Government Gazette
ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Published by Authority Vol. LXXII, No. 6 4th FEBRUARY,1994 Price $3,00 General Notice 55 of 1994. photo-graphy, plan or chart referred to in section 2 or any portion thereof shall make an aplication, in writing, to the Surveyor- COPYRIGHT ACT [CHAPTER 200} General, who maygrantin writing or refuse permission for such Copyright (Government Maps, Aerial Photographs, Plans and reproduction to be made or vary the conditions laid down Charts) Notice, 1994 hereunderas heseesfit. (2) If permission is granted in terms of subsection (1), the IT is hereby notified for public information, that the following Surveyor-Generalwill notify the applicant that such permission has provisions apply in respect to the reproduction of maps, aerial been granted and reproduction may not be putin hand until such time photographs, plans and charts copyright in which subsists in the as the letter conveying such permission has been received by the Government of Zimbabwe. applicant. Title (3) Permission,if granted in terms of subsection (1), shall be 1.~ This notice maybe cited as the Copyright (Government Maps, subject to such conditions as the Surveyor-General may impose and Aerial Photographs, Plans and Charts) Notice, 1994. these conditions shall be set outin the letter conveying the permis- = sion. Government copyright 2. By virtue of section 49 of the Copyright Act [Chapter 200], ~ (4) Permission will not normally be granted where a reproduc- and the rights assigned to Governmentby the Liquidating Agency tion is to be made for any purpose for which the maps, aerial constituted by the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Dissolu- photographs,plansor charts referred to in section 2 of this notice are tion) Order in Council, 1963, copyright vests in the President in all _ suitable.
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