The Dally 1__ will .... be publi ....cI TuncI.y ,.11_1"1 the Laitor Day helklay. P ...Ic..... will owan resuIM ., UIU.! W...... y. Servin!!. The State r luiversit" of 'ull'a and the People of Iowa City

Established------~------~------~------~-----~------~------In 1863 Associated Press Leased Wire And Wireplwto Iowa City, Iowa. Saturday, September 5. 1959 / • • • 0 , onSI aos n-vaSlon flouse ' Passes Labor 8';//; , . Emergency , , - Force Asked To Halt Reds Ike's 'OK Almost Certain North Viet Nam Called Aggressor Compromise 58:-36 Vote In Senate- UNITED NATIONS ,N. Y. "" - , Secrelary General Dag Ham· mar kjold Friday night started Approved, By Ike's HO'using Bill Veto Upheld sctting up a U.N. Security Coun­ cil session Sunday or Monday on ] L 0 ' request for emergency force WASHINGTON (A'I - President thin gs in a good package and I ernment make direct loans to col- 352-52 Vote against Communist aggression. Iter, Jerry or E~nhower vetoed the second-try commend him for it. " leges for classrooms and related billion-dollar housing bill Friday Eisenhower's veto message sin. facilities and equipment. A U.N, Spokesman announced rry (right) i, End 2-S,ession as far too costly a,nd once -again gled out two new programs pro- The other would have the red- the actIon a bit over seven hours prospect ind Congressional Fight the Senate upheld hIS veto. !posed by the bl'll "at a time when 11th eral government make direct loans after Laos officially accused Com­ The vote was 58 to override and critical national needs heavily bur- lor housing for elderly persons munist North Viet Nam of Dggres· WASHINGTON (J1II - By a lop· 3G to sustain the veto. This was den federal finances' as certain "despite the fact that a program sided vote or 352- 52, the House five votes shy of the two-thirds to "cost huge sums in the future." is already in operation and work- sian and asked for a U.N. force 'a/s Friday passed and sent to Presi­ needed to override. It was Eisen- One would have the federal go v- ing well." to stop it. dent Eisenhower a bill 1uUilIing his hower's 145th veto; he has never ------­ Hammarskjold acted in Rio De been overridden. demand for stern measures to fight Jnneiro, where he stopped mid­ ,Is '~ Th margin compared with the way of a hurri d ntght back to racketeering in labor unions. llnde.a The Aggressor In Border New York Crom a curtailed South . 6-4, 7·5; DaD. Thus ended a battle that raged ~::n;~~~r?~ v~~;'ol2a t~o~:e~~~t American lour. Benning, Ga., over two .:ongressional sessions Iy bill, estimated at $1,375,000,000. Ske · h A R d Che , He dealt with the l1-nation coun· and saw some of the most intense That. margin was nine votes sho~t . I rmls es rgue e InASe cil through his American execu· lore rifle title; FrIday's veto was on a bIll , " tive assistant, Andrew W. Cordier. team; and the lobbying ever conducted by un­ trimmed to $1,050,000,000 by its ion and management groups. Thl;! sponsors' estimate and amounting NEW DELHI, India (All - Red China has countered India's charge The spokesman met corr spond· team. ents shortly after 5 p.m. and told compromise passed the Senate 95 · to a potential $1,769,000,000 by the of border aggressioll by caUing India the aggressor. Indian patrols, it ~in n ers wer~ them : "The secretary general 2 Thursday night. administration's figuring. declared, have entered Tibet, who took the Prime Minister Nehru disclosed this Friday and said, "There is a cabled (rom Rio before his de­ On the final House vote, 211 The Senate vote made House ac· parture instructing his executive by defeating tion unnecessary. big argument over it. " Democrats and 138 Republicans assistant. Mr. Cordier, formally lada, 6-4, 6·2, Eisenhower said. in a veto mes­ He told Parliament his government will issue within the next week voted fo r passage. Opposed were to approach the president oC lhe Antonio and sage rushed here from Paris : a White Paper - an o££icial report - on the tense border Situation, in­ Security Council. suggesting that rho won the 51 Democrats and a single Repub­ "Clearly this bill. like its pre· cluding correspondence with the Chinese. He said the countercharge the president con ult with his col· their counlry· lican - Rep. Paul A. Fino of New decessor, goes too far. was made in a fairly long note that arrived from Peiping Thursday, leagues on the council with a view and Francis- York. " It calls for the spending of "They accuse us oC aggression to calling a meeUng of the coun· 9-7, 6-3, 6-2; To the bitter end. House mem- more than 1% billion of taxpay­ llta Brazilian against their - Tibetan - bor­ cil Sunday or Monday." hers argued over whether the com- ers' dollars for housing and re- der, " he said . "Obviously their The council president this month Non the indi ~ lated programs over and above version does not tally with ours, Negotiators is Amba sador Egidio Ortona or rugged mod· promise - palterned along the the vast expenditu~es to which the They have given the names of . Italy. lines of the original House bill - federal government is already COD1- some places where they said the I gold medals, is a union-buster. mitted for these purposes." aggreSSion took place and we are Enlarge Steel "Mrs. Cordier talked with Am­ las 36 silver Rep. Robert P. Griffin , fTe said he fa11s to understand said. "and Is sending him a letter s Mexico with the Chinese border attacks. Talk Groups ~o silver mcd-. measure. told the House the com- the Democrats' No. 1 man on hou s­ confirming th conver atioh." promise "is a ~ill which will per- ing, declared before the vote was "1 don 't know whether it is local nedals. . I I Foreign Minister Khamphan mit honest unions to grow." taken that if the veto were not aggressiveness to show us our NEW YORK (J1II - Steel strike neg<\tiators agreed Friday to en­ panya submitted Laos' requ 51 to Chairman Graham A. Bardell overridden,. "it is my earnest judg­ place or something deeper," he Hammarskjold through the Lao· said. , , Decision 01 The Moment (D-NC l o[ the House Labor Com- ment that there will be no housing large their bargaining teams next tian delegation. He a ked "the ap­ mittee said the compromise, a3 bill this year." Among other developments: w~k in a new push to end the President Eisenhower select' golf club with an assist from caddy Tommy Guneh at Turnberry course propriale procedure against ac· fashioned by a Senate-House con- Sen. Clinton P. Anderson

