SOLIDARITY official organ of the Black Consciousness Movement of Azania No. 7 Third Quarter 1981 0 Marxism by Walter in Africa Rodney * Steve Biko Memorial Address * International of Crime and Terror Invades Angola PRICE 50p

OUR BANNING IS NO CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION ..~ ing SoiktIiv. No. 5. fis 1mww 19W i illsih Cwoua Momeol AImW umemie Vn Oktcmram of Pubictkw km dm - mamt dIdomVabeumt@i of Vspmabcw,, -Se Rm Daily Mai 23.6J1. kew ovrseas -d . have m wam usipm fo SOLIDARITY. Tw -ws~ of SOLIDARISTY yw som we u on mef ~tm - But 10 irn s bviw of SOLIDARITY to boos ow sl wouid be dmwqm Ow1 1-r~d n Mfro#ANS10aam SOLIDARITY. is4 a " workb papbids b ~j Afrkm. Tto psk" vwih sdm*SOLI DAR. rTY Is umhmq fr too tow of *sa its beeming ud sot wmdw fm no a- wassm m o help SOLIDARITY autoa #a bem"~ oedin merw and la fai Morn pi in Souw* Aftwo .m it W~ most EWM. fte out mn wm *~Awpbon: )r,lotuskImomiamVaOWnYo.bWIna - upora un subcar -fi a t £ 1.00 S -pn- 11 by t il codw v SOLIDARITY ACCUNT NO. 007W16. Lloyds B"i Ltd.. STow~m Comet Raw., LMb WIP 0(0.

SOLIDARITY PAWS, ttvoi'Wt c and difwwon loumel of dw 81mck Coiouu~ MObwrang of Azana CONTENTS Thrd Omt .19 1. No 7 THE INTIERKAT1ONAL OF CRUE AND TERROR INEVADES ANGOLA Pap 3 STEVE UKO WEMIORIAL ADORESS Paso 6 In the Polltxca dolk'wyv Of the ,uxt. Wma* umwiurty studsets mrd~e for ways to reww* thw MOpCY G4 bwviad Itertmon numirnts. They QuntsOrmd ttw.,ow tpotbomo on a lNal GWd ome60wtfY 0'wt Itft body .hch confinted itmalf to verb artlick and avwot c poan aPunP the gowvwt At the end of d* wo th W " batth to @W* Cw~sat:01r41 Wh4c thfy have ijnca ddtused beyond the Unkwsitiy corPu. Today SWedi Coewcou,,as h.o.... the thank~ng 01d aetson of the ovp , at overy weal of'690-t-on kibuleo Mz"Wti addow"n a SCMA fftwvq an 12 Seapinte.19S1 mn London to ownvmnrawthe 4th wworwy of the mutdor of Stew, S&Otu 8110 o-etata" Ite kwlewarita pmm of Sao Ccocweu "ri 'acail 4cwUfmntarnal unet noaieawpd FOR1EIGN INVESTMENT AND LASOUR CODES IN SOUTH A CA Pp 1 SOon. o oraotions by Pthakamde Phtfio on imparwt,&j t ev to co004 the black wOVt11 ang danad Wad tho current &uW~t nto a blind alley KLA#K ARTISTS IN4 THE STRUGGLE Pap i Dwnta*ao MOtth~A ll on Mlack angts, to prepar fot a fte and soc~ainst Ajmnia by peartcpatmn activety in the doweloettet of out culluS rid Iauriig cltra P'Oyanw for lobation. 300K RIEVIEWS Pp 21 SOUTH AFROCAN SIx PROSE PaP 23 Ramn parpetu ~ mmt~ Of SUl natv'. not "aI Of 00ludi at tea r Lone Do Sm IL" wa Wi Ud. W0101 out the$ *rnt1 hypocay ar" rmwrag otierrtjOme pac by the Whit nAWig Olagudy -n South Atca to Mor" --the purity of the **-wol~ The amibd* sxmww W"e taftbl 8ttd an South Africa apmt the badiuoun of the HOUSEHOLD FERTILITY SURVEY, a stadbonw but andous toory of th* Wu Iml Of South Afracw en i, widertiren at the *-pma instruct ions of Dr. Anir Tpsa'et (n~w '131. NO-* for has rWvQ anid retrograde mii:). Trarveal Wh oath aionlist Party , mMns, tf Sktotucs. -A1 very VWal kf It" mui bow thaw pla Win arid uiemorto on asiww .sMtMcIS says a an sa*i Ilinr Sut 94 the tyP@ Of Willm witd aN pwvW to acata 1w mOwl saNUM. LDtti DO SNmit as arn exila from Souths Aftxmc. low rasidnt in London.

IMSIDE SOUTH AFRICA: BLACK POLITICS IN TRANSITION Palle In a %ped deliverd at a conferonw on "U.S. Polwy Toward South Afri:, National Asondae. May 27-28. 1961. ort imd jointly by Northwetn Unv* "n the OC.aW Coualo on ForaW Relations, Franca A. Kornegay. Jr. extamn raeni poiti Ia dovwlopowim sn Sot Africa. a ~m from a Stackh pena-tkvs Fraomm Kornagey Jr. is Dim cor of R.,wdtc at the African Stbdiographic Canter. MARXISM IN AFRICA P Dr. Wafter Rodney. celebrated avow of Now Europe Undea - po Atince daisase iia rsiovanca of Marxism a ideology and methodology -Foe us. to mauka more pre , . Stoc paspla. no doubt wall -4mm wg Stock people. will as ths q.ton wiwther an idol~ogy whsi was historicalty generaied withafl the oiture o western Europe in the lOft cer is. today. on the thord quinter of the 200t century. still valid for another pn of the wold wiwly Afrc. or the Caribbear or Sladi people in ami amuetty. w~hd it is vaid to othe societies at othe twneer Or. Rodney's lectsu was dolovered on March. 1976 to the Seek Proram at Chies College on New York. fthedid quarlrtY by O BIN* ConmAnams, Movernora of Azons 42 0eamaay Smef. Lolldon NI WA 4t0 Centrai Park West. Aporunent 12D Ne'- York. Now York 1002S. unitad Staem of Aewsun Opoiakr Stresse 4 1. am69044"dbe. Wet Germa~ny S4nad onedems represers the views of the authors. wtada may not necessarily causcide witthome of the Sim* Corosoums Movent of

The International of Crime and Terror Invades Angola 'he "Su"y moA and xtack of aqo by Ow South Alt ca 00aene uWm s not an aso unawwactd wo an qy " ReNW Admiuewawso ftw .* Grutua. QiAW and the poOui whawuc Mwqi m M l Satedr or 0% 'NmuWo. M than am en of a wl "w US a the p"anesr of a= i eir m ow These.& are UWpa ktw "w pulr -M Retc and W"od it W%400 M r - -*lw VW and D kwhd~4&" ofw Me uiaw ~U ft inwd ain awnd wmpn a w wtwm. Our tewa ws w"aco arm &W awne qin*m ow wn ed owu wm.p'wis -A be towurs The Souih Air rm lp 4 Wrmo Ar~o aansoo -*&y wurrd oAt on b~ f the0 amp Adwation. The -mmo wid to* of Ar~ I oboimd ton on o wk of a nube Of ast anctan -ee 5mw Ak an wgow Rea -w duw -~~ 400O&A M0 O0.00Aa3ansamgooim -ee m s4 .N&a WK "M Lf AM arlm*n a am wrSe anmmnet uul an ai OW ow Mos m, Ww @ fSw lae Qvwka&~ so aws M am Ow -pintw Admwwat.o woAd hame uI mom backbone an fw Of Pawasu than pvma oe Our obecw a wo weae South Mtuamn Gowwnwwt cofdence Car mad clea that -hehd' owa deuctan l Mainc' m n tariM sfftwsi I ' 1, **! Owouid orvden be Pogo~e by - in~tainWn- hvch vowfor it M.wpftels as areAtl ofacha 10tM lYSwn muntapned toy Mo ~bMrw' a e t to 11uMI wiw-F ?o Fth Ow ont the MoWid V~ and mndltay mw~tw. fueled as Ow" ae by uw0 A 006MIND we suftscanty aUrd to beied upo by 0w Renqm Adrewwabo 1 trumif oreew~n NW Saimcaon ON the mwor. and comwM. be.A~y reprww Ow netwoni lowicn s . Ow Crocke uods Pion wa tha he ha aw"ft secure UXS Mweman Na and Anip~a The. of cowa. a a atownw% for WN" US mbteMS iSou. A*% a elt awVwod. chav 1.a o uwe profits. To mwwu -4A woma a% Aildsanmd kw%"&bi -.d MOA am 42M Seme. in zmmm so66MMM Aso a ve - wMse r au an C dw IN aa OwM . n a GL e ID n" wi a MO. BWat o Sprml -dW "WERS mo U stn nits own. Atta Angol by ostansd~y iradang Aigol to destroy SWAPO baot is the f mrst stop to - motig *1S onterests an the ook of Southern Ala. Stnce its 'flkumwatiofl. thme Reagan Admnisatjori ha dernorseassd in both word and dated its determination to rotors the US to Its pre-Vastwri rate a the leadvr of internet m I y orwaad cries si-d lttrot agamnst pop4Au' lire taoon moorveryoflts in *mey part of the woi'W The stratagy is ernploys is spiat out by Cioket whe "he rempnfased US druae to dea i utth destabdasation thiests (to profit%? - Edotari world wide by going to their lsuces. using mown ttIsooid to #&A Wiim and regioni 'niourcf C4o emats) in practice the devouAmon of the tuatey is a follows In Libya the US lootervornis directly by provoAtrwfmy uesm piawin on Libyan territoria ai~ts awl 161400terwJ dninw toovo Libyan plan~es in El Sdlvpdur the US intervenes by &Kinriq massive miltary aid to prop up sit u"Liopum and taircihlt dictatoir shiIj It, *hi; (a'.bbrati it nonaNly J.I&iOy Its naVy tO harass CAJbd "n tiestbidla Goonada in the Moddlr East its intetests ae sticAmed by Israel whichh it aids and SaUa~ in the s ceweson of the Palestiniea stugygle Egypt and othsor reactionry resomi hoonde Wo Libya we given mdrtar rad Ins Southern MAtca it flwn Coven u&ppo to South Af rcas sats of terrtor and arinte apent WAPQ. Nerno Mid Angola Thloe Reagan Admnirstraticon ffy protest the preserce of Qrtrsn 3000s i Angoola arid on thaf accomir 0nalo its sisgowi kit South Alrcoasi mm~ memint Amcola Theoo 46WVW~ raguW may prote the sarassa Angola pie IN I 911APO freedom fqsWrs W tast that a 4p excise to invade Anvola - a if Its acopei~o o Np isif a 1011 la 4A BtIn eithe co the seci We 0sniO&kwson to bids the real airm of the US,4sd Irsternatiortil of Cimes and Terror which. tailored to the region of Southern Aftica. "of imIsdmay to of fact Il a destabduastion, of Angola "i tte ~trdrow of the UPLA by UINITA. 2) a waoeinong aond electoral defeat of SWAPO in UN supervisd elections thin enabling the twit arid puppet Turnhaslt Alliance to take over governmeunt, "i a a consequence of the 3) a to.rdation of the Azanian struggle for nationji liberation. The real 'tarrooislt 1jntarnaticwall 84,1 in todays world acu Of ~ar rsatjoni masmof hae" a tainctilMY W Ariwice's soeof SWmo 800-a VetWra~ geWW~ a Rss wotm Movemert within the US WtiChs lobbied PO fully too, the end of the w Uw teeby shook thet conflidence of a weary Admns iD promm em w. Pm van ~u~-* pemeoples of Ombem 41eem@4 vaui -o* amm cs of m " ,, PaPatbwarm 4Wn Alkl.. '10 "owns. Wxv _y W -an Roin.haOmmoeticrnbyPorinulemUSinV~uwn.Asften *A few4 ms c- t Wasfa. or v "Of -in NOW vkmwy fo te foan. I. It is n an andm - C Wopefl Wai .~ "O i it o Sew in AU andIaPW N&A off Anais4 I@1 hmcka"LA Mdhiiny. ft is .mwv lr ka to kPNO -r~b em UWIS. VIS Oanhi sonmae W4ld ac Im d.*utso of ft Raqin Adomdon -o - be s &w d an % WoemetV qk"s madem csecia we ., J, me m nd mm - *0 %ma vdrwarn oft Plceo OM mald -D * turoi s em muis afm of *A eWkin m "dg -wf dps who. @4 ds asu of Pgnd- I- .ofttm f ma~d o oA0 ON1am e am doU ai wokn dm amph. of 'bin m~~ie lo a ~atc sok~ revkom. wit to1m timec or*" of bIS&a 41ow mawint in te b few yars. em ho n m we propkbos f~ m aagenw of socdidh rAm Ord 0 NAMMi WMWyd 10 kUOO~= 010 COW" of mumb in Om do am.@4o socdba. &At m ' - rwnust *a fava of !ww n a vwWipid is not a vupd unim weanm ousm in te vckw pepe- i - weme an.naep a*I Ipan in Owe s~uns are s Now m -qplc. Pw now ft buidingasamipw~ toteina -~ wrking dm smm Only uwi a mowi scvely Wilin ms hed n -u smms an Ow s o# .emtk peop~omwshopeowe a Wia blow is South Afr* as Ow harbinger mi :amr@4 US Vv in Ow upoeu ma~ Ahis nd p v em O scs oavwW o * spIu Ow ptips of Arsoft NO ~a s~me, Pustoa Gamrvm' ~ps~ m~san Ow fift4 our too arl - n ^"* PI'.moa-iq. Lom Gcwt C~s Nmeaa wW m p&Ae -msot Mmwwbo w~vmw a Itsam ari ElSama 6

