l a t e b u l l e t i n FINAL PARIS, B«pC ** (W>^Ttje bl< fonr for- CITY elfD m iB liU n decided lo&l«ht to tnmi- ftr their ecnfereneet U New Ywk »ft«r EDITION the pes«e eonfewoes *dJoBrn* OcC 15. A Regional Newspaper SerTing Nine Irrigated Idaho Coantles


105,600 Sugar Stassen to Stamps Stolen; No Real War Threat Faces World, Utah Pair Held

SALT LAKE CITV, Sept. 24 VP) Speak Here —Enforcement ttgenta for the oflleo Stalin Says; Calls A-Bombs One of price admlnbtraUon asserted to­ day that the arrest of a Salt Lake City couple resulted from an Inves- tlgalloR of the alleged theft of lOS.- 000 ration sUunps, each good for On Oct. 8th the purchase of five pounds of Peril but Temporary, Indecisive sugar. The stamp# were missing, said By RE.1IBERT JAMES Former Governor Harold E Stnsscn of Minnesota will Merrill C. Faux, OPA chief en- spciik Tiiosdny. Oct. 8. at Twin Falls, it wns announced lust lorcenient attorney, from the Con­ MOSCOW, Sept. 24 (/P)—Prime Minister Stalin said today he could see no real danger of niKlit nt a mcetinp of the Republican central committee here. tinental Dank and Trust company, Steps Begun for Federal a new war and exprc.>i.ic(i his iinqualified belief In the posaibllity of long nnd friendly col­ where they had been deposited prior laboration between the Soviet Union nnd the western democracies, despite ideological dlf. Clyde MusRrave. FUfr. county ^ JH m . shipment to the verlflcaUon — ferencea. chBlrman. snltl complete details of •r Bt Denver. Power in Southern Idaho Stnvien's Bppcarnnee nt a bis open Will Talk Here Complaints filed In the office of At the same time he snld the United States now held a threat to peace In "monopolist rally here lilioulcl be rendy for on- U. S, Commissioner E, M. Garnett BOISE, Sept. 24 OPi—The Bonneville power administration has been poaaession” of atomic wi'apons, but that such monopolist posMes-sion could not long be m^n- charged Bert Pope with possessing noimccmeiU Inter. OOP IcaiJcr# will directed by Interior Secrelarj' J. A. Krug to prepare "to assume Uie tained. In nny <‘vent, he Raid, wars could not be won with atomic bombs. 31 sugar stamps taken from the rcspoiulblllty for power marketing" of federally generated electricity In He also chnrgcd that the retention of United States military forces in China threatened confer hero lodny on plons for depository. Another complaint ac­ the southern Idaho area. SUu-'cn’iv tiilk here. cused his wife of having two stamps C. Girard Davidson. a.i3lstanl secretary, said here today the BPA was peace, •"Twin FalU will be Sln-vien'a or\ly In lier po.s,ie.Mlon. Instructed "to Include In Its 1MB budget estimates of funds required for Stalin cxpresned these views in answer to nine written questions submitted by Alexander The jMilr wa-1 released on WJOO sun-ey of transmission line*, marke'. studies and development work In Worth, Mo.scow correspondent of the London Sunday Times. slop hi Idaho on hl.i we.Mem tour bond. that seeUon of the Gem state." The Soviet leader said he did not believe the United States and Britain were trying to nnd nil Bepubllcnn leaders Uirough- In n statement Faux said: David.son said Krug'a action "fol­ oul Uie slntc nre expected to be "I received a slieet of sugar lowed closely a number of rrquesw reimbursed for all power delivered encircle Rus.sia with a capitalist ring nnd could not do so “even if they so desired.” Ho here to attend llie rally." J. B. slampj fnallfd by an anonymous for early and adequate power sup­ on a basJ.T which wjl) conUnue lo said Ru.s.sia had no intention of usinf^ Germany either afftilnst western Europe or against per.ton. stating Uiat Bert Pope of as.'Jst In the repayment of Irrlga- Thnyn. cxeciillve secrctnry of the plies' to develop Idaho ph«phBtei the United SUiles, einco this would not bo in the interest of the Soviet Union. Salt Lake Cliy was silling them. and other rejources.~ Uon conU not carried by w a t e i county orgnnlzAtlon. said. Tills led 10 hlfl wife who was em­ TTie assistant secretary' — on a users. Thus the Bonneville power He called for "demiiiUrlzaUoa Tentnllvc plans for Stn.iscn’s visit ployed as a Janltress at the Conti­ one-day visit here—said Krug asked admlnlstrnUon will add means for and democraUzation" of Germany hichiclc n luncheon and n political nental Bank building and aulgneC Paul J. Raver. Bonneville power nd- lower cost power development of a.1 one step toward a "stable and to tiie Contlnenlnl Bank and Trust Idaho re.iources. lB.siing peace." rally in the evenliiR, T liajn s*ild. mlnlstrator. "to apply the principle company headquarters. of a uniform power rate throughout "The development of the great Filer Gambling Case "One should sL-ongly dlffcrenU- Suuwcn Li prominently mentioned ■'Later evidence disclosed that Its markeUng area Including the mineral resource.*! of the Snake ate between the hue and cry about as a ixjislble GOP preildentlul nom­ Pope had assisted his wife In her river basin," DnvlcL'on said. "Is not li *new war,' which Is Uking placo inee In 1048, He MIS n naval cap­ Snake basin.” work Bi the bank. During that time Davidson .said tlie department ot only important to the Snake basin — and the real danger of a “new tain during the war and gnlncd the bnnk reported to OPA officials In building up Its economy, bub it Probe Not Abandoned much presURC n.-i beUiR one of the Interior previously asked the re- that elosc to 105.600 stamps had clamntion bureau nnd BPA to make is imporunt to the naUon as well," country’s yoimgest governors. He disappeared.■■ He said the pho.spha(e develop- iriclure on page 3) wa-s n delegate to tlie United Na­ n Joint .stud>- of southern Idaho to InvesUgatlon is conUnulng Into posilble criminal aspeels of Uiree Filer F ln ( Aluwer provide for the "fullest development menLs In Uie upper Snake basin tions Initial confercnco iintl Li b are "truly national resources." gambling cases, rxcordlng lo PrwecuUng Attorney E. M. Sweclcy, although Stalin’s replies to Werth were Ids strong proi>oncnl of American par­ of the upper Snake ba."iln through construcUon of multiple-pur- "Maintenance of Uio soil fertility that portion of the matter im-olvlng scirure und deslruclion of equipment flr.1t aruwers lo any foreign corre* ticipation In nn International form Probe Starts and agricultural production In the closed Monday afternoon with bu feated by Franklin D. Roonevclt In a po-olbte Kepubllenn presidential On Blame for the economic development of these at the court house, burned the last lleved in the United NaUons as an the low coat power from the Colum­ instrument of peace. At thaS time iho 19H0 clcetlon, wili ilie ln.it eandldale In I9<8. will be In Twin bia river system," western phosphate reserves." David- Navy Camp Is pieces of gambling equipment i prominent nntlonal polltlclim to Falls OeL S to address a aUlewlde son said. flscated at Filer. He did this In the he told Gilmore he believed "neither Stock Slump The BPA. Davidson declared, has the nations nor their armies ara spetik In Twin Fnlls. pollllenl rally. been directed "to proceed Immedi­ ■'I am Impressed with the foreea.il presence of Sheriff W. W. Lowery Thnyn said that It L^ hoped that PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 34 <,P)— made by the department's staff College Now; and a Tlmes-News reporter- pho­ seeking another war," and he urged ately with planning surveys an d a campaign to expose "war-mon- all the state and consre.islonnl Re- Launching t>n nll-out Invutlgation construction ot transmlaslon lines that power ase In the Snake basm tographer. Custodian Broa-n was deputized gers." publlcnn candidntcs will be obla to to uncover the caaic of the break connecting the.^e plants to load cen­ will Increase several times ftttcnd the rally. In the Sept. 3 stock market, the ters and also IntereonnecUng Idaho during the next 30 years. The Opens Oct. 14 last Sept. 15 by Sheriff Lowery to Werth asked Stalin If he belleTCd Taylor Flays O. S. .securities and exchange com- with the Columbia r iv e r po«-er bureau of reelnmaUon 1s prepared accomplish burning ot the truck­ 'the actual monopoly possession of Fully 50 per cent of the eounty'i The new nnd fully-accredited load of gambling e q u ip m e n t precincts now are "completely or­ ml.^ilon has n.iked nil member firms sy.ilem." to construct dams and power plants Farragut college and Technical In­ Uie atomic bomb by the United of the New York stock exchange Davidson said ‘'It Is planned that within the next 10 years to utilize brought from Filer after it had been Slates ot America Is one of tl3» ganized" imder tha .lector captain stitute wiUi fncllltles for teaching confiscated under a Justice of the Power Group to supply the SEC with data on the bureau of reclamation will b« local resources," and housing 15.000 students will principal threats to peace." plan. snles that day. peace court order. Jeai O. Enslmnn, Buhl, dlitrlct open Oct. 14 on the site of the for­ After placing the ln.it part ot Ihe BcUttlet A-B«mb James A. Treanor. Jr.. director of mer U. 8. navy boot camp at Far- chairman for eight Mnglc Valley In CVA Fight the SEC’s trndlng and exchange equipment In the furnace. Brown " I do not believe Xhe atomic bomb counties, and a member ot the slAte rogul. Dale Wakem, VTW service of­ to be as serious a force aa certain GOODING. Sept. 24-Talklng on dlvl.Mon, said questionnaires asking reported lo the sheriff that all ot OOP committee, snld the campaign It Took Two-Hour Auto Chase ficer, said last night. the equipment had been burned by politicians are' Inclined to regard Information on every round - lot Backed by U;e Veterans ot For­ to organize his area will start soon. the CVA, Sen. Olen Taylor nnmed purchase or stock sale were mailed him personally, and the iherlft sal? 11," the prime minister replied. name* and pointed the politically eign Ware in both Idaho and Wash­ that an official return lo that ef­ "Atomic bombs are intended for In- lost Friday and are to be returned ington, by several American Legion aeetulng finger at a DemocrnUc to UiB SEC'S New York office by To Capture Fleet ‘Gazelle Boy’ fect will be made to Uie court ot Umldating weak nerves, b u t. they posts, and by Idaho businessmen cannot deetde the outcomo .of ,war, rally numberlns approximately 1,300 Oct. 7. who put up. the »25QAOO cash bond JusUee Hazel H. Lonnlng at- Filer. Kaiser Denies _ pn the bula of this Information, By RAT SUOIIET Dr. JalbouU one of UiC.Bpeeialisti ' The final piece of equipment con­ since stomlc bombs arrby-no m ean •$as*oiM h n f !ait: night.' ' ‘ CAIRO. Sept. 34 ftWD—Transjer- who has examined the boy, said: necessary to obtain <2.000,000 in signed to the flames by Custodian aafflclent for this purpose." T.eanor said, th e SEC will recon­ federal grants, the school will be *The power companlea are agahul struct all salf* for Sept. 3 by set­ dan'i fleet "gazelle boy." who re­ •'Z think he is the faste-st hunan B r o w n »-as the wooden roulette He added that there were two Great Pi’ofits on earth and he could halve any open to both men and wctnen. OVA because ,they don't want to ting the market up in 15-mlnute portedly can 50 mllet an hour Anyone in Twin Falls vicinity who wheel, which had created tome remedies to such a threat: Monop* peHods, Tlil.i. he added, will en­ record In the world. He acts, eats Iroversy because it was missing Imo a good racket. The contractors and It now acquiring a fltah-bulb wishes to enroll as a student at oly possession could not last long, able SEC^lnve-itlgators'-to deter­ and cries like a gazelle. from the roulette Uble which ap­ and use of the atom bomb would be On War Jobs are against it because they dost tan from skepUcal photographers, "There Is no doubt that he Is Farragut may obtain Bpplleation mine what stocks were masS active papera from Wakem. peared In a Timcj-Newa photograph prohibited. WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 want to see the vaUey authority set during each period of Uie day. was captured after a two-hour human being who wa.i brought t. taken at the time the equipment Werth, stating he was using the by the gazelles after having been Besides a. full scliedule of up Its own construction unlta and The last questionnaire ot com­ automobile chafe. It was disclosed demic courses, the InsiltuUon will was brought to Uie court house by words employed by former Secre­ (U.R)—Henry J. Kaiser, de­ parable scope wa.1 sent out by the abandoned by his mother. Bedouins buUd all these dams a whole lot have professional schools and of- the Kherlft and his depuUes. The tary of Commerce Henry A. Wal­ fending himBolf ftR n in R t SEC following the s to c k market today. often abandon their children In tlie sheriff pointed out that this wheel, cheaper than they can be built the fer.i a broad nrmy of vocaUonal lace In his reccnt foreign policy charges of fabulous profit- break In September and October ot Prince Pawas el Shaalan. leader desert.’ training studies. Wakem said. becaaie It might have rolled off the speech In New York, asked Stalin way wo have been doing U In the 1037. making, testified today that of the famed Arab tribe that coop­ Hospital attendanU said the 15- , The school term will be divided truck, was brought to the court whether wc.it'cm Europe and tha past," he declared. Treanor explained that a com­ erated wlUi Lawrence of Arabia, year-old boy 3cem.n torn between Into quarters to enable students to house In the car driven by Deputy United States could be assured that one of his largest wartime •These Interests have proponents plete probe of any stock will be said he was hunUng with a group insUncts acquired In the desert nnd speed their educaUon. should they Ed F. Hall, and Uut It had been In Soviet policies In Germany vould shipbuilding enterprises had whose sole object Is to defeat the made in the event that the Investi­ of friends when he sighted the the normal feelings of a human the possession of Uie sheriff's of­ not bo directed against them. CVA. Here at homo they have the gation discloj^s Irregulorllles In wish to do so. fice nt all times prior to the bum- paid no income taxes because strange youth. being. They said he Imitates every­ Wakem said that the new school The prime minister replied that Southwest Idaho Water Conserva­ trading ot the particular l;4Ue. "We were hunting gaielles in the one around him ond that he has Ing. _ie of Germany as a weapon it had a "net loss in every tion league and the Northwest De­ The director of the SEC's trading will aLso offer sports, social Turning to the prosecution por- desert by car when suddenly I saw the curlOBlty of a two-year-old tle.s. music, dramatics and other against the west was excluded both year.” velopment ojuoclation," he snld, and exchange dlvLilon snld present a human form among these gracious child. During hi.t flr.it few days Uon of the case, which, up to this by the Potsdam agreemenUi and by At the same time, the bnld and •'The directors ot these outfit* regulaUons would be tightened If recreation. Farragut will operate Ume has involved only confLscatlon beasts." the prince related. "I or­ In the' hospiui. the boy tried con- a grocerj-, barber shop, gas sUllon, the Soviet mutual assistance pacta portly IndustrlalLnt emphatically de­ give away the nature of Uie the commlsslon'.s probe reveals that dered my companions to cea.se fir­ stanUy to eicape. of equipment as provided by state with Britain and Franoe against nied that Kftlser Interests m a d e ganlsailon," he asserted, naming pools—which nre illegal—were op­ laundry, nursery and grade school law, Prosecutor Sweeley said that ing and we M t out In pursuit. One doctor said the "gazelle boy" 1 n cost basis. German aggression. He added that “e«ce»slve or unreasonBble” fee.i or some of tliB directors on "Mr. Morrl' erating to control the market. Although we were In a car. It took has been an ImbcclIe from blrlh. possession of gambling equipment c h n use ot Germany '“would proflti In constnietlng shipyards son, of, Morrison. Knudsen eon' Veterans will be given preference is not In Itself an offense and thnti us two hours to catch up with the Another said his InnhlUty to spenk for part-time Jobs. Wakem Indi­ (CenllBgW an Past 2. CaUan 2) and other plant facilities for the slructlon company; Len Drl.icoll, of boy—who fell down exhausted. We results from the simple fact that It entails only the lo.vi ot such BOvemment, the First Security bank, nnd C. 0. Gravel Conveyor cated. equipment through seizure u n d e r Immediately took him to one ot the no or.: had ever spoken lo hlm be­ Sub»crlpUonn to nn InlUal oper­ "It obvious t h a t the fees or Anderson, chain store magnate and stations of the Iraq Petroleum com­ fore he was captured. At any rate, court order. profits of the Knlser companies ating fund arc now being solicited former OPA director." Rolls Down Hill; pany. and there he received first the boy so far has uttered only Referring to clmrges brought were not unreasonable since there "Along with a lew others, tliese by the officers of the new eollege- against the sheriff's office, the Stalin, Eden were no fpes or profits (on the fa- aid. Later he was Uken lo hospital inarticulate sounds and nobody un- Pre.ildent Joseph H. Kusner, Ph. D,, interests have set up n gigantic In Baghdad.** . derslanda him. county nttomey conUnued: cllUlM)," ho told the house mer­ lobby in Washington aided by a Traffic Blocked Frank H. Kelley, president of the No Arrest Warrant chant marine committee. The group protege of Bam Insull." he claimed, GLENNS PERRY. ScpL 24—Traf­ board of directors, and M. C "Siieriff Lowery has received no Revive Hope, Is investigating wortlmc profits of •Tliey pay this mnn *05,000 n.year, fic on U. S. highway 30 about one Strauss, executive secretary-lrcaa- warrant for the arrest ot anyone. 19 fihlpbulldlng companies, six of A whole floor of a big office Is used The only worrnnl he has received them In the KaL'.er empire. and. one-half miles east of Glenns Pittsburgh Hit nnd a l.-trge staff of slick writers Ferry was blocked for-two hours was Uiat for tlie conflacaUon of the Says Wallace KaLier appeared before the com­ wiih plenty of slick paper at their this morning as a large gravel con­ FLASHES of equipment which waa of tha Ope WASHINGTON. Sept, 24 (UJO — mittee armed with the replies to dlspasal nnd their sole aim Li to By Power Strike u.ied for gambling. Tills he has done. several questlotvi axked by commit­ veyor and other construcUon equip­ Shares Hiked .$5 Former Secretary of Commerce defeat valley authority legLilntion." ment of the Lobnlt2 Bros. Construc­ PnrSBUROH. Sept. 24 (-TV-The "We have been' to'lng to find u tee counsel during and alter his In conclusion, he stated: •'They third power strike In severt months Henry A Wallace said today that tion company. BoL'ie. broke loose LIFE |)crson or persons who witnessed statements by Russian Premier opening testimony yesterday. cnre nothing for thCjtruth an c ^h i his this steel metropolis today, cur- On Stock Market gambling in progress at the plueej- He *ald-*-lhat- one or- his firms. from the tialicr hitch, rolled 50 feet Josef Stalin o n f former British F6r< (n Tao 2. Oloma «) down ^ e hill and blocTced’the hlgh- CROWDED - .UiUng-steel opcrutlons and street NEW YORK. 8ept.-34 tA^-ActlTB whtre Uiis cqulpmenvwft^^confls-' eign Secretary Anthony Eden have KaLier Co,. Inc,, netually lost more ear transportation In an area of final-hour buying in the stock mar­ caled. As any i>erson who partici­ that lia.tXW.OOO despite a commit­ way. , BLOOMINGTON. 111., Sept. 24- ''brought hope to those millions «11 An esUmated 350 cars and three nilnola SUt« Normal university is 1.500.000 inhabltnnU, ket today lifted prlce.i of leading pates In such a game automaUcally tee e.iilmate that 11 made about As the walkout of Duque.sne Light iver the world who are himgry and busses were delayed while the El- so crowded that the First Methodist lndu.itrlaLs and' rail issues $1 to »5 bccomes an accomplice, his or her Uilrsllng for peace." m.OOO.OOO In shipbuilding. The Rites Set for company employes got under way. te.%Umony In turn must be cono- overall loss, he said, was nuffered moro ;;ounty highway district and and First Baptist churches, a green­ Wallacc. who was ousted from tha corutrucUon company workers re­ house and a bowling alley are being the Pittsburgh Railways company The late flurry of orders was boratcd by another person who saw because It wns neeewar^- to build a announced a 50 per cent cut In trol­ cabinet last Friday after his go- moved the gravel convej-or. used for class rooms. And 50 girls credited by a broker to a renewal the game, but did not take port. easy-on Russia speech. Issued a for­ Ueel plant to supply the materials. 5 Fliers Shot ley operations — the city’s main of barvain-huntlng and short cover­ The construcUon firm was moving sleeping on mattreases on the "In other words, tht le.Llmony uf mal statement from his hotel apart­ naslum floor. method of public transportation. ing, I accomplice Is not sufficient lo equipment from American Palls lo Trolleys normally transport about ment. Boise and about 0:30 a. m. a large U. S. Rubber was t5 a aliare nbove convict. Up to this time, however, By Yugoslavs SAUSAGE 1.000,000 persona dally here. yesterday's cloic. while other gains tool truUer connected to a flat bed we have been unsuccessful in find­ CHICAGO, Sept. 3i—Mrs. Helen Ths light company announced Its Included 54 for duPont. 4.12W for WASHINGTON. Sept. 24 f,'!') — truck with a tractor, and a gravel ing anyone who wlU tesUfy that he Tlmple'a worries about her aousage Industrial constunera were ‘•prac- SanU Fe, »3 for Bethlehem and The five United States nlr force conveyor attached, broke loose on (CanUaaid «n Tx* Bond Dealer By AaaorUled Press filers shot down over Yugoslavia In these mealle.vt days left her with Ucally shut down." A spokesmnn M.25 for Montgomerj- Ward. the highway hill. Tlie equipment a smashed ear and bruised knee. said "several hundred" of lU 3.500 will be burled In a common grave In rolled-back the hill about 50 feet NATIONAL LEAGUE Arlington national cemetery As she drove along a north side employes walked out bub that the Concert Group Will To Be Called R H E and then turned, going over spvet the uttsage began to slip off company "still has a limited amount Wedne-iday. Sept. 25, side of the bank. The gravel c Robins to Speak Pittsburgh .... 000 000 no— 3 10 1 Tlie five men. who lo«t tljclr lives a seat beside her. When she reached of power." He added that the pow­ Renew Tickets Soon Chicago ...... 310 010 08x—13 14 1 veyor was the only equipment for it she tost control of her auto­ er output would be curtailed even SHOSHONE. Sept. 24 — Dr. O. A. when their transport p ia n o was malnli, on Uio road completely Members of the Magic VaUey On Hospital Ontermueller, Oomlckl, Albosta, f ir e d upon by Yugoslav fighter mobile and crashed into a lamppost. more unless homeowners, stores, Robins. Republican candidate for Howard and Balkeld; Erickson. blocking traffic. governor, will speak at the Rex the­ Community Concert aasoclallon are Twin Falls county appeared Mon­ planes, will be burled next to the fice buildlnss, etc.. “continue (o ( urged to renew their memberships Chlpman and McCullough. common grave of seven unknown The equipment *R-as between 300 S7M.OOO E S T A n aene electrlcUy." ater In Richfield Wednesday night. day to have moved closed to making and 400 feet long and weighed be­ REDWOOD CfTY. Calif.. Sept. Tha power strike began to cripple County Chairman llarry Jones an­ n.t soon as pOMlbla at campaign a decision on calling a ■‘mUllon dol­ 8reond Gnn« American sailors, who were drown­ headquarters, the Chamber of Pltuburgh ed in the sinking of the Eubmarino tween 10 and 13 Uins. The highway 7i n m —The esute of the lat« PltUburgh'B business and Industrial nounced today. There will be a free lar" bond Issue election to provide was cleared and opened for Uaftic author Stewart Edward White xras movie a n d "a lI” coUnly-candidates Commerce office, because of the a modemlred Twin Falls county Chicago F-4 In Honolulu harbor, March 25. acUviUes within a few minutes after limited sesUng capacity ot the high 1015. about 11:30 a. m. value today In excess of $750,000. It was called. are requested to attend. general hospital. Clnctnnatl-St. LouLi. night gome. school auditorium where all con­ The county . commlssloocn an­ Philadelphia at Brooklyn post­ Now re,iUng In the burial cr>-pt certs nre held. Joel Kimball. Chi­ at Arlington, the five ca.ikeU will nounced they had inrlted the bond poned; rain; play Thur.'day. cago representallve ot the assocla- firm ot Edward L. Burton and com­ l>e taken lo the Ft. Mj-er chapel, Uon. stated Monday at a member­ Boston at New York doubleheader nenrby, for funeral services before Navy Charts Subs With Atomic Missiles; May Also pany. Salt Lake City, to tend a postponed; rain. ship drive klckoff dinner at the representative to attend Prlday'a the Interment. Park hotel.. The military escort will Include meeting of the coomissloceii. Approximately 30 members ot the The Burton company wai one ol AMERICAN LEAGUE an army band, a firing party of Develop Submersible Aircraft Carriers and Tankers execuUve board and perBonnel eight aoldlen, and a picked com­ the successful bidden on tnOfiOO working on the campaign attended worth ot bonds placed on sail by pany of 00 men from the 703rd the dinner. The concert program for St. Louis ...... 000 000 300-3 7 3 WASHINGTON. Sept. 34 OIJO — Um navy's submarine forces for any future enemy. Ihe city of Twin Falls following « mllltarT poUce battalion of Ft. by NlmlU to Investigate and exploit the season will be arranged after Detroit ...... -,.100 020 001—4 e 3 Myer. The navy Is drafting radical changes 34 years. all recent developments applicable "Picket submarines, transports four-project bond elecUon etrller Zoldak nnd Help. Mou; Hutchin­ In Its submarine force for the tin t tha close of the drive on Thursday. UjIs year. , __ •. The five fliers were: CapL Rich­ Siytr told the United Press today to undersea warfare. Including the and cargo carriers will be developed son and Tebbetts. ard H. Cl*e>-s. St, -Charlca. 111.; time In over 30 years. It was learned thatUMh uie navy wouiu nntnub fyk ire vauan( 'pes of submarines ATHENS. Sept. 24 OJJS—Oovem- St. Louis ______ICk—1 stone, Springdale. Ida.; Cpl. MaU navy’s top submarines envisage un­ required to fight another war. may be expected Ui tha future grow­ capable ot operating In any waUn preient hoepital. have not jet BoU- derwater vessels carrying guided "It Is apparent that while some ing out of tpecUl wartime tasks as­ ment troops clashed with leftist fled them of the cost of buBdin*..*. ...01-1 thew M. Comko. Monessen. -Pa., from the Arctic to the tropics.*' units at DeskaU In the first major Kinder and Moss; Trout and nnd Cpl. Chester J. Lower, Eafleld. missiles with atomic warheads. ‘They eftorta were made In the submarine signed our anboiarlnes In the Pa­ 185-bed hocpltaL The pretest . twa« ewlft. also plan submersible tankers, air­ field between World war I and cific." Styer said. The new sub- Stycr would not predict when battle between Greek forces, govern­ plt«l w u labeled ‘‘tnadeqaate.’^'UA % craft. personnel and cargo carrlexa. World war n ." he aold. “th «e ef- merslbles, he said, will represent atonic power or Jet engines might be ment sources said today. a "flretnp". by FUhn and n H E The batUa raged between 0 and 0«t for 3:S0 n. m. Ptldtjr. o 5 ^ , 5- New York ___ 001 111 000—4 6 1 lUCE CEILING RAISED To direct planning for the navyl foru did not match the technical the first major change In design tued In submarines. But he pointed Boston ------110 n o 01*—5‘lO 1 new submarine force. Adm. Chesie azMl tactical advoncea made by the liTIM IS3S. out Ihat any reduction in the size 0. p ...m . Saturday, goremment wiu .be the puWle betrtog ' WASmNGTON. Sept. « (UJ9 - W. NlmlU. chief of naval operaUon*. Oeimans during the saou period. of the power planls In submarines sources said. matter of »ppolnaiir*Tila*r Lyons, Otuapert and Berra; Barrlz OPA axmounccd today that the •od Wagner. has created the ofnce of undersea carrier submarines designed to car- would allow the navy to strengthen The government Information bu­ member hospital boattl tO!« reu il price of rice U golnf up frtini warfare. l u chief u Rear-Adm. hulls against atuck by atomic reau said the leftist troops wer« (he odrlsory groap et.ttv* v' OnJjr tames ichedulwL twice burned." 17 guided missiles or piloUess air­ one to two ee&U » .pounO, I Charles W. Slyer, who b u tcrred la Strer «akl be bad beeo dtrecM, craft uadetected to tbe abom c< , weapoaa. deiettfld. coiUj: StalgO^ . PAGE TWO TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO TUESDAY. SEPTEMB ER £«,

