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Average Daily Net PrcM Run PAG* UIGHTEEif . THURSDAY* SEPTEMBER; 6,1962 , , The Weather For tiw W gA Bndee ForaeMt of U. 8. Weotbor BaMM iitmrl;|ati?r lEnrafng :• ' V - Clesir, > cool toalght. Soottored 13,601 Hght fm t !■ valleys of Tollaad !4 bou t T o w n county. Lost In 46s.’ Saturday atui- Buy Milk at Pinahurst's Evaryday Lew Price ... 76c gallon Mambee of Uio AnOlt ay, ntUder. 'Aftem ooa tam- The Lithuanian Allianoe I6 f Bnram o f CRrcnlsttaai pwaturea In ttb mId'TOa. America will meet Sundaiday at 2 'MancheMter-^A C i^ o f Village Charm p.m. st Lithuanian Hall,II, 24 Gol- way SL O O D -'Yf Buy Giant lO-Ot. Jars Deal Pack VOL.tXXXLNO.287 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1962 (CUatiBad AdvartMnf an Pnga IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS A serieg of aporta nightg will be 1 Maxwell douse liistant Coffee sponsored by the Ametican Legion. JUST A gtarUng tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Legior Home. A gportg movie will ^ Q''%[ be ahown and refre.shmentg served. U of C Asks State N ew s . 1.19 jar Members may bring guests. The French Club of Manchester will hold its annual picnic Sunday 31% H ike Roundup from nqpn to 6' p.m. at Wickham Park. FEW LEFT! In Regular Army Swift Premium The Salvation Army will conduct In B udget Shorter Week, V an .open-air sepvlce tonight at 7:30 .V By ANDREW BOROWIEC ^cease-fire but bitterly protested at Main and Birch Sts. Honorary Conducts Crusade From, our freight car full of slightly damaged (in two major points In the cease-fire ALGIERS (AP)— Deputy HARTFORD (AP) — The Dental Care ' Sgt.-Maj. David Addy will be In '"'Miss Pattie Thbhias, 21, bf Premier Ahmed Ben Bella and .agreement. FRESH charge. One clause that aroused Bou-: University of Connecticut, Oklahoma City, Okla., will . con­ his political bureau faced the Aims of Labor duct a "Back-to-school Crusade appearance only) appliances. A LL APPLIAN CES medienne's ire called for both the fiffurins on more students, Chapman Court,, Order df Ama­ tor Chrisf’at CAlvary Church. 647 thiieat of harassment from a guerrillas' and the regular army more faculty and more ex­ ranth, will meet tomorrow at 7:45 E. Middle' Tpke;, beginning 'Tues­ new quarter today— the mili­ to stay clem- of Algiers until after HARTFORD (AP)— Reso­ P O R K R O A ST Lb. p.m. at the Masonic Temple. There FULLY GUARANTEED! If you don> mind a small the legislative elections, which penses, today filed spending day and continuing through Sun­ tant commander of the new requests calling for a 31 per lutions supporting a 35-hour 7-Rib Cut For Roast or Cut Into Chops will be a dinner before the meet­ day, Sept. 16 at 7:30 p .m ./ ' the political bureau Thursday ing. Mrs. Neile Miller and a com­ nation’s 45^600-man regular scheduled for Sept. 16. cent hike in its general fund work week, union sponsored A special youth program on scratch or dent, then better hurry — there are hot army. mittee will serve refreshments af­ Saturday, Sept. 15, at 7 p.m. will Boumedienne was even more In­ budget. dental care plan, state income _ • e. - . ter the mee4ing. Officers will be open to all area Assemblies of After a five-day, vest-pocket censed by Ben Bella’a agreement The hefty budget document asks tax, and collective bargaining wear colored gowns. God., /'■ too many left! . ^ civil war, rebellious guerrillas in to postpone merging the rebellious the legislature for 390.4 mUlion for state and municipal em­ a n d a IMPORTED LEAN . control of'A lters-and central Al­ guerrillas of Wilayas (ztmes) Nos. for the coming biennium begin­ featurmd tpecial on . . SLICED Mrs.. Joseph Vignone, 52 Park Miss Thomas, at 14, became the geria recognized the authority of 3 and . 4 into thb army under Bou- ployes were among those youngest licensed - minister in the ning next July l. 'i That's $7.2 mil­ Took Drug St., hasxesumed her duties as res­ me political bureau as Algeria’s medienne’a control. The country's lion more than thk big iMtitution's passed today at the closing CENTER CUT LEAN idential rai^ational councillor at Assemblies of God movement, temporary government Thursday. four other Wilayas have al­ BOILED HAM and, except for time off to com­ spending over the present two-year session of the state labor the Univerahv of Connecticut. She Ben Bella in turn put a brake ready come under the colonel’s span. \ council AFL-CIG convention. plete her. education, has been on the regular army, which had iS^ot Known will live at thfe\u7iiverslty for the \ command. Some 32 resolutions, covering school year. preaching ever since. > ^ ignored .Tuesday’s cease-flre (Jonstruction funds for the new She also has made a record al­ A meeting between Boumedi- medical-dental school to be built in state and national issues, were pre­ PORK CHOPS ^ 89' 'Nj^eem ent. and tried to continue eiihe and Ben Bella near Orleans- lb bum of gospel songs, three of Farmington are not 'included. This sented during the three-day con­ LONDON ( A P ) — DoetDW OMiUr rou t Ui« same price u the center chop* end 3 lb. loin Mrs. Madeline Mc.^w}ey, direc­ h i advance to Algiers. ,ville Thursday was described by vention. \ them her own compositions. Cbl, Houarl Boumedienne, chief, money request will likely Come in MUtateecIb. . tor of Lutz Junior Musbv^, will 12-Pound GE Filter Flo one Algerian - official as acrimoni­ a few months whenV details are The convention called for the fighting to save the life of appear on the Ranger An^^^show of sta'ff. of the regular army, re, ous. Although the colonel and hla Rpbert A , Soblen said today luctantiy agreed to observe the available. HoWeyer, some observ­ establishment of a shorter work tomorrow at 4 p.nj. bn Channel 3. general staff lja1 hours 'after H* BONELESS FRESH ' ila, 12 Crosby Rd.,, will participate immer St. Advances from University's spending charL There It’s a top variety and a real money saver, too. Youssef Ben Khedda at the end is an additional 32^6 millloh for tions” without “ risltlfig prosecution drugged himselUNin another in an orientation program next Open Evedlqgs till B P:M. of June of plotting to set up a tempt to escape ig sent back Buy, “fresher-by-far” ground meats at Pine- week at Connecticut College, New services financed by fedehu and by the dental cmtimission.'' hurst’s low prices. military dictatorship. Ben Khedda private grants, other gifts aad in­ On the national level the coun-. to a life sentence .In n . American London," where she will enter the Pope’s G)uncil fired Boumedienne and his gener­ prison. SWORDFISH ' 1' freshman class. come from dormitory rents, d^ing cU's legislative committee intro- ■ ' ■ . / 2 Wash Tamps al stsif, but the army remained halls and other non-^ucationa) fa­ duced'anew resolution urgring Con­ The psychiatrist was rush^ to ° By JAMES M. LONG loyal to Its leaders, ^umedlenne cilities. necticut congressmen to use their Hillingdon H o sp lU 'w e r takmg a lb. 89c The K of C setback league will OPTICAL VA’rtCAN CITY (AP) — U41. joined forces with Ben Bella to heavy concenfMlticm of barbitlK. LEAN GROUND tftudK begin tomorrow ab8:15 p.m. at the The budget Is the final one s' ihuence in continuing federal tem­ STYLE. BAR Vice President Lyndon B., Johnson bowl over Ben Kheq^a’s short­ porary extended unemployment rates. K of C Home. Newcomers are in­ / Filter-Fla called on .^ope John x x m today lived government, then broke the mltted under retiring Presltle'nt bulk dr patties, lb. 79c vited., • 763 MAIN STREET Albert K. Jorgensen, wdib steps compenaation for at least another I Til'' Imeidtal announced at 4:20 Lobster Meat . and afterward predicted great eco­ back of the guerrilla’s rebellion year. a.m. Eastern Standard Time;, "Dr. nomic and .social advances will re­ against the political bureau. out Oct. 1. Haddock Filets Three area students will enter CLOSED / 3 Load . Also support was given to both Sobim remains unconscious. IB* sult from the forthcoming Roman. Although both men espouse so­ His successor, DrT'Homer O. Bab. national and state plans for Medl- irt is showing signs of exhaus­ Flounder. Filets 3-in-r Blend of the freshman class of St. Michael’s WEDNESDAYS Catholic worldwide council. . cialism, Boumedienne differs with. btdge Jr„ musraell the .budget to College, Winooski Park, Vt. They seleeriens care for the aged. The delegates tion. His condition gives rise to Johnson, on the final day of his Ben Bella on the means to that' the lB63^Jegialature and the per­ pledged full support to candidates anxiety.” are Richard J. Berube, 50 Turn- slx-natlon, l5-day goodwill four end. Ben Bella has said ha is son elected srovemor for the com- GROUND BEEF, PORK, VEAL, lb. 79c bull Rd. and Patrick J. Murphy, :ll) the November .election "who will Two security guards kept doe* around the Mediterranean, spent more of a social democrat,- ialong ln^..ftmr years ephimit themselves to medical care watch over-the fugitive as he lay 30 Washington St., and Philip J. Small— under 41 minutes alone with the 80-year- the Bhuropean lines. Boumedienne In addition to operating funds, ■ > Thayer, Hansen Dr., both of V ’-- BOYft’-GlRLS’ fok the aged under social security." in his drug-induced sleep. old ruler of the Roman Catholic voices admiration for R'ed Chinj the University has put in a bid for 'Hie' convention voted support The Home Office said Thursday Regular Pinehurst non. Preshmkn week will begin Re^lAtton Color* ' Albs. Church. Mao Tze-tung and for Sept. 12 and classes Sept. 17. "to 'continue to press” for s fed­ Soblen, 61, would remain in. th* T h ^ .th e vice president’s wife. Prime Minister Fidel (OoBttmied M Pag* Six) eral \taz cut and a long-range tax hospitd at least 24 hours to GROUND MEAT, 1^. 59c Lady Bird, and 18-year-old dau^- refoiin, Included In the legislative cover' from the overdose of bar­ GYM Med.— 6-10 lbs. ter, Lynda Bird, joined in Uie program of the council is a stand biturates. LAMB PATTIES, lb. 39c unusually long audience, which for a Connecticut personal Income "We can’t therefore make any Personal INotices Large— 10-12 lbs. lasted another eight minutes. tax. . New Howitzer in Actu new arrangements (w his trans­ SUITS Only 20 minutes had been set The SOrhour work week will be port until we kndw when he is Sneakers — Bags — aside' oni Johnson’s program, for ells of Grash This new self-propelled eight-inch howitzer shown' climbing steep,Mbpe in test is being built for Army To make It e u y for you tq buy these special 1.00 urged in the '88th congress in 6o- at Renton. Wash., plant o f Pacific Car and Foundry' Co. Kfllders say It can ford streams,' climb going to be releasedi” a spokes­ Card„Of Thanks Socks the audience. It was clear John­ operation with the pational AFL- man said. valuee, bur grocery manager. John O’Neill, hag them wish .to fhank all our nelghbori, son and tbe Pope enjoyed thel^ 60 per cent grade and cruise more than 400 miles at up ter 34 miles an hour. First production on display along the front, window. . . frlPnds and relatlveii for thr manv CaO program. The shortef work model was turned over to Army in ceremonies at Renton-'today. (AP Photofhx). Soblen became ill Thursday actfl of* kindnciis and sympathy shown meeting. week trend haa become a national morning -as. an ambulance us at lh« passing; of our dpar husband NASSIFF NO ‘T had thd great hoimP''and!lThat Killed Parents campaign Issue in the labor move­ taking him to- board a Pan Am«r^ and fathoi*, Joseph Fracchla. We fs- privilege to be in the p)»6chce of can airliner for New York and / AT PINEHURST peclally want to thank all those who ment - 1 sent ■ beautiful floral tributes and ARMS COMPANY His Holiness, and hls^'^nsdom and life sentence as a wartime spy for spiritual bouquets. '* 991 MAIN ST__ MI 9-1647 his Jcnowledge, wtahfn ib so e}$en- Knisfht Errant 8AN J -BERNARDINO, Cali(.#aister Laurie. Julie was suffering thf. Soviet Unimi. Nearing the ‘air­ CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOIP ' -Ijirs. Joseph Fraqchia and family. MONJY sive. I was iistminf' and learn, Fire in Enfield Arms Ta Iks Mecess port he fell into a coma and. hia ing," Johnson s ^ later. (AP)—C6i a pineclad mountain only from bumps, bruises and ex posure. BINF^SBILD '(A P ) —Fir* swept baffled escorts rushed him t* HU- slope two little girls,' one with an through thnp Vain atreet. stores in In Taxi TUt “ I was’^timdlated by the splr- William Clark was vice-presi­ lingdmi Hospital. DOWN ItuaJ^leadership I. have just ob- agonising leg fracture, kept a tht Hasantvtils section of town Authorities immediately began 10 cans 1.00 dent of Travelodgs Motels ' Inb. lajst night, eauahig an eetimated Ted."” f .^ys-long vigil near the bodies of Both he and hla wife Jacqueline, AJ^er N i Stabs at^Cab an investlgatioii to learn how Sob­ Referring to the worldwide Ro­ their parents killed in an air darnwre «< gOO.OOOK ' “ len, 'clds«y watcIteS Outing hU LO- Save 18c on 10 Cans man ..Catholic meeting opening in daughter of the corporation’! prep^ Fire authorltlea nUd the lire ap- crash. ident, were 32 years Of age. By ANDREW. MEISBLS SL 'Peter’S on Oct. 11, JohJMpn Leaning against a tree trunk parenUy started in a refrigerator By DORIAIi^PALK > Nearly all delegates expressed (ConUnHed a* Pag* TM ) WAPPING FAIR SUPPER Laurie, in another section of the unit in the rear of the HasSrd- NEW YORK (AP)—Once upon skid; “ From that- meeting will was the wreckage of their light hospitsd, was undergoing three GENEVA (AR)<:-’ihe 17-natlon regret, about the conference’s fail­ L u t call, on this turkey gpecial: flow great, advances in the eco­ vUle hUiicet and apread to Long’s a time, vriien knighthood was still WAPPING, CONN. plane, its tsdl in the air, Us nose hours of surgery to set a protrud- dlsarmament^c^ference began a ure to make any headway on sub­ YOU SAVE 47c ON 3 JARS nomic and Bopitd field.” crumpled against the ground. Hardware Store, both of which two-month/'recess today after in flower—namely - Thursday— ing bone in her left thigh. are housed In the single-story stantial issues of disarmament From the pope’s library, the Inside the plane’s cabin, "When Hie, plane hit,” JtiUe con­ ndopUng'''! "no progress” report Including a treaty banning nuclear there, was a. young knight by the LYNDBN TURKEY Johnsons paid - the usual call at brick veneer building. name of Edward Rees. 8 5-oz. jara 1.00 strapped in the seat, was the tinued in the simple, direct, way The building received heavy to the . U.N. General Assembly weapons tests. Bulletins the offices of the Vatican Secre­ ' company ■ . ■ A ■ ■ 7 ^ Anxiously for for JuUe as for her son-in-law and up'over the hill to get' help..;! Governor and Frank - Russo of spreads today to a second Engle­ great squealing, eats money and said- It Would not parley with Pinehurst gives you a bone­ daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William got halfway up and got scared So wood, N.,if,, school - . - Surgeon Gen­ achieved in Geneva—appeared!"*^ E-* POP POPCORN. 4 for 1.00—Save 16c on 4 remote as ever. a’ call that goes: “ honk. union epokeemen unleM the less rump roast different Clewk, who died on the mountain­ (Continued a* Page Ten) eral Luther L. Terry says today workers were on the job, G)ntest Finals side, and for Julie’S 8-year-old' (Continued o* .Page Four) he has decided against publication Diplomats from the'Westfirn ahd from most stores.. . . and ; Mfg. List 249.95 nongjigned ' countries at the con­ particular taxicab, drivm Dinty Moore Beef S t e w ...... 2 for $1.00. ot birth control research report lii SOBLEN’S WIFE ARRIVES aeparates sirloin tips into’ its. pre.sent form because he be­ ference had ho illusions that dis- Vlceconti, pulled up be SALE -ATLAlirnC CITY,. N.J. (AP)— NEW YORK (AP)—Dr. Dina oven and pot roasts . . . Be lieves it would be misunderstood The nation’s beauty princesses Midwest Chill (ConUnued on .Page Ten) (Oontinmd on Page Tea) Soble,.ttie wife of spy Dr. Rob-' sure to buy our Native Car­ Calo Cat or Dbg Food ...... 8 for $1.00 and mts.lnterpreted. - ert A. Soblen, arrived In Lon­ -Kwere looking ahead to ^ y to the Japcuiese authorities are wait­ rots at IQc and Potatoes at qt SefcANTON MOTORS don today -from the United ibt^B of the 1968 ' Miss - Ameriqa ing to question Kenichi Hbrie 'for 10 lbs. for 39c to gO with B u s h e s into States to be near her husband. ATT»INEHURST Iktgeant with bavition befitting a sneaking out of country when he Soblen’s attorney said. The at­ your meat course. . returns, home to hero’s welcome OF ROCKyiLLE queen. ’ . torney Ephraim London, - said KRAFtS MIRACLE WHIP New England for crossing Pacific alone in 19 foot Planet Mrs. SoUe, - who. Is also a pay- ‘ T m a little nervous,” con­ sailboat.. .Former President Her­ chlatrist, rushed to ' London VALUE RATED USED GARSI fessed Barbara Orr, Maine’s rep­ bert Hoover Is progressing satis- throurt> k most cooperative ae- resentative,. “ because everything By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS factoiily after removal of malig­ Uqn on the part of the U.sL Pints 36c 'is going too. smoothly." Unseasonably ' chilly ' weather nant tum'or from his intestine, a goi'ernment. Husband and wtf* .00 continued today from the Midwest spokesman for Columbus Presby­ Get a 25c bottle of Can­ 1961 CADILLAC “ I think We all feel-better after Say Scientists spell their nansea differently. 1960 PONTIAC the opening rounds,’' said Miss Into New England with ’ lowest terian Center said today. ada Dry Gingerale free Quarts 53c 2 for Convertible 4-Door Idaho, Irene Ammons. "The first marks of the late summer seascsi' -'*Jndian government bans Import MAB8HALD APPROVED with the purchase ■ of night is the wprst.” In some areas. I ' . of "Nine' Houre to RamV” Stanley ■ Save 17c on 8 Pints and 1961 CADILLAC By VERN HAUGLAND And when a ‘Te-Iite” is attempt­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Th# either ! 6 pack of Canada 1960 PONTIAC - But, for the most part, ques­ As the cooler ail- spread I east­ Wolpert’s novel about assassin erf Hardtop Coupe Mahandas K . Ghandi.. .American WASHINGTON (AP) U.S. ed on « Soviet vehicle it clearly Senate Judiciary Committee'ap> Vista tions .concerning chances of wear- ward and southward across the indicates an attempt to send the Ale or Water at reg. 26c on 2 Quarts Over Regular Prices comedian. Lenny Bruce opened, at space officials wh’o reported" the 'proved Thurgood ' Marehall’a ' ing the coveted glamor crown northern and central Atlantic vehicle on a deep- probe—Special­ nomtaistlaa to be a federal Jndga price. 1961 THUNDERBIRD 1959 BUlCK were being skirted with smilee Coast, temperatures dropped 10 to Aarons Hotel, Sydney, Australia, Soviet Union made unsuccessful / Oven Timer and Clack Friday night and closed this morn­ ly If Mars or -Venus .is in a favor­ by an 11^4 vote today. The four Hardtop Coupe La Sabre 4-Door and discreet silence. 2Q degrees Ipwer than 24 hours attempts to send spacecraft, to able augment. votes against. reoomniendlBg FANNING’S BREX d and .BUTTER earlier. Readings in the coolest ing, after complaints that hla act 1959 OLDSMOBILE For one thinf, the 54 contestants Mars and V,enus aren't saying Whin the re-Iite attempt fails Senate eonflrmatlon ot the N'e-- 1961 RAMBLER / Remavable Oven Dear faced a more immediate objective region from' the Great Lakes and was obscene. PICKLES ...... 4 jars $1.00 Scientists at Smithsonian Astro- how fitey got their information. the trackers can determine wheth­ gro attorney, former counsel for 1 4-Door “98” Holiday Sedan ' '—reaching the semifinals. A third the northern Ohio Valley to - the Blit other'scientists say this form er the rocket ie tumbling over or the National Association for th* ^ High Sp^Bed Burners round of preliminary judging is Atlantic Coast were mostly in the physical Observatory hope to )>e 1959 PLYlllOUTH able to say whether Jagged - 20- of space spying isn’t too tricky. is breaking up and re-entering the .Advancement of Colored Peoples Charlie Mac wants to re­ SHURFINE GRAPE JELLY 5— 8 oz. jars $1jOO 1960 CADILLAC ' scheduled tonight. 40s. ' The National Aeronautics • and atmosphere. were cast by Southern Demo­ Standard Shift 2-Door Semifinal and final rounds will The 30s were reported in. parts pound chunk of metal found in mind you that in addition' 4-Door / With or without even doer window Wisconsin la from Soviet Sputnik Space Administration Wednesday Another question raised relative crats. Marshall’s nomination t* be held Saturday night to be fol­ of northern New England and in to space espionage is whether 3b- be a Judge on .the 2nd U.S. Cir­ IV . New Orleans Police Super­ said that the- Soviet Union has to the regular poultry line 1960 CADILLAC 1960 RAMBLER lowed by the crowning of the sections of the Appalachians. failed in five out of six tries to vlet electronic equipment being cuit Court of Appeals tint wd* . . . he will oner 4 1 / 2 to R ^R QUICKEN BROTH Lows included 29 in Bra,d(.ord, intendent Joseph I. Giarrusso Is­ submitted by Prudent Kaano- Hardtop Coupe American 4-Domr county’s newest dream girl at sues warning today against hoax send probes to the two planets. delivered to Cuba cbuld be used Weekly Or Pa., 30*in Millinocket ,Maine, and And the sixth try was only a qual­ to jam equipment | at the Mg' dy a year ago this nsonth. 6 lb plump Roasting Chick­ Monthly ll:60'p.m . calls in . wake of 15 telephoned ens this week. These chick­ clef r or with rice, 8 for 1.00 1960 OLDSMOBULE 1958 OLDSMOBILE Carole Jean Van Valin, 21, a 23 in Old Town, Maine. ified success because Its radio launching b u e at Cape (Janaversl, The mercury dropped to 41 In bomb threats in public and paroch­ transmission died far from Vends, h e a r in g g r a n t e d “98” 4-Door blonde from Michigan with meas­ Fla. ens give you a lot of tender Save 36c on 8 cons “88” 4-Door urements of .35-23-35, captured the Milwaukee, tying the record low ial school desegration situation. said the agepey. Informed sources said it is un­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Th* nLdMt at 55c lb mark for Sept. 7. It also was 41 Prime Minister John G. Dijrfen- Moscow has not made public likely jamming could be success­ Senate Judiciary Committee vot­ 1958 DODGE CUSTOM SPORTS COUPE swim suit honors, in Thursday night's second round. Patrice Lti in northwest suburbs of CSilcago. baker of Cana<{a„arriving in Lon­ any space mistakes so how does fully achieved from Cuba or that ed today to gl\* top axeewHve* 12 Cubic Ft. Upright. Cm The 44 in (Jolumbus, Ohio, was a don today to attend Common­ NASA know about (hem? Appar­ activities at the Cape would be of four ateel companies * hear­ Anderson, a lyric soprano from wealth conference, indicates he . Holds 427 lbs...... l O # Hawaii, placed first in the ta l» t low reading for the date. The 50s ently the SoViet space technique seriously hampered. ing before deciding whether t* AT PINEHURST lt*s Closeout Time' freezer Closeout division with a sparkling rendi­ prevailed in the Middle Missis­ will propose alternative to Brit­ is at least part of the tipoff. Because of the disnger that a recommend cohtempt lof Con­ tion of "Un Bel DI’’ from sippi and southern Ohio Valleys. ain’s projected linkup with Euro­ . NASA said the Soviet scientists stray signal might blow up a gress action against the^ for iw * pean Common Market . . . Five 15 Cubic Ft. Chest Type, 18 Cubic Ft. Upright. Puccini’s "Madam Butterfly.” Tem^ratures were near sea­ used a parking orbit in each of rocket or accidentally launch one fusing to respond t* iiilrpunnii sonal levels in most of the-western verses of Old Testament of the their six planet probes. the launching systems have been The steel officials ahd thetr On A ll Ne^ 7962 AW e/s ‘ ik Holds 658 lbs. ; r *...... _._They joined Charlotte Ann (Jar- 1 0 II- 39' *193 roll of Mississippi and, Pamela half o* the country. Warmer air Bible’ must be. read in every New This means a three-stage boost­ carefully coded. companies hav* declined t* Gllbert”“6Tr IlUnois as winners of from the South spread-into the Jersey classroom at opening of er is used to put the spacecraft To interfere with a launehing, furnish the Senate Antitrust preliminary rounds. northerir-Platais. with the mercury public schools, each day. State Ed- Oi a low orbit around the earth. the hostile party would have to euboommlttee, a ualt of the Jn«. 'vening gown Jcompetltion isr veaohing -90—Thwaday In—Philip, ucatlon Oommtsaloner.. Fredaelck- -Wheir-the spacecraft-ls- in ■ align­ -know -the- eecret-code:,___ dleiary Conunltt^ With detalleg Information. ah9«t_ their prndiir i also .part t>f the prelimindry judg- S.D. M. Raubinger says. ment with its target planet-rMars After a space craft has beefi ^ 713 MAIN ST. Reading* were iii the 60s .&i Doctors in public hospitals or ' Venus—a fourth stage would launched sin niemy presumably tion(eeeta. Just a week age Wr* .PINEHURST G RO CERY, INC. 'liig but- results in that category' could try to jam Its radio teleme­ d^y. the executtvee tailed t» ep- - are not announced so as to het^t- most western areas,., with' 70r and- throughout Italy go on strike again fire, hurling the spacecraft toward COpiER MAIN and tflDDLE TURNPIKE ^ MANCH^TER 80s in the Southeast and. to the today, demanding h l^ er pay and its destlnafion. . . try transmisslona. However,, this pear before the siihfinwwitl«is> INCORPORATED ■~en the euspense.. . . . data Is received at more than one bended by Sen. Eetoe KdanveK^T' Ten contestants will reach the mid-80s in the southwest Derert better working condltloM . : . An “ SetenUsts said the restarting of MI 9-(^65 Or MI 9-9523 the engine'in the parklng-orblt station at a. time. If the receiving' D-TenSn In fe spenee Ip «bR»- HALF WAT BETWEEN HIGH SCHOOL AND THE PARKADE semifinal round. All preliminary Six-year-old Julie Clark is lifted to a stretcher s:t San Bemadlno rfigiim. , . . . ' h^bal drug used in slinking pills 1 6 6 U N IO N ST.^ R O C K V iLl E method is fairly easy to detect equipment at "the Cape should-'b* pnfM s The euhoomwdttee vntt||^ - - points are then discarded and kU yesterday by Ahr' Force Sgt. Daniel BaU as. she and her sister, Light' I’alB tell in areM from Is described today, by British mag­ Open Tonight till.9 P.M.' azine Lancet as possible erippler when a satellite ia being tracked jimmed the data w«uM be picked OPENTHURS. and FRI. NIGHTS tiH IT PtM. __ - SERVICE STORE semifinalists wUl start on an Laurie, 6, were Imought from the scene of a mountain plana up by another atatloiu Ml 3-0216— TR 5.25il equal bakU. which killed the^illd!■ Udren’iI’s parents. (AP Ft)oto«ax). (CoBtiaued ea Pag* Fear) sf nnborn children. in orbit. , I. ■ I . .\^ ,y .V , ; ■ I

l J \“ /

p X c e t w o MAKCHESTER EVEmN6 HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., ERIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7^1 WJ MANCHESTER’EVEI^ING HERALD; M ANG^E^ER, C0NN„ FRIDAY, SEP'TBMBER 7, 1962 ' PAGE THRE* . other, visltora want animals to m to 30 be kept on the grounds, and- ducka over .1' t< (' 0 0 ITI 0 N i. n Pope said: “I love joui^llsts. I in the ponds. '• Litde places Hospital Notes Johnson Sees always remember theni in my ■ Qne man wants a nmning tra< r l W prayers.” Shemwold on STATE The rice president, a member anothej; wants a' ski slope qitd-a Vlslttiig hoars are-7 to 8 p.m. for woman’ wants a bird sancjirtiijy. School E n ro lls 'SHOWN AT $500,000 Tag Advances from of the Christian Church, gave the Clean, SILENCE 5:25 apd 0:00 all areas, e«oept matemlty, where Pope a tiny model of Telstar, the 'Very few visitors hay^ advierse TONIOHT they are 2tto 4:80 and 6:80 to 8 criticism to make of^Hfe park. One STf^lCTLY C.4SH YOUR TRICKS < Americah communications satel­ ’ 253 Students p.m.,. and private rooms where lite, and a mahogatxy.-Iramed set visitor didn't like..the locks on tlite ENFORCED IN RIGHT ORDER On Club Land Pope’s Council Thanks to feitors By Alfred, Shelnwold NOKIH • •MMJKY they are 10 a.m. to 8 pjn. Visitors of National -Geographi6 Society outdoor tollets.-Sinother didn’t like are ‘ requMted not to smoke in maps. the toilets period, and somebixly The elementary school opened ■When you need partner’s help to Wilber T. Little, who is seeking patients’ rooms. No more than two ^ (Oqhtfained from Page One) By Jl'DITH AHEARN else conjpfained tljat there were t l M , Republican nominatkm for a seat The Pontiff gave John's on Wednesday with an enrollment of defeat a contract, try to do as ammoA Visitors at one time per patient. the m edals erf his pon­ snakes in the pond. . 253 8tudentaN\ * . • much, of the work as possible. You ■on the board of directors in oppo­ ■ III .1 I American Chamber 'Commerce Wickham Park is one park that doesn’t ha\:e'litter. Vj^itor.s EVin- these complaints were sition to the, candidates recom­ of Rome. In his prepared speech, tificate,. one gold, one silver and The schol nurse, Mrs. Ralph n r KABT Fatieats.Today: 201 one bronze; He al.so gave him a to the park in the season and a half it’s open so far don t softened, however, by praise writ­ may have to cash jrour tricks in a A 9 t 5 S 2 HKai’nNiiii mended by the town committee, he said' Europe had made enor­ Ransom, has been ^ t the school precise order tp make sure of get­ A K ADMITTHH> YESTKIDA Y: John book on'the works of the painter leave litter, said William Freeman, supenntendent. . , ten'on the sameVards. a 10 9 a s 2 suggested today that an effort be mous economic advances..8ince the Raphari. : Instead, they fill out cards left*------— ------■ ■ Elderly Like Rockers each day this week getting her ting them all. A K I 5 3 6 10 C 2 made by the town, to secure a buy­ Bock, 16 Cottage St., Rhckville; end of World War n. He said that fo r the p\irpoa'e in fhe cabin, asS- When this hand came along in a A A 1 4 2 ? M ia n, Mrs.'.Elizabeth Bogmants, 295 Main through the North Atlantic Treaty TTm Pope gave Mrs. Johnson a tai^^half way up the entrance One visitor didn't have any sug­ program in order and checking At A l 107 32 er for some of the Globe Hollow four volume set of art books. Lyn­ Ing that the park be kept as it is gestions for Improvement, or any rubber bridge game .in Bayslde, s o v r a tract. St.; WliUsm Crockett, 10 Short Organization, the Ekuropean Com­ WERE health problems in all classrooms, now. d ^ ew a y is apprei-iated by those N.Y., Dick Hinkle thought the de­ A A 0 3 10 y n M mon Market, the exploration of da Bird was given a collection of who walk in. although the taste qf criticism. ■ Starting next week, the nurse will The buyer should be imn\e busi­ St.; Mrs. Ruth Nisvlns, 57 Milford Vatican coins. Some of the visitors are so- “ Give me the comfortable rock­ be on duty at the school, on Mplv- fense all the ,way through. Not be­ ness or industry,' he saiid, v^hlch space and other fields, the nations pleased by the peace and qurfet the water i.sn't. Freeman said the ing a mind reader, he started with Rd.; David Owutj, Watroua Rd., of the West were drawing closer Msgr. Iginio Cardinale, chief of taste will imp^oV^e a.s the chlorine ers." he said. The rockers are^on days only’ except in the event' Of' would attract other quality bust: Bolton; KqrM Lipka, G^st Hart­ that.they want the developers of th porch of the cabin, overlooking a waiting trump lead. nes.ses or industries to the town, together. protocol of the Vatican secretariat the park to stop right where they put Into U»-'pipe.'< by the installer, clinics. ■ r . ' South won In his hand, led anoth­ ■tail WM^Nerih M ford; MMs Jean Rykn^. Storrs; “ The tide of history ia running of .state, was -the interpreter for works it^p-way out. the view, and are very popular The 'social worker, Miss Ethel and lower, or at least steady, the DavidRubin, 103 Weaver Mra are now. More development of the with elderly per.sons. er trump to dumrhy, and then 1 O 2 A. 2 9 f m tax rate:. with US, the tide isirunning agsdnst the vice president's talk with the 1 A ]pt of people ask w hether they BatcheleL will be at the schdel a \ 4 9 AU Fm . Ma^g^et -Livingstone, Wethers- Pope. . park, such as the proposed con­ The park has been frequently eased the queen of s^des to An Insurance company, such as thosS who must Imprison their struction of a swimming pool. cap- ,. tour _ the old house and -barn full day/(Thuradays)' each week OBiaivM — 9 10 OO-HIT SHOWN AT 7:80 d; Mrs. Anna 'Wiisoij^ 17 Falk-, peoples behin'd’v brick walls and ’The Johnsons were, welcomed visited by the elderly, and park t’f king. Hinkle now; had to the type that selected Bloomfield • Dr.; Roland Wilson, Wapping; would only spoil it bv bringing a were the matn buHdings on this-year. flnd'the right defense. ' barbed, wire.” ' at the Vatican's Saii Damasus officials are, going to make a spe­ KnrOllmenf In the school lunch for Its home, office, would be jdi James Lodge, 24 Victoria'Rd.; Rob­ JAMMED the property-. Gate by two American officials of lot of people, they contend. cial effort-to publicize the park-at Nothing could be done unless monds and run, the spades to dis­ .^Johnson’s party later issued this "The house- doe.sn’t h^ve any­ program is: 184 children, full Ideal use for some of the ert Jeffers, Willimantlc; Mrs. Anna faatement; the Vatican secretariat of state, Opened May ISftI convalescent- homes and projects East had the ace of clubs or. dia­ card a club from dummy. ■* HELLI tract, _he said. thing inside except the bars-walls.” lunch; 59 children, milk only; and monds. The first problem' was Dally Questloa Qutnn, 454 Parker S t; Mrs. Joan “ The rice president and. His Msgr. Daniel Cronin of Boston The-park, left by the late Mr. for the elderly, .said Freeman. The town should sell Ihr^land for Castelli, .222 HUllard St.; Mrs. and Mrs. Clarence H-- Wickham said Freeman. "People . thihlt it 10 bring their own lunch. The which to play East for. Partner opens ^ th oiie diamond, IS FOR! Holiness, Pope John x m , had a and.Msgr. Paul Marclnkis of. Chi­ looks interesting from the outsld?. Park officials will also publicize fuljs-lunch costs 35 cents ppr-day, *‘a price 'commensurate with its Anne Visconti, Tolland; Linda long and Inspiilng discussion on cago. The same pair greeted Mrs. .V for the use of Manchester and It to children's hospitals In the Since only five diamonds were and the neatt player pass.es. You HEROES* but they'd be diskppolnted." but the principal, Mrs. Doris missing, Hinkle saw that getting hold: Spades—7 6 4: Hearta-^A J real present value, probably about Walden, Coventry: Mrs. Ann Mc­ many matters affecting all human­ John F. Kennedy when .she came East Hartford- peildents. opened area. Cabe, 115 Russell St.; Pamela Frq- May H>61 with a^ Oriental garden Eventually the house will be torn Chamberlain, has 'said that if' the three diamond tricks would be 6 3; Diamonds—Q 9 8 4; Clubs — a half million dollars for 146 kind. This- included the need for to the Vatican earlier this year to dovvn because it is too expensive X he park will be open an extra number o f children taking, the full acres.’’ he said. His mention of a tus, 109 Wetherell S t; Mrs. Vera zealous efforts to rid the world of see the .Pope. and teahouae; a f r ^ picnic area, month this year, until ^ p t. 30. quite difficult. His partner "would 9 5. What do you say? another pkshlc area with fireplaces to try and maintain jt. lunch could be increased by 16, the need the ten of diamonds as well Answer; Bid one heart. Show a STARTS SUNDAY epeclflc acreage was a reference Corneliuson, 5 jSeamqn Circle; Mrs. the scourge of hunger, illness and Johnson and his party took the MTieh It reopens next yean, there price coiild be reduced to 30 cents to a recent proposal to sell 145 Ruth Coughlin, South Coventry: T h e Response Was -for w^ich a small change was Telescope .Asked -qa the ace, and even that might not major suit rather than raise part­ illiteracy, and for research in the Pope's private elevator t o . the l will he n'fcv^' shrubbery to admire: per day. Lunch'payments are due “ADVENTURES OF A acres to the Manchester Country Mrs. Annie. Gleason. 37 Cook St. peaceful uses of outer space. made, a cabin on the hillside, the One of .the improvements sug­ Alon^ the new roads there will help if Eiaat had too many dia- ner’s minor. third, floor of . the palace, where | beaiitifuj vitw, and one-way roada.. gested by visitors is a telescope each Monday for the week or by mortdp. For Shelnwold’s 36-page booklet, YOUNG MAN” Club, which now leases part of ADMITTED ’TODAY: Mrs. Rose “ His Holiness and the vice pres­ the pontiff has his private library, j be day Hlles, Virginia roses, young the month in advance; Club Ace ”A Pocket Guide to Bridge,” send tliat amount. King, 197 Maple St;: Mrs. Eileen ident also discussed the necessity Terrific To Our This summer the park reopened on the open field near the cabin, trees and shrubs. Plus “ River of No Return” ’The f*ope greeted Johnson cor­ with two-way roads, more parking from which there is- a view of the Library volunteers for the month Hihkle\qa.w that defeat was far 50c to Bridge Book, Manchester with Marilyn Monroe ”It is not unreasonable to sup­ Flynn, Brookfield Rd., Bolton. for continued efforts to produce dially when the vice president en- GIGANTIC space, a snack bar in the cabin Connecticut Valley to the west and of Seple'mber are Mrs. George Ar­ more likelyvif East had the ace of Evening Herald, Box 3318, Grand pose that we could find an Insur­ BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son the stable peace in freedom that ,t«red the library. to replace a small one in the tea­ of the Andover hills to the east. nold, Mrs. John Conlan. Mrs. Al­ clubs. There vyere all sorts of dis­ Central SU., N. Y. 17, N. Y. ance company to locate here, close to Mr. and Mrs. Robert LeBreux, is the go€d of mankind.” houae, water piped from the Met­ One visitor objected to the idea Elks to Fill I^ost, bert Patch, Mrs. Edmund Haus- tributions whim . 'made it- possible to the insurance capital of the 105 Cedar St.; a. son to Mr. and Vatican sources said Johnson ropolitan District and more play of constructing- an observation child and Mrs. Andrew Gasper. for the defenders tp get., two clubs world, who would build a building Mrs. Michael Smith, Coventry: a gave the Pope a message of greet­ areas for children. platform on the field, however. The Set Coming Eveitts Any parent wishing to volunteer and one disunond. as the (Connecticut General did in daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ing from President Kenndy and INVITATION 1,439 Miaite lABM DIV SALE! .time for th< library is asked to The important thing was to get NOW OPEN FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Bloomfield, assessed at $10,840,000. Blumenhagen, North Windham. the Pope, in return, gave Johnson The Cards filled out by visitors platform win be a mefnorial to'the Wickhams, and probably w'ill not 'Coplact Mrs. Joan Hopkins or Mrs. 3-7 the. two .club tricks before one of "Such an institution in Manches­ a message for the President., show that the peace and quiet, and Richard C.^Recknagel. tiler for esR Ito Tat Sa,.has been appointed inner start on Sept. 16 at 10 a.m, There, Montandon, telephone PUgriin was killed yesterday in a highway ■flbn department for nursery school on the cards, suggested that riding will be a meeting for church school 2-6012. ace of clubs. If Bkist then returned cating a great new research labor­ accident thaU also took the life of way?” available at the Controller’s Office, GIGANTIC APPLIANCE BARGAINS in this spectocular childreh-apd toddlers. tnrils be put in, and horeCs main­ guard by Thomas J. 'Blanchard, a club to the king, Weet would be atory In Bloomfield near the Con­ The Pope told an Army sergeant 66 Center Street, Manchester, Con­ exalted ruler. ' teachers at 8 p.m. Thursday q.t w im t-fc o tc Jean Coulllqrd, 47, of Montreal. The lo Mrs. Parella was critically In­ with ’ the group: "I too. was a necticut. ' Coming events, sponsored " by the west hand would cost a trick. FEATURE LAST FRI. and SAT.—FIRST ON SUNa "Of real importance, these de- sergeant once (in the Italian Med­ •TOWN OF MANCHESTER, | Manchester Lodge of Baks, inclu^ lAWs St Hoqie HARTFORD (A P )—The >ap- jured in the crash, which occurred poiiitment of First Selectman Ar­ And if Blast ^witched to a diamond NEXT 'WEEK FRI.—Rock Hudson—“SPIRAL ROAD” velopment.s' would guarantee our at Brosseau station, south 'of ical Corps, during World War I), CONNBXmCUT 11 a clambake Sunday, Sept. 16, John Laws returned to his home instead of returning a club. South prjsent industries, who have RICHARD MARTIN, starting at 10:30 a.m. at Sperry’s on 'Mgthieson Dr., the begiimlng of thur RxPowers of Berlin as state Montreal.' The Parellas were re­ then I became a chaplain.” chairman' qf the committee for would step up with the ace of dla stayed with us during the splral- turning from a vacation. trip. ’To a group of Journalists, the GE^NERAL MANAGER] Glen. Dean Gates and EJdward the w^ek.from Sf. Francis Hospital , ling of the tax rate, that Manches­ J. TomWel are general cp-chalr- in Hartford, Ivhere he underwent the election^f Democratic legis­ major surget^...Mrs. Laws said he lators was announced today by ter can be made a place where In­ LOOKING FOR meh. ESmore Anderson, ticket dustry can afford to. live. (fcairman,". announces that mem­ will convalesce at-home for at least State Chairman Jol}" M. Bailey. THAT PERFECT a month, and that'the family ap­ Powers’ main jofrx • Loulee ‘‘Sw ^P’ Chariott *i**Afia *m* ta n iM au a m executive committee of the Busi­ property on Rt. 6. • e o io o ./' ' “ LAW and JAKE WADE”— (Color) Sts. ■ / ) Quitclaim Deeds: Estate oT 7 Patrolman Robert Lannan Re­ ness Council met with Pre.sident Robert Taylor—Richard Widinark 101 CENTER STREET Kennedy Thursday .to exchange Sandra Schaller to Raymond Track located comer of New ported that Patrick J. Grakow^y^ '1 ' V Schaller, property on Rt. 8: Le.s- 44, of 31 Marshall Rd., wa.s d^-vlng WAX-HIDE views on a variety of subjects. State Rqad aad Hilliard Street Convenient Hours The pouricil is headed -by Roger lie M. G. Standish to Leslie C. south on Spruce St. an d,/as' he M. Blotigh, chairman of the board Standish et al. property on Rt. 6; 8:00 6:30-10:30 came to the Pearl St. int^sectlon, ONLY, 12 Noon f 6 P.M Make Appointment Rerfreehmeats! Bleachers! Tuesday thru FYiday of the U.S. Steel Corp. Edward L. Gatchell to Nathan B. he saw a small boy ridlim his bike EASY TO CARE FOR Now- With Miss Teri Pierre Salinger, press secretary, Gatchell. property bn Birch Dr.; Starts W'ed.!-VTouch ofTMiUik” Free Admlssioa! easterly on Pearl St., Moot out In V S AAt. to. 9 P.M. said the ground covered included Robert- E. Rjedden to 'Victor J. front of him. He told ^police he ap­ DellaFera, lot 21 at lake. plied his brakes an^tumed to the Saturday 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Ml 3-9351 the balance of payrnents problems, M U S I b A L economic growth, and overseas in­ Certificate of Distribution: Es­ j-* Qakctaf THEATRE left. 'The Edwards/boy .struck the Goes Eyerywhere, vestment, particulary in Latin tate of Helen O. Gatchell to Ed- WtHimfotd, mbw Ciwi.PkKy. PIT 64 — Retwv. M M71S right rear of the cat and was America. thrown to the ground. Anytime with Anyihtng! Extra New 2-S|ieeii General MAKE YOUR SUMMER lUnEM-IHW 9:30 am am laias maiur The ba.sket Md'rear wheel of the CHORES LIGHTER .; . ; bike Were d ^ a g e d as well as the Pi SQUARE Special Electric KIW M IT NPVIM DEMANO I Pulitzer right reai>{iwlndow of the motor ERSTUJOOD Prize vehicle. S Q U A W T O E Auto, Defrost \ I T • lAM MAHTroRO P IN E O U T Winrwf GENERAL ELECTRIC MAYTAG WHERE THE. CUISINE 3ame« Hason-Shelley Winters- 'IS EXCELLENT AND T N O T F O R Automatic Refrigerator- Peter Sellers THE ATMOSPHERE IMCKEN2IEI P>lblic Record 8 11.75 ' Models Undercounter Ovens 1 Units

