Golda Meir Refuses Complete Withdrawal
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l _l JE~lSH Hl SiORlCAL R. 1. T 2.09 iUlG'ELL S • PROV• b • R. l •. Pollce Q~estion Rabbi Conference Expels Rabbi Meir Kahane BRUSSELS - Rabbi Meir des Con.e;res, a convention hall, Kahane, the controversial leader where he made a written request THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. I AND SOUTHEAST MASS. of the Jewish Defense League, ror an opportunity to speak. It was expelled from Belgium was rejected, as _had been a Wednesday after he had been request he made before the VOLUME,LIV,NUMBER48 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1971 16 Pages 15c PER COPY refused admittance to a conference. conference or Jewish Calm and smlllng, he then left organizations on the situation or the hall saying that he had not Soviet Jews. The rabbi who was come "to destroy the UAR Threatens ·More Fighiin_g convicted Tuesday In New York or conference" but wished to assert having provoked demonstrations his right to speak. Some or his against the Soviet mission to the youthful followers, principally Unless Israel Makes Peace Move United Nations, arrived here to Amel"ican and French, were press his activist viewpoint. understood to have considered CAIRO - The United Arab Council to get the Israelis to same views to Donald C, Bergus, After having been barred from forcing tactics but got no Republic said Wednesday that It change their policy could prevent the senior United States diplomat the meeting, he was detained 10 opportunity to apply them. might resume fighting with Israel another outbreak of fighting, Al here. hours by the Belgian police for unless the Isr aeli Government Ahram said. The major point In Cairo's questioning and was then forced Within minutes after he had produced positive peace moves. Earlier this week, the UAR messages, ft was reported. was to depart on a plane to London. left, three plainclothes men took Informed sources said that If warned the United States, the that peace could not be achieved Sam Shoshan, a spokesman or the him to a police · station for such proposals were not quickly Soviet Union. Britain and France between Egypt and Israel without J ewtsh Defense League, who was questioning. forthcoming, Egypt would refer that what It termed the Israeli a Ml Israeli withdrawal. detained with the rabbi, was Upon the rabbi's request, Alta the maner to the United Nations refusal to withdraw from The Foreign Minister said allowed to remain In Belgium. Fowler, the United States consul, Security Council. If the Council occupied Arab terrl tortes was that Cairo expected the Big Four Rabbi Kahane's expulsion threw visited him at the. police station did nor Intervene promptly, creating a dangerous situation In powers to fulfill their the conference into an uproar, and Informed him that Belgian fighting must then be resumed, the Middle East. responsibilities In the situation. embarrassed Its organizers and law permitted the police to hold a the sources said. catro·s action followed a He said that Israel' s defiance sharpened a split between a man for 24 hours without formal The influentlal newspaper Al statement by the Israeli of demands for a full withdrawal major tt y favor Ing peaceful charges. Ahr am, which usually reflects Governm e nt declaring that represented a challenge to the pressure on th e Soviet The Ministry of Justice said It Government policy, said that although Israel was favorably United Nations Charter, the Big Government to tmpro1£e the lot of had been advised by the Israel's reply to Egypt's peace Impressed by Egyptian readiness Four powers and world opinion. Jews and those who think that conference leadership that the proposals must be post rive and ro reach a peace agreement, In response to the Israeli violence is necessary. rabbi had been barred from the satisfactory to Egypt. nontheless Israel would refuse to statement, an official source The rabbi had been allowed proceedings and that In view or If It were nor, nothing short of withdraw troops to the borders suggested that the crisis would Into the front hall of the Palats (Continued on page 12) prompt action by the Security that existed before the six- day again be raised In· the United war of 1967. Nations Security Council, a move The Israeli statement bas opposed by the United States. Charter Memberships Are Available been denounced here as a A week ago, the Egyptians categorical rejection of a recent replied to a message from Dr. peace Initiative by Dr. Gunnar V. J arrlng and, for the first time, For New Jewish Community Center Jarring, the United Nations specified readiness to conclude a Intermediary. peace agreement with Israel In Charter Membership are now I n v It e d to make a pledge Additional charges will be made exchange for total withdrawal and being accepted for the new Jewish c o m m ens u rate w Ith their for enrollment in special purpose Foreign Minister Mahmoud Community Center building to other commlnnenrs. financial abilities, according to activities In which both Interest Ried reiterated this view In Cal r o's message stirred open this spring, according to an Mr. Feldstein. and enrollment are limited such m ee tings w I th the Soviet announcement by Harlan J. Espo, optimism In foreign capitals and Full Center membership, ror as art classes, dance classes, Ambassador, Vladimir M. raised hopes that there would be. JCC !