r«' •>: > 1 ' ■r-‘ ■ V ■■ / 1 >• /■ ■}<' I , »' < A Average Daily Net PrcM Run PAG* UIGHTEEif . THURSDAY* SEPTEMBER; 6,1962 , , The Weather For tiw W gA Bndee ForaeMt of U. 8. Weotbor BaMM iitmrl;|ati?r lEnrafng :• ' V - Clesir, > cool toalght. Soottored 13,601 Hght fm t !■ valleys of Tollaad !4 bou t T o w n county. Lost In 46s.’ Saturday atui- Buy Milk at Pinahurst's Evaryday Lew Price ... 76c gallon Mambee of Uio AnOlt ay, ntUder. 'Aftem ooa tam- The Lithuanian Allianoe I6 f Bnram o f CRrcnlsttaai pwaturea In ttb mId'TOa. America will meet Sundaiday at 2 'MancheMter-^A C i^ o f Village Charm p.m. st Lithuanian Hall,II, 24 Gol- way SL O O D -'Yf Buy Giant lO-Ot. Jars Deal Pack VOL.tXXXLNO.287 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1962 (CUatiBad AdvartMnf an Pnga IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS A serieg of aporta nightg will be 1 Maxwell douse liistant Coffee sponsored by the Ametican Legion. JUST A gtarUng tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Legior Home. A gportg movie will ^ Q''%[ be ahown and refre.shmentg served. U of C Asks State N ew s . 1.19 jar Members may bring guests. The French Club of Manchester will hold its annual picnic Sunday 31% H ike Roundup from nqpn to 6' p.m. at Wickham Park. FEW LEFT! In Regular Army Swift Premium The Salvation Army will conduct In B udget Shorter Week, V an .open-air sepvlce tonight at 7:30 .V By ANDREW BOROWIEC ^cease-fire but bitterly protested at Main and Birch Sts. Honorary Conducts Crusade From, our freight car full of slightly damaged (in two maJor points In the cease-fire ALGIERS (AP)— Deputy HARTFORD (AP) — The Dental Care ' Sgt.-Maj. David Addy will be In '"'Miss Pattie Thbhias, 21, bf Premier Ahmed Ben Bella and .agreement. FRESH charge. One clause that aroused Bou-: University of Connecticut, Oklahoma City, Okla., will . con­ his political bureau faced the Aims of Labor duct a "Back-to-school Crusade appearance only) appliances. A LL APPLIAN CES medienne's ire called for both the fiffurins on more students, Chapman Court,, Order df Ama­ tor Chrisf’at CAlvary Church. 647 thiieat of harassment from a guerrillas' and the regular army more faculty and more eX­ ranth, will meet tomorrow at 7:45 E. Middle' Tpke;, beginning 'Tues­ new quarter today— the mili­ to stay clem- of Algiers until after HARTFORD (AP)— Reso­ P O R K R O A ST Lb. p.m. at the Masonic Temple. There FULLY GUARANTEED! If you don> mind a small the legislative elections, which penses, today filed spending day and continuing through Sun­ tant commander of the new requests calling for a 31 per lutions supporting a 35-hour 7-Rib Cut For Roast or Cut Into Chops will be a dinner before the meet­ day, Sept. 16 at 7:30 p .m ./ ' the political bureau Thursday ing. Mrs. Neile Miller and a com­ nation’s 45^600-man regular scheduled for Sept. 16. cent hike in its general fund work week, union sponsored A special youth program on scratch or dent, then better hurry — there are hot army. mittee will serve refreshments af­ Saturday, Sept. 15, at 7 p.m. will Boumedienne was even more In­ budget. dental care plan, state income _ • e. - . ter the mee4ing. Officers will be open to all area Assemblies of After a five-day, vest-pocket censed by Ben Bella’a agreement The hefty budget document asks taX, and collective bargaining wear colored gowns. God., /'■ too many left! . ^ civil war, rebellious guerrillas in to postpone merging the rebellious the legislature for 390.4 mUlion for state and municipal em­ a n d a IMPORTED LEAN . control of'A lters-and central Al­ guerrillas of Wilayas (ztmes) Nos. for the coming biennium begin­ featurmd tpecial on . SLICED Mrs.. Joseph Vignone, 52 Park Miss Thomas, at 14, became the geria recognized the authority of 3 and . 4 into thb army under Bou- ployes were among those youngest licensed - minister in the ning next July l. 'i That's $7.2 mil­ Took Drug St., hasxesumed her duties as res­ me political bureau as Algeria’s medienne’a control. The country's lion more than thk big iMtitution's passed today at the closing CENTER CUT LEAN idential rai^ational councillor at Assemblies of God movement, temporary government Thursday. four other Wilayas have al­ BOILED HAM and, except for time off to com­ spending over the present two-year session of the state labor the Univerahv of Connecticut. She Ben Bella in turn put a brake ready come under the colonel’s span. \ council AFL-CIG convention. plete her. education, has been on the regular army, which had iS^ot Known will live at thfe\u7iiverslty for the \ command. Some 32 resolutions, covering school year. preaching ever since. > ^ ignored .Tuesday’s cease-flre (Jonstruction funds for the new She also has made a record al­ A meeting between Boumedi- medical-dental school to be built in state and national issues, were pre­ PORK CHOPS ^ 89' 'NJ^eem ent. and tried to continue eiihe and Ben Bella near Orleans- lb bum of gospel songs, three of Farmington are not 'included. This sented during the three-day con­ LONDON ( A P ) — DoetDW OMiUr rou t Ui« same price u the center chop* end 3 lb. loin Mrs. Madeline Mc.