RESERVE WRITE JUNIOR PROM FOR BID ALEMBIC VOL. IX. No. 14.—FOUR PAGES. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I.. APRIL 16, 1947 10 Cents a Copy Architect's Sketch of Science Building RAY SCOTT CHOSEN FOR JUNIOR PROM Eighteen Piece Orchestra Features Songstress Dorothy Collins Raymond Scott and his eighteen-piece orchestra, featuring lovely songstress, Dorothy Collins, has been selected to play for the Junior Promenade, Dan DiIuglio, general chairman, has an- nounced. Ray was born Harry Warnow in Brooklyn. He first studied sound engineering at Brooklyn Technical High School, switched to the Institute of Musical Arts when brother Mark Warnow of Hit Parades fame urged it after hearing him play an original graduation composition called Metropolis. The "Raymond Scott" pseudonym was chosen from the telephone directory to avoid brotherly name confusion. There were soon other distinguishing marks. Doing something revolutionary in Prom Choice modern music is never an accident with Raymond Scott, the composer- bandleader who will play for the Jun- ior Prom in thv» Chrystal Ballroom of the Hotel Sheraton-Biltmore Scott Modern Science Building Is Proposed; has a dread of getting into a musical rue and is constantly seeking new paths to blaze. Completion Expected In Near Future His latest? The creation of a series of "symphonies for dance bands." Scott's dance music has been played To Have Adequate Facilities For All Science Departments by symphony orchestras. Melodies he created for his famed Raymond Scott By REV. FREDERICK C. HICKEY, there will be entries from the corri- Quintette have been used for ballet O.P., Ph.D. dor. Work Started On scores. Scott even composed Chinese music for the Mary Martin Broadway Chairman. Chemistry Department; This arrangement will provide an musical "Lute Song." It all stems from Providence College unobstructed view of the demonstra- Erecting Former an insatiable desire to create new mu- Plans for a new science building tions from each seat and yet the . sical sounds to be erected this year on the south farthest seat will be only eleven rows Naval Dispensary Scott's "symphonies for dance removed from the lecturer. The am side of the main drive approaching bands" have met with great success Harkins Hall have been announced by phitheater will not only be a great A Dispensary Building of the Naval in concert appearances. He is also de- members of the College Administra- convenience in teaching large fresh- Air Station at Westerly Airport, voting a portion of his appearances tion. It is hoped that the building man groups in science, but will also Westerly. R. I., will be transferred to at ballrooms and theatres to jazz sym- provide a much needed auditorium will be ready for occupancy by the the Providence Colleeg campus in the phonies. for extra-curricular meetings and with first of next year. near future and will be erected on the It is significant that the musical RAYMOND SCOTT Its construction will not only pro- this in mind, an entrance at ground lot adjacent to St. Thomas Hall. sounds Scott created back in 1935 vide adequate laboratory facilities for level will be close to the main drive- when he introduced "Twilight In Tur- Work was started on the foundation the Science Department but will re- way. key," "Powerhouse" and the fabulous of the building on April 7 by the lieve the existing pressure on the rest have now been incorporated as The general plan of the building Ayers-Hagan Construction Company. classrooms of Harkins Hall allowing Vets Entering Other something sensationally original—a places the Biological laboratories in Actual completion of the project wiil sufficient floor space for 14 normal new trend, according to critics—by the left wing, the Chemistry labora- take about three months. The build- size classrooms, together with ade- Colleges Must Get some of the big bands of the day. tories on the right, and the Physics ing will be ready for occupancy in quate room to double the present size It's called "Re-Bop" today but con- laboratories in the center on the sec- September. of the library. noisseurs of popular music refer to ond and third floors. It will be noted The building is 185 feet long and New Certificate the original Scott Quintette recordings The new building will be 80 yards from the accompanying sketch, that 40 feet wide. It is a one story frame The following information was re- to prove that Scott invented these long and will rise three stories above each laboratory where great increases structure containing 6800 square feet "new" sounds back in 38. the ground floor in the center sec- in the student body might be expected of floor space. leased by Training Officer Baker of tion and two stories aibove the ground is located in a wing which could be According to outstanding swing Tentative plans have been made to the Veterans Administration: at each wing. Large bands of prac- conveniently extended at a later date critics, the new musical sounds be install classrooms, offices for the tically uninterrupted windows will should the need arise. 