Supply Chain Business Model GRI 106–2, GRI 102–7, GRI 102–9
Annual Report of PJSC Inter RAO for 2020 Strategic report Sustainable Development Report Corporate Governance Report Appendix 024/025 Supply chain business model GRI 106–2, GRI 102–7, GRI 102–9 Supplier Inter RAO Group Consumers st ELECTRIC POWER Installed capacity of 1st pricing zone of WECM nd 1 pricing zone of WECM Europe and European non-pricing zones GAS SUPPLY Installed capacity of 2 GRID COMPANIES OF RUSSIA 25 GENERATION IN RF and European non-pricing zone 19,933 MW, 5,072 Gcal/h pricing zone of WECM ROSNEFT GROUP 1,855 MW, 554 Gcal/h Gas-fired generation of electricity and heat Coal-fired generation of electricity and heat GAZPROM GROUP bln m3 63,557 mln kWh, 3,569,000 Gcal 3,010 mln kWh, 411,000 Gcal 21,788 Gas-fired Coal-fired power Coal-fired JSC BPGC MW power plants plants power plants 18,541 MW, 1,392 MW, 1,855 MW, COAL SUPPLY 1 5,626 4,580 Gcal/h 492 Gcal/h 554 Gcal/h 10.5 Gcal/h 2nd pricing zone of WECM Siberia JSC RAZREZ KHARANORSKY MUNICIPAL HEATING NETWORKS LLC LOGOTRANSENERGO mln t LLC RUSEXPORTUGOL st nd Gas-fired generation of electricity and heat Coal-fired generation of electricity and heat LLC ARMZ SERVICE JSC RZD THERMAL POWER Installed capacity of 1 pricing zone of WECM Installed capacity of 2 GENERATION IN RF 4,260 MW, 12,216 Gcal/h pricing zone of WECM 2,959 mln kWh, 9,830,000 Gcal 11,874 mln kWh, 5,634,000 Gcal 2,051 MW, 7,192 Gcal/h FUEL OIL SUPPLY 75,000 PJSC ROSNEFT OC t LLC REGIONTOPRESURS 1st pricing zone of WECM Europe PJSC GAZPROM NEFT ELECTRICITY AND HEAT CONSUMERS IN RUSSIA Gas-fired generation of
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