• Government Enters Packers' Senate Money Group Approves Negotiations :ro Halt Strike House-Passed Gasoline lax Bill CHICAGO IA'I - A federal mediator called union and mana-gement WASHINGTON tA'I - The Senate Finance Committee Friday ap· negotiators into session Friday in a final eHort to keep a strike in proved the House·passed bill raisi ng the Cederal gasoline tax from the meat industry from spreading. 3 to 4 cents a gallon lo keep the nation 's road-building program going. The strike. against Swift & Co .. the nation's largest packer. halted The only change the committee made in th e measure was to operations at the company's plants in 34 cities. Some 17.000 union change the effective date of the lax increase lo Oct. 1 this year . The packinghouse workers slruck to enforce demands for higher wages House bill carried an effective date of Sept. 1. and other benefits. The penny ' . a - gallon Increase A strike against Wilson & Co .• I------­ would be in force unlil July 1, another major packer employing Girl Saves Life 1961 . R .d · S · Befo re approvi ng the bill. the 1l.500 union members. was se~ to a 10 commence at 12:01 a.m. FrIday erles Of 'Only Little committee rejected five alterna· along with the strike against Swift tive financing solutions offered by but a short time later was called On S , t Sister She's Got' its members. orr for 24 hours to permit further a e y Sen. Alhert Gore CD-Tenn.) said talks. ST. PAUL. Minn. (JIll - A girl, some of these would be pressed Commissioner 0 0 u g I a s D. 10, !1pplied mouth·to·mouth respira· wh en the measure is taken up in Brown of the Federal Mediation tion to save the lJfe of her baby the Senate. probably early next Made Here week. Gore opposes the gas tax and Conciliation Service wen~ into sister Thursd:ty night. a meeting with representatives of "Car Sense." a , new dramatic increase, preferring instead his .Joyee Gibson, 2, ill with a high plan to divert a portion of all ap· Wilson and the two unions involv­ series o[ radio programs on traffic ed. the United Packinghouse Work­ feve r. stopped hreathing and be­ propriations to the highway pro­ ers of America and the Amalga­ safety, has been produced by radio came limp follo wing a convuldoL1 . gram. The high er gas tax would yield mated Meat Cutter and Butcher station WSUI in cooperation with Her sister, Linda Kay, breathed Workmen. to try to effect an agree­ the Iowa Department of Pubiic into the tot's mouth Cor five to 10 an estimated one hillion dollars ment. more COr construction work on the Safety in an effort to reduce the minutes. projected 41 .000-mJle network of The unions are seeking a new highway accident toll. The four "Once in a while she'd gasp a superhighways. contract with Swift and Wilson programs have been distrihuted little and then stop breathing The Senate group voted on the patterned after one signed with to again so I kt'pt it uP." Linda Kay e\'ery radio station in the 'State. bill after a one·day hearing in Armour & Co. Monday that grant­ said. "I was crying a little biT which Eisenhower administration ed increased pay and benefits to­ Each of the five-minute pro­ but 1 kept telling myself, 'Joyce officials accepted the bill although taling 22 cents an hour for 14.000 grams dramatizes a traffic safety is the only little sister you'v" they objected ot some of its pro­ workers. The message. One is an interview Navy Jet Racing Past Moon got. ' " visions. Wilson has plants in seven cities. Mrs. Eugene Gibson, the girls' with a young man whose liCe has A Navy F9F jet photo plane appears to be flying over the moon as it 7;30 a.m. while sunlight was reflected brightly on the moon's sur­ mollieI'. meanwhile was on the Late Friday the unions announc­ cruise5 at 20,000 feet in the Mediterranean area In this photograph, face. The plane was piloted by Lt. (jgl R. E. Knapp of Wilming­ ed signing of an agreement with been' completely changed as the phone calling pulice and a doctol·. New Playground Oscar Mayer Co. covering 4.500 result of an accident. The 25 -year· released Friday in Washington by the Department of Defense. Ac· ton, Del., operating from the carrier Essex with the Sixth Fleet. By the time help arrived, Joyce workers in plants in Madison, Wis .• old. who is paralyzed from the col· companying caption material said it was made last June 22 at -U.S. Navy Photo via AP Wirephoto. \Vas breathing re gularly. Director Named and Davenport. Iowa. The agree­ larbone down, tells of the "social "The policeman said I :id Angeline Erusha . A4. Cedar Ra· ment. the unions said. provides at good." Linda Kay recalled. pids. has been named supervisor least the same henefits as those pain" as weU as the physical suf­ Frondizi Gives In Winnie Nominated For New lowals Carter fering he has experienced during of special activities for Ule Iowa in the Armour pact plus some DIAL J FOR JOB City Playground and Recrealion other improvements. To Army Th reat; ' . Under Treatment his eight years in a wheelchair. FRANKFURT. GERMANY IA'I­ Commission. She will hold the half· Contract talks with the nation's Another is an interview with Dr . Reinstates General Theater Group Secretary At Naval Hospital Dial a number and get a job. It·s time position while attending SUI packers started in July. Only W. D. Paul. who supervises the that simple in a service set up by with a major in recreation. Swift and Wilson. among the Major rehabilitation unit at University BUENOS A1RES. Argentina 1m­ John R. Willnie . associate pro[es· for West Coast Films oi Los An· WASHI GTON IA'I - Rep. Ste· labor offices and the state·run She will be in charge of the packers. have not-reached a settle­ SOl' of speech and dramatic arts al 'Ieles. Winnie served as consultanl phone system to find workers for Golden Age Club, Paper Doll ment with the unions. Hospitals and attempts to make President Arturo Frondizi bowed (0 ven V. Carter ID-Iowal reported the demands of dissident army SUI, has been nominated by th~ in motion pictures and television Friday he has had two blood lrans· thousands of open jobs. West Ger­ Club. and craft activities. She Major packers with whom agree­ life liveable for those who have Jea ders Friday and brought back University to succeed Ronald Gee for the V.S. Department of Stale. fusions to build up his strength. He many sufrers from overemploy­ has been associated with tIle com· ments were signed are Armour, been injured on the highway. Dr. a~ army comm ander-in·chief the a~ (lXeclItive secrctary of the new· He has served as consultant to the also has received X-ray treatments ment; there are only 200.000 un­ mission for the past three summers Cudahy Packing Co., John Morrell Paul stresses the effects of injury ge neral who was Clred three da ~s ily formed Iowa Communily The· National Association of Educalion­ on the back of his neck. employed out of a labor force of 19 as a playground director at Roose· & Co .• Rath Packing Co .