THE The H-Files/Page 1 HILBERT The Hilbert College Newspaper for Campus and Community, Volume 15, Issue 1, September 6, 2013 Guest Editor Name: David Grapes WELCOME BACK ISSUE Major: Bus. Admin. WELCOME! first year, there is much College. This is my fa- will last a lifetime. Birthday: June 26, ’92 to be excited about. vorite time of year, re- Hilbert College is by David Grapes My name is David turning from summer unique in the way that Hobbies: Music, Grapes and I will serve break to begin a new we are a small family- sports, guitar, cars, reading, video games, Welcome, students! as the president of our chapter in our lives. like community where the outdoors It is an exciting time Student Government This is a time in our every individual has the of year to be a Hil- Association (SGA) for college careers where opportunity to thrive, bert College student. a second term. It is my new friends are made, lead, and succeed. Our HILBERT’S NEW Whether you are re- pleasure to welcome new relationships are faculty, staff, and ad- turning for another se- all students, on behalf formed, and connec- GRADUATE mester, or this is your of the SGA, to Hilbert tions are created that Continued on page 2 DEGREE PROGRAM HILBERT CELEBRATES CLASS OF 2013; FOR HEALTH FIRST MASTER’S GRADUATES Hilbert College held collaborative. Be a par- PROFESSIONALS its 52nd annual com- ticipant.” mencement ceremony “Community engage- by Sean Lynch ministration and services, on May 11 and nearly ment and curiosity this new program seeks to 275 graduates rejoiced go together,” Zemsky With the new semester, provide students with the in receiving their de- said. “I want you to Hilbert College will be skills to succeed within a grees. The celebration earn respect from peo- ushering in a new mas- wide variety of organiza- was heightened by be- ple because you lead by ter’s degree program for tions in this field. ing part of a historic example and you fol- graduates. Joining the Regardless of whether moment for the Fran- low the ‘golden rule.’ already offered master of students are just begin- ciscan institution as the Be humble and open- public administration and ning or are already within college conferred mas- minded. Don’t make master of science in crim- the middle of their ca- ter’s degrees for the the mistake of putting inal justice degrees will reers, they are welcome first time. people in little boxes; be a specialization of the to join the program and Commencement they have more to of- former, a master’s degree learn or sharpen the speaker Howard Zem- fer, just like you do.” in public administration: budgetary and analyti- sky, managing partner Zemsky continued, health administration. cal skills needed within of Larkin Development “Anything worth do- By combining the core the field. Students tak- Group, said his mes- ing is worth doing well curriculum of the pre- ing the first steps in their sage to the Class of every single day; it is existing MPA program Howard Zemsky 2013 focused on “cu- how you plant seeds for with a focus on health ad- Continued on page 20 riosity, humility, com- self too seriously, you too much and listen- your future.” munity engagement, will talk too much and ing too little,” Zemsky Zemsky, the Niagara optimism, and leader- listen too little. Make said. “So, humility and Frontier Transportation NEW AT ship.” sure you never make leadership go together. HILBERT COLLEGE— “If you take your- the mistake of talking Be a good listener. Be Continued on page 4 ACCELERATED DEGREE PROGRAM IN BUSINESS THE OISHEI FOUNDATION AWARDS HILBERT $150,000 GRANT by Michelle R. dation in 1940. The Cynthia Zane, Ed. D, success in the creation MANAGEMENT Ferrara John R. Oshei Founda- in her acceptance of of the Center for Adult by Jenah Labuski program is supported tion awards grants such the grant, stated: “The and Graduate Studies. by Hilbert’s Center for Hilbert College has as this one to enhance John R. Oishei Founda- This grant builds on the Hilbert College is Adult and Graduate been awarded a John economic vitality and tion’s past support was excited to offer a new Studies. R. Oishei Foundation quality of life for the essential to Hilbert’s Continued on page 2 opportunity for adult The business man- grant for $150,000, Buffalo-Niagara re- learners. The acceler- agement accelerated payable over two years gion. ated degree program degree program will to support Hilbert’s new The Foundation Di- In This Issue (ADP) in business man- help build core busi- business management rectors chose Hilbert to Contest Tally Page 2 agement (B.S.) is the ness knowledge based degree. The degree is receive this grant