Einaudi Serials Inventory
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Einaudi Serials Inventory Title Volume/No. Year Pais Notes 1 1999 Index of Economic Freedom 1999 2 4 Años de Revolución Perú 3 7 Días del Perú y del mundo 1976 4 A Descriptive List of Research Papers and Theses 1954 5 A Foreign Affairs Budget for the Future 2008 The American Academy of Diplomacy 6 A Guide to the American Bicentennial from 1975 Encyclopedia Britanica-Two Hundred Years of Liberty 7 A Lot to do: A Report Card on Education in Central 2007 America and the Dominican Republic 8 A Mandate for Leadership Project Issues 2000 2000 9 A Plan for Fully Funding the Recommendations of 1987 The National Bipartisan Commission on Central America 10 A Rand Note 1983-1985 11 A Report by Managing Global Insecurity 2008 12 A Report on a Survey in Ecuador on Standardization 1972 and Measurement services in support of industrialization goals 13 A Short History of Kingston Part 1 1976 14 Academia Las palomas de San Jerónimo XIII Festival 15 Adventure and Hope: Christians and the Crisis in 1983 Central America 16 AEI Foreign Policy and Defense Review 1985 17 AFFARI ESTERI Revista Trimestrale 1973 18 Agreement Between the United States of America 1974 and Peru 19 Alexis de Tocqueville Institution Cuban in Transition 1999 20 Alianza Centroamericana para el Desarrollo 1998 Sostenible 21 Alternatives for Canal Administration 1987 22 Amazonia - Photography Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 23 America in the 1970's 1970 24 America Latina 3 1975 25 American Opinion - The Matter of Felipe Pazos, Peril Vol.V, No.6 1962 An Informal Review in Mexico 26 American Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy 1991 27 American Women Today & Tomorrow 1977 28 Amnesty International - Brazil Cases of Killings and Ill- 1988 Treatment of Indigenous People 29 Amnesty International - Brazil Authorized Violence in 1988 Rural Areas 30 Amnesty International - Nicaragua 1986-1989 31 Amnesty International - Peru Human Rights in a 1991 Climate of Terror 32 Amnesty International Briefing Peru 1979 33 Anales de Investigacion Medica - Perú Vol.1, No.1 1973 34 Análisis Internacional - Revista del Centro Peruano No.16 1999 de Estudios Internacionales 35 Análisis Latinoamericano 1979 36 Annual Economic Report - The Dominican Republic 1980 37 Annual Report 1976 1976 38 Anteproyecto de Decreto Ley de la Propiedad Social 1973 39 Aportes una revista de estudios latinoamericanos No.6 1967 40 Archivos del Presente No.3 1995-1996 41 Archivos del Presente No.4 1996 42 Argentina 43 Argentina Chile 1978 44 Argentina Election Factbook 1963 45 Argentina Independent Review Vol. 2/No.3 1980 46 Argentina's New Constitutional Government 1989 47 Ariel or Caliban 1973 By Marcos G.McGrath 48 Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Vol.25, No.2 2008 Law 49 Armed Forces and Society Vol.1, No.4 1975 50 Arms Limitation and Disarmament 1976 51 Arte por la Vida: Esperanza para nuestros ninos 52 Asian Survey XII, No.3 1972 53 Aspectos Socio Económicos de Colombia Vol XXIV 1962 República de Colombia 54 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies: A Foreign 1983 Policy for the United States in the 1980s and 1990s 55 Atlas de América: Manuales de Educación Cívica No.18 1964 56 Atlas of the Caribbean Basin 1984 57 Atlas of the Caribbean Basin 1984 58 Atlas of U.S. foreign Relations Machinery 1983 59 Autumn Ideals 60 Availability and Reliability of Stastistics in Socialist IV, No.1 1969 Cuba 62 Aviación Revista de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú 1969 63 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quaterly Review No.108 1974 64 Banco de Fomento Agropecuario del Perú 1965-1966 65 Bases e ideas para una Argentina Posible "La 1982 Belgrano- Transición" Argentina 66 BID/INTAL Tomo I 1973 67 Boletín Comisión Andina de Juristas 26 1990 68 Boletín del Centro de investigación de Selva Kiario 1969 69 Boletín Económico y Social 1985 70 Boletín Informativo de la Comisión Nacional del 1972 Sesquicentenario de la Independencia del Perú 71 Boletín Informativo: 6 años de Revolución 1974 72 Boletín Itintec 1974 73 Boletín Secretaría de Fomento No.5 1904 74 Boletín Trimestral 1974 75 Boundary Disputes in Latin America 2003 76 Brazil Election Factbook No.2 1965 77 Brazil is Not for Amateurs 2002 78 Brazil: Crossroads of Modern Art 79 Brazilian as a Regional Power 2008 80 Bulletin Military Regimes Vol. 4, No.4 1972 81 Caderno de Educação do llê Aiyê Vol.IV Vol.IV A Força das Raízes 82 Caderno de Educação do llê Aiyê Vol.V Vol.V Pérolas Negras do Saber 83 Caderno de Educação do llê Aiyê Vol.VII Vol.VII Revolta Dos Búzios 84 Caderno de Educação do llê Aiyê Vol. IX Vol. IX África Ventre Fértil do Mundo 85 Caderno de Educação do llê Aiyê Vol. X 2002 Vol. X Malês Revolução 86 Caderno de Educação do llê Aiyê Vol. XII 2004 Vol. XII Mãe Hilda Jitolu 87 California Seminar on Arms Control and Foreign Vol.49,55,70 y 72 1975 -1976 Policy 88 Campesino, el Patrón ya no Comerá Más tu Pobreza 89 Canadian Foreign Policy: La Politique étrangère du Vol. 7, No.2 1999 Canada 90 Capítulos del Sela 1984 91 CARDINAL 92 Caribbean Development Bank 1971,1976, 1977 93 Caribbean History in Maps 1979 94 CARICOM Charter of Civil Society for the Caribbean Community 95 Carribean Review 96 Carta Política No.72 1979 97 Carta Política Nos.75, 76, 77 