Nine Criminal Keep the While Flag 700 Teachers Taylor Flays Mrs. Melton, 29, of Safcti/ Flplno Twin Falls News in Brief Seen Today Passes in Rupert Cases, 15 Civil Due Here for Power Group RUPBtT. Sept. M ^ U n . Mar* Fly U.Nftm p*. FrlnCod *lgn on aide ot motor )orla Befttnea Meltoa. 3ft, succumb, BotBHM ed al the home c l her porcatft. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R^cbftrd Howard Mrs. H. L. Rogsett ho* returned cor: *3obby Jane Doll Hoepltftl, On Coiu't List lEA Session InCVAFight and Mrl Brmdley Morebaua«. Moq> flew to Nampa Wednesday on busi­ from Memphli. Tenn^ where ahe _ ^ — Denver" . . . W . O. Smith pa*slng day. She had been U1 for maay Approximately 700 teachers from ness, returning that ftftemoon. wa* called by the death of her Nine criminal nnd 15 «vll «ulU the surrounding eight counties wilt Z i r .. . out football achedule* ooterln* oU inoQtha. weiD lUKd on the eMcndnr tor the mother, M r^ D. S. Murchison. She was bom Oct. it. IMS. to convene here Thursday and Friday VeU to Meet that their federal govertunent Is September term of district court for the annual South. Central Idaho S:£ o'!- Olenna Ferry. Also *urrtTta* U a wWcii opened here Mondny wltli Veterans of Foreign War* will To Moacow going to lake away their water part way across Inlersectloa before daughter. Joaephlne. S. «ad » cbter, conclave. convene tn their clubrooms at 8 p. Wanlta Schnllker. daughter ot rlghla." DUtricl JuFrank Sam Olbb, Oene Ostrander, Mrs. Chartes agalan iJiirrilck's co-de- Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Coulter. Love­ L. Cook, council president, and again In 1030.” flpeeches by Dr. John M. Booth, ex­ Legulneche atretced his belief In J. R. BothwcU. Dr. F. F. McAtee, PIANOS fendanta, Jamca R. Jennlnga and Peril: Stalin ecutive .•(•crrUiry of lEA. nnd nn ex- land. Colo., visited at the home of nounced. Robert L. Kenny will not tx- prp.w';d world orgunlznllon of nation*. Mrs. Harry S. McCoy . . . And over­ All popular makes. Every eat (rrom Oni> plniiriilin: of ihr Idaho tiuchtrrs’ Mrs. Coulters brother. Ed Skinner, heard: Sheriff Warren Lowery tele, u the latter two. drvcrtcm, h>iy en route to Beverly Hills. Calif., to Iteeruller Returns “Such an organlzallon." he tald. fully recondlUoQed. oboohiie^ been returned to cituxly of the mean a dfiparture of the Soviet Un­ reilfcnirnt .^Mem by Harold Will- 'can only be created If the United phoning dentist to explain that guaiuteed. Como to FIAKO morth. director. visit Mrs. Charles Schoenfeld. CTM. S. D. Lueckert. T^i-ln Falla prisoner will be late for dental ap. n” vT. The car. v«lued at »750. waa ion from It* fundamental Interests." navy recruiter who 'wo* aerlously Sidles will hike a definite leader­ headquartersl Florence HuKhea, OoodUig county ship a* the most powerful nation potnlment because of confUcUoc recovered at Caldwell. Stalin described as “ateurd" any To LInfleld Injured In an aulomobUo Occident A felony charge of arancl U rc c ^ superintendent of schools, an­ orld." enRagement with Judge; Mrs. Mary thouRht that pollclM of communL^t nounced that the South Central Joyce Telford, daughter of Mrs. In Rupert two months ngo, has been Wall. "I’ve gotten a doctor and Iwo Bffalnat Jim Lockr. 20. Twin Falls, Arzella Telford, has' returned to released from the Cottage ho.ipitnl, ... h. Summerfleld. Twin MUSIC WM contlnuKl until the Jnnunry. parties In olher nation* wero dic­ Idaho County Superlntendent.'i aj- Falls DemocraUc candidate for Ueu- nurtes for a lody thi* morning"; aoclstlon will hold a luncheon LInfleld coIleHc, McMinnville. Ore.. Durlay, and returned to Twin Fulls U. N. Terry, atuwerlng query of 1047 term, on iroUon of the de­ tated by Moicaw. He added that where she Is u sophomore. She was Monday afternoon. tenanl-govemor, also spoke. ' CENTER ThufMlny noon at the Iiogeraon ••We believe that IB-year-olds friend as to how It feels to be ar< fense counsel. Ray D. Agee. The ho believed "communism In on# accompanied by Bill Turner, also charge Involves Uie Uicft of ft purse country." particularly such a coun­ hotel. should be allowed to vote bwause If executive now, "I'm • UlUe tlied.' UO Mala Nartb PboM S O Noted Analyst Talks a sophomore there. Birth* from Molllo M. Miller. Twin FaiU, try as the Soviet Union, waa “fully A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. our young people are old enough to Mrs. R. J, Hawes, Twin FalLi. will flghi they are old enough to role,’’ READ TIMES-NEWS WANT AD6 June 31 on Blxth avenue north. possible." TTius. he (inld, h# brllrvrd Teaeher Luncheon Kenneth Dodd. Kimberly; a #o: Locka has po«t«d $500 ball bond. the future poMlbllltles for collnbor- speak on Uio Prirtnt-Tcachers' as- said Summerfleld. Roclailon. and Dr. Robert C, arlffln. The Catholic Women'* league will Mr. and Mm. Albert Wilkins. Twin The remaining seven dcfendanU atlon among the nations could in­ Falls; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. •The educational facllillea of the on the crtmlna! calender are: reading analj-et for Renders' Digest, *erve luncheon nt noon Thursday to state are of primary Inleresl to vcl> crease. will addre.M the group at the Fri­ the vlMtlng teachers In the Odd Dan Davi.-,. and a son to Mr. and rrrderlck 8. Pratt, charged wlUi ■ Stalin said the Ulk of a "new eran;i." he continued. "We pledge Indictable misdemeanor, non-sup­ day morning meeting. Dr. Orlffln Fellows hall. Mr.-;. Ray Roache. M n. Olfford McDonald, all of Filer, ourselves to Increase' the facilities war" sprang from the r a n k s of all on Monday, and all at the Twin port of mlnar c.iH'. <] “some naive politicians" who hoped will alio hold ft eectJonal meeting for president, announced. The meal will of our higher ln.itltiitlon5 of Jeam* Pails rodfio performer. h*« poated elementary grade Instructors In the cr\-ed family style. FalU county general hospital Ing. We believe In adequate teach- to prevent reduction of mlllury afternoon. lernlty home. »S00 bnll bond. A complalnl filed budget*, c h e c k demoblllratlon of :rs' BOlarlcs.’' Fob. 30 by Florence M. Pratt, Twin troops and "thereby prevent tlie The Schoolmaater.i’ club, presided Scout Review Bet ■Switching tho topic, Summorfleld Falls, chai^ea non-support ot ft over by J. B. Fridley. Kimberly, will The Twin Falls district Boy Scout promised: quick growth of unemployment In meet fTlday noon at the I'ark hotel daughter. 7. their countilts." board of review will be held at 7:30 Buhl Woman, 61, “Wo are going to submit to the Cleo Juper. J8. Twin y»lls, to elect officers. I. Wednesday In tho Jury room ale a recommendation for a con- charged with ftn Indictable mlade* Fe»tured speaker Friday after­ of thr court house. Chet Larson, silluUonal amendment which wlU meaner, conspiracy to commit bur­ noon will be Dr. B. H. Snyder, presl- advancement chairman, announced Is Found Dead iillow veteran* to borrow up to glary. Jasper ha* been released on Probe Hasn’t dent of Albion State Normal. Dafoe Tuesday, BUHL. Sept. 34-Mtb. Nelllo V. *0.000 on homes and farms." his own recognliance. The charge fltaled In announcing the agenda. Russell. SI. was found dead at her coDcenii the disappearance of fire­ Attend Show home. 325 North I3th street. Buhl, TRIO FACES CHARGE works AprU 30 Irom ft building Been Halted Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry. Twin by her husband. Lester S. Russell, Three men apprehended by T*-|n owned by Harold Morrlaon. Twla Attorney Talks on FalU. spent Saturday in Hailey, when he relumed home al 0 a. m. Fells city police Monday evening FftlU. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vergil Perry, Monday from the Jewell hotel where nre being held «l the city Jsll pend- ParUttf Cm In Gambling Juvenile Problem who were recently In Twin Falls to he Is employed as night clerk. InK arrnlimment on Intoxication Bowtrd Douglas. Twin Fftlls, (fnaa On*) "The proper training In the home visit Mr. Perry’s parent-n. Mr, and When he was unable to gel Into charges. They (ire Crcsley Wolker, ehfttied with a mUdemeftsor. Im­ or she saw the games In progress." la the first and greatest step In cur­ Mrs, J. J. Perry, and to attend the the house. Ruuell broke Uic lock. Humphrey J. OTCeeffee and George proper p«rklng of ft tiftller. DougJaa. The prosecutor further pointed tailing Juvenile delinquency." Oray- air (how. Coroner J. O. Pumphrey esllm. J. Vallnslcl. who hft* potted >100 caah bond, ts out that any person who t«fltlfles don W. Smith. Bsslstnnt coimty at­ time of death at S a. m. Monday . ftppeftUng ft Twin Fails poUce court for the sUte tn a case of thla kind torney, told Eagles lodge members From Idaho Falls and atuibutid It to a heart attack. Judcment tlu t bo pay a (Uu of tl5 la not subject to proaecutlon on the and their wives at a meeting Mon­ Mrs. D. H. Beus returned home Mrs. Rutseil was bom at Te- ne.'.day at the Buhl Christian plus oosU of *31.73 for the offense basis of testimony given. day night at the lO O F hall, Sunday evening following a week’s kamah. Neb,. Oct. 3, 1884. and e church with the Rev. Cecil Dever, . which allegedly occurred AprU 34 Any dtliea who sees such on of* "A major factor in Juvenile de­ vUlt al the home of her isn-ln-law rled Ru2.iell. Sept. 25. 1S18. at Ta- pastor. offlcUiing. Iniermeni-will .in (hi 400 block of Second avenue fense ha* the authority to make an linquency Is divorce and the broken and daughter. Mr. and .Mrs. Ken­ coma. Wash. They came to Buhl be In the Buhl cemeiery under ihe aouth. Douglaa had pleaded "not arrest, which will be followed up by home." the attorney stAted, and he neth Smith, and family at Idaho from Tacoma In 1010 and have direction ot the Albert-ion funeral .guUty" iQ police court. the prosecutor's office and the que*Uoned whether reform schools Falls. Before going to Idaho Falls. reelded hero since. home. Raymond Reeoe. 31. Twin Palis. sheriff* office, Sweeley indicated. help to prevent or to Increase teen- Mr. and Mrs. Beu* and non. Wayne, AUo surviving Is one sister. Mrs. • ctoirgtd with ft felony, forgery. Assistant Prosecutor Oraydon W. ftge crime. attended a family reunion at Brig­ M. McCIalr. Oakland. Calif. Itoeoe U held in Ueu of ll.OOO bond. Smith, when asked about hl3 phue Smith spoke following a pot-luck ham City, Utah. Services will be at 3 p. m. Wed- Tb« cbarge InvolTee the passing cf dinner attended by 40 couples. Later A «I0 check Atig. 33 at Bnowtell's of the Investigation, Tue.-Klay morn­ ing reporUd that he spent last Frl* proceeds from the sllce-b>--jilce sale 6p<^ Shop, beftrlng tlie coimterfelt day afternoon and evening and of an angel food cake were added slfiiuiture of ft M uruugh resident. to Uie Eagles lodge hulldinc fund. Normas Demer. 41. Murtaugh. Monday afternoon and evening In FUer endeavoring to find a person Pinochle and bingo were played for .chftTged wlUi a Xelony, tnvohintary the balance of the evening. k S ie e £ c a & WATERPROOFING aftn^tighter m connection with or person* to sign complaints the death of Uadolynne Christen­ against the establishment* where sen. IS. 2.1urtaugh. The TlcUm was the equipment was confUcated. He AGENT fo r Every Purpose! 'ft pMsenger to Demer'a truck, which aald that he had been unable to Filer Man Leaves .ooUlded with ft Union PacUlo rail- find anyone who would testify that roftd trftla Aug. 33 ftt Kimberly. he or she saw the gambling In progrtae. Estate of $4,000 I S i e e & o ^ Daaer hft« potted WMO baU. Jay V. Brade. Filer, who died Aug. Bobort O. SUcox. 48. Twin Falls, EiUbllshments Involved tn Iht -QUICK- confiscation order ware the Paatims, 31 following' ft Twin Falls county charged with a felony, grand lar- traffic accident, left an estaU val­ ‘ceny. Be ranalns in t^e county Jail the Club Card room and Earl's place. ued at $4,000. probate court records lE A K -S TO P to Uiu of g l W bond. The charge 8ho»ed Monday. toTolra the theft Sept, 18 oT.li M. The widow, Caroline Brasle. Filer, dan ralued at llflo aiid owned -hj Majflc Valley petlUoned for letter* of administra­ Jamea Parr. tion. The heir* Include Mrs. Brorle; For P m ik Van Eaton. 48, Twin Falls, two sons. Jay Thomas and Gerald, charged with a felony, burglary In Funerals and four daughters. Vvonne. Joan the first degree. Van Eaton has Clalr. Carole and Karen, all of Filer. posted tlAOO ball bond. The charge BUHL—Services for Mrs. Helen The hearing waa set for 3 pm. SkeBcoie. ^ Rail-Travel Comfort ioTolm the theft of dgarettee and L. Sisson will be at 3 p. m. Thurs­ Tuciday. Oct 8. Harry Benoit 1* the tobacco from the Owl Cigar store day at the Buhl Methodist church petitioner'* attorney. here Sept. la with the Rev. Leo A. Wilbur, offi­ DAM P'SiAL ciating. Interment will be In the foe nueofy. Srap* ipoii at LOW COST Buhl cemeterj". Graveside Rites ihowia* ca wtUt. Ittf The Hospital Grave.ild* services for Merlin m tppir laudt ot outUd*. RUPERT-Servlces for Mr*. Mar­ Wendell Johnson, Infant son of Mr. o« tKloo *ml«. Kx!< !• n»4a| ijnit «• toacnu Twin Falls; Mri. Don Archibald. church with the Rev. Cecil Sever, fcMMMW *tUi. Coon pnpand Buhl, and Mrs. Dan D«vli, Filer, pastor. OfflciaUng. BurlaJ will be In rwtr •• OM. • • M4* « and Mrs. Don Whitehead, KlmbeiOy. the Buhl cemetery. FALSE TEETH Vklnuid l>* »mU> mur* rimlr •bJ moreI «omfofUbl»oomforublr Norinoir shone: Ann Brackett. Filer, and rene mlnUter, will ofOclate. Burial ty lu u or fMllnf r Mrs. Ross Bird and daughter. K im ­ wlll.be in tWe Sunset memorial BOI Mur. CfvwWa “pUU (Xlor" ...... park. c. br«Ui> Om FAatxr e iu laUr at inn berly. _ •to»» 1S2 3rd SL Wait For Sleeping-Car pasjengera there's a double savlog; l e a t h e r in rail fares and to berth charges. Partly cloudy Wedntaday; local V • / It’s Time /rost In higher valleys at night. High l e s s i r ' Now For yesterday 72; low S<; low this moni­ For Coach paiseogers there axe adjustable, iridividuil tor 34. « V » « STARTS seats, subdued aight lights and frerportec servka. STAGE OF SNAKE RIVER The level ef Snake river waa low RADIATOR TOMORROW For all Qulleager passetigers, moderatelf priced, Tneaday n shown by the flow over Sbothone falls (only a trleUe going mmm B ig g a t Show Bargain well-balanced meals are served in the smardy ap­ ever the falU). For row Cart • Tmeka - Of The rear— « W « ¥ Tractor* or BtatiODvy Engltiea pointed Dining Car. Temperatures REPAIRED 2 OUTSTANDING RE-RELEASES . , Dr ITm RECORED - CLEANED Inquire about Challenger Service at any Union Padflc Ezperleneed. Eqnlpped QttaUfled t« lUndle T e n office or see your local ticket agent. Bftdlater Problems In addidon to the low

