBir .r cording; family tradition; made him enter for you, my boy. Tou will stay right here, Empress contracted disease, t the as feared tion of rakes had sat out from Bonn, at the University of Bonn, where the aristoc- where I and mother can watch over you." for some time past. The Imperial lady has about the same time as his royal highness racy of wealth and birth, holds high carni- "But I am of age; I need not submit to dreadfully ag"d, and despite her 41 years Is to Join him In Potsdam. Much to their val. Euardianship." Hir This from the Prince. snow white of hair, while her figure Is surprise, these worthies found no royal Another drcumsjance that helped to Terfectly so," replied the Kalser.r'Tmt bent and emaciated. Indeed, the doctors carriages awaiting them at the station, as wreck the Crown Prince's health is a habit you are oUll under my undisputed authori- have absolutely forbidden her to ever again promised, and when they finally drove to he inherited from his father. He Is for- ty, ever traveling from one place to the other, and I hereby declare you a prisoner. wear a decollete gown, as the exposure-e- nd Frederick William's castla is an ordinary hunting, sightseeing, attending banquets, Tour prison shall be wherever I am or there Js a great deal of it in court co- droschke they were received by a Lieu- opening churches and Echools, unveiling your mother Is; this to continue until the stumemight affect her lungs fcejond the tenant of the Police instead of a suave court monuments, and what not? And, of course, Victors proijounce you out of danger." ., danger line. marshal; wherever the heir to the throne goes he is Blnoe then the Court Circular repeatedly As a matter of fact the royal physicians "Gentlemen and ladies," he Baldwin ac- dined and wined. Frederick-Willia- m had a Informed the public "Gentle- taste for "liquor, even when much younger. that the Crown Prince have long urged the Empress to spend her cordance with German fashion, -- "' predisposed. It coax-l- nr was here, there, on at other places, men ladles, chief the royal po- ' - .' Belngvso, needed little but winters at the Riviera, and, recognizing the and the of &m sA to make him accept theihablfcs'Jor his mless soma os society event under the aus-fW- necessity for a change, she agreed to this, lice has "the honor to Inform you that by companions. of elderly friends of the imperial even going so far as to order a villa re order you cannot remain in Copyright. 1)0 by H. W. Slzcher.

Ift more of his varied enterprises, has raised regalia. If I had known ft I would have banquets and balls until well toward morn- UNIQUE a loan for China after her defeat by Japan, left my trousers at home." ing again. She hires them an and discharges MUNIFICENCE OF and recently ho has been in India, where STORYOF A LOST NATION Well, you never saw a madder crowd of them a somewhat simpler problem In hotels it is believed the Government has been se- Scotchmen. They thought it a reflection than in private houses, because the hours curing his help in the solution of the rrigation on the national costume of the Earl, who for all servants are regular, and for this SIR ERNEST CASSEL. problem. Just as Egjpt called him to had done the diners honor to appear in it. reason the service la more desirable. The m finance the Nile dams. How Polan'd, a Little More Than Ten Tears Ago, Celebrated the An- Well, four years have passed since then, housekeeper Is responsible not only for the Early in 1833 Sir Ernest, then plain Mr. niversary of Its Constitution, and Then Fell Before the and now the Earl regards that as a Joke order and cleanliness of all her rooms, but m Ernest Cassel, went to Egypt upon a mem- and tellB it at least once a day 255 days in she Is expjected to notify the proper depart- orable undertaking. Armies of Russia and . the year." Kansas City Star. ment of necessary repairs. This was no less than to conclude nego- . 'Joys tiations for providing funds to carry out the of Winter. Lamb. Nile Irrigation works more completely. He You may talk about dancing The Lost WRITTEN FOR THE BUNDAT RBPTJBUC. where all the men were models of chivalry you you wandered stayed four days in Cairo, and the business The difficulty which Germany is finding in courtesy, women And praise if wish. My heart, happy and and where nil the two-ste- p, sunny was occompllshel, with the result that the absorbing the Polish remnant, evidence of The the waltz. Along the niu. were In were divine. "The social graces of Ver- Or the skirts' dainty swish; All day singing. works started the spring of the which Is given in the revolt of the inhabi- sailles," wrote an historian, refined is same ear by Messrs. John Aird & Co, "the But the fun that I'd take , As the happy shepherd will. li? j tants of Posen against the attempt to philosophy of the 'Age of Reason,' were They will change the faco of Egypt they crush the Polish language, will recall to the Had I pick of them all. may help to mold history here combined with that naive, original, one In winter. The friendly blue of heaven the of the future. minds many who living the cry half-orient- Is that of are still al element