Kltlmat"" heavy rainfall keep s +i By ANN DUNSMUIR apricot crops entirely - the up," he said, meaning Heraldstsffwrlter trees proved +highly vegetation is being con- At last - someone has susceptible to fluoride - and stantly killed by the found something.~ood to say now lose 40 to 50 percent of emissions and growing about Kitimat s heavy their cherry crops as well. back. rainfall. Orchard owners took the Gordon illustrated his talk •~ :...... ~ ...... Dr. Clan~ Gordon, an aluminum company to court with slides showing damage expert on plant diseases, and collected. • l to vegetation, domestic told a sparse audience at "The Italco plant near animals and wildlife near Riverview L0dge Tuesday Bellingham Wash. had to aluminum smelters. that a plentiful water supply, pay $3 million in damages to Snowshoe hams near a helps trees survive the el- farmers," Gordon said. The plant at Long Harbor, NOd, feat of fluoride pollution, company then spent $12 show excessive hone growth Gordon, director of en- million in cleaning up their with fluoride levels as high vironmental studies at the act. . as 12,000 parts per million University of Montana, has "In all cases to date compared to the normal e ,,4q=l,. " conducted surveys of government agencies have rate for animals of 200 parts damnge of vegetation near never made the companies per million. aluminum smelters in the clean up pollution," Gordon "The Canadian govern- '+ ~, "':7. U.S.,GormanynndCunade. said. "Ifhns always been ment should be doing In September, 1976, at the the result of action by poople studies in the Kitimat request of the Canadian being damaged by fluoride area," Gordon said, Askoclation of Smelter and emmissinn." "especially on animals Allied Workers Local I, He pointed out that 80 because the effects are Gordon collected samples of percent of fluorides released cululative as you move up vegetation in the Kitlmat + will be taken in by plants, the food chain." p ):/+ . area, "Fortunately for Kit/mat He said he had found less + Pollution is always bad vegetable growers the damage to vegetation this news, but compared to plume of emissinns from the year than last. "It all • + damage near some other smeltordeesn'tgetto town depends on the weather," . • +, smelters Kitimat has been too often," be said. Gordon said. lucky. The same weather Plants groyn in local back Air emissions of fluorides that leaves Kitimat yartl garaens tested ac eventually soak into the soil residents looking pallid about three to four parts per where the chemical gives trees an edge in the million- not high, but higher becomes hound up, he said fight against pollutants, th_a9 normal... and becomes harmless. Not 1,~ of vegatation near He saga mac his resenrcn nearly enough flurides leak melters is greater when also showed excessive seve~ into the water to cause , +..+.., trees must also fight the of sulfur emissions mosul, significant water pollution. effects of drought, from the Eurecan prop mill, Local animals with higl~ "In dry areas, damage is in plants in the area. "If fluoride concentration+ more severe due to the Kitimatbecomes an oil port, have symptoms that include doublestrees,, of drought and the combination of ozl," teeth stained brown with th~ fluoride, Gordon said. fluoride and sulphur could nerves exposed making it • He described damage result in a real disaster," painful to drink cold water. caused by one aluminum Gordon said. . ... ~mimals that don't drink plantwhich is located in an ' "Kitimat Mountain wm can't flush out the fluorides, aquatic life in area devoted to orchards, die over and over again so the concentration in. vegetatlm in the surrouMng area, but these kids dm't seem to tilnk i~a'by tkle pods. Growers had to give up unless the plant is cleaned creases. U.S. money man quits the erald --- ~ WASHINGTON,KP, -- UJ~t~have to accept that,"be

VOLUME 71 +..NO. 99..r.e. +,+.,,,.Price: 20 cenfs ....,=+. THURSDAY, ..w...., SEPTEMBER ,. ++ 22, 1977# ' Write off BCR WednesdayPresldentCartera~ounced on national In aletter to Carter, read ...... _ ~_ .television he has accepted by.the President on national

1~,j'~,~ U~/~r~ ~ 1 1. 1"~ .1 office of management and the cuntin=g nature of it • . I- YIYI TT_ budget. • over his private banking .m~z~ ~,A.%J~IJkJ ' J.J~,PJI.~JI.JI.~ Carter said theconstunt practices and personal

:-: - I Dj ndZ: p[e 1 + ,Atex aD0ut+u~_,mm~..~. ~. me..+ ~-h~ada~n,~ea~and • "' ' "l'Bennett saga ~0uay me " ~n~p,bb~I i~. proiii/~ to W~ and the ham ,, nee' I • current Sec.al• Cred.t• o, de Fre" hools for ~oubts°Vermnent'He on.atm.d said those that mybut conseie"I desire s Y government will' have tack, veterans affairs, department are J " . , to m native. state of to square one if it wants to employees children, local Carter .said he believes ~__tlrn_ ,, y ~r • 7 • • school board officials were many ot x,ance s r~mems t, eor~a. get {he financmily-troubled would stemmed from ~ the ex He said he was convinced L, oerat I Columbia Railway ske..ptical such schools ---^-~'-o..~ standards thet he could continue to be an )TFAWA ( CP )-- Lz"heral back...... on...... the tracus to eeavauameHerbert a British-born ,,,--,~-,-awe have tried to set in effective budget director but :k-hencher Hal Herbert ~,~,~vmj.~,?,~y~.~_...... '-,,cti'n executive also government," and from the "because of the amount of complained to Prime dzd. m. the beginning,• • ,, accused the Libera 1 exectationsP razsed by controversy and the con nister Trudeau that ...... aovernment of -.rovoking pledges made during the finulng nature of it I have ~deau , s cabinet.... m me t uenneu.... sain m a telephone farmers ¥into o n pr~de nUal campuign. decided to submit my ,,~nh.|h,t,~ t, t~ mtervlew from hm home m ~ue.l~.. . pe~ ", think it was a res+~ation as director of ...... eluon D" "our an- - "'-" 'zszon• . of Canada , s ~elowea.,, . -~, a e air tours eous and a 180 a OMB.'" ~,,;~,. ~,,~ two In 1954, we had to wrzte m!nistratien, of. d .....~ .,o',.;,,~ ~esture on Bert's Carter said he acce ted " .... °"-~" off all na0sses all the ~oac~es, DUC treanng yam g~,,~.;.UC ~__ ,, .-,...... ,a ,ko ,.=~ia..t~n "withPth~ , In the past • years we debts-- theye~, II have, to do. ~t. kid" gloves the largely- ~ -- tO __e~g~r n,..... ~.,¢urt~r =-* ;, ~u...... ,,~ +~.,.ee--.., ...... +-"-re' and ve seen many• of the aoama m the same way.. anglophone air traff .,.ui..-., .,,..,--#,,. ~,~,,, .,,+^ --.~,**v ud~th~r..... ~u.,.~w" and resisted" that ong men m your The balance sheet for the controllers when they ...... ~_''."_...... ~..... rnment leave for vari-, ...... ,.i non -~.-...- nrotastad the exnansion of ne might ~.ve s.oupc u~. ms menu .u= uu,,= ,,u ~e ,~.vw.-,,,,..~, .,ww a.uwa --r " M tion nail LaMe no[ wrong ;reasons and Uttle or.no the railwav's accumulated ~nch at Quebec airports. . .,..i~a~o~n ;t ~,t~_r also SAYSI)ECISION oft has been mace to zmd aon,,,t t~ta~ e197 7 million The aeparunent ot "%"-~?~%~'---"--;t~-,,'~ hm connect npetent re laeements," "-- ...... regional economic ex- sazo.ne, ooe~n. _"~_:_~;L~,~.'.: ~7~-_":T_--.-.I ~ .... +..z., ' m 1976. • much his own cremvmty ~.,,r~.~ a..,u .,,,-,.~ ,,,,,, •' MP. .for ~e Montreal. A royal comrmsmon• • now panszon• further• erodes have suffered as a him• Tuesday that ~ be ,a riding of Vandreull rob the railwa , s af conhdence m federalism by might case nned to nit the ad which'"YoungsterSwas donatedat the byChildtheDeVel°pmentGenralRadioCentre.serviceare ciuenJ°yingbof Beautifultheir neWBritish, piano sag'tiTheletter,in a letterdated to TrudeaUsept.19,' P:"~m~asBCR"'s currentt'~"'loss vaydf~ures" ,h,; assistingareasof English-spoakingQuebocanii r~,~Ultelree___woma°f ~angUess_L~___Ceun mleasant~Om©---- sald-l~'"*;'mm~"o,-,.he be]ieve~...... ~" n~,id~ntLa nee Columbia. The. CBers,,purchased the,,piano with funds raised a ~ yalentine~ sDay was released today.., are about' $125,000 a day. neglecting. .the poorer ait~atiendg like this wouldP he made the correct decision.. dance in February. Papa Boots Reynolds, presldem of the emn, presemea me • ,,What remains m surely WON, T RESPOND Frencn-sl~a,ung, re,puns, damnging__ somewhat, but I " ~ Lance m m y piano to the centre yesterday and in no time at all the children were singing along the weakest federal cabinet Bennett, who recently Herbert s letter said. . friend.'. Carter told,, the with Miles Clay of the Jack Cook school, since prior to the war years, submitted a written report news conference. I..know ..... -- ' "Undoubtedl'" it ;~ ~, to the commission blaming ~ • . . .him personauy es.we..u as a " " " cabin tr d ~' "" ~ most of BCR's ills on the • ~ was my own oromer, z • e ea y to say yes bu . , an ement know him Without any doubt . 011 flrm~ it is not a ~[roun that cun railways m ag.., , ..... ,...+^t.~o.~o. d v ...... ,to. t laws mspire this n-atioh in a time re.~u.sea .to r esp..ona to _ could • .~-.~ .,,,~,- -an,%- e,~- ,-- ' • " Washin on state f[t ,, criticism zrem u~t mwyer. • nonorame m . _JU..NEA.U, Alaska (AP).-- oil companies and shipi~, rs . Similar . !~t ~ ots deepest trouble, o,'- boTts H~ FI~/W ~O F}~ ~ ] b Carter, who delayed the ns nave - D...ell 1to . _ ~..major ou compames, who are transporung, rows ann regmauo s un- Herbertf, a requent critic Earlier" thin'week, Roberts L&L~ou~4~'t,, o~g~vo~ news conference b two F~t~ have filed smt Prudhee Bay oil from the v,een struck down a • . • , : of his own party, said that attacked the former Suczai . hours so Lance coul~ draft in fe~ court here, tran~Alaska pipeline ter- constitutional by. a thr.,e- m..,, f,mt,zr~! onv~rnm~nt ~...A;* .... ;a.. ~^. t,;. WASHINGTON(Router)- A radioactive cloud ht~l~tt~rnrresi~nntinnwith c h.all.e.ngin~, the. c on~ "minal at Vaidez will s .~fe.r judge ~]~el, and the ca~ ac'~o~ns'~ve',,~i-vi~,~"~ ~;~,~;oor,,'~'"~,,;~,~" ~g~,~ ~ a nuclear detunaflon in China moved toward ~'e"l~el-'D-of la~ver- c'i~k ~ut~t~?Y s~}et~a:~a~ s :~re:tabiani~d,,,immemaze G.%Tt:Y~en~,PurPett. ttOme two cultures and e.n- mo"st"Oof""{he"~ra'i~way;'s |a~r~nlpnods~in_~eU,eSntalV~id.~_west_.,en:Agedene~eneydawY.~rned .Clif.ford,s.~dhe~llevesthe " -,or- "~" " ' ' " " "' r of couragedthe cry for greater roblems stemmed from the ,.e u.o. =~vtrum~u ~ rrmm:uu. ~t45 $ Du et awector succeaam dards, . ?tate .officials No hearing ~te has been _ Alaska C.o.mnu.smon~_ _ nrovincial autonomy" ]~ro~..... m,,.. i.,,.~h,~ that radioactive debris in rain could contaminate the in c~-L~ his name before" olsclosea nero weunesuny, set on the complaint. Jl (mr e ntt ~v ~ MuellerUUn v ....t by then~ ...... ~ Bennett term Mk of My M~ bY affecting the grass they eat. stepping"aside The suit fried last Friday The suit alleged that the serv~tion Ernst . . The federal governmen • --- " ' ' Rain is forecast in the area ~ ~ -- --- ' .... in U.S. district court ,in Alaska tanker safety said, however, tha.tthesta~ stopped a program tomove m~°~ceh ..a...... ~.m The agency said its air monitoring stations are , 't~e premnent rezerreo to Anchorage aszea tOT .an a s.tanda.rds: whi.ch went.in.to would ~'fighc as_n~aas it public.servan~ to ~up.t~_ .^,~,~. ©,,,om,~er~ s=~ hi~ taking daily moasurements to determine the extant of ~aalnat Mr Lance" and t y r • m r te a s Pn z enect mat ~Ttaay anu me can to nmure me vaum~y oz trom u t~,.wa ~, a~.e oz use -,,- .- v-+ : the fallout, from a Sept. 17 explMon, and it plans to . " okler and preliminary in- 1976laws u~n wl~ieh they this law is upheld, province s restrict~ous on written subm...~.mn to the ~,;,, +--,+,, ,,,,t~ .... z,~ .=.t ,~ a~ded...... junction .....against en - ;were based are illegal But Mueller noted that enrolment sn ,, En ghsh commmsson,, ...... " su~" s m nes ;,. "* ~ ""said "~"¢, the -"'=radioae~e -" ...... levels of"-'*"" the cloud will " I think ne proves mat loreement o.f't~, rag.ulations because they violate the "many of not most of the so.hour. But it. gaveno _ .~,,autuuttpYou~Ppnn~lac~ weaken as the debris deteriorates. The air mass is our.s~tem of government .pending.a~..malaec.m~ono_n federal supremacy, aue ves s~sca~_.ymg_,~Msao~ e~or_~o~n~o~£~g~y.x " exPected to move inte the North Atlantic on Saturday, 'w~.~o~t)~..use.wne&~i.(;Woans me conmmuonm en.auenlp, process ana commerce mee~. aun m~.. a~...uz ,.~ zru,.~l~-.~-c, vuu.-,~ =,?_" ,%,. ?.._ _,:...... - -,. heedina toward Eurone. ~_'~_-..-_ ~_~_W ~_ .."Y/__~_,.,_ Without . court m- clauses of the u.~. uon- reqmremenm'" ot me acts vanm uemg trausze~ea to --m. mu..re~rt' f-~et~t~R ° "-- ms own .uT.nuu ,e wu, ume tervention, the suit said the stitution, and regulations m question. Charlottotewn from ottawa, tac,ma me posc-z +rz it to clear ms name. Selective growth Conserver society the key to licking inflation ALEX BINKLEY of a council report on actions needed clmnged, tile report says. council committee that jprepared the selective growth. There are all sorts and also the need for public transit to move Canada into conserver Ran Ide, one of the report's report, said adoptxng a + con- of oppuriunities which we have to have excess equipment to handle oB•rAWA (CP) --Canadian work peak pounds, the report said.. l~.actices and lifestyles have to practices. authors, said a heavy price tag could servationist lifes{yle "isn't s outlin~,d in the report." "I would deplore any implication be attached to undue delay in sacrifice but an act of sanity." The report caik on government to More funds should be directed into change to make better use of natural. research and development of resources and to protect the on- that what is proposed is an increase changing economic habits, Switchingto a conserver society remove legislative roadblocks to virenment, but that does not mean in Canadian bureaucracies," he However, he said he feared would helpbreak the twin economic energy saving, such as insurance alternate energy sources and said. "We have enough of that nightmares of unemployment and policies which hinder usb of car eqmlpment. that government bureaucracies Canada will be slow in changing }Idme insulation programs need.,to have to grow, Joesf Kates, chairman already.'! "while the rest of the world becomes inflation which are gripping Western POOls for commuters. Homeowners" countries, she said. who want to use solar-beating he promoted, the report said, noting oft he Science Council of Canada, Incr~singiy cosily and dwindling more sophisticated about the inter- that ff 70 per cent of Canadian homes said Wednesday. . . natural resources plus serious relations-hip of resources, energy Ide said many people fear a equiPment need to have their access II • conserver society would mean a no- to starlight protected by law from are insulated during the next 32 A conserver saczew can lean as concern about the environment and human needs. H we neglect yearn, the energy ecluivaleat of 40 ,much on individual initiative as does should tell the public and govern- forces now in action in the worl~ our growth economy. highrine buildings. competitive position will worsen.." • "We're really not in favor of no- Promoting staggered work hours million barrels of oil can De saree the consumer society," Katos said at ments that the wasteful ways of a annually. a news conference for thp unveiling consumer seciety should be Ursula Franklin, chairman oz me growth but we are in favor of would reduce rush hours in cities PAGE 2, THE :HE~RALD, Thursde¥, September 22, 1977 Marathon talker keeps pounding vturORIA (CI~) -- odds, just as she did during impair the delivery of social Rosemary Brown continued her nearly-success ft services in Vancouver. her filibuster Wednesday in campaign for the leadership "It's an act of bru~llty the British Columbia of the national New projected on that city by a A visit from British Columbia Development Corporation legislature, saying thou- Democratic party, bully," she said, "...an act Gas discovered sands of Vancouverites Brown slported a black T- of violence, and Vancouver CALGARY (CP) -- Some preliminary tests are being backed her every word. shirt during Wednesday's and its people are impotent conducted at three wildcat wells in the Beaufort Sea, a By the time the house ad- speech, which had "Kill Bill to do anything about it, and Loans to businesses spokesman for Dome Petroleum Ltd. said Wednesday. journed its afternoon sitting, 65" written in white letters that's what makes me.mad. The spokesman said natural gas had been encountered at Brown (NDP-Vancouver- across its front. "The only thing thai ever The Business Assistance Division of the British all three wells being drilled by Canadian Marine Drilling Burrard) had spoken for About a dozen spectators came out of that minister is Ltd. (Caumar). just under seven hodi's in in the public galleries wore abuse, abuse of the Poor. He Columbia Development Corporation inv'rtes secondary

