Graphic Packages Graphics package are specially designed that are used for graphic production of images, drawing, designs, pictures and other graphic related jobs. They are also packages use in designing professional art work. It uses lines, shapes, colours and patterns to show information. They have some special tools that enables one to design or draw any type of image like letter head paper, birth day card, wedding card, complementary card, invitation card, logos, banners etc. Graphic images can be created using .

Examples of Graphic Packages 1. Ms-Paint 2. Instant Artist 3. Corel Draw 4. 5. 6. Logo Graphic 7. Corel Photo-paint 8. Print Master 9. Jasc’s paint shop pro etc.

1. Ms-Paint: This is a drawing software you can use to create simple or elaborate drawings. In this software, you select the line or shape you want to draw from the paint toolbox, choose a colour, and then drag the mouse pointer over the page to create the line or shape. 2. Instant Artist: The instant photo artist lets anyone to paint like a master, and the advantage is that absolutely no experience is needed. You can add elegant artistic images to your website that are guaranteed to make your competitors and create stylish art for use in cards, calendars and so on. 3. Harvard Graphics: Harvard graphics was the first presentation program which includes text, graphs and charts in one program. They made it easy for people to put together presentations with text slides, charts based on numeric data and graphic drawn with various tools. 4. Adobe Photoshop: Photoshop is an image editing software for and windows operating systems from Adobe Corporation that allows you create, modify, combine and optimize digital images. It has the ability to filter and creates sophisticated images both for print and the web. You can also perform complex color manipulations or distortions with the help of Photoshop filters.

5. LOGO: This stands for Language Of Graphic Oriented is a programming language that is use to draw figures, calculate numbers and print words by giving simple commands with the help of the keyboard. It uses turtle to draw figures and lines on the screen. 6. CorelDraw: This is an integrated vector graphics editor developed and marked by Corel Corporation. It is also the name of the Corel graphics suite which includes the bitmap image editor Corel photo-paint as well as other graphics related programs.


7. Corel Photo-Paint: This is a raster graphics editor developed and marketed by Corel since 1992. The software is meant for windows operating systems and stores image data as well as information objects, colour profiles, text, transparency and effect filters.

Types of Graphic Packages 1. Painting Packages 2. Drawing Packages

1. Painting Packages: This is a types of package that produces images by changing the colour of the pixels on the screen. These are coded as a pattern of bits to create a bitmapped graphics file. Bitmapped graphics are used for images such as scanned photographs or pictures taken with a digital camera. Examples are: Ms Paint, Adobe Photoshop, JASC’s Paint Shop Pro.

Advantages of painting graphics  The main advantage of this type of packages is that individual pixels can be changed which makes very detailed editing possible.

Disadvantages of Painting Graphics  Individual parts of an image cannot be resized.  Only the whole picture can be increased or decreased in size.  Information has to be stored about every pixel in an image which produces files that use large amount of backing storage space.

2. Drawing Packages: This is a type of graphic package that produces images that made up from coloured lines and shapes such as circles, squares and rectangles. They are also known as vector graphics which stores files as a series of instructions that can be used to recreate it. Examples are: Corel draw, Micrographix Designer, Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Manufacturing etc.

Advantages of Drawing Packages  They use less storage space than bitmap graphics.  Each part of an image is treated as a separate object, which means that individual parts can be easily modified.

Disadvantages of Drawing Packages  They don’t look as realistic as bitmap graphics.

Features of Graphics Package Environment 1. Title Bar: This is the top most part of the graphics environment. It contains the name of the program, the name of the file and the sizing bar. It is blue in colour. 2. Toolbar: The toolbar is where all the tools needed for graphic jobs are kept.it includes the select tool, text tool, fill tool and outline tool. 3. Menu Bar: The menu bar contains the menu items which contains submenus that are commands used to carry out tasks. Examples are File, Edit, Image, View, Format, Tools, Window and Help.