The llbrny of congrwa In Waah- togton. D. 0.. wa* eat«bUahed to 1800. HAVE YOU beSpedfie- REGISTERED? WH'Union fteifie* PILES Hurt Like It I* the lexU right of T tr r cllUen to tol*. In order to do w» yo« PLUS xont comply with the ngtstraUon Uws of tha 8 U U of Idftbo. If y«i voted In tha Nerenber. 19««. cleeUen or tb« Jssa. IM«. prt- Sin! But Now ( Grin Oftry • • • and bava eot tnered eat of yetir precinct, yea dent bar* JACK BENNY to red*t«r aoln- U roa d ld n l veto to either of thcM two electloa*, yim mnrt rtgt*t«r. See the Reflitror b y»ar preclad IN “ARTISTS and MODELS” t i l rtataitiivi November 2nd la The Deadline To R egister - S6c ALL DAY 35c - UNION PACIFIC KUJDIES 14e TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24.194B TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS-IDAHO PACSETHEEB- Montana Trip Furnace Gets Last of Gambling Devices Case Dropped Two_ Range Fires Hearing for ICC Burn Hailey Area License Underway Described at Against Auto HAILEZY, Sept. 34 — More than In progresa today at the Twin X) acres of range land was burned Falla city hall Is a hearing before a when two flrea broke out Monday Jayeee Event Crash Driver morning west of HaUey. The fires Joint board of the interstate com. Ton Can’t TeU Sewzts «r the A complaint charslng Lyle Slason, were under control by 7 p. m.. ac­ merce commission upon the appli­ The Old From Atr SccMt squadRia n p w u ^l c mwiy Twin Palis, aa he woa walklnif on cd. conccm owner states that the II* »rtWlJo to «lOei> the lor*} »QMnd- -Xlmbarly-rood.-toward •Ta'ln-ftOla. CCJUC-WOtlUL-ba fnr furrylpy hOI'-'e* --- xon locik \*{>‘l « a » n r Thereafter. Sl&son pleoded not hold goods In Interstate ahlpment. A s to « » J w5*wt oa li»« in p uid guilty to the charge of reckless path of the flames. EikrlclRC said, Heurlnn the case are Bert Au;er, — «>• e u tl« »ss;n>csl ot the About two-thirds of the burned Bol-ie, a member of the public util­ driving preferred by Chief Olllette. acreage was fe more easily StTO by Be* ttrslcT. “Sisson ha.1 dU^laycd a fine atti­ Inler.itate commerce commLvilon. H*rtty 0*iab:tl rrponM on ihe tude of Rood cltleenshlp throughout controlled.” Eskridge dcclured. Following the hearing, the board eodtl pUi* coa•.f^l tn »hlch « tUd* *r bain by hl=--'*:r »nd Don Sroilh the entire tln>c that he woa Involved SHOSHONE. Sept. 31- A small pUmt tmu In this matter. Although InvestlKA- ranRO fire burned about 50 nr 00 tlon Indicated that he was probably acres a mile north of BlK-i Monday Kcnzi«ih Cncnbcd the driving loo (oat. It aL%o shows that pixninl »»d cIcm order afternoon. J. A. Keltli. dlstrlcl gra- Shedding the years with the old gang! the pedcatrlnn was walklnK sJer. reported today. tinU ^ Sc«uU Ihroushoui wronK side of the lilRhwny, liKt? vAy. The BIlM per diem guard quickly •Tlie driver immediately slopped extlnguLihcd the flames, wlUi the Tnis IS PART OF ActK»: ni^his tor ihe and rendered nld to the Injured m ^^JLMFE A T MTS B E S T ^ squv&os:! ’«Ti« t»nc*'Jtl Be* JJanj-n dc3.cribed Orave-ilde Acr\-lccs will be con­ lh« b»j*«ua Biutes •■hJch 'rere »lao ducted Thursday momhiR at Sun- « t o by *>he i^cAl )<]u«dran. Second Twin Girl .■>ei memorial park. The body Is at A av.y.TTVltoa of ihe Uip u-x the Reynolds funeral home. a x i t by Mkckcy S. Broim. sqund' Dies at 3 Months n » Jwdtr. Ilene Itae Metz. Uin U rrt WcaJ. S « « l twojU vt. « • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mearl pixtevl lIiAl pUn cvt hJivlns ihe MeU. 375 HarrLMJn, succumbcd Junior CSi»icb*r ol Com.ocive .'pon* nhortly before noon Tue.sdny. The WANTED TO BUY KC Air Sroui s<3ukdrens u sprtid' baby’s twin slater. Elalnc Kae Mel*, ms. Stal^nS thv loc») t^uidron preceded her In death when she was Good 2 or 3 Bedroom lr^siy ou^Ntudlns. h« wsnpll- one day old. Home for Ctuh 3s«a:pd ih« J*y w «i on ihrlr whole- The twins were bom June 4 of hearted taS Bnnm PHONE 1090 his :eader^hl,-v Nsaoasl UuiUleis Pr« JucU Coip^ K Y. • S&B Proof • 71% Crals Neatrsl Spirits r u s ii ol xfcf «XTi:r.r*»enl, expect­ ed! to be »ho'»T> *x Mond4y^ mett- THE TRUTH ABOUT , i r ^ »▼ « col rw tvrd in tanc to be ■ thova. PIN-WORMS Petition Filed in \V. C. Brown, bnlMIng eostodlan at the Twin Falls county caort house. U shown consigning to flames Ihe b e a u t y - versatility last of a trmkload et gambllnc niDlpment aelied lait Sept. IQ at Filer by the sherUf'a office. Depntlscd by O.C. Hall Estate Sheriff %V. W. Lowery to bam the equipment. Custodian Drawn rcportril to the sheriff Mondaj' afternoon :or letters of udminb;. that it had all been burned. When a Tlmes-News reporter present at the burning asked. "Mr. Drown, to Combined in This tn u s a la the t^4te cvt the late O. C. the be«t ef yoQr knawledge has all o( the rambling e<]Ulpment brought here been bumcd?", the cuilodian h. C«t JAYNft r-W lu:: o: T»ta PiUi h»» beta tlI^d rrpUcd, "Ye*. i( has been." (Slaff photo-engravlnc) rlshl Bwir. P.W • • nMluIIr Mund tmUnrnl bai»l on m omclill/ rt«ocnl>«Ij.Ulda llalL ■ mall, rU)r>b>.Uk« . - —-- ...... _ weeks hor\'e-'.t vncatlon for Diirley ■PTCl4] wnjr la r>mova t’In-Worm* m iIIx "n* pcUUaa. mhlsh sum lh»t and Mltlr. Mr. Ball. « k o J attomey, died tn Default Divorce 14 Residents Seek | ■•ichooL'i will begin Oct. 7 and end A»k >cBr druwUti f-W for Wn-Worm.» Ada oscnty. Asc, » . Indltaies lh « Monday. Oct. 23. S. R. DJorkniun, KnEEi Acnulne pollpSlne tlolh. total T a l» ejJ ih* estate »U1 not Decree Set Aside | House Alteration!-superintendent of schools here, an- WfltU llk« mislr I rollihn •Urtr hr JuC nounced. rulblnx. Goo.l-»in eIII: roun forthe uk. «3».-<«d CCV.KSI. Thr eitate Inc^Thii month onlr. CMr th^ ad anO i.nJ « ;«t*.a!alM .vabx r.t acccmni. suto- A decree ot dlvotce granted Jaml;.^ house and aUerntlnn.i In BED Mohisomerj’ from Vlrslnla Mont- swbile. u*- lit.“ary and houiehold Comerj-. Buhl, on Aug. 23. 104C. wn.s !.evcr»I home} are ploiined In five READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS *'LnTsVloVai.?rui‘ fl‘"ra.,^I>cpL*'^*J and ft2rr.t.’>Jr.pi. biilldinR permit apiiUcatlons filed iet aside TucAday by District Judge Lls:em e Hall J. H. Sherfey, attorney for Mrs. Herbert C. Ahl a.->k.^ permLwlon lo M eux O ilU n i. CaUJ.: Aurora Mil- MonlRomerj-, entered a motion lo erect a *3,000 dwelling. 30 by 30 ,BLOCKS-The Modern Uiaa and Lo\rUc^. both of -«ei a.-.lde the decree that went lo Ji'Ct, at 302 Filer nvcnue. Cinder DAVENO T «‘.n r il '^ ‘I>.e:^ is na will. the plalntUf by default on Uie block con.ilrucllon Li planned. Material £or Homes cv'rd;ni t.-' th« peuuoh. Wed ground-s that Mrs. Moniuomcry For a dentlsl'.i ofllcp. two piir- A:tjcr.»y Frant I- Stephan. una«-are of ihe nature of the waiver tUlon% will be lIU^tHlled in nn office !lfanr.s cr. the petiUoa Is lei for ahe ;.lgned prior to the divorce. building at 123 .Main avenue wc;,l S p ecify “VOLCO” :o JU a . OM. 2. The default was set aside hi- lor $300. nccordlnd lo plan.i ot Lloyd Judge Porter who ordered the ca.-.c R. Dlerkc.1. 724 Second avenue ca.-it. BLOCKS on your lo be tried on Its cnerlts at on un- Mr.1. Iloland- M«rrltt. 4r,o Van anil CHAIR Ti-affic Fines .nptcined date. Altome>' for the Duron i.trcpt. Intends lo build a BU1U>ING JOB! plalnUff la E. L. Rayborn. M by 20 frnnic gara(;c nc;ir her 'Voleo' pumice blocks are now T*s> nnta. for sppedlne. poMlnt of home lor S2S0. avBllable in quantllles for any ©=« b ® d «o the jjirae d>»n:t and ACTOR’.S TOE DROKE.N To rn-lo^p a porch for u.-.e a.^ hallding need. Solve your heui- ^ pareient e>: ortr-tune pirkins HOLl.'i'^VOOD. Sept. 24 (U.P.)-A a bedroom. Mr;.. J. J .l'ox, 2H Van ing problem TOnAY Ihe mod­ You’ve always nn extra bed for unex­ ^ tin« hare be«» tn Twto premoture “wild" horse .Mampcdc Uuren i.treci, plans to sppnd $100. ern way with the tnalerial that pected Ruesta when you have one of Palis city traJl>c coun. which knocked down Jon Hall and For $100. W. W. Turley. 102 Sid­ gives more, costs less. these handsome bed davcnos. Handsome KaH T, Kr>?fl:r r»tld a *10 fine 1 0 5 broke hU right big toe today put ney .urppt, will liulnll wlndow.i^ln * « decorators fabric uphoLstery, with deep­ and S3 (Cista for s;ie«dinc. aa the actor out of •’The Ln.« of the hLi 10 by IS frnnic porch. HERE’S H O W YOU SAVE . . . M eMn Shaffer, Redmen" until next week. ly padded coll sprinpfs. Sold a.s a match­ Dfft-cno Arecl^d C ta jV « e has pev>.te^J i • Lower firKl cost • Chcnpcr, faHtcr buildlnR ing set or Hcparately. Chair ...... 9 3 2 .9 8 bsiid cts a jjw J ln c ch»T»re. Harvest Vacation • Enthirinp B«-nuty *Low maintennncc cost Jj«an.-W'.'.s.-« was fiapd M for time parking ore; R. L. Stanley, C, O T tr ^ t^ r'M tint In a poitotfice DURLEY, Sept. 24—Tlio three • Buiit-fn Insulation • A Block dcuijcn for every need. K«. H. Nye. J. B. Cain. Jack Powell. Mabel Holmgren. Jack Tliomas. O.NLY STOCK OF “VOI.CO" DLOCK8 IN TIVIN FAf.t.S AT THE A LIMITED NUMBER OF Thce^ r«y'-.S I I ftnei tor « Mry E. Morgan ond Roy Stanley. Eleclrlc Motor * HARRY BARRY LUMBER YARD RKPAIU 5 ON THE HOSPITAI, ROAD I'HONE IJ16 It snO Iniuiuilanf Ken Hodilcr i CllfC quails X Certi£ication Lowei Twin Falls Eteelrle* ,pn. wa J : a w «t A

"Styled like a B-30" of aluminum alloy, tubular steel chairs and table legs, wlUi seau and back of bright blue, red or Ivory enamel sheet aluminum. Table top of heat proof, add proof plastic. lO" exten­ sion center leaf.

