Copyright of The and Amaryllid Society Nerine & Amaryllid Society

Amaryllids-the Journal of the Nerine & Amaryllid Society.

Index to Journals 1998-2017

Re-prints are available to members. Individual Journals can be supplied free as PDF files by e-mail; printed at a charge of £2 each.

Available from;

Andrew Eames, 01332 792569, [email protected]

Caroline Stone, (PDF only) 01566 785706, [email protected]

If you want many please contact one of us to discuss.

16 Vol. 1 No.1 1998 2017 Part 3 Nerine in the New Zealand of the 1970s Roger Beauchamp Hoyland Nursery Visit Jonny Hartnell Cyrtanthus.-neglected by Nerine Enthusiasts? Paul Chapman The smaller Snowflakes Dr John David Society aims and objectives Roger Beauchamp The Godman family & Malcolm Allison Vol.1 No.2. Developments at Bickham Cottage Steve Eyre Echoes from the past Roger Beauchamp RHS Trial update Mark Heath Scent in the Nerine. HJ Dalton RHS Allium Trial Report Karen Robbirt Why don’t my Nerines flower? The Dutch way- 1957 RHS Hippeastrum Trial Report Karen Robbirt The English way-1966. Boophone disticha Mike Jeans Nerines in the United States Charles Hardman Bountiful Belladonnas Bradley Newton Vol.1 No.3. Wildside Agapanthus Caroline Stone The start of interest in Nerine. Marion Wood Memories of Stanley Smee. Gerald W Goddard Hippeastrum Developments. Veronica Read South African . Terry Smale Vol.1 No.4. The fascinating world of Nerines. LL Mead Lycoris Roger Beauchamp on the cultivation of Nerines (Oct 1970) Stanley Smee

Vol.2 No.1 1999 The bi-centenary of the Hybrid Hippeastrum. Small is beautiful- Snowdrops Letters- Barrie Ward, Marion Wood Twin scaling 1999 April Hippeastrum ‘Germa’ Veronica Read Draft Constitution Plant & Exchange 1999 July In the History of Crinum Nerines-an aspect of watering SW Smee

2 15 2016 Part 3 1999 November Update on RHS Trials Mark Heath Where to plant N.bowdenii DF Lee Gladys Blackbeard Greig Russell An Exhibit of SA Hippeastrum hybrids (Hadeco) Veronica Read Chelsea 2016 Roy Prior Worsleya rayneri Mike Jeans 2000 January My National Collection Steve Eyre Growing media Ken Hall Mealybug Hayley Jones Developments in Hippeastrum hybridisation 1799-1999 Part 1. Veronica Read 2016 Veitch Lecture Alina Hughes 2000 April-May Lycoris sanguinea Toshihiro Nagata Developments in Hippeastrum hybridisation 1799-1999 Part 2. Veronica Read Caveat emptor! Marion Wood 2017 Part 1 Go west for Eden Andrew Tompsett In praise of the Bulb Exchange Bob Shorthose 2000 July-August Malvern Show 2016 Caroline Stone or the Guernsey lily Exbury leaflet NAAS Visits 2016 Caroline Stone Developments in Hippeastrum hybridisation 1799-1999 Part 3. Veronica Read Obituary– John T Gallaghe FLS, VMM Dr John David More on mealybug Bob Brown, John Sanders, Andrew Eames, John Sirkett 2001 January-February NAAS Narcissus visits Malvern Autumn Show Brian Pingriff Lycoris—hope springs eternal John Sirkett Scadoxus by any other name! Barrie Ward Book Review– Amaryllidacae of South Africa Caroline Stone Nerines in the US Midwest James E Shields 2001 April-June 2017 Part 2 National Collections Roger Beauchamp Lachenalia Day, Exbury Virus in Nerines Barrie Ward Daffodil visits Throckmorton Daffodils Caroline Stone 2002 January-February Englehart narcissus in Suffolk Anne Tweddle Galanthus Trojanus sp.nov Roger Beauchamp The Lure of Nerines Paul Workman Nerine Cultivar Registration Barrie Ward Miersia chilensis Bill Squire By the way Hamish Sloan Tributes to John Gallagher 2002 April-May ‘King Alfred’ a Devon Success story Steve Eyre ‘Grow Nerines’-review- Roger Beauchamp Scadoxus membranaceus Mike Jeans By the Way Hamish Sloan From the Archives Caroline Stone Why don’t my nerines flower? Amaryllis flexuosa

