Leqislative Assembly Debates
21st March 1929 THE LEQISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DEBATES (Official Report) Voiuttie III {21st March to 12th April, 1929) FOURTH SESSION OF THE THIRD LEQISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, 1929 DELHI OOVSBNMENT OF INDIA PRESS Legislative Assembly. President: Honoubablb Mb. V. J. P a tk l. Deputy President: Maw lv i Muhammad Yakub, M ,L.A, Panel o f Chairmen: Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, M.L.A. Sir Darcv Lindsay, Kt., C.B.E., M.L,A, Sir Pubshotamdas Thakurdas, K t., C,I,E., M .I^ A, Mb. Jamnadas M. Mehta, MJu A, Secretary: Mb, s. C. Gupta, Bab.-at-Law. Assistant o f the Secretary B a i S a h ib D. D u t t . Marshal: C a p t a in S u b a j S in g h B a h a d u b , I .O .M . Committee o Public Petitions: M aulvi Muhammad Yakub, M.L.A., Chairman. Mb. Dwarka Pbasad Misra, M.L.A. Sir Purshotamdas Thakurdas, Kt., CJ.E,, M.B.E.^ M.L.A. Mr. Dhibendra Kanta Lahiri Chaudhury, M.L.A. Kawab Sib Sahibzada A bdul Qajyum, K.C.I.E., M.L.A. COHTENTS. Volum e 111 March to lith April, 1929. PaobS. Thursday^ 21st March, 1921H- Member Sworn 2265 Short >Totice Question and Answer 2265-71 Motion for Adjournment—Raids and Arrests in Several Parts of India—l^ave granted by the Honourable the President but disallowed by H. E. the Viceroy and Governor General. 2271-77, The Indian Finance Bill—Motion to consider adopted and dis cussion on the consideration of clauses adjourned 2277-2322 Friday, 22nd M ardi, 1029— Questions and Answers ..
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