The spokesman said more information will be released her attempts to delay similar T-shirts. m " hates them and makes no manufacturing, processing and other businesses to when available, probably within a few days. passage of Bill 65, the "This is not a political secret of it." The spokesman said complete testing to determine the Community ResOurces slogan, surely," Brown said As happened earlier in the discuss their financing needs with our representative size of the gas finds content and size will not be done until Boards Amendment Act, of her attire. "This is a hopa, week, Brown was given who will be visiting your area on the following dates: thewells have been drilled to their target depths. 1977, which would dismantle and a wish . . . for a several rests whenever thTne gas finds are understood to have been made within the Vancouver Resources miracle." fellow NDP , ~ were e last few days at depths ranging from 7,000 feet to 8,000 Board. Before her speech, Brown given the opportunity to feet beneath the Beaufort Sea floor. She said Mondsywhen she was presented with a raise points d order, started the speech that she bouquet of flowers from CAUTIONED LAUK , TERRACE VISIT had enough material to Gary Leak (NDPVancouver • At one point, Speaker Ed September 22nd from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m." continue for up to 100 hours, Centre), who said it came Smith cautioned Lauk for Mr. K. F. Cassidy, Business Assistance Division, will be but wasn't sure whether she from one of her hackers. raising facetious points of Uranium find had the stamina to last that Brown kept the bouquet at order, "lest you jeopardize at the Lakelse Motor Hotel. Telephone: 635-2287. JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) -- Gevernment geologists: have long. her desk during the speech. the positon" of Brown. For appointments phone. Vancouver, 689-8411 (Collect) found_ significant concentrations of uranium in sediment However, she said SHOULD SEND THORNS Lank challenged Smith for Or write: eamflles from a series of springs and streams about 50 miles Wednesday she will cer- Lauk suggested that an explanation, saying he normwest of Fairbanks, United States Bureau of Mines tainly speak for the "Rosemary can keep the wanted to know what con- Business Assistance Division • officials disclosed here Wednesday. remainder of this week and roses, but send the thorns to neotion there was between .John. Mulligan of the bureau's fie][d operations center here intends to continue the Vender Zahn." alleged misuse of points of British Columbia •Development Corporation saia me samples came from within a 90-square-mile area filibuster next week for, as Brown, speaking in a so'ft orders, and Brown's ability 272 Granville Square near Mount Prindle and the headwaters of Little Champion long as it takes to convince and deliberate voice, to continue her debate. Creek. Human Reseia'ees Minister restated her previous Smith said whet he really 200 Granville Street The area falls ,within the Carter administration's Bill Vander Zalm to with- arguments that the meant to say was that the Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1S4 proposed Beaver Creek National Wild and Scenic River draw the bill. dissolution of the VRB points of orders were im- des.]•{nation. But under the a~lration proposal, mining NOT DISCOURAGED would be an immoral act, peding Brown's ability to cemu ~e allowed in the area. She said she wasn't dis- one that would greatly continue her speech. The uranium concentrations were discovered during a tour•god, and would con..... -.-.in B ...... k the •[][]••[]m•m•mm•m•••m••m••••••m••mHH•m••••••m••m•m••mmuum••••nm•m•m:••mm•mm•m•m• .ureauot.t,anaManagementsmayotmeregxon, conauceed unue crymg m nuc [] ,.~-:.~-~ __ __ . , A , A _ mm[] assess me mineral potential of land •reposed for with- [] ~['fl'~'~ /-'q , ~ ,l~t ' ' 4~ __/, {II% [] ~irawal under various lands recommendations D .... ./.J. [] //AIII II1~% qu,]J~(J~(~ I.~g(~J|J~ ~ .~jgnn[,(~; ,.~,[~. • Areportonthediseoverysaidupto400parts'permillion J[~(~r ~l {fl~ b b ". IIIIIIUJLLY,| " r r : ~f uranium were found in stream sediments and up to 570 " 7 • • _ = |~kllllllnlll ' " ---- i )parts per million in spring sedimente in the area. SD~lCl~ • \ 111 II! / ...... [] However, Mulligan stressed that the source of the ~- ca _" i n .... L _- niJ. Ms-- ~:...L~_. __. L~ranium has n°t ye.t been looatod and warned ~at it "may ~,~,-.1.-. --~ LaDen air .Dan man win|Dr m _~ ~rm " -.-. um ~mmmm ~i~ mgimmm ii imii~i m , ay not prove to be a commercially workable deposit. U~thL~b~ ; ~ -- ~ ' • ~""It . couldbelocateddeepundergroundor up the mountam.... [] ( ...... - . [] ~siue," Mulligan said By CHARLES LA VERTU • s - [] ,~ Efforts to identlfv ~e source are now underwa v Mulli-on BONN, West Germany • insulate and weatherproof • id --" ~' • ~" (CP)PremierBiIIBennettof • . T -- . • pa . -_..,...,. ,,_,.._,.-. ..-., • - m • . and keep Old Man winter outside where he belongs. • ! 1, ,r • . ; your nOlO now, ,',, one tamelob mar, ,,,myto do yourself, and it m : /I/In r~t2f~%T lk'J t) t'h#'tL'tl'~f)M I') --..~...-,_~.;.~.....-....~.~.--~.,;-.. m -- means permanent fuel saving and home comfort m '., J.~J[.U/~;~L~/~t~i~I~ UUO~I~ ...... s.m:aa.u..~ so ~u--©u-3 • N o ma tt e r how hard y ou wish , Old Man WI nter is not benefits. Wo' ll ho happy to advise on the type of in. •m ! (~, !e.amng mrongn. ~.uro~ m • ~ln~ to pass you by. He'll soon be here, howling sulatlon that will do the best Job for you and we have a i : B RAMPTON, Ont. (CP) -- A county court judl~e has m~e. fl corn..pt uter aatmg.... serv:- [] ar o,, d theho use, blo w !ngcoldlcywlndsandpillngup :hondylnetructlonbeekletthatwillmakeiteaslerthan [] ~oundtheSeptemberlssueofPenthouseobseene, saymg the ~e wmen wou!a n.nK. • thesnow: Sut, yoocennevememstleugh, lfyougetto ' youthlnk. Weemsohaveellyourotherweatherproofing • ~agasine is "a dirty old book" that demeans and ~uropean councrnes wltn [] work nowinsuletingandweetherpreeflng yeor home. :need..| storm windows end doors, weatherstripplng, m dehumanizesmen and women u.u. compiles. ~ ' C~UIKana caulking guns, furnace filters. Everthing : Judge Chester 1Vlisener rel~sed his findings on the ob- Bennett said he for ,,,, ...... ~r insulation will keep warm air inside your home . you need for warm, cozy comfort, m ~ceni'-.ty trial of. the magazine late Wednasda~,., two weeks foresees an association. _m . . m• ~ter prosecuting and defense lawyers had rested their betw,.een~oal coml~...m~ ~ • p.... ~ i U t; : ~:ases• • marxet ' ' S metauurglem• [] Korolite Rigid Foe m " :, In the written ruling, he ordered that 86,000 copies seized .or .develop .a steel mdustry m ' ~ ~ ~ ...... : by police on Aug. 9 from lnterCity News Co. of nearby blis. m~m-epr°VmaCn~'--nma" [] ~'qk~\\ ~ insulation • •pissa a--distributor of Penthouse for the Toronto area-- ~:rm-,, ,, ,,,,~ ; [] .... - ...... [] ~ forut);e~itedte the attorney-seneral for disposal. The copies nolong.or.i~e.ablet°hendie [] ~ If :.Jr ~ ~. ~ .R.Igld ~mm ,,elation ]s • have a market value of ¢170 000 some at me laDor or wage • r ~j ,V IlL % ~k\\\ ~, uignt-weugm .aria easy To [] p The judge found that v'ir'tual~y ~l photoaranhie spreads in ~ requirements of_ steel. ~. ~ *~'~J /~. ~-~/' ~ \'~ \"~ i:~ ~nem~e~,~u~aarC~eraSa:i ~o issue exceeded communqystandard~ o~'obscenity, in- manutac.tur/~gL t~enn.ett [] /~[ .//~'.- lil[i ~\i ~. ~ ~ : ~i wlllnot~,;ermrlnkduete~:,' [] ~ludingthePenthouseForum|etterstotheed/tor, Xav/era sam, a,a.. m. ese are m.e [] [ "~.[,; llS ~'~'~' ': ; ~ ~ moisture" Kee-s -our " [] poliander , s advice column and a feature called Couples ...... areas in wmen,_. we_, are__., 100K"._~ []. ~ ~_ .~ "~iR ~ : ~ Nk home comfortable" P year• --• written by a doctor • ms: mur~ctml$ m c,.~u msu ~. t ~ r-T'r~ Is• , \%, ~\\ ~ ...... ,. Y',, ~ " more proceasin " [] ro~m aria lips comrom [] , Whet this magazine advocates is ~ sexual orgy of in- _ ..... F' .... • k ~il \~ ~ ~k rlslng ,uen re,u, • finite variety and p~hmmflno nwnnnrtinn~ "tha l,,daa u,.ntn uennea 8aid teat me mare • ~.ll I " ~MMIi N ~ ~k\\ \ " • i follow-up to the econonu [] ~1 I ~ml,,, x %~ \ - -- - ,' 1" " . ~ • • mission will be "with us • ~| I llli : %~ ~ .~ 4'XS'Xl" • 1 ; I ,fllrl(T ?Y'tlTtOII7PD(f involving our private soct0r _" ~ I /lib : Y._ ~ ill H i .K.,rtYUl uJ~ ve t,4v v~,, uuul uJI;;; companies* with private ~, ~i ! ;IN in ~ --r-- tt : : "" "" sector cam enies here." " ~'-~ ~" "" " i ; . • • 44 SINGAPORE Reuter- Canadian Trensvort Minister Otto . We ~eady have a []• ~|] -/ill _ [] ~ngarrived heretedayforatwo-dayofflcialvisit, num.~r of associatlo~ the.t ~_ -:...... ~ '..'.. 2 MII Clear m'myfllm m Lang will hold talks with Communications Minister Ong we mcen.d co pu.~ in much ~ ~.eiummnre, lOOSe-till, Sheati"a For Home and ~-.~~ Teng Cheong Thundny before touring Singapore Harbor, ~th eacn omer neea.use ox i Covers 70 s n. ft. 2" *H "~: - ' "T'_ .. ~ i~Mlil~llll|~l~ • the fourth largest in the world. • " their scope ano size.'.' . • ' . " ": ""' Co•age cover.ups ml • Lang, who is leading a team of Canadian officials, will ".There are some !ogie~ m s ...... ,...~ ..,,.., ~ .,;~ a receive an official briefin one' a ore lanstoconverta parmersm ,averytogical ~ e= 2e lb. Beg ~-.ml ~_.:-.,:?,.,,-w--_ ...... -'- ~,~ .%,m~-

~ri ~aip~oyPrratr~,i~e b a~r ~~e~,~,thU~e~% i R~ ~ O~; ~t~idr~ i ,~!

La ', who is also the minister responsible for the The premier said his _ ~-~r--M __ . , ~'~qmi~" k-'~e~linH[]UlllllM Con~an Wheat Board, ~ later visit a blg flour mill here government will also fellow I - ~ ~'l~" i ~-,, ' ~~ ~ "~ for discussions with officials associated with the grain up. the associations. "to ~ " • ~ _ __ " ~ • trade . maxe sure me prware _ ~ . SO0"- " r-" ~'Jl _ .:. - [] • [] ' i~Nm. I1. Ill V a v,aumKong uun • He told a news conference before leaving Canberra for " c.ompa.nies ,,carry out the • s/ • : . . " • Singapore earlier todn~, that.formal negotiations on a new mscusstons. .11 sq. ft. sq. ft. i~I~,~~_ -~-s~m ! Nnacn Open Faced i wheat agreemen~ woma segm next year. [] ~.. -. - : • • A~ new agreement would benefit both producers and ...... • m- ~ w~ ,nd vi,,m . Retched ty peg un takes --• consumers by giving producers a decent standard of living DEUIMII :• •n \~'~ , ...... , •. : ' erd. cartridge. . ". []• and ensuringpennanent supplies for the consumer, he said. nl~wl win, : • ~~ Foam Weatherstrin ; : mtenco pasted grnp. i Lang and his delegation ~vlll leave Friday for Long Kong, oa~numApa : [] ]~"_.~~ • : - • China and Japan. He will be the first Canadian minister to ognllu~) ! it .~=:~7~'~~ vinyt foam firmly attached : d O"g • meet China's new leaden. : mm /,,~n-~.,~ toimouldlngofcleerplne. ~ i ~1 • PLACE: . ~ .... ~t~.~~ Foam remelns flexible at U ee [] 7") ...... • AJ. .... Terrace Church of ODd .o []am Aluminum ana ~-~~r Imvertemperatureendwili ; ' • 3341 River Drive :: [] Vinyl Weatherstrip ~ nat_ freeze..t° door. , , • • ¢/ , DATES: : • 3 plooe set includes: Door sevs reel•de plated : • BONN (AP)- West Germany has reformed Italy s am- Sent ~i oct ~ • ~ 2 7, ares Aluminum and nails ~ • bassador to Bonn that it refuses to extradite• , Herbert ~ • " • Nd .• n...... " leD :::- Vinyl Threshoi ,~ ...... [] • ' TIME" : • .- o mnvun= m - L ~.aUlKIng ¢ompouml • Ka-ppler'theSeo°nd,WerldW.arG~tap°ch~efmR°mewh° 7.30 tl'i,.ht~, ' : [] Features slotted screw Contructed of heavy ...... ~A'~ " . . • ~JesP~dm:a~,r~foi~te°~rt~'a:l:~;7:::2:~'l:17::2~:2:: GUEST" EVANGELISTi j ~s~:~l~ lustm°nt" a~Tni:l~Teng~:ews Included. uo ,,,he ~, ~rl?s • .111'. durebfo euWIGuiter Sealer l.':,:- for or~JrlngP . ' the warttme. executlon'. of more" g than" 300 Itahan. Rev. FranklinHunt i[] • • 97-.-- o.' v . ~----77 DAP 'Latex. ~. orRely-on r • White IVluecn :• civilians. He escaped last month. P.,or ..L. ,..m,.. = .o .,0o,0 tl .-,-,,o ' leech G,:: . The spokesman said Italian Ambassador Corrado everyone toamnd. • m .v V es. , [] • [] Orlandi-contucci was advised Tuesday that the Bonn CALL 638-1561 for further government cannot meet Italy's request for his return information m m because the West Go•an constituUon prohibits extradition • m ... • m of a German citizen to fore• courts. '" ...... • • • []• Win, Cffl futtlof "= ' mm LAW OI FICE OPENS m ~ Mmv.mmmumi~m, . m -- ~ arm ana ~ ov ,nm me ~ vex lOCau~mrl~t ~mom, ,nvma am ~mnvs ,oaverrmmo ~uoency m, [] Fl ~ at BulldsIJ, arid mefy/Mrs of ~r ~[ve fsfllllle6 8re M0t me • j eflglble to participate In ~ contest, mm [] v RULES' .m KARL DOUGLAS [] ~ ~ No ~ n,c..rv, ~.~r~-!0.~w~4u~,~ [] [] ~ Declaresor me m~ ~lU .e ~r~. []

n MmvIIle insulation (R-10 NVnl Rolls), to a *n-Mqondescrlbedbelow [] BARRISTER AND SOLIOITOR ---- maxlmumof 12(X)sqtmrefeet of Insulatlon~will be .... . [] ; . ~ in eech pltl¢Ipatlng eullc~t store In 8,contest cicero ~ 29, liT/. [] m I ~ ' 9,Altont U~ted rmervestM rlol~f to decideNle tVpa ANNOUNCES THE OPENING m I ~ 3. Thee will be no cmh ~lUlv&mt a" ~l~e of Imulati~'t to I~ i~rdect , ... [] A "stA~llk~lon shotAde w;nner not (:~ to accept W1nn~'swlll pa n0flfled by t~q~hone ~ wlll be [] ~ ~ prize. , rmumtm to ;~ck~ the wl,, here. • OF HIS PRACTIOE SEPTEMBER 16, 1977 | . l 104-369 OITV OENTRE, KITIMAT PHONE 632-4727 632-4728 :"" L "[] Looatod between the Credit Union and Douglas Channel Realty : ,8, t J : m,,,,,,,,,•,[],,,-,a,,,,,,, [],,m,,,[]m,,,,,,,mm,m,,u,m,,,,m,,,,m,,,,,,,,,,,[],,[],,m,,,,m r. ¢

THE HERALD, Th'ursday, September 22, 1977, PAGE |

I Cabinet shuffle Commission looks Weather Provincial court proceedings for volunteer blamed the docket Claims meeting ,cancelled FORT NELSON, B.C. A terrace man was fined Michael McNaughton was Terrace Recreation Commission is seeking to fill (CP) --A coroner's jury Tuesday found that the $100 in Terrace provincial fined $5 for being in A meeting between pointed," Sterrltt said, but native claims of the two vacancies on its board and is inviting all persons court yesterday " after possession of alcohol ~vben GC a rnr~i e rs k 10t a r interested in recreation in the community to volunteer United States pilots of two added that the cancellation department of Indian Af- private airplanes that pleading qullty to a charge underage. leaders and government was understandable in light fau-s on Monday. for the positions. of prowl!rig. " McNaughton, 17, was One person will be appointed from within the crashed 16o kilometres officials scheduled for this of the fact the Falkner is south of here July 11 killing Bernard Desjardim was discovered by police in a Monday in Kispiox Village unfamiliar with the and The cancelled meeting. municipality and another from the Thornhill area. charged after going to a parking lot at Furlong Bay Anyone wishing to volunteer for a seat on the,ad- eight people were negligent has been cancelled because claim negotiations of nor- was to have been the first by flying in bad weather. woman's home at 2 am. with a case of beer. of. the federal cabinet them B.C. natives. step in land claim visbry body can contact Bill Casey, superintendent of August 6 and knocking at the shuffle. Tribal council members negotiations for the Gitksan- parks and recreation for the district, at 635-6311, or Coroner Jim Thompson door asking for a woman In proceedings Wed- Land claims co-ordinator are proceeding with plans to Carrier tribes involving an Gerry Martin, chairman of the commission, at 635- said evidence during the 3 1- who was not home at the nesday, September 14: for the seven native hands set up another meeting with aboriginal claim of 20,500 3418, 2 hour inquest showed that the weather was so bad July time. Darcy Redmond was fined Neff Sterritt said he had Falkner, hopefully by the square miles from outside Commission members are hoping to have the ap- The woman who answered $I00for supplying Hquor to a been informed by .Hugh beginning of November, C,edarvale to the head water pointmento made by their next m~eting in October 11 that cloud cover came down to tree top level. refused to let him in and after pollce obtained a Falkner's office that .the Sterritt said. of the Skeena River. shortly after found that a warrent" and broke into hts newly appointed minister of Leaders of the seven Negotiations will involve screen had been removed house where several people. Indian affairs would not bands from the Upper about 4,500 native people in IWA allies withNDP fromawindow, under legal age were attend the meeting which Skeena and lower Bulkley that area from the villages She locked herself in the discovered drinking, court had been set up by former Valley rivers will go ahead of Kitwanga, Kitseqeucla, bathroom until the morning. Indian Affairs Minister with a scheduled meeting Kispiox, Glen Vowell, Desjardins admitted to was told. Warren Alhaand. with Brian Hartley, Gitanmaax, Morieetown to restore power having removed the screen, Following persons were "We're very disap- negotiator for the office of and Hagwilget. but gave no reason for doin charged with driving with a VANCOUVER (CP(- The to launch a political action hiring policies of forest ~so except that he had been blood alcohol level in exee~ ~lr~"' of .08: International Woodworkers program aimed at restoring companies. Howard Fowler on July The UBCM convention of America voted Tuesday a New Democratic Party - publication of a complete flne~ / government in British history of the union to be 31; two readings of .~0; • Columbia. written by "an outside, $75. impartial body; Ronald Eichherst pleaded Robert Johnson on August guilty to a charge of willful 28; two readings of .21; fined Candidates Human Delegates to the annual - elimination of the rights convention of the. Western " present $4 a day hospital co- damage not exceed'rag.s50 $350 and placed on six Canadian Regional Council insurance fee charged to all as a result of an incioent on months probation. No. 1approved the program patients; after several speakers - and the takeover of the' Eichhest was visiting his September2;Frank Pongrace readingaof on.18 to be residents should• be law admitted that many of the B.C. Telephone Co. by the girl friend when an and .17 flnsd $~50andpineed VJ~t~NON, B.C. (CP) -- defeated the amendment UBCM-~-Gff,obk VERNON, Quebec issue, union's members support provincial govenrment, argument began and he a on six months probation. Delegates at the Union of that would have supported B.C. tCP) -- The Canadian "You have before you other political parties in Earlier, delegates were door with his fist, knocking Richard Hay on August British Columbia removing the vote from non- con-stitution should be resolutions which could both provincial and federal addressed by Jean Bedard, down a mirror on the other 28; two readings of P l, flaecl MuninlPalities' convention resident property owners, rejuvenated to include a clearly indicate where you elections, president of the IWA's side. ~ and placed on six Wednesday approved a "I don't feel that when we declaration of fun-danientni Stand," he said. But G.A. Stoney, regional council No. 2 He was,fined ~5o. months probation: ~licyocalresidencyStatementasCallingthe solef0r removehaVetaxpayerSfrom themWe shouldn'tthe right humu rights and Hb-ertles, GREAT CONTRIBUTION president of Local 1-357, who Eastern Canada. t J Jean-Robert Gauthle~ He mentioned one proposed establishing the He said that while the qualification for holding to vote," she said. parliamentary secretary to resolution which calls on program, said that 95 union has so far not had an locallyelected office. However Baker moved an fed-ersl Urban Affairs B.C., together with,Quebec; percent of all the resolutions official position on the Winter's I By a 198 to 173 margin, amendment that would have Minister Andre Ouellet, said to ensure reasonable op- currently before the con- subject of Quebec in- delegates voted that made it UBCM I~olicy"to Wednesday. * portunity for educational vention would he un- dependence, "like it or not propert~,-owners non- support the restriction of "Each province should instruction in either French necessary "if the New we, the working clnss wlll be resident m a community be each voter to one voters' also adopt a charter which or English to these who Democratic Party was .in faced with taking sides and J.t around the denied the right to for list. would respect the righto and desire it. power today." having a position on the office. Said Ian Case of Sannich, liberties ~ its linguistic "If all the provinces His motion uri~ed the IWA matter." Keep Alderman Harry Rankin supposing the motion: "It's minorities and be liberal in agreed to this principle, you to "reaffirm fls all out "I think that one cannot O..r' of Vancouver said he was a simple matter of whether their support towards will have made a great support for the NDP" and understand the Quebec warm pleased the UBCM had we believe in one man, one them," he skid. contribution in adapting our urged all union locals to question if one doesn't chosen to remove ownership vote." Gauthier, MP for Ottawa- federation to our tunes." affilitate to the party. The understand that Quebec is of ]property "as the sole However, the delegates, Vanier, made his remarks Ganthier said he hoped motion also called for a not just an ethnic group but with basra for running for office." by a margin of 177-148~ durin~ a speech, made the future of Canada wasn't political action program to a nation." "I think it recognizes the supported the rights of a enurmy in English, to the to have French spoken in be started as soon as BedardsaidthatCansda's problem of the urban property owner to vote in annual convention of the Quebec and English spoken possible "to co-ordinste the n s t id u t i o n reality." the community where he Union of British Columbia in the rest of the country. activities of all union recognize the fact that the Rankin said the policy, owns property, whether or Municipalities (UBCM). "If it is, I'll liave no part of locals." country consists of two which will be forwarded for not he zs a full-time resident. . Gauthier, noting that the it," he said. "I want to feel The delegates also ap- nations each with their right E consideration by the All policy statements delegates will consider at home everywhere in proved resolutions calling to seWdetarmination, but provincial government, passed by the UBC will be three resolutions on national Canada. xor: said it was in the interest of gevenis a person who lives forwarded to the provincial unity, urged the UBCM to "I am a Canadian and the -a reduction in the rate of the "working class" that S Burnaby and owns a government provide leadership on the Canadian society will, like provincial sales tax to five Canada remian a united business in Vancouver from all other societies in the percent from the present country. running in Vancouver where world, be judged by history seven per cent; his interests might be in by the way it treats its -all workers to be allowed S conflict with those on local;* monirifles, be they racial. ~an income tax allowance for residents...... ':,::" linguistic, social or eco- travel expenses incurred in ~OTION APPk0VED :~ "''' R61e;;:bf,-districts nomic." l~etting to and from their However the convention One resolution before the jobs; .... decided that property UBCM says bilingualism - support for the Canadian ownership was sufficient to be studied should he wholly voluntary. Labor Congress in its qualification to allow a VERNON, B.C. (CP) -- Union of British Columbia However, Gauthier said refusal to agree to the IHEATING person to vote in ~/ com- Municipal Affairs Minister Municipalities. some motivation, in the fe d eral munity. Hugh Curtis Wednesday Farmer served eight form of mandatory blli- proposed program of phone: ,Jim Jefferioe ~OVE REJECTED announced the formation of years as chairman of the ngualism, is desirable. voluntary controls' L Delegates rejected an a five-memher committee Okanagan-Shnilknmeen "Universities, at least at - no discrimination amendment to another that will examine the role of regional district while the undergcaduate- level, against workers on the basis Your Eno Agent ~licy statement that would regional districts in British Hamilton is past president should insist on some of race, creed, sex, religion ve denied a vote to those Columbia. of the B.C. School Trustees knowledge of the second or political belief in the :n Terraon. ownin~ property but not Curtis said the committee Association. Hood was a official language," he said. living m a community, then would include Phil Farmer Victoria alderman for five defeated a motion allowing of Kaleden, Rendina ~ears, Phillips was a voters to vote in only one Hamilton of Penticton, awson Creek alderman for municipality. Alfred Hood of VMtoris, 18 years and Thompson was Jim Campbell of Satuma Daphne .Phillips of Dawson Vancouver's city clerk for 28 Island said the votes of non- Creek and Ron Thompson oz years. residents usually work Galiano Island. Curtis said the committee against improved services "Each member of the will begin its study next for locals. committee brings extensive month. "Summer visitors and knowledge and background There are 28 regional those who .own summer in local ~overnment or districts in the province, set camps come to vote against regional districts," Curtis up under legislation in- any move to increase told delegates attending the troduced by the Social taxes," he said. annual convention of the Credit government in 1967. Alderman George Turner of Valemount in east-central B.C. said prop_erty-owning qualifications allow some people to run all over the VIPS TO MEET prownce. "I could be mayor of three of four comm unities, " he DELEGATES said, "as long as they didn't Make mmll talk for35C or have meetings on the same VERNON, B.C. (CP)- municipalities have tl'eir nights." Representatives of 20 own problems that don't "ONE MAN, ONE VOTE" federal ' and provincial comeup on the floor," said But the majority of government departments Duke, "and this gives them delegates agreed with are on hand to meet with a chance to meat without the Marilyn Baker of North delegates to the annual expense of going to Vic- Vancouver district as they convention of the Union of toria." British Columbia Municipalities UBCM, union The larg~t contingent is preisdent Pat Duke of one from the ministry of Lumby said today; municipal affairs who Beautify your Duke said the' number of have at least 20 senior staff neighbourhood. government departments persons available for Get out on the street. Take a walk. attending this year's con- moe gs with the delegates. vention, which started Municipal Affairs Minister .."7 today, is up slightly from Hugh Curtis is also last yeat. scheduled to attend the 3