Steve Biko Memorial Address MWULFLO VIZgKHWPGO 11ZAMANE O1'.ol dw awrawvone an wo the Useat Ctoiists M41wwn was bilt is tO biswe thist th astiveion of "n Vwsw'iy At'. ho '.s wel nn. ,W-. is ahame in O heW u n ys. detrusetil to ft pwcies of is". rncei wW s ef m.wfwon for whod thiS U'30Adw&ao isunds This is why an the. sot do" of the mcwem" nbyt o em alowed to hold *"wie forn~ Mo onetes nfarsn wag c shhughof beews coui aWise -otol. Ouw ti ten w se -wv - o at'in Ow'na --t of adent politicsm~ w uwe coubd opeatea from rho. hgea'.em. 10 &,e ethools. callepe &W uwer0" suamin ans' ad go. &At todey amNgs how drintaeiW -w~. 8sch Coneiouam ha nix only '.d a firm Inooitofd beyond uwwwoso WeW Swat Nx hwn. bt it h alsmo got' beyosid &#@ border of our cotay. This has mmcntasd wtaaen or1atine WWk acg wwlf &,A modifeaoi'. &Aiw still stand by ow hmsden'.ntl 0epa whai I would M~e to vrw. Iam notn I a;c I0 to ibvintOekand ofpasomlkyvot iV hav eongrow wound w too irus a n ow mwr,'.nt - a ithenoinenon w~id May be jWutiflabb in one' r1. but can alo be dsmglng to ft' coll.cItis etic by whid~ owt ongmnrintion m;pas. &Au tndaV we hewe corns to goy holMqs wows It is due and to , I - ourselves n I we. In the sefles -prt of dwin who hew goe b~nalm UKMEk f tA& ar- 04* STEVE BIKO to. woa -mwoofdeak uW - FI. Woho semd a our Point of felamm to oft -maasmof.9m~ar Me.aB~ am m fm han at k Vw.* pe It hem ". a eIAdo Skein Ws sad work, 1M usa*tww aoraoouodinfounstonogon~0"1A W an ftoie NM. kw Ve rob. ist Ow saw amma N rq tOWth dayof te Bkc P~s'M Ual -n ww. 1** =mn I om l*v0ieq lomeho 'Sln CoopOW. Mwt mysm. moskm Gid Lke. II-me wo uto -oe~. Ntu*.. Nkw%. Pw~ WAAMWK Sd~. 1b#A WW* kloodk and Dhuda CWA.. Aborupt ai *em. bain r lh - 9v 'w 0. ofou :MaPWGhim OW O$bamWmudkso The O- am INM W hw ld " am "m " A& oft. UponobdalubisimOwpmOW0ormUlmob 0nul N*i do m Our amemt b Ni em 1 - k Ni toOse etoko U~w we an sof we saed umwebom -m bomw Ad is. 01& ebb Niew 6 mr.* I f" ot nm"t we eoln"m so. aw -ANOa s *A - w I" s- GwmmmImmfrWbysa1 NIll we9W fLAMw e~m offWWO w~nimtomud by Ow W~kf nkmrft MAN mai of South g- Ahim emoi"* Ows LWWm of tI=. -op gpdm orwkot WWID mmim soemy of. de am.e mama ~bed boln ammo *A w to am dmdd of -mf m%* Und .owy046m ofdobda em-~i dank. ai* .daorai ma *AAba kdmAae~AA -W *a Aklom Skabas Liiis of Sowlh AbM (AW.)W did raw swrokv fo bine a im and im I fv Aftca -stfa -~o to *$h - di WP.S. te wj~w*ad w*r= Ptt tkm 40 Somuth Alitm tiaw. MWd foa briW pwie -ft tU7 in ftOoci RftmdW .W~ftenf CIed 9mg ULtk -* Chisi lia mw A(UM). The 4AM* OR 005P Wk*f for BLs. W~h te P, AOf ft @Lm*w~dco chol -Wasawco,. nemm Owk ibft pinomn 10 sM s NLSAS. And a Omi we ow Wbiw wwwwty saw in South AMW. -- kc - in 19 Ow 91.,,. *we M)WO Mum O Eoih 4Imkk w-%wdu m va - ,u 3O Ues ins th @Is .mmtm Put -pit - 3AOS bed an m w a maiatiy of Nbhka "m te Eoiftp*ki W*ra "$w it dmw ib Woodl. Thm inhm s to&i kv wo Ow elk ud""bemumecicamaweinmu"mbyaiftSs.iem*om at-w -ane m - 4 cmi wtOci ON& a IM oi mpak Ow as ftkau. 'T1w a sti of W~e WWM -ufh = WD beb* si . at 0"mdofem&W"Ls ft"6be ADfomu 00e O mom.9i a emam&sluwaOm*ummNt ISr*i7%0wo& - ft t rapa %*l in em 0*1 ofRaf peop". In Apt 19" em ",, Of OUJS00S ~9 for sup m e dwudI m. an wdowm ofu h e %w& eekd to te Sout Ahnmm ,h , m. a wn%** bih -mm -s to dfrom bvmw WSJAS Mn. in It 1 a. e ""new a em A* lW med% onbeuMMOOOA9 N~. 0s m n i MISIee ~Sa -o eiWnV of.9OAksmA 'p mom(AR).w

- , 'Am o- W oml had adommd doe tecli of mso~ m ;n v it by Oe bwaed undervusd mowm te rlde of Iock wmanwfd fom the majors t of On 4 W auderm hn NUSA& The now NUSAS idp fter 1964 lN, 04m moeMUMN back to the rn'rle of the roed. cfin0g theraeshs to verbaltKkS cM the gOWrDmnMt and to sfdoic protests. within te trWce. wort of the aw'. Disgruntled Black students began to look for a new ho me In 1967/8 a Vast deal of soul tiasirsg wa tang placi MYxong Blacks within NUSAS and the UOWA Prominent fron the stat amn them students w re propk like Siewv Bantu Bko. Vuytlwa Mashlabe. Aubrey Molt&ap. arney Nymeko Ptyvana. tasty Ranwed,, Neinqwelhulu. erkick Muse. Petrus Madhalia. Mannrm Kgwae. J Goolam. Suin Moodlev and Hrv Isaaa Slack students thus set themsaelve up as a united Black front to frustiale the governmnts eflort to separate Black people elong ethni Is. , accord bc with the White minority eacist segeris 'divide and ruk' policy. whidh is osuphnWestaly colled Separate -t*ioevist. The Jly 1967 annual conference of NUSAS at Rhodes UIiwery ion Grahams town was the oms, on v.di set 8,to and he cosoputes a" the Black Co femnens path. The Uniersoty admonwabon at Rhodes prolbted muted accornmod n and. mo feabtai durv te confevime. Black staelW t dsen wee emmmodaed at a dhurch bldi in the BIack towr0d iV of Grehomwmsow. The wem wbakr rewcson from the Eack suttens. who bean to quihmon ~ mace deepy the wuke of dte qweal l l p rof l n at NMMASwmp 31n"Srwqdouftwas epimed abmn de Olnoety ald the ary t White eI - Rhode nlmkV wo am of tw he dsis o4 *mkg ijUworm - who hd ma thawmlm up as spokamen for Slacks. Thee we dsmstfction with the manner In whik the HUSAS Iaersh p had aewt give in to the cdaigeng a Rhoda. after the mial ndionus of condemnation sprest the establnhmet. The politia of Mhite bberalism wa expomd a ssmile. bold at the verbal level but im oent to eofeci veennglul cthanga,. whi could never coe through theiw ritualistic token protests. within the framework of the "Constituion'. Bot even more imporant to the evolution of Black Conscious. ness, the apotitude of Whites to define Black experinc and girew a and to artitculate Slack a sations was seriously Questioned. The tacts which had been adopted by White iberals and foisted upon Blacks to gain concesons from the White power structure cames under Severe critical scrutiny. It was pointed out that theA me liberals stood to p mow e from sloht modificavtors to the system than from its complete ditnantlement; while the Black people would never be satisfied with the re.rrangemrt of the seerm old furniture within the seme decepit apartheid structuri. At the July 1968 conferences of NUSAS and the UCM. which were both held within the saw vicinety of Jol-anineburg. Black delegates from the two bodies withdrew to confer smongthoem. selves about what to do w the 72" hours daring whoch they were pmmtlod by Low to reman in the exclusve White rea ipered. DuriOng the meeting other manm af ecting, their Intereus mSac people uonped up. Thia the South Afrcan Students Orgenistion CSASO) A Bllsi* ory msetieq we oled for December at Bko's old OIa aool In Morta and the nome SASO we fomg I V doped. The onferm noelied ic, break whth NUSAS in orddo to au - a slati~on w9tie BWSs coud spall out their Problsps Stack people an p-wk the&r caeul thot aim -- iedift. An iaugual confumic wa plaritid for July I96S at fte L~wirl of the North vs Turflocp. The conee at Turfloop deoreA to *09 the term *Wonft". 400116ir ud in all oftiial Wyvernneit commuv niation. They sa the term. on Fenonian two, .- a nagat on of their being They we -w desuibd as *nom~rehin Woit -raii that the midard Wa soowtirt aima. nd they --- not that Watsia standard. -They ft that a -adt viw of file. which s as nmn uxM' withe~ build4 uPof or**s dy~aty arid cooaIo. should be conitand .-% a ducrptio Ouch you acep. and they scuot to rplem- the twrm hon*Rwwr with the term 858th 7 Sao" GAO ex plared in 1976 at the tram of the SASO NONE' (whoin nae wee mtrioned At the July 1970 General Students Conferenc at Wentworth. vws~ SlAk We then stwdying. mtuttoreiat on the onexst of South Africa. where Stadks e doMd to be pertual fui perwrs. wo lmud to be uwiathle "Mats awe towd of sundsng at th,? touch SIM to Wntu a "mne that they #Nouk IM pgayuL Seko had declared in a polacy As*arenst tamed shorly beftore the Went worth conference. - They went to do fot themselves and by them so! a.- A resolution adopted at the SAW General Students Council on Joy 1970 so Wentworth affaimed that -the wancipat eon of Stack people in this cowritry depnds entirely on the role ftgck people themeielves aea pre~m to plsy.- Piertiap today we wu delete -andirely trom 'the issolutson end substits it with 'Vrwiwoy. but the lwdensntal Owmv an out nuerient -inkn the samne). Thewe am w fw of the bowc terie to ~hc ft Blaci Congcmaoon Movemnent of Anie (MAJ. rewdime Ibef a the einwa wwq of the Awian People s Oerusmon, (AZAPO) and its aioeors, "th subs, arbe. The ar e emew of the pledges wve have wone here today to remnind ouselvhes of and to rededicate ci setves t0. To comnplete thas brief hirstorical pocixre: The diffuion of Stack Conscious neu beyond the tinovery pneret on took the form of en adult uirefta OtpNUIK~nthe w 858th People's Con. wnson IUPC). whose hoorary Preudent Stav BAO was upon has death i Septwft 1977. The SK was formally launched on Paeto wtA" inJl 1972. Sornw of the orueneatooris which paticipted fromn the stars %*vre the Susanim arnd Prssiona Womn, Asicaietion. the Intardenormonational African Moiwer'Asso7I ion 4EIOAMASA). the Assoiaton ir ducatinonal and Cultural Aftenceet (ASSICA). the So. Pow' Setionary 06t oys* Asaocseuon. the Sales wed Allied Wrkers' Asociaton and older meribers. of SASD. In Aupaust 1972 en uebraka Black Allied Wofters' Union ISAWUI wa Iarcd under the auspce of the PC to provide the ital ink* with Af workers anoi uV anrwo rd the a~cutual -cto. Phe Blsci Corevyeity P'ouemes aso carnie onto besng under the "w watdiful eye of Stew SAO arid oitherl, to opeate as a win of professional eaperu. C was formied to wry out speafic: tads in conr'wmxvty dralopivient an a sprit of sel ~I~em.The phdmocV behinid " wsthat Stac people NOe to be helped by their own kinid to dsaeow their own Problarns arid to participate an the sclt. tao to thi piablets. Somte of the eOnwirs do aopment protects under taien, tvee the areoom of creche. and clnros the ungq UP of adut 1410raCY and preets am ethane proparmims. homei ktiuiso and oem econoic P 1c, mainly in the mpoiierised rwal me. and the utabiwhrment of lhederslip and youth progirnes - a potect which was to hae far reahawin conwqunoss in 1976. The spread of Black Conctoousnets to NO whools was Wely factltated by young teachers like Onkgopotoe Tiro and other recMt gradue from the Black comupes, where SASO had gained a firm foothold. Some of the most notabe politia youth orgeniatotos to blossom theougOut the country from the end of 1972, and the ones which were to produce the organazataonal imptmus behind the Black Peoples urisng an 1976. were the South African Studenu ovement (SASM - high schools). and the National Youth 0rgana Lat~on, a ledaton of youth VOL an Nata,. Trarwn$ and the Ca. The ev vital lik with the workers is in evidence al over the cun yr today, among the trade unions of Black Co~n$oouwne persuaion. Althoa4 this prolifeation of Black Cosntosnneu organat ,ons was bawned by the White ros t Minority reg e on i9th October. 1977. berely ae weeks after Suar Bantu Bako's dooth. others have *isen to fall - their Place. as they wi continue to do until the yoke is broken. That i the legocy we of the 6C"A cry abroad. To cu a very long story shon: Th SASO INlews"ters. which began to appear an August 1970. when BAko was releved of hot duties as Presdent and apponted hosaman of SA^SO PUNices "os gv a very preose for miatmon of Black Cons. cjouleUs. But I " not go into the detail of Our porbcsl philosophy. we ham a co~a~aeon of ehos ,witn. / OVrt" #Wa I Like. a title taken ftm his rega feature colun a the SASO fowdetters. we also have lissus of Our ofimciall mourthpieco. Soidevty. Thome who would oaot hat Nailve MOrM inti. -IV with our work an ow vwiews re urged to dip thw heads into these documents. Finally, plowa no that in our strugge for nationhood what is very fundamental to our stand it the belief in ourislv. To us. Black Consciousness means the suucturing of an alternativ context to apartheid. an alterna ve that will not mrrely be an amelioration of ow condition. We do not want our chins made more comfortable. We want them off. We tell ourselves A the time t we mus' lewn to gwom on our own. out of the quagmre of gerihead. or drown. In this cOntext. we need to reiterate whalt has a"ly been a cantua plank in our platfor,. that Black Consciousnes is not roCarn in reverse. It as r id¢ Aou to aiu1 a movement that draw% its meriberip from the op ma peo of mixed tacai origins of practsg rcism. We hav it before that tacirie is con. ceaved by those who wield power, for the purpos of subjugating thoe under them. TV*e pr in our land is in the hands of Whites. The polaration. as we s at. as betwee the oppreud and the opprsor. an whatever gunse the latter may appeatr. Black Conscousness as colxor bound yet it is also colour b nd. that is. owr constituency has been dertermined for us not so much by our lack. ness as by the Whilte manorty rast r roms disriminatory and explootative practice. tey are refusin to share powr an ny meaningful way. not us. Our mor contntion. to return to my analogy. as that at is infinitely better to lawn to swim on your own than to rely on sfappoited lafeavers, who keep their Brtish and other forein p mp safety tucked away somewwe where no water may eve reach them. and who moy be convoniently otfduty or on holiay brod when you requoe their wanano. We do not underelnata the enomitty ofdo ~u wesofi - Au& e wouid urp al ow wf wouid be our OWto help me hdp omrsve. And not @~w O revoution from ttm dian ad ortapd - W -pma people of Am.ia. ot diva it wMe politicafy www)o cous dwwuI And so we wmwiM once more. wit Al due heauity wd sinvty. urp ali *sowm wto mai n Asppon us wWwe how no dhiaons about Ow fact wtwe need all your aggoon - to awee "ha if you bring to is we "a oggy s fc nev nwd. but Owa If You alOW us to 6"M how to Vfis by ouim we d"a owuai~l be able to food aiurwlm ta the rut of ou ives Tha* in a nuuteN* is &&a Coicima'nw a a Poltca gh&idoov "n a a way of life - the epcy Steve Bant SdAo an aN the oithss wtxwm we comnibe an th.I day "of us. 12 SEPTEMBER 1981 Foreign Investmenit and Labour Codes DWAANG ft"AWLE PIlTL BACKGROUND Itis cootw krovied thao m*Alts. netional coff~amles would lia to -ve in *aable' counaims where thaw wwwI to we guaad. The ppkal "Mtaton i South Afrxe hat new been S&Oe and Wesn goem nf hw qtaed "m 1111191macy of a*e South Mwn emtjw r gi Thayhowe pro as OuA to the d em ds woe, M SOaud Mtike by ghinig It O eem mi nowIagle kwsw4vow and fkwwi. to babes' emk readmon Anticawi Ows m y wkl for Owutmuib. Theirmw ms " Iw, hawve lped Owe rei mtww assO tlues'. It Isa V d wo aiy, -of that he Ir pr in willm Akio is preul eem y we able to w Ups' prxifrU t, ault of al din uvnntin ad stain wage Budu rew. The Sugikw and Euroea Economuc Conwnmason Labur coe wwo - W dwig ad afte the Soont uprutg of 1976. The Suihan Prncillas mw -aw'lqie by te Rev. Lson SwUnein. a dwecow of ft Ford Foundetion. Imibef. the %WwwN g a suwv san. bu Wwnw wrn of the No* CowmmW~ joied~ hn agiwwwty die wea awk The tMh mocar~s p - mnpwaWrfwmhSytaI &W.n this mo Owe rmW and ks bck (auldroailn eewotuoo. It and -OM o m~alim I mvA Fce with this mitstin. the amm V- tgoOIle mm ,4at the fiMe ft tttel presence in South Alum. In thim OW~ OWe SaUWW PrkdPif had to be rwsha and thery feA on neopwr *am Thm ou aenper wore P~wr eomx a Ut took over a vo for the Re,. Leon SijG4wui In drWsp the to xpoints an .wi 12 cm m smm woild ages. Thoe powt ere. I. Nonupraption of the room in eatwg omffort: amid wrk facimes; 2. Eua and fair empfoymsnt Pracices for all eiiiioven. 3. Equal pay foe ad emnPloyess do"n equol or comparale work for the urno to. erio. 4. Initiatin and derviklooment of train. we pvogpanwes that vvill pr p-. in substantaal numhess Blacks for mgmvimory. admirustrauve. d&KW encl -oh~ tots. 5 lnou-sn, the notonbor of Btau* and other 'nnw#'tea* an mnagement anW mirrovory poseteons. 6. ImprowVi the quality of emnployeess lirvs outsods the work anvironwion: in sui area as houing. transportation, sdwwVali. rearvition and health I al t g., In Mairch 1977, aftear the prvboapie hta bun fully disummod with the South Aca rogem. the code wa nouncd to the U.S. public. The South African wasin em tffacmently confident that to Pivopla ponud no danger to them. so they released them in South Africa a 111111. Thou compon .gm in the orial otw of wptaoriee wore Anwmn Cymwnd. Uwvoughe. Calsm. Ctmp. Ford. Gomal Motor .~ IBM. rnetoil lowem. Minnesota Minin & Menufactuviq Ole E48 to- and uion Carscl." heU.S, gemrown off biale. oW so -m U.S. biusom proenoca in South Africe. dad the Prdplh as an sapromriev yardstic by wltto oudge pm m as' fitness for igrdit r~ate or slia asitnce. As Rbdmwd Mooss, Assisant Secaetary of Sm, Wad at a mustig beti thme Rev. L. Sill ivin and thme siatr a: -Anmi buwnes will be L ftr*Vn~ called uwo to dwmons* trut thaet it's an iwwtrant for meaoningfld chore on a opuf~r ic sae. and that nits not 19 d apors of apertheed by whiatowr m. There an be no doubt that ~ efort is prodiusn a taremble rauit-. Other US fimmii ueeing wht ft happening rushed to soi the b"ndsWn. By tnod- 1979. ff* tOan 120 comporass had endorsed th rn cooi. Latay, the Rev. L. Sulfivan talsi usc there we 140 sepatormes. Deepaw the proving accptance of the Sullivan ftinoa no formal mechanism ha been at up to check on sagritoty cornvervie to as if they implesmnt the code wW no action is taken to punish compamie that vlouaw the Prinaples. Yet the Rev. L. Sullivan trmains highy optirlwtc. as he has been from the %tart. rearding the Puinciaples' potential to brmng about change. Gown tat beyond a dnrsumbon of what their role can be in the workplace, he has repeetaly expiressad the~ hope that they will becore a tremsndlot force for change and a vital factor an anding thobd on South Africm*. NO THREAT TO APARTHEID For (trn being a vita factr in endin aaertmod. homwsw the Piano iples do not challengve the systerm of apartheed. liutmd they "no Mrel~y a a ut of VgWWeMn for satct"Wg limite reforrns mn one ame of soouyV: this workplace. The Prvmciplas anw a tuew u'nist. bourpom stitokamarn as most osetot be Irnplarnenwoi hexua South Africa has a mysiod of less - job romron pa Iss Grow Area Act - *,ic ham to be rrnoved before they mitld he wm'scmnad. The ente systm of opme- thed is -wv to m fa*"~ blacks Wuw km &W dm w ommary of Owm br*L bg*s cwannt wwor ta paninm mm m rrto mW w mmdmred m. poray rmd , n murban am., Ihw _.onrt a wncosd and Itty am a No m Satuaw whanam 0tav laowg as not uesdad. Becau of the imuion of spi'ta moo ewy aspe of kle. the probbn facnd by Macks on the fmctwn Cuo be u~t I frm Ownansoutred aba@wam. As Bloc* MAd Wodumrs Uewon has pom osi "Nock wbmanvarmwm .gumW beyond Ud. factory. Ow" ittscad to the gheto whit Oka wouirm a". in hosels unds sqiusd coidstons... to do Or*rnt* Wksand huisduw"g mIirndon of h"fix amuovi to V bc of pomthnd pmman wm udmwey'. Com hi fumbon. reforw uc as mow %9Wm nomaston in do fmym 0w firs of do kdWlr V I do baron.e nwmmnf Sld wea o I a g adyu dvi t islo umio'A spcm fep-i ew~ld. They wn nodW Im an aww OWe warlon of &a @PON WWd an @Wb ~ of a pspiar iunmtaf sow stt at ura. Twot vo &Uvn A a noat irsud at tck 0we rom of 0 i t I msn0 tpwan Copwoewo db mot exis to hap modey. The robe of mAidnedonal rnrpwiemmi Lay 00 bVi 10 nmaivmi Proff mad. PAW Waly. SwiM Ahkn has been a mypol low torw US A u$sW t I 1 . LrdtheO rton of th ad 70.. US mn xvo de in South Akiomomu So at Imbbas muc for evey doger I - ohm tar Waw - as OWy mW in owa 1d a hmols. Even no. Sot Afrim ow~ma bmuWuy with dw rest o40 do m in thiuuprd.' The rnpuwm4 Inow 'I",n in towc Afriom n w of u~v a poeltino 0" do smo usI -, by oftgoisinq OW Ou066d fteis VOWinvot A WWI Street jouWne aedkra of Aup. 16. 1979 ftnmed a OW oaw vvwm. **W prov~ good an lvf 0Ouc ciatnww and proftu 00 0Wx W~Mn. we obey Ve lcal law, and trv not to do wvythmq biy. and pofiucs 19 Vil POldsuuen binoem -. TeAm6 ow unw v'w*. Kodak sainv a recet gawfnwt. -Koa 'upds its PrOPeI role in South Afrima as elm wto.a a busweu ovdscad t,0 nrna; 00-nWCAW tsad on wit fw the Law of the land. &Wi not a an : weWv invohoad - polktc actiwt-.6 it a ca that VW. vw% ar e shmed by flwby odur US uxpvetos. CONTINUED AID TO THE APARTHEID SETTLER REGIME ftie th Ssiomin Prinape provx a ownrmt cc~ w forth US co'varm, mitoma scutze in Sou0h Aftum, OWn Ud Wo sd~ the of the role ow~rm~OW -lq m upoWq the wt maba oWy As Smaiop Tutu. GwewWa SawallY of OWSAcc. s" i ents vim in 197W -Foup~ in m I . not W id m~ Othwu Owwmiafnu aftwam the on d mym _-us to stsenom m ecwony and swum h- a wntvAd ho, staids of lmv PTi wmmam. ~4 -end at am XI A Wmn. hwu gum prUlmny to bdvu and aimswiini mwiaw rinL mvw and rwu I aclla. At ft mum1VI 1300. US banim we Povde cW 0w th wm of loans. whoiA fow id- a32 bililon. Ilo both govwnow" aid fraw This mrvony haes "m to 00110 rAV od and IM *anWid to firance ~m~ ~ sffoficmecy wed.a wOa Waants of panwit An"i the owportm ~w hew -i SOW% utMnm loth much e -e