There were only 2 Journals in 2001 & 2002

14 3 2003 Part 1 2015 Part 3 Nerine-Information sources Barrie Ward Agapanthus gall midge Hayley Jones Mealybug on Nerines Andrew Eames Nerines and frost David Tattershall Nerine notes Andrew Tompsett NAAS Expedition 2015 Caroline Stone Who was Mark Fenwick? Nerines at Lily Vale Caroline Stone 2003 Part 2 The CREW programme Suvarna Parbhoo By the Way Hamish Sloan Shire bulbs Caroline Stone On the depth of potting Roger Beauchamp Micropropagation of nerines Naomi Beddoe Rhodophiala: Jewels from South America Den Wilson Stagonospora Curtisii 2016 Part 1 2003 Part 3 Malvern Show 2015 Caroline Stone Floral initiation Andrew Tompsett NAAS Library & Archive Caroline Stone More Caveats Marion Wood West Country Trips Caroline Stone Tresco 2003 -a dream come true Ben Clifton Bramdean Visitt Roy Prior Exbury Visit John Sirkett 2004 Part 1 Isle of Wight Visit Caroline Stone Nerine DNA Barrie Ward Observations on Nerine filamentosa Dr John David Chipping and twin-scale propagation Andrew Tompsett Research trip to Netherlands Naomi Beddoe Nerine names Barrie Ward RHS Hardy Nerine Trial Mark Heath South American Amaryllids Bob Brown RHS HippeastrumTrial Karen Robbin What will happen to my ? Barrie Ward 2004 Part 2 2016 Part 2 The Seramis way Len Mead Visit to John Sales’ garden Caroline Stone N.bowdenii ‘Quinton Wells’ Brian Pingriff Rhodophiala Roger Ferryman The Hippeastrum- Brazen classic or demure modern? Mike Garrett Hoyland Plant Nursery Andrew Eames Nerine Eelworm? Andrew Tompsett Origin of the name Nerine Dr John David 2004 Part 3 A bevy of Royal Ladies Caroline Stone Visit to Exbury- my personal account Joanna Green Researchb on Micropropagation of Nerines Naomi Beddoe How many bulbs? Andrew Tompsett Lycoris in Japan Mike Garrett Clivia Robusta Roger Beauchamp Scarborough lilies Barrie Ward Nerine sarniensis cultivation Andrew Eames Nerine eelworm-a follow-up Andrew Tompsett

4 13 2014 Part 1 2005 Part 1 Guernsey visit Joanna Sadler The surprising adventures of nerine sarniensis Sir Peter Smithers RHS Awards for nerines from Margaret Owen Malcolm Allison Watering sarniensis and its hybrids Barrie Ward 1976 Norris letter spurs new research effort Caroline Stone Nerine viruses – how much of a menace? Andrew Eames Late flowering nerine sarniensis cultivars Caroline Stone Fact & Fiction Roger Beauchamp Adventures in Holland Nicholas de Rothschild Nerine bowdenii cultivation Andrew Eames 2014 Part 2 National Plant Collections Barrie Ward The Genus Clivia Mike Jeans 2005 Part 2 Hardy Crinum Gertrude Jekyll The Hippeastrum Mike Garrett Boron deficiency Steve Eyre Amaryllids in the monocot tree Roger Beauchamp Dutch nerine bowdenii hybrids Don Palmer Nerine viruses Andrew Eames 2014 Part 3 Pots for plants Barrie Ward Scadoxus Jonathan Hutchinson Varietal susceptibility to disease Andrew Tompsett Combinations Ross Barbour Soil conditions and plant growth Roger Beauchanp Fairweathers Nursery Roy Prior Temperature and black pots Barrie Ward Agapanthus at Wildside Caroline Stone 2005 Part 3 Microprop Day at Rosewarne Steve Eyre Borde Hill Brian Pingriff Amaryllids in the monocot tree II Roger Beauchamp 2015 Part 1 A Note on Pronunciation John David Obituary- Margaret Owen MBE VMH Caroline Stone Narcissus Breeding and Nerines Andrew Tompsett RHS Gold medals Roy Prior & Caroline Stone National Plant Collections Barrie Ward RHS Hardy nerine Trials Mark Heath Nerine viruses Andrew Eames 2006 Part 1 Micropropagation of nerines Naomi Beddoe The Zeal Nerines Marion Wood 2015 Part 2 A few brief words on Lycoris Akira Horinaka Nerine bowdenii subsp.wellsii John David A Hardy Hippeastrum John David Paramongaia weberbaueri Malcolm Allison Compost & Pots for Nerines Barrie Ward Extra-mural nerines Alison Corley Propagating Nerines Andrew Tompsett & Andrew Eames Breeding of nerine sarniensis hybrids Andrew Tompsett Cultivar Registration List Barrie Ward Breeding of nerine sarniensis hybrids Sir Peter Smithers A visit to Sir Peter Andrew Eames Cultivation of nerine sarniensis Sir Peter Smithers