TABLE and 4 g H A IR S ...... $ 9 2 - 5 0

Handsome Maple FhM C M M r M M n u t TMsdoyl HI-BOY Three 8” drawers In the top unit. 2 11 Inch drawers In the t>ottom of this handsome maple hl-boy. Well con­ structed with center glide drawers. / b r m i Dovetail Joints, reinforced. Similar $11.45 EacH to Illustration.

Oleamlng chrome plated tteel $ 4 2 i 5 o tubing, with red leatherette up­ holstered seats and back. Padded NOTICE! for comfort and durability.

AFT^lalixxi »8 » being rt«i\Td for work during ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF UNFINISHED tb* < « m t:a c »eMao which win start about October 1st. Tb* tkctecT opera** three 8-hour shlfu and work BOOK CASES *C1 *k»«bK Cl X » C»JT Size 4Vt feet high Paint to uny color, or stain and varnlsU 9'/i” deep to your own requirunenta. Sturdily con- Ttta* «sd es»-b»a »in bo paid »n *r < hour* tn any one Btructed with ply\vood backs, soft, sand­ e»y Ksd « 0 boor* in m y oa» week. ed fir uprights, shelves and top. 18" $ 7-75 ■»» »m U b l* for a e n tn all dfpartmenta. i«iacmtlcea tbooM m «j, at th« tactorr ofnce $ 9 .10 lt*a rmintnc batiblesi But tho tauffht them: Rrffular broMhing started toward a "model” imlls 2-1’* “m oder SchclTer family doesn't vUS Iptina, /offoiwd by gntU pum yourself . . . with Ipana Tboth •eon to mind. (Helen, Norman rn o o a ^ This helps keep sums P u te .. • and even 4-ycar>old '‘Ber” are flnner...teeth bHKhtcr...smllei A m a l g a m a t e d S u g a r C o. Conover modelal) Their brJght- fa or^ sparkling. Aak >-our dea- 30" $i0*25 TWm PAIXS, IDAHO asJersey^unahine Knllea show, nlst about massaso for your too, what model care the teeth sums. A nationwide survey Twin Falla and Brums of this Dunclten, N. J., nhon-s that 7 out of 10 dentists 36" • $10*95 family jet. For lovely Helen h u ■ rocomraend gum massaffc. Get TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1948 PAGEFOtJR TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO as th* national record Is mc- Vew Tort when a BlrJ. said, roar-— TUCKER'S NATIONAL 'Qna5~fdr'lhm*elgbths of a mile. ling, let me run my flnxen througii PEGLER Now comes-a letter trom Keith BOB HOPE your hair,* she wasn't being alfeo> Jackson potntlag’out that It wasn’t tlonste . . . she just wanted to r»- NEW Y O R K — The American D ldf A d ^ who was rldlnf Golden move Uie birds. M em r>b. 1>. W l. ft Uw Mate KnnOX WHIRLIGIG Veterans’ Committee. Inc.. through Ssl In tna blstorU dash, but rather The Barben* uqIod In New York Ill nerer for^t my nrrt hair­ ta 1>M tk* T>la l-kll* Xtwa «Ublkl- X>efcr Pot Shots; and another member for the Joe much more oml- The sad story ot Pete Rountree ClemenU Fan club, “nie talented . t t lD g clipped. llc and private cotapUlntA that th o the and the busting balloons con now O f cottrse, John he h u abandoned President Roo«e- Joe Is missed very much ^ his seliure ot imoccu- be told. many friends back here in Detroit. O a r r a d ln e re­ 'pit's foreign and domestic program. pled quarters by Pet« obtained six big signal corps mains uncoocem- Aa the only new deal hangover We are not surprised to bear that Funeral English veteraria. type balloons for his small daughter, ed. In the cabinet. Mr. Wallace waa he has made many new friends In In London, five Janice, and returned-proudly home Twin FolU through KVMV. Your A n y o n e who extremely vocal on thU luue. crossed the Brook­ Designs He had the eupport and the In­ therewith. gain Is our lout charged with con- . , As these stand obout four feet —Chobby ef Detrell lyn b r id g e was Let us design your floral of* ’ spiration of PDR's own family, Rir Tstlitr .pM n« u. In d l. high when fully blown up, Pete either a Dodger Henry Morgenthau. Harold-U Ick**, ferlng. Dozens of styles. Others to trespass and with aiding spent most ot the evening blowing. Pot Shots via E^ a. Clarke: fan or looking for Sumner Welles and, ot coutm. CIO leftUU. and directing such trespass. The All went well 'til next morning when We, the imderslgned kids of Bu­ a haircut. Getting a trim In Brx^k- “Flowers for Every Occasion* AU »oUf« r«i«lr»a -. - AVO on page one of Its ofnclal lya was quite legal but next to .W ^kIr.*wlU U p Mrs. R turned on the heating sys* chanan street, want t» Join the Joe KBl u> bt GESTURE—The President hsJi a deep respect bulletin of Ju ly . 19 acknowledged Um In the house, causing the air ClemenU Fan club. We all love impooslble . . . with all thst hair, Thurad*/ bT...... - 1*i2. u I and affection for hl3 predecessor, who upped him that It has been colled a "red front" Mr. B had blown Into the balloon and went to all the games the men didn't even slightly re* for hl.'» present post. necosnlzlnB that only an acci­ by L>oula E. Starr, national vlce- to expand. At about breakfast time. thot we could. When we couldn’t semble their passport pleturea. Things were reaJly desperate and u:i*nrsrsTA'nvn.n dent of fate elevated him to the prealdency. he does commonder of the Veterans of For­ It blew up with 0 large bang, scar­ r a game was out of town we not yet feel that he can deport too radically from eign wars, but It has denied the ing Mrs. R proctlcally pink. appreciated Joe Clements. He there was a time when the town U rr*n, c«ur. the nooaevelt policies except when and where cir­ charge trom tills and other sources. Two more met with similar fates, mode the g a m e s so Interesting resembled a sheepnlor convention. cumstances force a shift. Mr. Oolle qualified his warning In ond another'one was given to Poul we sUyed up and listened to them Tourists tdok one look at the local }le believed that he ouBht. to make a gesture to manner to obviate any charge of Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim trom start to finish. boys and screamed. "My goodness, FAMINK A:^!IDST PLENTY assure this InflueniUl' faction that he had not de­ Incitement against him or his or- Reynolds, who live nearby. By dint . . ' ' PhylUs Payne they even look Uke woIvmP In ' The lederal reserve has succumbed to the serted or repudloted rOR's major plana by rebuffing Bunlullon. Xn a general but Incom* of much paUhlng with scotch tape, Merllyn Luke iwpular practice ot poll-taklnR and come up Russia In favor of England, by supporting the creation plete dlscu-ulon of the reasons for thU one has been kept Intact. B«Mllad Lake of a atroni and centralized Germany, by Involving the lack of housing for veterans, Pete ho3 two left. and. after what Arlo Loke with some enlightening results. Taklnj tho the nation In squabbles over oil In the middle eiut before the Young Republican club happened, he's letting these suy Elmo Luke mlAleadlng figures on national and average and. last, by tiimlnc away from the Roosevelt-Wlllkle of New York, he nald: "Our home­ deflated unUl the fomlly's nerves Renee Wynn per capita wealth. \t has added some facts dream of "one world.* less veterans will take over summer are In better condition. Ann Simmons Don’t Wait — Visit to the figures by determining where the Thus the Wallace addrrs.^. IncIudlnR the ex-cablnet fstatr.i and boarded up Plllth ove- —Research Dep't. Ooylle Blmaions money really lies, and what the possessor* In­ member'a revelation that It had been olcayed In nue brownstoncs unless wc Balloon Branch Mary Boe Btamons advance by the White House, was nn oppeasement now—all ot us; veterans and tend doing with It. of thl» faction as well as an olive branch offering veterans, producers nnd consumer MEAT ON THE HOOF As for E. S. Clarke, the original booster of the Joe ClemenU Fan The board*.'! sur\-ey of 3.000 families reveals to MCACOW. —to break the hou.slng bottlfnecks." Dear Pot Shots: that the average savings In this group His principal conditions by which club, our sleuths leom thob Mr. c. It's getting terrible. I honestly heard every Cowboy broadcast the seizure of prlvote homes, con­ didn’t know that It is as bad as all amounts to 51.750. But it also reveals that the WOIUIICO—Although National Cholrman Robert taining furniture and equipment, made by Joe except three — and top 10 per cent of these families has aeven- E. Hannejsn Is not a poUcy maker and has hardly personal po.ise.iaIons such a» noth­ that. But I saw 11 with my own those three times he was at the eyes, and It Is a fact. elghths of all the savings, while tho bottom any Influence In White House councils, he has never ing, food preserved In resporue to game personolly. He couldn't at­ mU*ed a chance to warn President Truman that government exhortations by house­ I walked Into my tovorlte store tend more than three because he Is 40 per cent has only 1 per cent. The aurvey for some meat tor dinner and saw a rumblings of dlKontent on the left were crowing wives who raised victory gardens, still very weok following an opera­ IN OUR BASEMENT— READY NOW also shows that while everybody Is hungry more violent every day. and private lettem ond records, wero crowd around the meat counter. tion. for durable goods, the great majority doesn't Despite his optimistic public pronouncemeni.i, ‘’Deb” Uiat President Truman should call Edglnfc closer. 1 discovered a lltUe Clarke says he's dlsoppolnted that want to buy at today's prices. ha* become worried over November's election pros­ an emergency se.-i.tlon of conRre.-a grty mouse running back and forth fan club memt>ers couldn't ge6 to­ Toys for Boys Inside the meat case, with the The board estimates that 8.000.000 families pects. He has needled other naUonol politicos Into and that conRre.in should p&M tlie gether ond really organize. Hls ad­ carrj'tns these reporta of Impending Democratic de­ Wagner-Ellender-Tatt bill. butcher In hot pursuit. dress. to those Interested, Is 310 Toys Sor Girls want new cars, and I.OOO.OOO want new feat to the White House. It became obvious that The lady behind me sold. •'Well, Fourth avenue east, homes. But its poll shows that one-third of ho had frightened Mr. Truman when the chief execu- of oU things, I knew there was Toys £or Tots these lamllles wants to pay less than W.OOO Uve finally afteed to deliver several major speecfes This, he said, was the only way meat shortage, but . . . “ FAMOUS LAST LINE lor a house, while only another third Is will­ In the coming campaign. to make use of the precious hours —We 8 Eggs **. . . Nope, no range fire—Jtut RldlnBToys Uiat lie aheod to provide low-cost the Dorthem UghUt . . ing to go above SO.OOO. And while the average housing for veterans. Tliat even SIGHT OF THE MONTII Gaines 8TRATEGV—Thus the presidential approval of the THE GENTLE.MAN IN clUren expects to pay 51,100 for a new car, he this compliance wltlj his demand Mrs. Bob Summertleld rushing out 'niE THIRD ROW seems content to wait around for a while on Wallace speech filled Into the Truman-Hannegan would solve the problem Is debat­ Dishes strategy to recover and hold through Nov. i balloting ot apporcl store, hastily slapping able. coin In parking meter as Patrolman the chance ot paying less. the wavering mlUloni on the extreme Itlu It was It was not nectssary tor Mr. Bolta DoUs Thus we have some statistics that make only one of several Memlngly unrelated moves which Matt Vice pulls out his lltUe pad to elaborate on the consequences to write a Ucket. sense to go with a situation which, though H?T made In that direction within the last few weeks. ot the Bclzurea which he frankly Another appeal to the rank and file of labor and Select Now . . . Be Snrei not graphed and chartcd, has been clear for contemplates ond without a word 8HK WON ANYWAY IF YOU’RE GOING To Have Yoor Toy* for Christmas 'liberals'* w u the appointment of Prances Perkln^ some time. Our national wealth, though ot disapproval. Burglar)', theft and Dear Pol Shota; an original member of the RoQsevelt-'Wafner»Al Smith vandalism ore among them. Un­ We've a large, choice graup for yon greater. Is still about as badly distributed as reform group, as a member of the civil service com­ Tlie research department has been like the vacant hoailng taken troubled no end by that picture ot t« choose from . . . all are ’In . . . ever. And our national living standard Is go­ mission. Another Wagnerlte named to a key post by British veterans In furtherance on display In oar new spactona base* is Leon Keyserllng. former secretary to the senator the horse roclnB ot Filer. ing down as our wealth increase.*?. of the Stalinist conspiracy agsltut It seems that the time listed tor ment store. There has been prevalent an optlmUllc be­ and now assigned to the economic advisory councU Internal peace, the rule of law a crested by the full employment act of 19iO. Golden SnI as wlnnlns In six and All MrUI Scooters. Rowing Horses lief that once strikes.and shortages were the security of private properly cne-half seconds was a little fo.-it, England, the American "summer BETTER ond other riding toys. Wheel Bar­ straightened out or OPA ceilings restored and rows, TVucks. Trains. Steam Engine*. Um>EB8TANDABLE-In overriding the wage sUi- estates and boarded up brownslones" Sand Holsts, Duck Pins. Hammer really made to work, our troubles Tt.’ould be bllltaUon board on behalf of higher pay for maritime would be turnbhed homcA, Mnny ot LET US FIX-UP perty ot other Into tliclr own hands Boards. Block ond Wagon seU, and over. But this federal reserve poll points up workers. Mr. Truman offered the hope of more money them would be the homes of veter­ ans ot one or the oUier, or botli. unless ceruin other UUngn many others for the boys. Doll the less encouraging reality, which Is this: (after elections) to all the CIO's moss unions—steel, done, all of tljrm highly Improb­ YOUR automobile... textiles, etc. wars. Wolkers, Dish acts. W a r d r o b e Prices have run Xar ahead of Income in­ Mr. Bolte's followers could ttnd able. The agitator In the other cose Trunks, Paint ond Coloring ssls. creases. especially In the poorer-paid half of He also agreed to throw his weight behind their encouraging precedent In the flatly urged o course ot action. Ironing Boords ond many others for our population. Prices will remain high, even demands for on elaborate legislative program (or pallon of the automobile plants by Tho mlllloas of velcrans lo whom RADIATOR girls. Colored spools, colored and hou-Mna and medical care. He named a special com* organized mobs, under communist the AVC Ls nppeallnit tor recruits plain blocks and block sets, plo-ttlc when and If steady production and normal mlltee to consider the feasibility ot a guaranteed serReanis and captAln.5. in the or- mu.1t decldc individually whether When you go after your deer, toys, soft stuffed animals and toys competition return, bccause production costs yearly wage partially subsidized by the federal gov* Bolte anil the AVC would deplore ernment. Runlzlng days of tlie CIO. These you don’t want any unforseen for the tiny tots. •will remain high. For more than a year con­ vandals wantonly wrccked machin­ the action which he foresaw ond In view of this carefully staged backdrop, the Radiator trouble. Before you trolled prices and tmcontrolled ‘pay rises have ery and destroyed material and uphold the law. He did not say. leove. drive In tor o Radiator Wallace speech was undentandable, as was President their depredations were excused os been largely concentrated in the production Ttuman's unqualified approval of It. For the New Check-up! of items which arc In shortest supply and iwlty IndlBcrctlon.^ by President •Sfork outburst would have caused comiinrutlvely no Rno.sevell olthough U)ere was no T W IN FALLS greatest demand. commotion If It had not ctirrled thq stamp of White doubt Uiot Uiey- were Incited, or- House endorsemenL HARRIS It would be dangerous to encourage fami­ Kanl7.ed and directed by expert oon- BELTS lies to stop thinking in terms of prices com­ .Milralora. In Uie cose of a veteran Gate* V-Belts HARDWARE patible with their incomes. It would be even “DONEas"—Ironically, it seems to be the habit of who.se home was Invaded, whose “A" and "B” Groove Radiator Shop ami(illil pnONt American Presidents to make their "boners" when pavicsslons were atoten. whose walb more dangerous to ndvocatc wage cuts. So discussing Important International questions. It Is no were defaced with revolutionary FLOYD LILLY CO. SPORTING GOODS STORE 88 what can be done to hold prices steady and wonder that foreign chancellcrle*. not to mention the .'rrawLi the r.taliw ot "veteran'* 130 5rd Ave. W. Phone 170 Increase production? average foreigner, regard Washington as "queer." would confer no security under the Frank Ford, editor of the Evansville. Ind.. In J031 President Harding declared that the four govcrtiment which sent him to war. power Pacific treaty gnve the United Stnte.i dominion This Is. I believe, tho first public Press, has proposed a remedy in a recent ar­ over Yop. a key Island that had figured In protracted mention,-without condemnation, by ticle. It includes technological improvements diplomatic controversy. any official of any veterans' organi­ without reduced wages or increased hours; Charles Evans Hughes had to rush across the street zation of the possibility that Uie restoration of trust and harmony: and an end to siralghten out Mr. Harding, who then blamed the Rigll.ih squatters' movement would to "class strife, make-work. Job-stretching prev< for •'mlsunderstondlng" him. be repeated here. Hod Mr. Bolte PrMldent Coolldge told former Ambasjador Jus- set hU face ogoliut such lawleu- and selfish advantage-seeking." serand that he favored a reduction of Prance's World ne.is.' his orRanlxatlon would have Until this remedy Is used, and until work­ ■war I debt to us. When the exteemfd diplomat been consistent with Its platform ers and employers alike devote a good deal reporteVICO STATIONS AND DEALERS where the cops s&ld "Nol” “If there U one enUrprlse on earth thst a quitter exhorter was prosecuted In New ahould leave alone, it Is advertising. Advertising York on a charge of Inciting other* does not Jerk: It pulls. It begins verj- gently at first, to comlt Jowle.is acts of violence. Some Chicago men have organized the but the pull Is steady. It lnc;reases day by day and In the present InsUnce, although . “Keep Your Mouth Shut" luncheon dub. year by year unUl It exerts an IrreslsUble power." Bolte msy have had the purpose of ' U T l k S y which prohibits talklnff. speeches and gossip A New York Ullor who e x is ts to stay In business planting an idea In the minds of durlnj meals. Women may attend if they after the present period of shorUges lias. passed, homeless veterans and may liave and who knows thot Wanamaker was right, often been the first to do it. neither he Ftp M £ /i,( t i p M Vin. Qutitr Sittt AlUt keep quiet Why don't they want women? this explanation for his continuous adverUslns: nor the AVC could be charged with C aoliM CBtUm4 Metar OIU Trodhctt “You want to know whj- I advertise when Tm Incitement, even though m obs Sometimes the golden wedding anniversary havln* a time filling orders? I l l tell you .why. I*m should take the cue when winter 1* the tty set aside for celebratins the last going to have all the tailors and woolens and things comrs. I want pretty soon. It's then I'm going to need Bolte laid, In effect, that veterans pajnenk oa tte vedOinc tins. you « • cu»tomer."-6hakope« (Minn.) Arjus-Trtbune. would Uke the law and lh» pn>- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 19-(« TIMES-NEWS. TWIN PALLS, IDAHO ?AOB FIVB.

