THE The H-Files/Page 1 HILBERT The Hilbert College Newspaper for Campus and Community, Volume 15, Issue 1, September 6, 2013 Guest Editor Name: David Grapes WELCOME BACK ISSUE Major: Bus. Admin. WELCOME! first year, there is much College. This is my fa- will last a lifetime. Birthday: June 26, ’92 to be excited about. vorite time of year, re- Hilbert College is by David Grapes My name is David turning from summer unique in the way that Hobbies: Music, Grapes and I will serve break to begin a new we are a small family- sports, guitar, cars, reading, video games, Welcome, students! as the president of our chapter in our lives. like community where the outdoors It is an exciting time Student Government This is a time in our every individual has the of year to be a Hil- Association (SGA) for college careers where opportunity to thrive, bert College student. a second term. It is my new friends are made, lead, and succeed. Our HILBERT’S NEW Whether you are re- pleasure to welcome new relationships are faculty, staff, and ad- turning for another se- all students, on behalf formed, and connec- GRADUATE mester, or this is your of the SGA, to Hilbert tions are created that Continued on page 2 DEGREE PROGRAM HILBERT CELEBRATES CLASS OF 2013; FOR HEALTH FIRST MASTER’S GRADUATES Hilbert College held collaborative. Be a par- PROFESSIONALS its 52nd annual com- ticipant.” mencement ceremony “Community engage- by Sean Lynch ministration and services, on May 11 and nearly ment and curiosity this new program seeks to 275 graduates rejoiced go together,” Zemsky With the new semester, provide students with the in receiving their de- said.
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