Tuesday, 19Th October, 1948. CONTENTS. Assent to Dill
[19 OCTOBER, 1948.])71 1711 Referring to my question and then answer thereto on the above subjevt (vide Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Coun- Tuesday, 19th October, 1948. cil No. 26 of the 30th September last)- 1, Why was the recommendat[ion of the Select Committee ignored? CONTENTS. page 2, Who was responsible for the recon- Assent to Dill ........ 1711 st.-uction of the Railway Advisory Board? Auditor General's report; Section " A," 1IM 1711 Question : Railways, as to standard gauge 3, Who are the memabers of this boardV and advisory board's report. ... 1711 4, Will the Minister table the report of Motions:. Obituary, late Hot. P. Collier, M.L.A. .. .. 1711 the hoard!~ increase of Rent (War Restrictio'ns) Ac~t, The GRIEF SECRETARY replied: to disallow court proeedings regula- 1714 *1, The Government of the day decided to Bills : Supply (No. 2), £8,700,000, Standing refer the matter to the Railway Advisory Orders suspension, all stages. .. 1716 Bush Fires Act Amendment, Ir;. .. 1716 Board. Health Act Amendment, Sr..... 1719 2, The former Premier, Haon. F. J. S. Stats Housing Act Amendment, Wise, in May, 1946. passed ......... .... .. 3r.,.. 1719 Marriage Act Amendment, Assembly's 3, Members of the board who reported amendments.......... ...... 1719 on the matter were- Registration of Births, Deaths and Mar- riages5 Act Amendment, Assembly's Ake-4srs. the late T. S. Parry, Surveyor amendments ... .. 1719 General, Chairman; D., Brisbane, 'Manager, Builders' Registration Act Amendment, Midland Railway Ca. of Western Australia; Corn .. .. 172 Western Australian Trotting Association G. K. Baron-Hfay, Under Secretary for Act Amendment, 2r.
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