Ontario History Scholarly Journal of the Ontario Historical Society Since 1899
Ontario History Scholarly Journal of The Ontario Historical Society Since 1899 Papers and Records [called Ontario History after 1946] Volume XIII, 1915 Published by The Ontario Historical Society, 1915 The Ontario Historical Society Established in 1888, the OHS is a non-profit corporation and registered charity; a non- government group bringing together people of all ages, all walks of life and all cultural backgrounds interested in preserving some aspect of Ontario's history. Learn more at www.ontariohistoricalsociety.ca. ~ (Bntarin ifiiztnrizal §u£i2t'g PAPERS AND RECORDS VOL. XIII. TORONTO PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY 1915 ~ . ., .1, ,. _v_ 11.. Qlitttarin Z%i5tnrital fillfifig a-.'*':!m:'F;-‘~'—-.fi:':.f:.V (Incorporated by Act of the Legislature of Ontario, April 1st, 1899.) HOME OF THE SOCIETY Normal School Building, St. James Square, Toronto OFFICERS 1914-1915 HONORARY PRESIDENT The Hon‘ Robert A. Pyne, M.A., L1..D., )I.P.1—’., Minister of Education. Toronto. PRESIDENT Clurnnce l!{.Warm-r Napanee VICIELPRESIDENTS Sir Edmund Walker, C.V.O., TiL.D., D.C.L.. F.R.S.C. Toronto iL\liss.I:u1et Cnrnoehan Niagara and the Presidents of affiliated Societies. ~ COUNCILLORS . .. Ottawa . Mrs. Bruddisli Billings . J. Stuart Curstairs,B.A. .. Toronto Alexander Fraser, LL.D., Litt.D., F.S.A.Scot. (Edin.) . .. Toronto . .. Josepli 1.. Gilmour, B.A., D.D. (1\IcMaster University) . Toronto ’s Kingston \V. L. Grant, M.A., F.R.S.C. (Queen Uni\'ersit_\,') . .. .. .. Thomas .1:i1no.~a Henry Coyne, LL.D., F.R.S.C‘... .... .... .... .... .. St. Ex—President 1898-1902. Clm1'le.~.< Cnnnifl’ James, C.M.Gr., LL.D., F.R.S.C.
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