peculiar to Po- Looked on you from above: . woe resounded through Europe on the My senses enthrall. Made a Knight of St George of that lish character, and tho result was an In- Twos Joyous all for the shepherd. the final partition of Poland In 1863. In that describable but Irresistible charm to be met It's gliding through air And the little lambs of love. by Queen Victoria. unhappy year the miserable Poles found with nowhere else." But the Court was as" With my girl by my side, Borne Idea of the magnitude of this themselves deprived of whatever remnants corrupt as It was brilliant. And gracefully cutting out Oh. when the shadows gathered, "binding" of the Nile mav be cathered of freedom had been left them, their coun- Nearly forty years ago the Poles cele- Circles so wide. And the damp upon the rock. divided, pieces poor silly shepheid, from the fact that In 1S99, when one-four- th try and the thrown into the brated tho hundredth anniversary of And whispering there. Heart, heart, .SBBBSBBBBBEBBBttsBBBIBIBSMwiiMaBf of the whole work was completed, tho rapacious maws of Russia, Austria and their Constitution, the formation of which As we distance the crowd. .Why did you count the flock? wages paid on the Aesdout dam came near Prussia. The agonized shriek that arose was almost Immediately followed by their What I'd have no courage Atlantic Monthly. SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsVP7"55?rRBSr on average of about $3,000 a day. from the haplesa Poles when they saw the downfall. Up to tho Seventeenth Century To tell her aloud. The outlay at the Assouan dam reached country for whose freedom they had o Poland was a great and prosperous Power, Immortal. an even higher figure. long and nobly struggled no longer theirs, contented people, lndu-trto- And hearing her answer At one time ll.uOJ with a wealthy, loved we never lose.. men were emplojed Asslout 8,500 raised a deep emotion of pity and compas- complete And steallnt a kiss! Once we have at and at and artistic. There was Is love which can forget. Assouan. Tho walls at both places are of sion in the United States and in England. political freedom and religious toleration. Oh! rare fun is skating. That not stone Government Interference was lmpossIble,butr Ineffable bllssl Through loss and loneliness and grief and cement. Nominally a monarchy, Poland was really gem By July of last year the hearts of the people were not tramelled federal Republic, with president elected Pittsburg Press. This is as Its coronet. the Great Dam at a a lov e never can forget. Assouan had been constructed with a by official punctilio. The Polish exiles who for life, who was called a King. The fran- That true sluices, which stretch in" a straight lino Hocked to this country were received with chise was wide, and all power was vested Housekeeping in Hotels. from bank to bank for a mile and quar- great hospitality and and In of That is not faith which drops its .hold. a the hands the National Diet. One of the officers of In clasp. ter. At low Nile it wufSfcola up a lako the man who housed a Polish refugee was the hotel .who is Once we have trusted, our about US miles long. counted as fortunate. Individual Freedom Combined seldom seen by the guest, but to whose Forever lies life's changeless gold. due much loosened grasp; Upon thfe negotiation for the Nile irri- watchfulness is of his comfort, Nor withers in our gation followed "Until the End" With Prosperity and Greatness. is the housekeeper, who does on a large True faith through all time keeps is that for the formation of ' Ck?VsVmVuis7ffXni . Aisv the National Bank of Egypt, which has Is Their National Motto. Nowhere was there so much Individual scale exactly what her name Implies, says clasp. ssT open 1S98. freedom, combined with such a writer In Alnslee's Magazine. She is Margaret E. Sangstcr. in Harper's Bazar. CVUHIftTifi nouV' been since the autumn of For Since 1SC3 the Poles, submitting to the prosperity his services a knight commandership of St. and greatness. But when adversity came the superintendent of many servants, of Inevitable, have not renewed their attempts chambermaids, Michael and St. George was conferred upon to regain their freedom. If they have any In the form of foreign invaders this Ideal the of whom in the big Nerer Saw the Like. him by the late Queen. hopes, they nurse them silently. Constitution began to totter on its founda- hotels there Is one for every twenty or such Thelr twenty-fiv- e rooms; One of the few large offices in the city motto Is, "Usque ad flnem' ("Until tions. To meet the new emergencies men of the paint cleaners or "Did j ou show Casey, the contractor, the of no tho began to tinker with Constitution, hall maids on each floor, of the many wom- Wash'n't'n monnymlnt?" asked Mr. Raf-fert-y. that have nameplate on the end".), but It Is to be feared that the end-- so the with door en constantly In linen-roo- m front or the do6r posts is No. 2X Old eye can al- the result that it was soon reduced to chaos, at work the Broad street, within far as the human see has and no one marking, hemming sewing; did," answered Dolan; wor a stone's throw of the ready come for