Biographical Index
Biographical Index Compiled by the Author For a list of the subjects covered in this volume, see the index entry for Churchill, (Sir) Winston Leonard Spencer, on pages 1377-82. Abel: 'a pitiless usurer', g8o n. I 528; reviews Churchill's Marlborough, Abingdon, 7th Earl of: 9 n. 2 864 n. I ; and the 1935 General Elec Addison, Dr Christopher (later Lord) : tion, 1293 I I02 n. 2; and Churchill's India Bill Ampthill, 2nd Baron: 284, 578, 1182 'eloquence', I I90-I n. I Aerenthal, Count Alois: 32I, 322 Anderson, J. T. M.: 56 Agar, Captain A. W. S: 73 Anderson, Sir John (later Viscount Agate, James: 34 7 n. 2 Waverley): 581, 6oo, 1 I97 Agnew, (Sir) P. G.: and the India Bill, Andrews, C. F.: 327 n. I, 865 958 Angell, Sir Norman: 2I9 n. I Ailesbu~·, Earl of: 238 Archambaud: and German military Ainswort~, Harrison: 626 strength (by 1935), 928-9, 934 Aiyar, Sir Ramaswami: I !07 Aristotle: 170 Alber, Louis].: 243, 263, 268, 326, 384, Armsby, George N.: 17, 28, go, 3I 390-I, 395,457,495,642-3,987 Arnold: the carpenter at Chartwell, 39, Alfonso XIII, King of Spain: 274, 285, II7, I9o, 982, 1039, II28 goo, gi8, 330 Ashley, Maurice: Churchill's research Alington, grd Baron: I 258 assistant, 5, 15, 18-I9, 63, 75, 76-7, Alexander, A. V.: I57 n. I I I2 n. 3, I 19, I27, I45, 238-g, 247, Alexander, Boyd: 728 29I, 315, 3I9, 335. 355. 371, 4IO, 4I5- Allenby, Viscount: 25 I6, 42I, 438, 439, 443-4, 445, 456-7, Ameer Ali, Waris: 323, 456, 675-6, I310 467-8, 494· 511, 5I4, 5I5, 520, 52I, Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Sten- 534· 544.
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