ow- Editorials Pages 3, 6 third program added to on critical knowledge, under the auspices of ing to the potential of Hilbert’s curriculum marketable skills, and Hilbert’s Center for Hilbert’s new business Student Activities Pages 6, 8 for adult learners. This specific competencies Adult and Graduate management degree to Calendar of Events Page 7 program joins conflict to manage in the global Studies, which was es- benefit adult learners’ Clubs Pages 7, 9, 14 tablished in 2010 with unique needs, such as studies and dispute economy. This pro- Offices Pages 9-13, 16-17 resolution (B.S.) and gram will also focus on Oishei support. requiring flexible edu- organizational devel- skills and competencies John R. Oishei, who cation related to em- Divs., Dep’ts., Programs Pages 17-21 opment (B.S.), which needed in three areas also founded Trico ployment opportuni- Arts & Entertainment Pages 21-22 are currently presented Products Corporation, ties. Sports Pages 22-28 at Hilbert College. This Continued on page 20 established his foun- Hilbert’s President, Page 2/The H-Files Welcome ployment through the thinking about starting Oishei Grant CONTEST TALLY Continued from page 1 college. There is some- a club, I encourage you Continued from page 1 (Complete Scores for Issue #1) thing for everybody. to do so! Stop by the ministrators do truly Perhaps you enjoy SGA Office to find out previous investment No. Student No. of Articles care about the well- student government how. Please don’t hesi- and provides opportu- Contributor Issue #1 being of our students and you would like tate to jump in and get nities to further prepare __________________________________ and will never hesitate to be a representative involved! our non-traditional stu- to offer help and guid- for the students. The Be on the lookout for dents for their careers. 1. David Grapes 3 ance, and share their SGA would be thrilled some upcoming events This would not be pos- 2. Michelle Ferrara 2 knowledge in pursuit of to have you! Let’s get including the Involve- sible without the un- 3. Jenah Labuski 2 creating well-rounded, your name on the bal- ment Fair, SGA elec- paralleled commitment 4. Sean Lynch 2 critical thinking profes- lot for elections in late tions, Mocktail Party, and generosity of The 5. Michael Anello 1 sionals. This is the time September. and much more. John R. Oishei Foun- 6. Tamieka Carter 1 to jump in and get the Say you enjoy writ- If you have any ques- dation.” 7. Dawn Csati 1 full experience of be- ing and working with tions about how to get 8. Che Harden 1 ing a Hilbert College literature. Hilbert Col- involved, or questions 9. Leah Kelleher 1 student. lege offers the oppor- generally, please stop 10. Anna Marso 1 I would like to en- tunity to work with by the SGA Office on 11. Erin McNichol 1 courage every student our school newspaper, the lower level of the 12. Gloria A. Molina 1 to get involved and try The H-Files, and the Campus Center. Or e- 13. Ashley Myers 1 something new. There student literary maga- mail me at dgrapes@ 14. Tiffany Taylor 1 are numerous ways to zine, Hilbert Horizons. hilbert.edu. Once get involved, wheth- There are also a couple again, welcome and we TOTAL 19 er it be in one of our dozen clubs, which of- wish a wonderful se- many clubs on campus, fer the opportunity to mester to all! athletics, or even em- get involved. If you are H-FILES’ WRITING CONTEST H-FILES’ PHOTO CONTEST Write for The H-Files: every issue, with new tributed during Quad For the twelfth year cally as attachments receiving a $50 cash You May Be Eligible names being added ev- Party XVII next April, in a row, The H-Files to this e-mail address: award and the second- for a Prize ery time an additional 2014. is sponsoring a photo [email protected]. prize winner receiving student writes for the Watch for an article contest. Currently en- Deadline for submis- a $25 prize. For the fifteenth paper. listing prizes and the rolled full- or part-time sion: Friday, February In addition, attempts straight year since its If past performance sponsorship for them in Hilbert students are 14, 2014. will be made to see inception, The H-Files is any indication, the the next issue appear- encouraged to submit During the last week whether photo contest is offering prizes for equivalent of one ar- ing October 18. up to four photos—any of February, 2014, a entries can temporar- the most articles by ticle per issue for all In the meantime, why subject—for the con- panel of judges will ily be placed in a suit- a currently enrolled six issues published in wait? If you turn in an test.
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