IIh|k n I* ~,'k.l~ld~. "A lot of individual three

:' I ~lat!~ (Terrm)- 6u-~7 |,, Gentle bouncer never gets into fights ~*lj {Kltlmat)'6'l"6-:" LOISEL~ | . TORO.NTO (CP)- Tom Lennox, ~, between the:two parties who are having such as "laying hands on them and o~erpeople.or .standing there .and ~ying i !.ormer.~uncer at me rowuy...Jarvm an argument. . . . removing them bodily." to look ne.aut.um..'fne whore ta.e.a of this !!'1 HLetHAG.ING~W-:~'-(BI-L-L)EDITOR...STU DUCKLOW [ ~ousono~lD~anapart-ownerozmenew . '.trememoeronemner~el3armenwere ,~goodharman, hesaid, can "feel the business IS tO allow eecn ~divtausl to ~or.m at uau nar, .says ne never nan a w.ymg.toeject ~meguy who was standing tempo of a room just by walking through express himsett .personalty witho.t ~] ~ms~. Terrace B.C. A [ light at the Jarvis ltouse, mere m a imrate stance, moving a~onnd it." disrupting anyone else. v,oience sooula [ m~second class [ The six foot, five inch college grad~.te mak" .m°ti°ns w!.th,his.hands.. "What "There are basically two types of never enter.into.it." . . = [ ~~,-r~:n J said, ".,~. Iongas I was the doorman.a.t me ~e ~u~.'s go.m.g on" .I sma, rushing up. people. One guy goes into a bar and he , Brains ruiner tna.n bra.wn nave n.~ught 11 ~' - ...... [ Jarvisnouset.nevernurtanyone_1. nav.e "t'nen.ls..~mm.w.e.iraguystandingthere driliks and becomes me]]ow and happy. Le_nnoxatongwaytromm.eoa.rvis1-1ouse. never even nit anyone yeL There's aria a teu him, "'All right, cut it out before The other ty13e becomes sullen because In January, 1976, he jomea mree other i! [ '" :" '" 'NOTE OP COPYMIGHT ' " [ always the cahnce you might kill somebody .f~eta h.~.t. So he says, 'OK' he's not ge|t-ing the giral or he has a young men in forlning their own corn- someone...... anu ne wasKs out." problem at work These are the guys who pony, consortma, inc. ::| ~ and solecopyrlhg t In any [ "MSSc peopte t can just pick up. --' -- give you problen~s. If you see them | ~risl'-o~" [ Besides, most of the rowdy people a Lennox said one of the problems a gettiogupaet, you have to keep an eye on A year later, actingasa sobeidiary of ! J ~ep-/od-" ~:tl~ I houseman gets involved with are drunk, bouncer basis that "some paople have the ~hem." the giant mining concern, Conwest Ex- |S not permlt~d wlHlout #he wrlfleo perm~slon of the | and you shouldn't take advantage of .misconception that a public drinking ploration Co. of Toronto, they purchased someone who's drunk." He said the bar hOUse means it belongs to the public and Lennox said he is in the people business, the Ports for $3 million, hadst resigned room fight is not the John Wayne brawl they can do anything they want." "It's not a captive environment hy any and redecorated and opened it last spring you see in the movies. Most of the He said he would talk to trouble-makers means. What you're doing is bringing, as a combination of restaurants and a bar. • distrubances are over in 30 seconds. The first, explain that they had to behave, but people together so they expose them- Consortina has purchased three other The will to change important thing is to move quickly and get if that failed he had to use physical force selves to others, whether by talking with bars and two restaurants. We dare say most Canadians would gladly par- ticipate in the change to a conserver society ff the [OttawaOffbeatJ government was truly committed to such a move. But it isn't. Because changing this nation from a bunch of wasteful consumers to citizens who value .:!, Public service strikes their environment and are aware of the earth's finite resources isn't going to be accomplished by federal programs which subsidke insulation of use taxes to _ the main issue :penalize the purchase of a gallon of gas. That isn't ~ if BY RICHARD JACKSON even a start.. i The changes that are n~essary, according to the Ottawa-Unless the chronic crisis in Quebec becomes Science Council of Canada s report on today's front explosive, umemployment runs widly out of control, ot page, involve fundamental modifications at the grass terminal illness threatens the econo economy and the dollar, strikes in the public service will erupt as the issue i roots. That means public meetings in community halls for the Fall session of Parliament. •in which citizens trade information on how their And if an election later should intervene, upsetting : regions work - what resources they have and how they Parliament's scheduled nine-month sitting, the strike could be used most efficiently. could be one of the two big issues-national unity the i It means citizens discussing their problems with other-of the campaign. !government representatives and reaching decisions Stripped of all the rhetoric and pared down to the basics, the issue-in Parliament or in an election cam- i:with the power to act. Local people know best how paign- will be:who runs the country, the government or i their communities work and where waste can be the public service unions? ieliminated. Government representatives should be In london, two governments in turn at Westminister, i there to supply the money and the technical the Conservatives and Labor, have faced the same issue -knowledge. and question, and backed off. Small changes would come out of meetings like So "over 'ome," The British disease threatens to rage on. these, but their effect would be massive if reflected in When former Prime Minister Pearson, in his in. every community in the country. And the biggest necence-judging the new, younger and more militant change issuing from such meetings would be the public service by his own lifetime career as a civil ser- ~sitive feeling a community would get by taking its vant-promised Parliament and the people that govern- future into its own hands. ment employees were "just too respoes~le" to exercise What we don't need is the government telling us what the right ors strike that he was giving them, he simply to do. What we do need is the will to change. Together, didn't know the score. Since then the pubties ervice has come to regard we have the answers and we should be telling the striking as not only its right, butits obligation to keep government. submissive governments on their knees and taxpayers at their mercy. Ne There is talk in the Cabinet- and a slpit amoung the WS worse ,,i never appreciated the real value of education till the kids returned to school." ministers-about doing something to curb the right to isn't , strike, at least in the essential servicesl when Public Service Staff Relations Act comes up for revision this ,, next session of Parliament ...... jus t rn ore of it And not a moment too soon. " .... It's hard to quarrel publieally with someone you resPeC_t. For although it is improbable-.it is definitely not im. And Dr. Viktor Frankl has won ropect around the world. Food magnate g( ts possible that raft, air and postal workers will all be "out" He is to psychiatry today what Fruedand Jung used to ' by year-end. be; from the horror of his experiences in' Nazi ex- • They know their strength. Theya re aware that 90 termination camps, he developed a new school of , percent of the million and a half of them across the psychiatry called Logotherapy, based on each person's country are unionized. need to find meaning to life. But recently Dr. Frankl stated,in Toronto, that theworld US both ways ParliamentAnd they're hasmilitant. only to legislate them back to work?' is getting worse, not better. Like it recently did with the Air Traffic Controllers, "In former times," he said, "a;; our activity was based and then watched them defy the law in spite, if not in on optimisin.., that there is something like automatic fact, by a slow-down inconveniencing thousands. progress, and that all the evils will sooner or later be TORONTO (CP)- V.J. Housez He said two trends may develop - ino~ricing and acceptance. What's more, they're ready to defy Parliament. done away with. But this has naow been shown to be a doesn't cry the blues because more an increase in the number of meals nousez said house brands are Defy no~. merely back-to-work legislation but any compltet illusion. There is no automatic progress but Canadians are eating out these days. eaten out and an increase in the .packag.edby the lading manufac- attempt to curb the "right" to strike. rather an automatic regression in which things keep But he said he wouldn't complain number of high-cost, ready-to, eat rovers m competition with their own _ Bi~. Findlay, president of the usually reasonable Letter getting .worse." ff everyone a,te at home either, dinners sold by retailers, national brands but the manufac- t~arr~ersUnion, swears "nothing" Parliament does ever He suggests that only pessimism-realistic awareness of As chief executive officer of Grocery productsconstituteda~0 turers have never made a major ~ stop his people form siriking when they feel bow had the world is-offers a creative minority the will Standard Brands Ltd., Montreal, he billion a year business and new commitment to them. '-justified." to fight on. That's Biblical and theological concept too- gets the business both ways. trends in eating would help maintain "We do not, for exarn~le, build Jar Power, president of the Union of NATIONAL Abraharnic minorities who persevere with the truth Housez, who is also chairman of the industry's five to seven percent new manufacturing facilities to Defence Employees, is one record with the public threat while society self-destrucis...... the Canadian Grocer~v Products annual growth rate. produce house brands, we do use that the government "will have one hell eta battle" if it Today, the news seem to justify pessimism. Dictators Manufacturers Association, said in a Housez said that two or three them, however, to fill in valleys in attemptst ampering with the public service specifics. like Idi Amin seize headlines and hostages, while British recent interview that one of three years ago national brands produced our own i~..oduction." Fi~lly, getting down to specifies union leaders, as a democracy (according to conservative economist Milton meals is eaten outside the home in by leading grocery manufacturers COllective a.na p.rotective group, warn the government Frieman) has a 50-59 chance of being dead in five years. Canada. The ratio may eventually appeared to be suffering from Companies will duplicate a macregaro,essoxwnatsenctionsParllamentmayapply. But the news now includes many things it used to ignore. reach two of three, falliug market shares. This was national brand for a house brand if -fines or imprisonment-for defiance of legislation, there War massacres like My Lai have happened before. But because so-called house brand~ the customer so specifies, he said. really is no defence against the wildcat strike. ' no one eared about them. Now they get reported, and for One of the reasons why the in- packaged for chain grocery stores Housez also said that although the So the battle is being joined on the question: who runs the first time a people repudiated their own armies. crease in eating out is "not really a began taking an increasing share of costs of (ransportation are rising, the couniry? Political dirty tricl/s were around before Waterguto. But cloud onfo~through the horizon" the huelneas. . the Canadianmanufacturingto fooddecentralize its this time, a nation's moral indignation forced a president manufacturers is that the food they But that trend appears to have industry will hold back on any major Ne ""_ plan to resign. don't sell retail chains'will halted, effort Iil When Biafrans were starving a few years ago, people all be sold through restaurants. "I don't say that house brands are manufacturing operations. over the world helped them. A centruy earlier when the Amother is that retail stores, in falling out of favor, but thay're at While a manl~facturer might find Irish were starvingt neither theri government in West- order to combat the trend to eating least stabilizing." it appropriate to build a plant in New for north minster nor their nmgbor in Engiad bothered caring, out, may require manufacturers to Some house brands had not been Brunswick or Alberta to save on Greece and Spain have beth moved from dictatorships to produce "convenience food" of high properly researched or were of 'transportation costs, he would not free elections recently. And while China and much of quality and nutritional value to win lesser quality than national brands, immediatel,.r receive the return on back customers, he said, and this has been reflected capital to jl ml [fy the inveslment. By JIM POLING Africa and Asia may not practice Canadian-style OTTAWA (CP) -- Hugh Faulkner, the new northern de- ondemocracy, national policy at least than their they people could can under now their have tyrannical influence OTTAWA i ) left with the th~ddessjobof band, ides alone won't do velopment minister, said Wednesday he will try to in- wanords of former centuries, ensuring that there will be a the job; only major surgery treduce a different concept of development to the North. Maybe the owrld isn't perfect, Dr. Frankl. But it's not as country held' over for the can provide a cure. . It Fill involve putting environmental issues into the ,~.r~l~ A .~ [ development planning process, rather than simply tagging cruel and callous as it used to bo. And more people than | a~d S~a[[ - next generation. The bureaucrats- who them on at the end, he said in an interview. ever before know want's goiug on-in Canada and aren't nearly as dumb as their _ "I have no particular objection to develonment ... ,,, elsewhere-andcare about it, and are trying to improve it. . fi Consider, for a moment, Surley that's grounds for optimism, not pessimism, usJness the politicians' approach to popularimage suggests-un, e'aulkner, who was named to the Indian affairs and nor- United Church. the twin problems of unem- derstandthe limitations of them development portfolio last Friday, said in an in- terview. J~A ~u~2r~ ployment and inflation. The band.aidingonly too well; But planning only for development and facing the con- ~~/~ ! ucrat's Wink ' politicians want tohand out they know that they'll be sequences later was a disasterous approach. moresubsidiestofirmswhich aroundwhen the economy A problem with all development 'zs that each sector ! by JIM SMITH selves don't likeoneanother, wi!! buy more machinery collapsesina fewyears'time, pushes its own interests without anyone looking at the total Q: How does a bureaucrat But stop and think for a and buildings (which,inci- But, eventhough the bureau, pieture, hesaid. As an example he cited urban areas, where wink? minute: wherewould society dentally,would tie those crats are scrubbed and ready transport, housing, industry •and other sectors often A: He opens one eye. be without some career civil firms to more consumption for surgery, they can't go in- developed separately. LOOK AT TOTAL Q: Why doesn't a bureau- servantsto make the tough of energy). That's the way to action without the politi- "We.have to start looking at the total community." crat look out his office win- decisions7 these problems have always clans ready to wield the eco. ~'auumer, a 44-year-ol-d former Peterborough, Ont. dew in the morning7 You see, for all its attrac- been solved in the past and nomicscalpel, cumstances.teacher'takes over his new job under difficult cir- A: Becausehe needssome- tive features,democracy has that's the way big business His predecessor, Warren Allmand, was widely liked and thing to do in theafternoon, one major flaw: it doesn't and big labour would like to ~ ~ developsrsreSpectedbYwhoIndianfelt hegr°upS'was toobUttoughWaS onn°t development.admired by And on, And on, You've work. see them solved today, Sure, Too much bench Ailmand's shift to another department has left some Indian heard your fill of bureaucrat Thatis,democrscydoesn't this sort of policy will blow ~ timeslows.you groups suspicious that Faulkner has been appointed to put jokes by now. Perhaps- at'- work without the civil ser. up in our facesin a few years' ~m down. 'Get active, ' ter all, it's hard to resist the vice, The politicians - who, time but six or eight months Up Get in shape and more emphasis on development than on Indian affairs, put yourself in Fatdkner indicated that is not the case, . temptation - you've made it says on paper, should be is a long time to a politician. ~ the clear. "I think my attitude towards the Indians is best reflected up a few of your own. At the runningthe country - are. They carl this kind of by..the.,wo.rk..ldid at the secretary of state. I'm very svm- pa~lle[lc to tllelr cause.... " ~ very least, you keep a supply more concerned with gettinB piece.mealapproach to plan. "~ Fltnemlsfun.. Elected to the Commons in 1965, Faullmer served as ' of bureaucratic horror sto. electedand re.elected than ning "band.aiding". And it ~ Trysome, secretary of

f rids on hand to amuse your with making the tou~h deci. works- when the problems ~ ~ painted ministerStateoffrOmscience1972andUntiltechnology.1976, whenAssecretaryhe was aP:of o,,,~...... ,,,.,,s,,,~,,,,,,~,',,,,, friends. ,ions thatwillhaveprofound sren'tverysedous. But, ss"~ 7 ~'~"~,~, " state hewasresponalbleformanyof~hecorefinsneing l# No one really likes a bu- Impacton the shapeofsocle, the Canadian Federation of programs Indian groups receive today. I told them they could watch 'Ill theirs reaucrat. For that mutter, ty a decade or more from IndependentBusiness points "Alot of my thinking has been developed in consultations was fixed," even the bureaucrats them- now. So the civil servantsare out,when the wound lsdeep, with them." ' $

THE HERALD,Thursday, September 22, 1971, PAGE S Baseball roundup Inside homer puts Cards GORDON & over Expos ANDERSON COLE In the opener, run-scoring But St. Louis, 1-7 at /•(•NTGLENNREAL (CP) -- Lou doubles by Dave Cash and Olympic Stadium this year, Brock's second of Warren Cromartie helped tied the score in the second bring you the season--an inside-the- the Expos defeat the Car- on Mike Tyson's RBI single "lINKHARDWARE S TC ?ES park hit with a runner dinals 4-2. to shallow centre. aboard-capped a three-run They took a 3-1 lead in the •--" *" ,",,i,,~"",' I outburst in Uie fourth inning In the second game, third when Jerry Templeton e and St. Louis Cardinals went Montreal took a 1-0 lead in tripled and scored on a base on to defeat the first when Chris Speier hit by Keith Hernandez THE 8-2 for a split of their tripled to the rightfield while Hernandez eventually National League baseball corner and scored on a scored whenIorg grounded doubleheader Wednesday throwing error by right into a play. night. fielder Dane Iorg. Tyson scored the fourth T.V. GUlOE Cardinals' run on a wild Pmiteh by loser Hal Dues, 1-1, ALL LISTINGS SUBJECT TO CHANGEWITHOUT NOTIOE the fourth before Brock Jays shut out delivered his homer later in BALTIMORE (AP)--Lee Grimsley, who had lost the inning, scoring behind • May cracked a two-run three of his last four winning Eric homer dnd Ross Grimsley decisions, got Velez to Rasmussen, 11-16. Thursday, September 22 pitched a four-hitter as ground into a double play Rasmussen reached on a 5p.m. to midnight defeated after Doug Rader singled off fielder's choke when cat- Toronto Blue Jays 4~ the glove of third baseman cher Gary Carter fielded his BCTV KING 3 CFTK (CTV) 9 KCTS KIRO Wednesday night and Doug DeCinces to open the bunt and threw it into centre (NBC) (CBr.) (PBS) (CBS) continued their belated second. field trying for a force on "1 stretch drive for the • Bowling then beat out a hit Tyson at second. 5 i~ Newlywed Game Darwin& Emergency Mister American League East title. to second basman Rich A two-run homer by Ted Newlywed Game Galapagos Emergency Rogers May's 25th homer, Dauer and Rick Carone Simmons off reliever Fred News MaryTyler Emergency Electric following a two-out walk to walked before Grimsley Holdsworth in the seventh ~45 News t,,~ore Emergency Company Ken Singleton in the fourth retired Dave McKay on a. vided the other two C i~ News Hourglass News Zoom inning, was Baltimore's foul pelp. i runs before Larry News Hourglass News Zoom first hit off Jeff Bryd, 2-12. Velez and Bowling drew Parrieh's sacrifice fly in the U :~ News Showcase '7, News Once Upon The 20-year-old Byrd, who walks in the fourth with two bottom of the inning News "Sorority Kill" News A Classlc I has now lost eight straight out, but Cerone hit into a produced Montreal's second III :00 Seattle Nicholas Ham. •Wonder Mac Nell.. games, allowed two more force play. :1.=, Tonight mond Noman Lehrer runs in the fifth after left Byrd, looking for his first T~K OPENER :30 p~t ch Game Jeanne Cameron 3ont' Wodehouse fielder Steve Bowling lost in 16 starts, In the opener the Expos :45 Cont 3ont' Playhouse Mark Belanger's line drive picked Eddie Murray off took a I-0 lead in the hrst in the lights and.it fell.for a first base in the fourth after when Cash doubled, went to g ;~ Cons'Chips ShowCar°l Burnnet :ont' Upstairs he followed May's homer third on an infield out and :ont' Downstairs double. Vfl :45:30 Cent' Carol Burnett Fish Cent' Billy Smith, whb drew the with a sidgle. Catcher scored when Cards' catcher Cent' Show fourth walk off Byrd to open Cerune also picked Daner Dave Rader threw the ball Fish Cont' the inning, went to third on off first in the opening in- into centre field trying to th- G •~ Manfrom Roots Carter Mavle the play and scored on a ning. wart Andre Dawson's at- i Atlantis Roots Country "Orpheus" wild pitch. Belanger came DeCinces hurt his riglt', tempted steal. -J :30 Man from Roots Paperback Cont across on AI Bumbry's thumb while fielding Rader'ssaerifice flyin the Atlantis J Roots Vigilante Cent sacrifice fly. Radar's hard grounder in second and his first home lfl~ Rosettiand Ryan (Part Logans Run Cont Grimsley, 14-9, allowed the second and left the ~ame run of the year in the fifth Rosetti and Ryan One) Logans Run Cont two iMield hits in the second after batting in the third. put the Cardinals ahead 2-1 Rosetti and Ryan Cent' Logans Run Wings and when he was aided by a . before Cash collected his '=" V :45 Rosettiand Ryan Cent' Logans Run Things double play. He issued a Too fat? Too I 40th double of the year The National pair of two-out walks in the thin? Too tired? I score Cremarfie, who had 1 1 :~ NewsNeWs TheNightNatlo~ CTV News Woman Too often? Do 1"'7 I singled and stolen second. News Woman fourth and then retired 14 somethingfor jk(~J~ I '1~1eExpos took the lead I £" ::~ Tonight Final Hour Late Movie Blue Jays in a row before somebody... ~,~1~ I for =cod in the bottom of the Show Hollywood Final "Cell of u,.,,, o., I Ault undOtto Velez in the Your body.I IB'I. I ~; with a pair of runs off Tonight Forties The Late Show: ' The Wild" ninth, w. I loser John Urrea, 7-5. Show "The Captain Cont Tonight and the Kings" Cont Part 7 and 8 Cent So eep Yanks i two "- " .ow x .SW n Friday, September 23 BOSTON (AP) -- George Yankees 3-2 Wednesday fifth inning and then needed lOa,m., to. Scott anappecl a 2-2 tie with night. - relief help . from Jim II I his 33rd home run with two 'The vlctery enabled the Willoughby after Thurman r = : ~ i :00. i. ' Wheel Of . Friendly Giant Jean Cennem Electric out:in:thesixthiiming~ thenRed Scx to sweep "a two- Munson singled, Reggie :1s Fortune Men Aml Show Company turned in a spectacular game series and move to Jackson walked and Chris :30 It's Anybody's Mr. Dressup Definition Two Cents double play at first base to within 2½ games of the Chambliss lined to centre, I I i :45 Guess Mr. Dressup Definition Worth end the American League leading Yankees in the East all in the sixth, t i :oo Shoot for Sesame First Art baseball game as Boston Division. Boston trails New :is The Stars Street Impressions Cart Red Sox edged New York York by two ~ames in the Mnnson, who took third :30 Chlco and Sesame Hot Mulligan loss colhmn wsth 11 games after the catch of Chain- = :45 The Man Street Hands Stew b to lay. bliss' chive, attempted to ql Hollywood Bob Mclean Show Noon Electric C ~ter the Yankees ptfiled score as Graig Nettles Squares Cont News U S into a 2-2 tie on Lou grounded to third baseman i Company Butch Hobson. However, 145 Days of Cont Movie Inside.Out Piniella's twoout single in Our Lives t.tlC News Matinee: Book Look thesixth, Scott unload-edhts Munsen was caught ins shutout first homer since Sept. 8 rundown for an easy out. u :oo Days of I Dream ": & Listen against starter Mike Torrez, Piniella followed'with a : Is Our Lives of Jeannle Short Fuse" The Music Place line The Doctors Hollywood Willlan Wlndom Measure 16-13, a drive into the single, scoring Jackson, The Doctors S(luares Ida Lupine right-centre field bleachers, before Willoughby ended the e • :45 e Up Phillies Luis Tiano surrendered a uprising by getting Willie ~ :oo Another Ryan's Hope Another Bread and PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- homer to Piniella toopen the Randolph to groundout. World Cent World Butterflies Another Edge of Night Another Ray. Burris and Bruce Relief ace Bill Campbell 145 Making Sutter combined on a eeven-Record took over in the seventh and Z World Edge of Night World Music hit ehutout as Chkago Cubs way.Checked the Yankees on ')) 145I~0 Movie: Take Thirty Alan Hamel Nlne's defeated Philadelphia 2.0 three hits the rest of the "Last Train Take Thirty Show Journal Wednesday night and ..._fnr Sixto Willoughby/ was From Gun Hill" Ceiebrlty Cooks Alan Hamel Speakout slowed the Phillies' pennant credited with Ins sLxth win Anthony ~ulnn. Celebrity Cooks Show Speekout ii push. without a loss while Camp- j ioo Carolyn Jones Eye of Sesame The Phillies began play, NEW YORK (AP)- Sixto bell posted his 28th save, l :is Earl Holllman the Beholder Street with an eight-game lsaa Lezeano of Milwaukee tops in the .,~. :30' Cent NIc 'N Sesame over Pittsburgh in Brewers hit the 3,430th :45 Cent Street baseball's National League homer of the year in the lVlickeyRivers singled in PlY Eastundamaglcnumber~ major leagues Wednesday the Yankees' ninth, but four, but Ivan DeJesus and night, breaking the all-time Scott dove to his right to Steve Ontiveros delivered• single season home run ~ive,spear thenRoy beat White's Rivers backline run-scoring singles off record. Randy torch, 9-6, in the Lezcano's homer sur- to first for the game-ending second and third innings, passed the record of 3,429 double play. With one out in the second, set in the 1970 baseball torch walked Mick season. FF_,.4TURING THIS WEE Kelleher, Burris sacrificed The Milwaukee outfielder and DeJosus singled the run hit a two-run homer in the home. Bill Buckner opened bottomof the first inning of the third with a double, went the Milwaukee-Seatt to third on Gone Clines' game. Steam Cleaners... single and scored on a single Moments earlier, by Ontiveros. . Baltimore first baseman The Cubs then turned Lee May hit a homer that, matters over to Burris and fled the record. Sutter, who held off several ' Going into Wednesday's RENTALS threats, i~ames, .a total of 3,427 Burris, 14.15, lasted until homers had been hit in the the seventh when he yielded majors this year. Dave $15.00 - 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. or 5 p.m.. 9 a.m. a single to Garry Maddox Rader of St. Louis bit the and walked Bob Boone after first homer of the day at (cleaner optional) , retiring the first two bat- Montreal to get within one of tvrs. the record. • WEEKENDS $30.00 Sat. §:30 p.m. -Tues. 9 New Business's (share it with your friends) Not listed in our re B,O, Tel Directory. K i J AUTOMOTIVES - 636-8464 VILLAGE MEATS- 638-1766 GORDON & ANDERSON O ~ TERRAOEOIL BURNER SERVIOES- 636-4227 Free. for ONE month courtuy of Ihi DAI LY HE RAL D 4606 LAZELLE AVE ur buoineos phone LTD. Ilotod for your customers Please Ceil 636.6367 Store Hours: Tues to Sat, 9a.m, to S:30 p.m. Friday 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. t

