Higher Education Capital Match Program (Hecap) Competitive Round 2 Approved Projects
Higher Education Capital Match Program (HECap) Competitive Round 2 Approved Projects Amount Institution Project Description Awarded Adelphi University Ruth S. Harley University Center Renovation $5,000,000 Alfred University Tefft Hall Renovation $666,666 Bank Street College of Education Renovation of the Lobby $1,000,000 Construction of Allied Health Lab and Facilities Including the Purchase and Canisius College Installation of Furniture and Equipment $685,351 Expansion and Renovation of Cheel Campus Clarkson University Center and Arena $3,450,000 College of Mount Saint Vincent Construction of a Dual Purpose Building $3,500,000 Purchase and Installation of Network College of Saint Rose Switches (Campus Wide) $151,410 Columbia University (The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York) Expansion of the Central Energy Plant $5,000,000 Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art Creation of the AACE Lab $570,881 Cornell University Uris Library Addition Renovation $400,000 Daemen College Renovation of the General Biology Laboratory $112,750 Construction of a Multi-Functional, D'Youville College Community/Campus Facility $5,000,000 Reconstruction, Renovation and Upgrade of Fordham University the Main Steam Boiler Generating Plant $3,750,000 Renovation of Smith Hall to Create a Hospital Hartwick College Suite Simulation Unit $100,603 Hilbert College Purchase of two athletic fields $112,500 Upgrades and Enhancements to the C.V. Hofstra University Starr Hall $3,000,000 Renovation and Expansion of the School of Iona College
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