Nah-WiM ari -qimr we -wq 9 AI to Ow SuiIm prsin m. Goeiwl Maoon. one of te first d. torif. wWoruue to suppoy ruk Vitt odw I id to the polka and army. Gomel Motors South~ African suday ha comuoad to supply the repine with te noamnr pats fvom other sauo to n'd US Coninrm Deperutment requistsons.' Ith ~ auwtp that coaeyutwel wh cles con be effecteively und for eferice purpose. So" gn inm gea plars. v " s in 1977 by Geral Motwo of~ms in South Afra. rveve that te conwway will coooperaws with the rellines lnth em it of avil ureat". In ba. em plars reive Own Geral Motos u'tv operato will ha taen ove by ema army in tutu of erwgency. The Fluor Corporaton of California, whach~ andorad te priumf in 1979. has w two cot5e totln more then 54 belLsori to expn South Africa's prevwkn undl I aol stfoo coowtxig coal into oal.1 This ernwe propeo will hlip South Africa. whach has no oil ofits own to hoe rts vulnerreblity to a poembb oil eaodg an a world wide scale. Mleart hde. Motol and Caltrax. two 0 qinal ouprttor s* continue0 to refin and an l ae to half of South Africas oil. sorn of whad~ wms sanly Vvto ema former utiler regim of Ian sereth. Another wllnstoey. Control Dau, *#mm ()iearnan coffviunted on 1979 that te m txV*bt of mresmaon that is addd by the cornpuie on Soiuth Africa is hwd# sepal caa. conwoed with te good te coipeny Oath it is do"n. Yet te South African regie coul not ~,in taon ta oxrent des of control ove Blackts witoutx &4m in of awp. ton for scinutavil; pw w& for montwsg police film anid othe a*nwr fwincdoeuh wat - re Ad fi 1979 tn Convoli Daewel hziowwbsuapply amtab parts for equipriw' sold to the Scoul African polkoa. in violation of US Coni -eebnn -olle other gintorit. ao* am Chse Mer hettan. have rende Iow to South Africa. other urultawalty or as Wader of a Wuls. of banmks. which total ova S1 billion. Ons 11(bstn loan inwhc both benlis participaed wet dirSetly to the governent to awn with balants of psyitutt prob"ew'a." other looms. just "r iriaortait. he" qw wn to wporavors whmablity helps to determirte the frpmes oveall eownomic ualth. WORKPLACE IMPOSSIBLE RE FORMS Dejets spant from te o..e whether tmy will ohan apatheid. the Sullivan Princalas con do little to dseg te ack working onftmns. The South African reptne has ..~ it deaw that it hem no intentson of parnerl; SLacks to amwe "i~ ,egrvfm tight to opaft. thenvaions. W~thout thaee l,9111. Nacks cannot be content with the smrall pons which might ha pamiblie under te existin SLou syeem Besdes rugtiations and operatwg within the syVAm. other meon hav to be found. At this moerwa1 only msbasd revlutonar armad vtu~e can remnov te facart Imler roorne vid "murs a 69-1fm' advac f or the bur mwwinet. The Waheut Coinfaucon. tat up in 1977 by te South Africa govenwf to look am ou Ia . heard voluntwas onory korn marw of the spte torwa to em Sullivan Pravople. who sad d"y faeewrd endin all dnascewi t thaee bee. An amplifiedveso of te Prkiple a introdued wtach. to corite a 0vv offowsson on te original sx. andoad te riht of Backs to forem Trade Unow. O~wn te coriogoon asued its report in 1979. howsver. it did not app to have been msu moe by te

US ammis stmomis As with the Slien Ffirima. do Wehn vpw1 - a to to an*wcm inprovide ommk champm fator to tof a of Otom 04to wised to padty thmW*CWhl 0am aomminmson neo -- dd tht o aursitty exim. be pamatto - ' I d- to repam. tis~ tobfeirnt 100 batpwng agent wth the noit (w*id knwgawd conditions) to WAS. it proposed Owns of oemputin. Such tha orventmed Stacit Wb would ri be a lorme forsocal Chang. The powitety i~ dwi~w of okm Iwo i at no unin - to dMoia tW i P nd t rues Ww ~wa1 dmhfied tby the 9"WY Ne a ur~aw. Betom one thr and one NOl of aI Mack wowkm WO 90ci fad. Many wvrepmoed hI& usawr -11 lose voitumay tw etre iom wirsoP 0 a reuit of the mAgrat tCAtt. T%@ u~WW faoicd t rqanm to ownpv- on &A Clea. an to allow migrnt tobe to repstee unions ude W9001 On the queson of kskpin wine -* aidy f o %* um. job ae tion. a %'~ r io ppd by the Prvmpkm undw a uledge of em~d al d few tp nomt.. the Welui Caffeninion api ~fu Idtb hp of change. W&t propae. mg Ow job tewwNton be phasd out in ceitai aem. It ropmes keeping it in othW. More 6wporunaty. it o for the mwsnd ezim of ciimed .4iidi WAIW i MA M a 0wws uean him ornmd a glimi ouardon. din, as noa wy aMocco woorthmeuniofcum ?wisa a im ofthe wUin. The WIahdui CONWn saw that thm ckal be no imaiq of mamern -non 4xQW Iw~ SLACK REACTION TO FOREIGN CODES AND INVESTUENT hams wuw hmn with aWrowal in Aaa despite claw to the cntswy. The viabdiy of the SAih Prieb wes tested in the Black voarkamr' strikas at a Ford plain in Poi Elizaboth on tew 1979. Thm W"Unerit thvi uors" got fromn Ford corwirnd emWnr tha there is no dsflerism buimeno South Ahmscav aund U.S fvsw.. Ford fte doneed about 700 ____l vootrs otte a oWaks anid Wantd to re iwin atm the Make had acid. This ant that they osm haw hai all hm fringe benefits - boume~. It Wase r afer tnvwv natoa Pmaw, O the If me takn back, but at the pfoof havin thear loder. rThomle WOWb. detained aid Waer beowed It is ironic that the poit they 141181 in thlr whMie nmnu include pa is in ow*.Ab'abvn Praiapda. Thea pois mee i Wd No wctunavion bead on cohour ot raw. (a0 EMAM ay for equd work. (ml Peopieasmaaid not be dimised vithout wrowte r c WS bw in . They also aw~iiad about (I) failure of the meriepnt to nmntas good relations bewe Black adWht utrem M7 mnblanme of tuawi perooda aoom Slaik anid Whom voorar. Bloc wiotrkar dwasnd that 0wstm baon w~wvm she tram" foir aily 3 -nthsm. wmam Blacks hae io uwerv tram-ing for 3 v---."s In ft light of the urwe Ried "i to Blac wortar at Ford, te Sullian Pina"e cmi, aaLIS attack tramn acks an AeAw. As Dr. Modea. 0%amei of the Coimnftsa of Torn tad at a p'u catNowm . The Lebw dis. PLM W-i 700 d~amed workan ha '"1 11me the sepidden ~i Oa~ about thet eflcwn of the SuiAin tPvindpa ki onfluencin Ow South African tabour staltion". Ansother 'Pekai at "h sante prm coference Mr Curtis Nkonclo. mad: -Adhorai to the codes by the wenriow firmae wea. a holo boam". Hie maid the corpisees we pmn like the gvrnent ~~id soeuf duutriva Wntsout thar"n Ford oompany * rpresnts the attitudes, of the cornhem in "h coumry. This Probln has to be oussmnatxWWvia by aleartwang the intwniatiorvi Trade tjnwr." Bshop Tutu addoed that the dispute on the motae was eawonic. but in reality it wa .tktml After he recent vieft to South Africa Ini Sept br 19W. the Rew. L. Sul livan wa aitideeid mid acsed of bolaa ii the aerths fascas regime. On hi arrival he mid he hiad coma to $anm S ut NIice adt hisP two nis the luxubos Catson Natal with farty puawde mrilin wourw him. The mwnsmon he gae later w" that he had riot anti caed the aitcium w grt -eed hirm on hea envel here. Hie -uwsst'sd why people we desilhaorvnd withi do Prinaples, but they don't undertand~ that the prioniplas we still evolving.- Hie mad he had SUnMed to 90 1 theatv 12 compermes to s" nn rd nows thwe are 140 Mg. natories. Hie is tigistwru'g the Prinoplesi as he goes alon. dependin on the falldboa. he ted. it as a diffiaret Rav. Sulliven who gae a lecture at the Wits Great Hald, Hie wa foang aIthev mouth, a he dwnounovd apetisid and oVWUrson &Wd trtenedo a disinvetmen~t CAnPeqi petSouthI Aftice if dmange did not com tfm enough. His foith in the Pro. apila it uWts&An, the only Pwoblaws being that they we not being unieMA. N~o n vdr tha we few Olack to howr himn at Wits. DISINVESTMENT Wet nOe turn to iother thorny Isasue dakiesuit.Thug speaking about it mteans possible imonrimnrt under the Terrorbsm Act, mervy people hame bravely advocated it. The SCM', starWl point repirdong forign investment *s contained in a realution adopted at the 1971 General Students' Council of SASO. The emarice of the resolutiori wws a cornm repeaon of foreign investments on the follow" grpounds: - that foresi in etorn gioti from such exploitation and arid up with vested interest in its mintew";~ - they me it possible for South Afti-ce to "mtan the recist rogirne and to sourn world opirmon; - they an South Africa's interria. tional imape "i "Wks South Africa an id"a WWn for invstent whilst woad erwofs precad by the regimne are tost spot of. - they giv South Atric aen eaonornic stability thet aniaes her to gain dip. loitietic end economic Sccatinca internatuoneity. 6 It is- wr oorc tha IBM. Ford &Wi Genral Miotors we amrong the companis Melt by ths SASO Exmnive " id dowed inteest in their sa&-d. t toolm to be part of their fun to approve such asernes. In fte k4u of the BC~rs stand. 9 S1CM militants we indactad on a charge related to the stn. They we wvesg annem of up to 6 yans on Robban Istid Deste M114sk. maty We Papered to giv a dew pointed as to where their antoments Jo. SACC seawcuy'geersJ Bishop Tutu says: "Becam of the Iaws in South Attica. all I con my is tha we ned econmsc pi'waui's. Peole con inteOre i th livy they wqah-*7. AZAPO's George WaUtiop1 9M a bit further: "ft are not in tawour of forlagi inmnt in South A116i-.'s