W hlu, who wore blue, and carried lerson. The couple latt for a wed­ KAOERMAN. Sept. a«-0(Ue«n < Leave for WSCS District Conventiou a notegay of pink and whlU rosea ding trip. for the Hagerman OUl*> Club wars ---- Varied'SocM” Weddings, with blue streamers. Ray Bowman, The bridegroom bad senred for elected and Included prcsldeot, Joan Los Angeles, w u best man, and Jo three years In the marine corpe, re- Thayer: rlce-prealdent, Matlena Engagements Ann Mapston, a niece of the bride­ :elvlng his discharge In April, IBlfl, Bspnbltun Women groom, was the ring bearer. ♦ • * T tu proTlttoni o{ the RepubUctn Alter Uje ceremony a recopUon i made for actlvltlu of plkUorm hUtUlfihled the me«Uns of vas held In tlie church patio. M n. AL3IOK. Sepu M — Attending a SHOSHONE. Sept M — Sunday banquet during the BOth annual the R«pubUcu) Womea's club of afternoon before an alter of while Laymon's choice for her traveling tho Twin FalU eounly heW Mon­ suit wai two-piece beige wllh red commutUcatlon of the Grand Order gladioli a marriage ccrcmoiv unit­ of Idaho Maaona here last week day *ftemo6n at th# American ing Alice Mae Schclhlng. daughter llLard-skln acceMorle.s. After a wed­ Lesion auslllar? roomi. Mrs. C. H. ding trip in a southern resort, they ere 3S0 delegates and their wives of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scheming, ) the Albion state normal school. • Krcngel, praaldent, otriciaUd at the Paixlic. and Joe O. Brojlea. son relumed to Pasadena where Loy- lesslOQ. of Mrs. Mar>- Broyles, was perfonn- Is employed In archlteclurnl R. H. Snyder, president of Ihe BEEN SICK Mr*. S. K. Proctor, aUt« comoilt- ed In the Mtlhodlst church. The drafting. His relruso from navy school, was the chief speaker wllh fee woman, wai in charge ol the Rev. Trwln S. Mot*. Gooding, offi­ ser\-loe was received three months Hugh Baker as toastmaster. proffram. She polnltd out "the ciated. .... Mrs, Lnymon Ls a graduate of Too Long? dominant thought at the Republican The bride, given In marriage by Glenns Ferry high school, and she JEHOME, Sept. 24 — Mrs. Jake ; convenUon was the conte*t between her brother-in-law,' Roy J. Upe. had attended school In Los Angeles Walters and Mrs. Fred Ruhter en­ Try soclalltm and Americanism In gov­ wore a go»Ti of white marquisette during the past year. tertained at a miscellaneous shower ernment. It we would prcflcrve our alUv .a.Xlugcrtip-vaU-of- net— . ____. » * M______iatUlftPcc.^a-hoaor-Df Mr. and---- -NATURE’&WAY— • syaUm of go»emroent of free enter- something old and blue she obODIN O. Sepl. 34—Ellen Pat­ Harvey Waller and Mr, and Mrs. prUe and state rights, the voter a brooch Of her KrandmoUier's, terson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Ruhler,-who were married SYSTEM j must support the Republican party." rings to match borrowed from Mrs. Herbert Patlerson. bec.ime the bride recently. ^ Mrs. Proctor added that the Jef- Francis Grw-se and a watch given of David Boring, son of Mr. and The affair was at the American Qmduate Naturepathlo ■ fersonlan Democrats have nowhere her by hrr father. She carried Mrs, E. C. Boring nt the parsonage Legion hall. The evening was spent ------Physlcloaa else to turn since ihelr party haa bouquei of pink roses. Maid of honor of the First Chrlallan church here. dancing with Herman Harding and 314 Main No. Phone IMO been stolen by the radical element wa.s Luclllc Webster, Boise, who The Rev. Carllon Moore performed Ernest Kobcr furnishing the music. repreaented by the CIO and CAP. xrore a floor length gown of tur- the ceremony at 3:30 p. m. StresslnB the dangers of regl- quoL-ie blue and carried an old fash­ The bride wore a dre.v'on was worship as we please." blue dress wuh a corsage of plnU bridegroom's attendant. The educational phase of Uie glamellas and the bridegroom's Present for the wedding were platforr.i was handled by Mrs. Doris mother wore a black dress with pink Ethel Bortng and Mr. and Mr?. Pat- . Stradley. She pointed out the need gliimella corsngc. to remove the llnsnclal lneqtmlllic4 Following the wedding the recep­ THRIITY-CLEAN amonc the schools. Bhe cltcd in- tion was held at the Hroyles home. ra || - YOU SUFFER m : stancrr. In our oto county where The three ilered wedding cake was S i r F r e m Headaches - L n m - ^ AUTOMATIC ' the tax varies from 8 to 30 mills. .vrved bv Mrs. Francis Groue. Mr.s. =Sba«e - Neuritis • nronehltb= COAL HEAT : Mr.i. Willard McMasier loUl of Carrie .md Mrs. Haro' A. ~ fikln DIsorden . . . See ^ ; the ARrlcultural end of llio platfonn. Stoner pour«1. Others as-ilstlng were On'ES ALL -EXTRAS- AT NO EXTIIA COST ; She .Miitm "labor costs ma-it be Ehle C.irriiwiiy. Dorothy Romarw Dr. M. H. MACDONALDS ; Included in arriving at farm parity land Mrs. Boyd Alexander. Chlropraellc Physician IJ_ Get Yeurs T I A A & A ^ K I C Your Heating • prices. There Is also a great need I For goliiR awiiy the bride InsUlled Today I IfVlfTlW I^^ Headquartera • to encourage processing plant.i to black and green check suit with C. D. MACDONALD s ■ take cure of our produce and make black acces.'orles and a corsage of rhydo-TherapUt APPLIANCE AND RADIO CENTER ■ additional Jobs for labor." pink Blamella.\, The couple are hon- 144 2nd Are. NoHh Mrs. Eii’erctl Swceley told the evmoonlng at Payeite lake.v Upon - group of the need for clarification Ihelr relum they will be at home • of our llguor and gambllng laws and In the Ora-ue drug store apart- ‘ the need of a strong state law menLv : enforcement department. Out of town guests were Mr. and : "It U necessary that labor and Mrs, Houion Kile, Twin Falls, and ; capital have a chance to settle their Macle Vallty women Itfl by Ims at 1 a. m. today toatUnd the aeeend annitat eattrm dlilHet renvrntlon Mr. and Mrs. Non'al Rutherford. : disputes wllhout government Inter- of the Woman's Society of Chrlitlan Srr%lre which was held between 0:30 and 4:34 p. m. in .Vmrrlran f'allv Jerome. ; ference," Mrs. Ririsell .Miller said. Boarding the bus left to right are Mta. C. E. Potter, Mrs, C. O. JclUsen. Twin Falh: Mr*. Geort» W alt, Buhl; Tl\e bride h a teacher In the Sho- : She added that the Republican Mrs. Clyde Smithson. Dahl, standinr In (he bm: Mrs. F. C. OraTca. prrtldenl af (he Twta VatU general Mione grade school and Droylc.1. ‘ party believes that labor should WSCS; M n . R«y Garber and Mra. Albert Parrett (Staff phote-engraTlng) who was recently discharged from Q e t m armi ; have a representative In state kov- the navy Is commander of the local ernment and that labor aliould be post of the American Legion and Is employed by a local huslne.ss free of p o lltlfl alliances and cican LaDean Christensen was appointed With Its house of communistic leadership, organist; Mrs. Leona Lar.vin In « V « i Clyde Musgrave. county chairman. charge of music and Owen Van Noy, Calendar Magic Valley GLENNS FERRY. Sept. a<-Mr. ! told the club how the women might- chaplain. The Theta Rho GlrLi' club will Flannelette Nightwear ’ assist In the campaign. rnr<'i at 7:30 p. m. today at the Odd and Mrs. Edward Prater have an­ Deity Armga first vlce-captaln. Social Tid-Bits nounced the marring* of Ihelr - Juno B. Thaj-n, executive secre- presided at the session. Mrs. Adam­ Fellows hall. ; tary. Introduced Brodti Raybom. * * * daughter, Doris, to Leslie C. I^y- READY WEDNESDAY MORNING son pre.scntcd the lesson on -Mor­ mon. .'on of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. • candidate for .iherlff. Thayn stated mons In Idaho and Wyoming." Re­ Tlie Jerome first ward Relief JERaME. Sept. 54-FTar.crt Scul­ ; that Rayborn did not wish to trade .wleiy opening social will be at 8 L.-vymon, Lo.i Angeles, Calif., on July freshments were sen'ed. ly, recently returned Red CroM J7. The ceremony was performed • on being a veteran. However In V V « p m. Wedne.iday, Sept. 25, All mar. recreational director m Kv%rfs, will WOMEN’S WARM. COMFY ; running far oftlce he wax fulfilling rled couplcs of the ward are Invited In Tlie Little Country church of Wedding Shower be the guest siieakrr at an open Hollywood by candlelight, wllh Dr. • a promise he made to hlnvielf when [o attend. meetlrj: of the PUer Wcmen's club • he was a prisoner In Japan, that Mrs. Kverctt Malone wo* honored * ■ * * Pagan officiating. The altar w at a wedding shoa-er at the Luther­ at 3:30 p. m. Wednesday at the «!ecoratfd wltli gladioli and eve Plain or Floral Gowns he would be active In working for The Prc&byicrlan Qroupslde will an church parlors recently, Methodist church. green. ; a better America if he survived. meet at fl p. m. Wednesday at the Hasle%,'>es for the aftemix-u ore • There were about 50 Magic Vai- Hattie Boldenow and Lovlla Nou- home of Mrs. Einma Clouchek. Mrs. The bride wns gowned In ivory Mra. B. a Bloom, Mrs, P. C. Anrtrr- Tlie bodice was embroidered with 1.50 2.10 : ley women present at the session. Rrr.^e Wlllliims will speak on -Ex- .v>n. Mrs M. J. Macaw, Mr> T. D There were X guests present prcutlons of Women's Clubs." .•eed pe.irls, and the gown was fash­ Cots cotton flannelette gowns In plain white, peach ,or blue, * » * HlplJ prlae went to Louise Puttier Dean, and Mrs. Harriett McDermid. ioned wllh a long iraln. A single Pink. Dlae Party « w * * ♦ ♦ ajisorted color striped patterns, er with colorful florol patterns and Mrs. Edwin Bnine. Garden The Pller Ucbekah loclg* wUl cele- \lrand of prarU wax the bride's on a white ground. Quaint style.i with full box^plcaled fronts, Urn. G. A. Peim *a.i honored flowers were featured In decora- JEROME. JVp:. -PlaivK !,>r Ihr Ji-tti'Iry, and she carried a white ■ at a pink and blue sliowcr recrnily braic 1I.1 0$Ui anniversary’ at a card Interesting j'oke treatments. Regular sizes 15, 19, 17 and extra tlon-v Mrs. Malone wm formerl>' party Wednewlay with a regular coming ye.-vr were made a i a mer!- nible on which re.'ilcd b pink orchid sites 18, 19, ao. I ■ at the home of Mn. Mary DeBoarri. ■Paula Wills. Ing of the esecuUvr board of the from which orange blosjoms hung Oome prlM« were won by Mrs. H. meellng following. Each member Is CaUiolIc Women's league at the * * * renue.sted to bring a a-hlte elephant on ribbon streamera. : P. Jorens and Mrs. Edwin Craig. Janlor-Senlor PTA Group home of Mrs. L. W. S-xntxTg. ; Olfta were opened bv the honoree, nn a prlse. Her father esvc the bride In Mrs. L. A. Hanhen i>resldcd nt Hostewej lor the ^TS^ were cliar- marriage. Her nltendant was Nooml WOMEN’S TAILORED ; Preaent were Mrs, Jim Kopp. Mrs, the meeting of the Junior-Senior en. The first regular ^e^.Mon of ihc Le« Slnema. Mrs. Elmer Peters, Mrs. Tlic Newcomers' club will hold a group will ix. 'niut>d.»v. Oc:. 3. ; William Sllmp, Mr^. Louis Nelson, PTA Discussion group held Mon­ brulHc party ut 8 p. m. Thursday In • Mr*. Durion Eberhart, Mrs. Colleen day afternoon ut llie Iduho Power Uir Idaho l”ower comp.iny auditor­ ♦ ♦ ♦ Flannelettie Pajamas • Jenkins, Mrs. E. O. Herrick. Mrs. compony nurtltorlum, "Youth iintl ium. Mr.-.. J. L. Oatrs will be In PAUL, Sept. 5* — Mar\- J r a n NATIONAL • M. P. Sears, Mrs, George Burdick. Recreation" was tiic thrmc of the charge and reservations may be Laabs. daughter of Mrs. Florrnce : Mrs.- PhyUls Chllcoat. Mrs.'•Anna meeting. inadu by iclrphonlng her at 431~J LaBb^. and Philip O. RobUi.M>n were married Sept. " at BsHse. 1.96 2.26 P tttn . Mm, Goldie Morrison. Mrs. The program Included a poem on not later than Wednesday evening. FURNACE ; Suele Pratt, Mrj. L. C. Craig. Mrs. youth by Mrs. Frank Stevens. A The couple kfi .»firr the cert*- SERVICE Washable cotton flannelette pajamas In a simple butcher boy ; Edwin Craig and Mrs. H. P. Jorrns. student panel from Jean Miser’s Ttie Union Pacific Booster nux- mony for Pro\o. where ihev will at­ Take advunlage of our 3S style. One group aanforlted for permoncnt fit. Contrasting . Hoitcasea were Mrs. DeBoard and public speaking class pre.sented a lllarj- will hold the first fall meeting tend the BYU. years In furnace work. . . 4H piping, fringes, or floral trim accent the soft blue or tearose i : Mrs. A. M. Peters, forum ill.'.cu.i.ilon. Those partlclpat- of the >fiL-,on In the fonn of an yean as SupU of the Holland shades. Regular sites U„18, 17. extra sL»a 18, 19, 20. * * * IniT were Bernard Funk, Jonnl D«'t- evenlnK p;«rty at B p. m. Friday In Furnace Co. CouB«4l Fir* weller. Betty Amos, and Phil Burk- the Idaho Power company auditor­ With Uie latest equipment The coimcll fire for the Owaiaka harU Dick Wright, Dick Davla, ond ium. All members and Invited guests MOTH DAMAGE we clean your furnace thor­ SMALL SHIPMENT Camp Fire Olrts wa.i held at the Luclcn Voorhecs. arc urged ta STOP oughly. Including the hot and home of Mrs, Harold Deagle, Bill NlUchke spoke on plans of FOR 5 YEARS cold air pipes imd regLslers. gu«rdla4i. the coordinating youth council. READ TIMEa-NEWS WANT ADS o* u u o u m n rot m r m m a m What's more, vour Job will get Women's Tuckstitch Gowns LoU Soper and Mary Jean Deagle, * * * Bolaa Ii GMMMnd, b> my particular altenllon wllh RMmbers of the Odaka Camp Fire JEROME, Sept. 34 — Jolw San­ no walling or stnlllng. group, conducted the cercmony. born, Republican candidate for Our Furnace aeni'lce employs 1.59 congress, spoke on Uie CVA befcirc Joycc Jacobs received the Trail only factory-lralned men. . Snug-flttlng tuckstitch gowns to defy the cold during the cold­ Seekers rank. Tlie remainder of the a group of Qoodlng County- Repub­ real live wires who can give lican Women at a club meeting nt est winter nights. Well made, with long sleeves. Haa tie neck girl* received their honor bcad.v you Immediate sen-lce. Out of and cord belt. Tearose or blue Sites 10, 17, or 18. PoUowlng the council fire a ht.._ the home of Mrs. John Sanborn. LENON Bros. SERVICE toa-n }obs nccepledi burger fry m u conducted and Uie Hagerman. Mrs, Prank ThomaK, 9th & Shoshone East EXTRA LARGE SI^ES...... 1.72 group later attended the theater. Mrs. J. Gould. Mrs. Ettitl Durk- w. J. n o u iE S Other Buesla Included Jean and holter. and Mrs. H. E. Pranson. Je- Phone 875, VELTEX rRODCCTS OUAIANTIIB Phene 140 Erenlnn: 3*3 Joan nsher and Nina Gale '. were Ruc.'U. BERLOUIMOTHSPRAY Thatcher. Members will meet again Uotxlay after school at the home of MEN’S their goardlan, Toasty for Icy NiKhts ♦ ¥ * New Ofnewi PAJAMAS GIRLS’ Mrs. Lotilse Adamson was chooen FLANNELETTE captain of Camp to*Em-Bo>Call of the Daughters of Uie UUh Pioneers at a meeting Monday afternoon at 2.35 PAJAMAS the home of Mrs. Zola Palmer. Mrs. Men's flannelette pojamas keep Adamson replacu, Mrs. Shirley Tyler who has moved lo California. “Is it ever good...!” you warmer with fewer blankets. 1.55 Mrs, Connie Hanjen was appoint­ Various fast color striped pat­ Cotton flannelelto—warm in ed to fill out the term of secrcUry terns. Slipover style only. Full wintry weather—makes these Isft Tacant by Mrs. Adamson. Mrs. cut for comfort. Sanforised for Gladys 'Williams resigned as par- pajamas In peach or blue, per­ llnmcntarlan and .Mrs. Edith Young YOU SAID IT . .. permanent fit. Size A, D. C. fect Insulators! There's while was appointed to replace hdrj MM. fringe on the collar and pock- Einma Luke resigned as historian and Mrs. Xenia Egbert was ap­ elA (for a dainty (ouch), and pointed to fill the vacancy; Mrs. BOYS’ there's elastic In the pajama waistband (lo keep 'em up). Butter-Krust PAJAMAS Slscs 8-18. CONSTIPATION BOTHERED HIM FOR 25 YEARS “WHEAT” BREAD Bo>'s flannelette pajamaa glva Junior the same comfort as Dad. Famous Cereal Keeps Him Woven through stripes In allp- Regular Without Harsh has a flavor that’s “tops” over style. Past colors In sturdy Laxativea fabrics. Sanforlied. Slies 8-lfl.