4. Printable Area: This is where the printed drawing is been placed. Any drawing/object that is not placed on the printable area will not be print out during printing. 5. Colour Palette: This can be found at the right side of your graphic screen and on the toolbox.it is used to choose the colour needed to paint object. Example are outline and fill colour. 6. Status Bar: It provides information about a selected object or about an action you are currently performing and also gives position and status of the cursor or mouse pointer. It can display the page number, line number etc. 7. Window Border: These are borders around windows that makes the window to be less than full size. You can drag top, bottom or corner of the boarder to resize. 8. Rulers: It is displayed across the top and along the left side of the editing window for sizing, positioning and switching windows. 9. Close Button: it is displayed at the top left corner of the window with the red X sign. If active window was not saved, you will lose all your works and the window will close.

Corel Draw Corel Draw is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Corel Corporation of Ottawa, Canada. It is also the name of Corel’s graphics suite which bundles CorelDraw with bitmap-image editor Corel photo-paint as well as other graphics-related programs. CorelDraw is designed to edit two-dimensional images such as logos and posters.

Common Features of CorelDraw Packages 1. Object: An element in a drawing such as an image, shape, line, text, curve, symbol or layer. 2. Vector Graphic: An image generated from mathematical description that determine the position, length, and direction in which lines are drawn. 3. Bitmap: An image composed of grids of pixels or dots. 4. Flyout: A button that opens a group of related tools or menu items. 5. Artistic Text: A type of text to which you can apply special effects such as shadows. 6. Paragraph Text: A type of text to which you can apply formatting options, and which can be edited in large blocks.



Uses of graphic package 1. They are used to create, edit, display and print graphic image. 2. They are used to design letter head paper, birthday card, wedding card, complimentary card, invitation card, logo, banners etc. 3. They are used for designing art works 4. They are used for designing cartoons, news, book cover, illustrations in the textbooks.

How to load/start Corel Draw Package  Boot your computer system and it will bring you to desktop environment.  Locate the start button on the task bar at the bottom of the window screen  Click start button of the screen, scroll to programs and click on it.  Select CorelDraw suite from the sub menu, then click on Corel draw 9or 11 or 12 and it will load.  First page appear for you to select the type of graphics you want like open new graphics, open last edited etc.  Click on New Graphics to open fresh page for you

How to save a file  Go to file on the menu bar – select “Save As”  Then a page opens up  Enter a file name at the location it is required.  Then click Save/Ok.


How to Open an Existing Graphic  Click file on the menu bar – click open  A page displays, select document/file name to be open.  Click open/

How to close an existing page  Click file on menu bar – select close  Window closes immediately.

INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT PAINT ENVIRONMENT Ms-Paint is a utility graphic software tool that can be used to create simple or complex drawings. It is a simple raster graphics editor that has been included with all versions of Microsoft windows. It opens and saves files in window bitmap as BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG and TIFF etc. The drawings can be used as desktop background, or pasted into another documents. Ms-Paint can also be used to view and edit scanned photos, create a plan of your home, a map of your neighbourhood, cartoons in a magazines etc. To draw different shapes and figures you can use different tools like the line tool, curve tool, polygon tool, rectangle tool, oval tool and pencil tool given in Ms-paint. Basic things to know about Microsoft Paint  Ms-Paint can be used to draw, colour and edit pictures including imported pictures from a digital camera.  Ms-Paint is found in the windows start menu within the accessories folder.  Paint can enable painting by dragging the mouse and using different types of artistic brushes or pens that can give for example a water colour or oil effect.  Recent versions of paint allow up to three colours to be picked at a time using the primary colour with left mouse click, the secondary colour with right mouse click and the tertiary colour with the control key on the keyboard and any mouse click.  Many complex graphics software applications have concepts that are included in Microsoft paint and the same principles can be applied in these from learning within Microsoft paint.  Features of ms-paint includes pencil, brush, airbrush, eraser, and magnifier and fill colour tools. The ability to add text, lines and shapes etc.



1. Title Bar- This is made up of quick access, icons, title, minimize, restore and close buttons. 2. Ribbons- This comprises of Home ribbon and view ribbons. 3. Printable Area- This is a place on the paint environment where drawing takes place. 4. Status Bar- This is a section to display the location of the cursor.


