Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-09-02
The Weather Servin9 the State Univer.ity of Iowa Fair &lid mewhat wanI er WaF, wtih bJPt of ,. Campus and io If. c..Ier toaIIhc. aU Iowa City e owan fair lJJd IIlDcJ FrIda)'. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, September 2, 1954 Signal from Old North Church .. : Bri~ain Urges Arms Investigat~rs Hear Evidence ' Fo~ West 'Germany LONDON 1(,4»- The Bdtlsh cabinet tlecided at an emergency session Wednesday night to push for limited rearmament of West Germany within the North Atlantic Alliance, official sources said. At the same tin;le the West .German :government demanded in dependence from the Big Three occuppylng powers and made an In On 3 ,Anti-McCarthy Charges direct bid on its own for NATO memhershilo. Chancellor Konrad Ade~auer's government, ignOf- . N '10 M , H-Bomb Vidim Lapses into Coma To (onsider ~~I~;a~~~'e:n~~unl~e:e:e~~:~~:. fisenhower .Signs a I ns ee • equahty and mIlitary cOOJ)eFation W~t ~~::p:~~n~il~~ ..supporting Bill for Expansion : To Formulate Remaining 2 The action in London and , ~:~~iO~li~X;;o!!~~ !:te~ Of. Social Security . Pa'cllflle Army' Frl\nce killing the European De- . This Mornina J, slIlilea ~Id wUh. fellSe Community plan to add FRASER, Colo. (R'}-Presldent I WASHIN010N (.4') Senite les, Blld Getman military support to a Eisenhower Wednesday signed MANILA (Thursday) (,4» - Invesllgators comp~';; ta~ projected unified European army. into law in a Rocky mpuntaln Even if the eight nations altend- evidence on three of the five Thit plan had been proposed 'PIne grov" lemolatlon extending I' ing the Manlla conference cens"~ -"ar"e" a,alnst Sen.
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