The Divinity Library Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

A. Articles by or about Nahum N. Glatzer

Box/Folder # Folder Description Contents

1/1 Glatzer, Nahum. Article or Chapter, 1. "Leopold Zunz and the Jewish English. Pages and photocopy of pages. Community"

1/2 Glatzer, Nahum. Article Reprint, 1. …Hebrew text... Hebrew. Jan. 1960

1/3 Glatzer, Nahum. English Manuscript: Notes on an Unpublished Letter by I.M. Jost

1/4 Glatzer, Nahum. Two Hebrew Articles. 1. …Hebrew text... (one has two copies) 2. …Hebrew text...

1/5 Glatzer, Nahum. Hebrew Essay: … Hebrew text... Reprint from Samuel Belkin Memorial Volume, 1981.

1/6 Glatzer, Nahum. 1. "On an Unpublished Letter of Isaak Markus Jost," Year Book Two Essays from the Leo Baeck XXII, , 1977. Institute, English 2. "Reflections on Buber’s Impact on German Jewry," Year Book XXV, Leo Baeck Institute, 1980.

1/7 Glatzer, Nahum. Introduction to Die Pharisäer by R. Travis Herford

1/8 3 English Articles by or about Glatzer. 1. NNG. "The Jewish Family and Humanistic Values." Journal of Jewish Communal Service, Vol. XXXVI, No. 3, Spring, 1960. 2. Altmann, Alexander. "Nahum N. Glatzer: The Man and His Work." : A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought, Vol. 12, No. 2, Spring, 1963.

3. NNG. Photocopy of statement on the purpose of teaching.

1/9 Glatzer, Nahum. Two Hebrew Articles 1. …Hebrew text... about Josephus Flavius and Martin 2. "Josephus Flavius in Klausner’s Buber Historiography." Bitzaron, Vol. XXXIX, No. 2, 1958.

1/10 Glatzer, Nahum. Leopold and Adelheid 1. "Leopold and Adelheid Zunz: Zunz: An Account in Letters, 1815- An Account in Letters." Reprint: 1885…in German Publikationen des Leo Baeck Institute of from , Bulletin No. 6.

1/11 Glatzer, Nahum. Four English 1. "Faith and Action." Judaism: A Articles… Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought, Vol. 17, No. 1, Winter 1968. 2. (a)"Leopold Zunz and the Jewish Community." Living Legacy, H. Hahn Festschrift, NY, 1963. (b)Second copy of above. 3. "The Attitude to in the Amoraic Period." Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Vol. 2, Jerusalem, 1975. 4. "’Knowest Thou…?’: Notes on the Book of Job." Studies in Rationalism, Judaism and Universalism, In Memory of Leon Roth, ed. Raphael Loewe. , 1966.

1/12 Glatzer, Nahum. Two German Articles. 1. "Wissenschaft des Judentums im deutschen Sprachbereich." Schriftenreihe Wissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen des Leo Baeck Instituts, No. 16. 2. "Jüdische Ijob-Deutungen in den ersten christlichen Jahrhunderten." Freiburger Rundbrief Vol. XXVI, Nr.97- 100, Dezember 1974. 1/13 Glatzer, Nahum. Articles from 1. "Hasidim." William Benton, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1964-74. Publ., 1964. (editions 14 and 15) 2. "Magen David." William Benton, Publ., 1965. 3. "Shema." Wm. Benton, Publ., 1965. 4. "Akiba Ben Joseph." Helen H. Benton, Publ., 1974.

1/14 Glatzer, Nahum. Book review: English, 1. "Saadia Anniversary Volume" 1944: re Saadia Gaon Anniversary. (Texts and Studies, Vol. II). New York: American Academy for Jewish Research, 1943.

1/15 Nahum Glatzer Essays: Two Hebrew 1. …Hebrew text.… Yivo Bleter: Reprints Journal of the Scientific Institute. NY: Yiddish Scientific Institute, 1945. 2. …Hebrew text.… Bitzaron, Vol. XLV, No. 4, March 1962.

1/16 Essay by N. Glatzer, English, Book 1. Review of "The Zionist Idea: A Review Reprint… Historical Analysis and Reader," ed. Arthur Hertzberg. Garden City N.Y.: Doubleday, 1959. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

A. Articles by or about single authors

(Braude to Goldschmidt)

Box/Folder Author/Subject

2/1 Braude, William G.... 1. William G. Braude, "Two Chapters of Pesikta Rabbati in English Translation." Essays in Honor of Solomon B. Freehof. Pittsburgh, PA: Rodef Shalom Congregation, 1964. 2. William G. Braude, "Face to Face: Selections from Pesikta Rabbati." Central Conference American Rabbis Journal. June 1966.

2/2 Articles by Martin Buber…(15). 1. M.B. "Revolutionäre Erhaltung: zu Gustav Landauers 30. Buber book announcement (1). Todestag." May 6, 1949. 2. "Martin Buber: Frage und Antwort." Der Jude, Vol. 6, No. 12, Sept. 1922. 3. "Martin Buber: Eine Vorrede." (to an unidentified collection of essays) 4. "Martin Buber: Die Zwei Ich." Der Jude, Vol. 6, No. 9. 5. "Martin Buber: Chassidische Schriftdeutungen." Der Jude, Vol. 7, No. 12, Dec. 1923. 6. "Die Eroberung Palästinas." 7. "Nachahmung Gottes." Der Morgen, Vol. 1, heft 6, Feb. 22, 1930. 8. "Martin Buber: Die Heirat des Baalschem." Der Jude, Vol. 6, No. 10, July 1922. 9. "Eine Übersetzung der Bibel." July 15, 1917. 10. "Zum Ein heitscharakter des Jesajubuches." Der Jude, Nov. 30, 1936. 11. "Leidensweg einer Enttäuschten: Martin Buber’s Tochter Schildert ihre russischen Erlebnisse." Aufbau, 1949. 12. Typescript. "Dr. Siegfried Guggenheim zum 80. Geburtstag. 13. (a)Unidentified collection of published letters.

(b)More unidentified published letters (not a copy of the above).

14. (a)M.B. (English) "Books and People." Editorial. The Jewish Advocate, Feb. 1961.

(b)Copy of above.

15. M.B.…Hebrew text...

1. Advertisement for Martin Buber’s

collected essays (Hinweise:

Gesammelte Essays). Publication

illegible, Sept. 1954.

2/3 News Articles re Arthur A. Cohen, 1. "Problems of Belief in Modern and family? (2). Reprints and Articles. Times." Review of Milton By Cohen (3). Steinburg’s Anatomy of Faith, (A. Cohen, ed.). N.Y. Times Book Review. (no date) 2. "J. H. Cohen Dead; Led Apparel Firm." Dec. 12, 1961.

1. "Three We Have Lost: the Problem of Conversion." Conservative Judaism. Summer 1957. 2. "Religion as a Secular Ideology." Partisan Review. (no date) 3. "Messianism and the Jew." The Commonweal. July 15, 1955.

2/4 Cohen, Boaz. 4 Pamphlets. 1. Boaz Cohen, Towards a of Jewish Law." Conservative Judaism, Vol. VI, No. 1, October 1949. 2. Boaz Cohen, "Letter and Spirit in Jewish and Roman Law." Mordecai M. Kaplan Jubilee Volume, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1953. a. Copy 1. b. Copy 2. 3. Pamphlet. *reg. Boaz Cohen, "Law and Ethics in the Light of the Jewish Tradition." Tree of Knowledge?, 1953?

2/5 3 Articles by Emil L. Fackenheim (2 1. Emil L. Fackenheim, "Jewish within A. Cohen’s Arguments and Existence and the Living God." Doctrines. Arguments and Doctrines (A. Cohen, ed.). 2. Emil L. Fackenheim, "Self- Realization and the Search for God." Arguments and Doctrines (A. Cohen, ed.). 3. Emil L. Fackenheim, "Salvation in Judaism." European Judaism, Vol. II, No. 1? (Summer 1967).

2/6 Reprints by Abraham G. Duker. (6 1. *reg. Eng./Heb. "The Polish items. All English.) 1 of 3 Insurrection’s Missed opportunity: Mochnacki’s Views on the Failure to Involve the Jews in the Uprising of 1830/31." Jewish Social Studies. Vol. 28, no. 4, Oct. 1966. 2. "Jewish Participation in the Polish Insurrection of 1836." In Studies and Essays I Honor of Abraham A. Neumann, Meir Ben-Horin, et al., eds. 1962. 3. "Hollaenderski’s Letter of Inquiry to Lelewel." Studies in Bibliography and Booklore. Vol. 1, No. 4, Dec. 1954. 4. "The Polish Democratic Society and the Jewish Problem, 1832- 46." Jewish Social Studies. Vol 19, No. 3-4. July-Oct. 1957. 5. "Some Aspects of ’s Impact on Identification and Cultural Patterns." Jewish Social Studies. Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan. 1959. 6. *reg. Heb. "Prince Czartoryski, the Émigré, on the Jewish Problem." In The Joshua Block Memorial Volume: Studies in Booklore and History, Abraham Berger, et. al., eds.. 1960. 2/7 Reprints by Abraham Duker. (6 items, 1. "Jewish Community Relations: An all English) 2 of 3 Analysis of the MacIver Report." 1952. 2. "Methodological Problems in the Writing of American Zionist History." In Early History of in America, Isidore S. Meyer, ed., 1958. 3. "An Evaluation of Achievement in American Jewish local historical Writing." Publication of the American Jewish Historical Society. Vol. 49, No. 4, June 1960. 4. "The Sale of a Negro Slave I in 1683." In Essays in American to Commemorate the Tenth Anniversary of the Founding of the American Jewish Archives under the Direction of Jacob RadarMarcus, 1958. 5. "Socio-Psychological Trends in the American Jewish Community Since 1900." YIVO: Annual of Jewish Social Science. Vol. 9, 1954. 6. "Jewish volunteers in the Ottoman Polish Cossack Units During the Crimean War." Jewish Social Studies. Vol. 16, No. 3 and 4, 1954.