TOOLS OF MS PAINT 1. Freeform select-This is a snipping tool that is used to draw an irregular line such as a circle or a triangle around an object that you want to capture. 2. Select tool-The select tool is a snipping tool that is used to select one or more items on the screen to copy and save as a bitmap image. 3. Eraser tool-This tool is used to remove an unwanted part of a graphic. When the eraser tool is active, the eraser size can be changed by selecting from the four sizes in the toolbox option area. 4. Paint brush tool-This tool is used to select different sizes of paint brushes to paint with. When active, it allows you to choose from sizes and shapes of brushes in the tool box option. 5. Text tool-This tool is used to position and enter text into graphics. The text can be of any colour or font installed in the computer. 6. Rectangle tool-This tool is used to draw rectangles. When active, you can select the thickness of the rectangle lines from the toolbox option area. 7. Ellipse tool-This tool is used for drawing objects. When active, the thickness of an ellipse line can be selected from the toolbox option area. 8. Straight Line- This tool is used for creating straight lines. To use it, click Line, click a line width in the options box just below the tool bar. 9. Curve Line- This tool is used to draw a smooth curved line. To use, click curve, click a line width in the option box below the tool bar. 10. Colour Palette- This is also called colour box. It is used to indicate current foreground and background colour. To paint with the selected background colour, right-click while you drag the pointer. 11. Eye Dropper- It can be used to pick up colours that you have used. The active colour of your paint tool will automatically change to the colour picked by the eyedropper.

SIMPLE TASKS IN MS-PAINT Steps on how to load paint 1. Click on start button in the desktop area of the computer 2. Locate the paint icon and double click on it, then 3. Double click/right click or click open.

To use Brush Tools You can use the brush tool to draw lines that have different appearances and textures, steps includes; 1. Click on Home tab 2. Click on down arrow under brushes. 3. Click on the brush that you want to use. 4. Click on the size box and select line size, which determines the thickness of the brush stroke. 5. Now, you drag the mouse and start making your drawing in the drawing area.


To draw Polygon Tool You can use this tool to make a customized shape with any number of sides. 1. Click on the Home tab 2. Click on the polygon tool 3. Click on the size box and select the thickness of the line. 4. Now press the left mouse button and drag the mouse to make different shapes.

To Select Tools The select tools allows you to move the object from one place to another in the paint window. 1. Click on the Home tab 2. Click on the down arrow under Select 3. Click on the select tool. 4. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse diagonally to select the object. 5. Release the mouse button.

To Curve Object 1. Click on the Home tab 2. Click on the curve tool. 3. Click on the size box and select the thickness of the line. 4. Drag the mouse to make a line. 5. Now, click on the line and drag the mouse to make a curve.

To draw Line Tool You can draw straight lines of different thickness by using the line tool. 1. Click on the Home tab. 2. Click on the line tool. 3. Click on the size box. 4. Select the thickness of the line. 5. Drag the mouse to make a line in any direction.

To Draw Pencil Tool You can draw straight wavy and curved lines with pencil tool 1. Click on the Home tab. 2. Click on the pencil tool. 3. Click on the Size box 4. Select the width of the line 5. Now drag the mouse and start making drawings in the drawing area.

To Erase Object with Eraser Tool 1. Click on the Home tab. 2. Click on the Eraser tool. 3. Click on the size box. 4. Select the width of the eraser. 5. Drag it your drawing, in the drawing area, over the part you want to erase.


To Fill With Colour 1. Click on the Home tab. 2. Click on the fill with colour tool. 3. Click on foreground color box. 4. Click on any color from the color palette 5. Click on the area where you want fill the chosen color.

To draw Geometric Object 1. Load paint package and select the shape 2. Move the mouse to drawing board and hold down the mouse button & drag. 3. Move the mouse to the drawing board and hold down the mouse button. 4. Select shape which is automatically draw then release the mouse.

To Save o Document 1. On the file menu, click Save 2. Type the file name. 3. Click on Save.

To Close the Document/Program On the file menu, Click Exit.

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