No foolin', Everj* member of your family will Hbtq ytm Bought In rain for like that * eood flavor of BUTTER- tonsUpatlon relief? Then read this nnsollcitcd letter: KRUST ''\\HEAT'’ Bread. Just for n changc, "I »o5»T»«l rrmrt 8cr\-o it now and then. Ask for BUTTER- KRUST “WHEAT" Bread.the next time you . order your groceries. See if you don'tagrcc that Buy it ’s m REAL tr e a t ! * K yoo BUfTer front constipation Bue to lack of Imlk in the diet, you may bo frM d from tU i trouble for life— If you cat an ounco of BUTTER - KRUST KELLOGG’S ALl^BRAN every day, and drink plenty of water. If not ewMfefefv aaUsiW, after ten oayi’ tr u i, lend onpty package to “WHEAT” BREAD SMALL SHIPMENT K d lo w C ^p a n y . Battle Creelc. Hlchij^. you will rcMit>« double - - - • ■ a n la rltlous from CHILDREN'S KNIT SLEEPERS vuak |iiu«mca KCiiuO bulk helpfnl to Bormal laxatlon. Eat ALI^BRAJi w^ig^dayji a dall- 95c YOUR GROCER Sstra protwUon tor the UtUe tota, too, on cold winter nlfbtst K nit of flno quaUty cotton. In tearose color. Button treat and drop aeat SUea S-8. PAGE SIX TIMES-NEWS, TWIN PALLS, IDAHO TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1946

model alrpUs* club, aald U ondar Playoff Slated Pfeifer Heads night. D o ze rs Stay Three Players Tha meet U not open to the pubUe In Event of but any boy with a plane and • 3»- Hot on Heels “Abandon” Ski Masters conl entry fee may ooBpet«._Att— Tie in National MexicanTeam plane* will be flown by U-control NEW. YORK, sept 34 (yp)-lf a A t Sun Valley that "about-10"- mmibeig tU tt- Of St. Louis playoff b e tw e e n the Brooklyn Twln Falls club are signed u p and BROOKLYN. S«pt. m — The Dodgers and the 8L Louis Cardinals MEXICO cmr.'s^pt u «>- that he Intends to fly his red BrooUyn Dodsen remained hoi on for the National league pennant Is The Meslean league reported to> model with a 10-foot wlngspread the heelt of the NaUonal league'! necessary this year, the first name Grid Standings sight that M u La&lcr. Lou Klein master. vlU head the Sun Valley which haso been repaired alter It p*ce-«tUnB 8t. liOuU Cftrdln*!* or & two-out-of-Uirce series will be Brede Tallies BTANOINGH Pairings Set AQd H a n r M dm a n bad '%baa< •ta n or tnstnctorv In the resort's cracked up about a month a«o. played at fit. Louis Oct. 1, iti was (tucUlJof pU»>4 S«»i. 2«>s nr»l poet»ar aeaaon. W. p. Ro®er», MondiLjr by e n u h ln s the Phllftdel- oiu sevcN doned- their Veraciui team durtng phU PhUllM. 6*1 while the Red Birds announced today by League PrtsU Its flTa gama aeries vtth Tampico general chalm an, has annotmced. prolMted their slim halt svne lead dent Ford C. P^lck. 582 for High For Jerome ending today. ' The seasou* first ou^or akl com- b7 downlnz the Chlcoso Cubs, 1*<1. The second game would be play­ The league said U was checking peUUon. the fifth annual Inter- ror seven tnnlnss Rube Melton ot ed at Brooklyn Oct. 3. and the third the clrcumttaaeta befor* colleglat« ski meet. Is scheduled at the Dodsers and MUlhpnw Ken game. If necessary, would be p!oy- Bowling Score Golf Tom-ney action. the resort Dec. 28 to 31 inclusive, Electrical rd in the Dodger park Oct. 4. and Is expected to attract 100 Bifreniberger of the PhlU were Three keglers hit games of 200 or JiniOMK, Sept. 24—Pairings for In an official buUetln released —iwAed ln «-l-l hufUng-du»l, but- tl>a Frick contacted Sam Breadon. owner or~lHe Cardlnal.'i^Tjy"tclC-' m ure when thB^TLHrcnanti^league th-e^Ily‘^birtournHIheiirnere''wue- - - -tasTor Brooks broke tlie game vide open In league secretary, said: Canadian unlvenlUes and colleges. phone and Breadon called the flip bowled its second round Monday announced by Rollo Gibbons, start­ Winner of more than ICO cups th# bottom half of the eluhth by night. er in the match-play tourney. All *nhe players Max Lanier. Lou m m scoring five runs. of a coin to detennlne which club and medals in compeUtlve aUlng. would hove the choice ot tJin site Brede woo high with 221. Living­ contestants are cautioned that they Klein and Hairy Feldman aban­ must hove completed the first IB- doned ihelr Veracrvs team In th« Pfeifer Is acknowledged as an ouU »aOTECTB I^ A d ” of the first game. Breadon picked ston Kored 215 and Kirkland 300. hole round by Thursday. port of Tampico, and U b not kaovn standing mentor ot. the Arlberg c in o A o o . Sept. 34 f-n — irany St. Louis as the scene of the first Brede added two oUicr fair lines to prtnclples of skiing In the United (The C»t) Brccheen protecied the game. register top match score of the Marvin Harp fuid Leonard Wood up to this tnoment what moUres tied for medalist honors with 7&s. guided them.'" suites. Leading the corps of Instruc­ St. Louli Cardinals' half sune lead In c%xnt of a playoff, Uie world evening—583. tors from his oa-n school. Pfeifer i;erlrs would be srt back, openlnit These are the pairings: An aftemooo paper here reported over Brooklyn Monday wlih a bril­ nrlrml ______**.” lOS lOfl Its SI* will bring ^ a ln to Sun Valley two liant nlne-hlt fthuloui, 1*0. over his Sunday, Oct. S, In the National Championship flight, upper half- that Lanier had left the team after Marvin Harp vs. Toni Ryan: Leroy an argument with Chile Gomes, of the popular "leam to ski weeks.** “coutlns" from Chlcngo. drlvliiK league city and proceeding accord­ "The master will be on hand to home the winning run wlUi a thlrd- ing to the present schedule. EllU vs. Dick Seeley; Tad Nebon vs. and suggested he might flnhh the Bert Ellla. Vcm Thorpe drew a bye. season with the Mexico City Reds. guide sU en In different degrees of Innlng single. skill, outlining a training program NATIONAL LBAfIt;!: _ _ Champloaihip flight, lower half Non', of the three played In to- Prompt Service on Babe Jensen Vandal Agent —WUlard Wood vs. Ketmeth Walk­ day'a extra Veracrux-Tunplco game. w .lch In two short weeks makes an ____ coo OIW-I er; L. W. Grieving. Dr. Phillips and They were not available at their enthusiastic skier from the most • Electric Motors CkU*»o ______ttmorous tlmber-trier." Rogers said. Van lUber drew byes. Mexico City homea. • . Refrigeralors Says Players First flight, upper half — Prank 8kl weeks are set for Jan. S to Batted .435 Titus vs. Jimmy Troun.wni Dr. Car­ 11. and Jan. 13 to 18. inclusive. • Eleelric Ransca lyle Small vs, Earl Williams: Dean Jerome Soldier Also returning for the first post­ • Appliances *'^JftBiWri.r'''iinil llm W i Clark vs. Joe Day; Gll Moorman va. war season is Harl Smith and his T»lor anil ('.ulaarili. In Last Tilts Full of Rght nationally-known hotel orchestra • Stokera and Uni/ IIRIM Kh^Iut'il. Jack Mosher. From Korea Wins Lnurlls "Babe" Jetuen. who will SAN PHANCISCO. Sept. 24 (-7’)— First flight, lower half—E. W. to play In the lodge's Duchln room. • Oil Oumera AMrillCAN^LEAflt.'E proljably retunj to the Cowboyn Pull of "confldcnce and , fight."— Sinclair vs. Dr. Neher: Charles Har- next sca.'.on, wa.i the leading T^k'ln that's the way Uie Unlverslly of rlson vs. Jim Keel; Joe Shirley and Army Ring Bout FuIU hitter In the ployoff series Idaho gridders who tilt with Stan­ Walter Oroel drew byes. TOKYO. Sept 24 (-rv-Ray Ba.i. Plane Contest Set Second flight, upper half — A1 Mtt. Pitaburgh. repmenllng the A model-plane contest for all In- DETWEILER'S with the Ball Lake City Bee-i. Tlie Trippl._____ ford at Palo Alto Saturday were right flelder-thlrd sacker got 10 hits described here by Don Carlson, ad­ Robliison vs. Ralph Pink: Ralph Marianas team, knocked out Paul tensted boys will be held at 3:30 In 23 times at but for .03. lUmllUin ..... vance representative for the Van* Dunn va. Mike Ludy: Larry O'­ Garcia. Honolulu, rtpreaentlnjg Ha­ pjn . Sunday In Jaycce park. Frank Another player who will be .^een In dab. Rourke vs. Max FTjiler; Charles waii. in the first round of last Tidwell, sponsor of the Oas-Bugs the Pioneer league again next sea- Speaking to tlft Northern Cali­ Marshall va. Dr. Hudel. night's opening session of the Auto Races Set ROii wan Uie top batxmun In the fornia Football Writers' meeting Second flight, lower half — Bert army's tnter-command Pacific box- series. TJio pJuycr •'iilii" Ityiner. here. CnrJjwn said; Fuller vs. George Bennett; Wilson ln;r louroament. the Bees' center-fleWer who got 13 . Ill «.nU. ---...1 •The last time our team played Churchman v*. Prank Avery: Dale The Journey will ccnUnue night­ At Jerome for hits In 25 trips for a J20 average. Stanford. In 1042. we were beaten Thomas vs. Frank Battlg, and Bob ly. with the finals Saturday. BouU Joe Brovla. the Bees' right fielder before we started." Carlson declared. Otto va. Clarence Oladow.^kl. tire three-rounders. Teams repre­ ■ho hit J20 In the Pacific Coa.-it "ThLi time, the attitude of Idaho Is Cups will be awarded to winners sent Hawaii, the Philippines. Japan, Coming Sunday league In 1041, was the second best ■who's Stanford?' in each flight and a president's Korea and the Mariatuia. ATTENTION with an even JOO. getting 13 blows flight will bo opened to l&iers in the Other results Included: jroOME.-SepU 34 — Auto races In 3Q time.s . first round of the championship Middleweight: George WcsifoH will be held at the Jerome fair* The Bee.V average os a team was Vandal Veterans flight Jerome. Idaho iKorea>, Mopped CAR and TRUCK Owners! grounda starting at 3 p. m. next J50. while that of the Cowboys was Paul Covarrubias. Los Angeles Sunday, TTank Polito announced jca. Tlie University ot Idaho foot­ iMarl&nas). second. Monday. Brovla, catcher Blit Leonard, first ball roster shows all player.-* ex­ Marvin Hall Get that CAR AND The events ore being sponsored by basemen Chuck Henson and pitch­ cept five are veterans of World Callfomla turru out 90 per cent TRUCK la shape tor the Jerome post of the American ers Larry Powell and Bob Chesnca war II. Tlic non-veteran group of the wine produced In the United the hontlng and haul­ Legion. All type* of paucnger autos have been recalled by the San Fran­ Includes one Magic Valley grid- Places in Event States. ing aeason. Remember der: 17-year-old Ray Siiraa. Sho­ mre eligible for entry In the evenl.i. cisco BeaLi, while ahorutop Mike BOISE. Sept. 24 (,D — National —any delav on the hauling }ob is costly. A few dsUara with one race Including models prior Dalton, outfielder Willy Knas, sec­ .n ...—IPS :t shone, who Is a sophomore cen­ apent now will save you meneyl ter. welglu leo and Is a six- Cliampion John Martlnoilch. Port­ to 1033 makM and the other race ond busemun Bob Robb. Rymer. land. Ore.. won all first place honors featuring cars -made In 1033 and pitchers Lee Lopez. Cy Ca.iiro and footer. later. at the annual hill climb here yes­ Ted Sftvarese and catchers Bob terday sponsored by the 0*7hee G E T Tot»» FARM LOANS For Prompt, Efficient Service Any driver may compete. Story hove been purchased from the In the first race of 35 laps around "We are tlirce and four deep and Motorcycle club of Bobe. Seals and will be seen In Salt Lake tJie 33 players making the trip arc In both the 80 and open events. the track cars ot any make or uniforms next season. IT’S THE model older Uian and Including 1031 Uie pick o( a 108-man squad, our Floyd E, Stranahan. Lewiston, won will compete. Cara manufactured biggest turnout In 3S years of foot­ second and Glen Nyborg. Boise, In 1933 or since win take the track ball. 0\ir 200-pound fullback. Bill third. In the 45 climb. Georga In the second race for 50 laps. Gooding Players Mlcklich. was Uie leading scorer of Reed, Lcwbton. came In second, and Committee chairman of the ri Yanks Release the confercncc in 1041 and he b M. W. Ford. Bobc. Third. W illsM o t o r C o . is J. L. Amy, who may be contacled Aiding C. of I. better than five year.t ago." Tlie only other vblUng rider to place wa.1 Marvin Ifall. Twin Palb. either at the Legion hall or at the CALDWELL, Sept. 24-CIetn Par- Ruffing, Dickey J. t WHITE On Shnhene S t ^ Blocks West of Bank Comer Jerctne J. C. Penney store. Enlrlc.i PRACTICE PASSING who took fourth In the 45 climb. berry, Coilego of Idaho grid mentor, NEW YOnK. Oct. 34 (-n—The rof new Irw rate* aad tama may be made no later than 1 p. looks forward to tlie first game of PALO ALTO, Calif.. Sept. 24 (,T rilO N E 79 T^VIN FALLS New York Yonkees today revealed A practice sc.v.lon devoted to polish­ t » Mala Eaat rb««M l i t m. Sunday. the .leason wltli the Eit.iicm Oregon that P it c h e r n « l nufflng and ing a im;j attack Indicated today Prire.i In each race will e<]iial one- collcRe of Education wlU> mixed Ciitcher had been made fourth of tlie gate receipts, Pollto that Marchle Schwartz' Stan­ emotlon.i. Tlie 5ltuatloa in hl.n for­ free uijenLi. aald. ford Indlan.1 would use an open ward wall has been strcnsthciied Dickey, who recently wn.-( re­ by new players, but on the opposite game here Saturday in an effort to placed by Johnny Neun as manngcr beat the heavier University of Idaho side of the ledger are listed the In- of the Yanti. and Ruffing were eleven. Coach Predicts Jurie.s tliat have taken some of the one of New York's m ail famous players to Uie sldellne.i. Frank Porbe.s. Buck Brownson, batteries. Aiaille Bell and Aubrey Divine wen Myron McCree. 180-pound half­ ItufJing. a 41-year-old right­ “Upset” Session back from Gooding, who played for out.^tandtng passer* in today's work- AUTO hander reported late thl.i year and PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 2* m - Oood'.nR high In 1030 and 1040, has wa.1 placed an a retired list shortly Tlio 1040 football Acason Is going reported. NIyron wa.s named on the after he was hit by a line drive on to be •'peculiar," Temple university Mai^io Valley Big 7 all-conference June 20. suffering a broken knee Vandal foottsall team one of ItA grid mentor Ray Morrison said to­ team In h b last year of play. cap. tackle a.splrantA. RACES day—"and anything can happen." Jlanlc Gambon's leg injury looks The big red head entered the Wnyne PiiRg, 185 - pound tackle "Watch for up^et^ week after as though it will keep him on the majors in 1034 with the Boston Bed from Rupert, this week returned to week.- ho os.-serted after lailstlng sldelinea for at least two weelu. Sox and came to the Yonks In 1030. Manic Valley because ot Inability SUNDAY he's having trouble settling on a Hank Is also a Gooding man. Dickey Joined the Yanks In 1028 to find housing accommodations at first team. Lack of reserve.-! that has plagued ind from 1929 until he entered the Uie university. SEPT. 29th "I've looked over 100 candidates the College of Idaho in past sea­ ser\'lre In 1044 he was their first EC^DIPMEIIIT* In practice scMlons and still don’t sons will not be present Uils year. string catcher, know who will start against South­ The large number of promLilng Jerome You’ll enjoy your hunt far more If you jfo ern Methodist university Friday," transfers and frc.ihmcn arc rapidly prepared with good quality equipment. Stop getting Into condition. Morrison declared. "And I'm having U. of I. Crowded, Fair Grounds in before you ro— sec Iheae and many more trouble trimming the s