• Hygrade on the family of the person in· ago. alre Association !ICTAl. :ll Broadcaslers and IS currenrly The X·rays. he said. are part oC millions. velt, Hoo ver. and Mark Twain Food Products Corp. and George Gee. who has served as executive a COI\ ultant for the Broadcasting the regular treatments given any Qegn01Fi schools. jured as well as on the individual The reappointment of Gen. Car­ A. Hormel Co. secretary of the assoclatio~ since Foundation 'If America. patient who has suffered from can· himself. The program warns. "The lo s Toranzo Montero apparently quelled a threatened revolt by milI­ its founding last September 10 Des The SUI 'professor has served on cer such as himself. They were life you save may not be your tary chiefs. Moincs. has accepted a position nat ion a 1 educational television not. he . 'lid. given because of J Texas Man, 116, own." The Iasl reshuffle also brought at Western Illinois University a' planning cummiLtees and during new outbreak of the disease. A lhird program is an interview. the rcsignation of El vio Anaya as Macomb. 1958 was called to Venezuela to The 43·year-old Iowan entered Claims To Be done in a jail cell. with a man who Each of lhe 13 member groups art as executive secretary of a Bethesda Naval Hospital last week secretary of war. He was succeed· AGUDAS ACHll\J CONGREGATJON FIR T UNITAIUAN SOCIETY recently led peace ofCleers on a [or a blood test and remained for Io wa Ave. and GUbert St. ed by Gen. Rodolfo Larcher. a of ICTA has hcen inviled to send eommittef' to study possible uses 6U2 E .W ..bbl,&o. SI. Last Civil War Vet wlld and extremely dangerous treatment when it was found tha t Pastor Rt.v . Khor~n t\.rlsla~ friend oC Tcr:11lzo Montero and h:s three delegates to the first annual oC television and radio in the edu- Rabbl Sanker ]0:30 a.m. Church Service AUSTIN. Tex. IA'I - Texas chase. He tells why he feels lucky army supporters. 111 g to be held at the Des cational de\'elopment or that coun· his blood platelet count was low. FrIday Servlee, 8 p .m . eelin Platelets conlrol the ability o[ Alter... l .. wIth Hl110l liouie officials stood solidly Friday be- to be alive - even in jail - and Toranzo Montero Thursday night Moines Playhouse Sept. 18·19. Fo[· try. Sabbath Wo ..hlp. Salurday, 9 ".m. FREE METIlODlST CUAPEL hind Walter Williams' tlaim that warns, "Reckless driving can lowing a play reading by the Des blood to cO<'lguble. 931 Third A ve. defied Ana/a's orders wilh th!' "I feel a good deal stronger thun The k ey. lame lV. HanseD, Pastor he is the last surviving veteran of wreck your life." Mo ine Community Theatre and A SSE ~mLY OF GOD t o a.m. Sunday School backing of what he claimed was [ have all summer." Carter said . 32 S. Clinton St. 11 a.. m. 1\lornlnl WO l"llhlp the Civil War. In the fourth program Ansel J . Tbe Rev. Dan Mlller. Pasl.r 95 pel' cent of all Argentine army the Des Moines Drama Workshop, Harding, Ex-Head Sermon: I·Worklnr lor a Crown" in a telephone interview from his Mornlnr 'VOrtlhtp, 11 •. m . 7:HO p.m . Sunda.y EvenJnl' Service "They' ll have an awfully hard Chapman, Iowa City police court offi(::ers. lhe b03rd of directors will act on EVAD.t:IISUC hospital room. Service, 1 p.m. Thuu .. 7:90 p.m. ~ndw ..k rrr.ytr .o( time trying to prove he wa~n't a judge, presents the addres . he The stocky, 57·year-old general the nomination of Winnie and elec~ Of Anesthesiology He reported that doclors have Blbl. Le.s.n . Con fed era t e veteran." said' traditionally ' makes to offenders ~(fjcers Bnd directors for the com, BETlIANY BAPTIST CIIURCII said he would order only "normal given him two pints of whole blood B St. " FHlb Ave., Iowa CIty FRn:NDS befo~e ing ye:lr. • Unified Mornlnl Worship Service O:tli Charles MorrIs. veterans affairs him at the openIng of court. measures" in reassuming his post. At SUI, Succumbs ' in transfusions 10 IIddition to dex· Nona] TU(l.ker. Clerk commissioner in summing up SOD- He,> r~minds listeners of tha 40.000 The object of thtl association is 1.11\. ,.bone 8-'!8UO He added that a few military lrose and vit~min s to build up his Ev,."lnl' GO Apel ServIce, 1:30 'P.m. \ '.W.C.A. R.oom , low .. l\len\orla.1 Vbion 11 •.m . Ket ulAr Ch ureb WOl'shlp ~trvlee timent here. killed and near million injured on chiefs would be retired. to pro~ ide me:lns for improving Dr. Lewis W. Harding, 93. or· strength. 9:34J a.m. l\ltetln, for worsb1p IIlI" "Those Yankees just think America's highways la t year. work of existing community the­ Communion on first. unday of ever, pltnd l! d bertnnlu( All,. 10. R.e.ume4 A worn - looking Frondizi de­ ganlzer and long·time head of thc He was hospitalized more than month. 811 pt. 13, 9:34) •• m . they've killed all us Confederates "The tragedy is not thai these clinpd to talk with rerOl'ters when atres in the state and to offer help l)rnaI'lJl1(mi, , pt Mle.w.b,elliojlllJv lit, two weeks a' (hEl same hospital io . orr," retorted Miss Ethel Everitt, things happen but that they happen he left Government Hou~e late in establishing' ~ {\. trt~fl1re group, Unh'ersity Hospitals. died in Lex. February for a series of deep BETHEL AJo' RICAN METHODIST GRACI; U 'lTED who heads the Confederate Pen- needlessly." says Judge Chapman, to individuals in any Iowa com · CHURCH nnSSIONARY CIIURCH Friday. . X-ray trealments for cancer. HI' 411 S. Gov.rnor St. ISM. MUlcatine Ave. sion Fund here. suggesting Ulat "to ohey the law Several commanders of interior munily wishing to promote such u ~ngton, Ky., Tuesday after a long originally was treated for cancer The Rev. Fred L. Penny, Pastor Rpv. Ray mond G . Sa.hmel . Pa,.lor proj ·ct. LO a.m. Sunda,. Scbool 81bl,. Study rias es for aU ares, it: 15 ..... Williams, 116 by his calcula- is to protect your life. " army gar r i s 0 11 s who were Illness. io 1957. SerVice IU :~.J a.m. fC­ Though plans for the meeting in '2 p.m . Oholr P r--.eUu tion s. is in a near coma in This is the third consecutive backers of Anaya moved to Dr. Harding gradualed from the . Carter returned to the Hou~( CHRfSTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 7:3U p .m. Even!nr Service Houston . year that WSUI has produced a sign their commissions. They are Des Moines are not complete. ses­ SUI Medical School in 1890 and be. Hoor on Wc~nesday .to cast hI' Conference Roo~ No.1 7:30 p.m., WednesdllY Prayer and Bible A writer for Scripps-Howard series of traffic safety programs. to be replaced by commandel5 sion5 are scheduled on community \'ote to ovemde PreSIdent Elsen Iowa. l'lemorlal Unlun tudy gan his practice in Solon. He came how!lr's veto of the public wor ks Pbone 2037 Newspnper, Lowell K. Bridwell, The station won the National SaIety considered close to Toranzo Mon· thealre organization, technical pn.