Hong Kong Special Administrative Region People’s Republic of China PHONE +852 2910 6174 Aeronautical Information Service AIP HONG KONG FAX +852 2910 1180 (ISO 9001 Certified) Amendment 12/18 AFS address VHHHYOYX Air Traffic Management Division E-mail
[email protected] Civil Aviation Department 2018-11-08 Hong Kong International Airport 1. This amendment contains significant changes to the following section(s) and page(s): Incorporation of AIP SUP A05/17 “Revised Requirements for the ENR 1.10 Submission of Flight Plan and Air Traffic Services Messages” ENR 3.4 and Alignment and update of NAVAID and waypoint information ENR 4.4 Changes of editorial nature are not listed above. 2. The following new AIP Supplements have been issued: A17/18 Hong Kong International Airport Ground Handling of A380 Aircraft C01/18 Hong Kong International Airport Helicopter Landing Locations 3. The following AIP Supplements have been cancelled/superseded: Revised Requirements for the Submission of Flight Plan and Air A05/17 Traffic Services Messages A02/18 Hong Kong International Airport Ground Handling of A380 Aircraft C02/11 Hong Kong International Airport Helicopter Landing Locations 4. Manuscript Amendment : NIL 5. Hong Kong AIMC offers a free email notification service to notify users when AIP AMDT, AIP SUP or AIC is published. If you would like to subscribe to the service, please follow the registration procedures at http://www.ais.gov.hk . Page 1 of 1 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK GEN0.2-1 AIP HONG KONG 8 November 2018 GEN 0.2 RECORD OF AIP AMENDMENTS AIP AMENDMENT