PAGE 6, THE HERALD, Thursday, September 22, 1977


i i I S I • Drugged football player Former champ may sues Argos, Riders not drive in Formula I Sport disable" him. knew they were dangerous. OntarioTORONTO Supreme (CP)- Court wasThe Vijuk earlier testified he He said the depresmon that TORONTO (CP)- Gilles Also, Villeneauve is not one of the teams Villeneuve LI I I...... ~$d told Tuesday that symptoms was taking between 30 and comes from large doses oi Villeneuve of Berth•err•lie, among the 29 driverS en- would consider - but Lotus a former professional 300 milligrams of am- amphetamines can last for Que., the 1976 Canadian tered at Watkina Glen. wants a sponsor to put, up football player described phetamines before and years. driving champion who, was Viii•Reave was nosed out $50,000 for the use of its car. himself as having were during games. Dr. Leblanc Vij/~ktold Mr. Justice R to have raced for Team in a bid to drive for Team Several other teams, idenUcal to those caused by said a normal therapeutic E, Holland he is stil McLaren in the Canadian McLaren next year by including the Wolf team Punching boss large doses of am- dos~ is five to 15 milligrams, ~ ei n g e p c Grand Pdx at Mespert, Frenchman Patrick . owned by Montreal in- phetamines. Dr. Leblanc said am- treatment and is required t( Ont., Oct. 9, may be without Tambay, currently leading dustrialist Walter Wolf, Joe Vijuk, who played for phetamines were used by t a car for the Formula 1 the Can-Am series. Tamhay have expressed interest in Toronto Argonauts and many atheletes in the 1960s, medication. race. was picked because he Villeneuve but the issue is brings lawsuit Ottawa Rough Riders of the but by the 1970s ~doctors The case continues. Villeneuve, 25, who made brings to the team a clouded by the driver's lucrative contract from a ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- Canadian Football League a spectacular debut in contract with McLaren. atwhen Orlando's the incident Tinker took Field.place from 1970 to 1972, said he Giving speed Formula 1 racing this year, French oil company. Former baseball manager Mosport officials say There have been un- Frank Lucchesi of Texas before an American League suffered from grinding had been expoc.ted to drive a exhibition game on March teeth, speech difficulties, McLaren in both the U.S. there is a chance Villeneuve confirmed reports that Rangers filed a civil Grand Prix at WaLk•as Glen, will be in another car for McLaren offered Villeneuve damage suit Wednesday 28betweentheRangersand depressmn, headaches, $200,000 to sit out next year, against Lermy Randle, the Minnesota Twins. dizziness and fatigue. is i ~P~ defe n sible N.Y., Oct. 2 and the their race. Canadian a week later. "I know he has talked to with a guarantee of full-~ne player who punched him in a BROKE CHEEKBONE Dr. Arthur Leblanc, employment in 1979. The 50-year-old Lucehesi associate professor of several teams," said spring exh|bition game in suffered a fracture of the pharmacology at the TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. "and some of their officials March. Walter J. Cassidy, a and physicians for getting But Mosport officials have Mosport vice-president Grand Prix teams are James E. Shepherd, Luc- cheekbone, a cracked rib University of Toronto, told psychiatrist who treated him to use pep pills to in- received a telegram from Bernie Kamin. "But he bringing 10 spare cars to chest's Orlando lawyer, and other cuts and bruises, the court these symptoms, former football player Joe crease his performance. Vi- Team McLaren manager refuses to drive for )ust North America, said filed the suit in circuit court when they occur together, Vijuk, testified Wed.nesday. juk claims this has caused Teddy Mayer saying it is anDRe. He wants to be m a Watkins Glen press tlirector here and said the papers days.He was in hospital for five are textbook examples of that the niscribuuon ot him and mental "highly unlikely" that good car or not race at all." Bob Kelly, so it's possible would be served on Randie Randle was suspended side effects to overdoses of amphetamines to players by harm physical Villeneauve will be in one of Ks•in said Mosport of- Villeneuve will end up in one in New York, where the "pc-F. -ills ' " fooflmll teams was "in- " " his cdrs at Mosport. ficials had talked to Lotus - of them. infielder plays for the finedfrom $I0,-000baseball and for eventually a month, V~ju~ is sning the owners defensible". Dr. Cassidy told an On. National League's New waived out of the American [ of the two clubs and several Dr. Casdidy was testif.~ll~.g Lurid Supreme Court judge I York Mats. League. He then si~ned a l individuals connected with in a case in which Joe Vijuk, that the s~stem used hy the l Although Lucchesi is I them for alleged negligence, who played in the Canadian Rough Riders in 1970 for I Ladies head for piayoff reported to be seeking five-yearMets. contract w~th the l He said that "knew or FootballLeague for Ottawa suppling drugs to teaml $200,000 in damages, Randle entered a no l ought to have known that Rough Riders in 1970and for members "could be de- I Shepherd said: "We are contest plea in July to a I such consumption would Toronto Argonauts in 1971 scribed charitably .as in-i certainly not bound to that reduced misdemeanor seriously and permanently arnd 1972, is suing the clubs defensible." I after equal golf scores figure." battery charge and was The Skeena Walley Ladles Sharon Brewerton. tst net, Neale, Sharon Brewerton Under Florida law, a fined $1,000 by circuit judge Golf Club were treated to Georgle Morrison. 2nd net, and Jan Burwill. Most circuit court suit need only Maurice Paul. some unusal excitement of Bonnie Shaw. honest player award went to state that it is for damages Lucchesi was replaced as Seven will try for the weekend whenGloria Second FUght: 1st gross, Rhonda Fedderson. Most in excess of $2,500. Texas manager during tlm Clarkson and Leona Wilcox Gaff Sharpies. 2rid gross, improved handicap for the "We will ask for a com- finished the regulation 36- Donna Graf. 1st net, Cathy season went to Marilyn pensatory amount for my ~eata:f'nafteraninauspici°us Canadian driving cup bole toi~rnament with Hansford. 2rid net, Ann Peterson with a 40 per cent client's medical expenses identical gross scores of 181. Carmiehiel. reduction. and punitive damages, and co~een ~°redm e~a In,ca g~runhd~: Final organized womans • attack was planned since QUEBEC CITY (CP) -- Rahal of Wheaton, Iil., and First place is worth The Ladies, accompanied Low putts on Saturday's that is a jury question," by thegallery, headed into a play went to Marilyn event will be the TOMB- Shepherd said. "I don't Randle discussed the Seven men will have a shot Tom Gloy of Walnut Creek, $12,000, and an additional. consequences in advance at the Canadian driving Calif., with 68 each, and $50,000 will be divided playoffwith Gloria winning Peterson with 27 for 18 STONE TOURNAMENT TO know right now how much with his team-mates, championship in Sunday's Kevin Cogan, another s~rnong the drivers on the on the second, playoff hole. holes. Long drives on BE HELD ON Thursday, Randle is worth. The more seventh and final race of the Californian, with 59. basis of $50 for each point An exciting fmish to a fine Sunday's play went to Moo Sept. 29. he's worth, the higher the Randle, frustrated over weekend of golf under very punitive damages can be." losing his second base. job, $400.,000 .Labatt Challenge A total of 155 points are earned during the seven- claimed he was repeatedly ~erios, me windup to a awarded to the top 15 race schedule. favorable weather con- Randie was playing for weekend of auto racing finishers in each race, with Along with the Quebec ditions. the Ran=ers under Lucchesi provoked by Lucchssi. through the streets of this 30 for first place, 24 for Challenge, the weekend of The tournament included old city. .second and 19 for third, racing will include a For- two days of golfing with an Bill Brack of Toronto, If the 41-year-old Brack mula Ford race, a Honda excellent banquet and social t n ai d a n wins Sunday's 80-lap race race in the Volant.Quebeeois on Saturday evening. There champion, leads with 87 he's home free but if the 25- Series and a sedan race in were three flights with gross Prank gets points but he is closely year-old Villeneuve finishes the Championnat du and net winners in each followed by Gflles first he retains his title. - Quebec. flight along with several Villeneuve of Berthierville, If Resberg should win the novelty prizes. Twenty-nine Que., the 1976 champion, final event and Vilieneuve The circuit for the clum members partic|pated .with 84. ~lace second, they would be inaugural street race is in in the tournament and the winning goal ed on points but the 28- Parc de l'Exposition, the following is a list of the TO BCAA MEMBERS The other five drivers who year-nid Finn would win the site of Expo Quebec. It will winners. TORONTO (CP)- Johnny Bower and George Arm- still have a chance to finish championship because he follow Fleur de Lys Street, Club Champion and POINT strong used to play practical jokes on each other when on top are Keke Rnsberg of will have finished higher the outlying streets of the overall score winner for the they roomed together with Toronto Maple Leafs in Finland with 78 points, Price than Villeneuve in other park and a horse racing tournament Goria Clarkson .' IAUTO CHECK their glory days in the National Hockey Leagu~e~n the Cobb of Dallas, 73, Bobby races this year. -..., ,: .... :, track. with a 181. Overall winner 1960s. And things haven't changed much. " for low net, Georgie Armstrong, coach of the junior Toronto Marlboros, Morrison with a new score and Bower, a Leafs scout and go•treader coach, were for 36 holes of 134. PHONE OR CALL FOR behind the benches in an inter-squad (game Tuesday. LakeviU Miss by a neck Championship Fllght:lst AN APPOINTMENT TO With the score tied - in the third pen•d, Armstrong NEW YORK (AP) -- by Randolph We•aster of All carried 119 pounds. gross, Gloria Clarkson. 2rid sneaked in behind the bench of Bower's team and gross, Leon• Wilcox. 1st Laker•lie Miss charged Great Neck, N.Y. Earlier in Laker•lie Miss earned P'- ~l tossed a towel on to the ice. That brought Bower's through the stretch Wed- the meeting, Laker•lie Miss $49,335 and increased her net, Marilyn Davies. 2rid team a bench penalty and Armstrong's side scored the nesday to score a neck won the Astarita. winnings for year to $80,595. net, Jean Sandover-Sly. winning ~oal. victory over favored Stub in Stub, owned by Mrs. The third choice in the First Flight:lst gross, Totem Ford the 71st running of the Marcia W. Schott, appeared betting with a crowd of Doreen Hill. 2rid gross, 4631 Kelth $87,725 Matron Stakes in to have a winning edge deep 12,640, Laker•lie Miss id ii IF / HA record time at Belmont in the stretch when $7.20 $4.40 and $2.80. ~b Park. Lakeville Miss closed the returned $4.20 and $2.60 and THE FO$ The two-year-old gap, drew alongside, ran Aldta paid $2.40 to show. Totem Gulf 4711 Lakelsa WORKING daughter of Rainy Lake- head-and-head and:grabbed Lakeville Miss, who didn't PRESSES Hew, ridden by Ruben the victory in the final come totheracesuntilJune Hernandez, was clocked in stride. 30 when she could have been 1:22 4-5 for the seven Third money, 6.% lengths claimed for $25,000, furlonl~s test, a fifth of a back, went to Akita. Then in registered her third triumph ~UI" WH, secona faster than the order came Northern infivestarts.Shehasathird /~1 BCAA MEMBERS ONLY is~ s~ stakes record set by Alpine Meteor, Caption, Miss and a fifth. /MIIF~r4tA~NIMI GOOD FROM SEPT 12- IZ" HAR~ Lass in 1974 and equalled by Magnetic, Randye La Stub had won the OCT 31 r-A~7"AS Optimistic Gal in 1975. Fabuleux, Sweeping View, Arlington Lassie and ~ PLATE. "7 ]t was the second stakes Tempermental Pet and Sorority and had finished CUBS Rr: victory for the filly, owned Cindy Goyle. second in the Spinaway: WHO FR?. THE CAL, STAGES (. 15 ~LES'~ FIN~ERS HIM 7"0 ~IP~ ON ~XPLO~IV/:


imalnlllilalimaglg|ml|aill|gliMllllllg | ~:~~.~ 69.95 " SKEENANEW DEMOCRATIO PART/ , Replace: New Front Discpads I • .....'/::~ :i~ :: '~ P'f New Rear Linings f~------=~'--~_, ~.. " FEDERALNOMINATION k'~ Inspect: Drums&Rotors ~7~ ~I ~j/~ ~ |" BrakeHoses JJlll~. H| |/ ~| "~ Io • ii Front GreaseSeals (/~11.~!g A~ ~111,¢~i20~ | Saturday October 1st, 1977 | Rear Wheels Cylinders ~:; ~,\d~l~/~,~,~vJ~/ F,ont Cs,p~rs ~-_.Jr~M~I/~,~, ~'~'YJ/ | 2:30 p,me | Mos,,sssenoerCara Anyadddlonel paMs or labourwill be quoted ~,~ " ~/ ~'~ ',o beforework is staded ~', •-" THORNHILLOOMMUNIT/HALL •|" : - TERRAOE : J i Followed By [ i ,,,,e,- ,A,Qe i /GUAeA-NTEE, SEE OUR SERVII)E DEPARTMENT : Cocktails 6:30 Dinner 7:30 | 90 DAYSOR n • OOMILES j :i THEY LL KEEP YOU GOING | Guest Speaker - Stu Leggatt MP | |• Dancing to the musico of: ...• i , Jim Pipers Road Runners i ...... TERRACE TOTEM FORD SALES LTD, | 'Tickets slO°° each | 4631 KEITH I"r,RRAOE, BJ), 636-4984 • Available from., Phone 636-7314, 632-7039 • Jlll•ilillim lieell•ilillillliilllil!•l , #