D~wesnowm 0i0oy tim bKdirq ol Blaki kthe oowwy. 7M~ is cew fto Ow voaf wow snacks IUIaa stPW *vamar unnt uy Mbefblo. after sw wak ant SAW-TV rgwttmy a nce ow PI her ano of approrm arn wuuIwI-d Ou1nt two. No Woods 011 -w to the US to wee for con ~WW wh nuim of "i Rev. L. Sw~a ad he beckrt. Block& argu dwm forsip' cows are iniy an tw to ralormor mowthowpruemtapwOWid ovowm. Blacks dunk Ouit laour coe como ~q twadwewtul dw ad sono maw contn in Ow des of brsg gowwnnwm wW awpuna to May wad exponmd their a-torn Souths Africa. Rse--. a"m wr". tcopg konwe here becus vetis w up labou Sowuh Afrnm ottwe "i hatiw reurfl onl ~Wsments in go world. Fwthw. the v hasn suredswe to flnmt nwwlsk wwth Owm preset ander "VOii n Power. Supoenwar of mwwpnonu ups that Omy Provid emfwpwww. To witdrow twould hunAwm fro Olacks tvat Sacondiy. 0"y aws that ovesunewts conb a Po4v force tr tmwW - "w is. not OPA wo ermolovn Ito M0 PI& us ba Pojxm% b a OM am em i _omo om will inwamw tobm. On slOywnt, a a opwtacwm m Ioa that US fwins empoy a mme, 02% A o Black work force. E wopen *RM. wnUtu" 66% of korsg anow. nm: emwploy a uflghily ha~w propor. ion, Lmwd Nossla of Owe Comnuoma W Ton an: -B9af how w4d will kay owt the bWwM of wwmploynwt ni0 O Kw of cOtMOuc toomaon in aiM sw y. utilM u W fn adajienal Vtmww 44&*iWKWq &.a"g. The vo5m of hfo wtwsutr Per a n a ows lo do with fts. uttion ayodO goi Oum at P1~ A Owf nmblirq rmwrnr to manoiu thOm Block tao (4 $4140 kftvainu~ Nus Ot depite Ow wmo a CO mac rowtd on SA. in the lI deae &-mp hae pot wws sW~ not totto lotOw & Backs. The WomeW gap betm -tw and BSCIL& a 5W conshdubi ad. they say. the protected mourn 600a1aW wadca rouoig~ts hew not anta aMed. In tact senumc abutdonce. like Ow pi amw r img ib pric. has been acconpewe by iwwfamuaon Of Polb*l trprsson. Uttde foruqn Copnisd not emrpioy a lageproponiont of the Back workforce. ttwy, parloerm earns of On nwa vital functions "nti spetmeod economy. It is dew Out the SWilftan Pimvoai wwrtot bwVn portIcal tquuoftato B 1.0 Thu Gay wo" VA can revI ow fatew Land is by lounchin a Mre-bo Poopie's Wa, wuti tte-ela wtkes" piaying a V"t 'd*. Rev. SuIlan's priwtoplu an the EEC Iaboiu cod we only doayeng Ow onweabeg. 1 43#44a *Ow4 A C, L~m *I %AS 4au~. L AA 11A I I Ibld 13 Ib14 POST' 13 12 11 Mk Ib 19 S- K~ -ap.E Sea Ps.N Is?; 17 Sw.fevPON 19 s Io a ba 19 s.nmPON16 9 s

Black Artists in the Struggle DIOAAKAYSO McKAY MOTS4ADI Man is destined to matter " ndider stand the une%*W This is atualty recawy foe the contui4d survvl of the huaew r@M. becomse men rs a think ing bein, he IoformlMn ruler mrid Prua pler anid theoms t" will liarmonwe his ezat a nwih other rnural phienOnufl and proo 0e m"t Coexistence of mndawtdugl merribes of thse h~ia race. There ruier "n prinoples permeate all the orpriaioonal swtuctues of baCael'v 60 on. flu W ,~*: lwAa M' ankaft "u 0,0e40 a A AA 7-' tote o- -00m im"C mariw-ivW4.C, ekom -C .1 S .0t ..a of she pecoe. It anautes, alt Mie eflamrs and siutilons of the "naton The general citure of a people is therefore not boadentl. It is rateiality V%~s regeoll in pocai. It is from this point. mid fromn the iretablitv of rusure ime". that *ture is noomm$AIV evneirWc proe. Cultsire adveweris dee0 proportion to "w advoewmnA~it of ft thought. of hu~ m'w ool &A a . it avartmi n drect propor'tion to ~nr% mr~erst'd" of 0ws uwer. Cs~wm is not tradion. Thes dutanctioti is wotn~t to moke. Tradebtofi a. or Could be the ttar"mM~W~ Of o09-00A Of beoif as practio from~ one gerallo" to anothor. by Wt. lItarature. or e',m oiraltl rhis tr"n of tradition i-mw. dtately imPOWS upon Itwelf 4 Very Strong limitation. it shiould not transmit opmnons oe beiefS of practios th~t no longer Conform to contemporary huan istbonaisly. Tradition is the wareh4xis of different StA10 Of Culture We re0e9 to tradetion to dw(* the differenit ilaopi %66 tafd ~it 'its :46: :.%I JM ; Z.W A ar~itfr Ktugir's doy 0 tle GAY Of Mel rpubC. HOWOW. it will not make any ses tat us to transfer tis PiCtIKS into a has AjWia. This is whare rationaliTy com in, Inl the dynwflrtfl Of CAWt*r. Or apien. it muesa no "ftn to impose beliefs t&Wt have been Outdated Ofrare resasofwy on er genemralion that is to follow. To suiw,111 this distinction. tradition is the archrwe of Culture. ThO refined and updaed aecu of tradition WIobU the presen Cultr Of a people. Tham US&OOtI&a uPecb fegn for 89 WoV ase sWat mu.a mee o huane

UtOxit. They we sared in tre'tan Soaon a now circnsootboe wrio to be Oeed by tho ntodilesicons or ~~ differet lix . 11w doionwm lis in whet r, ituve toe pa,. the proset or a~ do waarue. To f @50w tradition LotwuuUy as to lima an the wwtd a# the pat. Citurv calk we back to the wtd of todyand stspr@5IWr CULTURE AS ANt INSTRUMENT FOR DOMINATioo This as Preisey what 006lonization ha deatee us, that it. the right to awwlvey por1coete in the formtion of our socoaty. We are required by 'nure to Make out am~ tstory but u.nfotunaly colorumon has ame history fat us. The agents of oiiis hav fed us wool mythe who" Purpose is to w~s man the status quo. Them myths we preeenfed to we as reality. We we mads to unrtanwd all deormation in a Pur. poeetdy Prescribed awriwe. At poemt. aelf~minea I Ruu - oMw soffdetwmlrsmjon in the socIli Homeknde or Boomans. According to this twvth. WIVww %fo Ormchas selfdaswinson should essentiaely accpt the homeland gsterm fat this s the onty wey to reela0 it. Further. thes myth as SuPPOrned by Other sandar myths. that the *w~twmn. by vwtua of his colour, is a Mscrow bein.&4 they am a chosn People to bring -cnrultwson- to Africa, that the blaaltman is natally interior an aasnoitlpn. arid therefore mteelh a guide to laod him tfWOugh history. Thnwe but somei of the myths we hft. to denomnot in order to mat iwl pealia Si the folmat ion of our own history. Our tak is to ori" to fight the faIS that thte theory behiand the f orm& t~or' Of VW homteland system as riot sulf determination behtind it the motive as to a*M0 Mrerirs of chew black Labour. tiere is no 4f'dermWatiori impilled if the motam as to disrupt the untity of ther bla peofafe. the black man~ is not nastur MlY Interior q§ twttle to nuke his own hatiry, The -infeetority- or 'stupsaityOf the WMad qtW Canriol be acibe to nte. Thwilurce of Neai* doivatson is the systarditif Educationally an Otherwis. the blo* main is denied the OPOitrwr to reach leveis of maturity Therefore, the Waek man is infeasiot and ~~tsaUpnt an as tv a the current social systemn in South Africa doen riot 001a1 h-rt the OQP~1unsty to de.Veop his CAPOIbaliss. It is not an attribute of nature but a resul of explotaeOn AMI suchS myths wihich suppn the theory Of domiation Must be weone. w afeeraesna its true wweI" we cannbot at the same t sLte aoeen ftich myths. T1hi is so because aelf~smnatonas ilicormptble ith CSOM-Wtbon. Therefore. in order to dornaae a people it is gsnWtuj to VY6 I Y them a ailtun. that wdt compel the P0o01e to turn a blaey to domintion. It is twcmwy to dipee tPn theri a CAitsw theat will intepret donersatmn as a neie'ry proccn tio, for tm eisse esa. Tis has been the ws" of olonsasmt ard is still the mwor sUoaqv of notolonslan. Cltural dominaton as ninwy for the suco of econonisc domnation. Once Ow peopile we btasnwaed &dwy faid to onetaitl reali1e th shotcomings of tO rew nom c system mpoodd upon thwm. Captali m on is exaty Ows atocaty an South Africa. All the dwoututsons of the South Affian govearrs t hame tak n hand: to nmm . tain cultural dominaton. We we lauht to vse ourselvi dough th "eye of the ,or. Our culture a aballied with such~ terms a Priitve. barbarc. un6vdied etc. Because our cuairv ;LAL not acmodate their inital mision of domination, we No therefore t4t a now culture. One that wil aioVwo date twir intasts, We are taugt a compietety Moien v ue system: Indv, duaisin. private Proparty. ans ~laiable desire foe we, lth. and al other Snoma lies Mlin to our ouiltuw Thes Proem has reaewd appalling he4g an Our societ One need only look at the rise in bousgeois tedenos aion the b&amd people. We need only look at the aspratior of the rng biack middie clas, a csLs that is nothing but A rititt of ecoitwation. That is. a clas that has awced bourgoirs eakm a das that is actuall maintaind fhnartcaty by the oppres tem*ne. a class that vwws tois acordng to the pesatWtois of the oappncea. da wtoe iutimate goal s pinrvat pro"ty and mas oasnuiatbo of Prson welth. a class that emnphe. ses wids~dalam, ove commmuinMolh: a da that nos domination of onw dm by aisodie as justifsable. a deal da talks an to v of refonrmi md not e. ktont. Thi dm un Gws d e as Ohe tiamemmson of power to the baOk in. onrdo that the blamt n mas ma aWMe woumal wett in much th same owa the Vw " mn don axrnmdy. The dan dam not prech t ovvlow of toeew l ita system. it is therore a dm am wIl. gien the opportierty to rule. 9Vl wows the interub of the opprem r. This maw. Is not a qu a on of beng asruiated into whte oIture. There Is booknty noosing wiong writh a progreeeve whiW clture. opresme cA. ture is one that don not depnve man hot mence. One that does not am at ustfy. wq exploltmaon of mm by man. One that reolptm ard approcate swf deatyins. tion. Bourgeois outue a culture t"at s a manfetation of captalism and not gust "write cultw does not ham tese qultmw. The iniagenous people of A.a re be n gradually twallowed by this bourges ¢iture. CULTURAL ACTION FOR FREEDOM Having identified the problem we are now a step aheed towad s the solution. We ham to '*return'* to oW own cuitie. However, we first have to note that there is a Wep of more than three hundred yas between our otigna culture and the :dtwl we are stining for. People usLtW Y rns.ntirpret us as saying that we went to go back to the culture of the sventeenth cstury or so. This is not true sirom it is immediately contrary to the point we have diussed before. vi. the dynamism of culturte To go bach to our rooi rs not to wind the ck ba:. fow even without western civslisation oqr Jlture today wouild be far diflermnt from primi. tiW cultuiO. "Westn" civilisation was Probably mote of a menace then a blinn g It interupted the course of out history. Ever sunc the inepitbon of "'westwnculture m our soity, our aitwe has bean a citure of rasnce. Resistance to cultwal domiIMon. resistance as a meuwm W a pariclarw end. TVfl t facing sil Apia atlim am #4 junctuni 14 to hIamqipor" ft pro. -im aft" a funt~ of our ItWo it Now ctitue of rustam. Oti role is unimm. ft ham to be so. widl a reokitiosa"Wi idel i ot"e to a* an - W% psintm& t~t9wmv. m.c 9mmmad soo- tr~Qr*Wtotow pepl No expres dw ir 'tion. We meotid reeckm OW we am a pan of 9w , Dim form fliw for t mootn. Omw t* is to smid mis politimciaton bV oktn aunu expression to the peoples -uos tot lilbrston. Inienicute we rmis pwe axpnsion aS do sbumom of or Wotinil cls and contr 9w "stiarn to baoarmoaatv Own. TV*s a necssay fort i s from within the Woin dm thass a rWm culture Will siney. Afte sM in wit o9w way dons man rieaehis hurnan~ enmom eai by the hurnn iprt o~f labou and Our timas we thus To denounei myWf ad iskme of bourpois culture. To arm cinteWe with a tevokitsonary To asseeir'.ouioriay nmc. thame. Dosm.. . Iftsr ad panting. This is how we will redum our tois in Vis stpe Io 6berstoon ad pregare onas lot tis wngad rafe we howe to plaY to cwlv o" a COWWO aCo.uual tewoluteon in a free vWa sodt Ajw'ia ARTISTS OF AZANIA. UNIT[ III Book Reviews - S.M4. Burton an CJAl. OChe"mmd. Afrwcw, Pberr) w Efeds Anm Into 4mtAmw mo A'wtAWu Crimiern London. mawwan. 1979. 145P. London: Mamndlan. 1979. 164p. W. his totswotd to Bar~ntam and Otacka Said, Alfcan Pbwy an Erspti. Won, powe Dmnna tnantoot sori of th S1 141 -is i the tech" oil poemyin Akicen edtook ad past out dw nw Imetwebook ingi alan 9 two: Mmn people w m 9 w stdet in 9w mxdi lot -. an dare - -,#, Waning 00les. and in baic studies in utswvme in Africa I"s be enouage to develop a greters nWtw'tV to Matvthe 010, the Co at the mneraNOt That our iools do not W"~ of thaw best &A tte Pont of the 11"Iit 11 CNWS Is due to the lack of good texiooks an the u~bom .Somne oO the curent texbomit tend to increase the de"Mlua fu by m fotei and In. Coo pwe I hle niserid tot Co" Tie dwawPmat mmo African dildre Mvingv po@Vy oocutai n dim e4iwtay steps Of d"n aunaion. ewe the ts we M 1 poortrame or atheir Orditltmonisa not Abica. Buton and OiCbsadmd reader an amkale to the siy of Afrimn limaure by tryn to rainedy the stuation n toha who are Low i"g to tas. Their book anttoM to devlOP PO~WV 110) cwasooi step-by ep. Begonnisg with a diepw ar n eninCg lane and intention. the authrs build up to a discimuon of diction, Wrimgv. form. bound effect ard other Aei. Each ¢lir takes onto aco wh t the student is suppoed to how lent in the prscading chiaptrs. The book a wrimem in sainiple Languae and VU teclNm item and " jrgon. While it i, suitable for uss in clasmoon situatios. ins arnpthw as on ihcitingl The peirsal repornse of eac student. baed on a bound raw of the pri w e of hterary rotcern. Howew, there a a smeoru irnal in the l tiion of poems. Soutthen Africa und w.rfa nstd. by sngle poens eact from ru"s and Smote - hwe we moe poems by TS Elot alone,. o Alexawe Pope, than by poets hra Southern Ateic. This %-n. balance in the a o eo defe s their oetrv. n exprused by Nt Owernime, of using failiar mrateriul, Mfuch the students in Alice an momre readily c:nprehend or identify with The lnmtmaions of Robi' otthirsoie pofrtant book become trdent when they we m~ gpuist the background of the decared aifs of the Ma&Clan Commonwelm Writr Sees. whbich se to provid -%efui guide and refiereoce books fOr students of Liteature in tomdary sebool, liberal ats aid trein. i,, coliel end unniesitiel. Buton's and Chmsfelwd's book is ceaty suitable for stdnt training to be tesdirs. But it a diffcult to w whos red Rbins book is designed to saty. It is aboe the h ,lo ol most sudents at scondary Ihools nd below thet of te teeches, wlme unniersty students. a lit in Afrim. we ikely to find it some. what W y and superficial. Robson should hra followed the gubdaiiie Baid down auably by Prof. AXl. J es. a Wmim editor of the arm. when he writs: Each book will Start with a survey -lpe. -id~ thie mWo works and eent& m the athor's life and time." The JrwVey chaptr n Rob on. "-N" d the social and poktical MuM of Kenya end -The Positon of NP in the wlery disieoment of E-,t-Afria-. com. tst and we set hy. Thewipce could havt ben taken by the two lege appendix on "Soaphical dwls". Due to tacit of proper orgwation Robon is frequentty teiped to muke random diwmit an the wke of the plays. novels and hno stories to explain mths wfuW h he thould tiai dispoed of on the pWrm,nwy chapurs. -Any ass nlant of N 'Is value and ills a a write.- Robeon slani, -mI take into count the soil. politimcal and historical bo from which he is workig.- Yet it is aI the Bevl of the social. PlItIcal and historical onta of Ngus work that Robson's stuty is man deficient. Ngui's wriung point outside to a real wortd. But in Robson's damsision we we told very little about its stucuri and oMat on. There a a mious shortage in the book of a r-o m P. informed. informtive and in the Wet rssor) ,,eolcal, base to the discussio,. Tenes and rious students of Atvm literature will Probably find the bibiog and list of relerence at the end of the book mats useful than Robson' treatment of tNpaps work. MbJbuio Vauakhungo Mr~n&-e