­ Mr. Corn.lIus Korhorn, ,uest s peaker JllLI,EL FO UNl)ATION tero, thereby bringing about the duction and design. play selection, to SUI in 1912 and headed the An­ approprialion bill. The vote wa' for summer. 122 Bad M . rkd St. said Williams is "a Confederate Council's 1957 Public Interest Servlees at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m . veteran onJy in his memory· Award for exceptional effort in reshu£lJe he demanded and which taging for the are na theatre. di­ esthesiology Department until 1930. one short of the lequired two thirds Frld.y 7:30 p.m. S.bbalb Servl... reeling. and recruitLrtg theatre per­ majorily needed to override. Hc clouded mind." trarfic accident prevention. caused his dismissa1. At the timc of his death. hc was TilE CllURCII OF ClIBIST JEIIOVAH' WlTNES ES sonnel. Arnold Gillette. professor then returned to the hospilal. 2 120 11 SI. State officials point trustingly to ---~------living in Lex ington with his son. U 2U KIrkwood Av•. a p.m . Public Addre .. of dramatic arL at SUI and di­ Carter said he probably will rc· Bible Classu, 9 a.m. 4 p.m. Wale-blower ' tudy rector of Lhe University Theatre, Dr. Donnan B. Harding. main in the hospital until nexl Mornin, Worship, 10 ".m. Tu . ... 8 p.m .. nook Stud v ~n i:~~o~;~J~~:e~~/~b:~~~~ Rock Island Tollman Pleads Guilty EvenLnI' Worship Service. 1:90 p .m . FrIday 7:3\1 p .m. l\tlnlotry SchoDl .. will give an illustrated lecture on Survivors :nclude his son; a dau· Tuesday. judge. rt put him on the pension ghter. Merle Harding. New Or· ~ : ~O p .m . Se,yl •• 1I1t.U., rolls at $25 a month for himself ROCK ISLAND. Ill. 1.4'1 - The $ and $750,000 in tolls over stage design. CI:IURCH OF JESUS CIIRlST a 20-year period. leans. La.; three grandchildren OF LAT:rER-DAY 8AINTS MENNONITE ell Jl.CII and his wife. Texas now pays him first assistant chief toll collector WinnJe is a gradua te of Cornell and three great-grandchildren. His 910 E. FalrcbUd 51. U14 Clark SI. The assistant chieC collector, College, Mt. Vernon, and Masor. Represents SUI Priesthood, t) a,m. The Rev. 'Wilbur NkCbU, .. n. Pador $300 a month. on the Rock I ~land Centennial wife preceeded him in death in Sunday School, 10::\0 • . m . S"nda.y School Hour, 0:415 " .m. Thomas M. Downs oC Rock Island, City Junior College and received Mornlnl \Vor,lhlp The sworn document states he 11 1918. sacrament MeeUnr, 6 p.m. Bridge pleaded guilty Friday to pleaded guilty in U.S. District a master of fin e arts degree from Education Group JO :4ii a .ln. 1\lorolnr ,.,ror hlp was born Nov. 14. 1846. served part in an elleged wholesale em· Sermon: " Tha t. Tbey M.y Be One" Court and the judge referred the SVI. He also studied dramatics at Funeral services . were held in Mrs. Sandra Ballagh. G, Iowa CHURCII OF THE NAZARENE about five months wih Gen. John bezzlement of lolls. Lexi ngton. The body was cremated '2 :llO p.m. Evenlnr Service B. Hood's Texas Brigade and plea to the Federal Probation De · the Royal Academy of London. City. represented SUI's chapter 01 Durllnrl.n and Clln'on SIB. Wod •• 7:30 p.m. Midweek Servl •• Ten other collectors have asked and the remains will be returned The Rev. G . Ill. Field. Mlnlsl.r about six months with Quantrill's partment for inve tigation. Prior to his appointment to the Pi Lambda Theta. national honor· SlInda, Scbool. 9:45 a.m. KEORGANIZED CIIUKCII OF JESUS dismissal of charges against them. to Iowa City Ior burial. Mornln, Worl blp. 10 :45 Raiders before the war ended. The heavily-traveled toll bridge SUI faculty in J.950, Winnie was ~ ary and professional association ' .m. C8lU T OF LATTER. DAY SALNTS The U.S. Government alleged the links Rock Island with Davenport, member of the faculty at the Uni­ for women in education . at their (b US youth Ilnd Married Groups '.!'!l Melrose Ave. Williams' daughter. Willie Mae 7:81) p.m . Sund.. , Evenln, Serylc. J . D . And~rlon. MlnJder Bowles who lives with him, said coUectors conspired to defraud the on the other side of the Mississippi versity oL ('aliiortJia at [.os An­ BAT ISTA TO EXILE Twenty·first Biennial Council held Tblluday, 7:S6 p .m . Mld .. Week Prayer Ch ureh Sch.ol. 9:lHl '.m. recently on lhc Santa Barbara M.ellnr and BIble SLudy. Mornlnr Won hlp, 10 :$0 a.m. she had 40 or 50 letters from peo­ Government and pocketed hetwccn River. beles. Thursday, 8:30 p;m . Choir Reheartat campus oC the University of Cali­ ple who said their fathers served Born in Cl ear Lake, WInnie has LTSBON. Porlugal IA'I - Fulgen­ SHARON EV NGELICAf. cio Batista. former president of fornia. TilE CONGREGATJONAL clIunclI UNITED BRETIIERN C IIURCII in the Confederate Army with · . B II B d·se rved as director of little theatre Kal,na Cuba; will leave for Madeira. his The council theme was "What is Clln\.un and JeHerson Sttf'llb Williams. , ., n 0 ar groups in Des Moines. Mason City. Rev. lI.ward II. Marly. PI.lor Un e r5 ty U e t St. Paul. Minn.. Williams Bay. island of exile. Monday. He has the role of the teacher in society?' Ch.rcb ••rvlc. and Cbure" Sch.ol I"IG II:~U a.m. undoy .hool 'V a.m. • IU :MO a.m. Worship Wis .. and Youngstown. Oh!o. booked passage for himself, his About 80 delegates and 100 vistors Sermon : "Value 01 Work" U .. I..... U,. B.Uella Bo.rll Dolle.. m:.11 be received d The Da11,. Iowa.. oW .... 7:1W p.m. Evenln, S.,vllp. K:U and \I • . m. ison editorial policy, th erefore, Is not an expression of SUI administration policy or opinion, In any par/icular. ': p .m . Evenlnr WOrlhlp port. FIR~T CII URCIJ Till ITY £r'1 co PAL CR UItCR A OF CUltiST. SCIENTIST a~u E. {'olio,. 81. pany months. f3; all other man sub6crip­ Make-good servIce on missed paper. 7~~ E. OoU.,e SI. The Reverend J . 8 . Jardlhe, Red.r 11le-1)oily lowon .Ilona. ,10 per year; six monllul, $5.60; Is no~ possIble, but eyery eUort will S.ndo.y . ho.l. 11 •• m. 1\ v. )toberl L . Wllk.r, eba»l.t. at II three monlhs. f3.25. be made to correct errors wllb the II • . m. LUlon er mOn ~ "ManU K • . m. 1101, mmunlon pend nexl Issue. Wed .