12 5 2006 Part 2 2012 Part 2 Obituary – Sir Peter Smithers Andrew Eames Snowdrop identification Alina Hughes Obituary – Ben Clifton Barrie Ward The Guernsey Lily! Andrew Lanoe A Cautionary Note on Pot Size Barrie Ward Gas heaters Steve Eyre Autumn thoughts Andrew Tompsett Notes on Tony Norris Nerine collections Sue Bush Repotting Andrew Eames ‘My Garden Diary’ 1955 Ken Hall Some observations on Nerine undulata/alta Barrie Ward Hardy Nerine Trials Andrew Eames & Bob Bray Amaryllis Magic Graham Duncan 2012 Part 3 2006 Part 3 Nerine photography Nicholas de Rothschild Flower identification Barrie Ward Potting on Nerine sarniensis Roy Prior Nerine viruses Andrew Eames ‘The Guernsey Lily’ Andrew Lanoe Experiences with Nerines Bob Shorthose True grit Bob Shorthose Amaryllis belladonna Yvonne Matthews New Constitution Nerine undulata – nerine alta Barrie Ward Virus table 2013 Part 1 Visit to ‘The Patch’ Andrew Eames 2007 Part 1 Growing amarylllids at Wisley and at home Paul Cumbleton Society Visit to Kingston Bagpuize Tips, Tricks & Technology Paul Cumbleton A Chance meeting Roy Prior Brunsvigia Minor Bill Squire The Findlater Nerine hybrids Barrie Ward Nerines in the Kamo Garden Caroline Stone Portland Ponderings Jill M Pitman James Douglas’s ‘A description of the Guernsey Lilly’ with a Nerine flowering dates Roy Prior modern commentary and bibliograpghy by Dr Helen Brock John David Notes from the Past 2 Barrie Ward 2013 Part 2 2007 Part 2 My passion for Nerines Chris Edwards Tony Norris 1917-2005 Barrie Ward National Collection status for Steve Eyre Caroline Stone A Tale of recovery Roy Prior Rotten roots on your bulbs? Andrew Eames From disaster to success with Nerines Louis Scott A most unusual edition Martin Morgan A wildflower tour of the Eastern Cape Rhoda & Cameron McMaster Bulb chipping and twin-scaling Andrew Eames Lachenalia campanulata & Waainek Wild Flower Reserve Cameron McMaster Trial of Dutch nerine bowdenii hybrids Don Palmer Wild Flower Tours in the Eastern Cape Rhoda & Cameron McMaster 2013 Part 3 Taxonomic changes to genus Agapanthus Dick Fulcher Margaret Owen MBE Caroline Stone Devon roots to Nerine bowdenii Steve Eyre & Caroline Stone Flowering times Roy Prior NAAS and the Nerine Registrar Andrew Lanoe 6 11 2011 Part 1 2007 Part 3 Algarve Amaryllids- Amaryllis ‘Galaxy’ Greg Plenty Hardy Nerine Seminar Andrew Eames Nerine pudica Cameron McMaster Hardy Nerine Seminar Roger Beauchamp Symbiosis –The Mycorrhizal Association Roger Beauchamp History in old catalogues Andrew Lanoe Experiments in breeding Dr Marion Wood Silverhills Seed-1997 Jill Pitman Hybridizing Nerines Andrew Tompsett Agapanthus Roger Beauchamp Nerine Hybridizers -19th Century to present Malcolm Allison Amarylids other than Nerines Bob Shorthose Snowdrops and Swift Moth Snowdrop Group 2011 Part 2 2008 Part 1 IBSA Symposium Plant physiology relating to Nerine Andrew Tompsett RHS Elections Barrie Ward Nerine ‘Pink Triumph’ Bob Brown Some Tips Steve Eyre Know your onions! John David Notes from the past 3 – height, colour, season Barrie Ward Cyrtanthus – extract from Floraculture International When should you build a new greenhouse? Roy Prior The 2007 NCCPG Guernsey Nerine Festival Andrew Lanoe Tour of the Eastern Cape, February 2011 Andrew Lanoe The description and recording of colour Bob Brown 2011 Part 3 Flowering dates 2007 Andrew Eames Nerine Trial- a reminder Early bowdenii & sarniensis hybrids John David Clivias from seed Sue Bedwell Portland ponderings- Agapanthus Jill Pitman Another hardy Nerine Trial!! Don Palmer 2008 Part 2 On the cultivation of the Guernsey Lily… Andrew Lanoe An Appreciation Reg Wright Lilian Snelling & the Colesbourne Nerines Malcolm Allison Hippeastrelia ‘Durga Pradhan’ Andrew Eames Algarve Amaryllis Part 2 Greg Plenty Bud emergence & flowering time Barrie Ward West Country visits Martin Tickler Reappraisal of daffodil ‘mowing-off’ dates Andrew Tompsett Springbank plants come to Bickham Steve Eyre South African Flora Mike Garrett A time to grow (Nerine bowdenii) Barrie Ward 2012 Part 1 Nerine viruses- an update Andrew Eames Obituary- Tony Kirby Caveat Emptor! – No 2 PC Sceptic ‘Nerines’ - a new book International Symposium David Victor Hardy Nerine Group Bob Bray Update of Hardy Nerine Trial Don Palmer Wise after the event Bob Shorthose West Country visits Martin Tickler Springbank plants come to Bickham Steve Eyre