~o .• .•+ ,o ,

THE HERALD, Thursday, September 22, 1''7, PAGE 7 LOOKING rFOR A Jl LOOKING l )', t lr]r . /I FOR HELP? "The Heratcl, 3~q3 Kalun~ $1:~ + o .... P.O. Box 399 Terrace, B.C. I, ComingEvents 33. For Sale- misc. 49. Homes for Sale 68. Legal 68. Legal Easy Crochet Going-0u Set! Phone 635.6357- Terrace -. "Regarding Examlnlatlen to Don't forget Commercial -- 3 bedroom large modern house. License to'Scale Legs Subscription rates: Single Copy Hockey League Ice times for Royal Manuel Typewriter .One bloc k from town centre. Examination for license to DISTRICT OF TERRACE ~ 926 regJldratlonJnthJsyearsdraft. Asking $125.00. Jn good con- inlcuoes rec. room: W.W. sceleJogsJnthelnterlorwJllbe ANNUALTAX SALE NOTICE ~0 cents..Monthly oy carrier Thursday, September 22 at 10j dlton. Phone 635.6387. (C.15.16. ~ Three Dollars ($3.00). p.m, 11-) _carpeting, .carper~ ann_ patio, held In Terrace. The Pursuant to Section 395 of the -, • Yearly by mail in Canada P.u-'day'eoptember26at8:15|m.'~ ' ~ PUlly lanas¢eped. Par ep. examination will be preceded 540.00. Senior Citizens $30.00 polntment to view phone 635. by a scaling course. Municipal Act, on the thlrtlth .. y~er year. Motel Domolltlon Sale at 3707 1441 days 635.3210 otter 6:30. Examinletlon end course will day of September, 1977, at the ~.~ ariy by mall outside Canada All players must register et one Council Chamber of the District ,=pj~7~r~.~ of these times to have t.llelr Kalum Court 10e.m. Sat. Sept. p.m. -t-p.11.16) . be held as follows: $51,00. " ~ . PLACI= 8errata of Terrace, at the hour of Ten ~; Authorized as secend class mall name In the player draft. 24. FOR SALE I DATE OF SCALING COURSE o'clock, In the forenoon, there , , by the Past Office Department; Roofing.Lumber-Wiring Premium. constructed 31 Oct. 17.2/ shell be offered for sale by - .., Ottawa and for payment of Garage Sale at 4214 Thomas Doors, windows $5.$10 Public Auction each end every ..~,~ postage In cash. Sir. North. Sat. 24th of Sep. ~2~ mp' Panel with 5.7 Breakers. bedroom home on the I~nch. i DATE OF SCALING EXAM • Classifieds due 24 hours prier to Flnlshedbasernontwithprlvatel Oct. 28, 1977 parcel of real property In. desired day of'publication. $3.00 lamber end Sunday. 2Sth of 100 amp Panel 5.8 Breaker $30 ontrancec-ontelnlng2eddlfl°nell Th~ (:nurse of Instruction IS cludlng Improvements, upon for first 20 words, 10 cents each: September. 9:50 a.m..4:00p.m. 'To011ets.$15, Sinks.S10, Stoves. [rl~drOOms.venue .°r:'selfsulve. ¢ontelnlngl~.j a~'~ilal~l-e,-freeofenYinterestedperson, diarge, to delinquent.Whichany of ThethetaxeSfollowlngare word thereafter. No refunds on. classified eds. (P.15-16) Frl'dge $15, Washing Priced to se!l at !~.'.500' ."'-1 The examination must be at- properties have delinquent 12. Music, Art, Dancing Machlne $40 Dr~,ers $25 Tables 39,44,for appatmmonv m viewt tended by persons currently taxes es of September 19, 1977. 1. Coming Events ¢Chlldran's Singing Classes $10 Chelrs $2 Dressers $15-525 I~'''~ ,, I holding an "Appointment of LEGAL DESCRIPTION + Kermoda Four Wheelers Space Is still evalleble for 4000Watt fan forced heater $35 ~ Acting Sealer'. To these people STREET ADDRESS Nk)etlngs 1st Wednesday of each beginners 8 to 11 years old. (C.15.16-p) :)o. Uuslness upporlumlry the examination Is free of month at 8 p.m. In the meeting "~on. charge. All other persons will Lot A Block 17, DL ~0, Plan room et the Sandman Inn. For Phone Joan Spencer 635,3332. 43. Rooms for Rent '-'- :.."--- ." ...... "" .'"" be charged an examination fee 1949RSCD.. 4515 Heuglend. further Information phone 635. i(I)-14-15-16) t, rotl~s. ~o experience of 535 00 Low 2 of Lot 6 & 1 Plan 3053 BIk 3,142. Room for rent for single gen. necessary. Sendsalfaddrassed ^--'"-'-;'-- f---'s f"r the S, DL360Plan4559RSCD..2908 ;. 14. 6usiness Personal times In the bench area. With s*,,,.,,,,---:.:.:,.w I,,,,n.-.,. enveloN,,.__"7' --__"'Mc ."'"'"°''"examination (F "'"'$87, 1969)" mey Sparks. " Meeting . Terrace B.P.O.E.: kitchen and living roan TnH~.lellena "1 ~'" ,-nrerpr~sesu ..... ~, e ~ ....uap~ I ,~=...~.,....4 ,,,,o,...... ~ ....• n,,,..v,...... Lot 2 Blk. 19, DL 360, Plan (Elks Lodge). First and Third • "" ~ facilities. Phone 635.3971 CTF ,, -, ~ ,~,~., ,,. ,w~,,,,,, .,,...,...... • k,, ,,,.,,,,~,.*,~ RhCD. - 2601 Kelum St. m ~" V2t 4C6 rc 15 201 v,,,,-~. ,,,~r ,,,v+. ,,- ,~.,...... Thursday of month. O.O.R.P. D II m '"~" 1-" " " " " and available for presentation Lot 21, BIk. 34, DL 360, Plan (Ladles of the Royal Purple) - Wobb 47. Homes for Rent m- :~, 6~ at the examlnotlan. Candlddtes 6051, RhCD.. ,0S Kalum St. Second and Fourth Monday of .o,r4oralio. Month. 4~'35 ~15-21" For Rent; One and 2 bedroom 57 Automobiles 8re required to qualify BIk.21, DL361,Plan9~6, RSCD. O~ ' citizenship by presentation of .4"/63 & 4765 Lakelsa Ave. turnlshedDuplex-3936Moonteln ~ birth or naturalization cer. The Easterly 1 acre of BIk. 21, First Annual General Meeting View Ave. Phone 635.2577.(C.15. iv/u Pora ~usTom. Pour or. tlfl~at~ DL 341, Plan 966 RS CD. - 4761 of the Terrace Asaoclatlon for 16.) sedan, • 302 cubic Inch,...... -...... the summer school of Arts, will automatlc. Prlced to sell. r,:~.~I~TCF~oI~S~E . LotLakelsa. 15, Block 6 DL 361, Plan 972, /~u£~Ll,-,~k~J~ be held at 6:00 p.m. Tues. Sept. Authorlznd ~. Homes for Rent Phone 635~235 Or 635.4020 (cff) =' ...... RSCD.. 3213 Kelum St' 27, 1977 In the lobby of the Servlce Depot -, • : Repairs to Refrigerators Lot I of Blk. B & BIk. 23 DL 361, R.E.M. Lee Theatre (p.to.g/) 3 bedroom unfurnished House 1973 Vega G:T. Icludlng winter Plan 1090Range S Coast District These easy.to.make slippeis Locking for a b, utiful baby Freezers, Washers, Dryers, for rent. Close to town & tires. Auto, Many extras. In ESTATE SALE • will be greatly appreciated. gift? Make this! And Ranges very good cendltlon. Forfurther The Estate of George Little, - 4749. 4755 Lakelse Ave. Crochetslippers in one piece; So quick to croc =.t. you can Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. schools. Only Interested partles Lot 2 of BIk B and BIk. 23 DL 1820, Terrece, B.C. Meeting l~) call 635-2153. (P-14-16) Information. Phone635.5191. (p. offers for sale, the following sew together at back. Use finish this three.I .,ce .set in held every 2nd and 4th Thor. 13.16). Estate property, located in 361, Plan 1090 R5 CD - 4741 knitting worsted. Popcorn.edged time to welcome ! by. Use 3. sday every month at 8 p.m. E.W. landscaping 48. Suites for Rent . Terrace, B.C. Lakelse. cutis. Decorate hers with ply baby yarn in a .color com. Phone 635.6641. (cff) Box 61, Terrace, B.C. Transfers. Plates- Sales Tax, Lot 3 of BIk B and BIk 23, DL velvet rose. his ,with button. bination. Pattern ! 6: Will fit Specializing in Lands, Trees, 2 bedroom basement suite for See Wlghtman & Smith- Lots one to five Inclusive, end 361, Plan 1090 R5 CD -4731 • Pattern 8)1: S. M. L incl. infants to'6 monti . INCHESAWAY CLUB Shrubs, etc. Complete Tree rent Phone 635-3704 (C-15) AUTOPLAN agent. ' 4611. Blocks 4 end 11, located on Lakelsa. $1.25 for each pattern - cash. $1.25 for each pat+ 'n cash, Meet every Tuesday night at 8 Care. Insect 8, Eroslm Control, Lakelse Ave. Terrace. Open Loglon Ave., between Glacier Blk 4 of BIk A DL 361, Plan 1265, . cheque or money order. Add cheque or money )rder. Add 25¢ each patte, for first- In the Skeena Health Unit. For Fencing & Contract Bleating 1 Furnished Bachelor apart. Saturday. (ctf) .... Glass and the Curling Rink. R5 CD. ,1620 Davis. 251[ each pattern for first.• more Informetlon phone 635- Block 3, end the western portion West part of Lot B BIk. 13, of class mail and handling.Send class mail and ha ling. Send 2847 or 635.3023. 635-6993 moat, 2 blocks from centre of 1977 Mercury Monarch. 2dr. b: hm Wheeler, Ne,dlecrdt to: Laura Wheeler, /INdlecrdt EUGEN WOESTE town also Includes, Lights, heat of Block 5, en the north side of Blk. A DL 361, Plan 3151 RSCD. Dept., (insed name el your 0epL, (insed nar: of your i ...... 111.. Like new condition. Low Utile Avenue. - 4631 Davis. We ght WatChers mcetlng held (c.20,21,22 end of Sept.) and cablevislon. Please Phone mllege. Phone after 5:oo p.m. PaPer), Address (Oral nmdem paper), Address (0+ . reddents ~r~-6672. (P-15) 4 E Pt. of Lot BBlk. 13, of Blk. A every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the 635.2303 (c-7.16) add k =des m). rdnt plainly add 9¢ sales tax). dnt "p~nlj Knox United Church Hall, 4907 Bldswlll be accepted to October DL 361, Plan 3151 RSCO • 4639 Pattens Numb,', Your Name, Pattern Number, .Jr Name, Lazelle Avenue. Golden Rule: Odd lobs for the CEDAR PLACE 31st, 1977. The highest offer or Davis. Addm~ Address. Iobleu. Phone 635-4535. 3250 1973 Blazer', • 4x4 4.spaed,.. any offer, not necessarily ac- NEW )977 NEEOLECRARCAT- NEW t977 Nf'EDLr .RAR CAT. APARTMENTS Lot 10, Olk. 3, DL 361, Plan 3203 The Catholic Womens League Kalum. (cff) P.S.P.B. Electric wlnch~ Offers, cepted.' Cash preferred. RSCD - 4720 Hsmer Ave. ALOG has 225 desii~ns, 3 free ALOG has 225 de.~ ns, 3 free 4931 Welsh Avenue Phone 638.1919. patterns inside. Knot, crochet, patterns inside. K. t, crochet, will hold their Annual Fall Tea 1969 VW Bug AutomatiC, Radio, Gordon Little, Lot 3 BIk 3 DL 361, Plan 3204 ~hnedBezzaar on Sat. Oct. 29th at Right of way falling and green Suite 113 RhCD- 4/05 Soucle Ave. crafts! Send 75¢ crafts! Send 75¢ Verltas Audlterlum. (cff) grade contract wanted for Offers Phone 635.1919. ~P.14.15. •executor. 'Stitch'n' Fetch Quilts..... $1.25 Stitch'n' Pitch Qui ; ..... $).25 Terrace, B.C. 16) 4517 Cedar Crescent, Lot 5 NVz, Blk. 16, DL 361, Plan Orog.et~,~S~m...... oo Crochet with Squarl ...... $1.00 (.-I"1- c~..~ op~ato~;r newly rebuilt 3273 RSCD- 4609 Straume. grade shovel. *Phone 635.3724.~ Terrace, B.C. VeG 1X5 raocm a wardrobe~...... $1.00 Crocheta Wardrobe...... $).00 635-7056 1973 Chevy z/~ ton" 6 cyl. Radio, (c.w.th.fr. 4 weeks) Lot 5 EV~ Elk. 11 DL 361, Plan, Niftyfifty Quills...... $1.00 Nifty rift Quilts...... $).00 ~conadlon- Calorie Countera (P.1,1-15.16) New 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites Canopy. Asking 112,600. Phone :~29 R5CD. 4709 Park Ave. RippleCradler...... $1.00 Ripple Crochet...... $).00 meet every Tuesday at Thorhlll for rent. Frldge, stove; 633.~B80. (P.lS-20.4) Lot 9 of Lot 3 of EV= Elk 8 Plan Sew& KnH Book...... $1.25 Sew & Knit Book...... S).25 Storage space available for drapes, carpet, rec area+ .Nudepdnt Book...... $1.00 Needlepeint Book...... $1.00 Elementary S¢hcoI 7:00 p.m. sauna and pool table, with 1985 DL 361, Plan 3473 RSCD'- 1975 Ford ~ ton pick-up. 26,00: :FOOD BASKET FlowerOochst Book...... $1.00 FlowerCrochet Boo} ...... $1.00 New members welcome from campers, boats, vehicles, etc.. security enterphone and ,1707 Loon A~e. Limited space left. Call 635.4528 mllee45,000. Phone 635.7~10, ( P Factory Processed HairpinCrochet 8oak...... $1.00 HairpinCrochet Boo ...... $1.00 Terrace end Thorhlll.. Further elevator. Absolutely no pets, Parcel A Explan plan 41~6 Lot 3 InstantC, xhet Book...... $1.00 InstantCrochet B~ ...... $).00 Information call 635-5486.or 635- for quotas. (ctf-m and th) _(off) "Sleeping Beauty" Sell 13 Ford At least 75 per cent of the BIk 12, DL 361, Plan 1117, RSCD Instant Mac~e Bouk....$1.O0 ,Instant Macrame 8 &....$1.00 7425. I II Van Fully cuatomlzed, shag, food.consumed in North 4742 Tuck Ave. Instant ~ Book...... $1.00 Instant MoneyBool ...... $1.00 ABLE ELECTRIC LTD. velvet naugahlde, zoomles, .~merica has been factory- A Reminder; KEYSTONE COURT Lot B of Lot 15 of South V= Blk I CompleteGft Book $1 O0 CompleteGift Book ...... $1.00 Rofrlgeratlve Contracting and radlels, fresh paint and muclt processed in one way or DL 361, Plan 5989 RSCD. 4144_ r~et, Al~ ~i"C::.:00 Complete Aflhans I. 4....$).00 household repairs. Phone 633. • another. Some )800 chem- 12 PdzeAfghans #1 ...... 60¢ APARTMENTS more. $10,00 or closest offer. Tuck Ave. 12 PdzeM~ns #)2 ...... S0¢ Terrace Child Development SIN or Lll-123h (off) No Dreamersl 635-7026. (p.15- icals have been added to Bookof 16 l~.itts #1 ...... 601 Bookof IS Quilts#1 ...... 60~ Centre Grand Opening Lot 22, Blk 6 DL 369 Plan 972 16.17) the cans. bottles, boxes and RSCD - 4550 Lakelsa. Museam(~dt 6aok #2 ...... 60¢ MuseumQuilt Book 2 ...... 601 September 24, 1977 2:00 P/M ()fflce No. 2 - 4603 Scoff. One packages for sale on our )S Quillsfor Today#3 ...... 60d )5 Quiltsfor To(b) '3 ...... 60~ ABLE ELECTRIC LTD two and three bedroom apart Lots 28 & 29 BIk 6 DL 369 Plan Please Attend Class A Electrical Contracting. supermarket shelves. DOUkof 16 Jiffy Rap ...... 6N 6oakof 16 JiM Rul ...... 60~ For turther Into call the centre ments. Laundry & Storage 972 Range 5 Coast District . Free Eslmates. Phone 635-5876 area. Near schools and 1974 Buick Century. 2:door. 3228 Kalum St. at 635.9388 Or ~H1.1231, (ctf) downtown. Clean, quiet, P.S., P.B., 350 motor, selllng::. Real Potato Chips Lot 30 BIk 6 DL 369 Plan 972 St.Matthews A.C.W. rummage ;paclous, security lock.up end for $3200 2 studded winter tires The Food and Drug Ad- RSCD - 3232 Kalem St. 19. Help Wanted )atrol. Your heart works eala Saturday, September 24, 10 Included. Phone 635.4629 (c.16) . ministration says that the Lot 15 BIk 9 DL 369 plan 972 harder when e.m. to 1p.m. at St. Matthows new-style dehydrated chips RSCD - 4431 Lakelse. Gonerel office help required for 635.5224 ' can be classed as potato you're not in the Qlurch, 4126 Lazelle Avenue. small office. Reasonable typing Lot 10 Blk 2 DL 369 Plan 3094 game. Get fit -- 58. Mobile Homes' i' chips as long as they are RSCD - 4419 Legion. and turn the apeed essential. Reply to Box (ctf) "made from dried par'a- ~llls Memorial Hospital Thrll~ !162 the Dally Herald, stating Lot 1 DL 369 Plan 1024 RSCD - clock back. Shop Is having a bag sale on Trailer and addition on lot In toes/' Those.words must 3210 School St. experience end salary ex. Thornhlll. Lawn, greenhouse, Saturday Sept 34th. Come and pacted. (,off) HILLSIDE LODGE appear on all containers Blk 3 DL 611 Plan 3067 RSCD. fill a brown grocery bag for 4450 Little Avenue , and woodshed, Will consider. carrying the product. 5003 Graham. Fitness is fun. O°o an- $1.00. Store hours will be 10 TAXI DRIVERS geeplng rooms, housekeepln trades. Phone- 635.2641 Lot 2 Except part Included In Try some. a.m..4:31 p.m. and the store Is Full time, part time. Class 4 mils, centrally located, Full evenings, and weekends.:( p. ' Came With Columbus plan 4660 Blk 4 DL 611 Plan 3604 located on Lazelle Ave, lust past Ilcence and police permit furnished. Reasonable rates b ,15,16,19,20,21,3,4,5) Some observers believe RSCD. 4940 McDeek. .Spea.Dee Prlnters.(P.15.16) required.. Contact manager, day or week. Non-drinker that eggs and chickens Lot 64 DL 615 Plan 1215 RSCD •Terrace Taxi. 633.2242. (ctf) only. Phone 635-6611. (,:If) 12x64 Country Estate on extra OMINECA large landscaped lot near Gall reached the Western Hem- 5235 Haogland. The Terrace Branch of the Wanted. a babysitter forbye isphere with the second Lot 10 Blks 5, 6, 8,7 DL 837 Plan • Planned Parenthood Course. Phone 638.1507 for children after school In the area more detells. (C-10,11,14,15,N) voyage of Columbus in 1493. 3320 Range 5 Coast District . Association has resumed It's of Kill K'shan School. Phone They don't say which got off 4106 Sparks St. | second year of work In the the ~at first--the chicken +, 63&19T/effor 5:00 p.m. (p.14.15) Furnished or unfurnished studio 1974 12x60 Bendix moblie home. The S 6.5 acres of Lot 3 Sac. +p+ cemmunlty. We are hopeful or 1 bedroom apartments. ortheegg. DD14M7 - 1 DL 835 Plan 1105 that there will be.many new 2 bearoom pertlelly 'furnished Do It Now 33( Far sale - Misc. Security enterphone, Sauna~ fully skirted with Ioey shack. Range 5 CD. - 3624 Kalum St. people who share en Interest In Big Bite• The North V= of BIk 4 DL 977 the w~lk of the Asseclotlon by 635-4261 Best offer. Phone 633-5292after I For Sale: Gold nuggets at 10c, ~ 638-1032 6:00 p.m. (C.14.15.16) Americans eat more than Plan 10~ Range 5 Coast District attending the films, lectures 25¢, 50¢ rain. order aS.00. All a half billion pounds of - 4314 Sparks St. • and dlscusalon groups planned orders C.Q.D. Complete Small one bedroom suite, close For Sale peanut butter a year.. Aluminum the near future. eatlsfactlon o~" money refunded. Io town wanted by e young For Further Information on 12x60-3 bedroom Sefeway Win. W. Lerkln, Canyon View, single girl by Oct 1. 1977. laundry Room, finished mud the future programs you can Placer Mine, Rock Creek, B.C. Prlvete antronce preferred but attend a meeting of the Terrace room Large Sunddck. Located (c.1-21) not necessary. Phone Cindy at on a fully landscaped .cholco lot .Branch of the Planned 638.1250. (P-14.15-16) at copporslda. Phone 635.4461. Parenthood Asseotetlon on New hay for sale: R. Perry, (C.Sept 30. Wednesday September 28 at 8 Woodcock, B.C. Mailing ad. One bedroom furnished house p.m. In the basement of the dress: BOx 99, Kltwanga. or apt for youn.g couple. Im. MOBILE HOME I1x52 • Public Library. (p.20) Phone 112.649-5404 (p. • modlefe occupancy. ~sk for 2 bedroom furnished.' Prlcod'et • +•++ 1|cheats only. + 3.75 22,5,10,MI,20,5,10,15,20) Mrs. Tessler. at the Kalum ~,800.00. Phone634-1676; (P.14-: The Terrace Bluebeck Swim Must sell; 1 In;~tls frldge and 1 Motel 635.2362. Club will be holding registration Konmorestove 40" range. J.E. ++/ THE RALLYHERALD Wed. Sept. 21 from 7.9 p.m. and lreezer 14 cu. ft. Phone 635.4940 49. Homes for Sale For Sale: 1974 12'x60' Bendix SOt. Sept 24 from 10.12 noon at after 6:00 638.1896. (C.14.15.16. troller. Fully furnished. Set l)p + 3212 Kalum St. Terrace the board room of the Terrace House for sale 17-18) In plofuresque Braun's Island i Pool. For further Information. 2 bedroom home. To be moved trailer park. Must aetl.v~ry l Phone Gloria Clarkson at 638. off property. Phone 635.2531. reasonable price. Cell 630.J091 7411. (p.12.16). (C-15.16-17-10-19-) TI/="Y EAA/FELL 7"REc'~ 6 ING-/ES ~IV DIAMETER/IVA I pr. size 12 Bauer goalie skates preferably evenings. (sit) Like new. $40,00. Phone 635.6328 HALF'I/OUR. BEAVERS DON'T KNOW L,V/-i/OI WAYA A spaclal •general meeting of Four bedroom house with un. 66. Rec..Vehicles TREE WILL FALL. 7HEY CAh/ STAY UNDER WATE,q the Skeana Valley Golf and and ask for Kevln. (p.15.16) finished basement on 5 acres of land. Across from N.W.C.C. FOR I.~ MIHUTES AT" A -tiME, AND CAN SWIM I/'2 WANTED Country Club membership Is One 1967 (17 foot) TraveI.Alre MILE IMT/./OUr SURFACING. BEAVERS INSPECT called for Tuesday October 4th., Birch firewood for ~ale, Phone also work shop 60' x 40' wide and In good condition. Phone 635. •7/./E/R DAMS B~-ORE DAWN TO AVOID BE/I~ SEEN, at 8:00 p.m. In the Clubhouse. 638:!704 after 5:00 p.m. (P.15- 20' high. On 12.5 acres, V= mile 7851 after 6 p.m. (p.9-10) Ambitious boys or girls to do t This concerns your Funding 16) from cHy Limits. For more THEY MATE FOR MFE AND MAY LIVE 15 YEARS OR Committee reports, recom. Information phone Houston 845- . i.. A4ORE. /I~gL/HTAIH BEAVERSHAW LIKEDON EARTH routes. mendatlons, discussion of 1-070 Sothll Chair Saw 2928 or writs to Box 560. (p.Oct ' " LONGER71./AH AINU7 OTHER RODENT--ABOUT~0 General Meatlng for election of $150.000. Call 635.5992after 6:00 14) MILLION YF-..4~J "THEYLIVE ALONG 71./EPACIFIC new Officers and Interim p.m. (P.15.16) COAST AND NEARBY MOUNTAINS. ._ , ;] Good experience and earnings fr Operation of the Club. • It Is Cozy home, close to schools and right persons. vitally Important you attend.(p. 1 town, 3 bedrooms, large kit- B~AVeR LOOGeSARE eUlLT ~~] Oct.4) E.78 14 studded snow tires. Like chen, dining area. Full /A/ SHALLOW WATEROR ALONG new condition. Phone 635.4206. basement and carport. Priced The Tamltlk Women's (I)-15-16) In thirties. Phone 635.6829. (p- PaRflEIPa~] R~o,~s- ONE ~0 U,/E ,/V, ,l~',~t ii ~lE Phono Mr, LoJsolb 635-8367 Association will hold .their n-ls) "THE O'fl./ERFOR b'rORIN~ ~,,f+~F'/~i, ~+..~.._~~'ql annual generel, meeting on Winner and feeder pigs for sale. For Sale: 3 bedroom modular . I:ilm.~+ In)~mlr hearl )Ira klein' h'm d¢~. The Terrace Da~ Herald Thursday, September 99, at 8 5 lows. 1 pure bed landrace home. Full basement on 2ecres p.m. In the Kltlmat Women's boar. Phone 642.5408. (C-15-16. $34,900. Phone 635.3469 or 679. Centre In the Necheko 'cantra. 17.18-19.) 3961 (c.sept. Oct) /- t

PAGE II, THE HERALD, Thursday, September 22, 1977

B • C. ~, $olmay lair, [Marsh World It's notNEw often YORK a dlild (AP)- can hug (AP)--.SANTA Boy ~OUtSANA, l.n C alJ~. ferret or see eye-to-eye with man i.5oo om ~es tot a An I B t this summer a reweaaer in neatw orange -'"°~'mU called An real and have earned more th~n Kingdomday a Campwill i al- ~ef~lr projects..T.~, (~h~C5 --~, (/(~,~. ~ " " l°w them t°' Under the guid" " y' .r~ mWe n'°~" °my "rm" (~'~ /~ --ce of tra, e unse'llors ... • and professional zoo staff, urn, ,t,. he,i_ped_ .,.save=_oil childi.en aged eight through oecause=.~ ~az~ mine .rues ; ~o ,,m =,,,,i,,,o th. n .... more oil ~0 make a new tire ..... v...... ,,,,,,, than it does to make a

.... ""'~ .... ~'.t.~ . ~ ~r--~ ~_._~_j~ j.~ , / THE COMMON eiDeR -- This large, sea-duck nests AID_ ' g Spid Vat. , |i colonially on coastal islands in eastern Cenada. To Ii' BROWNIES REOIPE |protect her. clutch of 4- 5 eggs from nearby nesting .Lnrnl_e azin .v. meaxl , gulls, the female eider remains on her nest almost j constantly during incubation. Such fasting causes FRIED OHIOKEN I e loss of 40% of her body'weight. To recover this I weight loss, the ducks form creches, whereby they i OperatingFranohise | pool their young so that one hen looks after several | broods, allowing otfier hens to feed and return to • available in I their normal wei,ht. I" TERRACE, B.C.