• ~ p .m. Testimony Meel1nl 'b. r. • . m . Break,.. t. MEMBER ~:I~ •• • m. F.ml1y suvlee, Nar"", :lon AlJDIT BUJlEAU DAJlJY IOWAN EDITORIAL STAPP MEMBER of Ihe A SOCIA TED PRESS Churoh ijchool (IF Editor ...... Ted R,n The AS50clated Pres8 Is en tilled ex­ .' IRST ENGLISH LUTHERAN C lIURCIJ II •. m. AuLe Communion "A clusIvely the use for republicatiOn CIACULATIONS CIty EdItor ". " . Marlene Jor,en.en 10 Dubuquo .nd Marke~ Slo. ~:IB p .m . hI.. r. item: Sporta EdItor ...... Don Foroythe of aU the loeal news printed in thl. Rev. Ro,. Wtnr.le, P.ltor Pany ChIe! PhotoKrapher ..... Jerry SmIth newspaper as well as all AP news ServIce•• K. P. II •. m. Published dally excep~ Sunday and dIspatch.," S1· . MARl: ' C II UItCI Sunday 8abool Jtlrrefion and Linn · b . lions l\Ionda;y and lellal hollclay' by Slu­ Nuuuy. II • . In. DAILY IOWAN SUPERVISORS FROM Rt. R.v. C. II. ~lelnb.rr . P ••I.r 10 d den~• Publl caUons. Inc., ComnlUnlco­ DAlLY IOWAN ADVIRTI81NG 8TAFF 7 p •••• l •• L ...... Uona Center, Iowa CIty. Iown. En­ SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM . ·ACULTY "u Mund ay MaSH t ll. fl I .ftl ., 1 ::tO t\, m., 9 ..... new ured as second clas. moiler at the ·Bullne.. Mana,er and PublIsher ...... John M . HarrIson lila: In a.m ., f h R•• a .m . Advertblna DIrector . ... M"l Adams post o[(1ce al Iowo CIty. u ndt'r the Edllorlal ...... Arlhur M. Sa nderw n FIR T PRES BYTER.IAN OIiUR It · . Th. acl of Con,..e .. of March 2, 1818. Advertlsinl Manager .... Jay WUlOn AdYertlslng ...... John Kbttlnon 1'. l'A1'III K ' CIIURCIl lhe Cl.... lIled Adv. Mlr . .. Larry Hennesy ClrcUlailon •...... Wilbur PetQr50n 2/1 • Matllil SI. 21H E. (;(lul'L t PromoUon Manaler .. Wa lter Barbee Ur. P. 1I .",I •• n P.llock. Mlnlat.r HUly D"yo: G: I ~. 7. H • •m . • "d "lUI p• •• Wage Dial 4191 [r~m noon 10 mIdnIght to TRUSTEls. BOAAD OF STUDENT Build Undergr~und. Missile Shelters The R.e.v .. Jerom,e I . Lek •• , Lon I'la el, H:ao, Of I", and II • . m. Over report news Item. women's pale P UBLICATIONS .. 1.... 1',. p •• ltr II I,h M.... AtlG . .... ltema, (or annbuncem""ta to The DAILY IOWAN CDCULATION 0:110 ' .m. Mornln. Worsbl,. W~elc:: Dally Iowan. EdItorial offices are in · . . ClrculaUon l\ober\ Bell Waller Barbee: AS: Dr. Geor,e The Def,n•• Dlpartmlnt in Washington Friday relea.1CI this pletura of construction on deep .ilo-ilk. 8ermoD: "ChrWla. Peflen," ZION LUTUUAN OR UR<''' t;. Comml1"lcaUons Cenler. Mula,,,, ... . Ice. i EaaloD. Colle,e of Dentistry; J ane Imd,rground being construct.d at Vand,nb.rg Air Fore, 8a.. , Calif, They will be u.. d to Tbu rs .• 8e.. l.n M.olln, J.hnoon and Bloomln,I •• Bla, Dial 4191 t1)'Ou do not receivi Jour OUchrlst. A2; PaUl E. aaaenoon. D~, . . IIffvl ... A and 1\l IRQ • . m. Pre1l1J Irubtulption notes - b y ""1'1'ler In Dally 1_ by T:30 '.I'D. The Da tly J u d ith Jane•. A3; Prof. Hugh Keilo. house Titan Int.rcontlnental ml •• I1... Tha ml.slles ar. about 90 ftet In I,ngth. The huge circular unit. Fla. l' M 1'800181' ('II OAC I1 und., RrhDol . ' J~. III. III,.. CllY. IS cents weekly or ,1.9 per IowlJI wc\Ulltion o!fJee In Communl­ .Departmenl of 'PollUcal SCIence; Prof. J.If... on anll O.buqu Sh. AhU Blbl. I ... 9:!It • •m . b!)llel )relit. In advan~e: a1l! monl"•• " .50; catlona Center Is open !rom • a .m . \Leolle O . Moeller. School of Journal­ a,.. d ••lgn ed, according to the Air Force, to prot let the missile. In cu. of attack on t~ e ba ... Pro L. I •. Ounllln,l.n, .t1~ 1 -.r • • • ' Tit tAre. month•• .,.00. Jly malr In Iowa, t6 a p .m .. Monday throullh !'rld.y Ism : Sara D . Schl.ndler. A3; Pro!. L . ~ , 1l& Ch"r.h Ro ho.1 'V"TEIlA A NO I'ITAL OBAPI.. .. per ;year; six moqUis. ~ ,-nd frolll • If' II a.m, on S&lurday. ,.. Van Dyke. of 'Each .110 hold. onl mlssll •• -U.S. Air Force Photo via AP Wirlphoto. . " ~ ,a o Morlo4aC ",glial; Wag »; Colle,e ,Etl.ucaUoll. • I • .. .. ~.. '. .... • • ....., .o .. . 'I1G, to I ,m, ~bu l r .. THE DAILY IOWAM-I _ _ City, 1.. -5 .... , s.,t- 5, lf59-P... . Khrushchev To Visit Peipi ng New Booklet Most Young Iowans Won't Stay lfter· Return from u.s. Trip MOSCOW (NI - Premier Nikita crisis. He apgeared ready to go to SUilnstitu~: On The Farni, Poll Points Out Khrushchev disclosed Friday night New YOl'k for such a meeting. DE 10LNES L4'I - .10 l young folks in (owa won't tay on the he Is going to Pciping Sept. 29, AIter hIs return from Peiping A new program to as ist local farm. II poll by an Iowa magozin howed Friday. lhe day after he returns Irom his Ihe Soviet Union unceremoniously schools in teaching the principleb From half to two-thirds of the young people in any farm C()m­ visit to the United States. shifted ground to put the criSIS lD munity are going 10 pull out and get lown job • th poll said. His aim clearly Is to keep Red the hands of the U.N . General As­ oC local gO\'ernment and citizen· sl ip wa announced Friday by Th WaUace Fa.rmer Poll ked parents of boy in high chool or China's Communist government sombly. Western diplomats regard­ young r: fully informed of his talks with ed this as a major retreat and Robert F. Ray, director of the S J President Eisenhower. Khrushchev's Iirst serious public Institule of Public Affair . "When your boy grows up. would )·ou likl' 10 bave him (II farm Khrushchev told of his plans for setback. Key to the new program' a n VI [or a Ih-ing? (21 take a town job? .l book-"A Citizen's Guide to Iowa the trip, witho ut discussing the They said they saw in it or (31 undecided . I H C on purpose, in a chat with Poland's strengthen in;: of the position of Municipal Government and Elec· "Only T1 per cent cho e the farm ouse omml ee Premier Jozel Cyrankiewicz and those III Peiping and within the tions" - publi bed by the in titute. other officials at a reception open· Kremlin who advocated a tougller Ray aid. Thi book describes th category, 21 per cent chose the IRecommends New ing the Polish industrial exhib i· line toward the West. Irucl ure functions of local govern­ town job while 52 per cent w re P blo W k BOil tion in Moscow. ment, and the citizen' role in nom· und id d. U IC or s I This will be his second visit to inating candidates and partJcipat­ 10 t oC the undecided parents peiping in little more than a year ing in local public affairs. WASHINGTON l.fl - The House His rour·day conference with Mao House Passes aid the boy would have to choose Appropriation Commill voled Tze·lung there last summer was CopJe have bci>n sent to all city (or th m Iv . defiantly Friday 10 ri k anolher and town clerk in the state a a followed by a switch In Soviet taco Farm people with the highe t velo of the congr io nally cher­ Ben' ice o( the League of Iowa Mun­ tics toward a summit conference. income sho\loed the lea t inclina­ ishrd public works bill . Khrushchev had accepted a Bill -·To Raise icipalilie . Anyone can gel a C()py by writing to the S I [n titute of tion to urge tbe boy to farm. They It recommend d that Congre s Western proposal for a meeting end Pr Ident Eisenhower a new Public Acrair and ending 50 cents uf government chieftains within talked in tead about college train­ bill . Iiehtly redu d in co t but oC iJ· tile framework of the U.N. Secur­ Bond Interest to cover cost printing and m ing for town job • the poll said. including everyone of the 67 pro­ itv Council on the 1958 Mideast ing. Eighty·(j\·e