Poland as a nation. What knew exactly the position of and of the "I Mr. "an'he Stock Exchange. If you push open the affairs. The strong bgan to take advan- women who do nothing but clean windows, deeply Impressed." I you will is still left them of their individual nation- tage SS door find painted In small black ality they retain with the greatest ardor. of the weak, and there was no way by and others who clean curtains and brass "What did he say?" letters on the once white wall of the vesti- which redress could be obtained. Exactions work, and of the many women who scrub "Ho said It wor the tallest one-stor- j; bule Inscription: Some three million Poles in Prussia still were tho "E. Cassel, 1st speak the Polish language, the order of the day, and Industry floors from morning till night, and after big bulldln' he iver saw." Washington Star. ifioor." Bucn is tne unpretentious entrance ancient their and commerce, because precarious, came literature has recently produced a Slenkle-wic-z. to to Sir Ernest Cassel'a city workshop. a low ebb. This continued until 1772, the And the secret of the power lies date of the second partition BEKtiESN&BL that They have stored the isllcs of coun- of Poland. This WMw behind these small, unpretentious black let. their tremendous event roused the Poles from ters? has made try's former greatness In the old Castle their apathy. Industry that the bearer of that of Rapperswyl, on of revived, emancipa- FIND QUEEN VICTORIA IN PICTURE, name the motive force behind so many the Lake Zurich. tion became general, education was almost SIR ERNEST CASSEI wonderful enterprises? Here the entire course of the history of universal, Poland could be foUowed by studying literature and the arts flourished, Wm has puced magnificent donation noO.OOO "It Is simply that the owner of the name' the and the'Poles, freed now from the of at the disposal of the Kln As collection of relics and souvenirs. One of all illusions announced, this sum, by his Majesty's direction, is to be devoted to erection of sees farther ahead than most other men," concerning the friendship of Prussia, seemed the a one thtse relics is the Union Jack, which was on point consumption sanatorium. 'said who knows Sir Ernest. "Ho has by people to b the of reaching again, their never had what you could call a struggle sent the of Birmingham, Eng- old splendor. They immediately began land, 1833, to "Ancient to P?f ftisolsl Correspondence cf The Sunday lUputllo. His earliest success was to unravel the for wealth. He has always seen unde- in the and Herolo reform the Constitution. London, Jan. 2. Brown eyes, brown van. financial perplexities veloped financial possibilities which other Polish Nation." with an address signed by which beset indeed, 100,000 men New Shrke beard and mustache tiimlnrMn whit. threatened to overwhelm one of the most people, did not see. and by virtue of his Constitution Established r a'straight nose, and an enormous forehead noted financial firms in London. unerring judgment he has always found Flag Presented to Poland After Years of Debate. !c uch are the recognizablo attributes f Sir In a critical moment his services were the Investment which would return the West Cassel, whose regal gift to the King profit, while being. In by Young Boston Citizens. After, years of debate this was accom- called In. and with the case of a magician largest his hands. plished. leading for charitable or utilitarian purposes has he soon brought the affairs into a prosper- absolutely safe. It may be said that he Another flag bears the inscription. "To The features of the new teparted an agreeable flaor to the begin- ous condition. That made his name among has never made a bad investment."' the Brave Sons of Poland, from the Young Constitution were hereditary monarchy nings of the New Tear. tho Hunting formerly made up the lighter side Men Boston." (Instead of the elective monarchy, which. Inner circle of financiers. of In the center is a picture formerly product d so Countries get tho citizens they deserve. From the first moment of his starting on of Sir Ernest Cassel's life; but owing to 'an of General Washington on horseback, at- much intrigue), bien- z ty nial Parliaments, If England had not, years own posi- old injury to the legs, giving him greater tended by Kosciusko Lafayette. Kos- abolition of tho llberum A ago. held prospect 'field' his account he took a foremost and veto, mihlsferlal responsibility, representa- out the of a fair tion in high finance. First of all he re- muscular difficulty every j ear, hehas been ciusko, the heroic Polish leader, died in nd no favor to a certain young native of stored profDcrlty Argen- reluctantly obliged to give up his favorite exile Soleure. in Switzerland. body tion in Parliament of the towns, protection , who was pining sphere to the finances of at Ills by law for the peasant class, complete for a wider tina. Another great stroke was the amal- pastime. was burled in Cracow in the tombs of the and he would have off to Berlin or m To-da- y religious toleration., Tho parsing (ha drifted gamation of the Vickers-Maxi- firm and racing Is his chief recreation. old Polish