2/8 Reprints by Abraham G. Duker (6 1. "Notes on the Culture of American Eng, 1 Heb.) 3 of 3. Jewry." The Jewish Journal of . Vol. 2, No. 1, no date. 2. "Swedenborg’s Attitude Towards the Jews." Judaism, Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 1956. 3. "The Lafayette Committee for Jewish Emancipation." Essays on Jewish Life and Thought. 1959. 4. "Jews in American Life." Judaism, Vol. 3, No. 4, Fall 1954. 5. "Some Trends Affecting American Jewish Life." Forum for the Problems of Zionism, Jewry and the State of Israel, Vol. 4, Spring 1959. 6. "Impact of American Life on Jewish Traditions." Changing Patterns in American Jewish Life. 7. …Hebrew text... "The Polish ‘Great Emigrations’ Appeal to the Jews of October 3, 1832." I.F. Baer Jubilee Volume. 1960.

2/9 Goldin, Judah. 1. Hebrew Pamphlet… 1. Judah Goldin, …Hebrew text... 2. English reprint. 2. *reg. Heb. Judah Goldin, "On Honi the Circle-Maker: A Demanding Prayer." Harvard Theological Review, Vol. LVI, No. 3, July 1963.

2/10 Misc. items by and concerning 1. H.G. "Heilvoller Verrat: Neue Hermann Goldschmidt (3—German). Besinnung auf Judas." Reprinted chapter from larger work by same author?—much larger work with same title and author is listed in the Library of Congress. Der Aufbau: Schweizerische Wochenzeitung für Recht, Freiheit und Frieden. V. 55, No. 13/14. Zürich, March 30, and April 6, 1974. 2. Announcement for H.G.’s Freiheit für den Widerspruch. 3. Same as above (2), different format. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

A. Articles by or about single authors

(Leslau to Neusner)

Box/Folder Author/Subject

3/1 Booklets (3). Lecture (1) All by Wolf 1. A Dictionary of Moca Leslau. (Southwestern Ethiopia) University of California Subjects: Linguistics, philology— Publication in Linguistics, 1959. 2. Ethiopic and South Arabic Ethiopic languages. Contributions to the Hebrew Lexicon. University of California Publictions in Semitic Philology, 20, 1958. 3. The Verb in Harari (South Ethiopic). University of California Publications in Semitic Philology, 21, 1958. 4. "The Scientific Investigation of the Ethiopic Languages." Lecture. 1954.

3/2 News Articles concerning Judah 1. "Magnes Outlines Confederation Magnes (22 items, all English). Plan for Israeli, Arab Status." Aug. Reprints and articles concerning 26, 1948. Magnes (3 items: 1 Eng.; 2 Heb.) 2. "A New Light in Israel." June 26, 1950. 3. "Memorial Honors Dr. Judah Magnes." (no date) 4. "Starting the Judah L. Magnes Foundation." The Advocate. 1948. 5. "Most Unmilitary-Looking Fighting Man of Israel." New York Post Home News. Nov. 29, 1965. 6. "New Party." N.Y. Times. Dec. 2, 1948. 7. Zionist –Arab Pact Discloses to U.N. 1947. 8. "Rabbi Judah L. Magnes as I Knew Him Forty Years Ago." Advocate. July 23, 1948. 9. "Magnetic Magnes." The Jewish Advocate. Nov. 25, 1948. 10. "Dr. Judah Magnes Dead at Age of 71." N.Y. Times. Oct. 28, 1948. 11. "Magnes of Mount Scopus." New York Times. Oct. 28, 1948. 12. "Israeli Freedom Party: A Reply Made to Recent Letter, Aim of Party Detailed." N.Y. Times. Dec. 10, 1948. 13. "Final Tribute Paid to Dr. Judah Magnes." (no date) 14. "Dr. Magnes and his Recipes." Jewish Frontier. July 1942. 15. "An Open Letter to Dr. Judah L. Magnes." The New Palestine. June 21, 1946. 16. "2 in British Police Slain in Palestine." N.Y. Times. Jan. 30, 1948. 17. "The Ichud." The New Palestine. Vol. 32, No. 18, Oct. 9, 1962. 18. Typescript. "A Petition for peace between Jews and Arabs." 19. (a)"Truce Call Hailed by Magnes Group." (no date)

(b)copy of above.

20. "Hadassah Severs Itself from BI- Nationalism of Dr. Magnes." The Jewish Advocate. June 17, 1948. 21. "Truce on Palestine is Urged by Magnes, Here to Urge Our Trusteeship Plan on U.N." N.Y. Times. Apr. 23, 1948. 22. "Dr. Magnes Accuse the Zionists of the Tactics of ‘Totalitarianism.’" N.Y. Times. Oct 30, 1947.

1. "Toward Peace in Palestine." Foreign Affairs. (no date) 2. …Hebrew text... 3. …Hebrew text... Jan. 6, 1948.

3/3 Reprints and Articles by Shelomo 1. S.M. "Biblical Aramaic in Geonic Morag. (15 items: 2 Eng., 13 Heb.) Babylonia." Studies in Egyptology and Linguistics in Honour of H.J. Plotsky. Jerusalem, 1964. 2. S.M. "Planned and Unplanned Development in Modern Hebrew." LINGUA, Vol. VIII, No. 3, Sept. 1959. Amsterdam.

1. Some (of following 13 items): *reg. Heb. …Hebrew text: Whoever adds Hebrew, please note which items are signed by author, with or without regards. 2. …Hebrew text See 1 immediately above. 3. …Hebrew text See 1. 4. …Hebrew text See 1. 5. …Hebrew text See 1. 6. …Hebrew text See 1. 7. …Hebrew text See 1. 8. …Hebrew text See 1. 9. …Hebrew text See 1. 10. …Hebrew text See 1. 11. …Hebrew text See 1. 12. …Hebrew text See 1. 13. …Hebrew text See 1.

3/4 Reprints, Articles, Lectures. All by 1. "Beyond Historicism, After Jacob Neusner. 9 items total: 8 Eng., 1 Structuralism: Story as History in Heb. with Eng. summary. Ancient Judaism." The 1980 Harry Spindel Memorial Lecture. Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. 2. "Contexts and Constituencies: the Diverse Responsibilities of Higher Jewish Learning." Lecture. Oct. 8, 1980. 3. "The New Setting for Jewish Learning: Toward a Theory of University Studies in Judaism." Lecture. 4. "History of Religion: Judaism at Brown University in Practice and in Theory." Department of Religious Studies, Brown U., Jan. 1973. 5. "Stranger at Home: The Task of Religious Studies." Lecture. Arizona State University. Oct. 25, 1979. 6. "The as History." Lecture at Congregation Shaar Hashomayim, Westmount, Quebec, Canada. Nov. 7, 1978. 7. Typescript. "The Place of Jewish Studies in the American University." Lecture. Milwaukee, 1961. 8. " Revisited: Religion and Society in Ancient Judaism." Oxford 1981.

1. …Hebrew text "R. Judah the Prince and Ardavan V. of Parthia." (Eng. summary.)

3/5 Three pamphlets. Hebrew and English. 1. *reg. Heb. …Hebrew text May (Jacob Neusner) Subject: Mishnah. not be Neusner. 2. Jacob Neusner, "The Last Link: Rabbi Ishmael the Son of Rabbi Jose: A Biographical Essay." Judaica, Vol. 1, 1960. 3. …Hebrew text May not be Neusner.

The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprints and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

A. Articles by or about single authors

(Simon to Zunz)

Box/Folder Author/Subject

4/1 Hebrew Reprints by Ernst Simon (3). 1. *reg. Heb.? …Hebrew text Book by Ernst Simon. Hebrew. (2) 2. …Hebrew text 3. *reg. Heb.? …Hebrew text 4. *reg. Heb.?…Hebrew text Book. 5. *reg. Heb.?, front cover. Hebrew text Book.

4/2 Reprints and articles by, about, and 1. Includes items by Albright, Eban, citing Arnold Toynbee (9). Kallen, et al. including Toynbee himself. Arnold Toynbee and the Jews: A Symposium. Jewish Frontier, Dec. 1954-Feb. 1955. 2. Harry M. Orlinsky. "On Toynbee’s Use of the Term ‘Syriac’ for One of His Societies." In The Time of Harvest: Essays in Honor of Abba Hillel Silver on the occasion of his 70th Birthday, D.J. Silver, ed. 1963. 3. Oscar Handlin. "In the Dark Backward." July-Aug. 1947. (Cites Toynbee.) 4. Victor Ehrenberg. "Toynbee’s Hellenism." Historia. Vol. 8, 1959, pp.491-96 5. "Mr. Toynbee’s City of God." Partisan Review. June 1948. Pp. 691-99. 6. Jacob B. Agus. "Toynbee and Judaism." Judaism, Fall 1955. Pp. 319-332. 7. A.T. "Janus at Seventy-Five." 1974. 8. . "The Toynbee Heresy." Lecture, 1955. Pp. 3-22. 9. Roland B. Gittelsohn. "The Stubborn ‘Fossil’: Reflections concerning Arnold Toynbee’s Views on Judaism and the Jewish People." 1951.