per cent or Ihe par­ jects that caused him to veto the WASHINGTON "" - The House The muniCipal government book enl interviewed favored either original mea ure Aug. 28. Friday passed a bill allowing the j a cquel to " Voting in Iowa," a Treasury to increase the inrerest trade ehool or eoliege training Thl \'eto r aUy hurt because book first published ID 1956 which the legislation provld (or hun­ Mason New 1'4\(e on "E" and " H" savings bonds for Iheir children, while only 4 describ Iowa's election laws and dreds o( local construction proj­ from 3Y. to 3~/. per cent. political party procedure . Both per cent aid they didn·t. ects, mo t oC th m river and har­ The measure now goes 10 tbe book are Intended to be u ed a "I'd like 10 have our boy farm," bor and nood conlrol works that Student Aid Senate. supplementary texts in junior high a woman in Clayton County said, help make a congre man look By its action, the House went Dies After Quarrel and high ch001 cour es in govern­ "but he should bc able to make a good to Ihe voters. ment, civic, and ocial studie . Coordinator along only partly with President Edward T. No rris, 29, crashed hi s car into the building where his girl friend lived in Toronto, Ont., decent Ih'ing for the worK involv­ The Hou e uph ld th lir t veto Eisenhower's request for legisla· Friay after having a row with her five hours earlier. Police said they had been called to remove Nor­ In addition, Ray explained, the ed." Wednseday. by a on -vol margin. tion in this field. in liM is making available to Charlie Mason, native of Musca · ris from the apartment but he had left when they arrived. Later he drove hil car into the storel under The poll said that parents o( Th committee action upset Eisenhower asked also for lift­ school its serie oC handbook (or House lead r plans to end Ei­ tine and athletic director at Os· the apartment MId wal killed instantly. - AP Wirephoto. many girl el(pect their children ing of the pl'esent 4~ per cent local public officials. The e books enhower a bill without Ihe 67 kaloosa High School since 1951, to marry farmers. • has been appointed coordinator 01 ceiling in the interest rate on ~ Include handbook for mayor. projects he objected to. Hi ob­ student aid at SUI. marketable government bonds rna· Pig Production councilmen. and clly and town But 81 per cenl o( the parent lions were ba d on lhe eround In the newly created position, turing in five years or longer. He Self-Attitudes Of Students clerk.. "tudent \Ioho wi h to go Ielt Iheir daughter . hould try for Ihal th y had not been budgeted into more del il bout th power: and would cost an evenlual $800 ~fason will work in the Office of said this should be done so the Survey Underwa y town job . But 66 per c nt had no Student Affairs in coordinating and Treasury can compete against and dulic of the e official and million. The committ voted thi how they deal with local public particular kind o( town job in plan down 20-16. integrating ~he University's pro· other borrowers for funds in the In Nine States Subiect Of Report By Kuhn mind. gram Qf financial aid to students. money markl't. prohlems can ref r to thes books," It i po sible that the Hou e Ray said. Ninety pt'r cent. however, pre­ may in turn up et the committee :ncluding scholarships. loans and Although lhe bili merely au­ WASHINGTON (NI - Are farm­ , Persons who have developed a I the best use of new college ex­ The new program wa slarted be· f I' that their girls go to coll g acUon wh n II con. iders the bill employment. thorizes a rise to 3% per cent on ers slowing down on the produc­ slable concept of Ihemsel ves are periences. or trade school. The new post will provide an a\l· cau of the widespread acceptance today or next week. savings bonds. the Treasury has tion 01 hogs now that prices have less likely to change their se\{- The dropouts tended 10 be stu­ University clearing center for in­ announced it intends - if given the attitudes as a result of critical dnts who were either extremely oC "Voting in Iowa" by th e school. dipped sharply from a year ago formation conce,ning financiill as­ authority - to make that rate ef­ experiences than those whose self- more or extremely les anchored of Ihe tate, Ray said. More than First Circus In Five Years Here Today sistance to students, Mason ex­ fective as of June 1 for the 40 and forecasts point to even lower concepts are distur~d. In fact, in terms of th ei r past activities, 16.000 caple of this book have been plained. "By coordinating informa· million holders of 50 billion dol· prices next year? those who have di turbed self-con- home communities. (amily and reo distributed. A trainl'd hippopolamu , 21 ele "Coplt', 67 emi-tralcr truck.~, and tion on employment loans anll lars in oustanding bonds. This question is being posed in cepts seem actually to go through IIgious affiliation, as c\'idenced phant.. hon., tigers. kangaroo , wh t III circu claim 10 b thl' scholarships. sur will be better in th way they defined themselve . RED RESEARCH SHIP nd monkeys are in Iowa City to· able to help the student seeking The bulk of ouLstanding savings connection witl. an Agriculture De­ more extremeiy critical experi- This indicates that sludents com- larg t touring menageri in th 1.10 COW IJ1II - Th neW So- day a part of the AI G. Kelly and financial aid and to suggest var­ bonds are of the "E" variety­ p:lr1ment pig production survey b;!­ ences. pltely immer cd in their past country. Only the Ringling Bros. ious means by which funds may bought at a discount and matur· ing made in nine midwestern These Ideas were presentd Fri­ li ves and home communities will vi t re earch hip Voyeikov left ,. fill I' Bro . circus. ing at a stated period. Hundred Odes a Friday for Vladivo 10k Thl' clrcu • billed a the larg . t and Barnum and Bail y show is be obtained," he pointed out. ~tates Results wilt be disclo~ed day morning by Manford Kuhn, find adjustm nt to college difficult, dollar bonds, for example, are Kuhn noted and the Pacific wher she will ll'nll'd circus now touring the Unit larg'r than tile l\elly -~liller clr­ A Ph.D. candidate in adminis­ Sept. 17. SUI associate professor of sociology tration. Mason received a B.A. cte­ bought at $75. and anthropology, at a ses ion of Since college life provides a m a k e meteorological ob I'\'e- cd Stall'S, will give Iwo pt'r(orm­ ( U!. gree from sur in 1949 and an Tile an,wer to this query is 10Jd­ the American Sociological Society' turning point by initiating the stu­ lions. the Communi I pnrty news- nnccs. 