1940 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONV. V-8, Automotic, P S.. P.I.. R->bi^ Tonight We’U Servet Loheter,^irimp ‘n Swiss.Cheesei Ramaquln o OPEN DAILY T Q 1:06 A J«. t m ^ 5 7 *97 1 *57 1940 CPIEVRQLET BISCAYNE 2-DOOR V-8. Autematie. R-H. .,..... "Frenchy" Jodoin 1940 RAMBLER SUPER STATION W AGON. 4 eyiindnr, stondard. R-H. { x > c d n u L RESTAURANT . Soys... .. PORTABLE MAGNAVOX 1959 FORD 6ALAXIE 2-DOOR HARDTOP V-O. AufomoHc, R-H. .... , UYMM till • mWNE W m iai • TM CMMY < m m If MitMil 7 WALNUT STREET, MANCHESTER—.Ml S-.4628 DEHUMIGIFIERS • BRING ALONG MA AND PA • ' For Peak Performance 23” TV CONSOLE 1959 CHEVROLET BISqAYNE 2-DOOR, 4 cylindar. standard. R-H. ... Done The Quality Way Crepe Sole ’ Guardian Bxtraierts Owr C RANCH WAGON 1959 RAMBLER SUPER 4-DOOR, 4 eyilndnr, standoid, .R-H...... ' Maintenance 4 Gals. Per ’ Y « « T ie Day. Has MW 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-DOOR HARDTOP. 4 eyl , stand.. R-H. Service Hnmidistat . M f l ' UHF/VHF 23-inch Famous Brand 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONV. V-8, AutomaHe, R-H. ^ ...... Corns to: ' S6-In. Deluxe 6de tk$ harndf IRISH STEP DANCING General Electric GAS HEATER 1959 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON. 4-DR., 4 eyl., Auta., R-H____ ABdrr,v 8hlrlr,v. ■ (AUTHENTIC—DIRFCT FROM IRELAND) PAUL DONE TELEVISION 16 Cu. R . Famous Brand 1 EASY and RANGE aerni BN - msclaIne SixM 5 to 10 With UHF-VHF FROSTLESS 1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 2-DOOR, 4 cylinder, standard. R-H____ “.Children’s Hour” out k r&uur , P0NTIAG,Io3 Transistor I , DELUXE ' Bhowa at 10:15 UPRIGHT 1958 RAMBLER SUPER STATION W AGON, 4 eyl.. standard, R-Hi . . P|>n» Kirk DoaRlat ERIN FREEZER RADIOS I , SPIN DRIER “Lonely Are 'The ' It’s a treat they’ll all love. Our tempting foods FAU SPECIALS .Buave” are carefully prepared and beautifully served. 1954 FORD FAIRLANE HARDTOP 2-DOOR V-8, Autematie. R-H. ... Bh.w. sl 7;Se The atmb.sphere is gracious and congenial, per­ S C H O O L O F Alisfn Front E n d ...... $8.50 fect for family dining ^ ' - Rotate tires (5) ...... $2.00 AND MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. >leadlight Aim (‘I) ••• • -$l-25 DANCING ' 1 » 2 3 7 n 1 1 7 7 I TEL Ml 3-1415 FOR. RESERVATIONS Winter-Ready • Dancers of stage'and tele­ Engine Tuneup ...... $9.95 vision. Producers of Na- Takt a look,.. talk it ovor with our ^alotmaa BANQUET kOOM AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES "tional Champion Irish Step L nSe-----; - ...... • • UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY ^WiNDSO Dancers. Change Oil (4 qts.) .. .-^.$2.60 t Parte. Extea ■■rt> n.aS SUNDAY DINNERS SERVED BRITISH. 'Ire. Kowlandi 12 NOON t« 8 PJ«. AMERICAN CLUB CARTER CHEVROtET CO., INC. ■ ^Spiral Road'’ PAUL DODGE H C«l«r — at U;00 ' M.4P1J: STKEE’T 1229 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER, GONN.' .MANCHESTEfl - . Pll8 FOR PONTIAC, Inc. 7 MANCHESTER PARKADE^ Aagle Dicklatoa la MOOD". ■ TEl^ MI 9-6238 ^ . \ “Jessica” AVEY’S Margaret Dailey, Mreotor 878 MAIN St., MANCHESTER C*l.r — at 7:M - Register By Phone Also Expert Body Repairs O P ^ WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. FRipAY TILL 9 P.M. Manchester’s Friendly < At Our Modern Equlpp^ / f I 45 E. Center 8L | MI 9-1029 or 246-0661 / . . Op«n 9 AJU. to 9 P.M; and All Day Saturday ■ TMf BIST AHfAO OF THF BFSI Body Shop: ' / ' OlHEB FINE STORES AT: Appliance Center 4 4 5 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE 'F" ■ \ f r e e ESTIMATES '' West H a^ord Oenter, Corbins Corner, Enfield aad Simsbury: . 'I ./ .. C,' (

\ x f ■■ I J 4 ■ / t f ■, ;,'

PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENH^G HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN,i PRIDAV,.SEPTEMBER 7 ,196S ■*— T —~.— r . -I MANCHESTER EVEJHNG HERALD, MANCHESTER,. (iONN., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1962; GE FtVB T ^ U u M v iH e Haberern-Palmer. Midwest Ghill Child Tells of Crash Elks Annual |The ..committee,’' are Mrs. Su.san ed by 'Alfred. E.- SohiRunal, vice Church lo Vole Alumni Bandsmen I Reneker Besaw, 47 I,.vdall St ., for Civic Orchestra' president of the orchestra.. FOR RENT Rushes into I ftvF Cla.as of 1957: Mrs. Judith As usual, the group will again S aitd .lS miB. Mona Praji On Approval of Play in Concert j Middlebrook ..Adams,, .59 Caih- Resumes Monday be' sponsored by The Manchester —aomid or Olent, talaa tt TOURNAMENT bridge St.. Cla.sae.a 6f 1958 and i Evening HerkM and Radio Station New England That Killed Parents 1 slide projabtora. Building Plans Manchester High- School 'band 1959; Miss Susan Elliott, 114 Hen- T}ie Manchester Civic Orchestra ■ 'WINK. ” - ' I ry St., Glass of I960; Mls.s Roberta alumni 'from the Classe.<< pf 1957 will hold its first rehearsal of the WELDON DRUG. CO. \ (Continued from Pagei' One) (OenUiraed (ra n Pag* Om ) on my Ups and made them feel StaritSppt,11 At 8 P.M, (Johns, 2.50 Greenwood Dr.. Cla.ss j , WARNS OF THREAT 961 Mala St.—TeL Rfl 8-SS2I Members ot^ fbe Talcottvillc ^ \ through, 1962 are ..Invited to par­ .season -Monday night'at the high better.’’ of 1961: and Mis Georgeahn MinV 1 B a n g k o k . Thailand (a p >— Cwijfr«|^tlonal C3»urch will vple^ Praised for looking after her der, 61,3 .Main ,St.. Oas-s of 1962. scho'fi|. according to.Atty. I^ul B. the Georgia coast through south I ran back. 1 didn't get scared FOR MIMBEkS Olid NON-MEMBIRS ticipate in a section of the annual Groob'ert, president. A large turn­ ! SEATO's eWef offfcial said today during, a special mwtlng at the v'*;! injured sister, Julie smiled and elOM of the Sunday morning serv-., | central , , Texas. Thunderstorma again though.” high school band con. ert next out is expected wheh John Gruber. I the Communist, threat remains said; “We took care of each ether. I I N CHARTER CARRIER . grave . in Southeast Asia and ice whether or not to approve ^ wore reiJOrted in Florida. Julie didn’t know it but the 4.MAN TEAMS March. Herald columni.st and .critic, gives She took care Of me, too, and UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (APi j the downhsaj.' at 8 o'clock, {warned the Allies against being plana and go ahead with construe- I youngsters were only SOO yards told me what to do." The forrnei* band 'hie'mbers .will Homemade tloh of a proposed 13-room, two- j I —The United Nations has char- j Some new players have joined I lulled into a false .sense of aecur- WINDSOR LGCKS (API — The from a backwoods rodd above the Were they afraid? • play in the final section of the i tcred the U.S. troop carrier Gen- I ity." . , atory Sunday School annex. 1 weather acroAs Connecticut early I up. but vacancies also exist, par- wreckage. They could not see the “Not so much. But we got awful conceit, scheduled for , Saturday. j era! BlaUhford Jo move a t.fKX)- i ticularly in the string sections. ^ Secretaby-General Pote Sarasin. The structure would be attached , today wa.s more 'lik e . mid-October hungry and thirsty.” to the rear of he church on land Martb 23, in Bailey Auditofiiim man Pakistani troop unit to West Anyone interested in becoming a, on the eve of the eighth anniver* than early September, the. U-S. road through the dense pines. Then Julie seemed to grow ■'srv'i-* New Guinea as- the t:,N. .Veurity RAVIOLI that has recently been purchased Motorists on the road could not of the high school. Two com- member should plan to se.e Gru-' sary of the founding of the anti­ Weather Bureau at Bradley Field tired. Her grandmother patted her I billed .rehearsals are scheduled: j force there. Acting Secretary-Gen- communist alliance, said although FREAH OB FROZEN from John G, Talcott Jr. said today. sec them. ■ on the 'hdkd and said';' “You had her in the band room at 7';30, bg-l I Thursday, Dec. 27. at 7 p.m.. and leral U Thant announced ‘Thursday fore the rehearsal gets under way. there have been differences A c c o rd in g to prclimlnarv Under clear skies and light Julie told of watching aearch better rest for a while, dear.’’ alcetches hy Architedt Hollis W. I the morning of the conc,’rt. Both 1 night. . Present plans envision, a fconcert tween Red. China and the Soviet winds, early morning temperatures planes fly over the gully in which The single engine Piper Chero­ Kincaid, there will Be nine class they craehed. ; ? tiny feet fit for twill he in the auditorium. At the The Pacific Island territory is, Dec. 8. and another April 6. Also Union.' there has been no change Doz. 30c dropp^ to refcord-breaklng low kee that carrted' Julie's parents ! first rehe.ar.sal, mu-sic will be dis- being transfarfed by the* Nether­ planned Is an auxiliars’ to the or-, in "the over-sdl objective of inter­ rooms, a chapel, srtl-purpose room,, readings as scattered areas of “But no one seemed to know io their death took off from Big mlniater'a office and secretary’s | I tributed. .\lmiini unable to~atlcnd lands to temporary U-.N, -authori­ i chestra, for mu.sic-lpvers who are national commnqjsm. which is to light frast were reported in .several we were there. When the helicop­ Bear Atrpo^ Monday afternoon cOnimunize the world.” office. Approval of the plans Sun-' ters came, Laurie said they would will be sent jhiisic by mail. ' ' . ty. Indone.sia takes over next May ' not players, but- want to support- H.PASQUALINI sections of central and northern after a IMiday at the mountain I Any alumni who 'have not been 1 on the promise that it will con- j the ^oiip more' actively than just Southeast .Asia Treaty-Organiza­ day would enable the architect to Connecticut. find us because they could land resort. TEL Mi 4 4 )8 0 4 be^n final plans and allow tenta-. anywhere.’’ 1 contacted may call Boberi Vatcr, qiu^a plebiscite on self-determin- by attending concerts.**lFhe Auxil- tion includes Britain, FYance, Aus­ The burpau lists some minimum They Were headed for their : band director, or any member of ajU^i- for tlie native Papuan popu- I Iiirj- will plan .social event.s, ticket tralia. New Zealand, Pakistan and 246 Avery St., Wapping tive groundbreaking early next It was a helicopter, carrying home 110 miles away in a San spring. 1-; , temperatures and frost’conditions., the organizing Committee’. - On latioii .by 1969. -sales, and so on. It will be head­ the PhiliMkfies. both officially and unofficially, as: pilot Don Landels and the girls* Diego, suburb. A few minutes later Thespians fO'r the stnicture were grandfather, Scott King, president it crashed on the mountainside. unanimously approved by the Stafford Springs. 31 . degreM, of Travelodge , Motels. Inc., that light frost. No one knows why. Some said church council at its la.st meeting.! first spotted the w r^kage among there were high winds in the area Other aspects of an overall build­ Ellington, 38 degrees. towering pines at the 7,900-foot at the time. ing program still await further I Bolton. .35 degrees, spotty light level. Landels radioed ground par­ discussion before final voting byi frost. » , ties. then, fearing for the emotion­ PORT ANGELES, Wash.' (AP) the congregation. Norfolk, 27 degrees, heavy frbst al . state of his passenger, flew A NaVy patrol plane with 12 Vouth Party bet | kilHng in some areas. King to nearby Big Bear Airport, aboard'ditched in the ocean ’Thurs' , A “hello and go^-bye” party i Br^lley Field, 37 degrees. He arrived back at the crash day night off northwestern Wash will be held by the, ^ n ior Pilgrim I Brainard Field, 38 degrees. scene a.s the> ground party ini^on and its crew was rescued Senegale.se play t'om-tonts and chant farewell to me 13 GroiioioaderV.wno bulil theiri a schoolhou.se Fellowship of the church from 8:30 City of Hartford, 45 degrees. reached there. ' , by the nuclear submarine Sea- in Taciner th is^ m m er. (Photo bv House.y ta 10 p.m. tomorrow a t the home City of Bridgeport, 46 degrees. Landels said Julie got up frpm dragon. .of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tucker. City of New Haven, 46 degrees. her sister's side and asked for The plane was on a routine exer­ countiy to Africa, our job is only ' IS Main St. The party; which will water. cise when it developed mechanical T i half over.^', bo in honor of the 198£. giadiiates' SPUT ON TAX Recalling this Thursday night, difficulties, the Coast Guard re­ All of the ^ 260 participants in from the group and incoming | WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Julie said “they didn’t have any ported. Crossroad^r Hou^e Crossroads prbjects have -been members, will feature outdoor ac­ Prescott Bush, . R-Conn.. voted water but they gave me some The Seadragon, enroute to Pearl asked to relate their experlence.s tivities such as badminton and I yesterday with the minority who coffee. They asked me if I was Harbor from Seattle, Wash., after . publicly 50 times dutjing the year cro«|uet in the early evening, fol­ opposed the heavily-amended tSJc all right and I said I was. Then celebrating its. historic voyage un­ j sdter they return. ‘ ' lowed by dancing.. Refreshments revision measure in the Senate. they gave ,I.atirie some coffee.' der the arctic lee cap last month, Home Senegal All in all, it was a wonderful and vrUI be served. Dress will be cas­ Sen. Thomas ,1. Dodd, D-Conn„ *rhey gave me some fruit, too. I took the men to the. Coast Guard Steady tho«e tipy feet from theiininute he ' • ' ''X ■valuable experience. ^ ual. \ voted for it. The bill .passed by a think . they werd' grape^. 'They staUon here. A.. vote of 59-24. tasted good. They put Seipe salva (Bd. Note—Arthur House. ISOftlons, de.sibes to establish relations The plane aank. moves with wlth many cduptries and to assume Mpuicheeteif Evening Herald T*l' Westland St,, is home after spend-: BOYS’-GIRl.^’ MMvflle Correspondent, Morris Ing the summer in' Senegal with a role of 'powertql neutralism, Her RegalmUoB Colors 8fHM«cellli telephone Mitchell S- D eration Crossroads Africa. He feelings toward the United .States was among 13 Crossroaders in will largelN' dependXjn our racial problem at home. Africans feel ex­ Number* Shoes Senegal who constructed a school- GYM . hou.se. tremely close to American Ne­ House, son of Judge and Mrs. groes. referring to them ai4' • Phoenix F ire ...... 07H 1 6 ^ Haberern; 230 McKfe St., and the ers were VVIlliam Hart of Rocky From infancy to age 4 . . . $5.50 to $8.50., arid, Casamence was a verj* green Ufe and Indemnity las. Cos. late Mrs. Margue^e Haberern. Hill and John CacchiotU of Hart­ tropical rain forest. Rice was | Aetna Casualty .... 68 78 T p e Rev. (J, , Henry Anderson, ford.^ the principal crop here—the soli [ Aetna U f e ...... 110 118 pasttM^ of Emanuel Church>-;per- Mrs. Palmer wore a lavender Is wet enough to grow It even in | •Aetna U f e ...... ,..111 ' 119 formed' the double-.ring cereniimy. print dress with matching acces- the dry .season. We. visited the i WAPPING, CONN/ Htfd. Steam Boiler 103 113 Bouquets nfwhlte gladioli and car­ siwles; The bridegroom’s maternal governor, the mayor, and the ra- ' • Travelers ...... 140 148 nations decotated^ me. church. Miss fntndmother, Mre, William Lawler dio station during our brief visit. I Public UtiUtles Hva Johnson v^a^’ organist. of HaHford, w’ore a medium blue Then we hiirrl^ back to Dakar ! Conn. UghtrPower .. 29H 3 m The bride, giverdvin marttage by dress with black accessories. Both to catch our plane’ Yor Guinea. | Htfd. Electric U ght 71 76 her brother. Daniel^Ralmcr, wore wore corsages of white gardenias' BILES! "FIRST in the FIRD with ths ■The main point of our trip, was to ' Sept. 8,1962 Hartford Gas Co. . . . 60 6b a street-length' gtm-n ^ CJhantilly A reception fo r '75 waa held at arrange for a Cro.J ca.scade bouquet m white roses and Mrs. Haberem is » 1959 grad­ Guinea Is in the tropical rain for-' Dunham Bush ...... 4', 5', ivy. • ■ • ~ , uate ’ of Manchester High School, eet area. It rained about ten; Em -Hart ...... 50 . 55 Miss Joyce Wogman of Man­ a 1962 graduate, of Hartford-Hos- VALUE hours each day while,, we w ere; COLESLAW— POTATO SALAD Fafnlr ...... 39 iZ chester was maid of honor. Brides­ pUal School of Nursing, and is there. In strikii^f contrast to • Machine ...... 18't 21'.., maids were Miss Suzanne Roloff on the nursing .staff of ^rjche.stcr the tiipid and withdrawn role of j North and Judd . , 141^ 1 6 ', of Bnstol and Mi^s Elizabeth Memorial Ho.spital. Mr. Haberern RATED the women of Senegal, the women ; Stanley Works 171., 19'., Haberern of Manchester, a sister is a 1959 graduate of Manchester of Guinea worked In the factories, Veeder-Root ...... 44i,i 48Ji oL the bridegroom. They wore Htgh School. He is a senior at were active'iqjjuslness, and acted The above quotations are hot to street-length dre.sses of shrimp the University of Hartford where as equals to men. After four Gfirlafid't ''0#niut" NSwaalort be omstrued as actual markets. silk organza with elbow-length, he is majoring in accounting. days of sightseeing, we flni.shed e tiiM , ------. pur businMS and returned to'., Da­ kar for the flight home. t i GOnwt In retrospect,, this has been an pair off forwith M IRACLE in extraordinarj' summer. We nbt only 4-Door. Radio, heater, visited two nations -and built a itandard transmission. aohool. What it is more important PLANTS THAT PLEASE FROM Exceptionally clean, y . la that we met thousands of people, SkirtsI PAINT by PARAGON nijt in the role of tourists, but as ^Americans. who; had come to help , . For Bkowffftrf fxtwfcw the development of Senegal, We WOODLAND GARDENS •w,ere able to understand the prob­ lems of a new nation looking out at A : Gariands/^Norfolk" Jacket cardigan is suspender- the world carefully appraising East styled^Jn rugged Rugg’.espun. White, gold or honey- HARDY (POHED) fend West. PANSY SPECIAL “PARACRYir Senegal, like'' many African na- aupkfe, 34-40. The herringbone wrap skirt has suede 50 SEEDLIN6 ItfltfrS ACRYLIC LATEX 'tch pocket.5. Sizes 8-16. Will Bloom Thu Bjill •81 PONT. $269B •81 OLDS. $3095 $ 2 8 9 5 FOLDING COMMODES SwoaV Skirt $14.99 and Next Spring. Catalina ^4-Door Sedan. “88” Holiday Coupe. . Sedan. HOUSE PAINT ONLY c ^ $1395 9 9 *60 RAMBLER 'S i095 Bel Air 6 Cylinder 2-Door Se­ •60^M.G. $U95 station Wagon. Radio, heater, dan. Radio, heater, standard 1600 Convertible, 'BtanSSrd transmission. transmission. t a ’oyoM's eMseMsf Mm Mc |mUb*s «!»• yo* OH Me featwrat of jmM s Ibaf east doNare mOrot i : -Long rieeye^.^ turtle neck pullover in Shaker knit. 25 FORGiT-ME-NOTS • SMOOTH flowing • EASY WORRIM a «| 0( P R ^ White or bla,(:k, sizes 34-40. Juniorite’s plaid wrap a LocKEo-m Golor a cleanup niyn m e t wayex ENGLISH DAISIES a BEAUTIFUL COVERAUE ON VIRTIMUr ARE SMfACC 'round kiltie, in King George plaid, 7-15- ’eowiliys V 60 Olismobile - ...BY8IMISH.IWMJ.ER.«r«rWiT T A BLAZE OE FALL COLOR 99c station Wagon. Radio, .“88” 2-Door Sedan. Fully SwoafBr ^$12.99 ^ irt $10.99 -5.^^ * heater, overdrive. A real equipped. 2-tone green. FOR YOUR GARDEN ...... moneymaker! TRY BEFORE YOU BUYl Meewewiwsf Jvaf in Fima for^oN paioHng, FAKAOON, ^ CANTERBURY BEILS ptentw In AcryNc Utfax Points, makot Hth SENtATfONAi EVERGREENS! ' FOXGLOVE mCDiCRL Ci" ' Two-ply fur blend cardigan ■with ribbed front, long NOTHING rp BUY! . sleeves, mock turtle peck, in white or cocoa, sizes Swejet William 99cy PHRUmflCY 34-40. Wont with a suede trimmed 'wool tweed wrap FREE! NO GlMMICKSf a*ie.awHMLS. EVERGREENS! ikirt in green, 8 to 16. PLANT ONLY THE FINEST Scotch Heather. Pink winter INTRODUCTORY OFFER blooming 2 year plants ... il.29 *59 DODGE $1495 *59 CHEV. $1895 *58 OLDS. $ 1 2 9 5 Swaotor $14.99 SMrt $14.99 Custom Royal 4-Door Sedan. Impala yr8 Convertible. Fully “gg” Holiday Coupe, > Sp ecia l P rices ■ . ,* Privet Hedging. 18-24”. / equipped. « m ' ' t» a inn eaa a( LOOK! 25 well branched plants only 3.88 *58 CHEV. $1495 PARAGON FOR FALL PLANTING *58 BUICK $1095 •57 PLYMOUTH $795 FUEL OIL SAVINGS Gladioli Bouquets ...... 1.00 Bel Air 'V-8 4-Door Hardtop. Special 4-Dodr Sedan. Fully equipped. ' Blelvedere V-8 4-Door Hardtop. T h e/‘Guardsman Jacket” look in big, bold Ruggle- JAPANESE YEWS, SPREADING AND PYRA- 200 Gals. At 13.8 spun has a 3-color border, charming coin buttons at MIDAL. FRESHLY DUG. O A C Hp L im e ...... 50 lbs. 59c “PARACRYLIC” CASH the military neckline. White, vermilion, cocoa or LANDSCAPE SIZE! 2.95 H & H FertiUzer . . .'o50 lbs. 2.44 ACRYLIC LATEX *27.60 honey. Sizes 34-40. The skirt is a corduroy wTap (Covers 5000 sq. ft.) ’58 Ford i ’58 Ford 'UFonl RHODODENDRON, EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT with 2 front pockets, in mushroom, loden green or ALL COLORS Only 2 . 9 5 * ^ ' Fairlane 500 Convertible, Fairlane 500 4-Door Hard- Fairlane 600 4-Door Bo- Fall Blooming Crocus Bulbs wmn otetr 900.Gals. At 15.3 black. Sizes 6-16. Immaculate throughout. ^ R ^top, Nicely equipped. dan. Fully equipped. Budget Plan $30.60 ANDROMEDA, O O C (CoTchicum) ...... 35c 18-24” REG. 5.00...... Only Skirt $8.99 In Our (ireenhouses— ■It Ahuniaum Swoator $14.S[9 PWlodendron. YifB’rB so sere yeeV Mrt H, wt ImrlH ytu M OoitthiBatlosi WliHiews -211.96 AZALEAS (HARDY). COMPLETE 1 A C Up In stalled ...... 218.95 COLOR RANGE. ALL SIZES...... I • 7 ^ large split leaf ...... only 2.99 TRY IT...Absshtely FRill 3’ Rubber Plants . . . .2.99 * 9 9 5 1 ‘ 5 9 5 Jest bring os Fbg.c'eupnn and OFT Aluminum ^OHntain Laurel, Blue Spruce, Arbor Vitoe,' • 4 ms - Combination Doors .... 282.26 VOUKFKBFpmtCAMof"PAItACIlYUC^, I . Installod ...... 242.26 Simply Say Charge it! Juniper (spreading and prostrafe) Hem­ Also many small potted plants. GermanjCnd Canadian Peat Moss, (Offer tsylm Oct. t O . m » lock, Mugho Pine, Holly, Flowering Shrubs, Redwood Tubs, Clay and Plastic *58 METRO. $595 *57 OLDS. $1095 *55 CHEV, $595 Fruit Trees, etc. Pols. 2-Door Hardtop. Super "88” Holiday Coupe. . Bef Air 2-D6or Hardtop, •c ‘Bring In Your Planting Problems— We Are Here To Help Ypiu ! VERNON PAINT iBMBIt 8 tO P P Ly C4k{

and WALLPAPER ^ Establisbed 1247 \ FALL? WDDDLAND MANCHESTER OLSMOBILE "SIS VEBNON OIR47LE SHOPPING CENTER, yr.nwftv \ ■■■,-■' .C I MI 8-1602—TR 8-8262 BOLTON 'JOHN J. ZAPADKA , OPEN DAILY SELUNO AND SBBVIC8MO OLDSMOBILES FOB OVER 87 YEAIM , OPEN Al l j»a y Mo n d a y t h r u Sa t u r d a y tA tr.r 168 WOODLAND ST.' TILL 9 P.M. N0T€H Ml 3-8474 512 WEST CENTER ST.— Opmi Evonlngs and Saturday AfTtmoon — Ml 3r2411 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY t tn B EXTRA LARGE SIS

Ml S-2141 \ 4 ■, i iT. (.A BtsdM BtbilBMB. ■ ./

v/.:' ' f-'. • : ',-U- .I ' >Wb.%*-r(i;?ti.o>Sii*-.*l -V* ^ ^ ■ ,■ > ./ U:';. V

•V ^'.

