Specimen Address, Specimen Town Written by: C Butler MSc PIEMA Professional opinion Reviewed by: A Grant MSc PIEMA Contaminated Land Moderate-High: Action Required page 6 Flood Risk High page 9 Consultant’s guidance and recommendations inside. © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207 Operational Environmental Risk Contaminated land liability Low page 6 Ground Stability Banking security Identified page 9 Is it likely that the property will represent acceptable banking security from a contaminated land Radon perspective? Identified page 9 Further assessment required Energy Statutory or 3rd party action Identified page 10 Is there a risk of statutory (e.g. Part 2A EPA 1990) or Transportation third party action being taken against the site? Identified page 11 Potential Planning Constraints Environmental liability Identified page 12 Is there a risk that the property value may be impacted due to contaminated land liability issues? Planning Applications Potential Not selected Ref: Sample_ser_0918
[email protected] Your ref: GS-TEST 08444 159 000 Grid ref: 406799 441511 Date: 8 May 2019 Specimen Address, Specimen Town Ref: Sample_ser_0918 Your ref: GS-TEST Grid ref: 406799 441511 Useful contacts Bradford Metropolitan District Council: Environment Agency National Customer http://www.bradford.gov.uk/ Contact Centre (NCCC): 01274 432111
[email protected] 03708 506 506 Overview of findings and recommendations To save you time when assessing the report, we only provide maps and data tables of features within the search radius that we have identified to be of note. These relate to environmental risks that may have liability implications, affect insurance premiums, property values and/or a lender's willingness to lend.