South African Sex Probe WoLbA Ca MA&U7 The South African Goveirwnent am to hai" aI haind, a limittea supply of laws. eac a taintde of theis Apgrh.ES Octopus. only the outuy Wichdthde Latest ROW~ion evoked f oce the Govn ment to licap the uoeexivici. Titied wtith cha ttsic uwwahtietv. the HOUSEH4OLD FERTILITY SuRvEy it vino perhaps. thit iia bizarre to on"sr from that unhiappy Land Plannred in a *woud of wuCy~ by the erhonsevtive Dr Aadries Tioagniht Minist of Statistic. the arwry com pelled ai woenW between the asof 1"-4 to onivr a detailed qais'iiaw abut the"n la Infe. In the tow of PU.INc Ottrap. the GoVeII'Mrdnt dedd to drop the Ohrmt of a R200 fans for fauliu to comply. Raeit too latit dit without the &~ea of proaoinon cooperation cooid onty, be opteciia the entare ary The rwits of fth sorwy. the Govern momn downed. id how istlec~ a fearty awaf NUtatat of the expcted icruee in popuian and am Outure 80"WI coulwsmtd tfisraoe be p~ied "Ai vey Wel-" a blick CAM Town sridio teat -ifthe ir bae ttiijianniinq and w. .v eattuing StstiSloc Buta the j. 0 Question asked *Mt Pao-Med to wo-4for moir ,a~tster Ths was rjw .w~. w Predicated another sitt.b or ro &.ap It WiS "a *flyaion of ir-a. -.-P f"",s upwt the While VA'W"W U Afrtca Ail. irrspectie of ." an expected to anwer a fitv of wich tnctoaid data.-Ii of me'iv g. out-ofl-dOCA r4aaiongi.. the UW. CMoive methods uied. the as ev-. the first weta saxrne frit wj. i and evn more miib~w f . 000 woman has sea I The Caovernmwat. w-tn -Pwdo menudaory. expeic ad Sot%: &I %d orii to bef sieehat the %ii virpe a Pat of an Internatoonim oisa prlteun exrcie iud% le ft t*W both dfiseoe an nW ~, 'W mit be ISti4M an a Leve S.he but we are rtthil a&~w ao from Owe res of the .wtd #% e w b"d of an Itirioet .wU-' e. uaed a Stac* nurnaq wwww i survey fvu coeto how. Vise som aamsnt thet *a would pireflar a Wr~OW wrte own anwe oxabre about her arz life which she reards as. "ontirety her own affai arnd no busaies of the South Airean Govennrt or an Interns. toonal Comsiumutiff The houi44xmw foot4 ulogpngob -0 to heivi fallen, to wiihet a Governeimnt 430kllfan derbed a *eoaonosble. Oghfll, uniformed 'wwq osates~hc coul hew erwired corviula mnfudesualirv. Ay~anseff~w,etweat hoa.daai=0r~ 41111111- Ohd ma-a =111 A 4-a se &I 'a diaio anoarm,. .seiolea*l U ~for"~Mio na".n &4,awa no~ -hW at ~hr notc conuct a house In its very first menstion of the mowy a Moe Slote.oefiollod TV netiworli, Of Of thee re'SUonsible, qualified. ifwmenod niorsng sisters" was inlt -m between houte virtt 0esoibed by this Cape Town Uttool e- ',A a eems4iterate she -ntirpnq -ia -as Aed to explain the term abi vtrnupgx%' "unable to d3o W0. 00 isteioo110 attmpIAed se~tal eapIa IWin' ooravlcuons. upon wtbfi it fonOn heer "n after an ernbooraaed OW od "OhI Roeso~l qw you men I1 The - utor rattled o"t n nooledinata to. a 001* of qwetior" and in Wanting a know how many children one wvieed woman regarded as the ideal oieln a family, heref volunteered 0 10A fti5 four un tht is the ideal %nsr,- awe before the stunined osnwne could get her werit about her. Posibe methods of canti acopotion anawed ao a pospula soltd&rnk, in am arie regorded a synronymOug ae Anml~oissultre. The other, a "al A beawosed mere, at hom whole hies af o out at wart. found hieef4 -&M about his war life by cona of these b.oweis su pposedly fair wowMe onty.Couivtic dieng on the faca~de of Awothovid notwidatanding. Whte South Afrscomne rnieef unshaken In thir belief that any phyuel contact bet-een Shadk an Whte would threaten their srorvial as God's Cheown. A nostmare. with Wche e ow onstantly wappie. is owei parnoia around the Black birth rate. Thouoe. for a Volk convned tMat thous is a divine miso demAndeld by COvsanarur &,% Wode boy tr* '.,aochfr -. WM - W-o -ja .- F P.&Aw~r.* vlooss a poi z .s - *o a"i torneu of aser tbtyl Prime Minister P W. Botha's poil-tcal kite-flyiig *round a pogibte repeal of thee Mixed Moriages Act was woen a simply a sop to international critic of Alpsrtheid "n a false show of pragmsatism for the benefit of the small loberal efement. For Nr Andries Treurnbctit wfo pendulums betweer' the Ruling Party. of which he is a membert and its extremist Right.Winq Opposition, it was howeveo, a bitter pill to %wallow Unsura of chat to do with a Cabinet 401niier who still corread* a large folOwing. ePec-ally in the Transvaal. but fearful Of the 'everc-usuios %within Nationolis-t Party rU'd~t if he was smply to put Traurnichl out to posture. Botha seihed him instead fromi Labour to Statistics. That done. sotha hoped that the owlt was one in which the trouble. s01171 main would cause the minimum of emvbarrassment. SotNa ha otwioe~y misr.dged Treur. noidhte abulity to stir up a hornets neost Yet, despte the owtoag the planned Survey ha caused, must of necessity. Ofter his Minister sortie mosaave of 9Wpon. SA111. only ino the namre of unity. I"n before the pr - -nt Governerst CWe to power in 1949. talk of forced ssermteaaaeor of 8*ac* women liter a gosen asbuw of birhewasuesa pede and do fe 1wound Bloei bkft is wil upervm~ in V*A PakrA Th. #orv. -emmw mutpl Treuinkt OW"t face IeIind cld dccii, i would noet be ow unillrow- kkebsA rather for the mfbmwpmaiethereof. To aerweWAd of ping ap~na anthn ee rarooey 0whi as sometngthe South African Gove~wn ha lanot sinc Lawnt to cove with. Not so. the aafivn tha the Vey foundton of thei biptry is rooted in an kvw r wovn obsmmsn wit bot ox and Vkcbm of the dichotomlAf Lnhew in the Apatheid system. way few South Africans cn rernan untouched by both thi laws de gom their sax Iroa and the atitdes towards Omi n "nuelity wwd those tanr demoted. Semal tbooe based on mosrepraotd Calvinism. then couded by undul. eaa ay "n loeltsed rsm. mise* fast their Nditoa fae most "aPly on fth cosu whor tranwgason of South Africa. sex leaws ae tred. A4 a black thud of a Cape Town 08Mtl. bom into the Christian faiih "n baptised in the Nadariduitse GerforI Mee Sending Kout (Duth ReformedS Wao Qitrh), the ltter a fais wich for years I preferred to forgn, my sex education. or Lae* of it. wa by and WWi due to the grim dictates, of the NGK Sme ad dour old men whso spoe d'No ny of the unmention~e peuo boft-. We - w dierny no I oeu of equaly amere and dewr to --w ky Act a fe'w exdth forbit .1menation betw Blac and Matched off to the call by #msati of a specal swAed of palicarnn whtev nel.n action a to pream sax acroen the onlou Bk.. Owe donta urn weed every kind Of P~ICk halladon #.m a# a Wdaip in he t~ Ia ~ . (~aOn by their 110. conoed by their d"Awdt end iPiscied by thei lews, the downfall Of It 0 Charged and r a lchad would have bentngc: had the not alse been 9thcief daifender of their Goverrvwwt.s -V". At the sme time, Ow Immoritv Squad dI Fldan the osxin of tiewr dutiesthe mo1 ingnuus methods of ap~ on wa~sed trwwpeo of th law. Pard in ae. hiding in the 1ha bo of unmarked con. Ra~bng tortis~ on mwlung comi eping S "Oi key-otn brea - ,q door%gunan htai ad arna .pwg they a W I about thei t&W% with Il'oAme Maow poalcsen war needed to form the IumvmorafirI Squaed. Yet they were susected and in ~61ra amm dtrged and wwaaed at treaking the very laow of fatdi they were suppsed to be the an Ov-donn ladrag mervber of a ~iui Oro Free State coammunity in E zaluor we arrested uader Ow Iimiotaity Act. they sli thewm. Wda total acceptance of pstl'c dasgace ad on the me of one of the accueed. susosde. hone adiewesed to thes stuliwuty of Owa low - at it not openly. The aim. is ot so mnuch on breekun tte Law but on bang cauot at i. so that Ohma the %%%I* male's pahic humAglwion as r-9 P, a uaouga of a purofthmnt. Tew athwthda .n Mo e4 vn-o meiwas I orss for the Bade womn. She mact bie carged wfth hiaving broken OW la but the puidw is for bein a - A-mm M The raw of a White wmn s the death penalty. Pie ama heinoa by a Valte epon a ftedt woawa * inappee vw dsffweny sance in the n o of a formerW Trnai Attorney, General -A Olack woman ohm towrp rope by a Wht man an honouWl" In the pasn politial climate whch the ft Goverrent u-d have te world se as , nuine ho a'n, uch blatant artioiastion of radet attitudes might no lonpr be uttered in iulic. which Is not to sy that t ae not eaessd in ipglts. With the newspes publshing overy tram ion of the Immorality Act o lcivious dea - and tP mor exotic the drcances, the veetv the detail t Ps no mall wonde that the myth of Sack mal W" rility and mck ftmwo fertiity matiet itself in almost over sexual r room joke and anecote. Endles vwriton of a popular Whits oks revolve around whmther ax is work or pla. "conidering that Kaf~ws do it tool- Another i wound whether any Wie man would "at* hw merry a Katfr r' And both hide a deep waortty perpoted ond nurtured by the own Whits myth ta Oeckis are betr in There mun surely be more than upwficiwy mnu the eye. a was recently the cis. when an Atkwer caught his four year old son udding his Block nanny. He beat the women to death in full viow of the child. Unre4Unt. he dewmed in owi that he dad so in order to teech the boy that Sck women should not be kised and cudd.ed. It a n the bot of such sexual hypoorisy and moral 4bootons that the HO4JSMHOLD FERTILITY SURVEY should be man. There is no doubt t the results of the avy. ad more importanty, the acting upon of the rsul, was aimed pimerilV at the ack pop on, Sack mothes complain that mimuag after -mn bkrth, tey wre cowed into apin smilimn. A fact confnned bv a Landonboood Whits South Afrkan dcoor. The P N st alaation rat for Backs. not a sssmfu a the Govervmon would like it to be. has been re. inforcad with a hephazard pill and Dep*4oveo progamme. As a punutsw memae for having more than the Government desired nu b of ctkdron - of for that mamer, havng chiden at all, Blois we denied a ta reti-t. Convoidy enough. *%us we enragd to produce a many bies as pomible with tan rebtes and added oncesso ew in the ae of multiple bwtt. One of the foremost proponents of mm "ileswaion for Bolam women was Robbie Leab'andt. a set4daed Nazi symPethisar and fallow detanee of former P~rie Manute, lawe dugracad Ps'eka.t John Vouter. Both spNt sweal yeas In detenton for openy alignin themnslves with Nazi Germany dwing the war. Wmen the Nationalit came to powe. Liwidt found a wit.