2 ' 30 and 8 p.m. today, at Today's perrormllnce will be the M.A. degree in secondary school cd with political and economic im­ annual meeting, beipg held in Chi­ dent into new 1'01 s, it offers a paper Pravda r ported. The VI.' . - the Lu cas 'howground in outh­ lir. t circus pprrormllncc ' here in Legislative Group plications. 11 will give a cue to cago. He reported findings of part good laboratory for study of PCl'­ 'el can stay at sea for three and ern Iowa Cily. flv(' years. Acl wiii be pre. enteJ future farm income PI'O§pects fa: o[ a study of setf-attitudes of sev- sonality, hl' pointed out. one·half month.. Th circus tl'oupe' inelud(', ~5tJ in the three ring~ of th main tent. Finishes Hea ring live-to 'k farm '1'5. Furthermore '1 eral hundre~ Universi~y students. - [ c. . • I, I Students With more highly chang- On Social Welfare could have a big beaflng on nex. ling eJt-attitudes changed to sel(­ year's presidential and congres- I atliludes shQwing less disturbance DES MOINES "" - A legisla­ sional elections. . after undergoing critical experi­ tire committee to study social wel­ A simi lar survey in June indi­ ences. the study revealed. fare problems in Iowa-including ,'aled this yt'ar's fall crop of pigs Other findings of the research the nursing and custodial home included lhe following: Students SIFIEDADS wQuld l;>e 9 per ce nt larger than situation-completed two days of the 1958 fal1 crop. Such an increase who had made a definite choice Classified Rooms for Rent Pels for Sale Work Wanted hearings here Friday. of occupation and did not change it i 1 would come on top of a 12 per B-' W"Ni'J:D - lronlna ' 11-0448 !'VRNISHED double rooms lor m~n Earlier, Sen . Jack Schroeder cent increase in this year's spring were more generally stable in their self-attitudes than U,0se not "an­ Advertising Rates alud.nt. V.ry clo. e In. Ihowen. 222 crop over that of a year earlier. E. ~turk.l, Apt. I. 10.4 House Trailer For Sale (R·Davenport) had asl(ed the com· cllored" occupationally. House For Sale mittee to investigate the licensing There has been talk that if (arm· Close family ties tended to go One Day 81' a Word SINGLE 8Md double room. men . 8-3525 of the state's nursing and custo· ('rs carried ahead with these plans, Two Days 10¢ a Word 9-15 FOR SAL b. owner _ 3 bedroom 1.5. TRAVELllOME. !Il-loOt. altc~lenl wilh less change in self-attitudes. -----. hou t! . full bement end lat"l1~ condition, Ilr condition r . rene.- , dial homes and whether these in· hog prices might drop to as low Three Days lU' a Word ROOM lor nur", or wOlleln, Ind~ . 01.1 w~ t BonUm St. Immt!dlalc POI Ion. ulld ... plnnln •.•ltlp . $2.350. OW IIr~r Anchorage (sh'ong membership) in 7t~ 9·8 Telford Lar~w . 11681. 1-10 6 P 1'1\. 11-5 stitutions met safety and sanita· a $10 a ~undred pounds next y~ar. religion could not be related to Four Days ... " .. 14¢ a Word tion requirements. Five Days .. _.... 15¢ a Word DOUBI.E room. alrl . Noar Hospl,,-,I Such prlce.s could react agams~ stable self-concepts by the study. 1103. 9-3 Help Wanted -- Female 'We've done more in the last the Rep~bl~calls. A Yl'ar .ago ho&~ though this was indicated by find­ 'I'en Days . .. . 2Q¢ a Word Personal ;verl' ?rmglrop $20. In mid -August l ings. Oue Month 3~ a Word DOUBLE room lor two Iluden i bo~·a . HOU EKEEPER' Family of three. No two days to clear Ihe air on 6682. 9- 15 PERSONAL loan. on Iypewrlt.... laundry. ~.OO pel week. live In; [owa's welfare programs than has ,he pnc/! had dropped La $14. At lhe outset of college. men (Minimum Charge 50¢) phonoa.ophl. lpOtU flIulpmenl. Hock· f40.00 II,. oul Call 3410. 9-16 ONE double ...orn lor Male Stud~ntl . Eye Loan Co. Phone 40635. '-~R been done in the past 10 years The Missouri Farmers As n. said are more likely to be disturbed in DISPLAY ADS Private enlrance. 0 1.1 1I-234S after 4 WANT counter lady al Iowa City lil,h as far is the Legislature is con· in :l recent issue of it magazine their self·attitudes than coeds are p.m. 9 ·5 ~hool (or noon hour. Call 7647 or Who Does It e ... ~Jn 61a.t. • .. ,j Charlie Mason cerned," said committee Chair­ that farmers may be easing up on Kulin found. The freshman me~ One Insertion : man Jake Mincks (o·Otlumwal. produclion pla ns. are more likely to make such $1.20 a Column lnch Apartment for Rent RUBSI Hand lIehl haul In,. 11-5181 I Help Wanted- Male administration from the Univer~ity 'I feel we're headed in the "The reasoning for ~uch a slate- statemen ts about themselves as Five Insertions a Month: '-11 ment," it said. "is based on: these: I am a failure. 1 am lost. · EFFICIENCV apartment. prlvale bath co~ WANT in 1951. As a senior at SUI, Mason right direction," he said. E ac h In ertlOn: $1. a Column Inch I Ind enlrance. Oraduale lady. 204 MAKE ..ed wllJJ, buckl .. Ind bul- tnan dl.hwi her (or noon hour 1. The short corn supply not tied I am scatterbrained. I am a wor­ lona. S.wln, machine. lor rent. Sln,- It Iowa Ctly Hleh School Caleleria. was the leading scorer on the Committee members heard re­ Ten Insertions a Month: Fairchild. 11-. ~~o~"~~~~. Center. 115 S. DUb~~~ Call 7$41 or evt!nlnp. 8784 9-5 up under government price sup. rier. I am a small fish in a big Hawkeye basketball learn and was porLs from various officials of the Each Insertion' 90c a Column Inch 3 ROOM (urnl.heel apartment. Newl,. named "most valuable player" by State Sociai Welfare Department. ports this summer has made it pond. I say the wrong things at . ) decorated. carpeled. Woman teacher. Garage Wonled To Rent costly jjnd discouraging to those the wrong time. So far I've ac­ On" block (rom campul. 6242. 11-5 Where To Eat his teammates to receive thl) Chi­ plus a talk by A. E. Poe of Kan­ WANTED : Oarl,. {or car .Ioraae In cago Tribune Big Ten award. hog feeders who had to buy corn; complislled nothing. ONE room lurnllhed aparlmenl. C.II sas City, regional representative At the end of the first two years 2925 after 5:30 p . m. 11-10 TURKEY SANDWICH1:S and HOME- th. Colle,. ... Linn Sir I orea Call Mason ser'led as head basketball of the U.S. Department of Health, MADE PIES to ,0. Moplecreat Sand- 1I-15e7 eVlOnlnp. 9-9 2. The certainty of below-cost o[ college this situation tends to APARTMENT. Adult. Dial 5-155. 9-18 wleh Shop. Rwy. 218 South. "e"," coach of 03kaloosa High School Education and Welfare. (rom the AlrpOrL Phone 11-1773. I-URC prices for hogs next year has been be reversed as men solve their APARTMENT ond IInile roo"". from 1949 to 1959, with the excep­ Mincks said three subcommit­ especially w~lI publicized ; and problems of occupational choice RENT-A·CAR tion of two years spent in the Air Graduate studenll. 8-&637 alt<>r 4 tees were appointed - to study 3. Corn IInd"r price support loan and women probably come under p.m. ' -19 Typing Force during 1952-54. He was nam­ nur;;lng and custodial homes in at $1.12 a bushel is an attractive greater and greater pressure to TWO room (urnlshed .""rlmenl In TYPING. 