AB Aurigae 106, 107 Absolute Magnitude 3–4, 211 Absorption
Cambridge University Press 0521820472 - Observing Variable Stars, Novae, and Supernovae Gerald North Index More information Index AB Aurigae 106, 107 AR subtype stars 158 absolute magnitude 3–4, 211 Arbour, Ron 197 absorption spectra 90, 94, 148 Arcturus 97, 163 accretion disk 162, 162–163, 164, Argelander, Friedrich 7, 155 176–179, 180–181, 183, 186, 187, 193, Armstrong, Mark xi, 197, 203 200, 208, 209, 211 autocollimating eyepiece 51 active galactic nuclei 1, 203–210, 211 active galaxies see active galactic nuclei Baade, Walter 130 AC Herculis 145 back-illuminated CCDs 61, 64 ACV stars see rotating variable stars Bailey, S. I. 131 ACVO stars see rotating variable stars Balmer lines 94, 95 ACYG stars 123, 144 band spectra 92 adaptive optics unit 69 barycentre 154, 153–154, 173, 212 AGN see active galactic nuclei Bayer, Johann 133 AIP4WIN software 75 BCEP stars 10, 101, 144 Algol 155–157, 159, 162 BCEPS stars 123, 144 Algol-type stars see EA stars Belopolsky, A. A. 121–122 Alnilam 56 BeppoSAX satellite 201, 202 Alnitak 56  Canis Majoris stars 10 ␣ Canis Majoris see Procyon  Cephei stars see BCEP stars ␣ Cygni stars see ACYG stars  Geminorum see Pollux ␣ Ursae Minoris see Polaris  Lyrae 159 American Association of Variable Star  Lyrae stars see EB stars Observers (AAVSO) 12–13, 14, 219  Persei see Algol AM Herculis 186 Betelgeuse xii, 1, 62, 96, 137–139 AM Herculis stars see AM Her stars Bevis, John 192 AM Her stars 185–186 bias frame 71, 72, 73 Andromeda, Great Galaxy in see M31 binary star systems 152, 153–171, anomalous Cepheids
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