, V

BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, tX)NN„ if^mAY, SEPTEMBER 7 ,196» * P A G E e i x FRiDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1962MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANClfESTER, CONN^ -r ' PAG E SEVEN agalnsi Mch eth^r aach, in Its heavals Jn England. Etory la ••t search faciUtlM. New taacliing- iianrl^PBtrr turn, making Bomt concession to In colonial WiluamaRurg. professional positions tought total 378, Including, 230 teachers. Germany in return for some me- ■ Kalkulani, Crown Princess of U of C Asks Hqwali” by Webb is a biography of UConn placed its 1961-63 en­ C'. 1Etrrmtt$ l^praid m'entary IRusloR of its own spe­ the only crown princesti to become rollment at 12.912. including al­ PUBUMHaO 8V cial partnership and'understanding an American citizen. most 2,000 graduate stuidenta. A FLOWER FASHION \ A , HsiuujSnraSn'Dra oa m a with Germany, then Germany will "Madame Ambassador" by Guth­ 31% Hike continued rise in MH>llcatlons Is u BUm U s ^ t forecast. 85 EAST CENTER ST.— AT SUMMIT ST. wS-s.,, \ \ Mancbcater Conn. some day be able to tell them both rie concerns the life of Madame THOMAS F rkROUSUN Pandit, her family and modern WEEKEND CXiHH and CARRY SPECIAL WALTER R FBROtJSON to stand aside and let the real ruler India. ' FubIMNn In Budget PoOnded October L Ittl of Europe come through. Your attention is called to the Family Worship A x \'- None of this makes Chancellor hours at the Mary Cheney Library. Publlilied____ Brery EvenUiB (Bxeent Now that Labor Day is past, The main library is open 9 to 9 (Continued from Page CAe} lundAyi_ And______Bollanra.I. Enured At tbe Adenauer a villain, or even a Ger- $129 nit Office At MAncheeter Conn, ai schodi has re-opened, and the on-- Monday through Friday, and 9 to Siet by Chur<;h rtian, for that matter, 'nils is the econd ClAAi HaII MAtter. elaught of fall activities is upon 6 on ^turdays. The Junior Room some $24 million in bonds to fi­ ,1 , BUNCH SCnBSClUFTIOM RATES policy any great nation, defeated us, the llbrarraiTa “ with summer is open 9 to 9 on Monday and nance a building Rrogram. "Family Sunday” will bs ob­ POMP PAVAble In Advnnce and partitioned by Its -victors, Thursday. On.Tuesdfey, Wednesday. The program has $19.5 million In served Sunday at Emanuel Luther­ CAJTler mah 'vacations a memory, again take up Friday and Saturday the Junior One YeAT ...... IlS.tO *23 00 would instinctively and automati­ general obligation bonds. Including an Church. All Church School cIUI> Six Montbk ...... T.TS n.oo writing the "World of Books." Room closes at 6 p.m; Tbfee MonUin...... 3.90 . 6 50 cally play up to the moment when The summer at your public li­ $2 million for a New Hartford dren may attend worehip -with One Month ...... 1.30 it Could turn on those vidlors and Weekly SO ‘ 3 braries has been a busy one. Mary branch, $3.5 million for a new sci­ their parents at either the 9 or throw them off and out. Cheney and Whiton Libraries have Both Parlies Pick' ence building and $2.3 million for 10;30 a.m.. aervicee. Music will be . MEMBER o r Nobody in Britain should have experienced appreciable increases engineering research and a nuclear provided by the Chapel Choir at THE ASSOCIATED PRIUSS cGntcri The AesoclAted Prese U excluMvety any real worry' about Adenauer in the numRer of books circulated Election Quarters the flreL-service and the Emanuel- entilled to the use of repabllCAtion of oyer the preceding years; Nownere -The $4.5 million in "self-Ilqui- Choir at' the eecond. LANE iAii newe dlepAtcbee credited to It or making any permanent tics to has this been more pronounced dating” bond.s include new dormi­ not otbererlee credited In this neper Edwin Naechke, auperlntendent end Also the loeel newt publlihed here France, and nobody In France “iban in the new Junior Room of BotR political parties have se- tories for 1,000 new students ex­ of the. Church School, has an­ All lifrtitA of republlcatlon of epeeiel— should worry about any casual'In­ the Mary Cheney Library. Borrow­ aured. central headquarters with pected at the Slorrs campus over nounced that inatallatlon of etaff dIspAtcnes herein ere Alee retereed the next two year. GUITAR CENTE termittent flirtation between Ade­ ers pomment on the depleted num­ plenty of display space for use members will take place, and a Pull eerrtee client of N B. A Sen ber of hooka on the shelves, auid during the itext two months. The new .spending program nursery will be provided’ ifor pre­ HEADQUARTERS FOR; le* Inc. nauer and Britain. Not even Rus­ small wonder that they-do! May The Republicans have tRe for­ places heavy emphasis on a larger school cRildren. Piihllshere RepretentAttrec.. Tt Julius' HAthews_ SpeclAl Awencr—Ne sia, for that matter, needs to wor­ we quote a fe^^' figures to you ?, mer -Dorsey Furniture Store on and better paid faculty and on en­ John Poffinbarger, new intern, York. ChICAico. Detroit endid Boston.Boeto ry about Germany falling into any In May the juvenile circulation E. Center St., across from the largements of the graduate-re- will assist with the Rturgy. GuiiaHnstructions MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF (x>st office, and the Democrats permanent arrangement with 6rit.-j increased approximately 500 over FbLK— ROCK and ROLL—WESTERN •V CmCXTLATIONS that of May-1961. In June it in­ have the former Firestone-store JAZZ—CLASSICAL—FLAMENCO The HereldI PrlnthPiintiiui CoinpAny . tae., aln, Franeje and the United States creased 1,128. over the preceding on Main St. at the cower of Park Assumes no ftaiAncleftaiAnclAl responsibility tor together. Jiihe, and July circulation of juve­ St.. 10 WEEK ADULT HOBBY CLASSES typorrAphicAl errors AppeArtn* fe ed- Such things are merely the in­ nile books was almost 2,000 greater In charge of GOP headquarters rertlsemenu end other reAdInjt niAtter Is Mrs. TTuman Crandall, and in In The MAncheeter Bhrenlnit Hereld evitable. automatic German Uctics than in July of 1961. August; fig- ure.s are not yet available. charge o f Democratic headquar­ Guitars DtSpley Adrertlsink clostnc hours: of this particular decade. German Both Stores For Mondey—1 n m PrldAy ■ . • We are happy that the children ters is Mrs. John Clifford. AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR: Both headquarters will soon For Tuesdsy—I p.in Mondey. ■' strategy. On the other hand, re­ of Manchester are reading so FENDER—GRETSCH—NATIONAL ^ For Wednesday— p.m Tuesdey.., mains changeless and consistent, steadily and so enthusiastically have; telephones installed. Fbr Thursday—1 p m Wednesday. In addition to the central head­ OPEN GUILD—HARMONY—REGAL For Friday—1 n.m Thursday no matter how many directions PerhafiB borrowers do have to wait For Saturday— 1 p.m Friday to get a. certain title, perhaps the quarters, both parties have stiiAll- ClAssIfled deadlme; 10;>0 a.m. eaefe mere tactica may take. The atrat- ever-popular mysteries, dog and er district headquarters scattered day of DubltcAtlon except Saturday — 9 a.m egy, too, is natural and inevitable, horse stories are hard to find on around town. TONIGHT till Guitar Accessories for - a ngtion of Germany's some occasions. This, then is EVERYTHING FOR THE GUITAR Friday, September 7 time to take home a book of SAFETY c o n f e r e n c e Back To School Headquartei^s! strength, ’ vitality, assets, and geo­ poetry, of personal adventure and HARTFORD (AP) — Gov. John (GUITARS RENTED and REPAIRED) ' graphical location. Quite natural­ biography . . . to read a book of N. Dempsey has Invited delegates When People Had Enough ly, quite-' innocently, Germany myths, legends or Bible stories. from high schools throughout the ARNpLD LANDSBERP The people of the city of Algiers wants to rise, to mastery of what Ufe Is full of so many interest state to a special governor’s youth Ing, exciting and challenging traffic safety Conference. It will 111«/, CENTER ST., MANCHESTEH— MI 9-7835 came streaming out of their famed tt surveys.': R.denauer, the supposed things. Why not try more kinds of FAIRWAY be hed Oct, 26 at' the University Caabah /m d laid down the law to ."new European,” Is as much the books ? of Hartford. Dempsey explained 975 MAIN STREET 705 MIDDLE TPRE. EAST the soldiers, generals, and political servant of tUa desire as Bismarck And- now to list for you a few of yesterday he chose this date be­ DOWNTOWN “TURNPIKE PLAZA" MANCJfcfiHES’lESTER Next to Popular Blarket chieftains who were ’ preparing to ever was. the recent titles added: cause public schools wilt be clowd carry on as usual in their accusr "Thunder Over, Dunkerque” by for teachers' conventions. Demp­ sey will speak at the opening ses­ WE GIVE WORLD GREEN STAMPS! : i tomed professions ^ d policies. Tunis. A well-known sports writer ReinfOTcement For The I.a w has-written of Sergeant Williams, sion,-which will be followed by < « Y O U R "Seven yearsy(M bloodshed is a British non-com stranded -with workshop sessions'. enough" was the slogan of the peo­ Each year, at school opening one of his men in France after the ple, the denionstrators. time, this' nation passes through evacuation at Dnnkerque. The men This UR toward, unexpected, un- one more phase of what ought to are befriended, hidden, fed and ul­ timately their escape is arranged authpnzed and generally unprece- be considered its greatest and through the good will and determ dprfted event caught the various most important domestic ordeal— ination o< a young French girl. The " START SAVING—OR ADD TO ^ v a ls for power, the leaders of fac­ the ordeal by which it must come, simple explanation that 'T am a with a tions, somewhat by surprise. sooner or later, if it -wishes and in­ French wom an and a Scimt YOUR SAVINGS ON OR BEFORE What Would they do, what could (Scout)”, is Answer enough for tRe tends to-survive in any sense, to great risks which she takes. they do, in the iface o f an apparent THE iBth OF THE MONTH PPST the end of artificial separation of "Swift Water” by-Annlxter. refusal of ordinary people to toler­ school children based on race. locale of this novel is Mai: ate any more bloodabM, aii^ more This year there seems to be less New Brunswick.' Cam CA war’ . ■ violence than In other years; the last of the trappers In a region EARN OIVIDEHUS FROM THE 1st This was not w hn.people were greater philosophical accepUnce now given over, tpi^ agriculture, where the community is antagonis­ supposed to be for“ People were Of token integration steps; a bet­ tic to him h ec.B )^ of his different 'ft -ft "A supposed to be more.,willing to die ter discipline on the part of popu­ way of llfe^/Cam and his son, f? for one regime than to be niled by lations to whom the extremists al­ Bucky,' beJM^een whom there Is a another. Above all, people were ways appeaf. rare reRHlonship, work to develop vS A V I N G S suppoaed to let their leaders, their a samjtuary for wild geese. A story All this is encouraging news. for-Any age. ajic/ L O A N PWTECrSENC|.mS betters, their men of . destiny, make On the other hand, the progress '^Stage For Rom” by Faulkner. S O C I A 1’ I O N the decisions, and give the word that can be tabulated in this year'a A story of two young people lost when there Rad been bloodshed and extension and expansion of from their parents in political up- /A^St/MM'D SA V f^ m S / Reptated By Popiirar Ibniand War'enough". aawcwsstse»s riNSNCI AL iwsTiTjriiea principle which says' that .^e^ara- CURRENT ANNUAL None of this going on in the city tlon by races must end ^ h o t very ,fO O T tAtedm of Algiers, just as. two factions great—nothing more,J/o fact, than DIVIDEND BRANCH dFFICE, ROUTE 81. COl CHESTNUT SPLITr X i L among the victors in the Algerian another token pleilge to itself by. - Masterpieces to FT. S B »W O » .(Two Kells miA 4 % Foti) drive for independence were ready which the natipp guarantees that I to carry on with more bloodshed the-principleis not forgotten, and SH OC CA9l(wA cRa r o e ; nr i lliiiif Q OPEN TILL 5 PiMi l-TUES-FRI. « 3 .B 5 DBLIVBRED to determine which faction should does tRkg.ijome forward movement in Miniature M THURSDAT 9 AJK. to 8 P.l ). CLOSED At n o o n reJTly come out on top, was ac­ every Srotember. ■■AXI Q lIU III L O R “ T ' S Peeled White. Cedar cording to the rules. ^ t h ^ has, perhaps, been cme i|iiiil!il!llii;!l;'il ii!i But there was, apparently, no ^irfeat advance this year, more'lm- LITTLE AMSTOCIIATt simple way of coping with IL TTiei^ portant for it^ u ality fhan for the MINIATUM eMOCOLATK$ ROUN&RAIL was no easy way to shoot • down nUmber .of sch^ls or- pupils in- ' AmoN^ Milk ud Dade Okeeolaki | 11D. . all the unorthodox people. pRsides, ■volved. " \ m m m m nmmiam "Bconpmy” A Ft. SecUpa If you shot theim all dd,wn, whom Any real p rogre^ in this mat­ ' The yearly tale to many threwd piano buyert wait fo r! (Two Rails and One Post) would there be left to^ le,? ter must be basCd, ^ s e columns V' So the rival leaderships, the rival have always insisted, ^ o n an in­ armies began pitperimenting with ter-play between written\aws and 3 0 altefnatives^/^They would try a BERKSHIRE the unwritten sentiments,'-.Reliefs, ^ C Charge or cease-firof and perhaps settle their and emotions of the human smind rivaliy by some peaceful means. and heart. We, must havex^e (9 e\ f 9 Delivered' Or/they could take their war out- right thing set up in the law; m t Music Festival the city, where no silly civil­ ha.ving.-lt in the law. alone is not FI ians -could-interfere with It. There enough to bring it to pass or mqke H EA V r DUTY" 10 FT Sections was *oniy on® thing they didn't it w'ork; when it is in both the law 2 RAILS AND ONE POST quite dare do, at the momejijl,'That and the heart, then the right moves CASH and was to carry • forwardl>“Wlth their € A OC CASH and JC C CHARGE or ahead. GARRY- '’rOaOnJ DELIVERED mutual original plan, to have it ( This year, -mbre than before— y ' out, inside the city" of Algiers, with perhaps dye to the fact that clergy ( m d b v ^ a big audience on hand to provide of all denqininations have this sea­ 901 MAIN ST__ M1-6-SS21 SCREEN PRESCRIPTION PHARMAOT Us share of the -victims. son been making it clear where SALE f e n c in g Seven years of bloodshed Js they think human hearts and be­ Many teachers and . White Cedar, Milled Picket, ‘ enough—that was the slogan o f liefs ought to be---the atmospheia musicians choose and ^ Half Round, - : tRe people In the city of Algiers. in the field Of integration has been ALLOTMENT 6 Ft. High—8 . F t' Section Aerosonic-above We suppose that, if the history one of Compliance with moral as recommend ihe o f bloodshed and war in the city of well as civil laws. The end of ra­ A R E Y O U IN LIMITED all ethers because ef.its quality ef tone . . . . *1S.50*‘""' man were to be dated, one could cial discrimination in the schools yet its compact size requires very little spaeel Ra in or shina any time . . . you'll say that seven thousand years of or.out of is not only something the Supreme those delightful and colorful splash prints / It ought to be enough. Court has ordered.’ in its Interpre- HOT WA'TER ? ^ 1 8 .7 5 Delivered In that city, as in Algiers, plain tatiion of the Constitution which is BAIDWIN ACROSONIC SPINETS, Consoles, Hamilton that reverse into stunning solid cotton pop­ MISSES' TACKLE TWILL erdlnary people could have some­ the basic law of the land.-It is'also ASK iUIOUT OUR. SPiEClAL QUANTITy lins! Cbmplata with matching umbrellas. Just A day for fuel thing to say about It, If they wmijd. sohiething urged Upon us by. our Verticals, Bnidwin Oronds and Howard Spinets DISCOUNTS ON lO-SECTIONS OR fdOIUE Beige, willow and .black.. Petitas 8 to 11 sense of what is moral,-,what is can get you out of trouble! Prices . Start at FREE USE OF PtkLE H and the koakUt, "Your Child j groan and black! Siza$‘7-I4! 5-11:9-18 end ^ OPEN DAILY 10 to 10 fashionable ' black! Men's 36 strange little creature whose eyes And Mvijc." • in the position of .WeSt Gennany are lifted in awe and wander & ORGAN CO. to, 46; Boys', i to 16! ____ today, the thing {o do is to play toward the vaatneas and the 'mys­ ACRES OF FREE PARKING France against Britato and Brit­ tery which has produced him and Ml 3-5135 ain against France at least enough endowed him with dreams Uiat will 121 Aliy 11 St., Hartford not die. 301-315 Cm ftr St. to keep them, from ganging up to­ . ' Jean 8. Milner gether in any system for closing Taken, from the book^ LIVING ! TEL. 525-6696 off the future potential domination PRAYEJRFIHJ-y by Kirby. Page. Mobilheat - Free Ferking in land Hotel. Parting let of the oMtUient of Europe by tbe S u b m it^ by neid, fa avr ttere. , Mrs. Riward H. Ptainey Jr. . A* deon-ocKeo BattMi ik Gem aay. Afterr France Aipgciate Minister at - mddHim .336 NORTH MAIN STREET--PHONE MI 9-S>58 and Britain havq been itilayed off ,\ 467 MAIN STREET • EAST HARTFORD ^..^-fniccmd Congregational, Cyurcb ■ r r r ■■■ 7 J.v’' ' M:“t‘r .,-. t ) ■- '' •’ / ■■•- > '-.v ’ ll.,, h .” ■ ,■ ■ '■■■■■ i' ■( ,'■ ■' .--.i , , ■■■. ■'—■ ' . ■■'■X ^ ' ■■■■ - '•■: ^ X . K'., y~ • '■ s . ■ '■ ... ' ■ • ' ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER; CONN„ FRIDAY, SEP-TEMBER 7, 1962 PAGE NINS PAGE EIGHT MANCHEjSTER EVENING ^ R A L D , MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, IMR— South Pear Tree Lane drainage project. cial KcUvlUu, Including archery, wr Thjs atlm Is the difference between rifle ■hooiini’, a night orientation the amount in the funcfxand tlie Policemen Set Police 4rrests ' Teens Go Aheadr on Center^ BitVSCO VT problem and a 10-mlle hike to the • ■•'V- • ' low bid of $2,325 from theSlarvis MANCHESTER^ Preeton City Fair. Thomas L. Burgess Cited Clapp Co. . ?^otes and hetvs During the lecond week of camp To Buy Voting Jlaehine '’’x Ball Oct. 13 Paul J. Burris, also known as Expect It Will Benefit Town all Senior Scoute were at the Lake The competitive bidding require- \ Paul J . Balkus, 19. and Richard-W. . , , . , „ . o f Islea where their epecial, pro- ments were- waived for the pur­ T h e Mam'hester Police Mutual Waitkewicz.' 17, ' both pf 436 N. A large volw teer etaff again included a guided tour of For 30-Year Town Service Main St^„ last night were eacK ’the:, teen-age committee; trying^ (If their location in a achool build­ chase of a voting machine and mi- Aid Association will hold its fourth to organize a teen cliitr in .Man- ing, the board of education. helped make■“* * Troop “““ 26'a ‘ 2-week the submarine tender USS fclulton ----- , / 'crofllm service requirements in the charged With wilful fnjui’y (o priv­ Thomas L, annual ball on Saturday, Oct. 13, ate properly, 'iTie arrests stemmed chestei- was jubilant yesterday , 'They are also seeking other BER stay at the Dake of lalee Scout in New London, a dance with giH Burgess, tdwn su-^'cision reached the school-board af­ town clerk’s qffice. R^ervation a aucceasful tamping perintendent of> highways, was a t the State Armory on Main St.. from 'Iiolice ^investigation of an ovei’ support from the boards of ways to raise money for the club. scouts from the C y stic area and ter the budgets had been approved, A committee to study the need directors and educiatlon in their ef­ experience for the 14 Scoute at­ a fishing trip on the Mystic M4id recognized at the- Town Council if 'the boai-d of EMucation chnnot for a revaluation qf prbpertj- wr.s Richard L. 'SulUvan. president of Aug. 4 incident at Ihe/'Vorner of INCOSPOSATED tending. meeting Wednesday evening for appointed. It includes John Dzen. the organization, afmounced today, IW. Middle Tpke. aqd Congress St. forts to get space in the old Cheney, in 'Long. Island Sound. .more th -“ . . find’ the ncccs.sary funas in Its Tech building. Scoutmaster Harry Maidment, ” On the first weekend the scouts fian 30 years service to the budget, it will request an addition­ Norpian Peter.sen, Francis Cole­ Pb"' Landerman and his orches- , In whlCh'Mhe roof df a parked con­ Cenlurv Club Sets ■pending hie twenty-third lummer town. man. Glenn Roberts, aqd Reynold vertible automobile'. wi}s slashed Beneath their joy lay two poten-* attended religious services in al appropriation, the letter said. tially omilnous facts: in Scout camp, waa in general camp. A vesper service the first Councilman Dexter Burnham The Town Treasurer wa.s au­ Burger. 'x ., ' - several times. Both ybuths posted , Year’s Programs charge of the program, aaalsted.by presented Burge.ss with a citation ■ Included on the council's agenda $100 bonds while awaitlttg appear­ 1. ^he board of education ap­ week was* conducted by the Rev. thorized to invest available funds proved us! of lhe''T*ch building for REDWOOD assistant Scoutmaster Norman Canon G. A. K. Hervey, an ex­ expressing the appreciation of the for capital and non-recurring ex- for the first meeting in October ance in Circiiit Court 12, Manche.s- Chatel the flrst week and assistant first. Town Council for Burgess' ac­ will be consideration of asking the ter, Bept. 24. v. ' • \, only one j ’ear. This means that the The Junior Century Club will change minister from Great Brit-' penditiire.s. The treasurer was al- teen-ager i will have to find, new Scoutmaster David Nelson the sec­ ain. The second week's service complishments and dedication to 'ao authorized to invest available zoning board of appeals to add an­ /-Iklorris Schacter. 43, of NoiWich. open the year’s .activities with x ond week, Assietant Scoutmasters waa led by the Rev. Carleton the tovm. This citation will be re- other residential zone; disciissidn shortly after noOn yesterday wqs quarters ; lext fall, unless the board di-nner meeting at the Manchester funds in the general .surplus. 'ITiis has a chi.nge of heart. SCREEN assigned to the Senior Scouts were Worcester of North Stonlngton. •corded in the permanent records surplus would be invested in treas­ of the school board request to pur­ charged with unsafe backing. Po­ Coiinli’y Club Sepl. 19 at 7 p.m. Michael Morasco, Robert Saait, The evening discussion sessions of the council. Each Councilman ury bills according statute. chase property around the high lice obser\'ed , Schacter’s 'car roll \ 2. Jurii diction over the old Tech In (Jetober. the progi’am .w and MichaN Cronin. Working with for Senior Scouts were led by as­ signed the document. ■ Town Trea.surer John Cutler was .school: and di-scussion of the backwards into another vehicle School is at'best uncertain. There feature. Jose Salazar, former O the ydunger Scouts were assistant sistant Scoutmaster Michael Mor- . Gunther M. Kraus submitted his authorized to borrow up to $.200.- while he wa.s at the wheel. No is ito documentation that the build­ ban official, who will apeak f>n FENCE Sbeutmasters Joseph Marcln and asco. The first week’s themes resignation from the Public Build­ 000 to meet the current year'.s e.x- Tliere will be an 'executive meet­ 1 vehicular damage was , reported. ing i^ s ever legally turned over to “The -Red Challenge in L^in HerMid,^ Maher and junior assist­ were smoking aitd dating problems ing Commission for personal and penditures. In this way, he ex­ ing of the council on Wedne.sday. a t , ' Schacter waa ordered to appear in the boBro. although this would nor­ America.” Husbands o f mempers ant Scchtmasters Mather Neill, and the second week’s were'alco­ business reasons. The clerk was plained, he could Invest the sur­ the Wapping Elementary School a t: Circuit Court 12, Manchester, Sept. mally beMie town's procedure. will be guests. Charles ChiSe, Robert Simmers, hol and narcotics. The discussion asked to write Kraus thanking him plus in treasury bill.s. By bor­ 8 p.m. to discuss with j . E. Shep-i 24. The t^iv-agers are going ahead Education month, Noveihber Ronald Starrett,^ Philip Klemas, with thmr pBms, on the- theory that $1I!.95 program for the younger boys, ’led for his services and expressing ap­ rowing early in the year, at a ard the installation of a public j will be noted with a talk b;^ Robert Eliason; ^^Ancis Brookes, by Junior as|istant Scoutmaster preciation' for, his contribution to fate up to 1.8. per cent, the" town sewage di.sposal system-. Tliis svs-1 if they lean ^ started and prove Daisy Pilcher, reading consultant i and Qary Harrison. Several other Mather Neill, included a unit on the PBC. •would benefit 'a s it would invest tern must be installed if garden! Five Join Staff the club valuaole to, the commu­ for the Manchester school /ystem. : asj^stant Scoutmasters ahd troop personality problems/^the first Town Manager Terfy Sprenkel the .surplus at a rate up to' 2.8 apartments are to he built In town. 1 nity, tney can ke^^ it going December's meeting will/iavc a ; committeemen assisted, on -^the week and a race rMations pro- ■was authorized to negotiate with per cent. Lutheran Chiireh N olfr I Susan Brown,: 3f\Campfield Rd., its theme "Christmas in Town and Weekends. sgram the .second week. the State Highway Department re­ .Manhiile Question , The Women’s League' o l Our: At Church School one off the organizing committee, Country." and in January,’ club 4'xlO' Sectiont Mr. and Mrs. Maidment enter­ Many Scouts and leaders were garding a "sewer sleeve” in^the TTie Connecticut Light and Pow­ Savior Lutheran (^urch will meet reported today that'the club had rneipbers will hear a/ Hartford tained the winter to>op staff with elected..to the^amp honor societies. interchange area betW’een the er Cb. requested permi.s.sion to Sept. 10 at 6:30 p.m. a t’Concordia Five new members have been already had offers of support, from wine expert discuss "What’s My ■ ...... a steak cookout at their cottage' Ejected to..t’he junior honor society Windsor bridge and R't. 5. It waa make three underground well e.x- Lutheran CJuirch in Manche.ster. added to the teaching and admin­ -two residents. Wine." / during the first week of camp. The j were David Nixon, Martin Haber- felt the cost would be prohibitive cavation pits (large man-hole.s,i, There will be a potiuck followed by istrative staff of Ti’inity Covenant .Mrjt Mary Simmons. 232-School Mrs. Katharine Neflson, educa­ troop steward’s committee under {em, Douglas Jfartin, Steven Ma. for the town to install a sew’er to provide better gas service, built a tour of the church and its edu­ Church Sunday School. They aie St., has offered furniture for the tion director of the Wadsworth retiring steward William Gess and | rino, Wesley MileS^ .James Mona- aystem to serve the .Industrial off the traveled portion of the cational wing. Members of the Paul Landerman Mr.s. Robert Olson. Mrs. John Chil­ club./ Athepeum, will d ^ rib e "High- WAtkins Bros. Inc., "935 Main WIRE his replacement Albert Marino ghan, Brian ' Newniiui, Gordon ^ O W It tha tima to mev* up to a Rambler,with oil its exclusive fea­ area; however, i. this sleeve were road. They would be placed at planning committee for Concordia ders, , Wendell lighU of the Ath^neum’’ at' the pro^ided a shore dinner for the | Palrher. John Rice, Rob'ert Ring- a part of the state highway con­ Main St. ahd Sperry Rd.; Graham Lutheran’s Chri.stian day school tra will provide dance music for the Hither and Robert Nixon. St.,/has agreed to supply the club February meeting and in March troop committee the first Sunday ^ rose, Brian .Rogers, Peter Phillips, tract it would be less expensive, and Hayes Rd.s., aud Woodland will conduct the tour and answer annual event. Sullivan said. Danc­ Miss Esther Granstrom will with a piano, when the .building is members and guMts will view club tures. Our selection is excellent, our bonk terms unbeatable, bur veahy for occupancy. - , and again for the summer staff o n : Graham MacDonaldi Edward and South Windsor would be able Rd and Avery StT questions. ing will be from 9 pan. to 1 a.ia. I serve as general superintendent entries In the Vngue Sewing Con­ FENCES the second Sunday. Bradley, Edward Chapin, Clifford ■ to pay its share. The town attorney said two jee- Hostesses will be Mrs. Robert Tlekets are now available a: Po­ 1 and Mrs. Bither as superintendent Miss Brown expressed her ap­ test anci heaiy a speaker with The troop committee held its an­ Treat, Paul • Frankenburg, and selected new car trade-ins woifont yctur closest inspecrioh.' (5n August 18, it was reported, quirements/^ould be included,-iq Krepcio, Mrs. Robert Bohemier, lice Headquarters. Sgt. George Mc- of the Primary Department. preciation for these donations, and "Rower Faahlbns by Milikowaki" nual business meeting at camp at Scott Tinti. Elected to the Tribe the state and the town effected a the contjafet— (1) if the town wid­ Mrs. H. S. Alwood. Mrs. Charles Caughey of 382 Clenter St. s in ■Tlic Churchtime Nursery will be aqded that the club was still In as his subject •' WHILE THEY LAST Gary Harrison and Mather Neill Jr. the and of the first week. Officers of the Niklwigi, the senior honor ro.ad transfer. The • state took re­ ens Ute roads, the power company Delnicki, Mrs.'Ronald Waters and(_!charge of ticket sales. ( held in new quarters starting Sun- ed of furnishings: She suggest­ April’s meeting plans have not -III , » ' • ®' elected for the coming year were society, were Norman Chatel, Rod­ sponsibility for Ellington Rd. from shpuld move the holes with no cost Mrs. PadlKuehn. Others on the planning commit­ ji day. with three women appointed 'd that townspeople with appro- been ahnou/iced. In May the in­ Georgs Hansen, institutional rep- erick Eliason, Gordon Hurwitz, "Rambler Classic hai big-ear Wapping Center to the town line; Jx)” the towm. (2 1 the town should Women Meet tee include Lt. Ekiward M, Winzler, by the Covenant Women’s Guild in riate furniture they were willing stallation of officers will take : charge. The nur-ery is available rssentative; Theodore Blakeslee, Jame.s Hig^ns, Michael Gannutz, room/or a eompaapriet/"'' The town is now responsible for t ^ be fully protected against liability. The Junior'Wmi'ian’s Club will *"*1 Patrolmen Leo Grover. Albion l/to give, or with trading stamps place, followed by a play. chairman; Edward Chapin, vice Duncan Bockus, Robert Halsted, portion of Ellington Rd from MtCfn The contract will be pre.sented" for meet at the A v ery ^ reet Elem en-! "hippie. Prlrno Amadeq andj-Har- I only to children up to Grade I, and that they were not planning to use, Mrs. Allan Schubert, president, chairman; Elmer Ostrout, secre­ Robert Rice, Rbl9ert McNeill, John 8t. to Rt. 5, and King SLx'from approval at the next meeting. tary* School Monday,^kL.7:45 p.m. j Newcomb. Will' be in session until the close of/ could give them to the club. has an^unced that the October, Two Get Eagle Badges tary;. Roderick Eliason, treasurer; Minnick, Richard Ames, Alaii Mac­ ' 'xjloin St. to the bridge bypdss.. ■The council re.solutibn concern­ Anyone Interested in hecortjing a __x the morning worship hour. / She a.sked that interested donors December. Februarv—and March Albert Marino, steward. - Donald, and Walter Simmers. '^Tha Public Buildlng>ebmmisalon ing the wording of the charter re- member of the club is invited.,^o RENfcW.AL.Sl’.M GRA.NTkl) contact her or Greg Manchuck. 107 meetings are open to guests. All Chairman of operating commit­ requested permlss^ur to use some ■vl.sion question for placement on attend. Application blanks will Be WASHINGTON (API- A grant JO BLESS TOTAL DOWN Pine St...... meetings are held on the third tees-art Robert Simmers and Rus- ' apace is the Towai Hall for storing the voting machines was condens­ available at the .meeting. l5f...$70,126 to help Meriden, Conn., HARTFORD (API — A . slight The treen-agei’s hope to have the Wednesday of the month at 8 p.m. At Camp Honor Court plan"Us community renewail pro­ ima-ease in iinenrployment enm- DISCOUNT ■ell Wilaon, finance; Robert John-- RASGl of records an«F files. The building ed, at the suggestion of the Sec­ club in operation in about three except the dinner meeting in Sep- son. communications; and Edson engineer xyill be asked to sub­ retary of State's 'office, to read Adverti.sement - gram has. been approved by the pen.sation claims, bringing, the- weeks, on a three-evening-a-week tefnber which will be at 7 p.m., and urban i-ehew^l adminisl/ralion. weekly total dotvn to 28.516. .(vas basis. They will operate under Awarding of Eagle Scout badges to Gary Harrison and Case, advancement. mit suggestions for installing paf- "For adoption of the Town Coun­ The Howard Agency—Insurance the November meeting, to be held -'To create a-dditional office cil’s appnjved amendments to the Real Estate. .53 Meadow Road.' The program uSeff will _cosf about reported yesterday by the -State the jurisdiction qf the Town Rec­ /on the second instead^qf the third The major theme of the younger • UEL OIL $4.8 million.' Mather Neill Jr. was the highlight of the outdoor Court of boy program was the field of na^ for such cases. chai ter—Ye.s—No." Mitchell 4-0149. Labor Department. reation Department, and, becauaq/ Wednesday, Honor closing the two-week summer camp program of Troop ture. Assistant Scoutmaater Rich, gasoline JOSEPH SULLIVAN At the request of the auditor, ROUND 25 of the Center Congregational Church at the Lake of Isles ard Tulei. who aerved as the reser­ F Want 25 a cr^ of land the council adopted a resolution Manchester - Evening Herald Smith Windsor correspondent Lau­ Scout. Reservation in North Ston-^ vation nature director, organized a Soles Manager X I ’wo letters were received from' accepting bonds of municipal offi­ Ington. program in which each of the '' the Board of Education. One re­ cials for the fl.scal year which end­ ra Katz, telephone* Sn 4-175S. in the community; Brian Newman, aeven patrols worked on nature ed July 31, Harrison, 17, has been a member life saving, rowing, swimming; Neil BANTLY OIL quested that the council investi­ RAIL FENCE of Troop 25 since September 1956 projects under the supervision of They were: Town manage!’, PAY in c r e a s e d i . t Newman,' nature: ■ John - OstrouL I -IMI' \^^ . I\l gate acquiring 25 acres in the vi­ and has served,as patrol leader and junior assistants. The projecU in­ cinity of the high sphool for the $7,500; building Inspector, $7,500; MUNK3H. Germany (AP)— La­ YOU Di IN’T HAVE to BUY a SERVICE CONTRACTr junior assistant scoutmaster. A> rowing, swimming, life saving; cluded an adible planta garden, a M \ ' \ I III I. I member.s of the board of educa­ bor and management announced- Gordon Palmer, citizenship in the .erection of a Junior high school. senipr at Manchester High School, fern garden, a rbek collection, in­ Hamb/er Chsjie, 6 or The council put this matter on its tion, $2,500: members of the board Thursdays they have agreed on a | home, swimming, rowing. life sav­ dividual terrariuma, and animal TCL Mlfrlicll 9 -1595 ^•onjy compact with roomr of finance, $2T500; town clerk, 7.0 per cent wage hike for IflO.OOO i ha is the.son of Mr. and Mrs. Hal for iix ^footir^ ' agenda for the first meeting in Oc­ /Harrison of 325 W ., Middle Tpke. ing, Roy Parka, nature; Daniel track collections. $2,500; assi.s^nt town clerk, W rkera in the West German print­ $ N . 5 0 Rhodes, can^iing, home repairs, tober. , Neill, 16, has b««i a member of dther activitiea for the •'younger ROCKVILLE TR 6-3271 The other letter said the board $$1,000; taj^/collectOr. '$.50,000; ing industry. ' ] ' Troop 25 since November 1956 and wildlife management; John Rice, boyi included boxing, wrestling, town treasifrer, $50,000; acting The printers union ' had called , swimming, life saving, rowing; would pay for the custodial sup­ ■ has sen.’ed as patrol leader and physical fitness tests and the tra­ plies ahd audio visual equipment tax collectrbr, $10,000; constables. for a 12 per cent increase while I ju n ior' a.ssistant scouthiaster. A Robert Rice, camping; Robert ditional camlvaU « PICTURED ABOVE IS OUR DELUXE 2- SEDAI $1,000 e^ h . management said they could not ' Riiigrose, -awimmlngi rowing; that had not been included in its senior at Deerfield Academy in A special prpgt-am was provided budget because of, the unded’stand- The Alim of $680 was transferred grant an increase "beyond 5 per Deerfield, Maas., he is the son of Philip Robertson, canoeing; Walter for Senior Scouts, boys over 14. FAU’S HERE! Equipped as follows— Large weather-eye, heoter, defroster, foam front seat, reclining sedH, bed fronv'the contingency fund to the cent. 10* Sections Prowa, nature. Ing that the PBC would pay\(or BRADFORD • Dr. and Mrs. Mather Neill of 87 During the first week of camp Paul Saari, camping, forestry, these items. However, since the dfe/ ' Boulder Rd. thirteen.16-year-oid boys under the conversion, oil filter, self odiusting brakes, undereoatliig, ceramic, muffler and tailpipe. All federal home repairs; Anthony Salafia, leadership of assistan t Scout­ Sm Our Lovely Other awards were made as, fol- pioneering, camping, forestry; ' lows; ' masters Paul Cote and .Ronald Gess toxeeand freight. Walter Simmers, canoeing; Ran­ took a canoe trip on ta k e George, ; Second Class Scouts; James Ba- dall Spencer, canoeing; Ronald Fall FABRIOS V a " p ly w o o d • eon, Robert Bleiler. David Case, r^.Y. They started at Port Jerry With Oil Injection The Washer That Gives You Free Service Steiner, rowing, canoeing; Daniel near Bolton Landing,, N.Y., and Philip Clendaniel, Thomas Cone, Sturtevant, nature; David Sturte- L went north as far' aa Waltonian WttKtKKti fy r O nly ^ • W'iUiam Edwards, Douglas Bhch- vant. canoeing; Maurice Willey, : man. Roy Garey, Philip Hale. Ray- pioneering; ahd Roger Wilson, ca­ Island. at Low Mill PricMl SPECIAL ' mond Halsted. Robert Juliano, noeing, rowing, printing. (Herald A t the seme time aesictant For 5 Years On Parts and On Labor On Your ; Richard Knight, Theodore MSl^k, photo by Ofiarai. Scoutmasters David Nelson and • Richard Mason. Douglas McClain, Robert Calder led the thirteen 15- PIL6R1M MILLS ! William Mehl', Stephen Neill, Dun- year-old boys on the Long Trail. Open 16 to 9 Dally • can Potter. Gbrdon Robinson, They started in Stratton. Vermont, (Saturday 10 to 6> THIS WEEK’S VERY, VERY SPECIALS ! Glenn Schaeffer. Bruce Selwitz. Peiiny^ Saver Shop and. hiked about forty miles north Bradford Washer's Power Transmission W . 5 2 • Robert Taylor, Douglas Willey. to Route 140. ' Histbric fjhpney HaU ; , • First Class Scouts; BJdward To Open Tuesday The 14-year-old Senior Scouts Hartford'Road • Bradley, Edward Chapin, Paul wers at Lake of Isles' for both ; Frankenburg, Martin Hansen. Da- weeks participating in many spe- 1961) RAMBLER CROSS COUNTRY STATION WAGON ' vid Hicock, Mark Hilton, Graham •The Rcttay Saver, a thrift shop MacDonald. Gary Peters, Peter sponsored hy the Women’s Athdli- Stondintl transmission with overdrive, radio, heater, power stedring, toe. 10' Sections Phillips.' Brian Rogers, Steven ary of J^knehester Jitemdrial Hos' I Spencer, Scott Tinti, Douglas Wil- pital, wiU' open Tuesday for its fifth '• cox'. ; Star Scouts; Richard Gess. Ron- seasbn. It is located at 466 Main 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR Station Wagon ’, aid Steiner., Steven Cone, Thomas St., in the basement of a former THEY COME NO NICER ANYWHERE. FULLY EQUIPPED, S J u l y JOHNS MANYILLE ’ EJiason, John Ostrout. church building. Business will be * 6 9 5 Bob says: “GERMANY’S WONDER CAR IS KNG\VN ! Life Scouts; Rob.ert Alibrio conducted': each Tuesday through THE WORLD OV'^ER! Gels up to 3.5 m.p.g., tremendoiis^ • Paul Saari. Daniel Rhodes. Friday from 10 a.m. tp 4 p.m, and performance, lots of room and comfort. See for youf- CEILING TILE I Merit Badges were awafdcd to; Thursday night from 7 to 9. self— (Gome in and drive it TODAY!” < •; Robert' Alibrio. camping, for­ Carrying a variety of ai I960 FORD ESCORT STATION WACOM Special BOB OLIVER estry, home repairs; Richard from house p lu ts to clo' A LOCAL ONE OWNER CAR. VERY c L e AN AND NICE THROUGHOUT. A t • Ames, nature; Theodore Blakeslee. the entire family, the •Peppy'Baver , eahoelng; Djincan Bockus, home is a boon to .limited b __ *795 1 •■ repairs, pioneering, camping; Da- Profits from the tKrtiti, shop are 1961 CHEVROLET / I 1d,d Chatel, canoeing. u.sed solely for the^-Mneftt of tjie 1962 CHEVROLET II ; Steven Cone, swimming, life sav­ ho.spital. All aM ^es sold In the 1959 STUDEBAKER 2-DOOR Hardtop Lark Special & shop have beerraonated either by ing, rowing; David Dixon, swim- MARK IV. V-S. SHARP, SHARP. FULLY EQUIPPED. , A t ^ Station Wagon. 6 cylinder, Parkwood Station Wagoii. Economy 6, • ming;, life saving, .rowing; Thomas individuals merchants. automatic tral^^isaion. with standard transmis- S ^ IQ C . Eliason, 'swimming, life saving, . Mrs. J/ K Swenson, chairman of 1295 . ; rowing; Michael Gannutz. rowing; the Penny Saver committee, re- Good as new! sion. See it today! A 1 Square Feet ■ George Ges.s, rowing, .swimming; porUkthat a good selection of, wom- ; Richard Gess, camping; Martin eijX .shoes, yarns, materials- includ- s e d a n ' • Haberem, swimming, rowing; Rob- g tapestry,' and african violet 1959 MERCURY 4-DOOR save , e A t Onlv ^ . ert Halsted, - camping, . wiidlifj? plants will be available on opening \ THIS BLACK BEAUTY WITH, NEW WHIXiSWALL 'IriBES HAS ALL THE I960 CHEVROLET 1959 CHEVROLET ; management; Gary Harrison,. ' day. . > GOODIES AND THEN SOME. CAR IS GORGEOUS. [ , MAHOGANY I lie health, citizenship in UjC" i Since the'Shop depends entirely Brook wood Station Wagon. V-8. auto­ ; munity„ reading; Dougia«( Hi on donations for its epptinued suc- X' matic transmission, power steering, Bel Air Tu^ t ^ 6 cylinder, X. ce.ss, merehandtse is welcomed at . . rowing, life saving//swin\| power brakes. O O C jutomatic. transmiSsiom $ 1 ^ 0 ^ ; Gordon Horwitz.fpkuie.(:ring, tamp- all times. Childrens, winter coats PRE-FINISHEO • Ing, forestry, h o ^ repair.s. wild- rainwear and sweaters are needed W e h a v e a 1957 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR Hardtop V-8 Ideal family car! 1 0 ^ 3 A rare model to find! for the present demand. , FULLY EQUIPPED: NEW WHITEWALL’"nRES, TOO, A BEAUTY. Only ; life manageineht; Roy Johnson, ■ r ‘ canoeing;. Stephen Joyner, rowing, Mrs. James Ough'and auxiliary .! cltlzenship-ln the home, sWimming. volunteers wiU be on hand to re­ f a s t t r a p k PLYWOOD ceive contributions. Jaines Kimball, camping, wild- Those desiring pickup service 1959 PLYMOUTH 1958 CHRYSLER i • llfe>-rtianagement; Jonathan Kim- may call Mrs. C. H.. Koppland, 4l 1956 I bail, canoeing, rowing, life saving;. to itiform atipn Rambler Cross Country Station Wagon n i New Yorker Sportsman Hardtop Coupe. Avondale Rd.: Mra. Quentin Man- EVERYr FINE AfXESSORY. ONE OWNER. NEW WHITEWAIA.^'flRES, TOO. S J n i y /Gapf Kirkhaitu nature; Kenneth gun. 69 Green Manor Rd., or Mra. 4;Dpor Station Wagon. ' Radio, heater, power .steering, Knight, nature; John Lawler, na- Swenson, 97 Prospect .St. *985♦ A V-8'« standard transmission. power brakes, 6-way seat. • ture; Richa'yd Lawrence, , wild­ m il e s a w a y 4 life managernent.'camping: Robert Grab this one! 4# ^ An exceptional car! IdLTrw Magnano. nature: Stephen Marino, ' rowing; --Alan MacDonald, canoe­ Mtlsifc INSTRUCTIONS 1957 METROPOLITAN 2-DOOR HARDTOP , ing; Robert McNeil, nature; Wea- nfMACU^TE. CUTE AS A BUG’S EAR. , ' 6 Ow Research Department has instant and ley Miles, *swinon>ng, • life saving. Our teachers offer Instmctfons *695 Square Feet , rowing; John Minnick, nature; on all popular instnuneata cowipiefie accees te the facilities, of our New . * . „ • - a Jam es Monaghan, rowing. «wim- WARD MUSIC CO. York eerreepondeat, Pershing & Go. It,' in ★ FOREIGN CAR SPECIALS ' ming, life saving. .-.■i; 99 Sonlnier St. ^ 1960 DKW 2-Door'Hardtop. 1959 DRW 2-Door 1000 Model. 4 Ceiers . David Moseley, canoeing: Math'^ Open Evenings till 9 P.M, turn, is in touch . . . through a private tele- 1959 RAMBLER 2-DOOR SEDAN » 9 9 5 ; «r Neill, public Health, citizenship V*ph wife system. . . with 175 New Yorfc , YOU’LL THINK IT’S BRAND NEW- OJ«IB CAREFUL OWNEIL Only . 5 1000 model. 30-day, fully guaranteed. 4x8 Vs Panels 1095 ^ '■-k 5.Individual Washing Programs Stock Exchange member ofiices in 153 cities 30 day fully guaranteed. 1 im 1959 Renault 4CV Model. All k 10 lb. Dry Load Capacity thvly states. 1939 Goggomobil Van. Up to reconditioned and only * 2 9 5 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE So, whea you have a need for hrsthand, 1959 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN ^ , .50 m.p.g. It’s nearly new, at Only e P k Power Drive Transmission on-the-spot iirfoniiation about a faraway situa­ RADIO. HEATER, 6 CYUNDBR, STANDARD SHIFT. NEW WHITEWALL O n / V WE WILL IE OPEN: T IR ES, TOO. ' ' ★ ’ Automotive Positive Pressure Fill tion, call as. On* experience has been that *1195 1957 Volkswagen Convertible. New clutch, .1959 DKW Pick-up Truck. THURSDAYS AMD FRIDAYS TO 9 FtM. S. iDISOOUNT this on-the-seeae, local viewpomt hu oftesi> rtew top, new paint. ^ Only 12,000 original miles. Partial Fill Systein D A ILY M O N . THni SAT., 9 A.M . to 6 P.M. been helpful in making investment decisions. Ready to go at Priced for quick sale at * 5 9 5 1954 FORD CONVERTIBLE CLUB COUPE k All Porcelain Tub A SPORTY AND VERY CLEAN CAR. v Only ■* : • *495 k Jumbo Lint Filter C A S H and CARRY ALUMINUM LADDERS Q^Htieciic44i 5"^ \ OPEN EVENINGS • EASY BANK TERMS k Four Vane Agitator 1960 English Ford Anglia 2-Door Sedan ■A" Deep Overflow Rinse 16'-20'-24'.28' (g| AA Wa ara your local DKW DEALER! Sales and Service PUTNAM CO. LIKE BRAND NEW. 4 SPEED FLOOR SHIFT. UNBEATABLE AT UriderivrUer ipprdv^. ▼ ■ " V w Only ^ 1 0 9 5 MANCHESTER " x ______...... Complete with bump^s, AND WE HAVE MANY MORE QUALITY CARS FOR YOUR ropes, pulleys and swivel ’ ’ I CAREFUL CONSIDERATION. RANK TERMS ON ALL SALES. 'O feet.- ' iNsw lark ftodr Eachemps MOTOR LUMBER VERNON PAINT incorporated 71 t a ir n t sr, MANCMssrp • mi s^ is i lier Motor Sales, Inc. 'J 255 CENTER ST. L l(mr, tab*ft H. Storksl, Ca-Manapart. STORE ONLY AND WALLPAPER #/ y. 'ManchMer*s Cwn Rambler Dealer M l ^ 5 1 4 4 VERNON (CIRCLE SHOPPINGl CENTER, VERNON 643 Center ^5t.>; Manchester — M l 3^1591 PARKADE STORE /6 p EN DAIlyY TILL 9!30 P.Mi TEL. MI 3-1652-pjill 5 - t o - M S IR p A D ST. M l 3-4 U 5 Mi^NCHfCTER ^ ^ I ;;t : ir ..... K.: I'