4/3 News Articles by H. Weyl. (5 items, 1. "Prof. Martin Buber." Jüdische German) 1 of 3 Wochenschau. Feb. 11, 1958. 2. "’La Tierra es del Señor’: Ein neues werk von A Joshua Heschel." Jüdische Wochenschau. Aug. 25, 1953. 3. "Vom Erbe des deutschen Judentums." Jüdische Wochenschau. Sept 2, 1958 4. "Im Wandel der Jahrtausende." Jüdische Wochenschau. Mar. 31, 1953. 5. "Das moderne Mysterien-Spiel: Etwas über Leben und Theater, Theologie und Erlosung." Jüdische Wochenschau. June 19, 1956.

4/4 News articles by H. Weyl. German. (7 6. "Der Dichter Scholem Aleichem." items.) 2 of 3 Jüdische Wochenschau. Mar. 22, 1959. 7. "Ewiges und Vergängliches am Werke Heinrich Heines." Jüdische Wochenschau. Feb. 21, 1956. 8. "Max Liebermann: Aur Erinnerung zu seinen 20. Todestag." Jüdische Wochenschau. Feb. 8, 1955. 9. "’Geschichte des Gottesvolkes’: zu dem gleichnamigen Werk von Henri Daniel-Rops." Jüdische Wochenschau. Sept. 15, 1953. 10. "Georg Brandes—Leben und Werk." Jüdische Wochenschau. Mar. 15, 1955. 11. "Ein offenes Wort am C. Virgil Gheorghiu: Ein Mann im chaos unsere Zeit." Jüdische Wochenschau. June 23, 1953. 12. "Von den Judes in Athen: Zu einer studie von Professor Michael Molho." Jüdische Wochenschau. May 11, 1954. 4/5 News Articles by H. Weyl. German. 13. "Ein antisemitisches (8 items) 3 of 3 Theaterstück." Jüdische Wochenschau. Mar. 5, 1954. 14. "Lebendige Verfgangenheit." Jüdische Wochenschau. Nov. 5, 1955. 15. "Artstand im Warschauer Ghetto." Jüdische Wochenschau. 1954. 16. "Paul Ehrlich—Arzt und Forscher." Jüdische Wochenschau. Mar. 23, 1954. 17. "Atome und Menschenschicksal." Jüdische Wochenschau. Nov. 26, 1957. 18. "Automation: Revolution der Roboter." Jüdische Wochenschau. Oct. 22, 1957. 19. "Von den Grundlegen des Judentums." La Semana Israelita. May 27, 1960. 20. "Judenhass und seine Überwindung." La Semana Israelita. 1961.

4/6 Newspaper and magazine articles. (13 1. "Voices Amid Thunder"—review items) of Souls on Fire. 2. "Have Faith, Wiesel Bids Subject: by or about Elie Wiesel and Manhattanville Graduates." New /or York Times. May 28, 1972. 3. "Elie Wiesel Addresses CJP." Genesis, 2, Oct. 7, 1971. 4. "World-Wide Holocaust Probable: Elie Wiesel States, ‘I feel threatened.’" Bible Light Star. Summer 1976. 5. "The Stain that Won’t Go Away." New York Times. Dec. 15, 1970. 6. "Out of Silence Toward Life," Review of A Beggar in Jerusalem. Time. Mar. 16, 1970. 7. Photo of Wiesel. 8. E.W. "What is the Unforgivable?" Bostonia. Winter 1979. 9. E.W. "Hasidism and Man’s Love of Man." Jewish Heritage. Fall/Winter 1972. 10. E.W. "Survivors’ Children Relive the Holocaust." N.Y. Times. Nov. 16, 1975. 11. "New Debate on the Holocaust." 12. "The Morals of Remembering." Time. May 23, 1983. 13. "Moral Madness." Review of Elie Wiesel: Messenger to All Humanity, by Robert McAfee. Time. May 23, 1983.

4/7 News clippings concerning Leopold 1. Germ. Hugo Hahn. "Leopold Zunz Zunz (5 items: 3 Germ., 1 Eng., 1 —Redivivus." Review of L. Heb.). German reprint re Zunz (1). Wallach’s Liberty and Letters: Enclosure from within Zunz’s Toldot The Thoughts of Leopold Zunz. (1). Aufbau, Jan. 15, 1960. 2. Germ. Sigmund Hirsch. "Ein Hilferuf für Leopold Zunz." Feb. 1930. 3. Germ. Ludwig Geiger. "Leopold Zunz [zum 100. Geburtstag: 10. August 1894.]" Hamburger Korrespondent. Aug. 10, 1894. 4. Eng. I. Maybaum. "The Great Master." Review of Wallach title above.Oct. 30, 1959. 5. …Hebrew text... *reg Heb.?

1. Gotthold Weil. "Das Zunz- Archiv." Bulletin für die Mitglieder der "Gesellschaft der Freunde des Leo Baeck Institute." Nr. 7, Juni 1959. 2. Enclosure from within Zunz’s Toldot Rashi (BM 755 .S6 Z83 Judaica).

The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

C. Prominent Subject-Groupings

Law and Political Science; Bible Translations

Box/Folder Subject

5/1 Reprints: 6 items 1. Gross, Leo. “International Law and Peace.” The Japanese Annual Subject: Law and Political Science of International Law, No. 11 (1967)

2. Kozolchyk, Boris. “Fairness in Anglo and Latin American Commercial Jurisdictions.” International and Comparative Law Review. Vol 2, no 2.

3. Friedell, Steven F., “Compensation and Reward for Saving Life at Sea.” Michigan Law Review. May 1979, Vol. 77 # 5.

4. Gerschenkron, Alexander. “The Stability of Dictatorships.” Harvard Lectureship, . April 3, 1963

5. Ehrenberg, Victor., Review of Politische Metaphysik von Solon bis Augustin, by Arnold Ehrhardt. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte. Band 92, Romanistische Abteilung. (1962) pp. 369-374.

6. Thieme, Karl. “Utopien” Staatslexikon Recht Wirtschaft Gesellschaft. 6, Aufl. VII. pp 1188-1196.

5/2 Galley proofs, Hebrew. (18 pages, Conversion legal size)

5/3 Ancient Bible Translations (2) 1. Sperber, Alexander. “New Testament and Septuagint.” Journal of Biblical Literature. Vol. LIX, part II, pp. 193-293.

2. Fischel, Walter J. “The Bible in Persian Translation.” Harvard Theological Review. Vol. XLV, No. 1, January 1952.

5/4 Modern Bible Translations (5 items), 1. Goodspeed, Edgar J. (ed), “The I folder of newpaper clippings Translators to the Reader. Preface collected by Glatzer. to the King James Version 1611” Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1935.

2. Bamberger, Bernard J. “American Jewish Translations fo the Bible” a revised reprint from the Jewish Book Annual, 1957- 58, v. 15. New York, Jewish Book Council of America.

3. Orlinsky, Harry M., “The New Jewish Version of the : Toward a New Philosophy of Bible Translation.” Journal of Biblical Literature, v. 82 pt 3, 1963. pp. 249-264.

4. Greenberg, Moshe “The New Torah Translation.” Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought. V. 12, no. 2, Spring 1963.pp 225-237.

5. Zigmond, Maurice L. “The New JPS Torah – A Critical Appraisal.” CCAR Journal, January 1964, pp. 4-16.

6. Glatzer, Nahum. Miscellaneous newspaper articles, in folder called “On Bible Translations”

5/5 Babylonia, philology, Ancient Bible 1. Fischer, Johann “Zur Translations Septuaginta-Vorlage Im Pentateuch.” Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 42. 1926, pp. 1-44.

2. Hallo, W.W. “Akkadian Apocalypses.” Israel Exploration Journal, v. 16 no. 4, 1966, pp. 231-242.

3. Rosmarin, Trude Weiss. “The New Trend in Biblical Criticism.” Journal of Bible and Religion, Spring 1938 , pp. 83- 86.

4. Rosmarin, Trude Weiss. “Aribi und Arabien in Den Bablonishc- Assyrischen Quellen.” Journal of the Society of Oriental Research, vol. 16, no. 1-2, Jan –April 1932, pp 1-37.

5. Rosmarin, Trude Weiss. “Contributions a la Philologie Hebraique.” Publications de la Societe des Etudes Juives. 1934, pp 94-99

6. Yahuda, A.S., “Jemenische Sprichworter aus Sanaa.” Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie. Band 26, 1911 pp. 345-358.

7. Olmstead, A.T. “Oriental Imperialism.” American Historical Review, v. 23, no. 4 July 1918, pp.755-762.

8. Marenof, S. “A Note on Jer. 14:4.” American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature. V. 55, no.2, April 1938 pp. 198-200.

9. Marenof, Shlomo. “A Forgotten Root.” American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature. V. 52, no.2, January 1936 pp. 116-117.

10. Kurdian, H. “The Origin of the Alphabet of Ras Shamra and its Bearing on the Origin of the Phoenician Alphabet.” Journal of the American Oriental Society. V. 55, no. 1, pp. 101-104.

11. Rosmarin, Trude Weiss. “Encore une fois [Hebrew text] (Gen. XXXVI,24)” Revue Des Etudes Juives. p 218. (no volume or date information, other than handwritten note by Glatzer dated 17-3-38.)

