l a t e b u l l e t i n FINAL PARIS, B«pC ** (W>^Ttje bl< fonr for- CITY elfD m iB liU n decided lo&l«ht to tnmi- ftr their ecnfereneet U New Ywk »ft«r EDITION the pes«e eonfewoes *dJoBrn* OcC 15. A Regional Newspaper SerTing Nine Irrigated Idaho Coantles VOL. 29. NO. 162 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1948 a OBd UbIM rmi PRICE 6 CENTS 105,600 Sugar Stassen to Stamps Stolen; No Real War Threat Faces World, Utah Pair Held SALT LAKE CITV, Sept. 24 VP) Speak Here —Enforcement ttgenta for the oflleo Stalin Says; Calls A-Bombs One of price admlnbtraUon asserted to­ day that the arrest of a Salt Lake City couple resulted from an Inves- tlgalloR of the alleged theft of lOS.- 000 ration sUunps, each good for On Oct. 8th the purchase of five pounds of Peril but Temporary, Indecisive sugar. The stamp# were missing, said By RE.1IBERT JAMES Former Governor Harold E Stnsscn of Minnesota will Merrill C. Faux, OPA chief en- spciik Tiiosdny. Oct. 8. at Twin Falls, it wns announced lust lorcenient attorney, from the Con­ MOSCOW, Sept. 24 (/P)—Prime Minister Stalin said today he could see no real danger of niKlit nt a mcetinp of the Republican central committee here. tinental Dank and Trust company, Steps Begun for Federal a new war and exprc.>i.ic(i his iinqualified belief In the posaibllity of long nnd friendly col­ where they had been deposited prior laboration between the Soviet Union nnd the western democracies, despite ideological dlf. Clyde MusRrave. FUfr. county ^ JH m . shipment to the verlflcaUon — ferencea. chBlrman. snltl complete details of •r Bt Denver. Power in Southern Idaho Stnvien's Bppcarnnee nt a bis open Will Talk Here Complaints filed In the office of At the same time he snld the United States now held a threat to peace In "monopolist rally here lilioulcl be rendy for on- U. S, Commissioner E, M. Garnett BOISE, Sept. 24 OPi—The Bonneville power administration has been poaaession” of atomic wi'apons, but that such monopolist posMes-sion could not long be m^n- charged Bert Pope with possessing noimccmeiU Inter. OOP IcaiJcr# will directed by Interior Secrelarj' J. A. Krug to prepare "to assume Uie tained. In nny <‘vent, he Raid, wars could not be won with atomic bombs. 31 sugar stamps taken from the rcspoiulblllty for power marketing" of federally generated electricity In He also chnrgcd that the retention of United States military forces in China threatened confer hero lodny on plons for depository. Another complaint ac­ the southern Idaho area. SUu-'cn’iv tiilk here. cused his wife of having two stamps C. Girard Davidson. a.i3lstanl secretary, said here today the BPA was peace, •"Twin FalU will be Sln-vien'a or\ly In lier po.s,ie.Mlon. Instructed "to Include In Its 1MB budget estimates of funds required for Stalin cxpresned these views in answer to nine written questions submitted by Alexander The jMilr wa-1 released on WJOO sun-ey of transmission line*, marke'. studies and development work In Worth, Mo.scow correspondent of the London Sunday Times. slop hi Idaho on hl.i we.Mem tour bond. that seeUon of the Gem state." The Soviet leader said he did not believe the United States and Britain were trying to nnd nil Bepubllcnn leaders Uirough- In n statement Faux said: David.son said Krug'a action "fol­ oul Uie slntc nre expected to be "I received a slieet of sugar lowed closely a number of rrquesw reimbursed for all power delivered encircle Rus.sia with a capitalist ring nnd could not do so “even if they so desired.” Ho here to attend llie rally." J. B. slampj fnallfd by an anonymous for early and adequate power sup­ on a basJ.T which wjl) conUnue lo said Ru.s.sia had no intention of usinf^ Germany either afftilnst western Europe or against per.ton. stating Uiat Bert Pope of as.'Jst In the repayment of Irrlga- Thnyn. cxeciillve secrctnry of the plies' to develop Idaho ph«phBtei the United SUiles, einco this would not bo in the interest of the Soviet Union. Salt Lake Cliy was silling them. and other rejources.~ Uon conU not carried by w a t e i county orgnnlzAtlon. said. Tills led 10 hlfl wife who was em­ TTie assistant secretary' — on a users. Thus the Bonneville power He called for "demiiiUrlzaUoa Tentnllvc plans for Stn.iscn’s visit ployed as a Janltress at the Conti­ one-day visit here—said Krug asked admlnlstrnUon will add means for and democraUzation" of Germany hichiclc n luncheon and n political nental Bank building and aulgneC Paul J. Raver. Bonneville power nd- lower cost power development of a.1 one step toward a "stable and to tiie Contlnenlnl Bank and Trust Idaho re.iources. lB.siing peace." rally in the evenliiR, T liajn s*ild. mlnlstrator. "to apply the principle company headquarters. of a uniform power rate throughout "The development of the great Filer Gambling Case "One should sL-ongly dlffcrenU- Suuwcn Li prominently mentioned ■'Later evidence disclosed that Its markeUng area Including the mineral resource.