• A rare OPlmrlunitywith low Investment required for.couple • wishingIo acquireIheir own businessenjoy a goodliving and e r i build future equity. Excellentfinancing elrHdy in place. i Storeis doing well and has beenoperated by FranchiseCo. II staff who oreurgently required for dufles in Vancouver.

| BROWNIES FRANCHISES LTD., F | Vancouver. I w. Noren, 255 6296 ~-"~~-] ~ I Res' 298 8769 I IIIEALTIi ~~l Horoscope - " ~i~) ~ . orat Terrace.B.C. Lyndan'orSsaara .,sh.l.dlO, " I

•Lawrence E. Lamb, M.D. FOR TmJeSDAY,SZP~MmF_~eS, lZ~ ' ...... DEAR DR. LAMB-- I have ~hW~rt~:bi~d/°ii s n~ i!t ~ial ! ~COcFOat'l~l!o~.~s 22a)n d~co~ IMPORTANT NEWS been a serious weight lifter for several years and have a given for your birth Sign. defidencies in your schedule as few questions concerning promptly as possible. Don't muscle development. What wait for snags to appear. A effects on muscle tissue does' ARIES M.-.~ thorough study of details (Mar. 21 to Apr. 20) |4t'~ ABOUT CANADA SAVINGS weightlifting have? How does needed. a. muscle grow in strength and Review the Inner forces that SAGn-r ius x# raze due to weightlifting? How drive you. Are you sure you are (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) long does an exhausted mus. on the right course? Day's in- Tact and utmost discretion cle take to rejuvenate itself, fluences call for better.than- needed now. Your approach, to that is, how much time should BONDS. average effort. be put in between completed others will be most important. exercises of a particular mus- TAURUS ~:~ In all situations, display good For over thirty years, Canada Savings Bonds (Apr. 21 to May 21)" sportsmanship. /=ve proved ~Uions of Oanadlans ..virh a safe, THE TWO NEW BONDS= lifetime account number for you no matter cle group? On a daily basis, how marly bonds you buy or when you buy how much protein is Bright new opportunities CAPRICORN 1~ secure investment that earm good interest. Since A. THE COMPOUND INTEREST necessary to complement indicated. Rewards may not be (Dec. 22 to Jan. 2O) t~ fitst issue in 1946, Canada Savings Bonds BOND. them. It will thus enable the Bank of Canada to provide you with better and faster service heavy weight lifting? immediate, but day can be Good influences! Activities I~ve ahuays kept pace ruth the times. And this This bond re-invests your interest in the event that you write to enquire about more than just satisfying, and should be handled evenly so as year, even greater steps have been token to ensure automatically, earning interest on your DEAR READER -- can lead to bigger returns soon. the status of your bonds, not to lap over too much in any that Canada Savings Bonds remain a very interest after the first year, at the average Resistance type exercises one direction. Start with a GE~ D~Z. attracdve savings instrument. annual yield to maturity of the Series. such as weight-lifting cause (May 22 to June 21) suitable tempo and maintain it. A REMINDER the muscle fibers to enlarge. AQUARIUS :~ Interest is payable only when the bonds are It does not increase the If not ma~ng the progress you should, stop, investigate, (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) 11m redeemed or at maturity. If left to maturity, TO PRESENT HOLDERS OF number of muscle fibers. The a $100 bond will grow to $200.97 in just larger fiber is stronger. The ask questions and, if necessary, Look for the "loopholes" that NEW FE4TUUSg CANADA SAViNOS BONDS retrace your steps. Much can be trick needlessly; be alert to 9years. muscle made up of larger 1. A CHOICE OF TWO NEW BONDS. • The'JfiiroJuction of the new bonds~as not fibers is then able to contract done to step up advancement. misrepresentation; sift B. THE REGULAR INTEREST reduced the attractiveness of the Canada with greater force (increased CANCER carefully for truths. Once sure Canada Savings Bonds will be offered in BOND. two new forms starting this Fall. There will be Savings l~)nds you now own. They are as strength) and lift larger (June 22 to July 23) ~ you are on the righttrack, make This bond pays you a regular annual weights. Depending upon your your moves -- confidently, a new Compound Interest Bond and a new valuable as ever and continue to provide very Before you take off in any income each Nov. 1. You have the choice of attractive yields. dietary program, the muscles direction, wait long enough to Regular Interest Bond. will eliminate fat between the (Feb. 20 to Mar. 20) *~. receiving your interest either by cheque or by carefully gather necessary data 2. INTEREST ON YOUR INTEREST. fibers and become tougher xou should have no trouble direct deposit into your chequing or savings THE TERMS and harder. and DO keep your wits about Interest on the Compound Interest Bond is account. you. This is no day in which to carrying out necessary New Canada Savings Bondsare dated requirements, but this is no left to accumulate, earning interest on your The sequence seems to be act blindly. November 1, 1977 and yield an average that when a muscle is con- time to take on "extras" or to interest after the first year at the average A SECUI INVESTMENT LEo annual yield to maturity of the Series. annual !nterest 0f8.06% when held to tracted against resistance it (July 24 to Aug. 23) scatter energies. In general, stimulates the production of . stick to routine. Both new bonds retain the features that maturity in 1986. Each new bond begins with Familiar matters favored 3. DIRECT DEPOSIT OPTION. have helped to make Canada Savings Bonds 7% interest the first year and earns 8.25% creatine, a protein manufac- rather than new ventures. You The Regular Interest Bond, which pays tured by the muscle cells. The YOU BORN TODAY are en- the favourite investment for millions of interest for each of the remaining 8 years. creatine then stimulates the may encounter tense feelings in interest each Nov. 1, offers the desirable Canadians, They're a secure investment and The combined total purchase limit for this some areas. Maintain your dowed with a wealth of per. muscle fibers to grow, enabl- sonulity, are artistieslly in- option of having interest deposited directly they're instant cash anytime. issue is $15,000. ing them to contract with balance end look at the bright into your chequing or savings account. side of things. clined and will work hard to greater force and release achieve your goals. At times, 4. DENOMINATIONS. AVAILABIUl MORE INFORMATION more creatine. The muscle however, you can be very set in grows and changes until it is (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) The Regular Interest Bond comes in For more information, ask for the Payroll A your ways, thus bustratlng denominations starting at $300, while the You may sign up now for the new Compound large and strong enough to Endurance and stability loved ones and business Interest Bond on the Payroll Savings Plan at Savings Plan folder where you work--or, manage the weight it is needed. Be ready for changes. minimum denomination of the Compound after October 10th, obtain the Canada challenged with. associated. You are extremely Interest Bond is $100, participating plants and offices acros's Don't make unnecessary ones, versatile and could succeed k Canada. Starting October 11, ix/th new Savings Bond fact folder wherever you bank The best training effect for but accept those which are many fields; would make an 5. ADDED CONVENIENCE. bonds can be purchased for cash wherever or invest. strength is not achieved by ex- desirable. Alertness and self. outstanding scientist, an able mastery will be important. Since the new bonds do not have coupons, you bank or invest, The Compound Interest hausting the muscle. The best statesman or diplomat. In the there is nothing to clip, handle, or possibly results are obtained by train- Lmm Bond may also be purchased on the Monthly theater, you could shine as lose, . Savings Plan. ing, not straining. It only (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) actor or director, and you ¢oldd takes a few minutes for a Stellar aspects not entirely also excel as an educator or 6. A NEW SIZE. group of muscles to recover if friendly. Much Will depend upon hlatorian. Cultivate your talent The new bonds are smaller in size than YOUR you don't exhaust them. You your adaptability, willingness also get better results by let- for music, painting or seulptm'e those previously produced. This makes for SOCIAL INSURANCE ting the muscles rest a day to alter plans and per- -- ff only as an avocation. Birth- easier handling and safekeeping, NUMBER IS IMPORTANT before a second training ses- ceptiveness. Don't follow false date of: Michael Faraday, sion. For more details on this leads. world-ren0wned physicist. This year, your Social Insurance Number I am sending you The Health will be requested when you purchase Canada Letter number 5-4, Weight Savings Bonds. This number willpmvide Training for Energy and accurate identification of your Canada Weight Control. Others who ® Savings Bond account and will be a single want this information can send 50 cents with a long, stamped, self-addressed HIGHLIGHTS OF THE TWO NEW BONDS envelope for it. Write to me in care of this newspaper, P.O. Compound Interest Bond Regular Interest Bond Box 1551, Radio City Station, Interest Payments Interest is left to accumulate and is Interest is paid each Nov. 1 by cheque or, New York. NY 10019. payable only when the bonds are if you choose 'at the time of purchase, by redeemed or at maturity (See Note I). direct deposit into your account. If your total calorie intake from carbohydrates, fats and proteins is enough for your Method of Purchase (a) Cash (b) Monthly Savings Plan Cash By Abigail Van Buren (c) Payroll Savings Plan energy requirements then you R~ 1~77 hv The Chlc~ao Ttlbune.N,Y.News Svnd. Inc, need less than 100 grams of DEAR ABBY: This is to thank you for your enlightened i protein a day in your diet to attitude about homosexuals. Denominations $100, $300, $500, $1,000, $~;,000 $300, $500, $1,000, $~;,000 grow a pound of muscle a I am the father of two sons and a daughter. 'My youngest week. A pound of lean muscle son is gay, and when I first learned of it, I spent a lot of Redemption Cashable anytime at face value plus C~shable anytime at face value plus interest contains only 100 grams of time worrying and w0ndering why. His mother died when earned interest. earned since receipt of last interest payment protein, That is a fact he was 7, and his older brother and sister and I might have ,~xccpt.tf redeemed in Sept. or Oct.- regardless of what you have overprotected him, but I doubt if that was the cause. I e Note 2). been told by trainers and peo. think the pattern .was set much earlier. pie selling protein Whatever the reason, he was my son with his first Exchangeability Exchangeable, without cost, for a Exchangeable, without cost, for a Compound supplements. breath, and he will be my son until his last. I am as caring Regular Interest Bond of the same Series Interest Bond of the same Series up to and starting at the minimum of $300. Eating excess protein ts not and proud of him as I am of my other children. With including Aug. 31, 1978. helpful. The excess is just minimal effort, I soon became as comfortable with his calories and is not used to friends as with those of my other children. We all live some Note 1: Simple interest on the par value Note 2: Owners cashing bonds during Sept. build muscles. Of course, if distance apart, but there is warmth and affection is accrued monthly at the relevant and Oct., will receive face value with unearned whenever the family is together. annual rate. Compound interest is interest deducted because interest for the you need the calories because calculated each Nov. 1 at the average entire year will be paid on Nov. I. your diet doesn't supply them My second grandson is named for him-and this was annual yield to maturity of the Series, on then they will help your done after we learned the news. all interest earned as at Nov. I and is muscles grow. If you don't Just as his brother, sister and I take for granted his accrued in equal monthly amounts over take i~ enough calories the standing by one of us if the need arose, so can he be certain the next twelve months. Thus compound proteins you do eat will be we will stand by him. We are a family. What a wonderful interest is first accrued after i year and used for energy. The point is feeling. I month have elapsed. that you can get your total SIGNED, BUT NAME WITHHELD calorie requirement from Iql~ Depadment of Finance good food, including car- DEAR SIGNED: Your youngest son is fortunate to have Mlnistbre des Finances bohydrates, a family such as yours. What a pity there aren't more Canada Canada people with your understanding and compassion. e.:. ¸ •

TERRACE KITIMAT Townsman Published by SterlingPublishers Ltd. Published every Wednesday at 3212 Kalum St.,Terrace, B.C. Serving Terrace,Kitimat, Nass Valley,Stewart and the Hazeltons



f.~ Ito =a.... P..~e... ~... I ~11 .l. it. Wllllal$ I H a n s - - .+,fw. of: • I~W liON, J C I ihe Hazeitou llolltal iuea tie- ] I' PROVlCIA'h ASSAYER | -- U ll ROUGII, DRI~SBD & DIM~NSlON I keta tar nay laded at 111.50 pet" ill z,k.~,,~tonm~ . I Lumber & +' + ~. C II: 8~w~ l~m.mlsn I moBth In ndve.ee. 'i"ahl .to In- Iil oedit~.~R~ v..couv~xc I -- II dtldes of flee eou~mltaUonL medl- I / " I • !I eiue~ us well lm oli sells wlflle 1!-- " ' TimberCo hum. e r Atlwmt/inz li-li.w ~ i~ N..,.mlb J In tU~ ho~liaL Ticket~ ore oh. II--~ ' tummelontmmmtinmet/~ " I tellable in IIazlton at the.drug Iii. _ ' .... + I store or I,. mall from the inedi- II!' ~ li C' i 1wrl CITT ,.. • " "" [['+[ "IIEMLOCK'CIIDAIIFLOOBJNG 8PRUCRWINDOWS &ND ,,.." I Iit a.l u uil. Iklhlllhig wItli'-- lul'r llllile nell tv~,k. ~'" II SUPPLY8UPPLY STATION . [ Hem oek Complete. liB, f, ilirlli Is..uIP lu lil.tolleP, the Ihnln- ~ ...... ,,, -.1I ",iT " • ." Imd Rpruce dlfferont 81gls et,l lh, rnht t.lsl The 'l't,rrtlt,,'.Nt.tt', ,vfil I n e ITIq+'llri~.it"PAli'lP.il.l III ..+~_,,= ..,.;,+ Mill at hi, iirluit.I ,i. W,,litt+mhly t,r tmt.h i ...... /11 _+ ""':.: ...... _ • HANALL, B C Get our prlces before ordedn~ ellewhere ,vt..k i,,.,.,,i ,,f l'r,d,,>" ,,. i,,,. ,...,, ,,,,, ! ''''~'"+ .... ""''"+'' /11 (';iV TeancL, e elPl.%)lll fill" lilt' it;l~t tWl, lll~P')'cnl~l. 11 ' _ __ ll5 ~li& I I • • wtllllu.I, ~l.& ,,,n ,+<.,, .,.,,s, ,,..+.~,r>" ,,, ,,.,k,, ,,,,+ I ,-.&%',~,"~

I II I I JIM,S TACKLESHOP HEALTH Quality Fresh and Salt Water Fishing Tackle ~wmnce E. Lamb, M.D. "Hardy - Fenwick - Ambassadeur - Algonquin Big boozer blames wife . Quick- Richmake" , DEAR DR. LAMB -- My tion had any effect on me. 'most common cause of death Fly Tying & Rod Building Sul)plies husband drinks from eight to Instead I think it helped and I in the United States in men 10 beers and sips on a bot- have more of a desire for sex between the ages of 35 and 54 fie of whisky every day. He than before. • is cirrhosis of the liver and 60 Souvenirs & Local•Crafts works six days a week and This is making me extreme- per cent of these cases are drinks after work. He also ly nervous and I find myself caused by alcohol. . Our prices are fair smokes three packages of turning to eating for some The three packages of cigarettes a day. Some days satisfaction. Now I am gain- cigarettes a day significantly . Shop & Compare he drinks lots more. ing weight which I don't need increases the likelihood that We have no sex life and I as I already have high blood he will have a heart attack, a 4120 Hwy. 16 East -~,~ ~635-9471 have heard drinking and pressure. . stroke or drop dead -- and at me smoking would cause a man to DEAR READER -- Your an early age. be a satisfactory sexual I think you should en- lose his desire for sex. My husband needs professional While I can't say what he partner. courage your husband to seek husbandsays I am wrong that help and soon. You may beth associates with your hysterec- Women react differently to tomy, there is no reason such professional help. He may the reason we have no sex life need some help to improve the operation but there is no wish 'to see his family doctor is because I' have had a your marriage. an operation should decrease physiological reason why a "his normal desire for sex. The as a starting place. His habits hysterectomy and that I am Your husband drinks far too -woman should not enjoy sex are harmful,to his health and no good. He insists that once a much for his own health. He • removal of the uterus has no as much as before the opera- "significant effect on the the situation you describe is woman has this operation she would be classified as an tion. Most women respond as not normal. is not a woman anymore. alcoholic by many. Alcohol is • vaginal canal or any other you have. The freedom from I do not feel that the opera- a serious problem. The fourth • aspect of a woman's ability to the fear of pregnancy often ~nhnnces a woman's desire. ,--'nrTTr'Ty- i~m~~ SCHNITZEL OF HOURS

me~ ~ mig imie iii m aim ~.i BREAKFAST - TUES.- FRI. - IAM-10AM DINNER - TUES. - PRI. - 5PM-10PM SAT. & SUN. - BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DIN- NER 10AM.10PM (INTERNATIONAL) CLOSED MONDAY (CUISINE) KALUM MOTEL, 16 West, Terrace Dining Gui W LAKELSE •~'E MAKE , g/lllllli OF THINGS BE,T,TER giBBet-


aIMING,,~o..o~, ROOM 624-2621or 624-3359 CATERING & DRIVE.IN lit I~vw. W. at 6th St. | DANCING SPACE AVAILABLE

g "PROBABLY THE BEST" isagnnian INN $MITHER$ ":" INTERNATIONAL CUISINE • One block from Main St!.'~ !i MeN-SAT. 5 PM - 11 PM half way be~edn Prince : Pools, Saunas George and Prince Rupod.i I CHA R-BROILED STEA KS SoundKitchenettesp.of R~ms_ i • Highway=,l-,~-,le, Box ' Phone 638.8141 4736 Lakelse Ave.-Terrace ooo. ~/o, ii: 4620 Lakelse Avenue ,\

Char-Broiled Steak $ 2.99 Including: BAKED POTATO CHOICE OF SALADS and Businessmen's DRESSINGS. GARLIC TOAST • Lunch

•King-Size Steak Dinner $ 4.99 "at•at Noon in 11110the Dining Room .., FRIDAY NIGHT ,% ",q, Tenderloin Steak Dinner $ 4.99 SHOPPERS Steak & Shrimp Combo $ 4.39 VEAL CUTLETS RESTAURANT wltil Baked Potalo and,Green Salad

Europe on $5.00.a day, in- A TRIP to India is one of eluding transportation ns no the last true travel bar- longer possible. But, in India, gains left in the world toclay.< you can travel very comfort- It's now virtually impossible to ably on a budget like this. travel in Europe on $5.00 a Rail Travel via day, but in India, this is a very Indrail Pass -- $1.00 reasonable travel budget. And On a cost per 'mile basis, the Accommodation - $ 35 air fare to India compares Breakfast - $ .25 favourably with the costs of Lunch - $ 35 flying from Toronto to Paris. Dinner -- $2.00 For the adventurous trav- $4.85 eller, one of the most eco- For the" student wishing a nomical and interesting ways last fling before settling down to get from Toronto to India to work or anyone wanting a is through tour operators like truly unique travel experience, Bruce Hodge of Go Way India is the place to go. It's an Travel in Toronto. He'll book experience that will last a life- ~anonr tour from London, Eng- time. An experience that you d to Nepal hy bus and can have for less than $5.00 a truck. Not exactly the Orient dayl Express, but a fascinating ex- perience for the person look- nng for the unusual. The Woodlands Hotel in Madras, pictured above, has rooms as low as $3.00 a night, Including private bath and air conditioning. A great idea for the budget OECD favors On't dng minded traveller is the "IndraH wn me curtain Pass", which works the same 2 n. your drapes. " way as the Eurall Pass. You controls imnlz mem can purchase these for a vari- India- a budget conscious. bacl~to llfe ety of time periods, anywhere with our Sanitone from a week to three months. traveller' s. delight The Organization for dr/cleaning. The pass allows you nnlimited Economm Co-operation and De- If you insist on keeping cool, seem exorbitant! If you'd velopment (OECD) has urged Bring us your tired dra- travel on India's excellent rail, but don't want a private com- peries for our expert pro- way system and is easily oh. prefer your meals outside the Canada to consider extending its fessional Sanitone dry- partment, 3 weeks costs $63.00 I~otel, an -air coudltioned wage and price controls in light tained at major rail stations in CU.S.). "Compare this to the cleanin& Our Sanitone double at the LMB Hotel will of an expected increase in un- process out slub.- Bombay, Calcutta, Madras and $18.00.price tag on a one way floats New Delhi. . ' cost you $6.85 to $935. employment this year to eight per born soil and puts back The IndraH Pass is one of train ticket from Toronto to Keeping in mind that you've new life. Whites are whit- the best travel values anywhere Montreall already alloted money for cent. er, colors are brighter, in the world. A second class Getting there may be half travel and accommodation, the The 'OECD, made up of 24 and fabrics look and feel pass reserves a seat for you in the fun, but once you're there, only item left to worry about member countries, says in its like new again. E.~n~el a non-air conditioned coach, where are you going to stay? is food. And once again the : annual review of Canada that is valid for three weeks and With accommodations one of .budget minded traveller will unemployment will rise to eight costs for adults $21.00 (U.S.) the major expenses in a holi- find the food inexpemlve and per cent this year from 7.2 per and for children $11.00 CO.S.). day budget, you'll find India the cuisine exciting to say the A first class pass !~ives you a has hotels to accommodate least. In an Indian style restau- cent in 1976 and prices will private, air conditmned com- every traveller's pocketbook. rant, cereal or purridge (Indian climb 7.25 per cent compared Railway retiring rooms offer Sanutone.i partment, is also valid for three style) and coffee can be on- with a 7.4 per cent increase last weeks and costs $125.00 (U.S.), terrific accon~edatlons for joyed for a mere 25¢. With year. O,,~U,,~n,jd.w J the railway traveller, at very the price of coffee in Canada Noting that the expecteo in. reasonable rates. In lalpur, the today, that indeed is a bargain, crease in unemployed represents pink city, a single room costs 75¢ will buy you a full lunch , • • ,, 3223 EMERSON 85¢ (CDN) or 7.00 rupees for consialtng of a curry dish like a cause for sermus concern, 24 hours. At the same station, chicken, with the bread, rice, the OECD says Canada's Anti- (~35.5119 AIRPORT 197S a bed in a twelve bed dormi- a vegetable and coffee. More Inflation Board has succeeded in Pilot of a small private plane tory costs only 40¢ or 3.50 exotic than McDonald's and keeping wages and prices down, has a heart shack and crashes rupees - a great way to meet you also get ehunge, but "a relatively strict !~,,licy Price Into tha cockpit of a 747 en route people, and after all, isn't that - Dinner is a three course meal stancestill seems necessary.' from Washington to L.A. Stars what travelling's all about? consisting of a soup appetizer, reductions Cherlton Heston, Helen Reddy. Many stations have restaurants followed by a curry and rice or refreshment rooms avail- dish as the main course, des- • • Kraft Limited of Montreal is able. If price is uo obieet to • sort which could be some of No running~ reducing prices on several items the delicious fresh fruit, grown in order to eliminate current and ROLF HARRIS SHOW you, a double, air conditioned No walking. room is priced from $2.50 to locally and of course, coffee. expected excess revenue of Season premiere. Rolf returns The price for this gestronomie No exercise. $7.50. Still a steall No effort. $302,000. .for another season, Excellent accommodations extravaganza~ $2.001 Even the Prices Will be reduced on most seasoned bargain seeker Penalty m aren't limited to the rail sta- cheeses, margarine and jams tions, ¿alpur also boasts the will be delighted by the food m a shorter life. THE SEVEN-UPS values anywhere in India. How- No argument. between September and De- beautiful Rajasthan State cember 1977, in cities from An elite group of New York City Hotel. A double air condi. ever, should you be in the detectives hunt down criminals tioned room plus three meals mood to really live it up, India i Fimessisfun, • Vancouver to Moncton. who are engaged in felonies a day will cost you only $18.00" " has many fme, luxury restau- Try some. The excess revenue was ac- ponishable by seven years or (CDN). At prices like that, the rants where you can expect to cumulated on a wide rang of North American' hotel rates pay the lordly sum of $20.00 ,I" Kraft products due to unantici- more In lall. on a dinner. pated market fluctuations and will be returned through specifi- BIONIC WOMAN cally timed wholesale price re- "Fembota In Lae Vegas" Part duction deals on various pro- me - The son of a deranged " ducts. scientist reactivates his tether'e army of feminine robots to 2 4 9 capture, America's first .3&6 dlrected.e~rgy ray weapon. NEW ARCHIES ANC SESAMESTREET 9:00 KIDOIES ON.... KAMERA r'- " MSAME STRIm'r i I AN THE GREATI~ 9:30 LET'S GO m WILD KINGDOM "The THE YOUNG SENTINELS ¢llt¢Ll~ sGUARE 10:00 m~cR um~ A CU~mC Cheetahs Shall Survive" 10:30 KIDBTUFF BIG BLUE MMUILE On ;the brink of extinction, the fLtRCH MtD RIISUE NBC MAJOR LEAGUE 11:00 cheetah, the beautiful spotte~ m SATtP,PAY MOmaNO -BASEBALL S~ STREET cat of the African grasslands, is IKiJM4A~IE 11:30 Ogl~OWmW mu studied by Marlin Perkins one SAlIJRDAYMAliNIIE 12:00 W Iq•WR Dr~ George Frame of Utah State ,qemtof IIM game-so lag OUlmES 1OJ University. 12:30 ,,~, BIZ 'llaW, and h00 CONSUMERSURVIVAL IO1" 1;30 JOtam~ i N.'v'utm~'v'uo0,1An., UUAS. YOGAAND YOU ANIMAL WORLD"The Brlz. HOT ' ~ c.IJt,u, luOOTIIN,I. 2:00 HAtlNEY f#llOW 'GARDEN zly's Last Stand" We're in THIS t~EK IN EASEBN.L 2:30 FRImCH CHEF Chihuahua, Mexico, for a look STARWIIESTIJ NG WOMAN at a 7.foot.tall grizzly bear and 3:00 his encounters with a Jaguar E~RWUl~ M(MUm 3:30 BOOKIWAT porcuolne, skunk and rabbit. 4:00 Mn!. ~oeuD oF s~,om FIRINO U~ ~.AT/WER. ONVW" B.C. ~ mamm 4:30 ,NOVA THE BIONIC WOMEN THIS IS THE NFt. SPACE 11~ . 5:00 " "Fembofe In Las Vegas". The ~' ~CE 5:30 son of a deranged eclentlst . IA.T, gRDAY my=ruNs 6:00 ! tilb'~ U~tR., IH INJ•SuI'r OF UiWRTY reactivates his fathers army of ~.e,um. 6:30 ¢0mL~ON L,EI"IW IMJCK -feminine robots to capture N¢IMAL'WORLD 7:00 THE BIONICWOMAN • I~O, Amerlce'e first directed.energy IMLDKINOOOM 'taU.Y OP.N4tM i roy weapon Filmed at Van. 1HE OON8SHOW 7:30 danbury Air Force Bass, CAlif., 111U BIONICWOMAN CAIKtl0tNM 8:00" and the Dunes Hotel, "Lee ORIIAT PWIPOIMMICU Vegas.. Llnsday Wagner and 8:30 i i Richard Anderssn star. • SATURDAYNIGHT IIDUCATION +9:00 " GIIUUW ~ •q41rd W JiHOHHIIN lPlH:Ltl. 9:30 ' ~,,,;~ 41111115'111IN gnu, Lm5 StVU ctttt~mtm I0:00 Ntil YOtl iHIINO gau~ FIVE STAR MOVI E'Love Hate .R0t,F HNHUI ge~ 10d~gl~HO "MIIIInNAI. Love, 10:~Q THI IMTIONN. SAT. 110141'MOVI m't Ryan O'Neel, Lesloy Waffen' NLMS IW:e9 'CW,mM I Peter Heekell, Henry Jones' , wllmmo .NIOHT FINAL 11:30. •NitWS HOmeRNAL • Jeff Donnol, Jack Mullaney. L411mDAYOOUU 12:00, Newlyweds find thamselves I F-w.kl~_.m_=, 'rim ~'m saw living through a reign of terror brought on by iealous ex.sultor Sel'AIr MOVI• •'Alrm m,J~ of the bride. ,q.m~ Heel,tav~ ' THE TOWNSMAN,Thursday, September 22, 1977,

