Dr. Manoj Kumar Assistant Professor ( Department of Political Science ) G.D. College, Begusarai ( L.N.M.U. Darbhanga) M.N. – 9532258109 Email-
[email protected] Socio-Political Thoughts of Swami Vivekananda The ideas of Vivekananda cover almost all aspects of socio-political developments. We can make a list on which Vivekananda had given his remarks time and again: – i. Upholding nationalism ii. Implementation of Vedantic system of education. iii. Achieving social justice and a system of equal opportunity. iv. Steps towards socialism particularly achieving the concept of spiritual socialism. v. Development of marginalised classes (Dalits & untouchables) by adopting reasonable classification. vii. Steps towards secularism. All these ideas are similar to those enshrined in the preamble & fundamental rights chapter. The makers of Indian Constitution were much influenced by speeches and writings of Vivekananda. Therefore they incorporated the philosophies of Vivekananda while drafting Indian Constitution. The Constituent Assembly Members had repeatedly mentioned Vivekananda while debating on new provisions of Constitution, particularly in support of the philosophy behind the preamble and fundamental rights. The 19th century witnessed the dawn of renaissance in Bengal. Luminaries like Rammohan Roy, Debendranath Tagore, Iswar Chandra vidhyasagar introduced new ideas of social reforms. They started open protest against the social vices of the contemporary society. Rammohan Roy, who was considered as the ‗prophet of new India‘5 introduced the spirit of liberty, equality and fraternity in his religious and social reforms6 argued for modernisation of education, abolishment of social evils like sati, child marriage etc. Vidhyasagar, on the other hand, strongly agitated for adoption of a system of widow marriage in contemporary Bengali society.