*! of the Snake ate between the hue and cry about as a ixjislble GOP preildentlul nom­ Pope had assisted his wife In her river basin," DnvlcL'on said. "Is not li *new war,' which Is Uking placo inee In 1048, He MIS n naval cap­ Snake basin.” work Bi the bank. During that time Davidson .said tlie department ot only important to the Snake basin — and the real danger of a “new tain during the war and gnlncd the bnnk reported to OPA officials In building up Its economy, bub it Probe Not Abandoned much presURC n.-i beUiR one of the Interior previously asked the re- that elosc to 105.600 stamps had clamntion bureau nnd BPA to make is imporunt to the naUon as well," country’s yoimgest governors. He disappeared.■■ He said the pho.spha(e develop- iriclure on page 3) wa-s n delegate to tlie United Na­ n Joint .stud>- of southern Idaho to InvesUgatlon is conUnulng Into posilble criminal aspeels of Uiree Filer F ln ( Aluwer provide for the "fullest development menLs In Uie upper Snake basin tions Initial confercnco iintl Li b are "truly national resources." gambling cases, rxcordlng lo PrwecuUng Attorney E. M. Sweclcy, although Stalin’s replies to Werth were Ids strong proi>oncnl of American par­ of the upper Snake ba."iln through construcUon of multiple-pur- "Maintenance of Uio soil fertility that portion of the matter im-olvlng scirure und deslruclion of equipment flr.1t aruwers lo any foreign corre* ticipation In nn International form Probe Starts and agricultural production In the closed Monday afternoon with bu<nlng of the last pieces of the devices spondent’s letter since March 32, of Bovmiment. HAROLD E. BTASSEN w a te r conservation projects when he told A.uoclated Preas Cor­ planned by the bureau of reclama­ whole west and much of the middle Involved. Wendell U Wlllltle. who wafi de­ . prominently mentioned a» tion and through the availability of west Is materially dependent upon W. C. Drown, building euslodlan respondent Eddy Gilmore he be> feated by Franklin D. Roonevclt In a po-olbte Kepubllenn presidential On Blame for the economic development of these at the court house, burned the last lleved in the United NaUons as an the low coat power from the Colum­ instrument of peace. At thaS time iho 19H0 clcetlon, wili ilie ln.it eandldale In I9<8. will be In Twin bia river system," western phosphate reserves." David- Navy Camp Is pieces of gambling equipment i prominent nntlonal polltlclim to Falls OeL S to address a aUlewlde son said. flscated at Filer. He did this In the he told Gilmore he believed "neither Stock Slump The BPA. Davidson declared, has the nations nor their armies ara spetik In Twin Fnlls. pollllenl rally. been directed "to proceed Immedi­ ■'I am Impressed with the foreea.il presence of Sheriff W. W. Lowery Thnyn said that It L^ hoped that PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 34 <,P)— made by the department's staff College Now; and a Tlmes-News reporter- pho­ seeking another war," and he urged ately with planning surveys an d a campaign to expose "war-mon- all the state and consre.islonnl Re- Launching t>n nll-out Invutlgation construction ot transmlaslon lines that power ase In the Snake basm tographer. Custodian Broa-n was deputized gers." publlcnn candidntcs will be obla to to uncover the caaic of the break connecting the.^e plants to load cen­ will Increase several times ftttcnd the rally. In the Sept. 3 stock market, the ters and also IntereonnecUng Idaho during the next 30 years. The Opens Oct. 14 last Sept. 15 by Sheriff Lowery to Werth asked Stalin If he belleTCd Taylor Flays O. S. .securities and exchange com- with the Columbia r iv e r po«-er bureau of reelnmaUon 1s prepared accomplish burning ot the truck­ 'the actual monopoly possession of Fully 50 per cent of the eounty'i The new nnd fully-accredited load of gambling e q u ip m e n t precincts now are "completely or­ ml.^ilon has n.iked nil member firms sy.ilem." to construct dams and power plants Farragut college and Technical In­ Uie atomic bomb by the United of the New York stock exchange Davidson said ‘'It Is planned that within the next 10 years to utilize brought from Filer after it had been Slates ot America Is one of tl3» ganized" imder tha .lector captain stitute wiUi fncllltles for teaching confiscated under a Justice of the Power Group to supply the SEC with data on the bureau of reclamation will b« local resources," and housing 15.000 students will principal threats to peace." plan.
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