MURDER ONCE REMOVED HOW SWEET IT IS THE ANGRY HILLS DEAN MARTIN ROAST A doctor commits a 'perfect' James Garner, Debble LITTLE HOUSE ON THE Robert Mltchum, Stanley Joe Garaglola Is roasted homicide. Stars JOhn Forsythe, Reynolds, Terry-Thomas, Paul PRAIRIE Baker, GIn Scale, Theodore tonight. Rlcherd Klley, Barhero Baln. Lynde, Glad Cenfortl, Elena "My Ellen" Laura and Mary go Slkel. Greece, 1941: Amorlcan Verdugo, Vlto'Scattl, Direded swimming with their friend correspondent doclge~Germens IN THE MATTER OF KAREN by Jerry Paris, Screenplay by • Ellen Taylor (Mla Bandlxsen) end collaborators In his attempt ANN QUINLAN ONCE AN EAGLE Garry Ms.hall and Jerry by Ellen drowns. Ellen's to'escape country with list of and Piper Laurie Parts 1 and 2 - The youthful Balson. ParOle of a teenage mother ls so grlef-strlcken over underground leaders.. portray the anguished parents dreams of glory of Sgt. Sam boy decldeto go to Europe when the loss of her child, that she Authentic Greek background. of the young New Jersey womsn Damon fade amid the carnage thelr son decides to follow his holds Laura personally Directed by Robert Aldrich. • who lapsed into a coma and of WW 1, while ambitious and girl.friend there. Morn gets responsible for the death. FOOTSTEPS suffered irreversible drain bootlicking Lt. Courtney swindled by a broker and finds Elolse Taylor, Ellen's mother, The Ioltlng action and color of damage, leaving them with the Messengele begins a drive for the house she rented on the traps Laura In her house and college football and a win.or. agonizing decision as to power. Stars Sam EIIIott, Cliff Riviera Is already occupied by a the Ingslls family aeBrCh for elsecoachwho'shlredtowhlpa whether or not to keep her allve~ Pctts. French playboy. Based on the this missing daughter. Series small college team Into shape. David Huffman appears .as _..or star Michael London wrots and Stars Richard Crenna. Paul Armstrong, the attor/=ey Turquoise Bikini" by Murlel directed the story. who represented the Qulnlans in Resnik. their legal and personal struggles. David Splelberg plays Dr. Mason, Blff McGuire 2 3&6 4 9 plays Father Tom, Stephanle ~¢UBE Zlmballst plays Mary Ellen, SEATTt.E Lt~..Y 9:00 ART OF ~OOKIHO Louise Latham plays Sister 9:30 JOYCE O~Viui,;ml SH0W FlllftRLMS ON Ki~ Mary... A Warren V. Bush W :m QF FORTUNE FRI_~._~_Y _m._ _l~r_ 10:00 JEAN ramNEMSkk;M ELh,;mC COMPANY Production in asseclatlon with u~#iNITION ~TH NBC TV. DRBSUP 10:30 I il,i~llEsOIi 90 MINUTES LiVE.Sensonal SHOOTFOR THE STAES SE~.~_ .u~_ STREET 11:00 KAReeml YOOA AMERIC• Debut ¢HI~O • THE .~.u 11:30 IT~ YOUR MOVE " MIJU.IGNfl $i~-~ This series returns for !ts EL~,~IC COMPANY HOU.YW0ODL~U~_ _ L=! 12:00 NOON NEWS HO~t . second season with hest Peter i i Gzowskl and wlll continue to 'go DAYS OF OUR LIVES " 12:30 MOVll MIMURIE UP on the road,' eddlng Ottawa to I _n!laNI OF JEANNIE 1:00 -Mml, Onmilm*m~ TWO ~-i'S i~n~TH the itinerary, as well as ex- M IS FOR MUSIC THE POC'._r~._._._ HOLLYWOOD IES 1:30 tended stays In Montreal. Other UNUN.F.~ cltlesonthe '~7-78' Itlne~rary: St. ANOTHERWORLD RYAN'S HOPE 2:00 I WORLD REACmN~ OUT John's, Vancouvor, "Winnlpeg, EDGE OF NIGHT 2:30 Edmonton and Halifax. ACRA THE s ~cu!cx" MO~E TAKEI 3:00 HAMEI. SHOW Award.wlnnlng broadcaster. "How ~MM it Is" CI~J~HII"Y 3:30 John Harvard will joln the I~CEPTIONN. CHILD -- TNE EYE OF THE SANFORD AND SON I, II(IU[IF program to conduct news- 4:00 current affairs Interviews. JUST FOR FUN 4:30 ~e ool~ mow Variety, entertainment end the NEWLYWED ~.~.;"" FUMES 5:00 showcasing of new talen remain N_EtCh_ _=P.VICE ~ulf' T~_=_~_~E 5:30 an important element in the show's mix. Therewill be more NBC NIGHTLY NEWS HOURe.ASS 6:00 NEWS ]0aM "..' film items In the magazine 6:30 format, as well as more :S;=ATTLE TO.,O.T.-- IRNABY JONES 1:00 ' lOBBYVINTON SHQW MACNBL.IJ!HRER frequent use of the satellite for .LrO.q._!TE "THE Hq0-LLYWOO D THE AMERICAN IRi • on-the-spot Interviews and 7:30 H~HE HUNTERS .SQUARES uPSTAIRS, mm.~.--NES variety items. Regular LITTLE HOUSE ON BETTY WHITE SHOW 0:00 TI4E WAL.TOHS departments such as food,,- PRAIRIE PAGE CMa* ' L'NG E 8:30 • .,.,. sport, and regional reports, GRAND OLD COUNTRY AGE OF UNcI~AIHlrY featuring returning cen- MON. mm,rr AT MOVIES SUPER SPECIAL 9:00 trlbutors, will also be added. In ,~i~ 111 M~r of x,~ 9:30 SOAP order to give Peter Gzows~i Q~nk~' NEWSMAGAZINE 10:00 DEAN MARTIN RQNIT IN PIRSUIT OF Ui~.m# some time off during the ex- MAN m.,vs 10:3Q tended second season, 90 REALIOADES Minutes Live will feeture such NEW THENATIONAL I1:00 ClN NB~ hosts as Carole Taylor. Thls TONlerrSHOW Nlln'mHAL i1:30 NEWS HOUR FINAL t.ATE MOVIE week's show will originate from ~MImLIVE 12:00 THE LATE SHQW Toronto, '~lv:l In EqlV' sIGN OFF NEWS POLICE STORY I'OMORROW SHOW "Pressure Point" David Jan- ssen stars as an all-too- concerned watch commander police sergeant, whose Intense loyalty to his men, as protector, confessor, marriage counselor; involves him in such serious off- 2 3&6 4 9 duty probiems as alcoholism, SEAlIl.ElIOOAY INTOUCH 9:00 ARTOF GOOKINO TRUt.Y AMERICAN. suicide and paranoia. Robert Forster, ' Scott Hylands, Scott 9:30 JOYCE" OAVID6ON SHQW EXR.ORERS UNLIMITED Brady, Dennis Cole, Don WHEEL OF FORTUNE FRIENDLY GIANT 10:00 JEAN ¢ANNEM SHOW ELECTRIC COt/~ANY Johnson, Diana Muldaur, ~R ITS ANYBODYS GUESS MR. DRESSUP 10:30 DEFINITION COVER TO (:OVER MacDonald Carey, Meg Foster SHOOT FOR THE STARS SESAME STREET 11:00 KAREENS YOGA MUSIC PLACE are featured. CHICO&THEMAN 11:30 I1'S YOUR MOVE AS WE SEE IT HOLLYWOOOSOUARES 'BOBN~LEANSHOW 12:00 NOON NEWS HOUR ' ELECTRIC COMPANY 20 years of rock n roll A documentary of the rock and DAYS,FOUR LIVES CBCNEWS 12:30 MOVIE MATINEE M IS FOR MUSIC roll years with host Dick Clark THEDOCTORS I DREN~OFJEANNIE 1:00 THE MUSIC PLACE HOLLYWOODSQUARES 1:30 ALL ABOUTYOU ONCE AN EAGLE ANOTHER WORLD RYA,qVSHOr,E 2:00 ANOTHER Vt0RLD ROONINASTICS Parts 3 and 4 - Sam unwinds with the brass after the 1918 EDGE OF NIGHT 2:30 THE WORD SHOP Armistice in Cannes. At home, THE 3 O'CLOCKN~/IE TAKE THIRTY 3:00 ALAN HAN~L SHOW . BLACK PERSPECTIVE Tommy (Darleen Carr) learns Angry Hills" CELEBRITY COOKS 3:30 THE BLACK EXPERIENCE she can have no more children. YHE EYE OF TIlE BEHOLDER 4:00 SANFORD AND SON SEASAM~ ¢TREET THE GONGSHOW THE AMERCIAN HOUSE PENCIL BOX 4:30 "What is a House?" NEWLYWED GAME FLINTSTONES S:00 EMERGENCY MR. ROGERS' NEIGH. BORHOOD This aeries offers an unusual NEWSERVICE MARY TYLER MOORE 5:30 ELECTRIC COMPANY approach to the American and NBC NIGHTLYNEWS HOURGLASS 6:00 NEWSHOUR •ZOOM hls soclety by examining his domain. What Is it that " 6:30 BIG BLUE "MARBLE distinguishes and Amerlcac SEATTLE TONIGHT, 7:00 STARSON ICE LEHRER REPORT -TOHITE LITrLE HOUSE ON house from other cultures and NAME THAT TUNE --PRAIRIE 7:30 SEARCH AND RESCUE NINE'S JOURNAL how Is Ifestyle related to design. RICHARD PRYORSHOW "" HAPPy DAYS 8:00 20 YRS. OF ROCK'N ROLL UPSTNRS, DOWNSTAIRS THE BLACK EX. RENE SIMidtD 0:30 PERIENCE"Arlcan Begin. 'POLICE STOAY MASH l 9:00 SWITCH SOMETHING PERSONAL nlngs" This Is the beglnlng of a 60- THE FIFTH ESTATE 9:30 MlXffY PYTHON program telcourse series which 10:00 LOU GRANT OOCU. SlIOWCASI documents the triumphs and BARNEY Mll I IR 10:30 tragedies of the complete x NL:WS THE NATIONAL I!:00 CTY NEWS black experience, from African NEWS ItOUR FINAL roots to modern American IONIOifr SHOW NIGHT" FINAL 11:30 EYEWIINESS NEWS society. The Introductlen looks MINUTES LIVE 12:00 THE LATE SHOW LAll MOVOI Into the theme of community In African history and the role TOMORROW SHOW S!,ON OFF NEW ancient Egypt played In African heritage. , THE TOWNSMAN,Thursday, September 22, 1977

THE NAKED CIVIL SERVANT TARGET RISK A filmed dramatization of an autobiography by Quentin When a bonded courier Is black- THEATRE Crisp, stars John Hurt as Crisp, mailed Into faking the theft of $2 an effeminate homoseKUal who million In diamonds, ha corn. _.ss s. made a decision In his early 20s plies but formulates a ¢oun- that he would live his life ac- terplan of his own. cording to his nature.., and that • q@. a his fife would be a testimony to THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT that nature. The film Is a Part two - An all-new movie. ~[-~ Hidden somewhere in the ads cavalcade of Quentin Crlsp's in the entertainment section life and times over five • l 4r e decedes; a recreation of how Menzles on society's views about eccentrics -- . are two Terrace phone numher,s. In general and homosexuals In inflation particular have changed over Find them, and if one is yours you ve won. those years; and an In- "If we are going to beat Pick up your tickets at the Herald office, troductlon to some of the people inflation then we have to talk who knew him. It Is aleo a vivid about it", says June Menzies, .~ 3212:Kalom st.. . and humorous representation of Vice Chair of the Anti-Inflation | one man's struggle towards self Board. reallzatlonondhlscrusadetobe The AIB and the Canadian allowed to live openly as the Home Economics Association 1k Jim F~ ilasietin t~ Wt~l~' person .he found himself to .be. are doing just that in a pilot Quentin Crisp who lives In project to help people to learn Chelsea, England, Introduces how they can fight inflation on a the film produced by Thames personal, individual basis. Talevision. In a recent interview, Ms. Menzies ~ described how the SHOWING AT 8 P.M. Board had prepared a 90-page GREAT PERFORMANCES workbook designed specifically ,September 24 "Mahler Symphony No. 4 as an aid to group discussions It's ti~e to call your Bernsteln" about inflation. Welcome Wagon hostess. Leonard Bernsteln leads the The Canadian Home Economics Association will set EVELYN ANWEILER "ROCKY" Israel Philharmonic in MaMa's • 435-5571 "Dee Lied yon der Erda." up study groaps to examine and discuss the booklet, entitled or September 25-October 1 Christa Ludwig and Rene Kolla Conversations About Economic are featured selolsts. wI:NDY CLIBBETT / Change, this year, and report on the experience to the Associa- "THE RESCUERS" DEAD RINGER tion's national meeting next Bette Davis, Karl Malden, year, Ms. Menzies said. The loose-leaf binder size Peter Lawford, Phllllp Carey, "Actually, the workbook'is workbouk is now in production Jean Hagen, George Macready. only an element in what we hope and will be made available after MATINEE • Sentember 24-Matinee ' Directed by Paul Henreld. the middle of September. Through a false pregancy will become a large-scale, shared project with a number of Covered in the material are a "RABBI JACOB" claim, a sister took man away national organizations," Ms. number of topics such as how to from her twin. EIgMeen years Menzies said. "The AIB is handle money and credit, sub- 7 & 9 P.M. NIGHTLY later they meet at his funeral providing a framework for stitution shopping,' comparison and she kills twin to slip into her group discussion and encourag- • shopping, and the importance of 9 P.M.ONLY ON SUNDAY life as wealthy and respected ing the organizations involved having good information as a window. Complluatlons arise as to make the project work." consumer, along with basic in- September 24 sister's lover threatens her with Others who have expressed formation about what inflation blackmail. interest in the project are Coun- is and how it developes in a rHE ADVENTURES OF cils of Women across Canada, national economy. The material TARGET RISK the Jaycees, the Cofisumer As- is organized to stimulate group RABBI JACOB" When a bonded courier Is black" sociation of Canada and the discussion and activity. marled into faking the theft of $2 Native Women of Canada. Can individuals get the work- September 25-27 million In diamonds, he com. "Many groups are watching the book? "Yes", said Ms. Men- plies but formulates a coun. pmgress of this project closely zies, "but we would much terplan of his own. to see how it developes," Ms. prefer that interested people talk Menzies added. "We're hopeful to their associations about it and 'TdE LAST TYCOON" they will become involved later have them get in touch with the THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT on." AIB. Part two . An all.ne@ movie. musical extravaganza culled from 30 years' worth of Metro. Gddwyn.Mayer film treasurers and continuing In the tradition of Its exciting predecessor, "That's Entertainment". 2 3&6 4 9 FOR THE LOVE OF IVY" OAROENING WITH ED OLD TYME GOSPELHR. 9:00 SEARCH SESAME STREET Sidney .Poltler and Abbey :ERNEST ANGLEY Lincoln as a trucking executive NFI. '7/ ' 9:30 NBC FOOllUd.L 10:00 ORN. ROBERTS and a domestic worker pursuing I a rocky romance. ,'Seame& andnnatP, 10:30 DAY OF DI.TROVERY iT IS WRII"rEN NATIONAL FOOTBALL 11:00 LEAGUE GAMEOaklend MEETIN GPI.ACE 11:30 • GARNERTEDAR~ Raiders Pittsburgh Steelers. 3 JOURNAL A WAY QUT 12:00 GOODNEWS MIME CIRCUS hours. MAINSTREAMiNG THE MONEY MAKERS 12:30 ~ AGAPE L~CEPTI(~IAL CHILD NBC FOOTBALL MUSICTOSEE 1:00 TERRY WINTERS WASHINGTON WEEK IN ,national football league game neWBN "OildaM & PlffmJr~' ¢FL FOOTBALL STAR TREK Seattle Seahawks Clnnclnnatl 1:30 WALL STREET WEEK "Saslcat Calgary', ,GREAT PERFORMANCES Bengals,. Three hours. J 2:00 2:30 SUNDAY THEATRE THE woNDERFUL WORLD 3:00 -l"armt Rill(" OF DISNEY "King of the Grizzlies" 3:30 CONCORDSTRING OT. Mokl, a Cree Indian and ranch CORALJUNGLE 4:00 HORST KOEHLERSHOW roeman (John YESnO,) IS C~U~rRY 4:30 QUESTIONPERIOD GERM~. SOCCER threatened by a 10-footg rlzzly UNTAMED FRONTIER ' bear that he had rescued years MEET THE PRESS HYMN SING 5:00 before when It was on orphaned NEWSERVICE REACH FOR THE TOP 5:30 CAPITOL COdWVIENT m PERF. AT WOLF "r~p cub. Chrls Wlgglns and Hugh SURVIVAL DISNEY 6:00 NEWSHOUR Webster ere featured. coME 6:30 WWONDERFUL WORLD OF THE BEAcHcoMBERS 7:00 THAT*I IIl~llllnlem THE BIG EVENT: KILL ME mSNEY R~DOA 7:30 IF YOU CAN Alan Aide stars as "King ol The Orilllkll" KING OF KENSINGTON 8:00 i EVENINGAT POPS Caryl Chessman, California's I notorious "Red light bandit" ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 convicted and spent a dozen THE mo EVENT QUARTERLY REPOR'r 9:00 MASTERPIECE THEATRE years on death row before a ,,Kill Me If YoU Cmf' 9:30 'DICKENS OF LONDON, youn attorney who helped _c_~_u_mm SHADESOF GREENE • Chessman with his defense and 10:00

appeals. The real Rosalie 10:39 I Asher was a .The real Rosalie NEWSERVICE THE NATIONAL !1:00 lATE MOVIE Asher was a technical cm. S STAR Mm/IE: NIGHT FINAl. 11:30 cry NEWS suItent on the tim, produced by I "Deed Rirmr" THE NAKED CIVIL SER- 12:00 NEV~ HOUR FINAl. Colunbia Pictures Telev "~N/T association with NBC YV. John MOVIE• SuNoAy LATE NEWS HIIlerman Walter McWQulnn, "l~r 1Ira Lmm Of IVy" EYEWITNESS NEWS Bernard Hughes and Ben LATE MOVIE Piazza rea featured I~ the cast. _ THE TOWNSMAN,Thursday, September 22, 1977