■!■■■'. . i.vii -.1.' < ' i

r- MANqHMTER EVENING HERALI^, MANCHESTER. CONN« FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7,1962 * M a n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d , M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ^, Fr i d a y , S e p t e m b e r , i 9G2 PAGE e l e v e n PAG E TEN 7 Knight Errant Three t'ace Suite Netvs Sobleri Unconscious, Bolton Arm s Talks Recess T V ^ ] In Taxi Tilt Same Counts He^t Grows Weaker Budget Airing Death Qaims In Crashes After No Progress Hears Minor Stabs at Cab (Coatlnued from Page Una) (Continued from Page One) and a prison doctor. All expressed, certainty he had. net drugged him­ Television Police Investigation of thilee mi­ self during the ride. (CoaUnued Paca.Oiw) Mrs. Polterton (Contlnned (rofn Pag* One) began using bigger and heavier Hartford for state treasurer under weik detention ^-^Brltaln, had ob­ Questionifig •;00 BJa S Theater (hi orusriae) Beacut I nor motor vehicle acijldents, two the-Democratic Independent Party S()blen jumped 8100,(KX) ball and MOTia at S (in progresa) International Shnwtlmt lU armored vehicles to transport its tained the bartflturatea. t.an> M i-w- ub urucrasa) Flay Tour Hunch - yesterday afternoon and the third armament could be brought about label, certified aeven out cif fled from New i;Ybrk to Israel Nt-w» • si hind Hess and his'trusty mount Mrs. Mabel J. PotUrton, 60. of early today, brought the arrest of soldiers from Ela.st to West Berlin Both the Home Office and pris­ Few items in the 8491,860.75 The Roartiif 3Ua and went "honk, honk," In a half-year of discussions-' eight signatures. June 25 after thb U.S. Supreme Lile,-it(' R llev' ,. a.uu I'he I'nird Man 174 N. ram St., treasurer of Pot- three persons on similar charges of for sentry duty at the Soviet war Court refused to review his Hfe town.budget discussed at a public Rock.v ana tila Friends "NeiRh, neigh,” went Nancy, "This conference will go on in­ on authorities refused to advance , Top Cat, terton's Inc., died last night at failure to grant the right Of'way. definitely,” one high Western dip­ memorial in the British sector. sentence. Israeli officials put him hearing last .night were questioned - 6:05 'ITie Kafir 8:]U The Fllntatuaes . 8 4 whirling about. And, before 'He.sa The heavier earriers were put X y Debates Set any theories. ' . The Detectlvea 10. 2 No injuries were reported. lomat said ThuratUy night. One British nqw.spaper speculat­ aboard an Israeli El AI plane for by the 30 people who attended. Ex­ 6:15 Family Market Rome 66 could go "nay, 4i»y.” hla trusty Hartfofd Hospital after A short Alan U Latham, 22, of RU 85. into service after angry West iMv- ^2S Weathi-r. News A Sports But the failure to get an agree­ HARTFORD-(API—A scries of ed that Soblen had managed to New York July 1. As-the plane -4 (SI ;7 Suiisei dinp 8. 4 lance had pierced the taxicab's Illness. Alnston. was ordered to appear' in liners hurled stones at the buses eight flelevlsed and broadcast de­ planations were given for the dew (r:3u Clulj House 8:80 The Good Ship Hope 10. X armor right in the grill. ment l^anning nuclear tests—which hoard drugs doled out to him by approached London, he slashed accolmting methods to be inaugu­ Whiplash Mrs. .Potterton was born Oct. Chxuft Court 12, Manchester. Sept. would brake the nuclear arma­ that had transported the Soviet bates between Democratic and Re­ himself with a steak knife to Rrhrue 8 Father or the Bride "Odd Bodkins,” said Vlceconti, soldiers to the,.monument. Brixton Prison doctors treating rated next year by Edson P. Her­ IBiirna and Allen ,, Third Man. ^ 22, 1901, in Manchester, a daugh­ 24. ' ments race and free the world publican candidates for Governor, him for leukemia. It said he might force his landing in. Britain, and ^,10:00 The Twilight Zone or words to the effect. ter of the late Joshua and Ellka Police reported that the accident The stoning was an angry re­ Senator and Congress was an­ rick qf the board oi assessors. Superman Tartet: Ihc Complora 8. 4 front the scourge of radioactive have pretended to swalloiy pills he was rushed to the same hos­ Norman Preuss, poard of finance 6:35 Kdltortala IU;8t» Kinp numund- "Kgadr' .said Hesw, " ‘twas but ‘Jackaon Robb, and^lived here all happened at S:SD p m. yesterday action to the slaying of a fleeing nounced today. pital where he now lies. 8:10 Men ol Ueatlny en error, milord.’ ' contamination—was a bitter disil­ but concealed them under his member, was acting chairman for (-45 Walter Cronkite 'u ^ewitneaa to History her life. She was a member of when a vehicle, opefatfd by Ro- lusionment to all non-Communist East German by Communist bor-. Th4 debates will be televised live In the past 10 weeks he had , Chrl Huntley Reportinf Quoth Vlceconti as the knight tongue. , the evening and invited questions _ Huntley-BrinUev if St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. berU S. Dick of 21 Stephen St., countries, including the two West­ der guards at the Berlin wall. The over WTIC-TV (Channel. 3) each Unconfirmed press reports said thwarted expulsion orders by four 7:00 Kveni^ Report ^ 1 1 :0 0 Big News rode off into the sun.set: Survivors include her husband, on the Items as listed. Herrick ex­ , Newn-weathei hi I Final Report proceeded out of Princeton Sh afr ern nuclear powers, the United youth was left to bleed to death Sunday at 5 p.m., sterling Sept. 9, prison offlciali found a cache Of appeals to the courts and two au "Go tell King Arthur he owes Russell S. Potterton; two sons. ter stopping tor a slop .sign, add- plained that the budget request for I Death' Valley Days 11 News Runrls A Weather 8. States and Britain. at the wall while just beyond it. and rebroadcast over WTIC radio pills concealed in Soblen’a bed appeals for political asylum to the as.sessors was increased from 1.4IS ot the Plainsman ]0 ' n.:U Tonight (C) me M bucks for this radiator." Russell L. Potterton of Bolton and lnto,E. Middle Tpke. where lh» Some oi the neutralist delcga- In West Berlin, West Germans at 7 p.m. the same evenings. Home Secretary Henry Brooke. Subscription TV 181 „ Stey* Allen Show Robert S. Potterton of .Coventry; only five days ago. » 82,200 to 82,750 to cover the cost News Report 13 Amerlea e Giealegi Movies I j ^ ’am car struck the right front tion.s' tpld the conference that as' and allied troops stood by The station said its offer of free Other papers said pills might Brooke rejected his final petition «U News A Weather a brother. Willard U Robb of T«ider of the Dick vehicle. Latham time for the series of debates has of the data proc.es.sing system and 7:1* Kyrnlna Reieirt long as the, two Western powers helplessly. have been smuggled to Soblen, Wednesday and ordered him flown also said that his budjget now cov­ Sports Camera 30 U :30 Adventure Theater Mansfield Center; three sisters.' s U t ^ that he did not see the other and the Sovt^ \lnion failed to U.S; authorities haVe been wary been accepted by the candidates. to New York. Social Security 22 n -30 Tonight • |C> 3 Mrs. Maude Barnard, Mias BUiet whose meals were brought In ers some Work previously doneJor Walter Cronkite 12 Steve Allen Show Voter Session car until It was too late, police agree even on a'lest ban, the idea lest the Soviets Use- the armored The series will be climaxed Oct. from a restaurant near the prison. Soblen has Insisted he Is Inno­ the town by the tax collector and 7'30 Rawhide 13 1:00 News. Sign OH Robb and Mrs. William Z iri^r, reported. The Latham car had left 28 by a debate between Gov. John of world disarmament is a dream cars as a wedge tor parading So: Neither theory explained why cent of the spy charge and de­ tha town treasurer. SEE BATUKDAT'S TV WEt.lL FOR UOM^LETB LIRTING all of . Manchester, and seven front fender a*>d headlight dam­ not to be taken seriously.- . vIet military might around West Dempsey and his Republican op­ clared he 'will die soon of leuke­ grandchiUdren. the pills were not found during James Hassett, ghairman of the Set Tom orrow age and the,'Dick vehicle right Some Western diplomats feared Berlin. ponent for the govemship, John periodic searches prison officers mia. \ . ' town planning commission, ex­ Funeral services will be held front fender and hood damage. Moscow might extend its test se­ Alsop. , British, publlb, sympathy for Sob­ Monday at 11 a.m.. at St. Mary's made, or how Sobl?n managed to plained that in .the TPC budget A voter making session will be At 5 p.m., a second two-car crash ries, into next year and make Former governor and Welfare ‘take a massive (lose when he len was' reflect'^''' In newspaper there is 8750 for engineering serv­ E^ii.scopal Chuit^. The Rev. was inve.stigated by police at Cen­ preparations for another round of iSecretary Abraham Riblcoff, riin- Radio held all day tomorrow in the town William F. Gender III will oflfi- RifckviUe-y ernon presumably was under -plose editorials today. ices to be contracted.' He said that ter and Linden Sts., aftdq which explosions later. nlng for U.S! Senator, will debate surveillance. "Whatever he h ^ done," said tcrw)i maps are ib be kept up to Ifr-mlfiutG clerk's office, at the Municipal oiate. Burial will be in Blast Janos Beta. 50, of 16 Wadsworth with Republican Horace Seel.y- Cemetery.' , Soviet Deputy Foreign 3}inlster Soblen was . .stripped snd the Daily Mall, "on^cannot help date and Haydeit Griswold, who length. .Some stations carry other short nen-oraatim . Building, from 9 a.ih. to 8 p.m. St., was ordered to appear in Gir- Vasily V. Kuznetsov accepted Directofs Listed Brown on the previous Sunday, admiring his cleycrne^ or blam­ Friends may call at the Holmes searched before leaving • for the will .be the engineer for the TPC, WDKc- isao 7;^ Red Sox at Yarnktee Those who regi.ster as Republi­ cull Court 12. Manchester, Sept. l7. U.S. Ambassador Arthur H. Oct. 21. airport. There wa.s .speculation he ing the incompetefice ofHhose who will also, serve as road Inspector. ! 1 M Funeral Home, 400 Main St.,- Sun­ The first debate will be between 6 UU Ulehop'a Corner 10:46 NigtUbaat cans w'lll be able to exercise their Police said Beta, driving west­ Dean's suggestion to continue the By District GCW might have swallowed the, dose have let him get away with- it.” Those present praised the work 8:05 Raynnr Shine* It in Newp day from 3 to 9 and 7 to 9 p.m. erly on Center St., made a left Jurn GOP Congressman Abner W. Sl- 11:15 Sports Final voting privilege in the primary Memorial contributions may be three-power test ban talks during just before that. 'The Laborite Daily HcraW,*aid: bf Dog Wardeh Frank Paggioli, 1:05 N^ws Signuff into Linden St. into the oath of a the conference recess- bal of Norwalk and Democrat WHAI -GIG 11:30 Starlight Srrenada Tuesday to Mooae candidates for made to the Book of Remeinbrance The Rockville District of the The Daily Mall said Soblen had "Soblen may not be an attrcK^tive who it was reported made 282 in. 6.UU i*aul llarvey Nawa l2 8k \AW« and Sign Off the hoard of directors. vehicle operated by David C. But since he' flatly rejected the EVMcis X. Lennon Jr. of Cos Cob, hidden the dose in g peach and character. But—.if he survivc^in •VPdf Ilf* at St. Mary’s Church. Norv/ich Diocesan Council of Cath- caitdidates for the fourth congres­ vestigatlons on complaints, last 8:30 Alex Drier . * The voter making seasion tomor­ Woodbury, 20. of 38 Server St. alternative Western proposals for took a bite of U In his quarters the name of humanity the gover, year, but wondered whether the po­ 6:40 Weather. Sporli 6:(K> Connecticut Ballroom Woodbury, driving easterly on ollce Women haa announced Us sional dlat-rict seat. 7:00 Bdward P Morgaa 7:(K» Dale Kelley row is the next to the last regiilar Miss Amelia J. Weir a comprehensive or a partial test board of director.s: Thursday morning. The Mall said ment should now di'op the attempL sition could be made self-supporl-- 7:30 Night Flight 13:00 Johnny Argo Show one before the town elections Oct. Center St., attemoted to stop by ban as not negotiable, and insist­ a basket of fruit was sent to him to ship him back to America." ing. Board of finaiice members • JG Miss Amelia Jane Welr^ of Line Officers Include Mrs. Joseph F. 9:&5 Met* at Colti . 1 i i 1. The last will be Wednesday. St.. Glastonbury, died yesterday applying Ijij brakes but was un­ ed the talks be conducted solely Paper Sifspends Thursday. '"Let him; go .to any .. country said they would like to see It .sup­ K(> nfi €:0D Newa. Wall Street GIrardIni, president: Mrs. Peter h. r. W'TiCw IDgr <:16 Ghuwcaae Sept. 19, from 5 to 8 p.m. A spe­ able to and .struck .the left- rear of on the basts of Soviet demands Pozzato, vice president; ’ M 1 as On his ride to the airport, Sob­ that will have him." port itself but said they have about at East Hartfoi^ Hospital after a the Bota vehicle .with his right WINDSOR (AP) -i-J. Jeremiah • :UU News SikirtR an(f WeathRF 6:i( LuvkviJ fhomaa cial se.ssion for tho^nvhose rights long illneas. unacceptable to-the West, it was Margaret Ronan. recording secre­ Hatlaa announced todaY the sus- len was watched constantly by a Communist Czechoslovakia haa concluded that It is Impossible. 6:^1 Supivertimr Serenade 7:00 Nf^wa. Sporta mature after Sept. 19 will be held Miss Weir was born In Glaston­ front fender, police said. difficult to see how the nuclear tary: Mrs. Clarence McCarthy, detective, an ambulance attendant | offered him asylum None of the Items in the $380,- 6:45 Wefttberwatrh 7:30 Showcase' At 7:15 a.m. today, a oar-truck powers could , do any negotiating. pension of publication of the Wind- 7:15 ronverRalton Pit ce 7:65 Bed Sox at Yankeeg Sept. 29. bury and lived there all her life. corresponding 8 e c r e t a r y; Mrs. Weekly, of which hi 897.75 education -budget was ques­ 7;3» Newj of the World 11:06 Showcase Other sessions will be held later. cra.sh on Bl.ssell St., 139 feet we.st Diplomats from the West, and Henry Rounds, treasurer; Mrs. She was the daughter of: Walter N. of Foster St... brought the arrest been editor and publisher for .18 Sept. 19 class. The classes will be tioned about the possibility of be- 7:45 OrandMand Bandstand 13:30 Sign Off In preparation for the state elec­ and Sussut Avery Weir. She was even from some neutralist coun­ Robert (3hatterton, auditor; and years. ,> Nteg decreased: One person wonder- of Rufus W. Reed, 34 of Grant tries. say the Soviet, leadership Coventry held each consecutive Wednesday tions Nov. 6. employed at Aetna Life Insurance Mrs, Paul Monstello, parliamen­ HIS announcement said he was from'8 to 10:30 p.m. Starting Sept. ^ whether .the budget for text- Co., Hartford, for 40 yeara until Hill Rd., Coventry, , He was or­ appears to be under too much dered to appear In Circuit Court tarian. . ' suspending publication becau.se of 26, the class will progress to club b ( ^ s and equipment was sufficient' her retirement 11 years ago. pres.sure from iU more militant, health reasons and circumstances in vrow of the number of pupils en- 12. Manchester. Sent. 24., element to make any show of con­ Ckimmttlee chairmen 'are: Mrs. level dancing. Survivors include a niece. Mrs, James Josephlac. Catholic chari­ beyond his control. School Board The committee in charge of re- rolledX but finance board members ■V 7 Area Students Norman Cashman of Glastonbury ; Police said that Reed, driring a ciliation, even if, it wanted to^ tractor thick of L. T. .Wood Co­ ties; Mrs. EarL HathAway^ family Jiallas, . during, .hia - career,. iias f reshments- is hestded by Mr-, and._ said thV budget had been carefully, two nephews, Walter N. Weir of “They say tf&t the Sbvtet argu­ and parent education; Mrs., Wilbur been president of .the Laurel Club, re vie we'e^by the scli(>otT»iird;“ ' Win First Honors st B's.sell St., backed his truck ment of a Western military threat Mrs. Ernest Bissonnette o'f Bol­ Andover and Herbert C. Weir of Otto, public relations; Mrs. Jpseph an organization of reporters who Extra Fiirids^^ ton. Items In the budget requests Glastonbury, and five grrand-nieccs out of the firm's driveway and in­ is just not sincere. to tKe right side of. a patsing car, Noel, spiritual- developrtmnt; Mrs. cover -the State Legislature, and Masons Meet may be Incfieased or decreased by Seven Manchester area students and neirtiews. "They know just as well as we Mary Albanes,' membership; Mrs Press secretary to former Cover-, the board of'finance before being operated by Mrs. I.sabella Rowen d0[. that they have nothing to fear The regular meeting of 'Uriel who were undergraduates at the Graveside services will be held John (Jessay, libraries and litera­ nors Raymond E. Baldwin and Will Total $3,9001 l^odge of. Masons will be held to­ presented to the annual town meet­ tomorrow at 11 a.m. at Green'Cem- Dahl of 94 Bissel) St. Damage from us," one high Western diplo­ University of Connecticut during was minor to the car , No truck, ture; Mrs. RaymondToltler. things bel t Snow. m orrow at 7,;30 p.m. at the Ma­ ing for adoption. etefy. Glastonbur,-. The Rev. Clif­ mat said. "But they are under unllmted; Mrs. Harry Ertcl, or- . In answer to a (piestion from Jo­ the; past ■ srHpol ^ year have been damage was reported. heavy military pressure from TJie Board of Education has sonic Hall in Merrow. "Phe enter- . ford O. Simpson, pastor of Center ganzaton and development; Mrs. ed apprentice degree will be con­ seph Licitra as to Whether, on the Congregational Church, will offi­ within, and they are never going Safety Plan Hit ' closed Its bodks for the fiscal year accorded first honors for the year. Paul Herbst, confraternity of ending Aug. 31 with a balance of ferred. !'.. basis of the budget request in­ ciate. to admit that. BRIDGEPORT (AP) — John GRAND To qualify for the honors, they C3irlstian doctrine; and Mrs. Mario 8 3 .^ .9 8 to be turned back to the Bulletin Board) ... crease from $443,540. ttf $491,860. a There will tie no calling hours. 17 Doiif?le Blood "Tliere is the school of peaceful DeBartoli, legislation. A).iop, the Re]|)ubli(»n gubernator­ tax rate increase of-4.8 hnills might earned- the equivalent of an A- coexistence, and. there is the So­ town’s general fund, Mrs. L«on The First Congregattbpal minus a v e rse for both gemesters The fa.mlly has requested . that Affiliated organization presi­ ial candidate, charged today that C. Heckler, board chairman; said Ghurafi Board of Education will be expected, Preuss said that could flowers be omitted. At Special Vi.sil viet mtlitary, or the Stalinists. No dents o«i the district board are: "the state adtninlstration’s high­ bp about right. and had no'^irrade below'a C .. The W. P. Quish Funeral Home. matter which side Khrushchev is today. meet at 8 p.m. today at Kingsbury They are Enn Koiva of RFD 1. Mra. Ueonaid Lokonsky and Mrs. way safety program has not suc­ House. Worship .service. Sunday The hearing lasted abo'tft one 225 Main St., is In charge of ar­ c* » J really on, as long as the pressure ceeded because its emphasis has The -amount turned over to the Andover; Harold P. Jarvis of Sevente^ pints of Wood were ^rom the mlllUry contUiiea-and Jamea McQueen, Somera; Mrs. general fund includes balances in will be resumed at the. 11 a.m. hour. French Rd.. Bolton; John E.'Far- rangements. Paul Nlcolaa, Vernon; Mrs. Gessay been on driver punishment, not the following accounts: Matching hour. First Day Report ' ‘ here Is no sigh of a letup now- and Mrs. Robert DaCarll. Rock­ accident prevention.” wial of Ripley Hill Rd.. Coventry; hlo<^mobile to the VFW the Kremlin Eannot and Will not fund f0 1. federal aid, 82,289.90; The Waterfront Heights AsscxH- ^iipf. of Schools Philip LigubrI' Mra. Sally .JS, Johnson ville; Mrs. Joseph (^klew lcz, Ell­ He Slid, in his prepared speech reports'that the first day of 8chod|-j Dominick Armentano of RFD 2, P o^ Home Manchester Grken. „yer Berlin, disarmament before ' the Bridgeport Exchange home instruction. 8600; tuition, ation will. sponsor a dance today DISCOUNT CENTERS Mrs. Sally Rydin Johnson, sister ington; Mrs. Nelson Gobel, Bolton: 8425.87; attendance service. 8369.- from 9 p-.m. to 1 a.m^.at the club- went very 'smoothly yesterday, a' Manchester; Russell C. Mitchell of of Mrs. Anna Anderson of Manj The visit was arranged by the!Jr testing" Club, that "the .state’s three traffic 43 Hale St., Rockville: and Rob­ organization and Its auxiliary to *'■ __ _ Miss Hazel Campo. Miss Virginia 29;' teachers’ .salary-substitution, hou.se. Rocky Chase and the West­ few problems with bus transpota­ Chester,' died yesterday at Hart­ Adamowicz, Stafford springs. deaths over Labor Day And three tion are being .worked out, he add­ ert R. Green of 381 Pleasant Valley replacefk . 11 pints of blood used clur-1 ' BERLINritrt im (AP)—American au- on Tuc.sday are evidence of a most $214.76 and textbooks, 81-16. ern Kings \ylll pla.v for dancing. ford Hospital. Delegate-at-large b Mrs. Paul The Zoning Board of Appeals In charge of tickets are Gerald. ed. Rd.. and Nancy J. Roman of 1250 She was born in Sweden and ing the illne.ss of a late Massa^u- thorlties today .soft-pedaled the tragic kind of failure." Sullivan Ave., both in South Wind­ Monstello; representative to Lake­ win have two hearings at 8 p.m. Ryan. Joseph Peck, Claude On behalf of his staff!''Uguorl lived in Hartford for 55 year-s. She Wendell Graves of the auxiliary, f,? ^ ^ ® ville, Mrs. Joseph F. Girardlni. Alsop .said enforcement is needed Monday on appeals for variances said he would like to publicly tnafik | sor. was a member of Emanuel Luther­ Archambault and Harvey Morris. Among the donors were Ralph g- j * ja The Rev. J. Ralph Kelley is splr to help curb those drivers who will to zoning at the Town Hall An­ The library committee of the the Bolton PTA for the, fine lun-'|: . \ an Church, Hartford. itual moderator. fully continue to endanger others cheon served the staff at the school Chapman, who Joined the slx-gil- nex. Grant E. Toothaker Sr., Porter Library will meet at 8:15 'ir V - Besides her sister in Manchester, Ion chdj with his donation, and » U S- car that got too The Rockville board will .attend "but such enforcement," he added, chairman, will presldne, p.m. Monday at the library room Wednesda.v. BOLTON NOTICE survivors include two daughters of Bart Miniter, who reached two gal-1 military train Tues- a statewide luncheon tomorrow at "will not prevent accidents any Harvey R Barratte Jr. of We.st aif the' Church Community House Letter 5tatled to Dairy Hartford, a- brother in Sw;eden. and ]ons_ . day. Only one shot hit the car, the Norwich Inn where the Most more than thei-apy — after the Shore Dr. is scekifig permission to on Rt. 44A. •’ »' ■ Li'guori said a letter was' sent On September 4. J962, the Bol­ several nieces and nephew.s. Other donors were Richard **1^ hurt. Rev. Vincent j ; Hine.i, Bi.shop of disca.se has .struck — will prevent establish a body Ah0p*at the Cov­ from,/hls office yesterday to the ton Zoning Board of Appeals heard Funeral services will be hqld to­ Fordo, Harry Smith, John F. Ma- U.S. officers concealed the affair Norwich, will addre.ss the group a case of polio.” . . entry Industrial Center for repair­ Manchester Evening Herald Bolton Dairy in explalnalion of why and granted the appeal of John A. morrow at 2:30 p.m. at the Taylor loney, James V. McCooe, Le.slle: Thursday night. This .session will be fplloxtred by a ing and painting auto bodies. their- Ibiw bid (or supplying milk to .Shapazian of Brookfield Road, and Modeen Funeral Home, 233 C' 'ritry correspondent, F. Pau- Spencer. Mrs. Athalie Ding\Vall, The Army In Germany still had meeting of all di.strict board chair­ HST to Appear •Afiand Hitch(X)ck of Brewster Une Uttle, telephone PI 2-6231, the schcml did .not. result in award Bolton (No. 504) for a variance to Washington St., with the Rev. i.ssU'dd no official 'Information to­ men with the diocesan chairmen. of the contract. The letter, the su-;j Henry Wroblinski, Mrs. Amy A. HARTFORD rAP)-^More than St. 1s applying for a variance of build a garage thirteen (13) feet Stanley D. Sandberg of Emanuel Rrkey, Archie Moricz, all walk-in day, although the State Depart A "summation period" will con­ three feet from the sideline to perintendent reported, said there from the sideline whereas twenty- Lutheran Church, Hartford offTis- ■ment relea.sed a sketchy account clude the program-. 800 Connecticut Democrats -are ex- were complaints about the taste of donors; and Doris Manter. George' pectid here tomorrow night to build a garage on his property. Convicted five (25) feet is the minimum re­ ling. Burial will be in Cedar Hill C; Edwards, Ralph Hagenow, Ed­ In Wa.shington AL .Auxiliary to Install The Planning and Zoning Com­ milk" at school la.st year, Bolton quirement under latest Zoning Cemetery. hear former President Harry HARTFORD (AP) —James F. win Edwards. Albert H. Gustafson, Army spokesmen said they could m Ls.i Ann Gworek will be in­ Truman launch the party's official mission will meet at 8 p.m. Mon­ Dairy was the supplier at the time. Regulations. Friends may call at the funeral Patrick Humphrey. Maurice Fish­ not confirm reports, that Col. Ern­ stalled as president of the Ameri­ day At the Town H«H Annex. McGai'Ujy, 54, a Derby restaura­ •The board of education had re-! This lot was recorded and d.well- home today from 7 tq 9 p.m. Do­ state campaign at a $100-a-plate teur and former city assessor, haa er and Ernest Eybcl, all donors by est von Pawel, head of the U.S. can Legion Auxiliary ^edne.sday dinner. Scjiool Menus served the right tef'reject any and ing built when kde yard require^ nations may be m a d e to the appointment. liaison mission wlth^ the Soviet at 7:30-p.m. in the OAR rooms. The hot lunch menus at the been convicted of income tax all bids received to supply milk menta were ten (10) feet. To {ipply Emanuel Church Memorial Fund Any donors who wish to make forces ^in ' Bast Germany, would Miss Helen Jellen of Stafford fi-uman is scheduled to fly into throe public schols next week arc: evasion. and, according to the letter, the the new.twenty-five foot side yard In her memory. memorial donations and were un­ make a protest to Gen. Ivan Yak- Springs.. Fourth' District president, Bradley Field, Windsor Locks, Monday—sloppy joes, buttered McCarthy pleaded no contest board felt it'was in the be.st inter-' requirement in this specific ca.se able to give at the Wednesday ubovsky.'thc Soviet commander In will lead the ihatailing team. about 3:35 p.m., where he will be green bean.s. peacli and cottage yesterday to one of four counts . cat of the town to award the con Is in effect a retroactive act and John L. Barry visit may do so Monday, Sept. 17, Ea.-it Germany. Other officers to be installed im met by State and National Demo­ cheese salad and lemon.fluff; Tues­ ;' tracLfbr the coming year to Dart's creates an undue hardship. cratic C;3iairman. John M. Bailey against him. He was charged, John Lester Barry, 68; of 466 W. from 10:45 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at a 'The car wa.s an olive-drab sedan dude Mrs. Helen Friedrich, firat day ^-pork and gravy on rice, vcgc. with claiming an Income of $25,- .' Dairy. BOLTON ZONING Middle T)jke., died yesterday at bloodmobile visit to St. Bridget's And Lt. Gov. Anthony J. Armen- table and pickle slaw, buttered Baseball Dinner Assured BOARD OF APPEALS of the liaison mission stationed at vice president; Mrs. Lottie Blon- 909.20 from 1955 through 1958 Manchester Memorial Hospital af­ Church. Pots^m , a suburb, tn Bast Ger­ stein, second vice president; Mrs. taho. com square and pink applesauce: when the government said his in- Officers of the Bolton Junior Julius L. Strong, ter a short Illness. Shirley Novak secretary, Mrs They will procefi to the hotel Wednesday- -turkey tioat. fresli to­ baseball progfant have withdrawn | Chairman many southwest of Berlin. Two conie' wa.s actually $55,322.10. Mc­ Mr. Barry was born In Brooklyn. U.S. officers in it were totijriiig Norlne O’Brien, treasurer; Mrs. •IStaUcr Hilton) where Truman mato. buttered spinac{i and pine­ Carthy paid $5,525.03 in income their request'for a hearing with' Byron H, Shinn, N. Y., and came to Mandiester 15 _ Bernice Persanowski, chaplain; will hold a press conference at 5:30 the board of finance to obtain \ Secretary directors to Meet nearby-areas of Blast (Jermany. apple tapioca; 'Thursday-Italian ta.xcs when he should have paid. years ago from Bridgeport where A well-informed source-said the Mrs. Lorraine Mattis, histprfan'r p.m., several hours before he is spaghetti with meat and ehcewe $13,339 50, the indictment .said.. . funds for the annual dinner for the NOTE; Any qualified person de­ he lived for many years. t o officers encountered a Soviet Mrs. Hermena Hoprmann, ser­ scheduled to deliver a campaign -sauce, summer salad with dress­ After pronouncing McCartliy boys. Park and Recreation Com­ siring to appeal this deci.sion must He was a retired automobile Wednesday Night geant-at-arms; and Miss Anna keynote address. * ing, Italian bread and cAerry missioner Fred Gaal said last night i do so within, fifteen (15) days of salesman and former secretary of train at a grade grbsslng. Soviet' guilty, U. S. District Judge T. soldiers, apparen'tly recognizing Martley, assistant iergeant-at' crisp; Friday — tomato soup, Emmet Clarie continued. the case he has about 8180 in his budget i the date of the public notice of the Parkade Merchants Associa­ The board of directors will hold NHRli TO BUY BONDS grilled cheese .sandwiclvwith pickle .and he ferfs it will cover the cost's. said decision. the car's big yellow license plates, arms. for _senfenclng. tion. a special meeting Wednesday at 8 VFAV Meeting SMted NEW HAVEN (AP) — U.S. Dis­ slice, celery sticka-'And Nathan T. J. Crockett, president of the Survivors include four daugh­ opened fire. ' p.m. In the probaU court hearing Although the source admitted The Rockville vt^W and ')■> siix trict Judge Robert P. Ander.son has Hale cake. In addition, on Fri­ baseball program, announced last ters, Mrs. L. E. Dumper of Long room of the-Municipal Building,to lliaro will meet jointly tonight at authorized the trustees of the bank­ day at Coventiy High School, night that the ban! cp-ilnm- Sacco company, provided the direc­ principle that such an order be • Manoheater Evening Herald Bol­ ber 25. 1962 for nomination to the Stolen Bike Found, tors take action on the third item issued, but Its exact timing has Town firemen of Hose Conri ton cornapondeint, Grace 5lcDer-1 - Municipal Office to be filled at the of the special agenda. n t yet been decided. panics '1 and 4 last night at 8:30 .FULL SIZE.4-PASSEHGER 2.DOOR SEDAN mott, telephone Mitchell S-6566. town election to be held on .No­ The general manager must also The State Department refused were called to 120 S. Lakewood vember 6, 1962 hereinafter speci­ Rear Wheel Gone abandon the two' parcels for high­ comment' as reports. of the oi-der Circle for a minor oil burner fire, of fied: way purposes, provided the direc­ chrcjilated Thursday night in dip­ undArtermlned origin. No damage Bi.Partisan Party REPRESENTATIVE . TO THE A bicycle! reported stolen from tors approve the fourth Item on the lomatic quarters here. WM reported to the burner, a fire GENBRAL ASSEMBLY „ near the entrance to King's De­ agenda.. Last Saturday the Soviet Union spokesman noted. 1963 - 1969 -1 partment Store yesterday after Set for MoriaHy I (2) The following is the party- 4:30 p.m.,vwa.s later- recovered at 1962 MERCURY MONTEREY endorsed candldat'e of the Repiib- Charter Oak .Field With the rear About 250 persons are expected j Ifcan Party for nominalioh to said wheel mis.sing. to - attend the testimonial buffet Municipal Office together .with Police received a complaint o f ! OPEN SATURDAY and SUNDAY-1 P.M. fo Dork street address of sai(l Candidate. the theft of the bike, owned by \ Sunda.v afternoon for Edward! Eugene ■ GagllardOne, Hebron Miss- Irene Klupewicz of 358 Hack­ Moriarty, Democratic registrar of bGOutifully trlmniGd Road, Representative to the- Gen­ matack, St., at 5:40 p.m: Joseph, NORTHYIEW HEIGHTS , votera for the past 30 years. eral Assembly '63 . ',65. - Swenson of 97 Prospect St. later ! 'The affair will be held at Ft- (3) The following enrolled mem­ found the bike and returned it to PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD— SOUTH WINDSOR ano’s Restaurant in Bolton from I ber of the Republican Party has its owner. Police are investigating Beautiful new homes—5 minutes from East Hartford Center, 15 minutes from'Downtown. Hartford. 4:30 to 9 p.m. The buffet iUelf will > filed petitions In conformity with the incident, one of several such City water—Big V. acre Iota. Colonial and spilt leCel m(>dels available—Open dally 1 P.M. to dark. begin around 6. ■Section 9-94 If the General Stat­ thefts reported in the depart­ Among the guests will be Gov. ,1 utes as candidate for nomination to ment store's area in recent weeks. John N. Dempsey, former Gov- ] , said Municipal Office. VA.FHA' Abraham A. Ribicoff who is run­ r>orolh.v R. Miller, Cook Drive. MORTGAGES ning for the U.S. Senate, Con-1 Representative to. the General As­ NOTICE gressman Emilio Q. Daddario. seci.il sembly i'63 - '65. retery of State Mrs. Ella GrassolijJ Dated- at Bolton, Connecticut; In accordance with the 'require­ ■and Sen. Thomas Dodd. -i this 28th day of August 1962. ments of the Zoftlng' Regulationa Republican Mayor Harold^- A. I , Mamie A. Maneggla for the Town of Manchester: Ck>hn:, Turkingt'bn, w-ho will be on vaca­ Registrar of Voters the Zoning Board of Appeals will CLOSEOUT SPECIAL tion Sunday, plans to send Director of the Republican Party hold a public hearing on Monday . Thomas galley as his- emissary, j | SL.US The foregoing ia a copy--of the evening. Sept. - 17, 1962 at 8:001 I CHOICE '. OF CONORS GOP Town ffiialrman John F. Shea 6 . G G rroENAi. TAX notice which 1 have received jfrom P.M. in the Hearing Room of the Jr. and Rep. A Lawrence Riker al- Mkmie A. Maneggla, RegiatraCr of Municipal Builciing on the follow'. .6 cylinder, 135 H.P. engine, standarcl trans­ Ing application: STATE, HEAR­ 30 plan to attend. Votera of the Republican Party, In mission, heater, defroster, directional sig­ $ Clarenqe Foley is in charge of the Luxurious atink toils swirled Bad dropod accordance with Section 9-109 of ING ALSO. : affair, and Steve CAvagnaro is in | Peter MonacC). Hbw Main St., form mfiiioture hotlettos of porfoction! the General Statutes. As provided nals, tubeless tires, delu.xe interior. 12,000 charge of tickets. in said notice a Primary of the Re­ Business Zone III. Special excep­ Gorgoous shodos of outu »n ho*e, roach, miles or 1 year factory warranty. Federal publican Party for nomination of tion ia requested to have repairer's 2349 TEL8TAR RIE88AGE coruloon oad saowy whito! Puro flottory candidates to the office herein •license and Certificate of Approval .7 rooms. baths, large front Lipbel Price— ?2754.00. WASHINGTON (API- Weather at 0 tiny little pricol specified will be held on Septem­ for same at above location.' .Raised DELIVERED IN MANCHESTER Information gathered from space ber 25. 1962;' the hours of voting Raythond E. Llbbey, -18 McNAll foyer. Living' area ever 1650 S4« OpUonals at extra cost. Paneled by the.. Tiros satellite has been! at aald Primary will be from 2 .St., Business Zone II.. Special ex­ successfully sent to fYance 1 ception is requested to have limit- rec room. TliermOpane sliding, glass P.M. to S P.M.; and the location ft. 2-zoae baseboard oil, beat. 17,990 doors. Concrete patio, gable and $295 Down ^ 3 4 Mcmths to Fay •— Low Bank R a tn ' through space via the tclstar com: o f the polU will be the Community 'ed repairer's license' and Certifi­ munlcations satellite, the Weather I cate of Approval for same at above pillars. Hall. Exclusive Sales— Bureau said Tluirsday.; -,v Dated at Bolton, Connecticut, location. The experimental- first, accom- j Air pArsiins interested liiay at­ From Mandiester Center to North Main Street, thW 31st day of Aum st 1962. < ' turn left at. trac|ca, oonttnoe to Plantlaiid, first S1WWARTZ REAL ESTATE pushed Wednesd|ty, had no Immfr 1 Grand-Way Invites You To A iW k Party Tonittht-.-iO P.M. to 12 MiiiimK>»l— Kurt Ru sm II (W « ^ C ) Host— l>ancinir. Refreshments. . OlW^ Hi Toomey, tend this nearing. diate practical value, a spoked- j ^Manchester iVkadp, Midille Turnpike West .. M Town Clerk Zoning Board of Appeals right over bridge (lYhidsor Street). Conttaine .'''Realtors MORI ARTY BROTHERS man -said. But lie emphasized - the j Open Mon. thru Jlat. 9:30 A.M. 10 F.M. Manchester Parkade. Middle Turnpike-West—Open MondfO' thru Saturda^ 9:30 A.M. to IQ P..^ Alanchester Roger B- Bagley,' . approximately'I