5/6 Hebrew Offprints 3 offprints, no English information

5/7 Mishnah, 5 items 1. Goldin, Judah. “Hillel the Elder.” Journal of Religion, v. 26, no. 4 Oct. 1946. pp. 263-277.

2. Neusner, Jacob. “Studies on the Problem of Tannaim in Bablyonia.” American Academy for Jewish Research. Proceedings. Vol 30, 1962. pp 79-127.

3. Neusner, Jacob. “History and Midrash.” Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought. Vol 9, no. 1 Winter, 1960. pp. 48-55.

4. Poppers, H.L. “The Declasse in the Babylonian Jewish Community.” Jewish Social Studies. Vol 20, no. 3, July 1958, pp.153-180

5. [Hebrew text, offprint ] Hebrew Union College Annual, vol 31, 1960.

5/8 Typescripts (English and Hebrew) 1. “Passages From the Targum to the Song of Songs.(R.H. Nelamed’s text, Philadelphia, 19221, i.e. MS British Museum OR. 1302, unless otherwise stated.)” 3 leaves.

2. ‘Targum to the Song of Songs. Summary of Contents and ‘Symphonic Architecture’ ” 1 legal length page

3. “The Targum to the Song of Songs. A thematic Index of its Content.” 15 leaves, legal length.

The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and

Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

C. Prominent Subject-Groupings

Dead Sea Scrolls, Qumran, Biblical Archaeology, Ancient Bible

6/1 Reprints and articles (7). 1. Photocopy. William W. Hallo, “Problems in Sumerian Subjects: Dead Sea Hermeneutics.” Perspectives in Scrolls/Qumran, Biblical Jewish Learning, Vol. 5, 1973. Archaeology, etc. 2. Reprinted series. Frank M. Cross. Christian Century. Aug. 25, 1955.

a. “The Scrolls from the Judean Wilderness.”

b. “The Scrolls and the Old Testament.”

c. “The Essenes and their Master.”

d. The Scrolls and the New Testament.”

3. French journal issue. Revue de Qumran, Vol. 1, No. 2. Oct. 1958.

4. Reprint. Lou H. Silverman, “The Two ‘Messiahs’ of the Manual of Discipline.” Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 5, No. 1 (1955): pp. 77-82.

5. Reprint. Jacob Neusner, “Qumran and Jerusalem: Two Jewish Roads to Utopia.” The Journal of Bible and Religion. Oct. 1959. Pp. 284-90.

6. Reprint. J. M. Allegro, “More Isaiah Commentaries from Qumran’s Fourth Cave.” Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 77, No. 3. Sept. 1958.

7. Reprint. The Biblical Archaeologist, Vol. 12, No. 2. May 1949. Contains 4 articles:

a. Mar A.Y. Samuel, “The Purchase of the Jerusalem Scrolls.”

b. G. Ernest Wright (ed. of B.A.), “The Cave Excavated, etc.”

c. Frank M. Cross, Jr., “The Scrolls in the Hebrew University.”

d. John Bright, “A New Aramaic Letter.”

8. Reg. (no *), Reprint. Norman Golb, “The Qumran Covenanters and the Later Jewish Sects." The Journal of Religion, Vol. 41, No. 1. Jan. 1961.

9. * Shmaryahu Talmon, “Aspects of the Textual Transmission of the Bible in the Light of Qumran Manuscripts.” Textus, Vol. 4. 1964. Pp. 95-132.

6/2 Reprints and articles (8). Book 1. *reg [S1] . M.H. Goshen-Gottstein, review (1). “Die Qumran-Rollen und die hebräische Sprachwissenscaft 1948- Subjects: Qumran, David and 1955.” Revue de Qumran, Vol. 1, no. Solomon, etc. 1 (1955): pp. 103-112.

2. S. Talmon, “The ‘Manual of Benedictions’ of the Sect of the Judean Desert.” Revue de Qumran, Vol. 2, No. 8. 1960. Pp. 455-500.

3. Paul Winter, Review of Gert Jeremias’ Der Lehrer der Gerechtigkeit. Revue de Qumran, Vol. 5, No. 17. October 1964. Pp. 145-47.

4. * A. Hurvitz, “Observations on the Language of the Third Apocryphal Psalm from Qumran.” Revue de Qumran, Vol. 5, No. 18. 1965. Pp. 225-32.

5. H.J. Katzenstein, “Is There Any Synchronism Between the Reigns of Hiram and Solomon?” Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 24, No. 1 and 2. 1965. Pp. 116-117.

6. Reprint. Helen V. McLean, “A Few Comments on ‘ and Monotheism.’” Psychoanalytical Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 2. (1940): 207- 13.

7. Reprint. Harry A. Hoffner, Jr., “Symbols for Masculinity and Femininity: Their Use in Ancient Near Eastern Sympathetic Magic Rituals.” Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 85, Part III (1966): 326-34.

8. *reg? Heb. A. Malamet, “Aspects of the Foreign Policies of David and Solomon.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 22, No. 1 (1963): 1-17.

9. *reg? Heb. Moshe Weinfeld, “Deuteronomy: The Present state of Inquiry.” Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 96, part 3 (1967): 249-62.

6/3 Reprints (8), Book Announcement 1. *reg. Heb. M.H. Goshen-Gottstein, (1). “The Psalms Scroll (11 QPsa): A Problem of Canon and Text.” Textus, Subjects: Qumran, Ancient Bible, Vol. 5 (1966): 395-410. Various. 2. *reg. Robert Gordis, “Qoheleth and Qumran: A Study of Style.” Biblica, Vol. 41 *1960): 395-410.

3. *reg. Joseph M. Baumgarten, “The counting of the Sabbath in Ancient Sources.” Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 16, No. 3 (1966): 277-286.

4. S. A. Birnbaum, “ The Negeb Script.” Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 6, No. 4 (1956): 337-71.

5. Germ. Arthur Ungnad, “Die Deutung der Zukunft bei den Babyloniern und Assyrern.”

6. Germ. Anton Jirku, “Die Wanderungen der Hebräer im 3. Und 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr.” Der Alte Orient, Band 24, Heft 2 (1924): 5-32.

7. Brittle—front cover detached. Germ. Christliebe Jeremias, “”Die Vergöttlichung der babylonsch=assyrischen Könige.” Der Alte Orient, Band 10, Heft 3/4 (1919): 3-26.

8. Reprint bound in NNG’s folder. Nelson Blueck, “On the Trail of King Solomon’s Mines.” National Geographic Magazine (Feb. 1944): 233-56.

9. Book announcement for Alexander Sperber (ed.), The Bible in Aramaic, Vol. 1: The Pentateuch According to (1959).

6/4 Reprints, Booklets, Articles. (4 Eng., 1. Baruch Halpern, “Levitic 2 Germ.) Participation in the Reform Cult of Jeroboam I.” Journal of Biblical Subjects: Ancient Bible, Various. Literature, Vol. 95, No. 1 (1976): 31- 42.

2. *reg. Alexander Sperber, Biblical Exegesis: Prolegomena to a Commentary and Dictionary to the Bible. N.Y.: Press of the Jewish Publication Society, 1945.

3. Germ. Fragile. A. Bloch, Phoenisches Glossar. : Mayer & Müller, 1891.

4. Germ. Wilhelm Spiegelberg, Geschichte der Ägyptischen Kunst bis zum Hellenismus. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung, 1903.

5. Shmaryahu Talmon, “ A Note on DSD VI, 11-13.” Journal of Jewish Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1-2.

6. Reg.? Heb. Jonas C. Greenfield, “The Root ‘GBL’ in Mishnaic Hebrew and in the Hymnic Literature from Qumran.” Revue de Qumran, Vol. 2, No. 6 (1960): 155-62.

6/5 Reprints (11). 1. Norman K. Gottwald, “ ‘Holy War’ in Deuteronomy: Analysis and Subjects: Ancient Bible, Various. Critique.” Review and Expositor (Fall 1964): 296-310.

2. Nahum M. Sarma, “Ezekiel 8:17: A Fresh Examination.” Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 57, No. 4 (1964): 347-52. 3. Solomon Zeitlin, “The Apocrypha.” Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. 38, No. 3 (1947): 219-48.

4. W.W. Hallo, “The Cultic Setting of Sumerian Poetry.” Actes de la XVIIe Recontre Assyriologique Internationale (1969).

5. *reg. Heb. S. Talmon, “DSIa As a Witness to Ancient Exegesis of the Book of Isaiah.” Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute, Vol. 1 (1962): 62-72.

6. *reg. Richard Elliot Friedman, “The Biblical Expression Mastîr Pānîm.” Hebrew Annual Review, Vol. 1 (1977): 139-47.

7. Harry Orlinsky, “Some Recent Jewish Translations of the Bible.” 1966.

8. *reg. Moshe Greenberg, “The Biblical Grounding of Human Value.” The Samuel Friedland Lectures.

9. M.H. Goshen-Gottstein, “Christianity, Judaism and Modern Bible Study.” Vetus Testamentum Supplement, Vol. 28, (1975): 69-88.

10. *reg. Stephen Bertman, “Symmetrical Design in the Book of Ruth.” Journal of Biblical Literature, vol. 84, part 2 (1965): 165-68.

11. *reg.?Heb. Svi Rin and Shifra Rin, “Ugaritic-Old Testament Affinities.” Biblische Zeitschrift, Folge 11, Heft 2, (1967): 174-192. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

C. Prominent Subject-Groupings

Talmudica, Hebrew Scriptures.