8-0437. V-21 OR ed athletic director in 1954. Mason north end. Utilities pold. 0 .18.\ a-1292. Iowa, and problems of aid to de­ altel'native to feeding it to hogs make marital choices, Kuhn eK­ 1-25 TYPING. 6110. 8-13R was al 0 a mathematics teacher pendent children, aid to blind and that might bring $10 to $12 a plained. RENT ·A·TRUCK and coun 'elor at Oskaloosa. He re­ LARGE apartment fo[ 3 or • Graduole 24 HOUR S.""I(:1'. Electric typewriter. old age assistance. h'Jndredweighl." Of students who dropped out o[ signed the coaching job last sprin!,1 boys. 8-4M3. 9-26 Jcrry Nail. 8-1330. 10-5 LICENSED The committees also will study The magazine said a leveling off school during the study, a high THREE room lurnlahed APartment. to accept the post of assistant prin· lhe cost of admi nistering these Ignition cipal. in the rate of hog production is proportion were strongly anchored shan! bath, one other apartment. Two programs in Iowa. not likely to bring much o[ a price to groups oC which they were mem­ itrl. or couple. Six block. from town. Carburetors Mason and his wife, the former Phone 4191 $1000. Available now. Dial 9681 $-12 .Hem D~:~;. a System The committee scheduled its increase-if any. But, it added. ,t bers, seeming to indicate a rig­ GENERATORS STARTERS Beverly Coleen B'lggc of Fondo, next meeting for Oct. 2 in Daven­ THE DAILY IOWAN RESERVES Briggs & StraHon Moton have two children: Jeff, 4, and certain1y would lessen the pos&ibil- idity which kept them from making Help Wonted MAHER BROS. port. ity or a market as low as $10. THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY Julie, 2. Mrs Mason attended SUI WANTED - FountaIn help. Musl apply Pyramid Services lor one year and took nurse's ADVERTISING COPY. In person. Excellen l hours and Phone 9696 salary. Lubin" Drull Siore. 9- 1. 621 S. Dubuque Dial 5723 training at Iowa Lutheran Hospi­ [·1',":.1 lal In Des Moines. Smith To Head Business Professors NOW Ends MONDAY BI:ONDIE Iy CHI C YOUNG C. Frank Smith, SUI professor in all parts of the United States TONY JANET' Meatcutters Utlion of general business, was elected and Canada. I 'M SURPRISED AT )Ol)-­ IMAlSINli--'THIS TlMe: I Smith spoke at a banquet held CURTIS AND LEIGH LI5TE?'jING IN ON A OF DAY AND THE president of Business Professors of for the group and for more than IN FAMILY QUARREL eREAKFAST CfSHeli Reaches Accord NOT EVEN WASHeD Electronic Data Processing la~t 100 bu~iness executi ves from var­ week at Endicott, N.Y. He was ious parts of the country. With Large Firm named to the post at the close of Before attending the special MADISON, Wis. (NI - A com­ a two-weeks special school in elec­ school at Endicott, Smith served pany spokesman said a basic tronic data processing conducted ~s visiting pl'ofessor of statistics agreement had been reached frl· by International Business Ma­ during the 1959 summer session of day on a new contract between r chines Corporation at Endicott, lhe University of NOl'th Carolin? lij a.III., Oscar Mayer & Co. and locals of N.Y. He joined the SUI fac ulty as an . WlLUAM the Ama lgamated Meat Cutters Forty-six un i v('r~ity faculty mem­ associate pmCessor in 1948 and now and Butchers Workmen of North bers interested in data processing teaches statistics .in the SUI Co l­ : HOLDEN America. who attended the special school lege of Bu iness Admi nistration. : . The fil'm employs some 2.800 rCllresent universities and colleges ---- • t ° union workers at its plant in Mad­ ison and another 1,200 at Daven · ~ :SakL...... ' ..~: porI, Iowa. STARTS TUESDAY A union contract with the com­ Site R.. c!tH ...... _ .._ .....__ •• Our Por '-... lEE T L E BAILEY pany expired Tuesday, but work ,. 1 A. P.... A lMUdO... r SPECIAL SHOW Iy MO. T WALKE. at the two plants has conti nued ]lCnding tho outcome o[ neiolia­ TODAY 1: 30 to 3:30 :io n ~ . "Although th e basic economic SIONATE items havo been settl ed," the com· pany spokesman said. "negotia­ SUNDAY tio ns will be resumed next wel' l ~ 10 discuss fUl'lhel' details of tn .. new controc:." The agreed Item , according to the company. Include a general Wago inerea () of 15 cents an houl' Oller a tWJ-year period, three "~ek£ vacation after 10 yea rs IOrv­ PUI' LAUGH HIT Ire, Improved pe nsions, nlgb! shift R ».aDY ORIIiFITH Ia. premi um pay, and other l l'h,ge bt'lIcflts. In ' The company's current mi nimum 1I0NIONHEAD" Wage is abou t ,2.10 an hour ...... IL ... I , Pa!1e 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, la.-Saturday, Sept. 5, "59 u.s. Team Boosts Pan-Am Down Indians -6th Time In Row- Gold Medal Winnings To 67 CIIlCAGO ~The United States Igold medal on the way to wllat White Sox Do It Again, 3-2 captured five more gold medals she hopes will be five when she in swimming Friday in the Pan- won the 100 meter freestyle nnals CHI CAGO (All - The Chicago League's best hitter, drove in Amencan Games, added two in in 1:03.8, a new games record. White Sox made it five in a row three runs, boosting his RBI total yachting, and picked up an unex- Mrs. Laura Myers Pope of Los over Cleveland Friday nighl, beal­ to 108. pected pair III shooting to draw Angeles won the plaHorm diving ing the second place Indians 3-2 It enabled the Braves, with 21 and taking a 612 game lead in mljor scoreflOa~ , more season games to go, to COD· further ahead of the 24 nation crown, also for a second gold field. medal. the American League race in the ". solid ate a hold on the league's At the end of daytime competi· Becky Collins, 15, or Indiana. opener of a three·game series. ----- third place, four games back 9( The White Sol(. playing before A)tERICAN LEAGUE- NATIONAL I.EAGUE front running San Francisco. ~:~ t!:d~::te4~ !~,~::, ~:: ~~ polis, edged out Nancy Ramey W. L. Pel. G,B. W. L . Pel. G.B. E tbeir largest home crowd oC thp. Sa n Francisco .. 75 ~9 .Il00 bron%e. Its nearest rival was Ar. of Mercer Island, Wash .• in 1:09.5, ChIcago ...... 83 00 .624 It was the eighth MUwaukee trio year, 45.510, reduced their magic Clevelund .. __ . 7U !;6 .5 76 6'1. Los Angele s ,.. 73 2 which is under the listed world Milwaukee .... 71 :~ : ~: 3Y.. umph over the Reds in 17 de· 16 '" gentina with five gold, nine sil· record time of 1: 09.6, but slower number to 16. ~;;:o~O;k .: : ::: ':i :i .fog 16h Pltts bur~h . .... 70 65 .518 5~' cisions this year, But for Spahn, ver and three bron%e. Baltimore ...... 64 ,67 ,489 IB Clnclnnatl .... . 65 . 69 .465 10 Tbe swimming victories were than Miss Ramey's 1:09.1 made Four successive singles in the Boslon '" .... 62 73 .469 22 ChlclIgo ...... 63 69 .