" 08"tormn for hes hoffifi ift". "ow. ow. as fdazeoat" w " w ho ths "VIM~ vwM. &.Duoa ammde -by-4 Wty of the Powy Ie@*". vwe c"Ktw in Uat wo aitauful um for *he" comfort. So. %itaihl a pouannw of berth owsiol. oAMeMMbY for an ram "M w in mouon, Ow poustmlaty, of gnformd nAwsti to o'" Owe "%crew &n the Uac birth tow %va r~~ cme ely dinmo. BLOM woon w a theforv undat flandwy suse~ooqa of thi urn sjrvwy -W the implcstiouu vumht errioed. NdW will thy be sasud tOw the ow~y .w.U not be renrtioducd in some other farm. Th"wy horm "n hospita comfuw"Wtt rataian of bwths. flW"W" appS.CaioIs "n any othtw 00tyt tehoc call for documwntton. as a mares whic~he& Giowwrnment can em;*oic to 9" the WKuAWS thiry want. Gowervtwat office, and dWWIrmenSO awxtvd tvitlh 614a lwui NO totally owwate from iface Whites As the BlaKt ran unosa aid "Any "al that ,a~u a movest woLd ha-' eamled Aiirw T,..wruchta to pMain faclities for tw he dden of the future. a, respective of ookXOa..s rwa Io w u hori WMWXO re! Black Politics in Transition FRAN4CIS A. KORNEGAY. JR Any dacumni of the intwernl dyrnesim Of muWO ine South Ati%* in tan's of the polatia of w'se minority domiaft tion &idWe w b pobuisa of I -eOMion boaxud to a e a W" dw" of asNOSa TVe o~rwit of @w Aawvwc syta b, W w v wra ane wrwground quel to boo~ pott.M Maiv fmv tw wmw Ow ofto~ obeur nawst of vfetm Woli UPe~bWIY the pokmtim of Af~w natlo~nes - muka f o' a 4ittuk* enr O*ealhwwqn South Ato=i from *th@e -WOO - by one ont the ci4Mft. pfew. thelaa wwo Owe art 1970.. South At am*& ewnd UUaMmOn ha OMWe W~d weumv a w m ham vU Qu am 800V nwria W481.^MoDA S at rer 0-- IM an csp am diaionan weS Wc &epil a 'two ts iblack pois tan I

By way of moV isto a brief de. o of thee dolopments. I would IAke to refer to some commens and ob. ser'veuons from the Ist Ower 1981 twsoi of Solodarsty. the offici or~rs of the Block Corscsousnoss Movewm t of Assnoi - or BCM a I will rfor to this movent hereaft. In an open Lettar to No Sizwo. "refrring to the provoca. five vOlume entitled One Aar, ,. One Noton (Zed Prss, 1979). A, Svena d&n of the Institute of Race Refatio in London ddwf aa that. "hotstically. South Africa shcmi up a an ebcepona.l capitalist accia fotmason in whi.c raw is clas cd elas ra - aid #% race Iuwa es the c40" rngil " (emphom 6dd) In the sane Pul.catonO. en a peam entitled "A Furthw Detarmination of 6Jaca Contousnm." Fr gut. Tihra. contends that in moving beyond block ailf clualitation toward radical asclion within the ont xt of South Alca's industrial CmIeLation where the question of ethnicity has been blown up beyond reasonable proportis, blok solid4ry spwotoaded by black womrker asKe new dimens.ons It it the collec to awalenrg of back wirkeirs to the historic tole en the black liberation strule that can heraid a new epoch." He furter states. with reference to the black 0ntefhpnu and student flenraton "They have gpven rem to the philosophy of blacki concousn " have uens. for-med black ex tence into an exstance of Protst and remstance, end that **A stuentwmorker alliance will readily landts oraonaation power to the entire bc sol.daerv Is arl n a aoraisio raoti Rtm ° 1 =6 o am m aM Saast Afc's anzen,. dynrnics from a black porspoeiive. What Is more. daty evts In the Republic tend to give & good del of mstance to the cOnffenu I hae ume quoted. For Us blak 2VuWe in South Africa has doirty escalAed to a new level of ctoltengng the Apertleed rystam at pertha its most vulnerable posnt the Question of labour and manpower. the Question of labour and m&powW in a sophisticated indust. rAl OcOnomy - the most advanced on th African continent. at is e in a vitually unending wa of labour unrest whtre wave upo wave of widustrial actions &r0 being Initiated by an asaetve black proetawit oraized into independent and for the most Port unregotred trade unios. The Black Conscousne e Moverment n South Africa. w ch burst into the world*% csntsoasness, in the upheevals of 1976. has otten be uticized from orthodox and neoOaAxst pegrPectves as a minority movement Of educated. melddle class studet1 and intaflectuals en the urban centers without a mas base of support. without a base aron workers and p" ts - and that 8CM wouid prove to be a tansient phase towrd a more Marxian perspectve in which 'oaj pride and consi ousness would be seen to be iladequate to the UrMgg at hand. In fact. the SC4 has undeirgone thenges en which class analysis ha becone iXpWo tod within the moveenmt't perspeciv on the South African strugle whil the SCM itlf h, revetelod suCh olier m antwil, as tho Altican National Congres IAJda.I the 09M.Jrim o,:CA W. W ,wanot . 4 -". jn ts .4boid ront bece iumaiy aPoent in the

Wal 70s sw em bAMP of ft firs .w kil of Mlwi msIlm or~w"os MSASO. IPC. Ms. ia October 1977 vfmi kvwmiw uW"l meb s wwmorora wsbr a ft Awm Is -rn~ - Ao. saw ewWle* o of- ,- 4mM4 South ^him (WASA) sarswlo a nod for KM to iftidtl owe dny - ws black W~tf Ol thmi -pdQ SsbW* 4"jen,. ems ** s *nu Dmooiiw nfa thsem euiion imo a union. h n ',s eMa Us"~ Workers Amoeo of South Akbei WWA.SA) arm wiyrg am a I&* - m &a *JM 0 p puibbq* cowmosy at em arid a* bet "or ich utatey led to gamw'"m 1'mefeion ins braise e A d toos of em m~ot binawma pa em ft Ow em &ay ftv -* OACOede te ov Ord em &A981V Weof mids hNd been bared in October 1977. The Mie Wwoke Amoction relca &4 poiicin noture ol emi ra Ma abou ew oensuin South AM=. lAc eitd uamwgtop =4 LknlfWWedteemMFic - -m -i of Is '16k,4amers, but nnows ilmel wtal' aowmww mass a wa. aW rio 0 te em INro birn of em awe -prs AperVAd. The Federatio of South A1Vi Tnds L~In FOSATU Iem Councl of U *a a of South Atrk M"S). OW dw Soulb AMlia AWWe VWokai Union (SAAWAJI we ano'q em lodno lorms in thtws blawi arid ma~imm tbour Owma. Illdi emi Mbow mmt. bieck palsied wmmwuam in South Akio &ot expotms hat in as commmity. baed wosms a emi Port Eknb ftec Commyaslsy Osgeinton or PEDCO i on Eawn Cp mw do Swo OCiic A.ddo ie bes Cafiumse of Ton' 4eedulp - exate of or wnto atse Mode 6 P a -~w piserelo, of bleci 1 -4 it; dwe - Iein~sd by domom-a of19O6.uwVA wo takpomkw -wei to th m ,utioml so m~fteri -o bybac Vou duriiw~ siultw~ tios. ft" e edw e Of dbu so , a twldwkcV to - s~to. thei foower. tiom w iwasnoy km toieru . Thos orgeIasiorm am midltniy opd to wW colaborgiafi vnb any siwbno of te mr eid oytw. This fmbtsm rnnotbtto posture -o ts urbmed orpmea ti -p to this Sut Atramn 89adk ninot led by " em ovrsm Kwoe Zd hwf Canh Butefezi WW ht Zw&p~me tr*ew mtowernt. This NaWW is 0OR of uiw'bn "M opos Ow ApwdoW ptsan from wpow "wenaida often oe t w t ortiam ham. nwe multont organzton fo pM'sUV mac a tvait"gy The Csoiued LAbour Pwartnd thi I idW Reform $"or*,e mmedw of om South Afram Mew& Allonc a"r wah W~d V*dh &*Mtde has siow a kn . -- - i ea*dhg ift- WmcJrwqiorW gug urben mom a Sowew. thi nmn pieoampstin of itm leeda. Owef Budwmie ha ow tare n 1wa ON - i- e ~ is "Um poktmw huww of Ow KweZml anoW iim~n refaon to NOWe psufc - en -~ OW ha A*s cosierbi from si swsof te En~ahqp*g awte gn to w of Ow uindergrund mmaft te AMC wW emD f Pan. Ak~mva Conpm 9PAC). tswo how beun md sips of a rMawwe al -nw SUPPOn - - vF-Lwith -w to AMC - a 3yWr~moUld in te mig q to ft e - w ps Ilan bedef onfi Rbben Iiwd &W in s ol suped to saoage n~s. " - il . em PAC hatbeeninasmof&*he~.".tionintov0.*of &@&ogoft founder, Robn wSbukwe. 1 6wia. the I,". asuimi@ of PAC leadwVlup by Nyati Pokela. o a prsiom on Rolbbi 1l. holds out the prosec that this mwmmerent npt tenualtv pull atmwf out of the doldrums. Whoe both ANC and PAC advrocatearmsd strugle ganst the Awsed Witam. neoghxboin black ruled Sou""r African countrs lie Zinbbwe and Moimbeque ae not expected to play a mao rolie on provdi sanctuaris for thee movemens foe few of South Afrian realawo. On the other hwd. such sanct uee may be irrelevmt unce it i poesible that Pretoa s uwittinlfy creating nernmal sncruwiam for the fredmn f ters in the seperate tribal homelands ats o eetng in an effot to freiw" and der' dule the black majorty. Inaming urest on thes rural andlevs cogn be ruled out as possible bmm for operutons by the liberation Hovre. at th point in tme. poliial frepaeNtian and rivaly ao irwie to be a mpor problem confrontmV black South Afruic t w ane. Maj4or poonu of veramn evlves around e rteary b e'= ANC and the PAC. ad ot the on'trowshai role of th South Afrkln Conawywuni Pary on the one hand (in its relatimnehi with ANC). ad of the KwZulu homeand bned Inked% and in sqialty controversial lWder. Chf Sutfheleil on the other. Wanile. pol otwson between black and winite Wmrsiny reder haw* prospeca of a negooaftd fhdmient of South Atim's prohle- hiehly proble. Mai: Iu q:I te iceeli" disieonsg aaent in Atriamw netonet potic. The April 29& eection reaults reflected Am deepeng divisions within Afrikan. ardom, and vAu dmons have often bon v ed as a nooovoy precondition to more farreasdlvn hwnp m the Republi,. Howver. the mao threat to Afrikans, wVt at this point n a dalloea from the for rigt. hard4one oew, anq bolue~lr. mini and workingq cln wutuenae in the pivotal Trawnw'a province where Afrsnrs feel Oesetened by the gvernment's 'connuons° to blac Labour - con m ons that we not een s such by blacks. Thus the aurrent battle in wf4te politis is a battle for the soul of the Trarmaal Atrikmns. Wiwther or not this 3antai of the Trar'wml" wall be resoe in a mwnnr and in encu time to produce an co-mmiodtlon of black political aspibons beore moungl violnce rule out mnow dialoom is diffiult to predoict. but could concvably hold the key to the type of traaion t confronts South Atmi' future. N '. -. -

Marxism in Africa WALTER ROONEY IFETROO4JCTIO" Fist of all we must unwvthnd the bac* groun'd for this kind of deate. When one is asked to sekon he ureecwe of Mwrxwn to Afrxca at this poitm~Aw Dodnt in time. one es be"n aed to nte onWf en a hatorec debate. a wiping debate on tern cou.'y. penwlw~fy aimang the Si* popui tion. It a a deoae atuci hae heVaNawd ov the ton ye' aid. from my o~.' personal obw. e'iticm. is being waged inc a p nu*Ab of -ic aorn this ounatry. Someitirm it apeer en the gmof Owe veaded naumiinl Verss It*e Marist. somiarwnae it apate in the auise of thoe who deem to aes a dam position a oppoeted to torn who dan to upouset a taoo positioir. Thus it wuld not be possibe for us in a ungl amin to enter into all the uarnifications of that doe ba~. it does foirm the background for our It is an wnportat debarte, it a an wmportaint face thet sd ns we benv dom~ed on this onwv today. in a theyre beere dfeaed ei Attics. en Asaw. on Lima Amara &Wd wt ow pw of the mauopohuen ward an wesrm Ori. W~ Itdn fie, w" aSAXAM aamato Euirops and in Amoen became the - as wow~ nalwe of the debate" n ViidilNthd sW ISn us ah* uift on of the ana in tOe cfteptlmmpairwt me of Produclson, Idea aind docussio. dorh part drop h, the ky. It to not ift~0t . 0ost one the Pon of wern wmewkmto ~W odwi in a meanwno I Vwitw the ouuome of the ae wiem Lhe paww Owe doeareew as. apw'tb edft". the swey, feat of Vie deow is roainitatis of the aea in tos