7/1 German booklets and reprints (6). 1. Moses Bloch, Die Civil Process- Ordnung nach Mosaisch- Subjects: Talmudica?, Rabbinic Rabbinischem Rechte. Budapest: Literature. Universitäts-Buchdruckerei, 1882.

2. M. Bloch, Die Ethik in der Halacha. Budapest: Buchdruckerei der Act. G. Athenaeum, 1886.

3. Michael Guttman, “ZUR EINLEITUNG IN DIE HALACHA.” 36. Jahresbericht der Landes-Rabbinerschule in Budapest für das Schuljahr 1912-13. Budapest: Adolf Alkalay & Sohn.

4. J. Horovitz, Zur Lehre von der Zeugenüberführung (…Hebrew text...). Frankfurt: J. Kauffmann, 1914.

5. Heinz Fischel, “Die Deuterojesaianischen Gottesknechtslieder in der Jüdischen Auslegung.” Hebrew Union college Annual, Vol. XVIII (1944): 53-76.

6. V. Aptowitzer, “Das Schriftwort in der rabbinischen Literatur.” XXII. Jahresbericht der israelitisch- theologischen Lehrenstalt in Wien. Wien: 1915.

7/2 Booklets, Pamphlets, Lecture (5 total: 1. Germ. L. Lazarus, “Jahresberich des 2 Germ., 1 Eng./Heb, 2 Heb.) judisch-theologischen Seminars ‘Fraenckel’scher Stiftung.’” This is a Subjects: Talmudica? forward to Lazarus’ Zur Charakteristik der talmudischen Ethik. Breslau: Jungfer’s Buchdruckerei, 1877. 2. Germ. pamphlet. Ludwig Blau, Papyri und Talmud in gegenseitiger Beleuchtung. Leipzig: Buchhandlung Gustav Fock, 1913.

3. *reg. Eng./Heb. Lecture. Boaz Cohen, “…Hebrew text... Sabbath prohibitions Known as ‘Shebut.’” Rabbinical Assembly Convention: N.Y., 1949.

4. …Hebrew text...

5. …Hebrew text...

7/3 Reprints and booklets. (7 items: 3 1. Eng. N. Avigad, Excavations at Beth Eng., 3 Heb., 1 Germ.) She’Arim: Sixth Season Preliminary Report. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Subjects: Various, Talmudica? Society, 1955.

2. Germ. Moses Auerbach, Zur politischen Geschichte der Juden unter Kaiser Hadrian.

3. *reg.Heb. …Hebrew text....

4. *reg.Heb. Judah Goldin, “The Three Pillars of Simeon the Righteous.” American Academy for Jewish Research, Proceedings, Vol. XXVII (1958). NYC.

5. *reg. Heb., p. 1. …Hebrew text... English title page at back. Moshe Silberg, “Law and Morals in Talmudic Law.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Magnes Memorial Lectures, Series 3 (October 1951).

6. David Weiss, “Halakhic Exegesis.” Conservative Judaism, (Spring 1956): 52-58.

7. …Hebrew text... with English summary/title page. J. Katz, “The Vicissitudes of Three Apologetic Passages.” Zion, Vol. XXIII-XXIV Year, Nos. 3 and 4 (1958-9): 174- 193.

7/4 Hebrew Booklets (3). 1. Hand-bound photocopies (of Talmud?) with (prob. NNG’s) NNG’s Talmud Sections? handwritten notes. …Hebrew text... 2. Hand-bound Talmud (?) with handwritten notes. …Hebrew text...

3. Hand-bound Talmud (?) with handwritten notes. …Hebrew text...

7/5 Hebrew Scriptures. Articles in 1. *reg. David Lieber, “Modern Trends English… in Bible Study.” March 7, 1966.

2. A. Marmorstein, “The Introduction of R. Hoshaya to the First Chapter of Genesis Rabba.” Jubilee Volume, American Academy for Jewish Research. New York, 1945.

3. *reg. Moshe Greenberg, “Kaufmann on the Bible: An Appreciation.” Judaism, Vol. 13, No. 1. (Winter 1964): 77-89.

7/6 Hebrew Scriptures—Pamphlets… 1. Draft Version of the revised translation: The Book of Genesis of the Holy Scriptures according to the Masoretic Text. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1958. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

C. Prominent Subject-Groupings

Palestine, Formation of Israel, Jews in Europe

8/1 Mihaly, Eugene. “A Rabbinic 1. ~Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. Defense of the Election of Israel.” XXXV, 1964.

8/2 Jewish Agency for Palestine. 1. Memorandum Submitted to the “Memorandum…” Anglo-American Committee of inquiry on Palestine. Jerusalem: Jewish Agency for Palestine, Mar. 1946.

8/3 Four English Pamphlets… 1. Raphael Jospe, “Jewish Particularity from Ha-Levi to Kaplan: Implications for Defining .” Go and Study: Essays and Studies in Honor of Alfred Jospe. Washington D.C.: B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundations, 1980.

2. *reg? Heb. Gerson D. Cohen, “The Soteriology of R. Abraham Maimuni.” Proceedings for the American Academy for Jewish Research, Vols. 35 and 36, 1968.

3. O.D. Kulka, “The ‘Reichvereinigung of the Jews in Germany’ (1938/9-43): Problems of continuity in the Organization and leadership of German Jewry under the National Socialist Regime.” Patterns of Jewish Leadership in Nazi Europe 1933-1945. Proceedings of the Third Yad Vashem International Historical Conference. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1979.

4. S.C. Leslie, “The Rift in Israel: I.” International Affairs, Vol. 45, No. 3, July 1969. 5. S.C. Leslie, “The Rift in Israel: II.” International Affairs, Vol. 45, No. 4, Oct. 1969.

8/4 Three Pamphlets from Heidelberg… 1. Joseph Peter Stern, “The Enlarging and Enlivening Study of Literature.” Versuche zu Goethe: Festschrift für Erich Heller. Heidelberg: Lothar Stiehm Verlag, 1976.

2. Germ. Wolfgang Genter, “KOLLISIONEN IM LAUFE DER GESCHICHTE UNSERES PLANETENSYSTEMS.” Reden und Gedenkworte (Orden Pour le Mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste), 12. Band, 1974/5.

3. Germ. Albin Lesky, “Gendenkworte für Wolfgang Schadewaldt.” Reden und Gedenkworte (Orden Pour le Mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste), 12. Band, 1974/5.

8/5 Two Pamphlets. Glatzer and Irwin. 1. Nahum N. Glatzer. Reviews of

a. Saadia Anniversary Volume (Texts and Studies, Vol. II) New York: American Academy for Jewish Research, 1943.

b. Rab Saadia Gaon: Studies in His Honor. Louis Finkelstein, ed. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1944.

2. William A. Irwin, “Samuel I. Feigin (1893-1950).” Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. IX, No. 3, July1950.

8/6 Three Pamphlets in English. Personal 1. An International Press Conference experiences during WWII. held in Moscow April 5, 1960: Report of an Investigation into the War Crimes of Theodor Oberländer.

2. *reg. Booklet. Mel Wilk, In Exile. (Poetry) Kansas City, MO: The BookMakers, 1979.

3. Marie Kahle, “The Story of the Escape of the Kahle Family from Nazi-Germany.” What Would You Have Done? (Series title). London, 1945. (Recorded Winter 1941.) 8/7 News clippings (Eng.) –4. 1. Review of The Jews of Germany: A Story of Sixteen Adventurous Subject: Jews in Germany Centuries, Marvin Lowenthal.

2. Bennell Braunstein, “Voice From the Ghetto.” Review of Sholem Asch’s Tales of My People.

3. Eva Hoffman, “Books of The Times.” Review of Elie Wiesel’s Messenger to All Humanity. N.Y. Times, June 13, 1983.

4. John J. Maloney, “Short Stories by Mr. Stern, Who Follows No Patterns.” Review of James Stern’s The Man Who Was Loved.

8/8 Small Hebrew Book. 1. …Hebrew text...

8/9 Mantel, Hugo… 1. Hugo Mantel, “The Removals of the Sanhedrin from Yabneh to Usha.” American Academy for Jewish Research, Proceedings, Vol. XXVI, 1957. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

9/1 Reprints (9 total: 3 Eng, 4 Heb, 1 1. , “The Plan of the Germ., 1 French) War.” The Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Subjects: Various. Darkness, 1962.

2. …Hebrew text...

3. …Hebrew text...

4. …Hebrew text...

5. …Hebrew text...

6. *reg. Heb. Germ. article. Leo Prijs, “Der Ursrung des Reimes im Neuhebräischen.” Biblische Zeitschrift, Vol. 19, Jan. 1963.

7. *French. E.J. Bickerman, “Bénédiction et Priére.” Revue Biblique, Vol. 69, 1962.

8. Joseph Dan, “Five Versions of the Story of the Jerusalemite.” Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewsih Research, Vol. 35, 1967.

9. *reg. Stephen J. Gendzier, “Diderot and the Jews.” Diderot Studies XVI, 1973.

9/2 Reprints, Booklets, Lectures (10 1. Louis L. Kaplan, “The meaning of items). the ‘House of the Book.’” Lecture: July 22, 1973. Subjects: Various. 2. Booklet. Lest We Forget the Massacre of the Ghetto: A Compilation of Reports. World Jewish Congress Representation of Polish Jewry, 1943.

3. J. P. Pearson, “Oriental Manuscript Collections in the Libraries of Great Britain and Ireland.” The Royal Asiatic Society, 1954.

4. *reg. inside front cover. Max Nussbaum, “Eretz Yisrael, Galut and Chutz La’aretz, in their Historic Settings.” Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 62, 1952.