fAGK *hTELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD; MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY.^SEPTEMBER 7,1961 Ma n c h est er ev en in g h e r a ld . MAKcnffisriaivjjcwNH .pr id a y ; Se p t e m b e r 7,1982 PA(?E THTRTEIEN .proposals without substantial rea­ -Mi. Cbluiiibia Barry Says ^ son for doing so. Any benefit from seVerk^miresVlU^cra tAan tMs'lt Is a en by the Manchester Squadron Rockville School during the ' changing..to odd-year elections re­ healtb'hazard. a breeding place for HEALTH CAPSULES Power Squadron will take phme on THieeday, Sept; week of So^t. iT from 7 to 9 p.m. Haips You Ovareamo' mains a mystery. And the general rats, flies and other vermin.' by Mielissl A. PeiH, M.D. 18, at Msnch'ester. High School. , Monday through. Friday and 9 to Off-Year Vote manager' himself hais stated that The Open Forum It is not good town government Starts Classes Registration for all classesvwlll ll':8b a.m. on Saturday. FALSE YEETH Mrs. Lem s he neither want|! .nor needs an as­ that allqws a condition such aa this CAN PiABCTES BE CUOSP.t be held from 7 to 9 p.m. In " to exist. A firm offering incinerat­ Loosanats and Worry sistant. ComrtumcaUoiwJor'pubilcaUoM in Ui* Open Fonun wlii not be 'Die Manchester Power Squadron 101 of the high school. FmSI^' MESSAGE "The net result of this'type of gunrantend pubUention If they contain more than SOO worda. The ing fsatvices contacted Manchester The Manchester Power Squadron [amuel F. B. Morse's Immortal No kinftr be snnoTMl ot tsel lll-st- Gets Post in Needless Cost^ ofnoials. Manchester officials didn't H). u^et all boat skippers to take a MM beesuse o| loose, wobbly. fslSa thinking la that it is alright to Herald Ui» right to decline to puhliati any matter that will also conduct the United States “WKK»t Hath God Wrought!’' was teetb. FASmrH.Ab improTed alka­ spend approximately ^ ,0 0 0 ever/ see fit to investigate; Three or four free course In boat handling to help Power Squadron classes at Rock­ the firsbmesaage sent by telegraph line (non-scld) powder, •pnnklad on Off-year elections would coat ta.x- may bo JHfeloua or which U in bad taste. Free expreesion of poUt- two years for no good reason. / leal ^ of our , smaller neighboring towns promote safe boating through edu­ ville High School. Registration for and was-transmitted on May 24, sourplstM bolds them nrmwso tbty Alsop Group payers an "unnecessary" $2,Sf)0 to yttwt U desired by eentribuuona of thie charactar but let- with a'lesser problem than ours in­ fast more comfOltabla. Avoid amber- "This is the decision of the same tpr* whieh wh are defamatory or abusive wlU be rejected cation. Enrollment for the United the Rockville clafnes can be made 1884, from tIw Supreme Court raiamettt eauaad by looaa plates. Oet $3,0 ' Atty, Ftobert Gordon's, profes­ today. The organization is pro-x d's would defeat the charter necessary expenses ought to be When the ne-w l^ldbzer was pur­ pital. I waa,.one of those individ­ sional training, as well as his four chased for the 'town- dump-jas.t moting. the gubernatorial bid of ■ change, a.-T weir as another charter able to end.orse something worth­ uals thaty^I^t -tomporlzing with years' ex^rience on the Board, change providing an assistant gen^ spring, it .was said, that'this would John Alsop. Republican nominee. . while. my coneWIjm -tt)!o' ;Jong and kept make him a real aaset Fritz solve the dump'probleih' and that eral manager at an annual salary "The people of Manchester can't hoping agun st hope that it would DellaFera and Donald Conrad, In Long active in political affaire.. of * 11 ,000. we would ratuth to the ^ l t a r y e-7 afford this kind of government. Improve, which i t did not do. Con- their tiwo yasirs of service on • the Fill Type Disposal Area, The name XIi-s. I..ewi8 ia president of the Tol- ' "These proposals will be voted 'There are enough essenllal.'i that sequentiyi -mjtopeHltlmi was much Board, have proved themselves land County Republican Wdrnen’s-; down because they involvh an un­ sounds good, but that was a wrong tost money...I am confident that more ihvmvYtd then it needed to be level-headed and capable mem­ guess on the bulldozer. You can Association, a member, of the ex-: necessary expenditure., b]f money,” the taxpayers will demand that had I sought medical attention bers; after this Drat term of In­ ocutive board of the,"Connecticut i stni smell the dump before you can PIABETGS « INHCRITEP AND he said. their money be spent more wisely sooner and, needleaa to say, my doctrination, they are even better see it. CAN'T BE CURED, BUT (T CAN Council of Republican Women's | ■'The Republican majority on the b.v voting against these two pro­ post - operation treatment was prepared to serve their town. - Clubs, and a leader in- the cam- j In a few weeks we can elect a BE .WELL-CONTROjpLBP,. OFTEN board of directors approved thesh posals." much more extensive in that it For trtiqtworthy, dedicated serv­ board 6f, directors that will study JUST BV A S wCp l E WET. paigm to elect Mrs. Helen Loy as , was necessary for me to take a ae­ ice to, Manchester 4uring the com­ and investigate methods to improve -) HMltk Cietuto fivnMeNIjii^^ secretary of state on the Republi­ ries of X-ray treatments (the only can ticket ing two years, I sincerely recom­ the dump, road conditions sind oth­ ■-1 W# have excellent. stotk of Station Vllagons In type that is available at the Man­ mend, these four men. , ,j er town problems. It is up to the She is also secretary .of the Co­ chester Memorial) to make certain Eric S. Anderson. voters to elect officials that can lumbia Republican Town Commit­ that the malignancy had .been ar­ tee. past president of the Colum­ both the regular Chevrolet and Chevy II lines. We ore estimate' a budget surplus and ap­ Kiddie Matinee rested. Still Smells It> . ply It where needed, and. not Just bia Parent-Teacher.s Association (Jour I said many a prayer for Mr. TO the Editor, point at it and then raise taxes and a former president of the Co­ .giving excellent year ehd'deal^-on these fine cars, so if Willard Rogers and have blessed In 'a statement published by The Slated at State p : anyway. lumbia LAke Association. ^ * ' buy him many times when I read of his Manchester Herald, Deputy Direc­ Jam es F . Halloran Canoe Regetta a Success it’s o Station Wd^n you'ye'Men thinking of, see us for crusade to make a cobalt machine tor of Public Works, Mr.' Chester "Tarzgo . and the She-Devil" Is Many favorable comment .were available to the Manchester Me­ Langtry' stated that he deplored the RBDS ARRESTED -k the Stotb Theater 'feature to be received on the combination-canoe some yeor end savings. morial Hospital. Manchester Is way that Manchester residents XtOSfXlW (APV Eighteen 8o- shown at (he special Kiddle mati­ - regatta and swimming, meet held certainly fortunate in having such scattered - rubbish about the town -viet citizens have been arrested nee tomorrow at 2 p.m. A^gala. at the Columbia Beach Siindjy by an outstanding citisen that con. dump. in Lithuania for wartime collabor­ assortment of cartoons will alge'be' the recreation council. Mrs. Myrtle /■ oems himself with the welfare of This is a very small part of the ation with the Nazi army. ■ The shown. Doors will open at l:30,r Englert of the council said "We the .sick and aged aa well as hav­ -overall problem we have With the newspaper Soviet .Lithuania said and thexiomplete snow wilt be over hope to make this an annual ing the fortitude to fight for what dump. The amount of rubbish and 10 of the men are accused of be­ at 4:05. event." ' ^/n^rfe or out / is fair and Just. garbage dumped there each day is ing members of punitive squads 3 II . Forty-flve registered " for the After having been subjected to 80 to log tons and increasing all the which allegedly killed 50,000 per­ Cli^d-Labor Rule New twimpiing contests arranged by X-ray treafhients I, for one. am time. A lesser amount of refuse sons in Lithuania and White Rus­ Miss Ann Verprauskus, und Robert more, cognizant of Mr. Rogers’ could be buried properly and not sia. j WASHINGTON, New federal' Laramy. life guards. Thei-e were splendid crusade for a Cobalt ma­ have the offensive odor our dump The remaining eight were said child-labor regulations permit 14-; 1* regi.stered .for the canoe eventsy C .J. MORRISON chine and especially so after hav­ has now. tov have been members' of squads end 15-year-olds to work In retail organized under the direction of ing been made aware of the limi­ The dump is a general nuisance, which killed more than 20,000 in eetsbiishments in office clerical,' Mr|. William J. Murph.v. flfiet'.c'ap- PAINt STORE tations of the X-ray' machine as the odor from it covers an area of Lithuania. Bales, delivery, snd clea^ p jobs. Tedfords to Mark Golden. We^ WE GIVE OREiEN STAMPS opposed to the Co'balt machine. tain. y Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Tedfoi d. 17' New Craft ’ The CobaJt machine has a more Holl St., will hold open hou.AY pin-pointed to a small area ^hlch Murph.v .said It is the only one of ter, will .servo'as ho.ste.ss. ha.s reported that when the 1961- DAYS S( L DAYS SCH makes it possible for.it to bie used L W PRICES... SAVE^?^ GREEN STAMPS Its kind in New England. It had 62 fiscal year ended, on June .30, on infants if necessary, 'the en­ been owned by a Neiw York Cit.v The Tedfords were .married Sept. there were 871 more full-time state SCHOOL SCHOOL DA' 11 1912, bv the Rev. Sherman E tire ray is more easily controlled, club which wa.s dissolving. It is a employes than on June 30, 1961. DAYS SC L DAYS , SCH and as a result of a technicians type used in Ol.vmpics and all au­ Eilis of South Methodiist ^hurch. Besides their daughter, they have I SCHOOL SCHOOL DA’ meeting that was recently held in thentic races, la- 21 feet long and Montreal; 'Canada, It wa.s the ex­ 'weighs 76 pounds:' It can also be a .son. W. Irwin Tedfoid. nine | DAYS SC i DAYS SCH grandchildren and four great- ' pressed opinion of 'the majority of used for two singles and as a Personal INotices SCHOOL SCHOOL DA' these technicians that the Cobalt training canoe for Kayak 4 double grandchildren. i Mrs. Tedford has been a menj-'^ DAYS SCH DAYS SCH treatment was the most diverse, paddles and K2 double paddles. _ ber of the Willing \Vorkers Circle. SCHOOL D. CHOOL DA’ the most flexible of the two types The boys using this had Warren Card of- Thanks p t treatments and 'was by far the SCHOOL sumics WSCS. for many years. Hei hus- : we »;i.«li to thank all of ou!' nolph-l DAYS SCH -DAYS SCH most effective without the accom­ Fletcher, Robert Fletcher, Dennis band was a velvet weaver at Che*. Ixt?, fri<=‘nd.« and reihtlvo9 for th#» mai»v Murphy and Richard Robin.son in nev Bros, until his retirement- ■>' tondnesi- .and s.vmpalh.v ahnwn SCHOOL D, , CTOOL DAI panying side-effects that resulted first place; Russell and Peter 01 ri.. __ '‘J* rt'ff'nt b<»reavrmont. \V»* DAYS SCHOt^ d a y s ::s c h ' from X-ray treatments. onn tinH rxosfM rvvK ; ' Hvc \ 6ars agO. They are , |j,.(.jaiiy ihank all- ihoao who a^nt the ' I hope this letter will help to •on, AUKe MaieK and David Oohen i South MethodUt o^auiiful floral tribut^'a and loan<*d ihi» SCHOOL DA Cusp Cown HOOL dXV ia accond place; g:irl.«<. Linda! <;^urch. .* u.^p of rats. Ihirst-Quenchina . eoiivince the Board (^Directors of AYS SCH- Daignexult. Lorraine Vertefeuille. I Relatives and friends of the cou-1 ■*fol DAYS SCHOi the Manchester Xle^brial Hospital John B. Kehoe Sr. and family. to make an installation of one of Patricia Murphy and Lee German 1 ~ • SCHOOL DA' Sw ii HOOL DA^ came in third, T AYS SCH these Cobalt machinea just - as SALE DAYS SCHOi quickly, as possible:'J know at the Porcakrinod top, tub, lid; Winners in the Kayak singles j SCHOOL DAYS OOL DA' 'Outset that it is an expimsive piece ware Warren^ Warren» Fletcher. Richard out-of-tha«way lint filtor OF MANCHESTER DAYS SeWOOli ,YS SCH of equipment. If it will help to Robinson and Robert Fletcher. f TGHER GLASS GO. kav.w one life or redbbe the suffer- Canoe doubles; Robert Fletcher SCHOOL DAYS1 lOOL DA' ipg’of just one patient it.will have " and Dennis Murphy, Warren ■Mitchell AYS SCH' 188 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE DAYS SCHOOL ,.']ustifi^ this expenditure.--., Fletcher and Richard Robinson, «l8t-6 SCHOOL DAYS SCHOOL DA^ ' Manchester has grown too large Priet Includes DeliYsry Richard Leve.sque and Richard WHEN YOU THINK OF SCHOOL DAYS SC GLASS, THINT4 OF FLETCHER! knd our hospital is to progressive Card. Scooter pump, Russell and L DAYS SCHOOL DAYS SCHOOL DAYS SCHOOL DAYS SCH. to-rely .on Cobalt treatments at and Normal Installation Peter Olsen, Linda Daigncault and- -CORNER OURIiCnT ST SCHOOL DAYS SCHOOL DAYS SCHOOL' DAYS SCHOOL DAY the hospitals in . Hartford. The Lorraine Vertefeuille, Michael Mal- In stock— on our Shgwroam floor^'l962 Corvolr Monra acquisition of one, of, these Cobalt GET <(.W GREEN/STAMSS WITH EVERY PURCHASE / ek and David Cohen. LARGE QUARTERS TO SERVE YO U M e EDS! mdcihlnes at Manchester Memorial Export Sarvict Bobbing: Jo-An Jacobus. Lor­ convertible, complete w tir Spyder equipment ‘ including will confirm (he reputation the You never leave Seaiw aervlce behind . . > raine Vertefeuille, JoAnn Gadoury. PI.ENTY OF FRO.NT A.ND RE.AR I^RK IN G hospital has already achieved when always availnble. . jis near ae yOur phone. . Canoe double.s': Patricia Murphy They go together— school days pnd eating townspeople and visitors alike say MAKE ^AN TS HEADQUARTERS and Lee German, Linda and Lor­ AUTO GLASS INSTALLED at McDonald's, lunch time . . . snack time.,.. ' 150 H.P. turbo-charged englhe<.^4 speed transmission, "They are years ahead of the en­ raine. Cheryl Berkowitz and Jo ­ tire hospital field." Sears does not eetabUsh wrtiflNal . “list” Ann Jacobus. GLASS FURNITURE TOPS before or after the game .... you It find it fun special instrument cluster, and other-^ extrai^ See it now! . Sincetely, FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL BARGAINS! prices to wilow so-ralle __ outer clothes and shoes off. and In • ."dreamer up" to attracU'the moat PENCIL P A K ...3 0 pencils packed in sets of 5. open as n66d e d .^ __,_—,ggo i trunks, dived irft to swim with the Republican votes. In,.f£ct, we are McDonald's / "runhUjg” on an .eqQliomy plqtfonn 2 OR 3 RING BINDER...sturdy canvas cover, trigger lock rings______gge rest, and win the event. The boy? Autemarie Dofreit 46 WEST CENTER STREET 5-HOLE FILLER TABLET... 300 sheets,-ruletL margins, fits all binders___nor —John Melo. ^ / Enroll Now that ai^nrently 'Is' not popular Protb PoBd SocHan SILVER LANE EXTENSION with csrtKhis}^ la usually used for 12BALLPOINT PUIE,..retractable point*,.unbreakable barrel ‘ Power Sweep Vacuum Cleaners Wilbur Fletcher, manning the \V-l|rmanlic. State College: Willimantic. Connecticut. - non-essentlgl "pet” projects. , mike: 'Wally Lohr: judging .swim Please send me further information coticei-ning; , LOW AS S2J7AWEEK 5-HOLE FILLER PAPER..';4p0 sheets, ruled margins, fits all binifer*______98c 3. ElimMddifiB' of Motion be­ 8HEAFFER BALLPOINt,PEN.^.retractable poiiit, giant ink supply..^______i-l.OO contMl and giving out ribbons;'Jim □ Graduate Program □ Evening College Program *^S-< tween town aEoheiea, tmd the edu­ Robinson and Dave Cohen, timers; o w itm judges for the canoe events, Mrs. cational department'^ We will wbpk No Menay D Lucius W. Robinson Jr.. Miss'Bye- Name ...... w'ith the Board of Education'to pro­ Sears Easy Faymoiil Fkm ■ lyn- Wolff and Mrs. FJnglert. duce a realistic budget that is b s s ^ 'CHARGE-IT’ .c.N O MONEY DOWN! EASY CREDIT TERMS upon "ability to' pay" as Indicated Address by Manchester's tax base and pro­ Manchester Evening' Herald Co­ o lumbia correapondent. Miss. Donald gression of the grand list. e F’ast, light vacuum power • Sweeps, dusts hard floors R. Tuttle, telephone ACademv Telephone Prices en the Impola 4-Door Hqrdioips have been reduced 4. Cessation of "blank check” S-S454. spending programs where both • Weighs just 6V2 pounds a Swivel pozzie, hangs on w'all so that you pay no more than for, o regular 4-door se­ political parties jump on the "Band Wagem" and try to out-db e'Dirt cdp empties in a jiffy each other so as to claim credit * « • • ' I dan. 5 differant colors to choose from. for the program. Case in point; the present Community College program where both parties are R E N T h e r e ! O'Cpmior Extra! pushing fo r ' a referendum before J^ohmoL^ COsiafL they know the total cost and the J ? impact on. the tax rate. The abovb Independent Repub- V> ' FOR WEDDINGS and ALL FORMAL OCC.^-SIONS .lican slate asks for the support of Kenmore Zjg^Zag Sewing 4^ : ^ GREEN STAMPS I all Republican electors' at the pri­ '-'''I’ mary Tuesday, Sept. 11, based -on Machine With Cabinet For a limited time only O’Connor offers Green our dedication to "freeze the tax NOTHING SEND AWAY FOR- 'Stamps with the purchase of an.O’Connor Garage or rate" so as to make Manchester to a place where people can afford KOYALITE PORTABLE Cottage. e to live. EVERYTHING IN STOCK! ' Respectfully yours. TYPEWRITERS Wilbur W. Bennett A U m e t a l VISIT M SPU Y SUNDAY 14 V .• CanMwHli vinyl euiyiag cue LUNCH KITS "rrustworaiy, DedlcaSed’ IJ6 TH0MP80N- To the Editor,, '' • StufBydie-eMtniegneshinfninc UabolievMdebargaiB! Qual­ \TUUE t\ Having served on the Board of • Margin reluee, bade apace ity made! Yoar choice ot Dlrbctiws for the past two years • Foil aiae etainiaKl keytioard aeveral smart gw gw One Of EnfteM Rtrect - with four of the incumbent Repub­ designs, eoiots. I I Q C Our lowe.at. price for a zig-zag console. You can em- CARTER lican candidates, I can speak from • B ell bearing euriegiA Fox boys, firis. Q O (Bt. 8) bro' monogram, aew on button.*, zippers. Plus Connecticut’.s' personal observation of their abil­ ■upport Fe4. Tax lo d . One-h«lf'mile 145 Enfield Street, , Thompson ville ities and their sincere concern for regu , ewing in forward or reverse. Fast rojind bob­ Largest south of the the welfare of all the people of MaseachuseMs- R1 5-2050 bin action. Choice of cabinet fiiiishes. Ooiuieetlent Manchester. -Formal iPlMM mai

'V • • ■ > ■' . ■ .' ' > ■ k ,


iwKNSoN Pic k ed 'em u p at t h r e e Dmrnmr to Pi Full Scholarships Urged ^ ^ AM. IMTH'RARK— IUEy VJE(tB - Foreign Affoirg MM6 ARB - n f TMReB L(»R)*■»»***» George Legier and a program com­ a t pranooB JT iS 8 41 v r 10 years ago whbn dramatic break­ r ■ throughs In knowledge of the unl- mittee wilt conduct a private guest d o w n K game. Refreshments will be served. PRISCILLA’S POP j n A L VERMEi'JR 1 South KnropoaB 41 60 veMe make the old imowledge ob­ \ SSaered tmafa solete, he said. N. Members may bring a guest SOODNKSWiT, BE QUAD WHEN 61 s r 66 ' DON’T AT DOS LEARNS SBritiah piineem Rlbicofl also said tharEf elected PRISCILLA* ' F=0R<3ET 4BodyniD Miss Julie Demeo, *23 siarl St., \ T O S H A K E u 64 to the Senate he.would bern a po­ Flam m Steps Ddivn CSMA<^K) .OLIVER/ SAppointmenta 6T 7 ’ Mias Carol-Ann OejkowskI, 15.Oak- HANDS/ SRomanpoat -I sition to help back programb^re- pared by President K ennedy^n wood Rd., and Mias Barbara Le- Clarence 3. McCarthy accept.^ the gavel a.s chairman of the TBocb Rockville Redevelopment Commi.s.^{on from outgoing chairman AT LOW DISCOUNT particular, he said he would bad May, 19 Autumn St., arc vacation- \ the medicare proposal. ng in Bermuda. Harry W. Flamm. McCarthy, a Rockville insurance man, was Accompanying Riblcdff were nominate^ as the new chalniian by Flamm, who l.s leaving the A i s r o ^ cornmis-aion. He \Vas not reappointed by the City Council at the Mayor Lro EL Flaherty Jr. and sev­ e Loyal Ci/cle of King’s expiration of his term recently. iHerald photo by Guillotte.) 15EfHII2^ BY PRANK Ono no extra cost— <6nvenient terms— pay ps little os 10.00 per month, . x MSGcSTBouauer \ c . 1 'A units 'from the American L«gion, Mrs. Custon Abraltis, 63 Doane St., rmer, 259 Porter St., succeeds A VFW and state police, marching will leave Tuesday - to enter' St. Miss'S^nette Sumner of B;..!on as KHARTOUM — The only inde­ units and apparatus from the Bonaventure University. SL Bona the cltlNs'president. pendent mid-African nation not N. Rockville and Vernon Fire Depart­ venture, N . T., as d pre-engineer­ Kehler, Nwho completed an In- participating in a regional group is iWAIfe 1DUGH, WHAT 00 MX) w r ments, state police vehicles, Vernon ing student. strucfor.s’ cbwse in Hartford in the Sudan. The Others are chiefly In Factory Supervised Service and Warranty Included gXPfiCTM61OOOAB0UTiT? Civil Defense apparatus, Vernon 1948, spfttds ab(jut 120 hours year­ four groups: The African and constables, Vernon Boy Scouts, and The Hartford County Association ly in first aid activities. He has Malagasy Union, the Casablanca the Stewart--Highlanders band. of Medical Assistants will have its taught both standard and ad­ Powers; the East African Conuvon The barbecue will be held at the first meeting of the season Mon­ vanced fi'r.st aid classes. Market, and the new Lagos Pow­ school from noon to 7 p.m. Also day at 8 p.m. at the YW CA, Ann He .spends about 75 hours a year ers. /I . planned are square dancing dem ,St., Hartford. A film on steriliza­ TELEVISION onstrationa and public participa­ tion procedures will be presented tion from 7 to 8 p.m. by the Ver­ by Wyeth Laboratories. . Medical Prior* f - 7 a 1«M t, HU, liw. TJL Hit- U*. >«t in. non ■ Square Dance (!:!lub, and assistants In Hartford County are • 2 3 " CONSOLE . Start 2 3 8 . 9 5 QSSptmju band concert by the Capitol City invited. There will be a social time Band of Hartford from 8 to 10 p.m. with refreshments; ORANGE HALL ^ 'No, I'm not th« shop, owntr, sir, but you’ro dote! Prioeo J U D D S A X O N BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRUNDE Church Schiiol Opens I’vo paid for it tovoral timetr' Because o f crowded oondlUons, 'The Hartford County Council • i 9 ; ; ^ p 6 r t a b l e s Start 1 6 8 . 9 5 . EXACTLY t h a t WAY FOR FIFTY AW. SAXON? THIS I5POCTI the kindergarten class for five- Third District meeting scheduled 1 MORE POLES. AND STAY ON ROSS. I'VE HAD SOME ' WHEN year-olds will meet In the Mst for Sunday at Anderson-Shea Post, POSITION / TH t BALL, M is t e r , i 'd hate DIFFICULTY TSACKiy * Prices wing of the parsonage on' 68 “ ■ s e e y w s k u l l ONE OF YOU DOWN ...CC BY ROUSON VFW, has been postponed until Start YOUR OWN MEN YOU COME TOA LITTLE SPORTS Prospect .SL. Union Congregation­ Sunday, Sept. 16 at Windsor, at a h C o n s o l e S t e r e o 1 4 8 9 5 OFFICE lALMEplATELY, ClM*i2 Btal ri»hB^ Cl^»' al Church has aijnounced. Both TU^ABfMibML ^ place to be. announced. B IN G O sessidhs of tjie church school open Sunday, With the first to, start at. The Sunday school of the 72 East Center St,, M anchester 9:30 a.m. fof those in Grades 5 Church of Nazarene will have a through,8,'the Grade 4 choir mem­ picnic- tomorrow at 2 p.m. on the EVERY SAT. N I 6 H T ~ 7:30 / bers, the freshman class and the church grounds. A covered dish senior high class. • . supper has been planned. Church The later session will be at 10:45 members and friends ate in vite. In the ’.' Blai-k and CAPTAU) e a s y BY LESLIE TURNER white,' radio. Heater. MercO- 4-Door. Radio, heater, auto­ MR. ABERNATHY BY RAI.STON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY ' HE FIBSWeBPTWWtni^WRElXJWJ OA iV fJt m TME5 P01K5 5AR)H5 WELL.EVEN /HOT A5 MUCH A5 IT WAS p IMCtE raatlc. power steering. matic. Good transportation. sST 1 5 8 . 9 5 C51L4. 50 TO CONSERVe HIS'N, He KEPT IU T H T MARRIAOe NOULMT LA5T. HE IF HE 15131. ( WAVDYl HE WIA5 HURDLIF A BARB' w h y ; MR. ABERNATHY, YOU ^ ARE YtXJ STILL NO, I'M T x ^JU S T DROPPED DACfcTO FINISHSHA A \ 1 T0 5AVK W5 MIND A TOTAL BLANK M 0»mM TTMi! HMM.A ^ CONflPER'IlE OIPERJO VEAWt 1 GUE55TI^W IR E FENCE A M T i TOO 10W.JU5T • HERE YESTERDAY/ FEELING ILL? PERFECTLY ^MAGMAGAZINEARTKXEXWAS REAPING/?ING< /• WeARAirTEAR iYOU NOMWH>H1MGOM'ATHI5 WTAL IU III5 5 T A5 U5HTHIN’ STRUCK I T y > ^ ^ ^ ■A FINE ON HI5 BRAMi HE WAS ^ PKOAEi m/lL NEVER KNOW!' 15 A SHOCK V ’ ------^60 HeRGURY '57 C40ILUG UPRIGHT FREEZERS NOW.., UNoe wApoy Prices N5V5R LEARNT MONTEREY 2-DOOR . 4-DOOK H.tltDTOI* TO READ. IS HIS u n i v e i S l Radio, heater, auto­ Start GARAGE tadio. .heater, power 1 8 8 . 9 5 TOWN!'. matic, light blue with steering, power brakes. NOW while prices are LOW! Whitewalls. Special at DELIVERY. INSTALLATION *1595 $1595 and SERVICE INCLUDED Y r «*••>*»*•* TOP DOLLAR PAID