Sand im wlalim today snd. as the ane delpen. people find it more and moe d ffoclt to -rp eg the old modes of thought w4hich rationallze the ystem ~ed so oollapsoig. heace the need to sc fo new directons and.' quto d~Vsly. MuXuiwn and Scentific SocISlism po thereeltes a one of the nost obv.ous of the available ogtior" The question is not bow to Africa or to the SLa* pople a a whole - that it emeis tetW to ueortand. Many of i he%* before raised the question of the owt r~of Ywxwi to thrs or that. Its ,eseoance to Europe many European intlectuals dem d its releve to themr i society. Its relevance to Asia was astisod by Asom. and. to look at it topogricly. its relv4nr to Latin Amimca was deb ed Latin Amerioe. bnduls hee =ebat the relevace of xwrxill to ther own time. Wa rt elant to th 19ti caintsy? It so, we t iU ruewent to the 20th century? One ca deate its relevance to a given b of the clture of a society, or to a tow or cutwe ass w ol. Thei are alt ines thee have bea- debated before and te tsould how some sa of hitory ~ba we approech Via question today. a wi ih that - of history we can sak. why as it dif qustion of the reverics of maxiam to ocety lays cap up? And, a wly brief anela. I mould sugut that whet is commvon to Ow bdomation of the question a. first of ill. a condition of ries. a condtson of muoite. a o d toon in ii people am dmatist ed with the dominant mode Of p eyoing redit'L At that point they * about the rlewtance of mxnm Moe than that . the second condition is people do a* the quavocn because of to own bourgso tvewowk. Because am swu out loated within the domoWt mode of rmowsnog. luhd s the mode of rasni that sUppor ciptlism and wiht we will cll a bour. gsot tramework of p hieoiron. becou one starts out tha way. it becomeios necsary to raisn the Question about the relevance of mrwxium. After one in advanced, it is probably moe acurate to raise the question of the relevance of bourgeois thwought because the ~ho would be on the othw footl But initially it is true that however much the bour. geoisoo disagree. there is one oonmon uniting strand to all bourgeis thought they make wnmmon cause in Qsuiltioning the releva nce, he logic. and so on. of marxist thomot And therefore. in a snse. unfortunately, when we a that Question. we are also hting into that fraework and pettirn. We are lSo. in sorWeway. still elfedIt to a grester o loer extant in the fraework of bout. go's thought. " from that framewok we a*k with a pest degree of hesitancy and uncert aity, what is the relevance of mraxfin. It is pariculsorly true in our Ponts of the world, that is. the Enlishpeaking owts of the world, because the Anglo Amercan tradition is one of intense hostility phil o ophiiclly spesking, towards marxuwti. a hostility that manifests itslf in a peouMir wy. It maniests itself by trying to diseocsat itelf ow from the study of marxism. If you wre to chec on the continental tyaditimon n Europe. you would find it i not the same. Frenci. German and Belgian intellectuals whatever their peirspective. sderitand the importance of marxism. They study it. thery relarte to it. they undertand the body of thought which is called marmi "n they take a pous-on vii 4vu tha body of thought. In the English tradition. whichi wee also handed down to this Peri of the world, to the Caribbleon. to many rt of Atrnc it is fashionable to di%. avow aw know4dge of mrwxism. It is fahonal to Vry in on's gorance. to say that we are spnt marxism. Wen S-ed about it one sais but why bother to 'rad it? It is obvouoy abeurd. So one know, it is aeburd wittoiu readoig it ad one donn't read it beatse one knos It t abiud, and ttweror* one. as I said. o ,eas in one's ,giorm of tte positon. It is ratew dttlc"It to wusly adress the quetion about the reiiuer of wxdsum mite, one does t e bouc mnw. mumn of aetnq "ha ofte d*Xm flMIRVP' to antir wno this kil body of th401tt. becaue if is a tawnandous body of l1wiature and antays. and horn Ow Outde a . it ,W it is exOnUvly difacutt. indee-. I would wV it is ponam, s ialy from the outside. wrwm ener hw mond twd y to paepp wrih what it is, to ~ al WP is it$ rdvUien 16 almost an uwwarale qwuao%, and I M" In all mOftyV. twa of us who tm. hrn & Cramn bacground. and wv aN antm horn tiat backroud, one of the firs th np we hae to do is oat lh a bN4 of fmitiarity with the dtten inlectual traditon, and a we barw familiar with them we c n than be On a bettMr postion to evaluate ywxbms r0"V41 101 ( irrlewancas aw thase met be. Now I will proced on ON sgwenp tion that what we Ore trying to doen in the, discuseion a whelther the watiants of lire and pLOW Ne relevant or. lot re put it another wey. wthe the variant, of t&~e and Pac. make a difference to hethe marxim rs relevant or not. In a a" we would akmost have to sune its valhdity for the place en atuch ,t oriae. -wtern Erop. We don,, he th tim to dl wiq that in dftaL But " can tn an , mum ta matsim has a relemva, has a meang ha an appcablity to wtetern Europe. or bad On the 191h ntuy. to woat extant Cat its validity extend geovlhuically? To what extent dos itt valid"t extend agaoe trae? These awe the two var ales. tam and Plt1, and thoem be tanslated to mean00 heesrial circintstna tam11 - and uture, wh ming the pie. and what social and cultura cndrtmonwe xist in seh particar plac. For us. to make in more Precie, Black people. no doubt. wel wwmanu l lack people, will ask the ustion vethe an ideology wht4h wa hitorially genimaed within, th culture of wun Europe in ft 19th century i. today, an the third quart of the 20th century. still Wd fot aothe p t of the world, namely Africa. or the Caribban of Black pople in this county. heijti it is Wald to othew xm at oth tims? And ths i6 ft kind of fomulaion wh.+ I with to Preaet (for decumoni. THE METHODOLOGY OF MARXISM I would %um two bmc rr'sw whv I blw that %xist Oico~t. scietific bast thOw4t. would exist at dtarent lfv. se dof1ment lme. en dtteraent place and r i ,t potentw as a tool. a a set of onceptso~ which people aOuld wow. Amd the fust is to look at marxjlne a IL wdsodoogv, beem a , NiI---- w .bld. vwtually by defen. 4ion, be indepnident of two and pleat Yow wI uw the etodolog s t any wow time. at any iven piace. You may get different ",esuts. of oxva. but the metodology itself would be uSepara. dent of tIn- and Place And esentially. to ergg ini sl-ne rather tru c ted Presetation of mwersam nvtably over spoty x rwvihe*er neamery in ft oaxt of Iwvted tume. I would u&rt a ot of the reel baw of marxist thout a that at sts trom a perspectme of nun's reaa ov to ow maoria world, and dhat arxism, when it a e hisorcay consosly dissociated ateef harm aid vPo ltself seatb all oter modes of Perepton which period with ideas, with P~ ariVt wi th wods tanid afeted a"Oef) to the rnmia conditions ari &ia to"ia relatbions ona mocw. Thes is te di"ffrum wth whvct I will start. A metodoiogv wy t berm its amalysis O fy socety. a4 ay siation, by Meaking e reltins whid arm an po. ducon betwa ms~. There we a whole vaiey of &hanp wlwdh .w trom ta: men's cormfuag i formed in ft interve tion inm au; nature 'ftef is huannizd 9Voumh Its intwoctan with m-n's Labou and man's Lbo produce a C ooMMM stwmni of technology ich in turn aow oher davn. So tws is the crux of d4 soenhtitc SOcalst pai ,aIOR. A meodology that adresses oielf to man's rSeatijorhdp in the prosm of producion on the mmupmion. wd I thank is a valid jmeeion. tha production a not mrln y fte bais of man's ex.stsm* but the bas for defining nun a a a1me kI d of being with a caran oaosuerwes. It is onty ttvough production that the humln race defferentats itsef from the real f the Prwane@M and the rut of lits. Whot don it (mrxwnl por btelf agows? It p m itself aganst a rirer Of hypotheses. a nunba of viw of the world whidch stan wth words and wi v For thor who ae fami r woth Mtx's own evolution. it to wall known that he surted by tookng Ia t Heel. a vey Plasible and Paomtv anialyst of the 19h aentuy wo was pidty in Marx's own asuinetbon. o4 puming forw&r an entirely idealist position. one that Placed ideas in the mter of th wane and saw the matrial world virtually deriving from cse ideas, In thinking Sbott this I felt tha I wouldn't go into Hed. I would go furter tw Hegel tot a clmc eapstion of the dealdst wortd view. I take it from the New Testnmt. the ok of jMhn. whir he staid: In the bepnnka wee fe Word. and te Word ws with God. And the Word was God.- That a ie dmc emptlon of the idealist posit on. You take y oew thmn from there: the Word wsGodl &ut we am awmaing tha the word is itelf in emangtion from people's actirity a they attmwnPt to commiaiunm with each other. ma they develop social relmons out of Production, and ta we shouldn't be mystified with words. Oh. natursay enough we wilt have to deal with rn c vpr2 and with te forc of coordounm which is a very powerful form which ~n some marxists have been tempted to underntimaWe. Now Mvw. taking that broad frate. work of methodokg, tried to apply it to wesn Europa. He applied it to a range of sociae in different plas and at different times but, he onmntrated his atten to water Europe. If you examine the body of literature Produe by Marx and Enpos., you wl find that thNY Wef oSIrl devery. - aou't commn~wal society. aban tjdliamn, but by and arge. they OnMMnM On capitalin. Thy hardly vn tak bourt sociarmu. Marx's geat oantribAuon was his fantastic critaque of an existing society, ciptalst society. How did it cone into being in a patciuar pert of the world? The m't propotn of the&r literature miner this question. &At. as I sld when I talked about Precmptaitt society, ampeaaly feudalnsm. they talked about some other pert of the world. Occmsonally Marx marn6,o the Asaic mode o4 production. Occaxnlty he mne arcm to look at the data conening the United Stat.e. So he had something of a Porapial span and a long tme siagen. &u it wa so minimal in oimperison with the bulk of his work that it is VMe that a tot of people have taken MWX'S method and his conclusions e have amen them as one and the same thing, thW mwxrn is not merly a cwtain methodology applied to estern Europe. but t-a mrxism is ,uelf an ieot about walern Europe. about mpotaWn In the 19th century. and it cWi tranamnd thorn boundaries. -.v, Odommi,,p, Mero dnl MM m t e job he hetsdohewrhemokigath ownsoiety.hewedoi@htwdo of Ow momt e d meandldona. he oo doing hI by maturing boe es. kowmfedge anid putting to the Wnv. of hen en d Leon. would Kat then. that the method was hiend ident of time and a. It if implicit i Mo " it bloas explicat in potMar.en dekwaomnt. swing Marxan on the literal haense of the life of Marx hmonwlf. Ater Mrx', death you will p the evolution or the development of sienitfic wsol,: thought with other individuals ren t Ing that the metodoogy can t applied, must be eed to a different tem. mus be applied to a different piece. Agen preuntng oun history on a WVe abevated form. we can look at Leni. at his application of morast theory to Russian socierty. That is one of his prw~ape contributionts. The young Lenin. the fist m own which he wrote was the Oeaoi'cpygror of Capt r hif MRums. He had to deal with his own . a e.He had to take those formula tiorte out of the aseafic cultural and hiatorical context of wstern Europe "n loo& at estnern Europe. at Russi wtwsda toevolviN differently, anid to apply it to Oks own society. Thit he did. He had at the sone time to consamder the taome dinenstion. That in the 19th century Merx: wes writiong aowut whet has now come to be called the ciassc period of ampalism. the arna'uivesural verlon of cakliern. and by the lettr ft century "fe had given woy to monopoly captaii Iam. It had pwin wey to impeieliayn So Lenin had to deal with thet method by apyiog it to a new di Pin in time. So he Moe about -0-6llm i it khuparll" 8"eP. So thoOD are the two variena operating: the idolgy the umo0doog of it (well eel& to the ednAWog for the timne be~ig bang applieid to diffeent- ecetes at diffferen IhOpeItb oclo foramavarofpsoe:Mwl toTungappyingktochinw soyI wn a dlffeemn M-av Ium Rimm scMietv. Unds. - the www dynis of Chonw society. ralatut to the quasseon of the psiaym a ditffrent ad more pro. lound wey chain a preioua wrter becms that wm the nature of Chinese socoety and he had addresed hnsa4fI to tht. And oirietvy for ou pi poo. the met ,rmpotat example. th example of Armi CaWral becaste he was delIng with Attica Caborel. in one of his essy few om enitled The WOtor of Ti oey if I tecul crectly. one of he% most important eSsays. began by main9 it dlear that th best he could do w to return to the twc methodology of Main arid Erpla But ,t wm not posaibt for Cabr l to ben Vie aridys4 of the historv of Gusn a4e bv saving "I &m go" to look for clwaw.- for exampleHe sad.f IsayOV Iwillbed"ngthatmypeopleha amvyho-" bocaumIdoriop ias fetota"ongperiod an the pm.,a of my own peple - Then he reved beck to Marx', and Enph" cmKi statement Mat "tw history of all exieti P Wo is the hrstoy of dos struggl. to whah Enels had appended a note sivg that by -al history- we mon -all pr inouy rvo c' history It so happens that the history of the ple of Guioneelau has not bee e ad Cbral Iws. -1 Wait to ecrd tha history. We will ue the marxian method. We wl not be tied by the coP, wich arose hoetowtlly in wwem Europe when Marn was sty the smosv.MWarx owe the method ard he di. ornd th evolubon of dawf and of tw DO'ouaiwon of C aef as being a mfo dMrmnewt. the maww detrm. No i w011 Euro~ hsty a oa PertljAr peaw in time. Crui says we

-Nbei awas*s.We no diWewINWoilookat~ iOws - - of proucio We we look at Moeof proution in Ow dwVy of Gokine. aid we N w ho our -wt evlo. So .eemat num of a twitsa he n ",~u "ewme' of"0W-Imo to Akrir maoosty. ",. end I,, i Ow hismv of Guinm*4Mnmu. do asec of dam om tow as u Ii - I eia wC~rWdas of e It. Und mch bse*RO stuckv ID e " mbo 40 mmi me 01o0an w oh was to loka Guinean piei. in Ow porns of pocion. g 0010ma ada~rM hnniru fwd n- biswke~y and Ow dkoation i *6k Om aer 6 - wast I WAW fIOM O OtdtM *a ma emmoommw Ow ' to of maim o eke -ei. we ba w sf redld a omnitv Pm ,. a It mor. Monyof e~mw aWed in Owem pom em demm a twj sa'sb is a Europen PmIni i oed @Mdt 11-1000 re 46~ s 20 kim WROf FIMCMW be abommd be m d mfelsm of fWG AMPI ~i em. OW dhisMMI. 1)my -mm a -- lik am ou-ntm" -1md 100- - nem.v nd -MM mbe h tlvd -* hw I. doamsivoi i~ L prt of em word Ow weanot Ewvpmn. Thm. ft a kod Ow idmoMof eiut maid wmgon Ckw People; Sm Is rem O -bk oftedi - w emVhiswim -om so accome oww and 4~a of b~wilo. ThtIt is w id'dv em -fok %ka NodiKato "moomlftfromabIed0qolINWN aodo ow mviefitoanfI,sA - kwhomm poe. Thit is -&m *0" .hoeen adopmed on V. Latin Americom coninr"n and Om ws aem beask for do Mopow inmO Rpbli of Cub. The it is Wrmdv 00 idoolow mtd m m by Crd* ~td wased by Somom Me"d. Ihuds is I &W In Ow Atricen oON* dew so wiadetins and widermw MM ~and em oonsrucion at a it conno sWaIor be tone ao 4 Ewoapa PMMMw WN iad the on wN owtkdy be on dm who w "~ is pw wmwonl ~td ha. -U urn'IrseImd Id uw#Wioi ig Wdpicgbe to swSOd -IV Pol. DIG or" "O be on Vm kVvk*Ak I W4M. to die tri room. I tw -p . "buyft ipm of ft& people -~ Vid"Waow Umen we hwlipt and ay to cmivr. in or ks"e fti em A III of rue. %ac. we Rmimi WAI atw w or aboute Owrw sm.% kWn o aet y do we Ovein sod? who k"n og OblVig do Seds POW $n in todey i differsus wI of em world? Anid W~l Of Ow W mm l9ads Pple in "s C ymV i Ow C&Ibbn and fIn dtfsr W~@6Alm~ acomhdenbII~oo 01 .amofOw fmis *a w we so in ong w" or &WO. Icom difhi sw -ot Ovum Of PrOIm.n The mcifty about NO Mwx woemo a pro of Quw* &mA~ A~ko ww " Awlwm in em as @6 mnslfm m- khteP Wm" coki ma uoi to wmoufr. ht IedIm ad port ot Onm l. ht aum domacioety .n do Afml mbowr d~to ow dews WS ou tl . evn oa paiorth. ws Wom' -p- h rpr e.Ow- woro inw a ~~ rimwa of production drvdfro wn Euope and North-. Amoric. a eyStlld~had aimmnoo hM ore ort WCOf WAOPolltm cosm. and a se sm of Per~ipeies. colonVie m ai4-cmna So that we ham 8. histoialy. bon Iorporated widilr V. =si-ts II IOMIof producion. am. OwIs wwttwe dintsvion of em ndaeMM Of MdXM