10 7 2008 Part 3 2009 Part 3 Malvern Show 2008 Roy Prior Reminiscences of a Plantswoman Yvonne Matthews ‘The Patch’ Andrew Eames Mealy Bug and virus Andrew Eames Visits to Exbury and Newchurch Andrew Tompsett Hippeastrum stylosum Dr John David A visit to Guernsey Andrew Eames A visit to Dr Marion Wood Malcolm Allison Nerine ridleyi Graham Duncan Crinum in Cultivation (Part 1) Alberto Grossi Hippeastrelia – a comment Bert Cook Nerine Registration- a check list Barrie Ward 2009 Part 1 Bulbs of Central Asia Janis Ruksans 2010 Part 1 Strumaria Bert Cook Obituary- Len Mead Barrie Ward A horticultural classification for Nerine? Dr John David Building on the Hardy Nerine Study Day Robert Bray Eucharis amazonica Tony Kirby A brief introduction to the late-flowering Nerines Andrew Lanoe Amaryllids & Co Mike Garrett Further Reminiscences of a Plantswoman Yvonne Matthews Lachenalia in Cultivation Dr John David Hippeastrum garden beds in cold climates Bill Warren Rainbow Lilies? Mike Garrett Winter woes Barrie Ward maritimum Andrew Tompsett Crinum in Cultivation (Part 2) Dr Alberto Grossi Caveat Emptor! No.3 PC Sceptic 2010 Part 2 Apomixis Rules OK- or does it? Barrie Ward Margaret Owen MBE 2009 Part 2 Botanical Tour of the East Cape Andrew Lanoe Stanley Smee Malcolm Allison B…Box Barrie Ward Flowering Times 2009 Barrie Ward Blooms that can brighten dull days IOW County Press Cameron McMaster – SA Bulb talk David Victor In search of wild nerines Cameron McMaster South Africa maps Stanley Smee and Nerines Malcolm Allison South Africa- the Eastern Cape Andrew Lanoe Life after Winter Woes Bob Shorthose Propagating Nerine Barrie Ward Worse Winter woes! Barrie Ward Nerine Note Andrew Tompsett 2010 Part 3 Cultivar conundrums Barrie Ward Bickham House Joanna Sadler Photos of Nerine krigei Andrew Lanoe Hardy Nerine Group Bob Bray Pamianthe peruviana David Victor Hardy Nerine , hybrids & cultivars Margaret Owen MBE Summer in the shade (or shed) Bob Shorthose Nerines bred by Stanley Smee Malcolm Allison Narcissus flies Barrie Ward Mealy Bug- a reminder Andrew Eames Eustephia darwinii David Victor ‘Grow Bulbs’ – new book Nerine bowdenii on the Lincs/Yorks border Bob Shorthose National Plant Collections Barrie Ward Photos of Cyrtanthus Andrew Lanoe Why a National Plant Collection? Barrie Ward

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