1. All veterans leaving P. C. in May ing presented by Woody Herman. Cowl, Veritas and Alembic; and a encircle the building at each floor, to enter Law School, etc., have to re- Stan Kenton and others are a take- central mailing center. There will also providing a maximum of natural illu- The Biology wing will provide spa- off on the weird cadances and aston- be a stenographic bureau equipped ceive a supplemental certificate of en- mination and ventilation. Vertical cious laboratories for General Biology, ishing tonal acrobatics that Scott in- with a modern electric addressograph titlement and eligibility. strips of glass brick at two stairwells Comparative Anatomy, and Embry- troduced via his famous Quintette way machine. will «<dd another modernistic touch ology with their store rooms and of- 2. This certificate should be applied back in 1938 Business Building to the exterior as well as providing fices on the first floor; and for Physi- for in writing during the first 2 weeks j But Scott has forgotten his Quin- ology and Bacteriology on the second The business building will also be light for the stairs. in May. tette and that music, and gone on to floor. A large research laboratory will ready for occupancy in September. new fields. His is a scholarly, intellect- Since the opening of the college in 3. The letter is to be addressed to ; also be situated on the second floor. Mr. Timlin, Professor of Business Ad- ual approach to dance music. Creat- 1919 the Science Departments of Biol- ministration, has announced. This the—Manager. V. A.. Providence, R. ing something new is his constant am- ogy. Chemistry, and Physics have ex- The Chemistry wing has a large In structure will accommodate the en- I. Attention: Training Officer Baker. (Continued on Page 4> perienced the same phenomenal organic laboratory on the ground floor tire business department. growth as the college itself. This connecting directly with the general 4. This letter should state that the | fact, as well as the greatly in- chemistry stock room. On the first veteran is discontinuing his training j creased number of students, have floor will be situated the Qualitative Sing Mr. Citizen Ticket at P. C. and wishes to continue at a | Alembic Spring Issue Analysis laboratory in the wing and placed a serious strain on the new college. classroom and laboratory facilities of the Quantitative Analysis laboratory Sale Starts Tomorrow Deadline April 22 Harkins Hall. In faot the need for a in the central section. The stock room 5. You must let the V. A. know if new building devoted exclusively to joining these two laboratories will be l you have been accepted at the new j Ticket sales for "Sing Mr. Citizen," The second issue of the recently science was felt over fifteen years ago directly above the general stock room j college. revived ALEMBIC, college literary and connected with it by means of the Pyramid Players Spring musical, and plans were drawn at that time for j 6. Request that your rehabilitation quarterly, will go to press April 22, such a building. a spiral staircase and a dumb waiter. will begin this Thursday and Friday it was announced by M. R. Knicker- j folder be transferred to the nearest As viewed from the front, the cen- Running directly across the rear of at the booth adjoining the COWL bocker. Jr.. Editor. Deadline for the | regional office to which the new col- tral section of the new building to the the Qualitative Analysis laboratory mailbox, it was stated today by the submission of material has been set at height of two stories protrudes to and separated from it by a glass brick Rev. George Q. Friel. O P. lege is located. April 20 provide an amphitheater accommodat- wall, will be the balance room. The 7. Fill in 2 Change of Address The editor urged all students inter- It is scheduled for a week's run ing 250 students and affording facili- layout provides excellent illumina- Forms so that checks will be sent ested to place their material in the at Harkins Hall beginning the 28th ties for demonstration experiments, tion with a minimum exposure to cor- to the correct address. Cowl mailbox by the deadline. Ar- of April. "Sing Mr. Citizen" is the motion picture and lantern slide pro- rosive fumes. Directly above the 8. All veterans receiving pension ticles should be marked plainly "for jection. The lecture-demonstration ta- Qualitative Analysis laboratory will Pyramid Players sequel to their com- checks should also fill in these Change the Alembic." ble will be toward the front of the be the Organic laboratory which wiil edy of last semester, "The Amazing | of Address Forms for the summer A meeting of the entire staff will building and will face seats rising in connect, by means of a stock room Dr.
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