5. *reg. William R. Sears and Mabel R. Sears, “The Kármán Years at Galcit.” Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 11 (1979): 1-10.

6. *reg. G.A. Kelly, “Hegel’s America.” Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 2, No. 1. 1972.

7. *reg. Germ. M. Minkowski, “40 Jahre Vereinigung für soziale und Kulterelle Arbeit im Judentum 1919- 46 und Jüdische Vereinigung Zürich 1946-59.”

8. * Everett C. Hughes, “Good People and Dirty Work.” Social Problems, Summer 1962.

9. *reg. Germ. Manes Kartagener, “Zur Stuktur der hebräischen Sprache.” Studium Generale, Vol. 15, No. 1. 1962.

10. Brandeis Hillel, “Responses from Hasidic Literature for High Holy Days.”

9/3 Handmade Haggadah. Reprints, 1. English Haggadah. booklets, articles. (6 items: 3 Eng., 3 Germ.) 2. Germ. Rivka Horwitz, “Adele Rosenzwieg’s Jugenderinnerungen.” Subjects: Various. Bulletin of the Leo Baeck Institute, Vol. 16/17, No. 53/54, 1977/78.

3. Germ booklet. Eduard Strauss, Judentum und Zionismus. Frankfurt A.M.: Kauffmann, 1919.

4. *reg. Heb. Germ. Gershom Scholem, “Martin Bubers Auffassung des Judentums.” Eranos-Jahrbuch XXXV, 1966.

5. Lecture. Mordecai M. Kaplan, “A University of Judaism: A Compelling Need.” Biennial Convention of The United Synagogue of America. Atlantic City, N.J., May 23-26, 1946.

6. Galley proofs? Baruch Kurzweil, “Introduction to Job and the Possibility of Biblical Tragedy.”

9/4 Booklets (2).

Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Its History and Development. 1939 and 1942. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

10/1 German reprints and small books. 1. D. Hoffman, “Zur Einleitung in die (5) Mechilta de-Rabbi Simon ben Jochai.” Jahrbuch der Jüdisch- Literarischen Gesellschaft. Franfurt: Kauffmann, 1906.

2. Reg? Heb. Moses Silberg, “Dienstvertrag und Werkvertrag im talmudischen Rechte.” Inaugural- Dissertation. Frankfurt am Main: Alfred Frankfurter, 1927.

3. J. Günzig, DAS JÜDISCHE SCHRIFTTUM ÜBER DEN WERT DES LEBENS. Hannover: Orient-Buchhandlung Heinz Lafaire, 1924.

4. Old and fragile. David Ottensoser, Rabbinische Chrestomathie aus dem Thalmud überfezt… Fürth: Volthart, 1839.

a. Copy 1.

b. Copy 2.

10/2 Booklets and reprints. Hebrew. (4) 1. …Hebrew text...

2. …Hebrew text...

3. …Hebrew text...

4. …Hebrew text...

10/3 Misc. Hebrew material: news 1. Misc. Hebrew material clipping, book covers, title page. Booklets and reprints…8 items total. a. News clipping …Hebrew text...

b. Pamphlet cover …Hebrew text... c. Title page …Hebrew text...

2. *reg. Heb. …Hebrew text...

3. …Hebrew text...

4. *reg. Heb. …Hebrew text...

5. Very fragile, in paper. …Hebrew text...

6. Fragile. …Hebrew text...

10/4 Hebrew map (1). Handmade book, 1. Map of Israel. Belonged to Judith gift from NNG’s daughter Judith Glatzer. (1). German booklet and reprints (4). 2. Handmade book (by Judith Glatzer), “Reflections.” Gift for her father on Subjects: Science, Various. the occasion of his 60th birthday 3.25.63.

3. *reg. Germ. (inside front cover) Josef Soudek, “Die Sozialen Auswirkungen der Kojunkturschwankungen.” Veröffenlichungen der Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Konjunkturforschung, Eugen Altschul, ed. Bonn: Kurt Schroeder, 1929.

4. Karl Guggenheim, Pharmakologische Beeinflussung von Entzündungsvorgängen durch Einwirkung auf die Respiration. Leipzig: FCW Vogel, 1930.

5. Josef Klemperer, “Zur Belastungsstatistik der Durchschnittsbevölkerung Psychosenhäufigkeit unter 1000 stichprobenmässigaus den Beburtsregistern der Stadt München (Jahrgang 1881-90) ausgelesenen Probanden.” Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 146, Band. 1. und 2. Heft. 1933.

6. German handwriting at top. Martin Goldner, “Die Veränderungen der Serumstruktur durch den monatlichen Zyklus.” Inaugural-Dissertation. Charottenburg: Nov. 1926. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

11/1 News clippings (4: 3 Germ., 1 Eng.) 1. Germ. Dedication at Brunswick Seminary? Photos with caption. Subject: Jewish National Freedom? Allgemeine: Wochenzeitung der Juden in Deutschland.

2. *reg. Heb. Ernst Simon, “Die geistige Erbschaft des deutschen Judentums zur Eroeffnung des Leo Baeck- Instituts.” July 1955.

3. Joel Cang, “Poland’s national Poet a Fighter for Jewish Freedom.”

4. Lothar Rothschild, “Isaac Marcus Jost: Aus Anlass der 70. Wiederkehr seiner Todestages.” Jan. 1931.

11/2 English monograph. 1. Norman B. Johnson, “Prayer in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha: A Hebrew Reprints. Study of the Jewish Concept of God.” Journal of Biblical Literature, Monograph Series, Vol. II. 1948.

2. …Hebrew text...

3. …Hebrew text...

11/3 Jewish Prayer and Worship 1. Germ. (some Heb. …Hebrew text...) pamphlets/booklets. (7 items…) Old and brittle. V.V. Wolff, Stimmen der ältesten glaubwürdigsten Rabbinen über die Pijutim. Leipzig: Leopold Schnauss, 1857.

2. *reg. Henry Slonimsky, “Prayer: An Address on the Need and Problems of Prayer.” Lecture delivered at Temple Israel, South Orange, NJ, 1954. 3. Heb/Eng. Selihot: Prayers for Forgiveness. Hartford: Prayer Book Press, 1954.

4. Meir Wallenstein, “The Piyyut, with Special Reference to the Textual Study of the Old Testament.” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Vol. 34, No. 2. March 1952.

5. Germ. Elieser L. Ehrmann, “Arbeitsplan für Omerzeit und Schawuot.” 1938.

6. Germ. Elieser L. Ehrmann, “Arbeitsplan für Pessach.” 1938.

7. Germ. Elieser L. Ehrmann, “Arbeitsplan für Rosch Haschana und Jom Kippur.” 1938.

11/4 Reprints and Articles. (7—most 1. Leo Prijs, “Das Reisetagebuch des Eng.; some Germ. and Heb.) Rabbi Chaim Joseph David Asulai (1724-1806).” Israelitisches Book announcement (1). Wochenblatt für die Schweiz. Dec. 7, 1962.

2. Ben Zion Wacholder, “Pseudo- Eupolemus’ Two Greek Fragments on the Life of Abraham.” Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. 34 (1963): 83-113.

3. *reg. Heb. …Hebrew text... H.G. Hirschberg. Talmud?

4. *reg. Heb. Judah Rosenthal, “The Four Commemorative Fast Days.” The Seventy-fifth Anniversary Volume of the Jewish Quarterly Review (1967): 446-59.

5. * Martin A. Cohen, tr., “The Letters and Last Will and Testament of Luis de Carvajal, the Younger.” American Jewish Historical Quarterly, Vol. 55, No. 4 (1966): 451-520.

6. * Martin A. Cohen, “Reflections on the Text and context of the Disputation of Barcelona.” Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. 35 (1964): 157-92. 7. Three articles on religion from FreiburgerRundbrief, Folge XIV, Nr. 53/56, selections 7, 8, and 9.

a. (7) Leo Prijs, “Jüdische Religiosität heute.”

b. (8) Pinchas Rosenblüth, “Die Stellung der Religion in Israel.”

c. (9) Moshe Tavor, “Die deutsch- israelischen Beqiehungen.”

8. Book announcement for H.Z. (J.W.) Hirschberg’s A History of the Jews in North Africa. Jerusalem: Bialik Institute. Plates of North African mosaics.

11/5 Reprints (5 Eng., 3 Germ.) 1. J.H. Herz, “The Talmud as a Book.” Forward to Soncino Edition of the Subjects: various—Talmud, Talmud. London: Soncino Press, Midrash, Law. 1935.

2. Chaim Obstler, “Die Religionsgespräche im Talmud Babli und Jeruschalmi.” Inaugural- Dissertation. Breslau: Fleischmann, 1905.

3. J.C. Russell, “The Ecclesiastical Age: A Demographic Interpretation of the Period 200-900.” Review of Religion, Jan. 1941.

4. *reg. Henry Slonimsky, “The Philosophy Implicit in the Midrash.” Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. 28, 1956.

5. Germ. S. Chodowski, “Kritik des Midrasch Schir-Haschirim.” Münchener Handschrift, No. 50 Oriental. Berlin: Schade, 1877.

6. Germ. Emil Schürer, “Verzeichnis der Personennamen in der Mischna.” Schriften des Institutum Delitzchianum zu Leipzig, Heft 5, 1913.