For Clean Used Cars! r THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY BY WILSON SCRUGGS VISIT OUR DISPLAY DAVY JONES BY LEFP and McWILLlAMS ★ LOW BANK RATES ★ WASN'T THAT ' M&jjmice... WHAT WD THE jiiiilBrBBOi ExH 49-Conn. Turnpiko Ma'nchpstt>r VOUK DREAM DOCTOR THANK& OLD 1 iMT TO STOP i WirATiWT BUDDY.../'EE S t MAM, TED t CUNIC \ THIS TIM6, tl I 1 OPEN >UWP^» SUNDAYS KATHV? ■r^APA? seetM S YOU/ MORIARTY CORNER ’TrTW’’~W W PHONE (Sffl HO 7-6396 TURNPIKE - MltcheH k MAIL UNIVERSAL GARAGES, INC. BROTHERS AND 315 BROAD i m r Box 1 70S 6b Sill! S SI NEW HAVi N LONN CENTER ST„ MANCHESTER 9-3406 MI 3-51.35—Open Evenings STREET . WKbotrt oWlgalftm iitM» FREE «0»0ter*t B-4 I Buy WHh Confidence, from Hartford County's 'Oldeot ‘•Com et— Lincoln I NAME ■ ' CITY 1-----^ ( Continental— Mercury ansi WlHys 4-Wheel Drive Vehklea• Dealer” i'A^I^ESS^ ^ y :. h ' .. 1 rft *|iiii>w»i ^fc« if—nwi^mnniniySnii i(n '., V^#-'S ■-.■V-W-..-, • » A • -, j ■ ,' . y ,)»* • * •' ■> , r-. • ■■) ■/■ ■ r . T\ ,r ■ MANCHilSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEStEIt, (pONNcFRH>AY, SEPTEMBER 7, 196? PAGE SEVENTE9II PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONK.. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER T, 19«2 THE fleratd Angle HUHTINC q n u EARL YOST Sport* Editor 33 Boys ^^ISHING Major League ' ^...... Californm Most Disunited State----— — SORBENWTRE LEADERS 20 Contests ' .FrankTrlBch: The Fordhaniaiaoh Football a t East Catholicfywr; w* aren't going to concen-»er tlv6 object or the mpscle moves, - Zounds) Wltift do you do when a “ PeoplO 35tere wrong when thoy classed me as an umpire- 'High School takes another trate only on »ophomores. Fresh­ yet the muscle contracts powerful run of big bass or pike starts imd Leaders=i= men' will get a good logic too, so ly to the limit o( its ability. To ob yotp fthd you left the wire leaders Just two weeks remain before the Manche.ster High soe- AMERICAN UEAGITE baiter, a groaner and a rrioaner while I was playing and, espe- step forward this fall with the that we will havg some' holdovers .\MKKICAN LE.\GLE lain maximum benefit, it is neces­ t-b" hold ’em at home? Try this cer team plays its first game of the season, a home date Sept. 1,. Pet. ■ cially ,'when I was managing in the National League. I never arrival of uniforms, two new after, that first varsity year." Left Before Batting— Runnels, Bol«ted either- indoors (Jr out, have' light, small, strong, teeth- past two weeks the length of Series Date f to W'atch the four games raided But the Dodgers tied H. in friends.” That’s the wa.v Frank Frisch sees matters'now in was ilmited to holding conditional will be Included' in the’'gridders’ 'and >linirnp7., Kansas City. .,307,. the end of September. Base­ Detroit ...... 72 67 .518 W i sued today and 100 or more re­ proof leaders by the score. $50,000 Prize time, the squad has been practicing. Dodger home attendance tJ 2,- the fourth, when they touched 101/, his fine book, written by RoyS’ drills and to teaching fundamen­ daily program. Runs Batted In— Sieberii. Kan­ ball and politics m a y. have 287,722. Thia broke the Nation,- Chicago ...... 72 69 .511 Stockton, retired St. Louis baaeball sponses are expected by Head SHJQ FEST^ . Much of that time has been spent Billy O’Dell for three hits, in- tals Over 80 boys participated In NEW YORK (AP)-r^“1'he sas City. 106; Killehren, .Minne­ turned (California into the .most al League record of 2,253.887, Baltimore .... .70 72 .498 IS writer, titled ^rank Frisch) The Coaefi "Andy Baylock and hi* as­ Sold On S.vsiein Not generally known I* the fact looking tor material to build • . eluding a double' by. Willie 75 .476 the program but had no contact, schedule appears td favor us,” sota, IOC; C'olavito, Detroit. |00; disunited state thia side of set by the Dodgers two years Davis . and a two-run homer Cleveland . . . .68 151)4 Fordhanr Flas'n. Published by Dou­ sistant, Tom Kelley (yes, another " I ’m_ sold on this systems," feay- that a given (shotgun will shoot Awaits W or Id new forward line-. Danielson re­ .66 74 .471 18 work ilthqpgh they did ‘.’rtfh says New York Y^ankee Man tVagnor, Los Angeles. 97; Robln- The Congo. •sgo in the Coliseum. by' Frapk Howard. Boston ...... bleday ft Ck).; there are 31 chap’k Tom Kelley)! Meeting* with the lockck saj’.*saJ’.* convmcinglv.convincingly. ‘Tve ‘ T v e seenseer different patterns with the ahell* vealed yesterda.V.the current squad Kanna* City . .68 78 .447 through’" tome plays.( It work.■ "I know■ it’* benefit*. —We’re ...... "f different. mami tniilWttirer*. Dlffer- was pi-etty well set in backa •nn, Chicago and Rollins,' Minne­ Vybile Gov. Edmund Brown With 11 home dates remainr ''1 5 Men In Row ters by the former Inftelder who group are scheduled today and to­ ager Ralph Houk. Ws*hington , . ..’16 88 .885 38'/, morrow with the first outside Baylock and Kelley agreed yes- going to keep charts on each boy i cnee Is slight and Was nothing to Golf Champ “I think we can do a pretty good long look down the AmefricB’^ sota, 91. and former Vice President ing,' the Dodgers have at Ipast. Don Drysdale retired 15 ' went from the Fordham campus to Home Runs—Klllebrew. >linne- Richard Nixon are. arousing baiters in order after the San Thursday’s Reeult Btardom in .the National League drills set for Monday or Tuesday. rterday' their first emphasis would give’ them fitnoas testa how. dur- <1® with the quality of nianufac- Job of keeping the other team* League road home shp\(^ that an outside shot at the major . New- York 6, Los Angeles 5, ing the winter and at the end of taring. It’s just, well, guh*. (like from scoring.” he said. ”bpt w* sota, .37; Cash. I^trolt and Wag- partisan pa.ssions wrtth .their league attendance record of Francisco rally, in the third. and eventually into baseball’* Hall Baylock, a former Central Con­ be c'onditlortl'hg. They plan to AKRON, Ohio (A P )—Gary Play­ F j5kis' not indulginjf^ wild op- r, Los Angeles, 34; Colavito. De- quarrel over affairs of state Only Game Scheduled. necticut College athlete, said yes­ inatigtirat^' a comparatively new the school year. That way they can l«‘®l»le). •»‘ vo their quirks. Now"* er. the dapper PGA champion .don’t have any experienced me* Umisffl\ta faefr tha;ra'nkees could 2,620.627, established by Cleve­ But the Giants-' loaded the o f Fame. It. 33; Gentile. Baltimore and in Sacramento, the San: Fran­ bases in the eighth on a sin- Today’s Gaines . terday. contfltoining program -r- the func-' ‘Vee their Improvement too.” • time to make some eKpeii- from South Africa, figures hi ha.s up fbont;” be excused for' rtaclng their an­ land in 1948.' ' - Chapter 10 is captioned The Um­ ^ , * X mentR, especially If you live In the New 3’ork, 31. cisco Giants and Loa Angeles , gle by McCovey, a double by- Boston (Cenley 18-12) at New Eventually the initial group will tional isometric contraction *ya- 1 to win the $50,000 top prize in this Some May Switch nual o r d e r^ t/th e print shop for Dark, the Giant manager, pires and I, pne which I felt read­ The coaches are planning to jn-| T;;;rmber o f ' Shotgun-Only ” ''^Rltshlng— JIcBride, Los .Angeles, Dodgers are provoking further Willie Mays and a walk. York (Stafford 12-8). ,8 p.m. m be flashed to 33—the number of tem. weekend’s world series of golf Danielson indicated It will tak* thinks it will take 105 victories er* would be Interested in. stitute a year-round program for | 5^ , Pattern your gun with W.)rld” Series, ftckets any day now, 11-4,'^3; Aguirre. Detroit, 14-0. disunity, over the state of af­ Then Kuenn came in to ' Los .Angeles (Grba 7-8) at Balti­ uniforms available thia season. The system is deScribe’d this Just to break even. another few practice sessions be­ il- thejL.hikyen't already. , ■ ' to-.w'ln the pennant. His club- Although Frisch says he never better fitness. shell* from several maker* now. .700; Donovan; Cleveland, 1S-8, fairs iri the National 'League. pinmls. 1' ..''games. But, if momentum gust that year, and we won it.” er Ron PerranoSkd forced in Angeles at Baltimore, (N). two and tjed one in CX?IL' play, wrong because the umpire, es- Giants. than the $15.(K>0 second prize or . The victory opened a three J35. ■ mean^Mything. the second- Al.ston, Dodger manager, the tie-breaking run by walk­ Sunday’s Schedule - FRANK FRISCH Bigger S q u a d qualified refresher For Harriers said. "I travel with a pwtY of for socCer at the present time. Th* rally, after Angel shortstop .Joe Los .Angeles at BalMmore. my fastest, trying to beat it out. Jerry Varnum has demonstrated seven — myself, my three clseo. 43; H. .Aaron, Milwaukee, they have won three o f'fo u r . "I'll tell you thi.s: The ness and Willie Davl's and a Onk)e Frank, wko 4}pc* had Jake sachusetta reoijrled ,, these minor course for older players and coach­ figure could reach 75 When all committed a costly error to open • 86: R p b 1 n s o n, Cinetnnati, S3; and—going back to a series in^ Dodgers are no give-up club. Charlie was umpiring at first anti some new-found running talent. casualties from sen^mages Thurs­ es t(X).’’ children, a nurse and ji(y mother- aspirant* pul in an appearanc*, w'alk. Then Tommy ■ 6avis NATIONAL LEAGUE Banks of-. Manchester 'in spring without taking his hands out of While most .scholastic )x>aches the gates. Banks, Chicago and Cepeda, San San P'rancl.sco last mont.i ■—' Naturally, I hate to get beat hit a long drive that iMkcd &s Coach . Joe Zabllski, .whose day— tackle Bob BOrke ( twisted When the films and conditioning in-law, ■ Danielson said. W. I* Pet. G.B. • training at St. Peter.sburg, Fla,, his pockets he Just wiggled that are concerned with cutting down Series Split I Francisco. 83. have beaten the ^Dodgers six- but I’ve got to feel g o^ about though it might carry , to the Huskies may prove a New Elngland knee), end John Hudson (bruised are over and, the team takes the "When I check into a hotel I lo s .Angelee ..91 50 .645 when he was managing the St? thumb. I ran up to him, but the size' of their teams prior to The victory gave the”^ Yankees l e a d e r s —Orlando Cepeda (left! and Harvey Kuenn I IMtching — Purkey, Cincinnati, times in their last .se.yen m ;jt- th e'w a y the Dodgers battled .left-field pavilion. But Kuenn small college football power, said head), guard Bob TedcJldl (Jam­ field. It will operate out of a Just tell them I’ll take the entire in Francisco 89 51 .636 Louis Cardinals, ''‘ tells the story not lo protest the decision. opening their respective seasons, a. 2-2 split iii.yhe hotly-fought se­ of the Giants leave the field together after they led the I 30-5, .800; Sanford. San Francisco. ings. . b a ck . ail night (in the final caught the ball against the Thursday he’s put in the series to med knee). winged-T. "But with variations," lower fltxjr. It gets expensive ries with the . Angels. 4 ncinnati . . . .87 55 .613 about a mild run-irt- he had oqe "If you ealj me out, Mr. Um­ enhance his flanker-T. Varnum of Manchester High cross country moving around the way we do." 130r0, .769; Drysdalc, Los .Angeles. Sub Delivers game of the-series.)” wall and Da-vis had to settle After Yale'* firgt Intrasquad the coaches add cautiously." The Angels battled back from Giants to a 9-6 victory over the Dodgers. They hatted littsbnri^ ....88 .58 m589 day with Larry Goetz ih Boston. pire please d o'It with empha.sia,’’ Brookline, Mass., has exhibited fine coach Bbb Sines is lookihg'forward Local Sport 133-7, .767; Koufax. I-os .Angeles, Last night Harvey Kuinn The Giants led, 4-0 after for a sacnfice ,fly that ran his scrimmage, Coach Jordan Olivar If one-tuis ....7 6 66 .533^ I didn’t think he was' showing I stormed. "Don’t " 'keep yoUr speed and cleverness as a runner to an increks* in his. much, however, for as a golf behind to win two Of . the games 14-5, .737; Pierce, .San Francisco, entered the game- as a substi­ three innings last night: A leagrue-leading RBI total to commented: “ We were amazed all thusiasm of Baylock and Kelley i* ■ 4 iSlilwaukee ....7 3 66 .514 enough of the old zest and because hands in your pocket and jUlst give this fall. " About 30 boys tinned out yester­ tourist he won $64,000 to lead the Chatter and appeared to be riding the ninth inning. (AP Photofax.) I 18-5, ,733. tute in the eighth inning and double l>y . Felipe Aloii and a 132. the quarterbacks (7) looked so transferred to the players, a win­ same formula to victory Thur.sday, drove in four runs in twm at- I Philadelphia ..68 75 .476 I got sarcastic,.! was put out. It me that so-and-so thumb," Frisch- •-_A year ago, Varnum completed day for the first call and Sines is professionals in 1961 and has got­ ! ■ Strikeouts — Koufax. I.PS ,An- single by Willie McOovey Bob Bolin, second of fo u r ' -blared at Moran. good. The passes were right on the ning football tekm is already as­ when they broke a 2-2 tie with ' gcics, 309: Drysdalc. I » s .Angeles, bats as the Gianl-s took the drove in two ruas in the first , Houston ...... 5 3 87 .879 seemed to me that Larry was mak­ 42 of-UO passe* for 567 yards and looking forvs'ard to .seeing another ten $44,000 this year. San , Francisco pitchers, got 89 .369 " I h e next time’ Fri.*ch batted button despite a cros.*w1iid. sured. 10 or more respond during the next Holiday Isine* will feature a three' runs in the top of the sev­ 196; Gibson. St. Louis, 184; Far­ final game of the\ cri* cal inning and a bases-loaded sin­ his seventh victory in nine de­ : thlcago ing his calls in a lackadaisical punted for a 43-yard average. The three champi()ns played, a New York 35 106 .348 ahd'htt the same kind of a ground­ Meanwhile. New Hampshire’s few days. Men’s One Ball Tournament thi* enth.. rell, Houston, ITO; O’Dell. San series. 9-6. gle by Orlando Cepeda pro­ cisions. The loss went to Per- manner, and after one that ended practice round Thursday anti have weekend, starting tonight. Guar­ Thursday’s Results er and Was out at first on a close Chief Boston switched starting "W e welcome any,b(0ys who want The Yanks battled back with Francisco, 164. . The 214,643 people who pail duced two more in the .thii’d. ranoskl (5-41. - an inning, when I wa.s coaching at another on tap toda>(._J>efore going antee prizes will be $75, $35 and Sure to Be Traded St. Louis. 7, MUwaukee.L • play, Moran went into action. tackle Fred DiQiiattro to fullback, to run, “Bob confided. I’ve never for the big money before a na- two runs off Angel starter Dean first base, I spoke to Goetz'. $18. A maximum 124 average Houston 4. Pittsburgh i. ’’ ‘Larry,’ ’’ I said politely, "do Frisch relates. "He had his hands reversing a move he made a year cut a boy because-of lack of ability. tionwi(1e video audience. Palmer Chance. Then . Koppe. who had San Franclspq 9, Los- Angeles 8. out of his pocket* and he started I feel thqt'^ven if he doesn’t score will prevail. Just replaced Jim Fregosi at you happen to have a nice big (at ago. Boston now feels DiQuattro, matched par, Player had a 74 and Only Games Scheduled. hi* right-hand gesture from hi* 210-pound Junior, can be more points fbr the team, he’s helping shortstop, threw wide on Kubck's pcrfecto on your per.son?’^ / Nicklans a 76. Foriiier members of the Oubd Today’s Games shoe tops. It was a^^utiful per­ valuable at fullback where Mike htnrtelt.” grounder. Bobby Richardson dou­ Bo Belinsky Claims "What did .you a.*k7’ ’ Goetz said, Nirklaus. 22, from Columbus, and Majors football teams will St. I.,oais (Gibson 15-11) at d a - formance. Elastwood is the only experienced Sines also revealed that he has Ohl.o, headed for the practice tee bled. and Dan Osinski.came In to, rather puzzled. "Now. Mr. Friaclb you are oiil,” meet tonight at 7:15 in front of the .cinnato (Purkey 20-5), (N). "For a cigar, ^-l-arry,’’ I ex­ candidate. In addition, DiQuattro come up with some pleasant .sur- for an hour's workout after Thurs­ relieve Chance. Tresh lined ' -his; ers i Philadelphia (Short 8-8) at Mll- Moran said, ad din g,'’and was'tlixt ■Holmes Funeral Homie . to pay can better make iiae of his quick pri.se.s from boys who showed HG day’s round and then played an second pitch to left for the two plained. still very" polite. enough emphasis for.ynu?" their last respects to Roger tBull) NEW YORK (A E )— “ It's a lead pipe tihch I II he traded fwaukee (Shaw 15-9). (N). "W hat’s the matter with you, kicking talents at full. tie promis'e when they first Joined extra nine holes. • key nms. ' i - ! New Y’ork (Craig 7-22) at Hou»- . * « • . the sqnad. Spencer, a former player. Frank,’ ’ he yelled. "Why should I '- .Most serious losses ■ reporteil New FM ute Planned ’’I haven’} played a really good The victory gave the Yankees * “O" • lon (Farreill 9-18). 10 p.m. Bracken Heads ^uad carry ■ cigkrs on my person while Thiirjrtay on the grid front were rourid in weeks." he said. He hit Committee making plans for th* a 10-8 season edge over the An- _ Tills wa5 Bo Belinsky’s reaction today to the ruling by Corn- Pittsburgh (Friend 16-12) at Silly Ruling (Japtain Jim Bracken heads this umpiring a ball gam e?” those -qf prorhising Connecticut only five fairways from the tee Cubs-Majors Reunion will meet gels. The>’*They* have already closed jnissioner Ford Frick killing off any po.«.sibility of the contro- lyis .Angeles (Williams 12-16), Umpires play a major part In sophomore, end Joe TIassett Jr., ■season’s squad. He and a nucleus in tokj "Ort, are you umpiring a ball Bowlintc— both duckpin and 10 pin— ha.s become bi^ bu.but Tommy Davis’ homer in the .Saturdays’ Schedule and natuarljy I’d expect to gel a the men who call the plays away ------. ONLY FI\’E REPEATERS left. - They rrieet Baltimore and commissioner acted quickly ed by Dark at Milwaukee for not (11). O h io^ o 3, Pittsburgh 2, St. last half of the inning again tied perfecto from a cigar store In­ semester for per.sonal reasons past three years, since new hou.ses w^rie erected at the Park- country squads of - the past'few ”i don t like underhanded deals j weeks ago San Francisco Man- Philadelphia at Milwaukee, from the players and rnanagm while Flynn is being hel.d out of years BOSTON (AP)—Tbb Boston .WASHINGTON (AP) — Only Detroit, currently a hot team, six .following reports and Belinsky’s running out a game-ending Louis 8, Houston 8; .Away (H )’, it. ■ dian." So Larry ordered me out of ade I.^anes and Holiday- Lanes. The Manchester Bowling; A a aaA A as aaaa aaW S*~ *1 aas8 aS M ^ S# A ^ . . a . a . a as either. ” . commented Belinsky , f'htcngo-.at .San Francisco. during the championship season> Briiins will play, 10 pre-kea.son e.x- times each, (Cleveland four, and ow-n statement that he' had been I Dark tagged .slugger grounder, and benched because he Cincinnati 2, Pittsburgh 4, -St. -athletfcs for medical reasbn*. Sines is looking for a replace­ five players who started in th# In the ninth Chuck Hiller sin­ St. I/jul(»' at Cincinnati. the ball game. The iimp.s live and eat apart from '-One of Amherst’s experienced Green, Community Y an^ West Si«le Rec alleys^ai’e all due to hibitlon .games starting in Quebec .seemed tired. When he returned Louis 2, Houston 8. * * 9 ment for John Salcius. fine all- 1961 All-^tar baseball games in S.I ' Fri^k .^ niimg " -/t maLTs"^fe fee! ’ Orland Cepeda with a $50 fine gled. pi tcher Ron Perranoski made PIttahurgh at' 1.0* .Angeles, (N ). the ball clubs. g;et full play for ^mother seas^iir." and finishing up at Boston. ' The Sox two each. a deal made last July ^l-’when the. to action. Opeda- started tb make hands in the graduation-weakeiied around runner who graduated in San Francisco and Boston wer* good to know that there is a little for failing to run out a ' The Dodger defbat also enabled an error on. a. .sacrifice and AIou New Y’ork at Houston' (3),' 3:89 The umps are not allowed to as­ interior line, tackle Jeff Mayer, schedul* includes: Oct: 6. Sprihg- The Angela meet Oeveland six Angels purchased pitcher Dan,..^,. _ up for Ipst time, saying: Swn, Pa., stood I (Kansas City owner Charle.s. Fih- Dodgers rallied for a run in their " I remember my fir.st run-in with, Fordham Flash played 19 year* in 'League rolling in Manchester, with at least 75 per cent of ^ , Cepeda’s \valk on a three and ■ W . L. Pet. G.B. They made it 4-0 in the; third, on out in a 60-mimile scrimmage . Hopes for Otvn ^Double Play^ lle y i. It's not his fault, if he was ha(f of the ninth. , SA T I’RDAY ' Klem when I was a green rookie the National Leagru'irf, eight with its participants residing in Manchester, will get preference.. I two count forced in Chuck Hiller I.a>s Angeifs ..91 SO .645 — Cepeda’s bases-loaded aingle. .The along with veterans Pete Hoilrihnd [able to make a terrific deal only with the New York Giants," the New York Giants and IJ- with MACHINE SHOPS AND STORES OPEN SATURDAY j with the run that snapped a 5-5 San Fraiirisco 89 51 .636 I'/j Eiodgera struck back in the fourth. ] ;,i|0j-Glants V*. Pirated at end and Bert Meltzer at ^full­ Individual scores wifl be noted weekly under the following because the general manager OARDS-BRAVES— Channel 30 Frisch recalls. St. Louis. Frisch skippered the tie; Han-ey Kuehn then followed Garnee remaining: t\1ng it on an error by AIou that back. the latter filling in fbr in­ conditions: y ' ( Fred Hane.vl doesn’t like me.” Ernie Bro'gHa tll-7 ) .scattered I:55^Yankee* is . Re^ Sox ; “ We were playing at the Polo Cards from 1933 to 1938 during the riE I PAIIIII AT All STIIEI • PROMPT KLIVERY lERIKE ' with a thiee-run double off Ron .Angeles (21) ■— .At home enabled Jim Gilliam to semre^ Tom­ Ground.* before a big crowd, when Gas. House Gang daya. He compiled jured Ron Deveau-x. ., ■' Duckpins— Men, 135 and over singles, 350 and over triples; V'’ Conley Seeks Revenge '■Los .Angeles Manager Bill Rig- (II), Pittsburgh 8. Chicago 3, nine hits while batterymate Gene Channel*- 3, 8o * Pel'ianoski. clinching the victory my Davi.s' RBI single and a tw'o- I first learned that Klem was not a lifetime batting mark of .316, Because of injurles/tb the top Women, 125 singles and over and 335 and over triples; Chil­ ney took the decision calmly. He that moved the Giants to Within Houston 8, St. Lonls'S; Away (10), run homer by Frank. Howard. Oliver supplied the punch for the 4:S0— World' Serlea of Golf three candidates, previous fourth learned of it only minutes after his Cardinals with a two-nm homer Channel SO ' " a man to be cros.sed. even gently. going under .300 only six times, dren, 115 singles and over and 325 and over triples. I'j games of the Dodgery Houston I. ftilrago t, Milwaukee Kuenn put'! the Giants back in He called a strike while I was at including his last , four years. stringer Gary Jekta, Montclair, t}iird place .Angels had dropped a Cepeda, last year’s NL home.run 3, St. Loiiis front in*eigh'th, driving in Alou, and a rnn-.scoring single in a five- 5 p.m.— IVIde World of Sport* N.J.. sophom ore;'gol a iong trial Tenpins— Men, 200 and oyer singles, 550 and over triples; Against Leading Yanks heart.-hreaking 6-5 decision to New run eighth inning uprising. Oliv­ Channel 8 ■ bat and I gues.s L made an angry Eight years he played In the World, gestdre. I reached down for a Series, four times' each with the at starting right half and impres's- Women. 175 singles and over. 450 triples and over; Children. CUSTOM York dropping them 4 '; games be­ er's homer in .the seventh came off 9:55— .Met* v*. Ca»U*', ' ed Boston.^College Ooaoli Jim Mil­ Braves' rookie Denny ' Lema.ster Channel 18 fistful of dii.st and I looked at him. Giants and Cards. He won the 150 singles and over and 425 triples aM over. hind the league leading Yankees. league’s most valuable player ler.. His,predeceaa(>rs in the job. ifi NE\V.YORK (AP)—Red Sox' pitcher!Gene Conley has a •’Obviously, he said, "there's one (l-4 i, who held a 1-0 Jead oil 10 p.m.— Fight of the Week And did he give me a lecture. Standings will be used whenever space permits. Next Monikas Petvis Cup Date " ‘Don’t ever do ’ that again, award in 1931 and enteried the Hall order>-Were sophomore Doh Moran M A C H IN E SH O P W O R K 'lub in the .American League that Prank Bolling's homer. Channel 8 score to settle with the New York Yankees— and himself— * ■ * • young man’,’’ he bellowed. ’’ 'Dontt of Fame in 1947. The little hook­ ( shoulder separation), Pete Results must be received at The Herald no later than 24 tonight. Gina hopes he can pull-off his ow n private “ double Beiin.sky w-iii never play with:’ iook back when I call a strike. nosed guy also managed Pitts­ Sh«ughhe.*.*y (Charley hcase) and hours after a match. p jg y ,. * ------.Although he gave no indication Bothers Osurtffs Cdncentration COLTS-PIRATES— sr>\DAY Th’e Ojlts scored three inns in Just you concentrate on your hit­ burgh from 1940 to 1946 and the ^Jack McGann (.*praine(J ankle). Full names (printed);, must be used by league secretaries,of ON FOREIGN CARS _ ■ - , J ■ tha-t Beliriskv was on‘ fhe block. 1:5.5—Y’ankee* v*. Red Sox Virus has temporarily benched the ninth to beat the Pirates a* | Channel 3. 8 ting -and you’ll ^ e l the greate.st Chicago (Tubs from 1949 to 1951. lop bowlers; Boston opens a. weekend . senes ^ might make Boston Us whipping the possibility the pitcher, who ha.y-- The great Lou Gehrig a*td of sophomore Dick Horton. Reading, against the Arnerican Lea^e lead- boy. eight while losing nine for .the FOREST HliJLS. pK^. (AP(--*'Frank Froiehling of Coral (Gables, rookie Dave Roberts drove in the j 3 p.m.— Natlona1:Tennl» T ou r-. Job from the greatest umpire that No bowling match scores will be accepted over the tele­ INDUSTRIAL, MARINE FARM tying and winning runs . with a ever lived’.” And I learned that Frisch. “There’s a playp-* you’ll Ma.*s.. who has blossomed into a ers tonight with Conley (13-121 a s -, After Conley. Manager Mike Angpi.c will he back next -season ! . a sofJ:4poken South- -Fla., No. X^bdth won in straight . ney, Channel SO. pinch-hit double— hi* first major he told the truth the Hall of^ Fam- leave alone. If you’re stharl. Get leading candidate for Dartmouth’s phone. signed to handle - the Higgins-plans to send Don Sch-.vall |j ven' remote. ern California eenkir, is trying for ; set*. McKinleV-. crushed "yiadialav 4:35— Met* v*. C/Olt* league hit.- Bob Aspromonte er recalled., him mad at you and,)*fe’ll beat you defensive fullback asaignment. He Happy howling! ~ , choires against Bill StaffonJ (T-2-8) to the mound tomorrow with- Bill. Praises Rlgney a''*he's w'orth/to Concentrate on'Skonerki of Poland. -6-4. 6-4. 6-1. Channel 18 AND AMERICAN CAR MOTORS knocked in the other Houston * * * . all by himself." Is a' quarterback on offense. New York restored its three<; Monbouquette and Ike Delock set "If I get traded;", Beiin.sky said. winning the Ndtionai cham- and Froehling toppled (Jliff Drys-." 4:30—World.Series of Golf - runs. Russ Kemmerer (3-2 !• w'on Channel SO Traded "dowjrt the .Iver ”. by game margin over runnerup Mih 'or -Sunday. - 'T il go to my new boss and get : plonship buTnis mind keeps wan- dale of South Africa, .6-0. 6-4, 6-3. it with Elroy Face i8-7i the loser. 4:40—Titan* v«. Raiders ^ Emphasis Enough Manager JolpT McGraw of the nesota ^-esferday -by edging Los expect that we will face Jim Rigney tradeii too, so I can take j 'dering to'^Mexico City a month Top-.ceeded M argaret Snilth Of Dnnh Clendefton homered for - Channel 8 Reiilember Charlie Morad. who Giants, after he Jumped the club, Angeles 6-5 on Tom Tresh's two- Boutim- Ralph "rerry and Whiley him along. He’s good people. If it • FOUR BALL P.AIRIN'GS from n^w , ' ■ Australia * --- — and ..--Tthird-.seededj — Maria Frisch w;eht bn to lead St. Units ' CRANKSHAFT GRINDING wi w . « car Ford aftP’ Stafford. " Higgin.s said. Pittsburgh. . once coached the Praying Col run single. wasn't fonbim I '15’ouldn't be pitch- 1 Follow’ing are the pairings, start •rheh Osuna and hi.s teammate. Bueno of Brazil Jumped a round onels of Centre College before tak to four^ennants aa a pla>1ng man- j Conley will be facing the Y.an- NBrcHsoiid' .Ailing ing eyefy four days. Antonio Palafox. will form the ahead of the field In the, women"* agef,'"' ' i OVERHEAD VALyE ASSEieiUES A facto^Joi ’lh« coining ’ four- . . , g U'me.s and handicaps for Satur , , , . . ■ ing up umpiring? ' He was- the kee.s for the first tirrie since hfe’w'as H e's'w h at’s holding this club day's *Four -Ball, Best. Ball Golf ,^*'-xiean team that meets Sweden: division, each moving into, the Cello Trj-Chapelle"^ Red Sox Purchase butt of one of Frisch’s outbursts M e was quite a colorful player , Don* Cemplat# In Our SHop shelled by a lO-run outburst, aided game s e r i e s 'l l be the health of together. He hasn’t said anything ’I’ournament at the M a n c h e s t e r ''t h e interzone senii-1 quarter final. M lsj Smith poliahed and his long bagebaU carfeer is pre- ‘ Sox inflelders Eddie Bressoiid a •'/ one afternoon. bj- some sloppy play behind, him -about Sending-me to (he:minors or Country C3ub: • . final.'The winner will only rhave o Anna Dmitrieva of the Soviet “Charlie didn't use elegant g(es- sented in full in Frank Frisch: The Billy Gardner. BVessoijd’s- tnjuf.y . BOSTON (AP)—The latest'en- Relief SpeiciaUsl LAST CHANCE! WRIST PIN SEHING Fordham Plash. back on July 26. ;A few hours later, anvthing like that.” ' ♦ . , . y to beat India for the right to play' Union; ' S-S. 6-1, and Mi.ss- Bueno stry in fhe derby for a backcourt tures'llke Klem,” Fri.*ch says. r-'ln- the 6-foot-8 righthander made hi* has been almo.at a.« Intign oo Po.x- Vanquished Carole Caldwell ’ of I ton as Mickey Mantle's'-pulled side Informed that the Yankees twice . johimio'n'(Hu*ZBnetu\'i4).'" | Australia in the. challenge round, ISifrth 'with the w-orld champion From Seattle Club SPECIALIZED MACHINE SHOP now famed "bus slop” and went put in a hid for him when the i 8.kh ,McKct i2),. R. D*s^tm '13). [ -It's pretty hard, to compare San Monica, Calif., 6-0. 6-3. Boston Celtics is former ITniver.sity AWOL for three days. , , nruscie on the. Yankees. Sl^ortstop Vngels placed his-name on w-aivers. ______. '-■" ' Bres.soud, who is one of the league s;l() -lialf) (4(. t.BFr4nc(a UO),! conditions dowm there with those of Maine-star Tom (Skip) Chap- NEW YORK (A P )—The Bo-stOn/ NBA Expansion Seen Jockeys' in Brawl 1 9 6 2 L A R K c l e a r a n c e WORK FOR FLEET (OWNERS ~ ' Hard Man to Fathom ■ Kiu-iiis a;(), M ack (21i, . - ■ ■ ‘ - /■ leader.* in. doubles and triples.and. t here. " 'said Rafaeh “ Evervone pelle. Chap^lle. a teacher-coach at .Red Sox today announced the pur­ ______, - h:22- Wtlkos Mr., Garietla ilCli.dber talks .about the high altitude there Lpudfi D pnver O pen Fort Fairfield. Maine, high school SALEM. N .k: (A P ) -r- Jockey (2*Door - 4«Dpor - Hardtop - Convartibic) Son^^^^^$olprado may Acoring record, will report to .the ing specialist .Merlin .\ippert,from sibility of n e« National Basketball ALI, POPULAR MAKES has wanted to make .up for those painful neck ailment. ' Htev prObaftlv feel s'orry Dea.sy Madoie. U3). . Association franchises in 1963-64 at Rockingham Park last liight. events ever since. What’s more, Bressqud. taking extensive treat-; ' ("i. HHUsma'im (Ml. . w’eei}* pTactice "io gel in the be a lucky state for gblfer Rex National Basketball A.ssociation Seattle and sold (Jalen (iisco.to the' GRANT and r -K,. I 8;G -B. Aiideraon (6),' Diu»ile (12). swing. The foreign plaj'ers can Baxter Jr., h.A- reasoned after champ.*’ pre-s?ason camp Sept. 19, New 5'ork' Mets of the National In Philadelphia. Baltimore and The stewards said they will recom­ many who have played with and ments, Hopes he can return to the cither-Cleveland or PitUsburgh, ac­ mend a suspension for Skuse. , against Gene state emphatically lineup tomorrow. Gardner, who did Regarding,* report that.the New Jaiv.s, Jr. i7) Rledoi- (iB(. hard. The ball reallv shootingacourserecord64yester- it was announced yesterday. Phap- Leagite- on waivers. , ^ York-Mets xvere interested in him cording to Walter Brown, presi­ Sktise rode Blaze a Wish to a one- ENGINE . there's nothing tougher'than a de- a fine fill-in Job at short, has a bad Fcrguaim iV)* McCarrick when you hlt .it. (f -dgy to vault three strokea ahead M pelle obtained his release-from the Njppert, ,23. from Mangrum, SAVINGS SEAL POWER the left-hander nuipped: dent erf the Boston Celtics. Brown length victory over "Winant aboard : ter^ned'Cbnley. >- elbow briilse. h.'jbT-^icksinski (3), Creedw. . tl3>, vve ■ ever. had gra.ss court's 'H* flelo after the first..round o f the ■St^ Louis Hawks in order to re­ Okla.. was the top reliever on the "In■ in .iiiHi that case.ruDr. .'jt.eSgel >Meta’Ag’rtirvH oiuitiiba Sibilnsz i*f».(»). ji»;aLuun-iaiun tioi.(1(>). port to Boston. Seattle farm olub In the Pacific foresees' a 12-team league. "The- Jam Sam. Winant claimed a foul Just as determined are the Yan­ j ' there, (he ball _would keep by Skuse hut was overruled, and •UP TO Manager . Casey Stengel' better '.VsT,. \ Coast League this year. The 8-1, first move is permitting each club EXCHANGES PISTON RINGS kees who don't react kindly to re­ ■Stolen Bases— .Aparirio, Chicago, forever.” that's when the action started. have a cardiograph taken. He s an H:t2- -K. 1-orcmzen (3), Asr,,unelli k. m i. to, carry 12 players this year,” cent talk they aren’t “The'Yankees 26; IVood, Detroit, 24; Hinton,- J 75-pounder, who i.* a control mas­ Skuse, iii full vievv of many .fans, old -mairiTind it might prove to be.ll4i.> MibIIoic tS). Slieyherd (14’ . »■ “ j ■ ter. had an 8-3 record and the Brown said. "That would give us of old.’’ New' York, which own* a Washington, 32; Howner, Ransa* n...,.!. •» ' T. Priiir (8), Karsiss (I3i. Per-; from W hitnev Reed Of .Alameda. a chance to develop and .strength­ chalie(i^ Winant up the paddock *1000 club’s top earned run average of 9-2 season's margin (W-er the Sox. City. 19; CTiarleo, Kansas City, 17. ] (8), Barre (J7). . 1 Calif, U-8, 6-4, 3-6, 3-6. Thursday en our squads and, at tfie same lane; spun him araund and conr 2.03 for .55 appeafaricM.' Nippert nected on his Jaw with a stfff i (i3rVlfa'"FerA (81® SMiu“ d (■'fl! * : ‘ he fourth round. walked only 20 and struck out 43. . time, give us a chance to make' ^6), t. (lO), Fourth-seeded Osuna had plenty four player.* available for draft by punch. Bystanders intervened and ' SPECIAL FACTORY PURCHASE CASTROtand LUBRIPLAtE ■^pislprclav’ k Stara >'irio McLauRnlih ‘ 18). • ^ of troubles on the Nvav. but he in his 83 innings. ■ 3:41 Loika (2). Pm* (12). '^ardella . " the new clubs. The nine clubs Skuse went off to the Jockey*’ Cisco,, called up malnl.v as * quarters. Skuse was ordered'off PITCHING— Ilm Coate*,' Y'an- . <8».’ i vray (32j ., thus could offer a 36-man player- i».47 Tarra .«3)j Pryor U0». Is^vitok, Three otheY seeded .players starter 'in the middle of the 1961 his two remaining mount* of the kee*. .preserved 6-5 victory .iver pool. In the expansion there j (9». Vanuy n8». ‘ didn’t make it, though. In the big^ 'season, >vas ticketed as the Red evening add suspended for the fi­ STU DEBAKER CORP. EXECUTIVE Oils and Specialized Lubricants third-place I » « .Apgele* .Angel* 9;5^-PkHteik i4», Warr>n ao). GaZ' would be two diyislonsOf six clubs •* gest 'reversal in the 'men’s divi- Sox’ long reliever this apring. . Ho nal two day* of the meeting. Ulth two Inning* of no;-hlf; relief z» (H» Spraguf* <17).’" each.’’ 1 HlflHEST 10.01 G. tvUfjon M l. y. CarvRy (Ti), Sion. Vic Seixa.^. 39. a Reven-tinie had a w’hopping 6.72 earned, nin DON’T READ that boosted New Y'orU three Bovcf Ml. Oirllh il6i. average apd a 4-7 .recprd for 23 CARS-LIMITED NUMBER ^ ijhiied States^. Davi« CJupper from game* ahead of Twin*. m ;‘»K^FAulkner (5i. Fol^y HI), m . ^ ^ , wRnything Arni^TRon <7 i. iClem^niino ‘ 1^, Villanova, Pa. (> ousted Jan*Erlc appearances." AU.OWANOE BATTING — , Orlando Cepeda 1((:LY—Braulipu fR». NsAh a il, Carina jLundquist of Sweden, seeded No. Nippert was expected to report -.ind Harvey Htienn, Gianta. coni-|(8i Owenj. (tS). AVAILABLE. NEW CAR If Youf Dealer Doesn’t Stock Parts, We Invite Your Inquiries ) K '®' ^ women's to the Bbston team, in time for to­ blned to drive In winning ran* In .- to 22—RMland (5). Boll* ( 2 night’s game with the New York (m m -r^ ninth Inlng raliy^ th a t, division. Vicky Palmer, 17. the FOR YOUR National Girls Junior champion ■ Yankees here. THIS! beat !» • Anj^ele* and moved San , Butler i7i. llerman jMj Nippert was signed by Sox Scout WARRANTED AND SERVICED. from Phoenix, Ari*.. downed Wlm-J Franrltro to uith.ln one and one-, McCflirthv ifili. Ko^tf^r (12). Dann.v Doyle out of high school in Mathiaaon (8i, C. Davtfi a4>. * bledon queen Karen Hantze Sus-1 FRESENt half ifamea of the Dodneni. l'i:«l3—Athf'rton ‘ 6i. Dungran 0 2 ), June of .19,57. He began his minor Than Ev«r! IF YOU DON'T ENJOY GOOD lOWLING! B '»rra la ttf, (9i. Whiy^f-miYr#’ ri4». man of San Diego,'*OalK., seeded! No. 2, 6*2. 3-6. 6-3., ' I league career as a starter, for SOME BRAND NEW ALSO AT lO'SO— P M cN am ara M i. f'nnnftrton Greensboro In the .Carolina League, BUT IF YOU DO YOU'RE WELCOME AT: Path OpeB Tomorrow (13i. M^^Rkill .(9i. Thompson 04). Margot Diltmcyer of Germany SUNDAY CUT-DOWNS GAR! — ^ Barrptt M». AyRod Laver had no NOT eInOUGH—Wf litey Fo^ threw everythiilgf. ’ DETROIT (N E A l—Milt Plum ,ning plub now- that two-time all Oliver; Cardinal*'p9).. trouble with Bodo Nttsche of Ger- K1|i<4ldUN|*ti»UwAdtoi of the Detroit Lion.* h*s cOmpliet- % Jeane halfback Abner Haynes is Clendmon. Pira|teitV(5),' , many? winning 9-7, 6-1, 6-1, Afner- ing an expression, at thd Angels at Yankee Stftdiam, but ed 57.9 per' cent o f his passes la , Joified by bookie fullbaclp Curti* Howard, Dodgeiis (24). Ica’s two seeded men. Chuck- Mc­ the New York ace couldn’t hold a four-run lead against five «ea*ons in the N atiw al Foot- \- - 1 McCllnton of Kansas. , „ ‘ T. .Da-rta, Dodger* (38^. Kinley of 8t. Abb; Mp., N o; 8, mad, em. baO. lfi«ue.^ , ‘