1980 98 Cartilla de Seguridad - Normas de comportamiento para destcamentos y/o puestos de vigilancia comando de unidades en la zona fronteriza Ecuatoriana-Peruana 99 Castros's Narcotics Trade 1983 The Cuban-American National Foundation, Inc. 100 CD Info: Guatemala 101 Center for a Free Cuba 1999 y 2000 102 Center for American Progress 2009 103 Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies 1997 National Defense University 104 Center for Inter-American Relations 1976-1977 Annual Report 105 Center for Latin American Studies Nos. 276, 281, 282 106 Center for Strategic & International Studies 1989, 1990, 2009 107 Center of Brazilian Studies 1978-1979 Second Annual Report 108 Center of Brazilian Studies 1984-1985 Annual Report 109 Center of Latin American Studies 2002 110 Center Publications 111 Central America and U.S. Foreign Assistance: Issues 1988 Foreign Affairs and National Defense for Congress Division 112 Central America, Selected Refereces, 1985-1988 1988 Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division 113 Central American Peace Prospects: U.S. Interest and 1989 Foreign Affairs and National Defense Response Division 114 Centro América: El Reto del Desarrollo y la No.29 1990 Integración 115 Centro de Altos Estudios Militares "Today's Peru" 1974 116 Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo de América 1974-1975 Latina 117 Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas A.C. Vol.6 1979 118 Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas y Científicas 1989 Separata de Presencia 119 Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano 2001 120 CEPAL Review No.11 1980 121 CEPAL Review No.13 1981 122 CEPAL Review No.14 1981 123 CEPAL Review No.23 1984 124 CEPAL Review Nos.55-58 and 64-68 Periodicals 125 Charlotte: Una Bienvenida Frustrada 126 Chiefs of Satate and Cabinet Members of Foreign 1972 Governments 127 Chinese Policies: Toward Limiting Nuclear Weapons Paper No.22 128 Church Development in Latin America: A five country 1967 comparison 129 CIDOC DOSSIERS - Documentation of Recent Controversy in Latin America 130 Ciencias Sociales Prospecto 1973 1973 131 Civil Affairs Military Government Operations No.41-10 1957 132 CLAL Cámara Latinoamericana del Libro 133 Collective Security in the Americas: New Directions 1988 134 Columbia Human Rights Law Review (HRLR) Vol.30, No.1 1998 135 Comando Conjunto de la Fuerza Armada - Centro de 1975 Altos Estudios Militares 136 Combating Terrorism: The Role of Statecraft 2003 137 Commentary Imperialism 138 Commonsense Vol.3, No.2 1980 139 Communicating for Understanding 1976 140 Comparative Politics Vol.10, No.4 1978 141 Comparative Strategy Vol. 1, Nos. 1 & 2 1978 142 Comunist Interference in El Salvador 1981 143 Conference of Head of State or Government of Non- 1979 Aligned Countries, CUBA 144 Confiscation of the El Teniente "Expropriation 1971 without Compensation" 145 Conflicto Peruano-Ecuatoriano: Verdades y 1995 Falsedades 146 Congressional Record Vol. 132, No.40 1986 147 Congressional Research Service : The Nicaraguan Military Buildup: Implications for U.S. Interest in Central America 148 Connecting the Americas: Business and Economic Outook for the Americas: A Latino Perspectives 149 Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología 1973 México 150 Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Sostenible, Ética Transparencia y Desarrollo Sostenible 151 Consumer Reports 1977 152 Contribuciones - Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Vol. 4 1986 Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional 153 Contribuciones - Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre 1990 Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional 154 Contribuciones - Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Vol.2 1985 Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional 155 Contribuciones - Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Vol.3 1985 Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional 156 Cooperation for Defense: The United States and No.12 1986 AEI Occasional papers series Central America 157 Correspondence An International Review of Culture No.6 and No.7 2000 Issue Nro.6 y Nro.7 and Society 158 Council on Foreign Relations 2002 Annual Report 159 CQ Guide to Current American Government 1968 160 Creating Political will for Orderly Change 1982 161 Criterio 1983 Año LVI 162 Criterio política Argentina contemporánea 1943-1982 Níumero de Navidad 1982 163 Criterio política Argentina contemporánea Suplemento Biblográfico 164 Critical Issues 1988 Council of Foreign Relations 165 Critical Issues - Cambodia and the Dilemas of U.S. 1991 Policy 166 CRS Report for Congress 2007 Brazil-U.S.Relations 167 CSIS Americas Program: The 1998 Colombian 1998 Elections Pre-Election Report 168 CSIS American Program: Mecosur and the Regional 1999 Security Agenda 169 CSIS American Program: The 1998 Mexican State 1998 Elections 170 CSIS Americas Program 1998 171 CSIS Americas Program 1999 172 CSIS Americas Program 1998 y 2006 173 CSIS Americas Program: With all Good Intentions 1998 174 CSIS Americas Program: The Ascendency of Western 1998 Canada in Canadian Policymaking 175 CSIS Commission on Smart Power 2007 176 CSIS Latin American Election Study series the 1989 1990 Center for Strategic & International Chilean Elections Studies Washington, D.C.