^w}ey, direc­ h i advance to Algiers. ,ville Thursday was described by vention. \ them her own compositions. Cbl, Houarl Boumedienne, chief, money request will likely Come in MUtateecIb. tor of Lutz Junior Musbv^, will 12-Pound GE Filter Flo one Algerian - official as acrimoni­ a few months whenV details are The convention called for the fighting to save the life of appear on the Ranger An^^^show of sta'ff. of the regular army, re, ous. Although the colonel and hla Rpbert A , Soblen said today luctantiy agreed to observe the available. HoWeyer, some observ­ establishment of a shorter work tomorrow at 4 p.nj. bn Channel 3. general staff lJa<l vigorously sup­ ers estimate the costa bf the med­ week through oollective bargaining She will bring with her a live, hal ported Ben Bella’s drive for pow­ the fugitive spy’s heart is MUSIC ^INSTRUCTIONS ical-dental complex wm run as and atatqtory reduction of the cur­ snawing signs of eXhauston grown screech owl, and a snowy er, observers anticipated that fric­ high as 330 million to\ 340 mil­ rent; 4<$-hour week. Ground meat is the basis for a great variety of and great bdrned owl, both stuffed. [r 6 tegchers offer instructions tion between them would Incresise lion. Delegates unanimously approved' and his condition is causing SEA FOOD TREATS On alJ, popular Instruments. Automatic Washer Johnson S e e s in the future. anXietyX, . ^ popular dishes . ■ ^ The general fund budget, sup­ a Dental Care Plan that would per­ Miss Karen Jo Churila, daugh­ The lean, ascetic Boumedienne Soblen, 6f', .was still uhconscioua BLOCK ISLANIt ,BD MUSIC 'CO. ported by taxes, is only p ^ of the mit dentists "to enter dii^ctfy into ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Chur­ was accused by Premier Ben agreements with labor'' organiza­ more than >1 hours 'after H* BONELESS FRESH ' ila, 12 Crosby Rd.,, will participate immer St. Advances from University's spending charL There It’s a top variety and a real money saver, too. Youssef Ben Khedda at the end is an additional 32^6 millloh for tions” without “ risltlfig prosecution drugged himselUNin another in an orientation program next Open Evedlqgs till B P:M. of June of plotting to set up a tempt to escape ig sent back Buy, “fresher-by-far” ground meats at Pine- week at Connecticut College, New services financed by fedehu and by the dental cmtimission.'' hurst’s low prices. military dictatorship. Ben Khedda private grants, other gifts aad in­ On the national level the coun-. to a life sentence .In n . American London," where she will enter the Pope’s G)uncil fired Boumedienne and his gener­ prison. SWORDFISH ' 1' freshman class. come from dormitory rents, d^ing cU's legislative committee intro- ■ ' ■ . / 2 Wash Tamps al stsif, but the army remained halls and other non-^ucationa) fa­ duced'anew resolution urgring Con­ The psychiatrist was rush^ to ° By JAMES M. LONG loyal to Its leaders, ^umedlenne cilities. necticut congressmen to use their Hillingdon H o sp lU 'w e r takmg a lb. 89c The K of C setback league will OPTICAL VA’rtCAN CITY (AP) — U41. joined forces with Ben Bella to heavy concenfMlticm of barbitlK. LEAN GROUND tftudK begin tomorrow ab8:15 p.m. at the The budget Is the final one s' ihuence in continuing federal tem­ STYLE. BAR Vice President Lyndon B., Johnson bowl over Ben Kheq^a’s short­ porary extended unemployment rates. K of C Home. Newcomers are in­ / Filter-Fla called on .^ope John x x m today lived government, then broke the mltted under retiring Presltle'nt bulk dr patties, lb. 79c vited., • 763 MAIN STREET Albert K. Jorgensen, wdib steps compenaation for at least another I Til'' Imeidtal announced at 4:20 Lobster Meat . and afterward predicted great eco­ back of the guerrilla’s rebellion year. a.m. Eastern Standard Time;, "Dr. nomic and .social advances will re­ against the political bureau. out Oct. 1. Haddock Filets Three area students will enter CLOSED / 3 Load . Also support was given to both Sobim remains unconscious. IB* sult from the forthcoming Roman. Although both men espouse so­ His successor, DrT'Homer O.
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