• ' -1

"■ .1\ •(- * [ V; ■>*- "T. ' W ^ v ;

■ . . .. PAGE- EIGHTEEN Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n in g hi^r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r ', c o n n „ Fr i d a y , s e p t e m b h b 7, i?62 MANCHESTKl EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.,' FRIDAY, SEPTESIBRR 7,1^62 PAGR N lN i^N Painting— Papmng 21 Relp^ TVanthd— ^Female Help-Wantad-rlUlt 36 Articles For Sale .45 iBousehold Goods 51 Rooms Without Board jlF douses For Rcr 65 Houses For Sak /72 Houaea For Salt 72 Housoi For Sal* 72 Hongci f'or Said 72 HoQfict For Sal* 72 Hoium For Sal* 72 Houses For Bil* 72 PAINTINQ —Interior and exterior. ROOM AND board, plus salary. In MAN TO assist darpet laysr and FLAT 8TDNS8 for waiUt, patloa, 24" -G.E. ELECTRIC stove; wring NEAR MAIN St. for gentleman, lU . ROOM house with heat, hqt SOUTH WINDSOH — 8H room PORTER 8 t. -L a rg s' oolonlal home, SEVEN ROOM Colonial - Bass- MANCHESTER—$11,900. 3 bedroom MANCHESTERT-RockJedge, Larg* VERNON CIRCLE Area’ —Over­ TROUBLE REAGHINB OUR-ADtERflSER? A good Job at a reasonable' rate. return for keeping house and learn carpet installation and work and house frpnta Comer Route or tjq;>e wa^ashbu; machine; maple private entrance, parking, 28 PANORAMIC views go with this , water,^ one bedroom. Ideal for Ranch,' eatabllahed. neighborhood, 6 bedrooma, .2H-hathe, t-oar' ga­ meat garags. One block to huiob, aluminum storms, recrea­ roomy 8 room ranch, formal dih- brook Dr. B-'foom ranch, beautiful l a ^ nearly new 4 room ranch oO For-tree estimate cal] Ml 9-0668. cooking in ^ast Windsor area. MI room procedure. 40-hour, Otday 44 and 6, Notch Hoad. Bolton kitchen sat. MI 0-4410, Pearl St., 'MI 8-7236, working couple. MI '3-5879. r J. P.= Lewis. 3-6460. week. Apply Watkins Bros., 936 Ntkob Quarry. Tel. MI 9-oeiT family ailed kitchen, cersuinle rage, large ” landacpped yate. Bowsrs School. Two blocks to tion room, near bus, Carlton W. ing room., garage,” fireplace.. Va- grounds, 8 years old, oil hot a Coventry hilltop. Best quality U-Hour Answerini^nriM Main at ROOM FOR rent, private family, bath tree shaded lot, excellent Shown by *K>oti>tment. Marion E. Junior High and High Schools. By Hutchins, MI 9-8133. . cant;" Early , occupancy. Easy fi­ water, finished 13x22 rec , room, aiy] apafkllng clean. If a '2 bed­ -PAINTINO AND paperhanging. SERVICE REPi SCREENED LOAM for the best In 5^ ROOMS OF furniture to be free parking, gentleman prefer­ construction. Hayea Agency, MI Robertaon, Realtor. M appointment only, No agents, nancing, Tongren Agency, MI Aluminum combhiatim windows, room home fits yoiir family, a«« Good clean workmanship at rea- Suburban For Rent 8-4803. prpleass, MI 2-9150. 8-8821. , . attached garage'. Owner transfer­ this -one today. Asking $12,609. FrM to HeraUt^oadors lawns from our screening .plant. sold at once. Call MI 9-6772. red. Linnmore Drive. MI 9-1972. COLDNIAL—7 rooms, 2 full baths, ------^------1------aonabU rataa. 30 years' in Man­ Girl over 21 •«*, service represen­ George Grifflng, Inc. PI 2-78M, red, $17,750 MLS 2248. Ken ,Oz- Call MAiY Carlson,'p i 2-7297. Lao- s o n o t o n e UNFXJRNI8HED 3% room vCpart- LOOKOUT MOUNTAiN- 8 room 2-ctr garage, centrally located, ST. JAMES PARISH — 7 room chester Raymond Fiske. Ml tative to provide counsel and ad­ NORGE REFRIGERATOR, apart- EXCEPTIONALLY nice large ment, ne of many exceptional TWO FAMILY — LOOK SEE ceilings wallpapering, floor sand­ has opening for sincere hard­ in oven and cooking unit, large close to school, shopping and Here it is .. spotless * room Columbia, low taxies, lake privi­ TER ANSWERING SERVICE working man to take charge of WantqA^o.Rent 68 family room, beautiful terrace, ; 8H room ranch, foyhr, fireplace, features—a l8xl8 family room ing and refinishing Clean work- FULL t r a i n i n g PARK BICH, stoiie-free loam. FURNISHED room, all improve­ transportatiem. $18,900. raUbrick BUY OR BYE Cape, 8 finished, fireplace, tile leges. Large 4 room ranch, ga* - manship, No Job too small, John our business in this and sur­ Also flli, gravel; strnie and white LOQK WHAT ments gentleman only. MI 9-0591, garage, ameslte drive, all city cellar . garage, trees, walk. to Agency, MI 9-8484 1 —close to schools and 5u8. Ml 9 ^ 5 0 0 PROVIDED d e s ir e d two adults, four poe- bath with shOU'er. copper rage, completely landscaped. Ask­ Verfallle, Np 9-5750. rounding areas. Mao, selected «luid. MI 8-8603. ' 136 Bissell St. utilities. Charles Lesperance, iO High School. Carlton W. Hutchins, Only $18.60(0. It's not bad at all Only plumbing-, gas furnace, -ame- ing’$13,300, Seldom can we offer .* will be carefully trained. No 5299 BUYS slbiy f(y.^rok6r, MI 9-0320. rooms, 2 baths, kitchen with foot foundation; 5 finished rooms oil -hot air h?4at. living rqom with huge step down Ii-ving rema large. Robert Brown, Ml 9-0033. Forest cor. Pine Manchester brick Agency. Ml 9-8484 down, apace for 3 additional bed­ new siding, aluminum combina­ opening soon. 13 Maple St. ing and lot clearing. Call Frank INC. - FOR OUR MEN’S DEPT. CEDAR CLOTHES line poles, many Open daily 0-9, Sat. 0-6 , ALICE CLAMPET AGENCY built-in appliances including tions. amesite drive, landscaped. fireplace., bas^ent recreation with fireplace and-entire brick C. Noble, Ml 9-6053, Ml 9-0874. PAINTING and wallpapering wall­ Park Sc Oakland Aves. sizes. 1966 Plymouth aedan, rea­ THREE ROOM apartment, kitch­ CENTRAL CAPE—^Slx rooms, full ROCKLEDGE—7 room Ranch, 4 dishwasher, paneled 20’ family rooms and' bath on second floor. room yrith picture"^ window over­ wall — Owner moring. Prte*. MI 8-1628 bath down 'plus full Tiqth In rec 24 foot li-ving room, spacious din­ Priced at $14,000. Call Mary Carl­ paper removed Wallpaper books East Hartford Good steady position. Apply sonable. MI 0-1358. en furnished, all ' utilities. 105 years old, large modem kitchen, MI 9-4548 MI 3-7^57 room, 2 level heating, full base­ son. PI 2-7297, Lessenger Co,, looking lake, nicely Igndscaped reduced for'-finiuediate sale. LAWNS AND gardens cared for Birch Street. room In iiasement. iRgcently ment. oversized garage, com­ ing room, modern kitchen with ^ •' on cOquest. Cei'lings. ^ e e esti- buUt-in oven and range, dtshwaab- Reaftors, HA'rrlson 3-9261. lot, immediate occupancy';>25 year P e r a o n ^ and. Shrubbery trimmed. Ml WEEKENDS—No experience nec­ GIRL’S 24" bicycle, needa new ______reno-vated. Nice lot, pleiity,'’of bination windows and -doors. built-ina, oversize _bedrooms. 9-8538. iliates. Call Roger Ml 8-0928 essary for Shack Bar. Saturday 4 er, disposal, pantry, etc. Large 8% ROOM ranch, 8 years old, mortgage available.- Small ""down THE FAIR tire. Large chain drive tricycle. I TWO ARM chairs for both, ONE AND two room apartmenU , trees With about $3,000 down you dining room den center entrance Asking price $21,900. aluminum combinations, 1-car ga­ McCANN DRIVE—Ansaldi built 5 - payment. Must sell to settle es­ .REPEAT EJtCLUSIVE BLGCTROLUX Sales and Service, EXTERIOR SPRAY and brush p.m.-midnight, Sunday 7 p.m.-ll Girl’s winter and fall coats, size unfurnished, heat, custodian serv­ can assume the 1st mtgO,' ana modem bath and kitchen with rage. A quality built home with bonded repreaentaUve, Allred BUSINESS MEN—If you have key Repord coUectioi about 250 re’e- ice. MI 3-6816.' h^^l. paneled wall tUenlaea in Uv- built-ins, 8 bedrooms, living room Ro^kledgs—Dale Rd. Custom room j:ancli, large kitchen, fire­ tate Hammon. Agenev, PI 2-8813, painting. co'Jninercial.' industrial, p.m. Apply Parkade Bowling Manchester Shopping Parkad* 12. MI 8-6706. o r^ , $16. Bool e, $6. Ml 9-5750. pay $108.25 monthly.' T. J. iii^^room with a beauttful view, 3 plaster walls and ckst Iron base­ place. basement garage,.dead end 528-8501. sI^WING MACHINE (1062 model). MI 9-8484. 1% baths, rec room, ^ g g e cov­ Agency, Ml 9-8484. tile ahower, select oak floors, of 4 real big rooms (2 up and 2-car garage. Centrally located XtANCHESTER—3 year old 8 room ened, . precision ground. L A - M FREE ESTIMATES Proifipt serv­ p.m. MI 4-1106. MTlndow with frame and alumlnun*' Sacrifice $35. MI 9-6696. Highland St. MI 3-2222. / 2-car garage, beautiful lot. 2 downl. This house has been, delightful aplit level on high ele­ REPEAT EXctu^IVE Elquipment Corporation, Route 83. WOMAN TO work in laundromat BIRCH MOUNTAIN Road, Bolton ered patio, half acre, of parkllke OUTSTANDING two year old split- for' schools, shopping, and trans­ Automobiles For Sale 4 ice on all types of electrical wir­ storm 24x46, Two wood stpi4n TWO ROOM apartment, heat, hot grounds. Hdyes Agency MI 3^4808. Asking $38,900. completely rebuilt, excellent portation. Immediate occupancy. vation. Custom built basement to Vernon,. C«ln. 'TR 6-7609. Manches­ 3 or 4 days per week. Call Ml MEN TO LEARN j^ eb a ll wind­ windows 24x88, One wood storm DOUBLE, light oak bed, box —7 room custom built ranch, level. 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths, condition throughout. Alum­ ANDOVER — Older C a ^ • ing. Licensed and insured. Wilson water near the Center, adults Call John H. Lappen. Inc., MI roof. Numerous built-in features roomer on two full acr^, Neiw»\ NEED CAR? Your credit turned ter exchange. Call Ebiterprise 1946. Electrical Co., Manchester. MI 9-7498 or-MI 3-6278. (r ing, free transportation, from windows 24x46. MI 9-297^/ spring and mattress, almost'new, modem kitchen, one full bath, 2, CAPE—6 rooms, modem kitchen? formal dining room, family rooin inum aiding, deep lot. plus l*-i baths, picture bofhotor, electric start­ lighting, tastefully' decqrated, tion Four rooms down plus a AND SUBURBAN 118,600. loan O r finance oompany plan. LAWNMOWER sharpening and re- PAINTING, remodeling p^c*-- THREE ROOMS, heat, hot water, HOLLISTER STREET—5 bedroom colonial ■with fireplace, only 5 Realty DENTAL HYGIENIST. full or PARTTIME ing, trallqrf'many extras. Price $39.50 (4) Cushman Side Chairs, home, large living room.with din­ hand hevm roof ahjngles. pfofea- yeara old, 1^ baths, full "attic, big enc^ed porch,: one room Douglas Motors, 333 Main. pairs. Also, lawn '« maintenance. | /I?®*' part-time, write Box W, Herald^ all utilities. 245 N. Main. MI finished off up. Full basement, $15,006—Sparkling clean 8 room $1,600. MI 9-3530. saddle seat, maple, ea. $29.95. 9-5229, 9-5. MANCHESTER ing area, new heating system, 3- aionally. landscaped, "top value at large encloaed porch, builtins, Free pick-up and delivery Little i Charles MI 3-2107. Collector In Manchester area $29,900. Philbrick Agency, MI excellent condition, small lot. older home in St. Jamee REPEAT EXCLUSIVE / SPOT CASH car ; garage, shaded lot. 217,500. plastered walls, full insulation, parish. 8t McKinney, 15 Woodbridge SL, for established monthly ac­ W9.60 l9xM" Traditional Step DESIRABLE 5% rooms, located Philbrick'Agency, Ml 9-8464. 9-8464. -V city utllttiea, combination win­ But. a good buy. * BUILDING LOTS PAID FOR CLEAN Ml 8-8020. WOMAN FOR general housework, counts. Car necessary. Must be ?LVW00D h u l l sgllfish, $50. MI Table, one drawer, maple,' $39.50. and VICIM TY UNIQUE. Private Instructions 2S Thursday or Friday. MI 9-6898. S-6998 " - on West St. Available Sept. 15. dows and doors, bne block from $16,606—Clean and compact up- X USED CARS AT available first ten days of after 6. Adults preferred. Call MI 3-4097. $12,800 Bolton-^well kept 5 rooig ly STARKWEATHER Street - Single, Main St,, bus line. Vacant. St. G(JT two beauties — or*"'xea SHARPENING Servlc*— Saws, ------—------:------^ ^ mcxith, in evenings and Satur- $229.00 78” Lawson Sofa, 2 family, -immaculate home, mod­ T. J. CROCKETT to-the minute 5 room not just unusual 6 room Co­ Birch Mt. Extension 150x200« knives, axes, shears akatea ' ELECTRONICS Television Refrig GOOD OPPORTUNITY In Corset ranch with attached breezeway stored, 4 bedrooms, 16 minutes James Parish; . Charles Lesper- ranch with garage. ' ex­ daya. High eamlnga for cushiori; box pleat, tangerine, $129. AVAILABLE NOW in-Rockville — ernized. A lot of house for only lonial Cap* with encloeed Another on Rt. 30 (C>rot*i Laka \ GARTER CHEVROLET CO„ rotary blades. Quick service. Capl eration Air Conditioning-Oil Burn­ Shop for capable woman who- is- and garage^ good sized w'ooded from Manchester, large modem anCe, MI 9-7620. Realtor MI 3-1877 ceptionally good buy. ers & Controls. Enroll now for man. B<» F, Herald, Diamonds-^Watches— 3*4 room apartment, stove, refrig­ family size kitchen with huge $14,500, Joseph Barth', Broker tJCl breezeway and garage. Fea- Rd.) 200x200. Beth real beau­ INC. tol Equipment Co., 38 Main St., either experienced In corsetry or $79,95 30" Studio Divan with pair lot. near elementary school. Im­ 9-0320. ‘ tures include kitchen ap­ ties —Lots of ethSr lot* too. 12^ Main St. - Manchester Manchester. Hours dally. 7-5. fall term. Efficient, placement willing to be trained. MI 3-6346. Jewelry 48 of bolster^, brown, $56.00. erator, and heat. 15 minutes from mediate occupsuic.v. rustic fleldstaoe fireplace, 1% MANCHESTER — Rolling Park. $15,100—Six room cape with ga­ service. Write New England Hartford, $90 monthly, MI 9.-4824, baths, 2-zone heat, patio, 3-car Ixively 6 room Cape, 4 finished. rage, clpee to all schools, pliance!, wall-to-wall carpet-' Call Tel. MI 9-5238- Thursday 7-9. . Saturday 7-4. Ml WATCH AND Jewelry repairing at MANCHESTER—Off Hartford Rd. ing. IH ceramic baths, twin- 3-7958. Tech;, 56 Union Place, Hartford, | WAITRESS^ w^inted. full or part- $82.50 (2) buxbu^ Side Chairs; TR 6-1166. $13,250 Wellington—New 5>4 room garage, ideal location for horses, In excellent condition Early oc­ St James pariah.. EXPERIENCED concrete worker reasonable prices, prompt serv­ $26,600; Philb^lc Agency. MI Excellent 7 room bungalow, 2-car cupancy. Tongreh Agency, MI INVEST sized bedrooms, ^plus half acre PONTIAC 1966 station wagon, Conri., or call 625-3406 for fuU time, evening shift excellent cherry, ea. $19.00? ■' ranch, built-in range and oven, garage, large enclosed front SQUIRE LINDSAY model 870, fully equipped, power M & M RUBBISH Removal - In­ information. wanted or will trmn. Charlea Pon- ice, 2 watchmakers. Manchester's 9-9464. 3-8321. In a true inveaUnent—5-8 du­ $18,900—Six room cape, . garage, beautifully landscaped lot. Only working conditions. Apply in pec- fireplace, ceramic bath. Only porch, partitioned recreation a short walk to E. Center 9t. steering and .brakes, excellent dustrial, commercial, residential. son Walnut .Restaurant. 7 Walnut tlcelli, 382 Hackmatack Street oldest established jeweler. F E. $149.00 Wing Chair, b u ^ n hack, DUPLE3X, 4 rooms, bath, hot $500 downr complete payment plex near Mancheater Center, aluminum aiding walk to 86 Oak dt., MAncheet^r MI 9-9644^/ Bray, 737 Main St., State Theater foam cushion, box 'pleats, cutback water, refrigerator. MI 9-1051 WILLIAMS ROAD, Bolton—7 room room, $15,900. Maddock Sr deVos. IN TOWN—Attractive 4 rdbm Cape 8 bedrooms each side, ceramle new Tech School. $595. Ml 9-2612. Manchester routes. Cleaning at­ St.” . ' leas than average rent cost. Realtors. 249-7711, Evenings XU 8-1111 tics, cellars, yards. Cardboard, Musical— Dramatic 29 BuUtfing. arms, brown texture, $99.00. split level on large lot, 2H years with expansion apkee. Flreplac*. baths. Excellent income poten­ 1955 FORD FlOO pickup, 6'>cylin4 room wood paneling, large dining are*. Squire, best offer. MI 3-4680. made to measure; all sized Vene­ matrix and plastic. materials. Stein, Macintosh, Bunce Farm, ment garagCj beautiful' setting. hot .water oil heat, center hall­ $23,500—Brand new 6 room ranch ■ -a 1 529-56&3 evenings. 529 W. Center St. MI 8-8116. guitar headquarters. Guitars, ac­ furnished. Middle-age couple only. A good buy. This home Hawaii the extras, very plastered with white cement, city ranph, large tree shaded, lot, fiill way, full; attic, breezeway. 2-car 8 large' bedrooms with 2 sliding 1100 FOOT frontage X 140 feet detft D O I^E 1955 custom Lancer, hard­ tian blinds Keys made while you High School graduate. MI 3-7894. ■'^-at 42 I,iUdlow Rd. Open cessories, Instruction. Lane Guitar clean. Owner transferred; T. J. utilities. Charles Lesperance MI cellar, oil hot water heat, kitchen garage, combination windows and every day, stop in to see! door closets in each. The best I Oakland Terrace, Zone A, l b top', power steering, automatic wait. Tape Recorders for rent. SECOND MORTGAGES available. $18,500 East Hartford — Immacu­ 9-7620 wall-to-wall carpeting central en­ I 9-7319. Marlow’s, 887 Main, M3 9-5221. COMPTOMETER / FOR SALE—Native tomatoes by- Center, lll% Center St.,' MI ’ Crockett, Realtor, Ml 8-1577. with dining area, 18 -foot living doors, amesite drive, city utili­ this itnd others from $4,900 -' ttansrfiission Call after '5. MI Consolidate your obligations into the pound or basket J. Vinci 88 9-7836. SIX ROOM duplex, 228 Center St. late 7 room Cape, with 6 fin­ room with fireplace. Exceptional trance hall, cai-port. Many, many oneIt; monthlyiituiiLiuy peL^iiiciiL.payment. We vTc tireare iuin / ished. small amount of w'ork to ties. St. James Parish. Asking 9-3319. . AN UNUSUAL -.bargain! Reuphol­ . OPERATORS Clinton St. Available Oct. 1, Apply evenings, LAKEWOOD CIRCLE - Ranch. VERNON — Home and business ly good buy. $17,900. Robert Wol- • price $23,500, diaries Lesperance ■ “P' . ' ■ i fine extras. Andersen casement 4 VERNON—Excellent lot for AlJ*. a position to loan any amount” Paper Machine 228 Center-^St. be done to complete 7th room Elxceptionally large living room combination near fast growing verton Agency, MI 6-3813, MI window'* throughout. Large lot 13.000. surrounded by lovo^ ster 3 pig,ce living room set: sofa on1. easy terms; J. D. Realty, 470 Ml 9-7620. $24,990— Also, brand new 8 room home*. J. D. Realty, Xn 8-5139. 1955 FORD Convertible, needs re­ and 2 chairs $145. Choose from WE ARE PREPARED, willing and TROMBONE, silver plated, and and'2nd bath: also, finished play­ with fireplace, dining area and Vernon Circle. Recently zoned for 3-9087. . ranch, 2-car garage, qual­ with several b«e-t*tiful hemlock, I pairs, best offer. Also, white por­ Mainain St.. MI 3-5120. , / Must be experienced. equipped to deliver our own top cose. Call MI 9-2188, 4:30-10 p.m. room in basement; low taxes, ■ kitchen-with view of lake. 3 bed­ ■ used car- sales and sei^ce. Many group of fine fabrics. Work done Helper YOU’RE INVITED ity biiilt throughbut spruce and'pine tree*. Just off VERMONT—House .and camping celain electric stove. MI- 9-1423, 4------y f - Pleasant working conditions. . quality farm frejih eggs, baasting Busines.8 Locations good value, nice location. rooms. 2 baths, elaborately finish-, possibilities. Tongren Agency, MI WAPPING— room ranch, 1 bed­ Parkway. Jerry Fay Agenc^, MI by expert craftsmen on our prem­ 3-6321, - lots. 300x100, good road, IlAta. ises. All work 'uUy guaranteed. Excellent benefits. — Must be at least 5’10” chickens to your home and office For Kent 64 ed basement with, fireplace, bar, rooms, full cellar,. carport, $500 FOR ITS FIRST SHOWING $38,900—Extra big 8 room ranChi 8-7029. ■ V*.'-' 1955 CHEVROLET Bel A t, green Business OpporttHiflres 32 Gool salary, good hours. weekly at reasonable rates in Office and Store $18,500 Bolton—like new 5 room etc. 2-cdr garage, professionally down. Rondlnone Realty, 289-2089, Price $125. George Brew, Nisrtk MU] Fabric Salesroom, 175 Pine 300x200 tree shaded' lot. 2- Concord, Vermont. and white, good condition, clean Experience desirable Manchester or East Hartford. MI Equipment 54 ranch with breezeway and 2‘ car landscaped lot. Priced at $29,900. THREE ' BEDROOM colonial for 666-9665. car garage and rec room. and reasonable. Ml 4-0398 morn­ St., exclusive Cheney Fabric SERVICE STATION/ business for Apply 8 paid holidays. CENTRAL LOCATION. store garage, fireplare, .conihination only $17,500. Another top value. OPEN HOUSE WEST SIDE salesroom. In Manchester. Ml sale, lower Malm^St. location, es-^ 9-9904, ■ Man'chester Poultry space approximately 20’x40!, suit­ Philbrick Agency, MI 6-8464. AA ZONE LrOTS. Portor Streot ings and alter 5 p.m. Paid vacations and pensions. Farm, 472 Keeney St., Manches­ TYPEWRITER SALEJ—new type­ ■windows. large lot, good loca­ Tiled' bath, neat new kitchen, SO WTND80R —Close to Vernon ROBERT WOLVERTON 3-7322. Budget terms arranged. tablished trad^/ind complete in­ x \ CONN. STATE Group Insurance Plan. able for small business. Av^lat^s tion. separate dining room, open stair­ Circle Shopping Center. Immacu­ Substantial 7 room Colonial,* area, city water and sewer. Pheno ventory. Cajl- MI 3-6860 for ap ter. writer^ $55 and up; used type­ October 1. MI 9-6294. Date; Saturday and Sunday, AGENCY XU 3-82ra. ' ■ 1958 CHEVROLET 4-door Bis- m p l o y m e n t e r v i c e interview at Rogers Corpora­ way, fireplace. Porch enclosed, late 6 room Ranch, large .Sept 8 and 9. 3 twin aiited bedrooms. l*t cayne, 6 cylinder, powerglide, pointment E S writers $29 . and up, Berube's SELDOM Realtor MI 9-2813, XU $-9017 tion, corner Mill and Oakland Typewriter Service, 479 E. Mid­ $18,900 East Hartford—514 room garage, plenty of trees • ■ don't living room, fireplace, three baths, many, -many improve-- radio, heater, very clean. MI 80^ Main St., Manchester Building— Contracting 14 ame ' Streets, Manchester, Conn., at . FQR'SALE!—Canning peaches. 260 dle Tpk'e., Manchester. MI 9-3477. STORE, 245 N. Main St., good ranch, 2-car, garage, built-in Seldom are we able to offer find them like this for.$17:500 ve.ry bedrooms, large dining area, im­ Time: From 1 p.m.-B p.m. ments put thi* home in tip-top 3-5500, !AN Oil Co. has a 3-ba^ range and oven. Good location. often. Vacant,'too T. J. Crockett, mense kitchen with built-ins, condition See It. Eve Bill Wanted— Real Estate 77 I servXe station available in the 9:30- a.m., Tuesday, JSept." 11, Bush Hill Road, Manchester. spot for anything. MI 9-5229,- 9-6. .such value in a Green Manor HOME AND attic remodeling. 1962. Ranch ; Home, just off Veriion Rector, MI 3-1577. glassed in ppreh. carpdrt, patio Place: 58 Dale Road ia AA XCANCHESTER —^z y expandable- Bole*. Xfi 9-9858. 1955 CHEVROLET Convertible, ex­ r'^ing.^ttering^Ld sld^g^-A^^ r?-; ^slstant - .inI kitchen PK3C YOUR own peppers. 215 Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 $19,000 Vernon — U & R built 8, Sftreet. This one has a full aluminum^ storms, large shaded zone "Rockjedge." Cape, 4 finiihed rooms, tiled, bath, WISH SOXCBOirE to baadi* you* ceptional condition, nylon top, coustical xeillng. porch from in fafamily. Mrs. Hillstown Rd R. Cobb. MI room ranch only 3 years old, MANCHESTER - Rockledge. *6 lot. low taxes, quick . pccupancy. 3 fireplacea, triple-track storms, WARREN E. HOWLAND real estAte? CAU m* at Ml * 4 M radio, heater new tires Best of­ financial assistance. Excellent oP' OFFICE 90^-Center St., all utilities basement, double lot. clean as Occasibn: To zee brand new and all kinds of carpentry. W o^! George Cheney, 2J Hartford Road. 9-8496 LADY’S CASHMERE coat with paid, $45'”a month, PI 2-6701, large Using room, comer fire- a whistle. Buy now St $19,500. room ranch,'formal dining room, Jerry Fay Agency, Ml 8-7029. / ' excellent ‘ condition throughout. REALTOR for prompt 'and courteoua aoraleoi fer. MI 9-1158 partunity. For information from Tel. MI 3-4468. - place, full ceramic bath with fireplace, garage. Convenient. well constructed custom built 4 Joeepb Barth. Brokar manship guaranteed. MI 9-OT^. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 249-9391. After 6, ROGERS ' removable squirrel collar and Lovely private yard. 5 minute 575 Xfhin St. , Xtl 3-1108 CONCORD GRAPES, pick your cuffs and suede jacket. Fits 16-20. vanity, butlt-ins in kitchen. 3 ' Now vacaint for Immediate ocCu- XIANCHESTER—Six room oldbr bedroom ranch, featuring two walk to schools, bus and Park­ FOR SALE—1956 Cadillac Con­ - 249-2984. LUNCH ® GIRL, Monday-Friday, colored ceramic tile bath- — ______i______’ own, $1.25 a basket Briqg own Like new. MI 9-5051. Rouses For Rent 65 bedrooms, ■ basement garage, The panev. Tongren Agency, Ml Colonial; family size kitbhen. din­ ade, Ideal for starter home or re-' CASH for yoVr home, land, equip­ vertible, excellent running condi­ 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p..m. Apply Treat CORPORATION containers. 270 Hackmatack St. owner transferred. Priced to sell. 3-632i. ing room, utility room, enclosed rooTrie/-,2 fireplaces, formal COxiFroTABLE, convenient 4 ment. m ^r^^dise UquidaUeo. tion, powered, MI 3-1905. Florists— Nurseries 15 tired couple, Gerard . Agency, riibm home, centrally located, /Shop, Talcottville. MI 9-8206. front porch, 3 generous" size bed­ dining room, “Ijicture book” Realtors, XU 8-0366 Tom Quinn, anything of VAlue. For quick ac­ •-----— -*-v------' -— u 1 1 .7 " PACKAGE STORE for sale. Call- Equal--opportunity employer SIX ROOM house for rent on Route RANCH—8 rooms, .West Side, kitchen with dining area and large wooded lot, garage. Low 1952 PLYMOUTH 2-door, good.white j ^ Realty MI 3-5129 ' TWO Ne w natural dark ranch $19,950 East . Hartford-.-New 6 Jarvis Realty (Zb. rooms, close to shopping. St. xn 9-8985.- , tion call American Auctieo Oo., ' -• - ■ — pine, small pottejpwhite dogwood, - - fertilizers' 50-A mink stoles Tel. Ml 3-8600. 44A, Coventry $180 monthly. Call room raised ranch. IH baths, Youngstown kitchen with built- James Parish, $1S,W)0. Robert .built-ins. Oversize 2-car garage down' payment. Low pirice. Call XU 3-6847. motor, radio, heater, $75. Pj"®' ,, PI 2.6167 Realtdra MLS Insurers lns. 3 bedrooms, dining room, full •lohn H. L*ppen. Inc., MI 9-520l. MI 9-6360. - ' 7^ *1$1 “up. P- Schmid:Schmidt/PoreSt LahC, E. ATLANTIC SERVICE ' Station Help Wanted— Male bullt-ln range and_ oven, large Wolverton Agency, Ml 9-2818. Ml and more. Priced in .mid'trwen- Glastonbury^ _____ Salesmen Wantetf "W/ GOOD COW manure. $5 and $10 fireplace, basement garage, basement, carport, $2,400 as­ 3-9087 , ■ ties. New Listing—7 room ranch, 1- Ml 9-7445, MI 8-5219. WANTEJD—Real Estate. Sellint available for lease now. -Modern, _____ BOLTON—4 room ranch furnish­ MI 3-4113 Evenings MI 9-251^ buying Residential, -cummem^ BUICK 1955 Century, E-do(fr hard- loads. Delivered, Excellent for Wanted— Buy 58 . heavily wooded . lots to choose sumes VA- mortgage at' 4%%, c^r garage. fSiIi. cellar," In­ high gallonage'station, has *x- TOOL AND gauge makers'wanted, SALESMAN Interested m real' es­ ed oil heat, $110 month. Good:. BOWERS SCHOOL—7 room' Co- '$17,900. Philbrick Agency, MI MANCHESTER — Two family. 8-8. if unable to come, please call "or Industrial real estate. Contaa • top, power steering, ' whitewalls, callent location in Man,Chester, i first-class only, full or part-Ume. shrubs, lawns, etc. MI 3-7804. MI child-Bartlett Realty, BU» 9-0939, from. cludes rec room,, bar, kitchen, Roofing—Siding, 16 tate. full time. Cal] Mr. Green, 9-8731, FKANK IS buying and selling good lonial, 4 bedrooms, walk-up attic, 9-8464. Immaculate throughout- Separate for' appointment bedroom, full bathj^l^rst floor, Realtor, Stanley Bray. XU 8-8378, radio, heater, good condition, run­ Call 289-1561 until 5 p.m. Alter 5 j All prevailing benefits. Call Man- used furniture and antiques at MI 3-7925. funtsceg, convenient' location,' MANCHESTER & VICINITY Broa-Burn Realty. ning daily." Call MI 3-8100. call Mr. Rauch. MI 3-2881; 9-8464. |2o!300 East Hartford—New 6 2-car garage, well shaded lot kitchen and dlnlp^ area. 3 bed­ A>-^A. DION, INC Roofing, Biding, Chester )l & Design, Ml 9-6263 420 .Lake St. C^all and see what room Colonial, 1'2 baths, attach- 105x150. Only $16,500. Hayes Agen­ 8-6 DUPLEX, near High. School, Only $31,800. Maddock and deVoa. BUILDER MI 9-5524 rooms, bkth, liVing room with, or app in person we’ve got.‘ Open Sundays. Ml COVENTRY LAKE -5 room ftii^ bua and ahopping.'2-car garage. 2 Realtors 249-7711 Evenlrigz Mrs. WANTED TO buy by private 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent con­ paihtlng Carpentry Alterations Household Goods - 51 nished cottage qp. waterfront, __ed :l-car garage, built-ins, fire- cy, MI 3-4803 Eves. MI 9-2297. or contact realtor of your fireplace, den. walk-in:, attic. $13,900 party, early Colonial home on ” and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ Help' Wanted— 9-6580. plaie, lovely Wooded lota, 5'our furnaces. Remarkable condition. Julian, XU 9-9190." dition, radio, heater. MI 9-8502^ Help Wdnted- -Female 35 EXPERIENCED electricians want­ Sept. 15-June Is. MI 3-1686 ' choice. Lot 95x226, expertly la'*\'hed and 8 room Ranch situated on land­ main road or street or will *x- ship guaranteed. 299 Auttimn. St. Male or Female .37 w o o l R\JG and pad, 2- custom "choice! 3?i ACRES, Immaculate 7 room Reasonable Hayea Agency MI 21 Elizabeth Dr. '• ./ ed Trade •'School graduates, con- WE BUY SELL or trade antique 3-4808. shrubbed, located in executive scaped treed lot 100x200. 8 Bed- . change' or trade large 8 family Ml 3-4860. WOMEN WITH sales experience to made chairs, fireplace mirror, ex- s p f ■ ROOM Cape' Cod, including - Colonial, 1!4 baths, targe cabinet GLASTONBURY—Ne'ipalc Wood*. neighborhood? in Manchester. FOR S'ALE—Bus 1948 Ford, 48-pas- sidere^d. Immediate employment. SODA FOUNTAW clerks waht^. qellenf condition. MI 9-7388, and Used furniture,- china; glass, $23',000 South Wlndsor-:^.8paclouB kitchen, excellent barn, trees, only roome. Family - aited kitchen;. heme in center of Manchester. XO sell major appliances *and TV in Call Walter Zemanek, after 6 '^sunporch and garage," completely/ EIGHT ROjOM Garriaon Colonial, Rambling 8 room rancher, 1*4 'Many other extra* make this Living'roorh with large pictfir* seiigers, $250. See it in,/'ear of BIDWELL HOME Improvement Manchester department store. . all shifts. Apply Howard J< ^ - silver, picture frames ^ d old new 6 V4 room rkised ranch, 2 full $17,900. Carlton W. Hutchins. Ml THRIFTY baths, rec room,’ 2-c4r garage, p.m., TR 6-9370. ''coins, old dplle and guns,. Hobby furnished, 66 Village- St,, $1^ ' large living room, dining room, home a real huy at $24,500. wrindow. Price includes many, 238 Main St Call MI 9,4416,. Company—all types of siding and ./Full and part-time positions avail­ son's, Tolland 'rumplke. G.BJ; CABINETT unit, sink with dis­ monthly. Call 521-3233. ' . baths, 2'-car garage. 1,460 sq. ft. 9-5132.. picturebook setting with -trees. posal and dishwasher, $75; 40” collections, aCtic contents or whole j- kitchen,' study and lavatory. . 4 thinking—7 room home only many -extras. - roofing. Alumrnum clapboards a able. Hourly rate plus sales incen- DRIVERS for school buses, Ver­ ,' of living area, heautiful high Haves and Philbrick, 848 Hebron Lebanon-^ room house and 1953 STUMBAKEt V-8' sport HELP w a n t e d for limcheonette, electric stovS, $40. Excellent con­ estates. Furniture,'Repair Service, ROC^CLEaXIE Modern 8 room rbedrobrng and bath on second one block from-.Maln St. 2-car specialty Unexcelled workman­ . tivee. Apply in writing to Box K, non, 7:30-9 a.m.. 2-3-:30 p.m. Call SIX ROOMS, stove, refrl^ratbr .' Wooded lot, built-ins. fireplace, Ave.. 833-4827. barn. 5 -acres of land, -$10,500. coupe, new painO! new tires and ship. Ml 9-6495. 6 a.m.-2 p.m Apply In person, dition. Any offers considered. MI TalcottvUe, Conn. Tel. ,MI 8-7449 ranch .on sloping wooded lot. 20x35 floor. Recreation room with fire­ garage, front porch. Other par­ .Herald. • , MI 3-2414.'• and washer. Near High and Jun­ patio, sliding glass doorg. Value place ' in basement. Attached ticular* available. Exclualvely $18,900 •2 good tires, clean interior, Hilllardville "Luncheonette, 803 9-3819. ior High Schools. Fenced in yard, beyond compare. Built by UAR. foot rec room with fireplace on ST JAMES PARISH—8 foom Cape, Several properties'' hear !Uni- i^ E N HOUSE . good m echa^ally. Must be keen. FULL-TIME counter girls needed" Adams St. ...-■ grade level with' separate en­ ' double garage. Aluminum siding. with: - plastered walls, baseboard heat, versity of Conn, in Storrs pric­ . 7 Rooms .. 4 bedrooms. Cape. SHORT ORDER ccloks wanted, Rooms Without Board 59 prefer, children 12 or over. $136 a 1 acre treed lot. 2 full baths. $25Q. MI 9-7879 after 6. Weekends Roofing and Chimneys 16-A .for 7 a,m.-3 p.m. .shift. Apply" in night shift, 4-12. Apply HELD OVER FROM OUR month. MI 3-7298. / $24,500 South 'VVindLor—New 7V4 trance. 3 bedrooms, i baths, at­ Central location, $32,900. Phil­ fireplace, walk-out cellar. 140x150 ed from $8,000 up. Howard TOY ; DEMONSTRATORS - New! tached garage, and sun deck. brick Agency, Xu 9-8484. I.arge living room' with fire­ any time. person • Mister Donut, 255 W. Mid­ jOTnson's. Tolland 'fuhiplke. LABOR DAY SALE! ANDOVER—Furnished room room Colonial, with .4 spacious landscaped lot. quick occupancy. SUNDAY, 1-6 P.M. ROOFING—Speclallziag repairing dle Turnpike, Easy video preaentati room ranch on choice lakefront 2-car garage! Tappan 400 built- ranch today; Custom built. 2-car 8-8783. . - U WARREN ST. 1. and top must sell, $1,400 Call ter work, chimneys cleaned re- DRIVERS for school buses, Ver­ weekly to start. Large chemical No heavy sacipl* cases to carry. lot, AH coraforta of city living. 1ns. High wooded lot.^Tremen- 5-8811, xn 9-5308. pai/'ed Aluminum ' siding 80 No delivering. No collecting. START PA'YING EIGHT ROOM' modified ranch,? 8 garage. Lot 150-660, $17,000. Near REALTOKS; VERY; X'EMI nice—6 room Cape, PI 2-6791 after 6.p.m.. ' non, 7:30-9 a.m,; .2-3:30 p.iri Call firm. No cold canvassing. Ckim- LOVELY LARGE room with twin -School bus at door. Madeline ■ dolls .value. Built by UiSfR. MANCHESTER GREEN—14 - Mil­ yeabs’ experience. Free estimates. MI 3-2414; American Home Toy Party, Btl IN 'OCT. unfinished, fireplace;. recreation beach, schools, churches, storep. Xn 9-8983 ' ford Rd. Six. room ranch, 3 bed­ full'shed dorme'T, 1*3 baths, fully VERNON FOR SALE—Mercedes Benz 300 4- pany discounts Rapid' advance­ 8 RbOMS FURNITURE beds suitable for teachers. Couple Smith, Realtor, MI 9-1642. Henry Bscott Agency; XO 9-7883; Mr. Morgeater XU 8-8813 BARRQWS & WALLACE Call Howley, Ml 3-6381. Ml 8-07aS ment. Call Willimantic HA 3-3996, 4-8185. $28.500-Verhon-'-U A R built 7 • room,- garage sweeping vlewa SH rooms, large''llring room, attach­ piaetered, custom features, im­ door sedan. A luxury car "in A-l WAITRESSES wanted ali shifts, i $9.36 MONTHLY preferred. Call after 5 p.m. MI acres, only $17,900. Carlton ' W. Mrs. Hulser MP 9-1308 55 E, Center'St., Manchester MpCarth.v Built g iflle e n 3-0520.’’ room executive ranch, featuring NORTH END - With $3,000 .(or ed .garage. 'lovely yard, $15,600. maculate, aplit, rail fence, stone condition. Call MI 3-2151 or MI Apply Howard Johnson’s. TOlland P- • Brand New , Hutchins, MI 9-5132. 4% mortgage, owner, MI S-STM. work and nice yard. Reduced to xn 9-530* Ranch. A neat, epettees home Radio-T,V Repair Services !8 2-car garage, 2 full baths, forinal leM) you can assume the |J3,000 fPr 914,900. 9-5086 for details. Turnpike. BAKER — All around man. steady Situations Wanted— Bedroom, Living. Room, Dinette, ROOM FOR gentleman near Main djning "room, living room, fam­ •$17,000 for quick sale. Owner leav­ Male 3 9 1 Rugs, Lamps, Tables, Dishee, SOUTH WINDSOR—8 room house, mortgage on this neat ranch. AVONDALE RD, First ottering. T MANOR RANCH in High RidgS, ing state, MI 9-4469, XU 9-5051. CONNIES TV .and Radio. Service, work good wages. Apply in per­ St., separate entrance, parking. Salesmqn's Private Car ily room -with glass sliding doors, modeiTi in all respects, $23,900. Three bedrckims, full basement .. ^ E P H BARTH. Broker son Parkade Bakery, Manchester Silverware and other accessories. MI 9-2961. leading to an outdoor patio, finished rooms. Cape Cod, attach­ Manchester—3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Elva- Tyler, Realtor PINE HILL ST., rapeh 4 large available all hours. Satisfaction ODD, JOBS wanted, part-Ume. EVERYTHING $288 Joseph Barth. Broker, AU 9-0320. all,the trimmings. Combinations, ed garage. Wall to wall carpeting, full basement, attached garage, Auto Accessories—Tires 6 guaranteed.' Call Ml 9-1815. LADIES r Shopping Parkade. stone fireplace, deluxe kitchen. rooms, tile hath, oil hot water ^ MI 9-0320 Lawn work, painting, cleaning, ROOM FOR lady or gentleman. NO LONGER NEEDED . am'esite, etc. Asking $15,500. open stairway, fireplace, -oil heat, electric built-in oven, stove, dish­ MANCHESTER—Off Center St. 8*4 heat, aluminum combinations, FOUR CYI,INDER motor for Jeep, I needj two ladies to do ' 'This beautiful brick exterior fin­ I MANCHESTER - Haiidy man’t Good buy here. T. J. Crockett, TELEVISION antennas and rotor TICKET COLLECTOR for etc. MI 3-9044. 3 ROOMS FURNITURE Kitchen privUegeS, quiet. Inquire EXCBPTIONAI- BUY combination windows and doora, washer and disposal, landscaped, room older home, excellent con­ rear porch, basement garage, will fit all jeeps, also pick-up, run part-time telephone worls $10.16 MONTHLY ished home is situated in a J special,-7 room home, -steam oil Realtor, XU 8-1577, city utility, large yard with en­ many extras; under $25,000. By systems uutalled and repaired: .pings. Apply in person to Jack 224 Charter Oak St., MI 3-8368, CH WILL SACRIFICE neighborhood of fine , homes. I heat, new roof and aiding, large dition, oil heat,' large fenced in trees >*>d shrubs, dead-end street- one year only. Complete engine. from our Manchester of­ Sanson, Manager, State Theater. Brand New . 6-4788. closed fence. A real buy at only appointment only. Owner Xn vard. Call C. K. XIacXfanua. Bro­ no traffic,""convenient to every­ Serving Manchester anH^surround- fice. Guaranteed $1.15 per All White Oimer transferred must sell. I lot,' good location., financing can WOOPBRTDGE ST. — Spacious 2 MI 3-5457. Ing areas. Modem ‘TV Sendee 406 STAIR BUIUJER, carpenter, floor WeStlnghouse Refrigerator Living $13,900 Charles Ijesperance, XU 8-4854. ker, Xfi 9-3262, xn. 3-4453. ' thing. O ^ e r xn 9-5689. Read Herald Advs# hour No . experience neces- BRIDGEPORT lathe hands. Must i layer desires vork. Call JA 7-9708. Room, Bedroom; Dinette", Rugs, ROOM FOR working girl, all the I be arranged, full price. $11,000. family, 5-5, new modern kitchens 9-7620. Center St.. MI $-2206.' sarj’. Hours 10-2 or 6-9. , 1958 THONDERBIRD $40,000 Hartford—128 Bloomfield I Call the Ellsworth Mitten Agency, and bath, oil steam, combination be able to set up and operate'------^ L^mps ~Tables. " .Dishes,— ‘ Silverware■■■■" comforts bf. home, board option­ Ave. Offered to settle estate. BOWERS SCHObL Area-Ranch, Auto Dnvtnc School 7-A Call Mr. Gordon, MI 3-9371. from blueprints,'bold Aircraft tol­ and other accessories. al. Near Post Office. 3-6745. Hardtop—Full Power ... I Realtor, Ml 8-8930. windows, large well landscaped NEAT 5 ROOM ranch, convenient­ recently renovated InSide-out. Call erances. Apply- GTK Oorp. 678 Dogs-^ Birds—Pets 41 Spacious 10 room Dutch Colo­ grounds, bus at door, close to ly located, near school, bug and Millinery, Dressmaking 19 EVERYTHING $360 Glean nial, 3 '4 baths, finished rec Owner XU 3-0061. No agents please. MORTLOCK’S DRIVING SCHOOL Tolland S^eet, East Hartford. IN PRIVATE home—prefer nurse, 54-58 WADDELL ROAD shopping, churches. $21,500. XILS ahopping. Asking $14,500. Diacoe KITCHEN HELP, day work. Ver­ room, 2-car garage, one-half —Skilled, ' courteous instructions DRE$8MAKlNG and aUerationg 8 ROOMS FURNITURE teacher or working wohnan. Gall See At Used Car Lot ' 2227, Ken Ostrlnskv, Realtor. XU ^gency. XU 9-0626. non Haven, TR 5-2077, iPART-TIME porter,, mornings, de­ WANTED—Home for 8 months old after B. MI 9-3319. acre lot. A prestige home in an Two family 5-5,“ all St.—IWI 8-5S08 Pbilhriek Agonejr. MI 9-8888. 9-7830, Realtor. XQ 4-U77. i - . Owner MI M061. MI 3-8552 Ml 3-6563. i 9'fe685. DOintmeqt. sell aepurately. Call MI 0-8088. OPEN EVETIT HIGHT[• r a x 8 9-7620. ^ ’ - r ..' I'