7. William Braude, “The Relevance of Midrash.” Central conference of American Rabbis: Yearbook, Vol. 65, 1955. 8. *reg. Hugo Mantel, “The Causes of the Bar Kokba Revolt.” The Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. LVIII, No. 3. Jan. 1968. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

12/1 German Publications (3). 1. D. Spiegel, Die Kaiser Titus und Hadrian im Talmud und Midrasch sowie bei den zeitgenössischen Geschichtsschreibern. Wien: Dr. D. Spiegel, 1906.

2. J. Hamburger, “Die Nichtjuden und die Sekten im talmudischen Schriftthum.” Neustresiβ?: Barnewiβ, 1880.

12/2 NNG’s folder entitled “History” 1. Very brief *reg. (Greetings!+initial) French. Paul J. Alexander, Contains 6 reprints “Historiens Byzantins et Croyances Eschatologiques.” Actes du XIIe Subjects: Medieval Judaism, Congrès International des Études Jewish philosophy. Byzantines, Tome II, 1964.

2. Very brief *reg. (Greetings!+initials) Paul Alexander, “The Strength of Empire and Capital as Seen Through Byzantine Eyes.” Speculum: A Journal of Mediaeval Studies, Vol. 37, No. 3. July 1962.

3. *reg. Edgar N. Johnson, “The Crusades of Frederick Barbarossa and Henry VI.” History of the Crusades, Vol. II. Philadelphia: University of Penn. Press, no date.

4. *reg. Ralph Lerner, Preface and Introduction to Medieval Political Philosophy. Canada: The Free Press of Glencoe,, 1963.

5. Publication for tourists. Jan Heřman, (K. Voljníková, tr.) “The Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague.” Prague: Sports and Tourism Publishers in Prague for the State Jewish Museum, no date. Photos.

6. Lecture. J.L. Talmon, “The nature of Jewish History—Its Universal Significance.” London: Hillel Foundation, 1957. (NNG inscribed Apr. 6, 1963—date of receipt?)

12/3 Fragile early 20th c. German 1. S. Bernstein, Der Zionismus: Sein booklets (4 items). Wesen und Seine Organisation. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1919. Subjects: Zionism/Jewish statehood. 2. Jakob Klatzkin, “Jüdische Politik: Drei Aufsätze.” Schriftenreihe der Freien Zionistischen Blätter, Heft 1. Heidelberg: Freie Zionistische Blätter, 1935?

3. , Der Judenstaat. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920.

4. L. Weinberg, Das Jüdische Palästina. Berlin: Jüdische Rundschau, 1919.

12/4 Reprints (3), booklets (2). 1. Heb./Eng. summary. H.H. Ben- Sasson, “The Personality of Elijah, Subjects: Jewish Philosophy, Gaon of Vilna, and His Historical Various. Influence.” Zion, Year 31, No. 1-2, 3- 4. 1966. …Hebrew text...

2. Regards on name card (title page). Moshe Carmilly-Weinberger, “Censorship and Jewish Writers.” Introduction to Popper’s The Censorship of Hebrew Books. N.Y.: Ktav Publishing House, Inc., 1969.

3. Jacob Katz, “Die Anfänge der Judenemanzipation.” Bulletin des Leo Baeck Instituts, Jahr. 13, Nr. 50. 1974.

4. Leon Roth, “Jewish Thought as a Factor in Civilization.” Series: The Race Question and Modern Thought. Paris: UNESCO, 1954.

5. “Das Reichsbürgergesess vom 15. September 1935 und Das Gesess zum Shusse des deutschen Blutes und der deutschen Ehre vom 15. September 1935 mit Ausführungsverordunungen vom 14. November und 21. November 1935.” Schriftenreihe des Reichsausschusses für Volksgesundheitsdienst. Berlin, 1936. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

13/1 Four English articles… 1. Abraham Regelson, “Israel’s Sweetest Singer: Yehudah Halevi (1080-1140) Including a new translation of ‘Love of Zion.’” Hebrew Poetry Society of America. 1943.

2. *reg.? Heb. A. Bonné, “Some Aspects of the Recent socioeconomic Changes in the Middle East.” Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society, Vol. XXVII, July 1940.

3. Leo Pinsker, “Auto-Emancipation.” U.S.A.: Masada (Youth Zionist Organization of America), 1939.

4. H.A. Wolfson, “The Muslim Attributes and the Christian Trinity.” Harvard Theological Review, Vol. XLIX, No. 1, January1956.

13/2 Article, English, Reprint… 1. Josef Fraenkel, “ and Haham Moses Gaster.” Herzl Year Book, Vol. VI. New York, 1964/5.

13/3 Reprint, 3 copies, German… 1. Germ. Mitgeteilt von Nahum N. Glatzer, “Aus unveröffentlichten Briefen von I.M. Jost.” In Zwei Welten: Siegfried Moses zum fünfundsiebzigsten Geburtstag. Tel- Aviv: Bitaon Ltd., 1962.

a. Copy 1 of above.

b. Copy 2.

c. Copy 3.

13/4 1. Pädagogische Akademie Frankfurt 1. “Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen und am Main, “Verzeichnis der… Übungen Sommer-Halbjahr 1930; Winter-Halbjahr 1930/31,” (Schedule of course lessons and Pädagogische Akademie Frankfurt am exercises, Frankfurt Academy) Main. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Naacher, Buchhandlung, 1930. 2. another schedule 2. “Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen Winter- Halbjahr 1933/34 und Personalverzeichnis,” J.W. Goethe- Universität. Frankfurt am Main: Universitätsbuchhandlung Blazek & Bergmann, 1933.

13/5 Theology articles, English…(3 1. Samuel S. Cohon, “The Existentialist items). Trend in Theology.” Yearbook, Vol. LXIII, The Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1953.

a. Copy 1.

b. Copy 2.

2. Jacob Mann, “An Early Theologico- Polemical Work.” Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. 12-13, 1937/8.

13/6 Reprints and booklets. (9 items…) 1. *reg. title page. …Hebrew text...

Subjects: Various. 2. Germ. Abraham Marmorstein, “Die Strafen der Religionsfreveler im Diesseits nach der Agada.” Reprint: source not given. July 11, 1946.

3. A. Marmorstein, “Egyptian Mythology and Babylonian Magic in Bible and Talmud.” Dissertationes in honorem Dr. Eduardi Mahler. Budapestini: AranyJanos, 1937.

4. Michael Higger, “Talmudic Literature.” Review of Boaz Cohen’s Mishnah and . A Comparative Study. Part 1. .? Jewish Quarterly Review, 10.4.38.

5. *reg. Heb. Judah Goldin, “The Two Versions of Abot de Rabbi Nathan.” Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. 19, 1946.

6. Judah Goldin, “The Thinking of the Rabbis.” Judaism, Vol. 5, No. 1, Winter 1956. 7. Ralph Marcus, “The Pharisees in the Light of Modern Scholarship.” Journal of Religion, Vol. 32, No. 3. July 1952.

8. Jacob Mann, “Some Midrashic Genizah Fragments.” Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. 14, 1939.

9. *reg. Luitpold Wallach, “A Palestinian Polemic against Idolatry.” Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. 19, 1946.

13/7 Reprints (3). Reviews (2). 1. M. Aberbach, “The Historical Allusions of Chapters IV, XI and XIII Subjects: Various. of the Psalms of Solomon.” Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. XLI, No. 4. April 1951.

2. Hyman Klein, “The Hadrianic Persecution and the Rabbinic Law of Sale.” Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. XXIII, No. 3. 1933.

3. Fragile: covers detached. Fritz Pringsheim, “The Legal Policy and Reforms of Hadrian.” Journal of Roman Studies, 1934.

4. Judah Rosenthal, “Review: Karaite Anthology (Leon Nemoy, trans. and ed.)” Speculum: A Journal of Mediaeval Studies, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3. July 1953.

5. Newspaper book review. Abraham Goldberg, “Great Work On Mishna.” Review of J.N. Epstein’s Introduction to Tannaitic Literature. April 19, 1957. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

14/1 Reprints (5) Article (1) Booklet (1). 1. *reg. Chana Faerstein, “Sutzkever’s All English. ‘Spiritual Soil:’ A Yiddish Symbolist Epic.” Judaism, Vol. 13, No. 2 Subjects: Various. (Spring 1964): 198-210.

2. *reg. Willy Hartner, “The mercury Horoscope of Marcantonio Michiel of Venice: A Study of the History of Renaissance Astrology and Astronomy.” Vistas in Astronomy (Ed. A. Beer), Vol. 1. London and N.Y.: Pergamon Press, 1955.

3. Robert J. Braidwood, The Near East and the Foundations for Civilization. Eugene, Oregon: Condon Lecture Publications, 1952.

4. Leon J. Weinberger, “On the Provenance of Benjamin B. Samuel Quštani.” Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series, Vol. LXVIII (no date): 46-60.

5. Waldo Frank, “Ruben Dario and the Jews.” Contemporary Jewish Record (August 1943): 348-351.

6. Pamphlet. Max Born, “Man and the Atom.” (Introduction by Victor Weisskopf.) Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (June 1957).

7. *reg. Ruth Link Salinger, “Gustav Landauer in Historical Transmissions.” Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, Vol. 41-2, 1973/4. 14/2 Reprints, articles, pamphlets 1. Eugene B. Borowitz, “God and Man in Judaism Today: A Reform Perspective.” Judaism, Vol. 23, No. 3. Summer 1974.

2. *reg. back of title page. Fritz Bamberger, “Julius Guttmann— Philosopher of Judaism,” Series: Profiles of 20th Century Jews. Year Book V. of the Leo Baeck Institute, 1960.

3. *reg. inside front cover. Mélanges André Neher. Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient Adrien- Maisonneuve, 1975.

