2008 Tropical Cyclone 09 Review TWO THOUSAND NINE Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 NORTH ATLANTIC BASIN 2 Verification of 2008 Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclone Forecasts 3 Tropical Cyclones Making US Landfall in 2008 4 Significant North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones in 2008 5 Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclone Forecasts for 2009 15 NORTHWEST PACIFIC 17 Verification of 2008 Northwest Pacific Basin Tropical Cyclone Forecasts 19 Significant Northwest Pacific Tropical Cyclones in 2008 20 Northwest Pacific Basin Tropical Cyclone Forecasts for 2009 24 NORTHEAST PACIFIC 25 Significant Northeast Pacific Tropical Cyclones in 2008 26 NORTH INDIAN OCEAN 28 Significant North Indian Tropical Cyclones in 2008 28 AUSTRALIAN BASIN 30 Australian Region Tropical Cyclone Forecasts for 2009/2010 31 Glossary of terms 32 FOR FURTHER DETAILS, PLEASE CONTACT
[email protected], OR GO TO OUR CAT CENTRAL WEBSITE AT HTTP://WWW.GUYCARP.COM/PORTAL/EXTRANET/INSIGHTS/CATCENTRAL.HTML Tropical Cyclone Report 2008 Guy Carpenter ■ 1 Executive Summary The 2008 Tropical Cyclone Review summarises last year’s global tropical cyclone activity and the impact of the more significant cyclones after landfall. Tropical 1 cyclone activity is reviewed by oceanic basin, covering those that developed in the North Atlantic, Northwest Pacific, Northeast Pacific, North Indian Ocean and Australia. This report includes estimates of the economic and insured losses sus- tained from each cyclone (where possible). Predictions of tropical cyclone activity for the 2009 season are given per oceanic basin when permitted by available data. In the North Atlantic, 16 tropical storms formed during the 2008 season, compared to the 1950 to 2007 average of 9.7,1 an increase of 65 percent.