FOR LOVE OF iVY Sklney POWer, Abbey Lincoln, BIG HAWAII Beau Bridges, Nan Martin, An epidemic of typhoid Laurl Peters, Carroll O'Connar, threatens to spread and rancher Leon Blbb. Wrlthm by Robert Barrett Fears and his Son, Alan Arthur, Directed by.Daniel Mirth (John Dohner and Cliff Mann, based on story by Sidney J:~fls), fight to contain not only PElter. Upper middle class the fever buf the dangerous suburban family gets a well.to- confrontation between ranchers do bl~ck businessman Involved and squatters spawned by lpxls of fhe disease. Bill special in Illegal gambling to woo their Mack maid so she won't leave ucklng and Lucia Stralsar ¢o- them. The plan backfires when .~r. John Larch, Trlcla O'Neill the loveable rogue and the d Cal Bellini are.guest.stars. beautiful Innocent mald fall In QUICK HX B.C. 3 days 2 nites love and she leaves for good. APPLE BEEF COMBO Lool~mg for a new way to THE LIFE AND TIMES OF cook ground beef? Try this GRIZZLY ADAMS recipe featuring B.C. apples in Vancouver - Season Premiere- "Hot Air and bacon for a delicious Hero" Grizzly Adams and Mad main dish. Jack (Dan Heggerty and Plus 5% Denver Pyie) befriend a French 4 strips of bacon, diced Room Tax ballounist (Gins Confetti) who, 1/4 cup chopped onion US| S33.26 $~.oo quite literally and unex. 2 pounds lean ground beef Per Person pecledly, drops In on them, I teaspoon salt thanks to a shotgun blast by double occupancy I/8 teaspoon pepper From Sept. 15, 1977 to June 1, 1978 Mad Jack. Don Shanks co. I/8 teaspoon nutmeg stars. -PLUS - I tablespoon cornstarch I beef bouillon cube * BREAKFAST2 MORNINGS AND A FULL THE OREGON TRAIL I tablespoon Worcestershire COURSE STEAK DINNER IN NY'S A T THE SANDS "'Wataerhole" A serious drought threatens the members sauce I cup water of rite wagon h'aln and causes * WHO $,4 YS IT TAKES A LOT OF MONEY Even Thorpe and scout Luther "2 medium B.C. Mclntosh Sprague (Rod Taylor and apples, peeled TO HA VE A GOOD TIME? Charles Napier) to go "out in Garnish: search of a water source, a I/4 cup butter mission that nearly costs them FOR TOLL FREE RESERVATION CALL: their lives. Oarlean Carr, 2 B.C. Mclntosb apples, Andrew Stevens. and Tony cored and sliced into rings u.s...... BOO-2S O O Becker coSter. KIm Hunt~" Onion rings CANADA ...... ! 12-800-261-3330 guest.stars as LIz Webster. Parsley In skillet brown bacon PAI?ILLON and onions. Add hamburger Steve N~-Quean and Dustln and spices; cook through. Hotfmon star In this World Drain off excess fat and set Premiere movie where they meat mixture aside. Com- attempt numerous escapes bine cornstarch, beef bou- from French.penal.colonies. Parental guidance Is advised illon and' Worcestershire for this film. sauce; add to water. Cook in skillet until slightly thick- ened. Add apples, meat, 1755 I: ONCE AN EAGLE and onions. Cook until V~G 1~ Pads S and 6 - The Damon's apples are tender. i it IUr~l '~t .'O~w vacation is soured by the Apple and onion rings On English Bay At Stanley Park TED PRYSTAY murder of a friend and Sam's 635-5843 MANAGER 635.5699 itch to return to soldiering. may be sauteed in butter until golden and tender for MCCLOUD' an eye-eatching garnish if "The Disposal Man" A desired. Serves 6 - 8. professional killer seeks the.life of a wealthy corporation head. Marshal McCloud has been assigned to protect him. 2 3&6 4 9 LET 'ER BUCK I~.ATII.E 1OOAY IN TOUCH 9:00 isulanw~. IICONOMCS Rough and ready coverage of 9:30 ~ ~D~NSHOW SELF INCORPORATEO ' the little Brithches Chlldran's WHEEl. OF FORTIJNE FRIENDLY GIANT 10:00 JEAN~N~SHQW ll,.~,~imC CQMPA//y 1 Rodeo in Portland, the Oregon ITS ANYBOOYSGUESS MR. DRESSUP 10:30 DEFINITION OREAD AND OUT.1ERFUl High School Rodeo Cham- i " pionships, and the state's main SHOOTFOR THE ETAES SESNAESTREET 11:00 KAREEWSYOGA COYER TO COYER event, the Pendlston Round-up. ¢HIO0 & 1tie MAN 11:30 I~SYOURWaVE AS ~ SEE IT XOLI.YWO00saJAns 8oe ~.F.J~ SXOW 12:00 N00N NE~ HOUR EI.ECIIU¢ ¢OMPNff DAYS OF OUR LIVES CB¢ NEWS 12:30 MOVIE:~ .~ SPINNINGSTORIES GREAT PERFORMANCES THE UOCTQRS .i DREANOF JEANNIE 1:00 "M~lWd" GOVliRTO COVER CHILDHOOD "Easter Tells Such Dreadful Lies" HOU.YWO00 SCmNWS 1:30 M IS FOR MUSIC A young gllr's over-romantic ANOTHERWORLD RYAN'S HOPE 2:00 ANOTHERWORLD STORIES OF AMERICA Imagination precipitates ar EDGE OF: NIBIfl" 2:30 MAKINGNUSI¢ adulf crisis In this whlmslcol ,.o I THE $ O'CLOCKMOVIE "I 3:00 N.AN HN~EL SHOW AGE OF UNCERTAINly story by Barber Warlng. LOVe~ IVY" CELEBRITYCOOKS 3:30 i EYE OF THE BEHOLDER 4:00 SANFORDAND SON SESAME STREET THREE ARTIST IN THE 4:30 THII 00m SHOW NORTHWEST NEm.YWED GANE $:00 HERE'S LUCY ' ~_s_TmBcollns, NIIOGW Painter Guy Anderson, sculptor NE~SERVlaS MARY TYLER MOORE ~INSOAY L-cm©cm,~,~ George Tsutakawa and" poet 5:30 Theodore Reathke all had their NBC Mm~ri.Y NEWS HQURGLASS 6:00 artlslflc roots in the Northwest. 6:30 This poetic documentary, SEATTLE TONIG.HT, V~.F/NUI JACKSHOW 7:00 GRI~L.y ADAMS IHE Me£NEIL. LEHRIR produced by KCTS 9 uses their .TOHIIE rJvowr TRUTHOR CONSlmUlmCE MAJOR LIIAGUE 7:30' works and their words to NbqIRICAHA • a communicate a feeling about GRIZZLYADAMS 8ASEBNJ. 0:00 ¢I'V/VOVlII OF 1'HI U, UPON ES, DO~IqSTAIRS: /he artlsl's environment. "T~m at Emlm" 0:30 NplBilkl~ I'HE ~/~:00 MOVIE,The Great OREGON TRAIL Bank Robbery" 9:0O GIWAT PIIRFORMNICES 9:30 KIm Novak, CIInt. Walker, 1 Claude P.kma, Aklm Tamlroof, BIG HAWAJI 10:00 • Larry STorcn,~Sam JaM, EIIsh THIS V~B( IN IIOOK IBIAT Cook, Ruth Warrl¢k, John "CIV NEWS Fledler. Three I~n011ng gangs, ms THE NATIOWU. -:o0 NelYONE I~ii 11mNYlON one headed by a master .bank Tmna~r mew NIBIff FllUL 11:30 n HOURFINAl. femur dlqlulshed as a religious w Mmmu uvn 12:00 Tim L*'m .s.pW "I~WN I FIVI.I,O~ leader, try to take the same "One M IIUW' LAYE MOVIII bank, all on the same morning, One set of tunnelers succeeds. WSXOW They escape In o balloon. THE TOWNSMAN,Thursday, September 22, 1977 chips Erlk Estrada and Laryy Wilcox play California Highway Patrol officers "Ponch" Pon- chorllo and Jan Baker In thl~ new action.adventure serle: that follows their exploits on the 9:00 ' ~' OF ~. busy Los Angles. freeways and 9:30 j~ GM~,J amm~ their encounters with the ~Man. OF ~ PltligiOl,,VmAN1' ...~._:~ I0:00 Jl[Ni ~SHOW variety of people Who drive ilS ~lYaooYs gums ~i~ uumuP 10:30 DEFINITION SMlilIPI, STORIES there. SH00T FOR 11HIESTAItS lf~v4 nu~ 11:00 /IASUII UP CHIO0 & 11HEuau 11:30 rrs "drOUlRMOVIE AS WIE . lI IT MAN FROM ATLANTIS "Malt HOU.YW~00 SC~VmIS me Ma.lum smw 12:00 NOON m HOUR . Down" The evil scientist Mr. gAYS GlI OUR IJVES 12:30 MgVII: MIS PuN ~ khubart (Gued star Victor Bug,o), agrees to hilt his plan I DilNA Oil JIMNNIE 1:00 ROOMNMSTI¢S to melt the peler ice caps and "ifHEDOCllDRS HOU.'~OOD S~UNmS 1.: 30 ART STPATS flood the earth In achenge for ANOTHERW~U.D nYAWS HOPI 2:00 AN0qlERW 1HE'~mu ~ the. surrender of Mark Harris, moon OF ~aowr ~- 2:3O thi Man from Atlantis +series n star Patrick Dufly). Belinda TAKE THIRTY 3:00 .AL4~PiI SHOW nNO.GIXNOt~ Montgomery and Alan Fudge. "Tll GrIM Iim RJI-~' IIIm I~f ~ 3:30 co-star PREMIERE IYI OF 1~I IIHOLOIn 4:00 R~ION SlJUUUWE STREET e~ NTHN.~ 4:30 .THI mm ROSETTI AND " RYAN Ml=iiuc m LEIr'S MAKE A DEM. oM'wm PA~r ~I 5:00 .' I PREMIERE"If you Can Trust NEY4 MmY ~'nJm MOOne . 5:30 ~¢ COMPANY You Lawyers". In front of hundreds of witnesses, an ec. 6:00 n .IHOWCA~ "n * 6:30 centrlc TV commercial actress i fires a pistol at a pro football IqJWff FARM THE MACNEIL-LEHRER SEM'n.E TONIGHT "smr.v K~ 7:00 , REPORT star during a lucnesn In his .VA)OEHOUSE m.AYHQUE- honor, then hires Rosettl and MATCH GAME FM 7:30 Ryan to defend her. Tony CHI~ 8:OO (m.Sl'~lllS uuums~mlo Roberts and Squire Frldoll are 8:30 the stars of the title and Julia R~K HI¢ AWARDS m 9:00 Cobb +daughter of the late Lee i J. Cobb) plays their client. .~ 9:3o 10:00 WHAT'S.A NICE GIRL LIK.E lO:~Q YOU .CIV i~ A poor girl from the Bronx Is :NIn~ " 11700 drawn Into an elaborafe ex. TOmOHT HOt,t.~ ;~ogmu 11:30 "MOVIE troflen plot by Impersonating a 12:00 .11 ~TE ~sm rlch so¢IsIlto. Stars Brenda Vaccoro, Jack Warden, Vlncent Prlc,, c!nq. OFF 1 S~ONOF~ I

THE CAPTAINS AND KINGS QUINCY"The Contsnder" The COLUMBO ,, Parts 7 and 8. Preiudloe clouds NBC SATURDAY NIGHT AT Challenger In a championship Short F,se Columbo in. The illness Rory's courtship of Mariorle THE MOVIES"Hard bout dies after the fight ap- vestigstes a corporation you'll never see Chisholm• When Teddy Times"Cherles Bronson, James perently of brain damage; but executive's murder with an coming. Get in Roosevelt Incites war with Coburn and Jill Ireland star In Quincy suspects foul play and exploding cigar box. Guest shape -- and Spain, Kevln loins the Rough this action film set In- the proves that the accident was Mars ~lllam ~ndom, Ida don't give the Riders, and Rory trios to get Oepreeslon era in New Orleans, really a homicide. "Jack Lupine, Rocldy McDOwalI. enemy a big him out of battle-ravaged Cuba. about a mysterious starnger Klngman stars. Moo~s Gunn target. who suddenly appears on the .and Nehemiah Persoff are THE CAPTAINS AND THE scene and turns the hexing featured and the Legendary Joe Fimmsis fun, KINGS Tay somo, , world of the boys lathe back lewis, In a cameo role, appears Parts 9 and 10. Rory accedes to room on Its ear Strofher THE 3:00 MOVIE "Last Train • as him,elf. Garry Walherg, his father's wishes and opens a From Gun Hill'. Martin co.etors. John S. Ragln and Robert Ito campaign • for the 1912 Kirk Douglas, Anthony Qulnn, are featured. Democratic Preside[' ~la Caroly Junos, Earl Holllman, nomlMtion In the concluslo of Zlva Redone. 1904; Marshal, this 10.part wins. seaklng Indian girl's killers, finds on to be the son of old friends and boss of Gun Hill. 2 3&6 4 g Alone agalnet the twos, he ahs ~AT~E TOOAY 9:00 3~81IA UN0~ to tight way out with captive. 9:30 wo~mrTH Prldu¢od by _Hal Wollls, directed by J. Sturges. V~EEL'OF FORTUNE FRIENDLY WANT . 10:00 JENH CANNEMSHOW EI.ECTRI¢ C0MPAHY I~ ANYBOD~ GUE~ MR. DRESSUP 10:30 OEFIHiTION TllVOCENTS WORTH n m, SHOOTFOR THE ~A~ ~S!~S~MSs-mF.m- r 11:00 KAREENSYOGA ART CART S'ANFORD ARMSTed Wilson ~1~0 • ~HE MAN 11:30 stars In the role of Phil Wheeler HDLL~OO WES D0E MCLF.~I SHO~ " 12:00 NOONNESS HOtm ELr:CTRJC COW,jU~, a widower and the new owner of DAYS OF OUR UVES 12:30 t.w~t: ~ . IN~4~ff the Sanford Arms, themost Nt~IIMVlN l, B00K LOOK& U~rEN exclusive rooming establish. I DREAM OF JF.ANNIE I:00 meat In Watts. Tins Andres and HOLLYWOODSCRMRES 1:30 John Earl play his children 2:00 mmTHm W0m.O HEAD AND BUT. ANOTHERV~RLD I~AIP¢~ HOI~ n Angle and Net. ,Bebe Drake .EOOEOF NIGHT 2:30 MAKING MUSIc Hooks Is. Phil's marriage n minded girlfriend, Jeannle and "1}1! I O'CLOCKMOVI TAKE THIRTY 3:00 nALANIMMEL SHOW mNE'S ~ LeWanda Page plays for- aH.IlliRITY OOOICS 3:30 mldeble Esther. 4:00 smemmDNm smt SEMaME ~ ( 4:30 THe oomsmw CHICO AND THE MAN"Su Hie 'N Id¢ 5:00 F~mtmmcy MISTER R0mm Case, Mi Case" Ed Brown tries UEI~ MAKIEA DEN. n to locate the family of Reel, the NE~SER~CE 5:30 ELECTM¢ C0MPANY Mexican stowaway, and learns HOUROLMS 6:00 NEWS HOUR ZOOM -- that fhe boy Is an orphan, which makes It very hard to resist the 6:30 boy's request to stay at Ed's CllOgq~RONE 1:00. OFENAnm PErncoAI MAO~L4JB~R. i n . piece. Jack Albortson, Della FIREHOUSE 7:30 JUIJE Ressoand Franklyn Alsye stqr. SAHFORD AItMS 8:00 I)ONNY~ MARIE ~NG'IrON ~ the rockford files "t (~IO0 ANO THI'Uau 8:30 i WAn. STREET ~ "Trouble In CHAPTER ys~,~,, FILII IVlASTEItPI~ '11aF.A~ Rockford's own life Is In lW m~n, nu 9:00 ._ Jeopardy after he Is hired by 9:30 "~ OF UONOON' the author of a Mat.selling QUIN~'Y M HAWAII 10:00 eUINCY mam,Ti SAgA manuel for woman to.check out IO:3Q .theats that hove been made on ,C'IN ~. her life. James Go.rear stars. ' .., ~ NAll~AL aI:OQ • BLACK rmm,m.~vlE 11:30 t~ ~ FINAl. Claudoftor Navies and Ed Ln Nelson guest.star. Noah Beery, ,*, , THe ORUAT'~' J 12:00 IWeUl TlIAn m Joe Santos and .Gretchen • *. . ,,,. lm ~ n~ ;unIl" Corhott co-star.... ! , -Xim~vVm ~WATHS n ~l~qlI~'~'_ ~ ~"' ' .'C' i' .. . ,,.'!. ~oN~ .we, .n • .. ~.,~

i i inn li lilil J II PAGE 8, THE TOWNSMAN,Thursday, September 22, 1977

• CenWriesOf EurapNnTradition Now BecomingA Way ~Lv Education... Of Life Te MillionsOf North Ammle!m expensive business A ren~ of Pure Goose Down or Down and Festhers. Continental quilts thet If outfitting one child for the struggle to hold down the erasers, pencils, paper and eliminate blenkets, becispreeds, top sheets school is an eye opener, try increases. books; everything from basket- and make bedmeking a 10 second choral Simply • year round welcoming back millions. Ontario's experiences have balls to soccer nets, snow shovels lightweight sleep for the rest of your Ilfel Families and provincial de- been similar, if not quite so to thermostats. Supplies come Wdts For Free Brochure: partments of education alike have dramatic. The rate of increase in from many industries, and many The Eurupeln Eiderdown Shop, Factory Mall Order Division, to budget for the return to the education budget has de- of these companles must report to 4781 Kingswey St., eurnebv, ~.O, V§H 2G6 classes. Education is no longer clined from 16.6 per cent for the Anti-Inflation Board and. Send To: ...... the growth industry it was. En- 1975 over 1974, to an increase of keep prices in line with costs. Address ...... : ...... rollment is down in most elemen- a little over 12 per cent for each The AIB does not control munie- City ...... Pray...... Code ...... ipai taxes, but many of the costs tary schools acmss Canada and of the following two years. " The ContinontN Ouiltand Pillow Speclali~t=" the dizzying spiral in education Teachers' salaries account for of' education, which must be met We manufacture and sell F~ costs so common inthe sixties are a major portion of the total with tax revenues, are being moderating. carefully monitored. Here are a couples of exam- education budget. Since October 1975, these salaries, along with l~or parents still preparing the _~_.'.~., 1"7- ~, pies: family for school major clothing • ~ This September, the province those of most other provincial civil servants, have been under and shoe manufacturers also m- of Manitoba began its task with port to the AIB..It may pay offif an education budget of $373 the restraints of the anti-inflati6n consumers getting ready for the -- .. ", r-n million for the 1977 school year, program. This +restraint has con- school year ahead watch the an increase of I0. I per cent over tributed to a slowing down in the .n¢+wspapers for minouncements 1976. The 1975 to 1976 increase annual increases of.the education The tint non-stop trans-Atiantic fli0ht was made by Sir budgets of most provinces. ' of excess rev~U¢ cases'which was over 14 per cent, and 1974 to require companies to either re- John Alcock and Sir Ardlur Whitten Brown in 1919. Brown 1975 was a hefty 20. I per cent. But teachers' salaries are only duce prices or absorb increasing .repeatedly had to climb on the wings to hack off thlck~hing /...... + School beards, teachers and pa- part of the story. For school costs. These can translate into' ice. • rents are all vitally concerned in beards, there are mountains of bargains forconsumers. • • _

. ~p v -,.+ v -,,+ v v v v -..- -..- v v ,.- v -.- -,,+ v v -,,+ v v ...~ at the,, NORTHERN MAGNETO I economy4 LTD Total Gross National Product - • ~ ' 4 output fell at an annual rate of , p ,! 2,4 per cent during the second N ) " resents y~, finedwasstillportedquarter, tooinas last recessionearlythreeStatistics week. to consecutive say (generally While Canadathat Canadait quar- wasde-re'a ",,' DAVE D U RAN D O /4,t .*"' ters of deeli+e in GNP), the ~ ~ib~lj ~ 2 ~q~lbq~ll~ ! ruledagencysald"recessioncann°tbeCont.., 5 yrs. experience nn hss trade i Among other statistics r~-~ leased by Statistics Canada: wage I J~ ... ~ 1 and salary incomes grew at an 8 per cent annual rate, dbwn from ~ ! ~qC'~ .Wh~,~CP¢ 4 nearly double that rate on a '~ quarterly basis last year; business , ~l~"~#v investment in machinery and I O equipment, real private invest- q~ ~'~][ "~ll. " I+ ment in new pr°ducti°n °pera" I~ ,~O~ YS ! lions and pre-tax profits for 4 business were all down during the second quarter. Exports, which had risen 7.2 per cent during the first quarter, H dropped 1.3 per cent in the '~gdlb~ ~,,~o~O"~ ~=" second and Canada's current dollar deficit inbalance oftr:ide . ~ ~ ~g~ H rose to a record $6.5 billion at annual rate. Total revenue of all govemments declined bY 9'2 Per 4 ) ~S~,~S !4 cent while expenditures i,l- ~, S~CX.~,.~'~PO'j" H creasedrates,by 10 per cent at annual , Wholesale Prices Down H Statistics Canada reported Sup- 4 lumber I that wholesale prices H declined f°ur tenths °f °ne Pei" 4 ~ Cl~g~lD~k,~~( ~ cent between May and June, although they remained 8.3 ~er ¢ ~ H cent higher than a year previ- ously. The decline was led by ~/f,,~k~X]b~kj lower prices for vegetable pro- ¢ ~ H ducts, textiles, iron and non- J ferrous metals. ,'r

$I Apt'r surveyGallon conductedGas for the ¢4~ ~~0~~~~~ Canadian Automobile Associa- :ion indicates that the national average price for non-lead gasoline will rise to just over $1, due to the 3.2 cenba-gallon increase authorized by the go- vernment, As well. the AIB has allowed FEATURED ABOVE is Dave six major oil companies an addi- tional increase of between .2 and ~ ~ with the latest in ! ,5 cents in the price of gasoline ~ • and heating oil. ,. 'I MARQUETTE TEST EQUIPMENT | P Your heart works harder when you're not in the game. Get fit -- NORTHERN MAGNETO LTD. and turn the & .clock back. Fitness is fun, 4641 KEITH PHONE 635-6334 Try so m eaffRglZa~ = FL,