2006 Presldenllalawardees Who Have Shown Lhe Best of the Fil,Plno
MALACANAN PALACE ",,",LA Time and again I have acknowledged the Invaluable contribuhOn ofour overseas Filipinos to national development and nation build Lng They have shared their skills and expertise to enable the Philippines to benefit from advances in sCience and technology RemiUing more than $70 billion in the last ten years, they have contributed Slgnlficanlly to our counlry's economic stability and social progress of our people. Overseas Filipinos have also shown that they are dependable partners, providl!'lQ additional resources to augment programs in health, educatIOn, livelihood projects and small infrastructure in the country, We pay tnbute to Filipinos overseas who have dedicated themselves to uplifting the human condiloOn, those who have advocated the cause of Filipinos worldwide, and who continue to bring pride and honor to lhe Philippines by their pursuit of excellence I ask the rest of the FilipinO nation to Join me in congratulating the 2006 PreSldenllalAwardees who have shown lhe best of the Fil,plno. I also extend my thanks to the men and women of the CommiSSion on Filipinos Overseas and the vanous Awards commillees for a job well done in thiS biennial search. Mabuhay kayong lahalr Mantia. 7 Decemoor 2006 , Office of Itle Pres,dent of !he Ph''PP'nes COMMISSION ON FILIPINOS OVERSEAS Today, some 185 million men, women and even children, represent,rog about 3 percent of the world's population, live Ofwork outside their country of origin. No reg,on in the world is WIthout migrants who live or work within its borders Every country is now an origin ordeslination for international migration.
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