EWar wiwuosA ttw ariaton in to.n of tino and -~c. It gmue to am ifI we hmv -m P, iAdPonof*apeuab. Woespriil wld, Vien we owe it to ow. aidVg to rIla- to. to falo,. to under. sand w. to hopeftaay adopt end adept a critiqe of Om P gi-oa 0 $,p becomme Owis sentlaly wlies Mar's t iki about. He Wa aiu~aw &At cook sysamn. He did it nwe effect kvty *ans any bourvois wivhr. arid if we WONt to wunesand ft. wooW in --i* we lew. uli s a Cml dominaed by copialssi. then we miums unwidrand Vie re - d ofe stem awte -mt wirawn Vie system typo ol expbaon which a wt be fountd wmVin OWa alPftss mode of producions. So Vie is yet another factor. MARXISM AS REVOLUTIONARY IDEOLOGY My secon (mid I Ifld onpnsily mpad Viare wee two buic &atw. anid one was "i tme@ido&Wg) cmderaon she meoxdokoW is to look at nwxwn as a revoabnerv kbagy end as a clas Ideobeg. In Clas societies ag adeclopea adon odsalogh. AN ideoiogue dewm from and &*Pon own Psiioi. das So for an preacmn purpwas we Pmm yow up in ampdtalst society, and bowjr* - edammbogy is domiat inou ow ~ty Theme imatuonis in whicht we functioni vw r crt to ww View aueuion of glown as commdities. ieaes welld~mi butras Vie aputallst systm. Now. I sosid seep hastoricolly a Uwex swestad burnamt. ial tfe set of idee we ca scielfic scialism woo Wd~hm copkmwi society to spa* to the Wms of Vie producers In thet socity. to sel to the intom n of Vice who we xploed anid esproprbted. to spea to owe itetog of the appre .dof Vie cuhxlyf aeiaed, and we mat uniderstand thet of Vie two RaWo ma of ideo beta, us. ~iim and imm fe- -or* piuIwo and awv~ plillamapt. Ome s of Vs two is upeawlede of e PertIOar d" Idon't hmmVie Ow se o into @N des hkmtkW rumo of Vhe tori ion of s100amB. but. briefy. in the 19th centuy It we With Vie rum of -0pito"i" soaety Vhaeca done a v ad for ow deoslopman of valit Idea. Out of Vie dll on id wutveretid gool" idw hmer mae ei to forn%~Am a der anid e stenatic theory. aenstfu mx**i,. It had a pseulm dams bees and beas It had Owi psilojar des baes. ht wes remkiRioniry. It sophi to vanaloirn "ri upend Vi ,elagorn in ms, y. Uougmem" Ideology al of nevety sns Quo piessfi,. It wsto coor. it seks to burn.. fte deal gy a ouatio m,. the role tiorn Pi low. doe relacrw wi f'low fhom a cartsin systemn of production. A sclaflfc *oga podton rwem rewohalder bcu it, rosty skra at unwvrrnbq Viet system" of production ae Voe political reiatwer iasflow froat. Thaiis awtet I inert bv reokudonwv. From twoe to tkne tbere wre marvats who hm wimn wfo hew atem'pted to dasy or d4--d mexawy of its revolu. Stry cntrv. Thati s t"w. There an nfwxu vw ho n beconet 1egW at arm. dww nmaus. whowei 9 ' e to we nvwuxn ' fi another vv san of PfAohy and who trm i an a mey eclectic fatmon as thouO one is fte wo daw froenm exw aoam drawm from Graft -mo and Vhir eqwftlnt. wht Ica" at Vie dam beam wed. woithte lookkug whether an 'idelaogya mopscrlve of Vi taus Qow or not. Nave0 am, by and larp, we can ame merui an~d arierudik socaelom as vhv ive of and antl$Viea o the smuiie of Owa systut or prodiaion in weswe Wse. somm ides let me g -- t, do not fSm in the giy, OWe do not rom in the atmowe, ft we ised to omo rollaeon of -rdato. -lopi Idarn deriv tram bouapois iulatiors of product o. They we fin .de to cosev and maintain them folition of prodtiton. Socialist KU dWri ftrm OWe MOe 0rodUCIDOn, but Wy dorie from a different das ontoe t and thu rn is to owithiow that sysw tem @hmxon. AFRICA AND SIENTIFIC SCIALISM Thbir apon I well smt Owa Africon pepl. Wea odwe Thw4 WoMl pepl. have vutuwly a Poud wfwmt in soon tzrsc soaalimu becaue it ~fer itself to OWNe a a moeo of thory. It offers ftsef to them a that tol. at tOe le#i of idea. uleide will be utilied for domandwq the covrtalist smperwafst stns. Thea toits eonwen. VOKM wvU atternix to deal asth a ban I con we Wsrtwi Qumbtils Wufa" from wmlumsial who mht say Yes to rnot of what I'v said ervd ten wilas the qumtion. - 0 there no Ohe altme native? Is thee no -tei oeologocal IVrNI afld 1s d ne c ptloat Am soialist. but is onit.tlit. but a rmitslf more huanely. of You B&S. to the inemm of Afri People wftwomm a" we?- Them quesoiw we won loekwng into beom ther am Dim pepl S~w Owee emons and e hem to try and ematlwn hMy owl~ fankmwIM be to mom tha look at coweis eaw0m of Mfin mor &a*h po..l %ho barn w ned to dlee womm 0"tol cmy ocwder to be nmemeake & noweodslisL Svstme Wy nme wed ali qawmatmrime to -,- tlic socialis tor *4 41W~oplon of Akimn people. In dwe oew e how a nwlmer of pen Africwle a renbeir of African ne tionallet in Africa. in the Cerbbs' and in this couy". who hem taken tha road. George Podrm did th" at the end Of his lift, and mad a sont of d. tinction. not a son, he made a distintion betwm Odanific: socalwn and pe. Afroatwun. He said ths is the road vm wiA follow, pmn.Afrkw~lsjn. we do not want to go that road wioIs caitai"s; e do not wont to go the sociasist road. e will derive Ior ouwav smething tha is pen-Afrlmen. In a saeNknnAloh foowe Li upon this and SlhIVW% at One tin" he coled huImsl a mertist. he afeys w" cwefoi to Qualify this by WVyin that he vm also a ProMInwi. He belee in protesto . town at the sonte times. So slmKitaneoiiy ho w" tryingl to MUNIe twa work%., the worl ~bd my' in th veg* Wo matter and the wo" ibd sy n the begwinIhae wa the ward. And wine ably he fell betwon tewe two. Itsj asabe to straddx those two. &ut there he was. and we must ys i honesty and e meat yant the honesty of mnany People who have atmpted to do di triomoogble tabt and follow Ownm to find out why they faile. They fa4We becase te4 awepbon of @w a verian dilffrnt from bourgeoi lcot and differen from socialist: thou4t Ineuetably twira out to be Mauly anmother branch of boureois tou~Ot. And this was the Problem . ftht bourpois tot and Indeed soialist tOmm~ltv @we get downt to it, o mitwhe a vety of devilop-aanu or roads and ampects or pedas. bourgeois thoust becaus of las @4ssewicl o ewa and becase of the way In ~bd ft prnom toopomii. you con hae any road in bmurpoe thou~n bernm, after oN. wft youarwe not going an PLO you amcon any Amullrw So for boeois thouot kt was posale t tewe Wmavidumbl to nukea %we I - -4d to be a puim s ttmp to breok with the domtkwmefla bourgeok IthOe~ll and yet flind in the fina analysis dwt -w han nmel -, r a armther mutWOOMIn o4 Wt wwd~ they dwom. There ar a Laib of smaunpiaa soi beMore am owns odw. Scm. of dw -a~f -m~ are Afrimswh $o I dIM*. m Watntly A' warm from Ow Iwes I do O" "mWAN of aw Wwoom of Afri mamlem down"s ID rwj a diwd -a we KWAY N do"e Vmdis who ws #Wting to hoodwi dw mqfont of the populsa tiol. I don't diui d"s-10 CPA to dmulo soda I dmlt O:* th*rv out to -eso ---o * sdim melf to the itt at of Ow Aftmn psoop. wta. nowdimsi. it is Po' of Os. m.mtv ofOw mm ft. ta our Pso no -n we ilir to scwi arftv"M 1110 it ntl PA to 01M in w pb of And disoore I Owli - NaO 90 On to Akman sodaln. Vms III do is u*e Omio @4 *im. who vms. in rn -bwiq amx. b"~ hwwm. And mutmo Kms Nkruwh was one of dim. Pt~wus pent a num of vevi &gvs the fifti wWd rvt up to wmwn ha wa -vdww - dWe woid co. at Wt% yow - in Muchd he mm mwhM o a wbolo- . He Startad out weth Ow. mlmbw of rmwximt and protat. wm. he sabad about pan Aft moew. he wwt to co aii and Otan 1&rmmabhU. an. Ow. everytun edw 0t a strals mdmWranq of soci-. Mw an*e Ow saco wartm of sho 9armpton? The is am ofesv to u. Lae s a mpatw dim he in sawfor - m o~ Afrca wl *m twwa wyv'q to aowi *a w of @ adoptkq m tfr shet. V*A -g Ow -iti awlsqene of "V aatep to li - - css hlevadf from an W4~0"in m *"ocet vsdoe? we wa i Guns tha t&IIudis stmalad refumd to - F die there weecu. that Owe wo dim conanVctow on 6ham. "e *ime dmantrAwvw% wmr wAidono'tM. For Veens Nkrunubs-- wowi swt di O mih4ttegh of Phlspy Aw~ look so" acas parw but mt mch he relund to pa'.. to in kocel widt.* wont ins he~sP womdao die oe mtow had a apitetit wowabonda umn "w pists owrw*p at the mAry of produaatn W he lneson @4 the pwodiac of pscoes Laour or oem had en siesrw &ssu umd wasn mmpigtsiy *thilow "~ OW thrwas no vo of pamepa" an uwaui dimt two 10 m p divt Ow wasno wW h' A most sspeficMwtM ofs &- POSston we when Nkr wwms was over. dw~ nI Ahm e wm ovwtfv-own. he Imad in Guvn*Knnthiv - before Ie d"e he wroiws raw mat. Ch Sirruuiv m [email protected] It d noC Ow rema phdosa phaici ve..uu bt a a haorcally vflporat' be~m. st is there Nkeumdih hanadf I n ~4 fad t cormeque, the mdv*& wmmmqiec of an gdeoioqs vo~ ampowed an AtracAn cAme. bun tg' W~t. for r*06MowtmAcd he "a not wdrmtad. a hastor" noompty to sav itse from aso Ut tic 6ooaiesm. It ardmmtad *wa dainty the dmus cow~w 04 Us" pasonW. Becoeun Nursdin Us" examw @4 fdammanGw msd W Pat vhy bou 9p a do" w~ hais. And imn. in Gae. he wid nt um a WVse'mAzu. Yes. dim aradmmact Ait. Y~ WVe pat bowapoble a a dlm wdih k - &wnmvWv -pon to wore-s mw -eme in Akrio. Yes. w da m~ 4 WV of ptv %ou 14 WV - '' -1-w O a t atn Is w tied Iiht o WV at m a4 oflmmw . A -mm ropolo -mh &,% dws@O' we how in Afice a am m-80 idm w African awmn owd a svuo% astoem atsmietwn. And if wo am to an at uwmdang Otm comwaon. of banvis -krandwnm tontoo asati M Peim. o Produces of Africs, we wiN how to g MC wfth *a 69,*- . otim &ae of 10 remwAin wid. dtSu thIOexmistence of uO~pic. Irat a -v hkotnt t, deawn. ht is Owe domwt h rnn -ie ao a ef.@af. it is the -acu ofe a t~ia 1 Aficannedonee. "t wiw itdro for "" wfth ta -WV0 n I~ - ths eOwwiow he Wma dmost hoomseff in one way at 41061411. from KsM111110 socilisma because it ori~neud outside dw boundaries of Wi ow toasty and he was afraid of its ctt~af k"Okwatoras. ThPat is puming it in the mat ther'tbi way. But owe fear to doin. an fact. to aset of bouwyme A - , il Duew to the fact that he mwea dsinon - eine social -wt and satqKif "Wor* wlmis not a noscuesry AdH clon. That a owe daflrction, ~f~ comes out of fth hnstrV of bourgou Ispeem to hew no 44ficulty in r'g thA th0" we 90nV to Ws feam" of th milndadbae lthat d origmatd on Ow West. 9*her It oniined in capital IN of socilts ocetV. People hew no M1414" daa to amevat but 0"y ary: '%w and Eriple. thats Eegopenr Their don't a* the ammg. -as Edison a so'P? but 0" thOwestion. -a Wmw a raaa- They pmulv benlew that thOW m ingkk ao hwlanal dis t"~W01 weA .t fact8. tis maobecu r"n ft Weftft of sca development. )VWd Ow- netmal wiu, s we not to be - from *w t0Oa - , , . out Lowetwon of Ow smw Moaty con dmWfy't do! a wsalin hie8o law and ?w An edtfic law Of SOCWet W~ildt con be so~a k v kvtl of its oript or Its rIadowea Of cam.e it is trio. and this Ws OW Wma Wopriasa note on wild anwd. that any ithofgy. woomn SPkd. MM~e be spind wtth a torouh u-N Of the Wne11 rodIUe Of a iw Afr~n society. Mexm cm to INworld a a historial fact and t owe in a cutural Of. for , - toprn aricaria or. wet us so back to Asians;lwen Ow Chinese firsetad up ftw muiat Iu they wo Esu~bwtsaxs. They ame laded with r 9 9 0*1 of 9w historical disopmen of E-roe itself. So tha -ato -n tactue data mr ~-er -voo obviously and ft atondlorw vve in fan in a aprfIc higtocl and oittSwalsting. It as &A t* of the Ouneve to deal with tha and to adap it and to boutinitsi wead we how it Was 8W cab- to thei societ. Fonit and foas maw to be scientifimc it meant havin due 0eprd for Ow specifics of Chinee hwsorocal Wood social e onn. I he" already cited Cabral on anothe context and he oielpm i n this Monmt. The way in ~ hems at anl times look ing at the plerila of class dewop)mint- en temporary Gumnmhoeau. Looking at o posacil of classs in Gure~louau at thes pont ant time. And therfore, he is of course. making sure that mawxier don not sn'jty apa as Vw sa~ueneon of othe people's hwwy, but applign a a tmkqn for" withion one's hsay. And tha ms a diffloit traneformation. ThIAis thOw tal of anybody ala cowisdai hunwl or her* gaff a Marxist NorA. because, it is forsuet vWth so me"n dillficultial and obatadae. many pe fake Ow eay routs. wich' is to take it as a finofied Product r athe dw an me opeg social product wtwd hes to be adfapted to their owm tasy. Ones finda s m looking at this mfw-ea thwry. at ite releewianc to too. lookng at ON orewe of memist theory to 'Wnatoa siwnepaton, we Coll up with a wy ineporte pardox. AMd it as ths: that tha nato~nae in the strict ses of the word.tat is Ow psty bbiw damwam. ofe oiW~sw~ *A-s ftwo up a msef Id~egy. We =mo 0W on tw. twn #4w naesied IWuea i Ahka. Gi~mS*Mowio wvy -ml , m "s 0wmk fy or an kkoiowc dmowoopw. to Comm~' A U d"n my i Ldn AwiAr WW. *A nadn~ mmowoam bcom k -w und Ow nAik of a ed P' win - P. As CvO mid, -*we w~y be ftSoknimm --i hwe hW a #nwnwy -"o wid ho #sawm. &A ON" hews cwtak* bo no mpookbtiet whih di w wmned wffitwA a erfok. tow v ar.

DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES III The Natonai Democratc Revou. ison at bau Loon the IRYwnWY o*mwx of the oprssd mese of Atrsa. fltiy. the recongumt of &M ogw bod an *is rown w'd the attawnment of full demacratic fits. (2) The UlAwc Conwoftug Movwnan recowas that the ntoa oppesion of out people is a direct result of cepas/ W" M -WndW "t~, ad tUs our StUMIS os both antiaapetlist anid bnti4w~kht. (31 The BAUch C ouuvwa Uoowwg cOnWlqueridy adom the theory "n practice of arsgrfic sialwn to Viede it in the stru~s. (41 Howewr because of the stutsl "n wuutisoead nature of racism an the South African scal syste. the dmr Utuk fnw~ orfxandr will connue to meWifun itself in wou terme. and for this r I - . we contw"u to behwv -n the -01*san role of Stack Conaaots. nowa in the struW* in wtthe black Peple, reif apwrwt thaw como oppesson. (5) In response to the popular strugges of the masse for politgal. scM and economic ernerapation, the current suasqv of intpraam a represented by the South Atncan regme toshVifting wiwnasss from expareen itself in putl raw "irnw to a Usaper don coin . s witIwa by 112 cearturve to the black middle don. This wadersoome the ciam eence of the sVUue apainat national opson . (0) The B160k CWWADiUgW Mlovernaq of Ane rawcopas that the black Workers we the m1o ppressed aid exploited wecion of out society, and. &heehws consetitute the ma*o force in ouw stugge. Thus the ws"q he the revolution that be baed on the histoicel. political and orenistional ezpenr 01 Use black 0040Vn Clue (7) Orpnewsonafly. the OAaK* Corparoum Mllvowriet will be puided init I unctsonswad conduct of the stn,,~e. by a form of diw~ajne. whubi develo out of a coneckmcais wichud Itself is & product of internalina rawolutwowy prnoipbss cntrag,, and sWcritkcAn; dnoc'uacc carwifrwn: co/J~crfv leade. ship. the piinopiu of recal &Wd acth Pa"Iew o on. (8) In order to advance the Anznian sthtWe awsmnst Imperaism on a 90obel scale. the BlSAc Concum Meover"O will sek to eablith and maintain, fraternal links anstwiwtkvty with pro. yasr'" -w reutwry form. gornments, liberation movements and solidarity gpoups.