_)resident. the family or any Individual age crafts classes, etc. Vlnogradov, the British another extension of the cease Currently, the opportunity to group, will generally Include the General members will be A mba s sad or. SI r Richard .Join ts being' offer ed to all fire along the Suez Canal, use of all Center facO!tles except furnished a private storage Be aum on t, and the French scheduled to expire March 7. contributors to the Center those reserved to the men's and basket In which to keep· their Ambassador, Francois Puaux. Building Fund campaign and to E~t' s stiff reaction to women' s health clubs. physical education clothing and The Foreign Minister's chief present Center members. These Israel s statement of refusal to a General family membership, equipment at the Ce~ter, If they aide, Mohammed Rlad, was full-withdrawal seemed to dim the contributors are given a limited wish. Dressing lockers will be reportecl to have expressed the time to Indicate their Intentions w 111 • encompass the father, optimism. mother, all children up to the age furnished In all locker rooms for to affiliate with the new Center, members to change when actually after whtcp membership of 18 plus full time college students up to the age of-25, upon participating In physical enrollment will open to the entire education prograhls. There w111 community._ applicatio n. Me mbe rship Golda Meir Refuses privileges wlll Include year be no extra charge for these Ch ar t er membership will round use of the swimming pool, facilities. permit early applicants to enroll gymnasium, exercise facilities, Othe r categories or full In the membership division of locker and shower facilities, Center membership will Include Complete Withdrawal their choice, particularly In the basket room and courts without the "401 Club", a contributing family membership and health any extra fees, except for towels , family membership which wtll JERUSALEM - Israel said border-mapping committee was club categories where enrollment soap and miscellaneous supplies, replace the Center's present Wednesday that In her reply to headed by a senior army officer, maximums have been set by the If required. " Century Club" classification of Egyptian peace proposals she another by key Government Center board. · contributing membership. would form ally refuse total officials and that the third was The .Center's plans call for a In addition, members of the family will have the use of Members In this category, by withdrawal from Arab areas made up of experts on In beginning of service in the new paying fees In excess of regular seized In the six-day war of 196 7. ternational law. The committees building around May 1, 1971, with lounges,. game rooms, library, music alcove and other facilities . (Continued on page 11) A s tatement_ Issued by were said to have been formed a dedication week planned for the Premier Golda Meir's office last month after Israel returned week of June 6. · termed groundless reports to the to Indirect peace negotiations A 11 present Center Defense Minister Intervenes effect that the reply would nor with the United Arab Republic and memberships will expire on the reject complete withdrawal. J ordan under Dr. Gunnar V opening date of the new Center The Cabinet announcecl Sunday Jarring, the United Nations building. All present Center In Chief Rabbinate Election that Israel would not pull back to Intermediary. members were informed at the JERUSALEM - Defense under those circumstances could the boundaries that had existed Each com mlttee is working on time of their last membership M inls t er Moshe Dayan has be submitted directly to the before the I 967 war, bur political a SJ)eclfic aspect of peacetime r enewal that, upon expiration Intervened unexpectedly in Knesset for · approV'al without sources In Jerusalem had said borders, the sources said. date, those who enroll In the new prepara:tlons for the forthcoming discussion by the full Cabinet. that there_would be no reference · Israeli political sources said Center would receive a credit elect lo n of Israel's chief But Dayan's Intervention Is likely to this In the formal reply to be that Mrs. Meir and Mr. Eban upon their new mem·bershtp dues rabbinate.