Kings; but his heart, inclosed in of Paris, or most likely place of all to New1 Barrow-in-Furne- ss new Constitution was received by the shipbuilding works. Since ISM. when he first appeared in the an urn, rests In a memorial cnapel attached the Poles Tork: and England would havo had one That achievement many to list of winning owners with a total of JM0, with frenzied delight. "Women wept, men antagonist more In place took months to the Castle of Rapperswyl, and is a revered commercial the accomplish. Tho Naval Construction Com- lils patronage of tho turf has been on an object to who to shouted with loy." But Russia and Prus most generous cltl-ae- n. all travel this Mecca of of a useful and most pany had itself not been many years-l- ex- increasing scale. He has one of tho finest sia did not view these proceedings, which the Polish race. A 'room In this castle is were istence. Founded on the old Barrow Ship-nork- s. establishments at Newmarket, Molton Pad- also devoted to the souvenirs of Kosciusko calculated to restore Poland to its He was barely IS when he quitted his na- It docks, originally former power, with satisfaction. They upon voyage had had a career of success suf- the property of Lord the bed on which he died, his portrait, tive,city that of his lif which ficient to make its proprietors anxious not Gerard, and afterwards of Mr. Ablnglon plume, moved their armies over tho frontier. Po- was to lead to fortune. His father, a to and his famous white which was gallantly resisted, part with it except for a considerable Balrd. always vjro be seen battle-waxe- d land but in vain, and the small banker, was unable to ghe him price. where the end of it was another partition. fortune, but he gave him what was far Victories at the Famous fiercest. more valuable the advice and guidance Mexican Railway Enterprises It .will probably ba a surprise to many : used by the son so well. His first business Ascot Races. persons to be told that the Court of Poland Owe Much to His Ability. was one tlmo one of tho most Choate and Aberdeen. experience was in the grain trades, the His principal success at brilliant Depew-- At an early period in his career his at- last ear was with in Europe. It was alwajs noted for its Chauncey M. once sat at a dinner earliest practical test of his abilities on a tention was to the horso Handicapper, which achieved on on right of Aberdeen, who office. he drawn Mexico, with the re- chivalry, and. indeed, even so late as the the the Earl of clerk's stool in a Here sult many railway enterprises In inexplicable victory in the Two Thousand wore the Scotch national costume and kilts. stayed 1SS3 to-- 1S71. earning shil- that that time when Bismarck was in the plenitude from a few country owe much to his financial ability. Guineas; in the jear previous he won the Ambassador Choate was next to him. "Just lings a week learning, learning. Queen's Vase and Plate, two of his power?, the great Chancellor de- He was also interested In negotiating the Alexandra scribed tho Polish women as being a great- after tho Earl seated himself." says Mr. rHcTSucceeded th,ev Mexican State loans of 1SSS, 1S30 and 1893. coveted Ascot trophies. Depew, "Choate whispered: 'Chauncey, are With All his life Sir Ernest Cassel er danger to the unity of the German Em- The financing of Swedish railways has also has worked pire than Polish men,. Aberdeen's legs really bare?" I raised the SJSase of a Magician. . come within the sphere of his operations. quietly by himself, seeing his own way, table cloth cautiously and gave that scratch Baaaaai. V 1 4 The admirable likeness the late Queen Vlotorla to be !n yLj til in t nitA.3j T nmlnn hut And last, but not least, knowing his own mind, seeking no reputa- all Scotchmen appreciate of detected the tree shown in rtuui uivciuuui liv uaascu tu uuuuu, uut in the matter of Gbarin of the that and said: the accompanying may gftsVtUl only "as tx salaried employe, with no railway enterprise, must be mentioned the tion, and yet gaining a reputation worth Ym, Joe, they are." Illustration owe something of its accuracy to the artist who drew the parent of all millions. It is .said that he had never come Court.of Other Days. When Choate got up to speak, he said: It for the rare old print in which it was found, but the authorities say it may be ac- x&iwinrAVMf fftniu1ffAt nf hta nwn character. twopenny tubes which he aided to bring Into contact with any of the Rothschild j The court was at one time the most de- "GenUemen, my invitation did not con- cepted as authentic Another historical likeness that occurs to mind in this connection not long before ho displayed an into bUng. house until he negotiated the Vickers-- 1 lightful in Europe. It was called an "en- vey to me the information that the Karl of Is the famous profile of Bonaparte, said' RViifltwaa I which was to have existed la the weepin will Cassel, to mention Maxim amalgamation. chanted island." an "earthly paradise," Aberdeen was to ht esniinBSHi 01, uuautuu uiuncia. Sir Ernest but a few be here to full above his fravs at St Helena, - . 5&atU3 " ss9 "v V mMt 'f stesgfifcim.'-- : &22sS3tog&S& sg8tf&stoa'aasA aaaaSS v'Sii