I f V-..' \ -•'V' ■ ■'/ ■

A'viEn^e D aily N et lY e m ]Riin The Weather f k i i t r m x m * ■ ' FRIDAY; SEPTKMBER T, 1962 . . For Um Week Ended Forecart of D. 8. Weather Bureau t Juno SO, 1962 --- ■ iKaturbrater lEtt^tiing H^raUt Fatr„ not w> cool tonight. ' Lort around SO with Mime 40.; In the' . Phebe Circle, Binanuei Church Grove. Mrs. PhyliB>e(;ymkowski Daiiiei T. Miller aim Mrs. George ^ 1 3 ,6 0 1 i normally, cooler MCtiona. Sunday A bou t Tow n Women, will meet Tuesday at 8 will« sinf, and a barbersttop quar­ A, Krivlck are co-chairmen of the Member o f Oie Audit fair and a Uttle warmer with in­ ■ j— 1. V . -P tet will entertain after oiMer. •upper committee. National con­ Board Okays Borera of Oircniailim creasing afterncMn ckmdineao. pvmi in tiUther Hall. After a busi­ M anche$ter— rA[ CUy o f Village Charm MIm Nancy Oopley, i t i High- Mrs. John Conner is p rofr__ vention reports will be made by ness session members .will fold chairman, assisted by Mrs. Prank '■[rs. Raymond U IVibelhom smd laiwi St., a itudent tiura* at Ore«n- cancer bahdafea and work on Tuition Ifupil with Hospital; M iss' BarBara Phllopena. Mrs. Charles Ponticel- Noel Preston. I '! Christmas stocklnfs. 'Mrs. Ed­ t Dunn, i Hartland Rd., a student at 11 Is ticket chairman, and Mrs. VOL. LXXXL NO. 288 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1962 (CteaaUied AdverUrtog on Page 8). PRICE n V E CENTS .*«■ ward Werner will lead devotions, James DeROcco is in charae of The board of education .Wednes­ ' St. f^ n d s Hospital,' Hartford; Hostesses will be Mrs. Thora Ma­ The bba^ of directors of the and Miar Dianne C: Gee, M Pos­ decorations.' Women’s AilxiUary of Manchester' day night granted permission for loney, Mrs'. Helen Johnson and a Vernon girl to attend school in ter St., a student at Hartford Hos- Mrs. Viola Miffitt, Memorial Hos^thT will" meet Mon­ tal, have atarted a 12-week affil- Members of Manchester Area day at 9 p.m. in tni^iospital board Manchester on a tuition basis. Alumnae Club at Pi Beta Phi will Flora Jean Godes’ parents con-> Dispute M ay Military Aide^ Sted prodram in psychiatric nut^- T he'tadies of St. James will room. Atty. Roberi'SB^ch, vice Inf at the Institute o f U vinf, meet for a potluck Monday at 7 president of the. board ofNteustees tacted the office of the superin­ Soblen Improved^ have its annual harvest dinner p.m. at the home of Mrs. Edward’ tendent of schools recently asking Hartford. Monday at, 6:30 p,m. at Garden of the hospital, will speak ohs,“ Re- M. Weiss. 323 Spring St. Mrs sponsibllities of Trustees.” tiist the girl be permitted to enter Postpone" Vote Fear Effect of tlie ninth grade in Manchester. The Godes live on'the^ Vernon side of Llynwood Dr. F or A lgeria But Still in Coma R eserve Call According to Mrs. Godes, all Main. St., Manchester Rhone Ml 3-4123 her daughter's friends are going ALGIERS CA P)—A>. new By FRED 8. HOFFMAN to Manchester schools. The family By RAYMOND E. PALMER fSoblen’s leukemia had qot been lived in town until 1958. dispute over candidates 'for LONDON (A P )-D r. Rob­ aggravated and that there was no AP MlUtory Affairs Writer sign of lung congesUon, which 'he WASHINGTON (AP) — Only one board member was op­ Algeria’s constituent assem­ ert A. Soblen remained dan­ said was always a risk with elder­ Some top officers voic^ied con-* ■ |i posed to the request. Frank Shel bly threatened today to force gerously ill in a drug-indi^ced r*tiM d w repeated the complalqt he ly patients. cem today that the “ yo-yo” HOUSE a' HALE ill p^tponement of national elec- coma today, but doctors re­ He said an indicaUon that the viwes when such cases arise — tions for the sixth time since coma had lifted somewhat came effect of recurring moves to that if a child’s parents decide ported some signs of improve­ OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 9:30 to 5:48—THURSDAY Tl|Jj 9:001 E n g a g e d French rule ended July 3, when Soblen’s breathing tube was call up military reservists want to live in another town, ment. removed and he made reflex thej^whould send their children to Deputy Premier Ahmed Ben Medical spokesman said even would make it difficult to re­ The .engagement of Miss Rose Bella’s Political Bureau and the movements. Mary Lovejoy to Richard J. Coyle school thqre. if the 61-year-old fugitive spy re­ cruit volunteers for the Na­ AMPLE FREE PARKING at rear of store . . . . Permissibn^^^was granted for a leaden of the rebellious guerrilla' “ As for his heart, we have used is announced by her •parents, Mr. gained consciousness immediately, cardiac stimulants to fortify it,” tional Guard and Reserve. Berlin Held one-y^ar peribd,. eubject to reap- forces .controlling the capital he could not be moved for at least By yo-yo- effect they meant and Mrs. J. T. Lovejoy of 94 Del- failed to agree on the candidate the doctor said. Doctors had re­ mont St. provai for subse^uqnt years. . 48 hours. , ” the call up of Reservists to meet Usta Friday after several hours of ported Friday that Soblen’s heart \ 1 Her fiance is the son of Mr. and The board also tablqd two re­ A hospital bulletin • said: showed signs of -exhaustion. a crisis such as in Berlin, the ports and consideration © (correc­ discussion. release of these Reservists when B ig C ause Mrs. James H. Coyle of Madison- “ Although Dr. Soblen remains Soblen’s Wife spent five hours Ave., Bridgeport. . tion to the last meeting’a.nthuites, ’The backstage talks resumed to­ unconscious he has shown signs the crisis abates and then moves day at the Political Bureau's head­ at the runaway spy’s bedside Fri­ BOYS' REVERSIBLE JACKETS Miss Lovejoy, a 1961 j^addate The report from th e personn^ * ^ that his coma is becoming less. to muster more Reservists when latiohs committee, reviewing ^ . quarters. Tha state-owned Algiers day. She wa'tch^ in the small, new crises loom. of Manchester High School; is a ■lis' cardiac condition has im­ closely guarded room as her hus­ O f Concern ■ma proposed handbook on personnel radio said there was no agree­ proved in the last 24 hours.” These officers stressed thqy junior at the Grace-Neyf Haven ment either on the lists or on the band was given oxygen and fed Hospital School of Nurefng, New policy, was put off until a future were not suggesting that military meeting. date of elections. Soblen has been unconscious liquids through a tube. Reservists are inclined to/shirk By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Haven. Mr. Coyle, a,-graduate of ' The PoliUcal Bureau announced sinc^ he knocked himself out 'two She sometimes wept duripg her duty; / Manchester High School in 1961, is A report on administrative poll' WASHINGTON (AP) — ^eompDrable value 7,99 cies governing art, music, and Thursday that the elections would days ago with an overdose of bar­ vigil, and was reported to- have But they indicated th«^ thought an Airman second -class in the U.S. biturates as he was being de­ said; “ I can only pray all the time periodic moves signoUng possible Congressional leaders predict Air Force. He is stationed at Kirk physical educatlbn was also, put off. be held Sept. 16. that my husband will live through 5.99 A report on the possibly .incotrect A list of candidates was drawn ported to the United States where calls to active sem ce keep Re­ spe^y approval of President Newton Air Force Base in Scot­ he . is under life Wntence as a spy this terrible ordeal.” land. / wording of a motion which covered up last month after long negotia­ servists on tenterhooks and create Kennedy's request for stand­ • many wash and wear for the Soviet Union. Mrs. Soblen, known profession­ a morale prqblem. No date has been set for the the appointment of-Donald Richter tions between the rival factions, by power to call-150,000 mili- to succeed Robert Barnes was not but this was scrapped when rebel Dr. C. G. Barnes, head of the ally as Dr. Dina Soble, flew to If this a ^ ^ of pattern continues, weddingr. London from New York on Fri­ ta.ry reserviists to active duty • solid color poplin or ehino-^reversible to gay check or plaid yet ready. Wilaya 4 temporarily overthrew medical team attending Soblen, these ofdbers said, the Reserve the Political Bureau. said the coma had lessened,- but day. Like Soblen, she is a psychi­ and National Guard may find if necessary to deal with a that its duration raised the possi­ atrist. theipOelves hard put to . attract new East-West crisis. • heavy duty double zippkr Comet’ s Signs ■The quarreling leaders agree Before the visit began, she was that the election should be held bility of brain damage. He said vohinteer recruits and' may have Primary concern in high official OPTICAL It was too early to determine searched by * a nurse and her ,tb rely on men. with Reserve ob­ quarters here centers bn the pos­ • hip length with elasticized bottom Appearance of Halley’s Comet under a single-party system, leav­ whether such damage. had oc­ purse was examined by a detec­ ing the voter a choice only of say­ ligations to nil their ranks'.. sibility of new Soviet moves in in A.D. 66 was taken as a'warn­ S T Y L t BAR curred. . tive. Another detective watched This would make it all the ing to the Jews of the coming'de­ 768 MAIN STREET ing yes or no to the official list. Berlin. But officials recognize that • adjustable button cuffs Dr. Bame's said Soblen’s condi­ harder for the Army to maintain Kennedy’s request may also be struction of Jerusalem and' When Although guerrilla patrols have tion still was dangerous, but added (Continued on Page T k ^ ) its Reserve forces at 700,000 men it reappeared in 1066, it was be­ CLO SED ^ disappeared from downtown Al', regarded in Moscow, and Havana • weatherproof ,as Congress has ordered it should as a go-slow warning for the mili­ lieved to portend conquest of Eng- glerq, Wilaya 4 remained In con­ ’^try to do this year. land by the Normans. WEDNESDAYS trol of large areas of central Al- tary build-up in Cuba. • slash pockets , Pentagon officials told Congr^s getia arovmd the capital. some months ago that they' would The President sent his request The Communist-equipped regu­ have to undertake a heavy re­ to Congress Friday without' any • natural, blue, rad, olive lar army remained poised 70 to Judges Will Select cruiting drive to come close to prior public hints bf such action, Hm; the 700,000 figure. They claimed although the White House said the or brown ■*> ’ 100 miles west and south of AI- plan was discussed with Republi­ kp :»: i I '.-glers, ready, to-resume its advance that 642,000 was about the best iilip they could hope to do. can and Democratic congressional • sizes 8 to 18 A TYPEWRITER ^ e ^ f of staff Col. Houari leaders when they met with the lilii medlei^e gives the order. Miss America Today President Tuesday for a fill-in on from Marlow’s is the greatest help along The political ^ re a u set the (Conttnued fm Page Three) Cuba. Sept. 16 eteetlon date immediately the road to teaming! This tie-in with Cuba quiclciy after a cease-Tirq in the week-long created speculation that Kennedy civil war between., the guerrillas By DOAm AN CORDEIJU^ Nebra.ska, Mary Lee Jepsen, 18, and his top advisers may ^ more H of Paillion. Neb.,-and the organ :a s : and Invading regulaV^m y forces ATLANTIC CITY, N .^ (AP)— worried than they have appeared Meking to establish thb^olltical and piano playing of Miss Mary State News m A week bf frantic aCItylty by 64 to be about the recent substantial, BOYS' SUBURBAN COATS Hureau’tl'authority In the bqpital. land, Be'verly Ann' Smith, 18, of deliveries of Soviet arms to the talented beauty queens'"will end Baltimore. / As part of the cease-fire agree­ Castro regime. ' ment, the two rebel Wllayas, 3 aim - tonight, in smiles^and tears. When They join the four girls who Roundup Well informed officials-raid this 4-Door white and green, ra­ 4, formally recognized the Polltl-. fudges- select,A new Miss Ameri won the talent and -swim suit was not the .’case, although, they *60 VALIANT $1295 dio, heater, Fordomatlc, ■cal Bureau and agreed to a de­ ics5\ / compeUtion in earlier rounds. said Kennedy would like to have comparable value 14.99 whitewall tires.'. militarization of Algiers. The task confronting the judges Miss. Engh, who is 5 feet SM the stand-by power in the event 4-Door white, radio, heater, Their continued claim to a veto is this: 'v. inched tall and weighs 118 pounds, LaBelle C l ears of une)^ected developments in the pushbutton transmisalon. over the assembly candidates in­ Pick '10 sbmiHnalists from the said ^ she already Had picked out Cuban; situation. 11.99 glamorous contestants. From the a girl who she thought would win dicated that the ciease-fire did lit­ MV Officials The more serious problem and 10, select five finalists. Then in the. s\^im suit division, and “ I Firemen on hose-dadden and on the ground try to Check the fire that broke out in St wool quilt lined Typawritar tle more than stop the shooting, name the girl who - wlU reign as didn't pick me, that’s for sUre.” "the far greater danger, according and that a new flareup in the cri- Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco last night. Fiame.s shot 50 feet into the air from the 65- to these informants, lies in Berlin, canter vent styling Miss America 1963. She credited the chocolate sodas In Data Contract year-ol4 building at O'Farrell and yan Ness. There were no reports of persons inside th^ Helps ’57 CHEV. $795 ' ais-tom nation was possible at any The girl who will succeed M ^ a --with three scoops Of. Ice cream Where there has been a steady chain hanger 6 cylinder, standard 2-door. moment. ^ structure. (AP Phototex). build-up of East-West- tehsions. In Beale Fletcher of Asheville,- —with helping her to outshine the HARTFORD (AP)—State audi .:------— ' ■ ' ■' ' ...... Ivory arid blue, radio, heat­ as the nation’s queen of beauty is ^ e r girls. She said she had been recent moqjhs, Soviet Premier tal} sliteves ’56 CHEV. $690 er. tors' suspicions concerning the Khrushchev has made repeated Students Do expected to be crowned shortly devoting sodas "ever since I’ve contract for a data processing sys­ solid color in gray, olive or brown before midnight. beejvTiUss Wisconsin, and they threats to sign a sparate peace 6 cylinder, standard 2-door. tem. Instrtjed. in the Motor Vehicles treaty with itost- Germany, claim­ checks and subdued plaids Batter Work and Ivory and green. Stock No. K e n n e d y Set ■. The ceremony will climax a se­ cost 57 Tente,'Wlth the sales tax Tli^arthiSrt"(rare unfounded, F if e Destroys ries of preliminary judging that we have.” ing this would give tha ralst Ger­ 3318. State's ALtomey John D. LaBeUe. man regime povfer over Western began Monday in the nation’s old­ Miss Nebraska twirled two rSpo'rted jresterday. S? ‘-'i< For Afternoon est beauty pageant. Competing flaming batons tiK,the music of C a th e d ra l in access to West Berlin. Get Better Grades . . . Also “Nobody ' in the state govern­ American-, officials are by no ’60 CHEV. $1695 are representatives from every Manuel de Falla's ' ’Wtual Fire ment took a dime os far as state, Canada, the District of Co­ Dance” and received che^s and means certain what Khrushchev 4-Door Station Wagon. 6 could determine,” LaBelle said at San Francisco Despite Incidents win do in" the nixt few months Helps HiiKifif to Get A Better Job cylinder. Stock No. 3298. O f Cruising lumbia, Chicago and New York applause from the crowd «'7,412. a press conference after submit­ aty. Wasn't it 'dangerous?, . she ^’qs ting an 18-page report to Gov. Seven girls have won trophies (Continued on Page Three) Later On! ’58 PLYM, $995 NEiyPORT, R.I. (AP) — Presl asked. ' J<^ui Mmpsey "and no undue in- SAN FRANCISCO (AP)—Forty B y THE ASSOCIATED PRESS said that **nobody showed up" at dent Kennedy, accustomed to dis in the three rounds of talent and "Hair doe.sn't burn, but you get. fluOtiqa^as exerted.” teenagers were guided to safety swim suit preliminaries. Judging singed,” Miss Jepsen replied. "I Negro and white youngsters at­ ‘Our. Lady of Good Harbor at Convertible. Power- putes in Washington, was -in no The 'state auditors, after study­ Friday night as a five-alarm fire tend^ classes together in ^eater Buras, some 80 miles south of We Carry The Following Makes: Flite, power steering, radio mood for argument with this also has been completed In the always get singed.'' ing the naqdling of the coniract, destroyed the 65-year-old St. New Orleans. Five Negroes en­ Maryland's Miss Smith also re-, numbers' than ever before as. the a Royal ,a Underwood morLOW and heater. yachtirig capital today. He was evening gown division, but those had concludelKfhat state funds had Mary's Roman Catholic Cathe­ fain term opened this , week to the rolled on opening last week FASHION ’SSIfERG. 6485 winners are never announced. ceived a big ovation after she had dral. , > » •ma- PRICES, plus here to sail. been “handled ahdexpended in an muted rumble of minor violence but haven't been back since. B ulletins a Remington a Hermes 2-Door Hhrdtop, beige, ra­ With this country’s Weatherly Winners in the preliminary presented the “ Warsaw Concer­ unsafe manner wmbh.did hot ade­ The only injury reported was a in New Orleans and Negro boy; The 71-yet^-oId. Leander Perez % E.Z TERMS! dio and heater, Mercomatic, and Australia’s Gretel going, rounds receive $1,000 scholarships to,” playing the-organ with her quately protect the Interq^ of the cut hand suffered , by the Rev, Sr., Louisiana segi'egationlst lead­ (hilled from AP Wires lair a Olympia a Smith-Corona but they do not necessarily ad­ left hand and both feet .and the cotts protesting segregation in the power steering and, power •through daily trial maneuvers for State of Connecticut.” t o w did John Heaney as he .attempted to North. er, watched the week's develop­ P>3::n vance to the semifinals. piano with her right hand.. SALES -— SERVICE — RENTALS — SUPPLIES * brakes. next weekend’s . opening of the not, however, indicate there enter the rear of the buriilng But .the' spitting, booing New ments and, then, predicted that Ne­ BY-THE-YARD ♦ ♦ ♦ America’s Cup series, Kennedy The, winner of the swim suit The four girls who w «i in ear­ any basis for a criminal acl building to remove the Blessed Orleans white . crowds and the groes will push the white people TERRY OVERRULED • FREE PURNELL PARKJNO • ’59 CHEV. $1745 charted an afternoon of sailing competition Friday was Miss Wis­ lier rounds are Patricia Lei An- against any of the parties con­ g^rament. He was unsuccessful, bullets smashing the gla.ss of a out of New Orleans in 10 y^ars. WASHINGTON (AP)— Secre­ aboard the 62-foot yawl M ^itou consin—who .thought she was too dersm, Miss Hawaii, and Char­ ^ ^ e fire w m spotted about 10 Public school desegregation tory of Welfare Anthony J. Cele- .1 lotte Ann Carroll, Miss Missis­ cerned. parochial school door couldn't Impala Convertible. Blue, In the same waters. thin amd Has been drinking choc­ LaBelle’s investigation, which p.m.''OS the teen-agers knelt in overshadow the fact that the Deep spread in Arkan.sas, . Florida, breize haa reversed Surgeon Gen­ HHa radio, heater, Power Glide, Only gentle breezes, which could olate sodas t o ' round out her sippi, in the talent; and Miss WBLS ordered by Dempsey after he the lowbr. floor of the church. South city completed the first Georgia, Maryland, North Caro­ eral Luther L. Terry and called collected by the -carloitdl whitewalls. ’58 PLYM. $695 take the fun out of it, threatened 36-22-36 figure. She is Joan Mary Michigan, Carole Jean Vah alln, had read the auditors' report, cit­ Father Hertiey said leaders of the week of its biggest school deseg­ lina. Tennessee, Texas .and 'Vir­ for publication of a controversial, his T>lans. Under, those conditions, Engh, 21, of La Crosse, W: and.' ed site. ' Mrs, Rebecca Wilson, M-year-old on the increase during a buildup have been laid off by Iowa pack­ , ROME (AP) — Former French fnlMioi). ■ ° J. Carlton Ward Jr. of Farm­ Negro,'is free after coroner's jury * soma light tones . ington', who was named chairman of the National Farmers Organi­ ing plants. Rath at Waterloo. Mor­ Premier George Bidault, wanted 54*'to 60" wide By CARL O. BOLANO rules slaying of 25-year-old white zation's withholding action. rell-‘at Ottumwa and Decker, an in France (or antigoverniiient STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) — yesterday, said the board was con­ rnan, Leroy Parks, of, Dallas, Ga., After a- full Week of NFO'"action sidering sites in an area bounded Armour subsidiary; at Ma.kon CSty. activities, has been picked up ■■ Movie-makers needing a regal during an armed night radar in­ to keep beef, hogs and sheep off Dubuque (Iowa) Packing Co. also by police and escorted out of the ’S7STUDL $79$ type for a walk-on part in a fairy by Bridgeport, Waterbury, New vasion ot Negro home was justifi­ Haven and the greater Hartford the market . uqtil processors ordered a cutback. country, Italian government tale decided to try the royal able homicide. agree to price contracts, packing­ Armour A Sons said 176 were 2-Door Silverhawk. Beige area:' Glen Ray Nelson, -months-old sources said. today. Bidault was .' and gold, automatic trans­ '59 SHIGA $690 22 house plants in Iowa and some being laid off at Kansas City. Wil­ taken, into ruslody'lis an unwant­ 4-Door V-8. Radio emd heat­ So king Gustaf Adolf 'VI plays The nuclear center, to be son of Honald Nelson, former pres­ neighboring states were laying off son A Co. said 'some workers in a .MILLIKEN ABBEY FLANNEL mission, radio and heater. the king of Sweden in "The Won­ financed jointly by the state and ident ot Dixie Wildlife Association, ed foreigner Friday night. He er. Stock No. 3310. workers ' because of the lack of hog departments of its plants at wras Said to have been taken te derful Adventures of Nils,” movie industry, will l)e .equipped to train killed Instantly by three-pronged supplies. Orhaha, , Neb., Cedar Rapids, version of the famed . fairy tale technicians and conduct research steel hunting arrow shot in target a frontier of h(s choice. The • the most popular of all fall’and winter fabrict There were no reports of retail Iowa, and Minneapolis. Minn., frontier was not identified. Things have changed since we were kids. Fertilizing the by Selma Lagerloef, Nobel Prize in commercial uses of atomic practice by National Guardsman counters running out of fresh were being laid off. Wilson did • available now jn novelty weaves, fashion plaids, elan plaids winner, energy. . at St. George, Utah. not provide any totql figures. meat, but some stores in Des ' PROTEST MARKET and correlating solid colors - lawn used to be a back-breaking, dirty, smelly job. A brief scene shows the mon The center would draw upon the Atty. Gen. Robert F, Kennedy Moines, Kansas City, Chicago and Herbet Wiggs, manager of the igOI arch walking through his chhm- resources of universities and busi­ agrees to speak at testimonial din­ Swift A Co. plant qt Kansas City, London (AP) — Indian Prime • 45" wide , TURF BUILDER(R) is light, clean, odor-free. Just pour 12$ Otiitr ”OK" Um 4 Cart to Choota $rem Louisville boosted prices from 5 YD. 'ber onto a balcony and looking at ness firms. ner for 'Wisconsin's Democratic to 10 cents, a pound. Increases of said that retail meat prices nor­ Minister Nehra and government • soft, sturdy, wrinkla resistant it in the precise Scotts Spreader, set the dial to 6— a flock ot geese passing overhead. It is hoped that construction of Atty. Gen. John F.-Reynolds in Mil­ 10 to 15 cents a pound for some mally decline at this' tilhe but chiefs of Jamaica and the Cen­ 1.98 Astride one of the geese ridea the center will begin next year, waukee on Oct. 6 and both claim cuts appeared possible next boosts of four cents a pound on tral African Federation Joined • completely hand washable ; then take a walk. Gives greener, thick* Nils, played by lO-year-oid Sven and that operations may begin late that rally is non-political . . . Vice week. choice beef and eight cents a here today . In the' chorus of • 50% aeatata, 50% rayon ' , v' Lundberg. in 1963 or early in 1964. President Lyndon B. Johnson re­ The U.S. Department of Agri­ pound on pork loins have occurred Commonwealth discontent . ovec er, healthier lawn. So easy, even a Director Kenne Fant srtd the turned Friday night from 17 day culture in Chicago also said that in the past week. terms of Britain’s proJecOed en­ scene; with the 79-year-old king Sales Probe Delayed goodwill tour of six' nations and the lag in livestock receipts this Reports from various sources try Into the European Cboimoa grown-up ran do it! was taken only twice. Market. British negotiationa HARTFORD‘(APj —A threat­ said he "came away feeling quite week may cause prices to go up indicate that meat price rises 1 > The movie cost more than $509,- optimistic about the future and next week. have been spotty, especially in with the six Common Market • 000, most expensive ever filmed ened crackdown on the sale of new nations “in many respects are TURF BUILDER to^^fded 5,000 sq. ft., $4.95 cars by used car dealers is being the job that l\as been done.” NFO national > headquarters here supermarkets. Som.e Des Moines in Sweden. Besides cross-country Former President Herbert Hoo­ said that price 'adjustments since supermarkets reported fresh meat not favorahle.*’ I^hra told 1 '. ■ goose-riding, the schoolboy Nils’ reconsidered by. State' Motor Ve­ newsmen on ' arrivinig from la- NEW y\UTUMN CONE PLAID DENIMS CHEVROLET/ hicles Commissioner Jolin J. Ty­ ver’s- mail Is so heavy since his op­ labor day were ah indication of up 5 to 10 cents a pound and other TpE TWO LEADING SCOTT DEALERS other adventures include freeing eration Aug,. 28 that his seven-man the effectiveness of its holding ac­ stares of the'stune type said they dia (or a OonimonwealUi coo- an eagle from the Stockholm nan. . ■ were holding the line' for the time. ference opening Monday. Nehni • 36" wide "The commissioner 'had aenred staff is working overtiiue and: ad­ tion but. that retail boosts were Zoo, warding off a dangerous bear ditional secreta^es have ben hired not necessarily caused by it. 'T h e termmal market and buy­ was referring to the sofegnarda • fashionable deep tone plaids for avarything by using box of matches, dis­ noU<3 that beginning Sept 16 the ing stations, have, been paying Britain has been trylag te «•- "A FRllNDLY PLACE Ta BUY" v a atate^ vrauld begin in earnest to to acknowledge the messages, a Sensitive *10 possible consumer in your wardrobe as wall as draparias and slipcovers covering treasure and -visiting an Now York Columbia Presbyterian rractlon, NFO officials said they more for livestock this week. tabllsh to protect Ooauaba- - ancient, sunken city. enforce a 1961 law probibitlng Chain store representatives ■ a{t wealth exporters frooa the less LARSEN Three beauties who have won swim , suit honors in preliminary used car dealers from selling Hospital spokesman says . I . Chi­ .were checking to see if pricq rises • sanforized BLISH ' Most of the film was shot from Chicago said'livestock: bought at of traditional markets la Brit­ Y D . ' ' j i i cago Symphony supporters will were justified. 467 CONN. BOULEVARD. EAST HARTFORD m helicopter at low altitude. contests of the Miss America pageant’., at Atlantic City, N. J.. cars. 'M l the stockyards there this week ai- ain for their cottaa. wool, • retanto finish t- poee with their trt^hles. Prom left: the-Misses Wisconsin, Joan But after meeting yesterday have to seek music aiBewhefe tl>is National president. Oren Lee Miss ^Lqigertoef, q ^schoolmis- Staley was - in Minnesota Friday readjv has begun arriving at retail wheat, metols .and ettwr gtodi • dries quickly and irons qi^iclc as 6 wink HARDWARE GO. HARDWARE GO. 289.344i • o p e n EVENINGS Mary Engh; Illinois, Pamela Gilbert;' Michigan, - Cart^ rjean 'Van year-:-the'symphony management ucte. ' ■ ■ . ' l| ■ , . pi eanoels Ita 1962-6S *eo«oa bight for former meetihgi rto r^ p i (Oonttnopd on J M e Ihirea) Vrtin, Fhotofax). ' (Oaottaued «■ Pag* 793 MAIN ST. 34 DEPOT SQUARE

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