Wearer Bcopt LARKIN FLASHLIGHTS SIGHTS Complete ^Vi^l Batteries 95 A. C. ARC FARM WELDERS Hunting No. 250 S. G. C nrrait Bange—S U 2M Aiaps FREE U.' Are Volta-M Volta. Minidoka Maps KNIVES and K. V. A ^ l l K. W ^ .8 . for Hunters Prlm*rr-a20-440 Volt*. AXES Freqoeney—M-M Cycle* (atagle pbsae) (ilnxle phase). • Don’t Be Without Them Frtmarr Carresk • tXO Primary C n m n l al tU Volts YotU—a Amjm. —70 A«p«. Idaho and Nerada 10x10 Umbrella $ 1 4 1 . 5 0 $ 2 3 5 . 5 0 LICENSES TENTS EachComplete $ 4 2 *5 ® Bis Cane Tass GERRISH’S ^porting Goods Store • h O at # El«etries] SnppUea 252 Main Art. So. TOESDAY. SEPTEMBER 24.1948 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN PALLS, IDAHO " p a g e EIGHT TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER H>mmftn and the following local .school build* Jr**~-l ; Ing representatlvrs: lo IH hUtwri ihuti amiilM, council members pointed out tliBt two weeks elnpse between nickel, PrancM Ander.-^on: Lin- , ‘Mi nlUnz prk-; up CmCAKO the time locker club opcmiora are coin. Robert Wilson: Wn.ih!nKton, CIIICAWJ, IWdi. ;i HI (USHA)—Si Nova Qlsh; Junior high. Beth j •Ironii leg 130.31. il.l. h»(i -.00. loUl 1.0M; tutir: » e..arRcd with violating the city ordinance and tlie time at which Dolan; high school, Rex OUon. KEW YOIUC. >« (J'l—Hbxlj irn> ' tic.:*. "* ---- l.lvs 1.3V'. the council cnn take action to slop A convocation of the delegates to ; •rtllr r»liw brukir «i UllinJ ot > r>lU> S.SOO. Uilil 2.S00; aaUbl* Ihclr operntlon. During tiie Interim the slate assembly, rcRUlarly held i nirliil 4fUr > >«rlM o< ui« «nd •0. toul 100 i •nouiih jUuih- dcrwu Uul M l trn th« lleor prar«ikuntli period, locker club operator* In April In Boise, will be scheduJed : n«KlUlbl* II continue In biulne.vi. It wus during the two-day south central general sentiment of the council lEA conclave here this week. thnt ihe two-week delay would be advljable before taking action on LKGAL ADVKllTiaEMENTS poMlble forfeiture of bond,i. but Ihnt the period sliould be «hort- NOTICE o r TIME AND PLACE >1 lb. in.M; f.rlr •UuKh* enetl In which action could be taken FOR THE IIKAniNG ON PRO- after an alleged violation nATE OF WILL. AND PETITION -*ld«Br«»-J. Tr»nif.f» inp FOR LETTERS OF ADMINIS­ llM4.6os.thtr> Ritrk. ported, rromlnenl en O'* mtI* Cltrs Ke>r»l«r. ANNF.XED. 0. e. Ilubl-T. li-lrlrh. During liut niRlit's mee!lne. Pol­ NOTICE TO ice Chief Howard Oltlette. who IN THE PROBATE COURT OP TWIN FALLS COUNTY. STATE IN THE chnrited tlie Club Madrid, the Log TWIN tavern, ilie Derby lounge and the OP IDAHO. IN TIIE MATTER OF THE ES­ OP ID Klovcr Klul) miiniiBcmenta "with TATE OF OERTRUDE WELSH. IN THE MATTER OP THE purchii.ie of federal liquor stamps DECEASED. ESTATE OF GRACE COLLINS. for re.iiile of liquor In violation of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Deceased. state law and al.io the city ordin­ That a duly iiuthrntlcnted copy of Notice Is hereby given by the A.s m y ”*'* p^'^3 (,n wi, ance Kovernlng locker club.i." re­ tlie loat Will of Gertrude WeLih, de- undersigned admlnbtmtor of the THE TIMES-NEWS ported ihnt tlie operators of the.ie cea.^cd. and of the probiite thereof, esttitc of Grace Collliui, decena«l, to catHbll.slimrnti have been officially togetljcr with a ijctltlon for tI>o the creditors of and all persons hav> LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS notified that they arc lo appear l.viunncc to R. K. Andcr.son of Let­ Ing claims agaln.^t the said deceas­ Sept. JO before the councJJ. ters of Admlnlstrntlon with the Will ed. to exhibit them with the neces­ is here made lor further partJculara, Tlie operators arc John Crbtobal, to Independent School District No. FARM annexed, having been duly filed In sary voucheni. within four months J . A B. r. ------I Harold Klelnkopf and Irving Strtn- after the first publication of this 7, Hansen, and that the Board of berg. tills Court, and a hearing thereon (L-ikcd for; notice, to the said administrator County Commissioners of u ld at the office of Rayborn * Ray- County has set the matter presented born, 158 Main South. Twin Palls, by said peUtlons for a hearing SALE s f ii i | : S S County of Twin PalLi, s t a t e of before said Board on Tuesday, the Idaho, this being the place fixed 15th day of October, IMO, at the c«?r'"oJ” S SL"!» for the traruactlon of the bwlncss hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M.. at CALENDAR ...... >!!N.'e in the city of Twin Palls. .lore plra^Ior !fif LEO J. HANLON. Dated September 33, 1040. Admlnl-strator of the DORIS STRADLEY Estate of Deceased. County Superintendent of Publish: SepU 10, 17. 2<. OcU J. S Public Instruction. SALE DATES LEGAL NOTICE PublUh: SepU 24; Oct. 1, 8, 1M8 Public notice Is hereby given to SEPTEMBER 27 all pcr.ion.: Interested or concerned Ted Baughman that Uiere ha.^ been filed with the Adverlwement SepU 25^6 Count: Superintendent of Public ATTENTION Roy QopUns. Awtioeeir Instnicllon of T^i'ln Pall.-. County, Idaho, a petition, or petltlon.i. for FARMERS! the ttnnexiitlon of the eastern part >Vo are now reeelTlng SEPTEMBER 30 of Common School Dhtrlct No. ■lO. Lee Hanks Dlckel, as de.^crlbrd In snld petition, reference to which Is here made POTATOES AdvertLscmenl Sept. 27-28 at our MorUtiih warehoose. W. 3. noDenbeck. AaeU«o««r for furtlier particulars, lo Inde­ Sea us tor pendent School District No. 8. Mur- f cour^^CTA taugh, and for ihe annexation of Highest Prices OCTOBER 1 the western part of said Common Before You Sell B rjan Rojfeni ; MATTER OP • School District No. *0. n.i de.'u. to tS« «r er*ienat X “'s,ri5,rt Phone 2320 Graybcal. BohU phone 508 Cas- ■ no Ih< Uro cunUr ot tim m W« tleford; Main Office. Burley. »• auit limli ibU tn . l»ui«r «.• SE; DR. ALMA HARDIN aaWt > S-«o]aBm S-lack Chiropractor — 130 Main N, Phene 106 ■4 or UrxOT.

n l ' c S ' f f m V d “r'Shu Jo iu

to b. turaM cil by U,. n n dm l,

Et“phm.‘* ' M j fL'ST B h 5 “ i Buhl Wo I Dies At Hospital Here C of C Will Air BUHU Sept. 34—Mrs. Helen L. National Affairs Wnwrti AlrbnkM . Sl.vv)n, SI, route three. Nlhard ad­ National affairs and the Chamber i CASH dition. Buhl, died at the Twin F^\lLs of Commerce's part in those affairs i county geneml haipilal Monday 1 be aired at a general member- i noon. She had been 111 only four Ahlp meeting of the Twin Falls i PAID days. charn^ber at 7 p. m. Wedne.sday at ! Born at Kimball, S. D.. Oct. 10. the Parle hotel. -c • ! . For Dead and Useless Stock Averages iaa<. she loarilod EdwnrtI •SLt.ion. Jacob D. Allen, national affairs 1 Oc^. 17, 1017. at Sidney, Neb. Tliey :mimlMloner of the United States : HO 5R S E S - c o w s trlrl»t> «fe ta came to Buhl from Chappell. Neb., Ken I trad* 'S». Chamber gf Commerce,^ will speak, i cr..!. A tJIHc. .rn.II , nine years ago. She was a member WIU atoe pick B» b«c* U tli«7 • r the Buhl Methodist church. cnamberehftms"® secretaxy-manaBer. Bill a n cloM. Beside* her husband, survivors IndiuL TUlli 1 Include four sons, Lyle SLsson. Ttt’in PHONE US COLLECT Palls: Dale Sls.ion, Buhl; Dean Sli- Twtn P a n in i New Name son, Albion Slate Normal; Capt. niGIIEST CASa PRICE FOB Oee«laf 47 - BnpcTt H A certificate of trade n a m e ___ Warren Sisson, with the army In ni*d Tuesday for Hudson‘4, formerly CREAM — EGGS Korea; daughter, Lelah, Buhl: sis­ POULTRY the HudBOD'Clark shoe store, and ter, Mrs. Mable Wright. Chappell. Idaho Hide & cnicAco moDucs T owned solely by T. V. Hudson, Neb.; brother. Olrn Doughty, Big STRAIN PRODUCE CO. new aign. “Hudson^,” has re­ Sprlnss. Neb. ' tOJ Snd At*. 8. Phoaa M7W Tallow Co. placed the sign. -Hudson-Clark." Services will be at 3 p. m. Thurs­ "Independent B n jti- which formerly hung In front of day In the Methodl-st church with ' the stort at 1<8 Main avenue north. me Rev. Lee A. Wilbur offlcUtlng. Burial will be in the Buhl cemetery under the direction of the Albertson Twin Falls Mai’kets funeral home. Nottiing ean -tak* fHt plae« of • r»cfto— RHAD TIMES-NEWS WANT ADQ flick of 8 switah and th'a turn of a dial you e«n bring _ . LIVISIOC* OPEN DAY & NIGHT DIESEL OIL tHi who!* world rIgHt Into your Horn*. tTw® dMUn «ooU4. Oliff * f«n»wja« erlcM .. United OirCo. I tlw I Ecs PredsMn M OF IDAHO ^ 1 IT« b a ix e n g e r s HIGHWAY 30 EAST ON KIMBERLY- ROAD ssssas.s AUTO SERVICE ' Lar(« t SPECIAL AT1ENT10N GIVEN TEUCKEES ieA,HOVP(QWE« s*».— NOW LOCATED AT OAT A NlOnT S E R V ld pnOITE WT ^2lcftaaa<. J)

HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED~RENT> LEASE WASTKUt LMlcins r«tlr«d rwplft. >-r 14 tatUa. M acra* alfal- ^ ’RITC DOX A. RICnriEub -- COklE UPSTAIRS -- _-...r koaaa. All alaaL I ___ oooLMORmuoa IROOM HOUSE, SEARS f land wllb losd bot>arUn«nt er Hoax In or aroand --- ROEBUCK ie CO. • SAIXTCIRU T»tn y«IU, for f«mllr ot t»«. Ph»"« f —wjiN“n:r>— toOD »0 WFO. II»W tractor CBd vjuli A a n d B PLUMBINQ ■ ;a ll IN fOL^ON m».t. «« - ' -■.- a witar. WItlilB CI9 IlmlU. V«rr OocxJ. rrtc«j f L. J. MOTT HAY. GRAIN AND FEED KtMINGTON~aUBdard tn>awHWT. ti AND HEATING CO. ^ prTf»rr»i. ll«.0«00 o»t -- - Shohoaa. Idaho mod.I radio, naanluffad daraanort . £oob. >r«ll. ImprorH'l «•«». Gom»lH« F. J. BACON & SON flMItU c^ttlnl ha^^ "> ^ '"'la waai chair att. tiactrlo natranoaa, braakl — . an ilx M" tahia and 4 ehalra. iat of anrmaa UlIU Vl'NKOt ortRATORS HaUv. IdatM A REAL nUY Inf Sarrlca. Pbotia HtW, Duhl.___ COMrTOUCtXR OPERATORS ruiwiuiicu or anrnrnlihfd houM e COOItalihtr. t mllaa from Tain Talli. CUSTOU fa«l (rlndln«. Cal'a Ullllaf THIS WEEK OIM Pbm UTU. A n ^ ta 0>r» Bu««T1in« T« >r*ntnmL hr eoapi* w|U> tU »Mk« »1 II BompWtolr moJmj ea V a-rr., fair bukldlnii. r>kt« IMI.«a Sarrlca. PhOM Btlhl t:UI ar niar K«St. rMn» K m i. nahl. «>ll««t. 1 In. Yoa'll «nioi It for »«ar» to WE HAVE AXULGAMATED rUK.St.silbU or nnfurrilih.1 bmiM e >. Worth lf« pritm SUGAR COMPANY • p«rtn.«nt In or '»lUiln 10 biIIm e( T«l S GOOD FARMS UILE aail of Edam 4t acraa bun atia. RAIMCOATR r»li. .suadr rmplorwirel In Twin Fmlli t north md. 7 ai-rM IhlrtI rrowlh alfalla, }9 acr< TACK RADDLES Ba m. TVim F^l* M.rri»J iihd t«n cSIMrra. C»ll 6»»nR». «r.ln Iiubla. l-hona 04WJI.______SI.r.r.PINC BAGS UiKUSt-NTATIVe National dm. fir NICE Ba* houaa. BUlttlr modam. 1 LI V ESTOCK— POULTRY m4»>ftt]r mirrix). no rotimi and amall dInMla. Plant* t MiALU , milk ( ttiiw ARMY riELD RIIOES HELP WANTED—MALE dr»B n»». oil fuma«a. waur haaur. Ill Kaw Cray Karr Wool DIaakau TKLTcrAV-^li M «r M%. JUsilet run<\«b*l •»artinrn( or bosM. “ " CHARLES B. HESS ^ara. haaamanl. baaamtnl cnvl • “ S5i UU)1 ^ LunUr REAL ESTATE ^ “’4a^i*^"Pla?fri.b"ti""’ c,' i C»UCT"lli lU RRWARO Poaaaaalon. rw ^Toi> Callrornia »BTlB»ir aowi TWIN FALLS saaratlBc. dirt ao*tar> 160 ACRES Radio Bid*. Pboaa il ARMY STORE Pteaa lUIW Ea>l or Buhl. Lan ^ »a« h«ad lat.. WALCOTT * JOIWSON OBAVKL CO. dM» toll and »«U Improved. Pricad tNTIIir. d*lr>. »ma fr«h a'n'd acra^'Faa.r « UalB Aaa. B. pboao 1 1 1 C. A. ROBINSON nrr rvaMS&bU. Caah or tortna to aalu aprlnia^n. "'*<^1’'' xt;»cians k A Trwt BId«. Pbofio *t»u — ai THE BABCOCK AGENCY CALL OUR CAU. n*IW »!V» t _ SERVICEMAN Buhl MUIPPED TO nUTCHER JUST RECEIVED Tor coRiplata atrrlea OD> ortka lt> rilOHR Rk. Ill j raoM^ SEnv'J'ii" A Cnrlond of ‘^anu'Tl-OWCo"*' » AND T rOOT ELECTIUCAL^OBrbV*AtlTlUNM ' ron A VSTTtXAN STEEL FENCE POSTS (.rooa bon*. cioM In. tOMsabb 1J« Acraa. poor Improramar PHONE 2063 $100.00 R E W A R D ] 0 Acraa on Addlaon. ao Im prioad for nokk atlfcin. ll0.tOftM. GOOD THINGS TO EAT rA&.'i«E"^E« FOR XJNTURNISHED fTALtAN~pr«naa row laadr. FaldhuM 4 OR 5 ROOM C. A. ROEINSOH riimcK Bank * Trut llld«. Phon* 9t4 ~ RADIO AND MU8lg~~ MODERN HOD8E rUhl. iio.oJo.M to Tu . ^ . m ." WANTED c in ^ ;s prsctlct pUno. rood tot.0. ciiaap: P. 0. BOX 570 nSiuiJo'' CO CO A 0 R ^ ATB TOCW MAN StKU - ...... rhUNC.S.^P^ck^ln*^ now. Ko^lmarar Rancti s t o c k r o o 'm w o r k ROBBEn’ffii'oB MATS Ono'^B'nlW Aj'aw'mi' tiroom ultra modfrn houta. Extra U.M A r r t* AT lEanaan. Pbona lOIRI. Drini ewi RESPECTABLE * b»rVlM.^ IUal*Ho1oa.^ft*lfid**or Ulnari. aUDDEB 6TAIR TREADS IN J. a. NEWBERRY'S UIDDLT-ACEO COUPLZ FARM HEADQUARTERS ramUbod or UnfnmUhod bqeb“u'c*c“ * CO. HOUR OR APARTMENT Practlcallr «««d (ra*. rarr tarilU. llaa PHONE 2315 llM OLDSiJoOllE 4.do?ri HELP WANTED- RCrSRCNCCS two bumia and pUnlr cf ogttiulldlnta. i^ATOE.S for JulcinT'iriO Par bu.kal Or See W 4 p. m. Wadnaadar MALE AND FEMALE ’r {IS?:" Pr»aiuT« •ralam. wall, alactrlclij. TX" PHONE 2022 A Gont* TinbT CLASS FAIUj. PORA IllCKS . Miu;. WE.STFAU. i^liC E rad raipbarrlv, li.7t a <1 NEW SHIPMENT ao ACRES VERV HEASONAULC CUMER 1'L-rr.RS . WALTEIl DAY llaarvl In Twin Palk. fSona I (oburhaB tract. evoriaa. rarra land can b« r»nt«J. Call for futlh*r Informilloa. BILL COUBERLY Rubbar UoatJ Slarplu B*«t ?26.00 REWARD PRIM E QUALITY LKt Praaarvtra All Maltraaaaa tos Main At*. E. Pkona ie«« REAL ESTATE FOR SALE STEER DEEP OuoB Slaapinc Ba<> Nai7 BlankoU MokMMim Vwint E. W. McROBERTS & CO. — rrsnia or Ulnda — Ukt tlMx.. Pho»a Raraca Craaia Raxa T ill CJIE^ll0l.cf e«p.. ,eoi n.l.W. FOR FURNISHED OB UN- All Kindt of Plck-cp Sacla na« “ '•>n«t«. iMtor In r>od aondlUoo. OABTrilfi“*AMw{l*CAN*MAntrT rtm N ISH ED HOUSE OR FARMS FOR RENf~ Bulil. I’hona 70 IKO }>0NTIA0 aada«..n«w Tt.!.... FARMS FOR SALE THE APARTMENT CARTERS INDEP^NDE-VT HARXK lUUEDIATE r««arulon—40 acraa. two pncltr* wijada. Ranur muit ha*» Twin Falla. Pboaa 111 IDAHO JUNK HOUSE W Wk£ckiWo mi ew roU houtaa a ] Krantrr. coral ian'r.. Kbool FRANK JIIDD PARTS CO. iirwo.M < ath balaBC*. PETS FOR SALE OR TRADE NEW motor parfornianca. Onlj «xp«ta THIS WTEKS BARGAINS PHONE 607 RAY UANK riLL trad. Ti; .p ^lJ~W-|Brb..u7 ritlu*i prlr. 10 i«in. ,\l»o »-b«drtiom airieUj mo. y6k bALk . Coal ruma.,. .llm;K.t)a»r(nr xna nrw tract/>r. po. Cbw j ‘lTr-Ml‘lTK .fan. Ull.r ior » Phona H5J of 1817. »F. wu.t. ArpRrriATD Util dlrtar. InijuIra Duhl ImpttmaBl liAVkWi'Oli~ T aala. In *•»«• O0«> M nt«ti«mr » . 0 1 1 SALCi Uolld oak-r-rrr*: dlatlla aat. saw. 110 Will Uada 1943 Fortl. 4 don aadaa R. B. «ratk. GASH (or CalirornlaT North IvK-uaV : chaapar ear. Ttxka** U ^0M aatl rboM n » 4-RonM m«.l.m bouaa. 1 W,. IV,, lt« ■ mall lo'pound lea bni, alaculo •uh(«r wllb Utn KUUry. alitT or .Ishir acr«. Plata, c^nillllon,^ 1 norlb Jt ie.:» iu iu m ; t.. b. mo.aj. » ««,. -i FOR SALE! S.lf baan c^ttrr «r I in aranlnxi, ai.d t'UlMlnsa, C. .Moran, I • knal lliht. Turn APARTMENT HOUSE 1 JtUUM m..rfrrn 61.15 A C R E S 2 Bargains This Week .1-h“ BODY—FENDER ) a^raa on ollad M>K«ar. . tlctil WILL Mil at c.I OIL niThNriis “Cailom Work Our Bpa»Ull7" • MISC. Foil SALK Fur ranan. c^mi’lala with blowar* Studabakap—-radatar hnuMi un founi' KITH ANY KTOVE DWIOilT HARRIS. MGR. PBOKsaia luincr' IDEAL foil THE FARM oa CALL AT m SEO ST. W. tlUY beat* with I Btoma. 4 onll furtiUbad LIMITED AMOUNT TWIN FALLS MOTOR C0< arartmanU I^^vc 3 KITCHEN raOBOi. all.htr Octr^t^i OP t-SAMKLWAllE 1c» k-iIjja. p.rcolat«t. 1 rtna « NEW HOLLAND IF YOU WANT La IIC.K daar rllla with ■ h au l lx « » . on rrtr l>>«t»«( BALING TWINE’ SPOT CASH I READ Tins O^EI : -ROOM HOME * OARAGC LAIIGK lAlaa«!« Lwatad in Twin Fall* DOX SPRINGS and COTTON W th« aUbaat cajh priea* For Information Ai'PLCWtiUU. dr.placa •T^cSSaJ ^ CECIL C. JONZS Now Availablft ifn»a lanithi. Pbona o:soiu. H. T MATTRESS - !»>.*« for reor «m1 CALL UU DUHL AaaerM Mraa of PHONE SIS UpaUIra Dank * Try.t PSon. tWl C»ra an^ Trueis ROY NEIDER Phano IMJNJ PLATB^ CLASB^^MIRRORS Ox aa3 at lU Sm . St. Wak AT mla. Good .a» trtUar bogaa. 14* BhM II.POO will handlt. draft contrni, folding 1 maltraaa, All la LOANS & FINANCING A.l ihapa. pUra 04KU A LL METAL 0)« ACTOUOBIUX FVRNTTXIRB w . E. TEATER 1141 INDIAN ihaCt ., ivj: ";4’- |„. AS-O UVKSTOt* rfian Chief. 19S1 "T4" Indian Oiltf. 1910 STOVE BOARDS ElXtnCRLY BANK Dl.DC. alon Oelobtr li.. with btnr arooirr. Rut. Xarrlll n « Mat, N. uakm of trutera. D. B ARMY CANNON IIEATCIl }^«.tlm^dimp bad. fniB b«l. Pbona R. It. McCOY SINGER UUEO keatrdlas and IlalUr, Idaho SEWING MACHINE CO. SMALL * LARGE COAL BLANOU ..STEIUNATIONAL *1.. _ CBXO HUTT. Mcr PAUL EQUIPMENT II] ShaaboD* K. Ptena ill RED’S BMlsr. Prama ailandad. K foot bad. and Welding Shop TRADINO POffT tact Sob Iforak. i:i Blztb «r«S9a THIS WILL GO QUICKLVJ III Ehoaboso St. B. Pbrna IMT BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Paol. Idaho Pboaa OJIUI. Batlar. •tokar. ^fat«,l FOR SALE! InUrraliooal KubbCT TIrod NEED MONEY T PAGE MATS WX ttAVB SOME SHOP MULE CECIL G. JONES JUST RECEIVED! BEAUnrUL CHROME -—II npulra Bank A Trwi P W « M il ~ Sooa, t DIRECTORY OB£AXrAST SETS >r bltab. A i» iS Carload of Towner * BICYCLB SALES & SERVtCB • PLVUBINO ti BEATINO GATES BROS. •Wjbdall. Uako THIS JS YOU R CHANCE Btaalaa Orelarr. Ph. lit 4 ALSO TO OWN A HOME • CLSANEBS A DYERS IlMM PInbta« » 4 aw. Ok r%mt tSt CARLOAD OP <.ROW BUSINESS OFFICE VALLEY MOUND Obo IMI »oM Cbmolal ir^.w H k' . _ IlXCEPTtONAL BUT TIMES-NEWS a ROT RENDERSOn • RBFBIG^RATOR SSHVtCB Tractor Corrugalors (•rmrd dtnap bad. VRm s ta M td ot » a a —rarm*—Lota. • COiSSSBRCIAL PBINTINO Obo llO-tos iutn Hot rUst, ar «m RW>Ca« ______Phoaa MU ba Daad aa I bac aoamta atzar.- WHITE. A*ency tt kts kM. Tl» SEE THESE AT LOAN ' 2,000 STEEL POSTS a>n>li>s»«9 with • M k. ». Btnaln SECURITIES CREDIT »SJONS A SHOWCARDS MOON’S • FLOOB SANDING GATES BROS. M INCHES CORP. W ENDEIX, IDABO NITROGEN PHOSPHATE PAINT & FURNITURE Ok A. BaUtr. Ptm m rOB PtOWDJO UNDEft STRAW HEIE3 TODR Babart B. Caa->«lna, ahoaaeai* and amf ^ ^ ANSWBK MrtOd Uuntas. >hatM 4«U. DO Baaaad EGBERT SEED & SUPPLY CO. GATES BROS. W E HAVE Uunawb. Idaho PboBa II NEW ARRIVALS WXHSCtb lOASO’ ' FIDELITY rBretar^ltO^tndlh.*! • SSWINQ MACHtNES A Limited Number of AT a NATIONAL BANK M E JAY TODAY! • GLASS—RADIATORS ROQERS a.WAY HYDRAULIC BARGAIN PRICES I HANO'ON PLOWS LAWN CUAIBS ' «)» “■ »“™ ' »• »u. ». m 0 1— » «a4. m tad B. n . «J Tor Pord Trartoia —fiOUSE TRAIIfERa— KQCTTAUJ: FAUt WA.S3 • TYPEJ?RITBRS •^-SInettesS I^ '^ r ruupB ,_ ’jMJOLIDni, k >«atab aad aarrM, f rLATro!u5r ac^ERs ‘ a* Too rw « >ed T n m itm b . Op IttRICATION POMPS l»UICBtn.T WK OOT SOMCTHINO HEREf PRESSURE SYSTUI8 tt^ la r na.Bi- ___Spaeial U M t J*** kaa a««rrUta(i RUbt eUo SHALLOW Tm.L BTBTEMS uuMTOtetnux tlJRNlSUED ROO.M.S • UIUEOGRAPBINO • VBNBTIAN BUNDS IH E S * A RE HARD TO QET AUTOMATIC CELLAR PUUPB u M tutta. AH U«l . 5srT5=r-c=r55r-c=*=5 y r n ^ —t MAjfuioura vnnmAM »uPto l rro is 80 PLACE TOUR "S.S'tL5S4“ T » t a r ^ Cndti iM iut> a fb. a OAAY BED* niCU CIUXU NOWl roi AOTO urita CECIL a JONES • U0NB7 TO LOAN • WATER SOFTENERS KRENGEL’S - 485 WESTERN Cpauira Rank 4 Truit Pbona m i AUTO SUPPLY CO. • JESSBJIa. ■ WSKDUm. Bna. r\. tn. PAGE TEN TIMES-NEWS, TWIN PALLS, IDAHO TDESDAY, SEPTEMBEB 21. 1S4» i iU» rnkioa I li'rpMr Taunc Idaho Hit by ; aKIcht In lllpplnw Twill Falls Radio Schedules I sNrwa «umm«ry Increases iii I fh. fr"** KVTMV KTFI i Alrlln* Trio Crime Rates I of th« W'orM Lots of Weqr! I lUr* Coni» tS* lUnd —at a low WASKJNQTON. S«pl. 2* m — . KIt. fl"«l New Arrivals! The Rocky mountain region experi­ I iCmnd Murqun price too! enced nn Increue In crime during ' jST/^rrr iTnd Ijli Uirai* Vulc. of ruKlon 1 the first six monllu of 1B4G, tollow- M'luUlo & ? ; Si ...... 0 ing m nftUonAl trend, but thero was ' (irtmaphoio Mvmcrln Regulation I: u thuggery In the mountain area ...... For the -thftn over U>e nation gcnerMly. I rhoral r*v>J<-sd* A coaipllBtlon by the federal • UnitMt I'rM. n»« I lA D». wiih Judr bvreau of Investigation of crime I Ka-lln (Sf«l»r t. Nonk ARMY reports from 3J97 cltle* covering > <>T'ulc rram Ilollroco. ia;xi ^lJune period, shows In* I Slinlnf art jOin <>*<>•<< br ShtMlnik WCDNE8DAT — W M e a - ln — cBch--category.'- with 11 loo BUnTn*« off ? SERVICE marked Jumps In murder and rob­ ) Cui Loiji. Tim. bery. A toUI Of alot machines 1 Tho national murder rate per i N«wt Mltlla the United States were reported I 100.000 residents cllmtied from 3.(3 WEUSESDAT 1D4S. Id the first half of 1949 to 3.13 ...... n IlhTlhm I' ‘ rrttlT I[»t N « ( ' r.Ixhl'flllMn •dltlon In the same months this year, while I 'fihtdr Valirr Fu:ki > .( Lir« the national robbery rate rose from ; Ch>rb lUAti iml UtiVd 214 Dloe Lakes Phone 1&S3 represented only per 100.000 In­ habitants, lowest In tlie nation. purchascH, you’re pnyinjc the least for the very best. REMEMBER OUR IRON The larceny rale for the mountain I Jiit\r»‘)n Kikrrllr area \ as nearly double the national . CLAD POLICY IS YOUR GUARANTEE "IF IT ISN'T RIGHT BRING IT average 830.7 against 4&8J) per 100,- BACK.” 000 rc.ildcnts. E\ery state In the area exceeded the national averaRe In this category Including Idaho a03.4. Auto thefts occurred on a larirer ratio than over the nation: 157.1 .'j ...... leather uppers. f| per 100,000 re.'lrienl.i as against ' Uxl9 Va|l,7 KInal 121i) the national average und 137.S 1 Tr.n.lf«n« I New Shipment! -1 Corded sole steel toe— a year ago. In Idaho the rate ' >t'>llr>cKH| Mft< ...... A real value! !; Jumped from 120J la.it year to M6J. I A (o EE widths. 5 to 12. LEGAI. ADVERTISEMENTS PENDLETON SUMMONS Main Floor i IN THE DISTRICT COUUT OP j Shoe Dept. T H E EXEVENTI! JUDICIAL J Wool Shirts DISTniCT OP THE STATK OP IDAHO. IN AND I'OR 'i:WIN PALLS COUN-n*. ;1 In our new arrlv.iU for Huntlng.jThat Famous Pen- I. N. Randall. Plaintiff ri.NEi) s:s i dleton Shirt. Hand-wmo shadow plaids blended with Maude M. ntindull. Defendant A fine of $25 and »5J0 co.iUi waa h medium llghl and dark shades of the same color. Ex- pnUl Monday l)y R. L, Bohm on a THE STATE OF IDAHO sends J;: tremely xoft In appearance. TV-o pockets with button Rreetlngs to Maude M. naiidall the misdemeanor chirgc. nmnlnK a slop Of coursi you say you above niunetl defendant. slsn. In the coiirl o f Probate JudRC ■■■ down flaps, lined collar, one button cuff and plackeU But JOB may be unless you do wmethlnr You lire hereby notllled that a. T. Hamilton. Tlic arri-sl wiui •;! Sl* button front. Few plain shades. In colors Blue. complaint has been filed against itiarte Sunday by Dcpiiiy Sheriff D. alKiut It! Hoping and wishing won’t get yon you In the District Court of tlie C. Parrott, county traffic ofllncr. a better Job and more money. y. Oreen, Tan. Brown. raeventh Judicial District of Ui Stale of Idaho. In and for Twin Pulls County by the above named J $7.50 plaintiff, and you are hereby di­ We have helped tliousands of ambitious men rected to appear und plead to the and women set ahead In the business world Other All Wool Shirts $6.90 Up snid complaint v.-lthln twenty days —perhaps we can help you. of the cervlce of this summons: Sizes 15 to 17 and you arc furtlier notified that At lea.it j'ou should Investigate. It may ba unless you so appear and plead to the tunimg point In your life to a better Job said compliilnt within the time co.M Fonr and more money So come In or write and let herein specified, Ihc plaintiff will us work things out together. take Judgment acalnit you os GLADDEN A prayed. In said eomplalnt. Tills flult PLEASE la for a divorce from the defendant A Fine Selection of on the sround of de,

Amer/eo'< BOYS’ JUST RECEIVED! No. I Medium Weight PULL-ON, INSTEP STRAP Com/c. Camp Blankets

CORDUROY ■ Part wool army surplus blankets. ^ Light or dark (rray. Ideal for your BOOTS 1 Bed roll or camp bed. Approximate TROUSERS /; size 03x63. Warm and durable. $ 4 0 5

Sizes 6 to 16 Tontahl at 7 P. M. Medium ucighl corduroy with heavy pockct lin- KTFI ings—very well made throughout, rcinforccd nt all points of strain. Colors of grucii, blue, brown '1' Dial 1270 and Krcy. j_

WE’RE SORRY— but duo to tho domnnd for thi.s item, wc will be un- able to lay-ftwny merchandise or answer phono ii- calls. -11 inch tops. I. -Heavy oil treated uppers. I| Just Arrived i KHAKI -Lite tread oil resistant sole. |i Boys’ Short Sleeve ■i —^Comfortable to wear yet built for •;! J CAMP BLANKETS POLO SHIRTS [J long sex-vice. |i ^ Part wool single blanket. A warm sturdy blanket p —Widths to fit narrow footed hard !■ suitable for cainp or household use. Q r J f A $1.19 I' to fit men. S Approximate size 62x82 ...... U > D *D U Also plain colors In DOWNSTAIRS BEDDING small sites only_____ . $ 1 . 0 0 , $ 1 . 2 0 Main Floor Shoe Dept. AND DRAPERY DEPT. Idaho Department Store “// It Isn't Right, Bnng It Back'* Idaho Department Store

"IJ. It Isn’t Right, Bring It Back'* kii