4. Photocopy of article. S. Daniel Breslauer, “: What manner of Zionist?” Hebrew Studies, Vol. XVIII (1977): 127-?.

5. Photocopy of article. Jacob Lestschinsky, “The Economic and Social Development of the Jewish People (From the Beginning of the 19th Century upto the Second World War).” Jewish People: Past and Present?

6. Erich Goldhagen, “Albert Speer, Himmler, and the Secrecy of the Final Solution.” Midstream: A Monthly Jewish Review, Vol. XVII, No. 8. Oct. 1971.

7. *reg. Emil L. Fackenheim, “On the Self-Exposure of Faith to the Modern Secular World: Philosophical Reflections in the Light of Jewish Experience.” Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 96, No. 1 (Winter 1967): 193-219.

8. Pamphlet. A Challenge to Freedom of Worship: A Statement. (Items by Eisenstein and Kaplan.) N.Y.: The Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation, Inc., 1945.

9. *reg. Eng./Heb. Harry A. Savitz, “Samuel Nehardea.” TRADITION: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Fall 1973).

14/3 Reprints and articles. (9 items: 2 1. *reg.—brief. Alexander Altmann, Germ, 7 Eng.) “Briefe Karl Gotthelf Lessings an Moses Mendelssohn.” Lesssing Year Subjects: Various, Modern Book I, 1969. Judaism. 2. Benno Weiser Varon, “The Haunting of Meyer Levin.” Midstream: A Monthly Jewish Review, Vol. 22, No. 7 (Aug./Sept. 1976).

3. Allan Lazaroff, “Bahyā’s against its Rabbinic and Islamic Background.” Journal of Jewish Studies (no date/volume given).

4. Note from Eleanor Alexander attached. P.J. Alexander, “A Neglected palimpsest of Philo Judaeus: Preliminary Remarks editorum in usum.” Studia Codicologica, TU 124, 1977.

5. Arthur Green, “The Zaddiq as Axis Mundi in later Judaism.” JAAR, Vol. XLV, No. 3 (1977): 327-347.

6. The Zadokite Fragments: Facsimile of the MSS in the Cairo Genizah Collection in the Possession of the University Library, Cambridge, (Introduction by Solomon Zeitlin). Monograph series No. 1, The Jewish Quarterly Review. 1952. Photographic plates of fragments.

7. *reg. Germ. Willy Hartner, “Judentum und Abendland.” (Memento zum 20. Jahrestag des Deutschen Pogroms) Frankfurt a.M.: Franz Jos. Henrich, 1961.

8. *reg. Heb./Eng. Article in English. Warren Bargad, “The Poetics of Allusion and the Hebrew literary Tradition.” Judaism, Vol. 26, No. 4 (Fall 1977).

9. Benny Kraut, “The Relation of Reason and Revelation in the Thought of Locke, Bayle, and Mendelssohn.” Yavne Review, 1969. 14/4 Reprint, Lectures, Booklet, 1. Jenna Weissman Joselit, “Without Monograph, Pamphlet, Book (6 items Ghettoism: A History of the —all English) Intercollegiate menorah Association, 1906-1930.” American Jewish Archives, Vol. XXX, No. 2 (November 1978).

2. “A Selection of Sermons and Lectures Delivered by Dr. Walter Jacob to the Rodef Shalom Congregation (Pittsburgh, PA), 1982/3.

3. Justice and Peace: Resolutions Passed by The Central Conference of American Rabbis (1917-56). N.Y.: C.C. of A.R., 1956.

4. Gil Carl AlRoy, ed., “Attitudes Toward Jewish Statehood in the Arab World.” Middle East Area Studies— Series IV. N.Y.: American Academic Assoc. for Peace in the Middle East, 1971.

5. Corliss Lamont, “A Humanist Funeral Service.” Humanist Pamphlet No. 6. Yellow Springs, Ohio: American Humanist Association (Humanist House), Jan. 1962.

6. Leonard Winograd, One of the Elders of Zion: Berl Katznelson. McKeesport, PA: Carmel Press, (no date given). The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

15/1 Reprint, Article, Pamphlets… 1. *reg. Oscar I. Janowski, “The Jewish Community Center: Two Essays on Subjects: Various. Basic Purpose.” N.Y.: National Jewish Welfare Board, 1975.

2. History As a Career: To Undergraduates Choosing a Profession. Washington D.C.: American Historical Association, 1961.

3. Book Advertisement.

a. Eng. Gaston H. Halsberghe, The Cult of Sol Invictus.

b. Germ. Heinz Schreckenberg, Die Flavius-Josephus-Tradition in Antike und Mittelalter.

4. a. Directory of Residents of International House. N.Y.: McAuliffe Book Co. Inc., Printers, 1937.

b. Directory Supplement.

5. a. *reg. Isaac Franck, “The Concept of Freedom in Jewish Tradition.” Annual Sol Feinstone Lecture. Philadelphia, 1973.

b. Copy 2 (not signed, no regards.)

6. Maurice Friedberg, Why They Left: A Survey of Soviet Jewish Emigrants. NY: the Academic Committee on Soviet Jewry, 1972.

7. William G. Braude, “The Land as Purgatory.” Central Conference : American Rabbis Journal, Jan. 1969.

15/2 Reprints and articles (5). Book ad 1. *reg. This reprint contains some (1). catalog cards on Duker of Glatzer’s. Abraham G. Duker, “The mystery of Subjects: Various. the Jews in Mickiewicz’s Towianist Lectures on Slav Literature.” The Polish Review, Vol. VII, No. 3 (1962).

2. F.R. Leavis, “Mr. Eliot and Milton.” Sewanee Review, Vol. LVII, No. 1 (Winter 1969): 1-30.

3. Leo Gross, “Passage Through the Suez Canal of Israel-Bound Cargo and Israel Ships.” The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 51, No. 3, July 1957.

4. Joshua O. Haberman, “Salomon Ludwig Steinheim’s Doctrine of Revelation.” Judaism, Vol. XVII, No. 1, Winter 1968.

5. Book advertisement, 3 sections:

a. Germ. Salomon Ludwig Steinheim. (author or title?)

b. Eng. Fuks, L., The Oldest Known Literary Documents of .

c. Eng. I.A. Agus, Urban Civilization in Pre-Crusade Europe: a Study of Organized Town-Life…

6. *reg. Heb. This reprint contains a Glatzer catalog card describing it. Gerson D. Cohen, “The Story of the Four Captives.” Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, Vol. 29 (1960-1).

15/3 Reprints (5) Booklet (1) All Eng. 1. Jakob J. Petuchowski, “The Concept of Revelation in .” Subjects: Various. Central Conference of American Rabbis Year Book, Vol. LXIX, 1959.

2. Serta Cantabrigiensia. 5 articles (English and German). 1954. 3. Joachim Prinz, “Creative Catastrophe.” Conservative Judaism, Winter 1958.

4. Israel Abrahams, “Pico Della Mirandola.” Hebrew Union College Jubilee Volume, 1925.

5. *reg. Steven F. Friedell, “The Deviating Ship.” Hastings Law Journal, Vol. 32, No. 6 (July 1981).

6. *reg. Heb., inside front cover. Sidney B. Hoenig, “Historical inquiries: I. Heber Ir II. City- Square.” Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series Vol. XLVIII, No. 2 (Oct. 1957.)

7. *reg, title page. Alexander Marx, “The Polemical Manuscripts in the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.” A.S. Freidus Memorial Volume. New York, 1929.

15/4 Mixed items: travel brochure (Germ.) 1. Germ tourists’ brochure? Book ad? reprints, book advertisements (9 Paul Arnsberg “Die Jüdischen items). Gemeinden in Hessen: Bilder, Dokumente.” Subjects: Various. 2. Moritz Stern, “Zeittafeln der jüdischen Geschichte und Literatur.” Berlin: Verlag Hausfreund, 1934.

3. *reg. Victor E. Reichert, “Spelling God With the Wrong Blocks: An Appreciation of Edwin A. Robinson.” Paper read before the Literary Club. June 13, 1966, Covington, KY.

4. Book ad. Eng./Heb. Baruch Litvin, The Sanctity of the Synagogue, 1959.

5. Book ad. French/Heb. Ploeg et Woude (eds. And trs.) avec la collaboration de Jongeling, Le Targum de Job de la Grotte de Qumrân.

6. Book ad.

a. Ronald Williamson, Philo and the Epistle to the Hebrews. b. Rengstorf (ed.)

c. Heinz Schreckenberg, Bibliographie zu Flavius Josephus.

d. Ursula Früchtel, Die Kosmologischen Vortellungen bei Philo von Alexandrien.

7. a. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, “Hitler and Israel, Or On Prayer: A Chapter from ‘Letters to Cynthia.’” The Journal of Religion, Vol. XXV, No. 2, Apr. 1945. (Copy 1)

b. Copy 2.

c. Copy 3.

15/5 Mixed: material type and subject 1. Heb. (Eng. title page and summary) matter... …Hebrew text... J. Heller, “Character and Mentality of Ahad Haam.” Melilah, Vol. 5, Manchester, 1955.

2. …Hebrew text...

3. Photocopy. Richard Elliott Friedman, “The Biblical Expression Mastîr Pānîm.” Hebrew Annual Review, Vol. 1, 1977.

4. Lecture Program. “Torchbearers: Modern Carriers of the Jewish Intellectual Heritage.” Rosenzweig and Herzl Lectures, Spring 1960.

5. Lecture Program. “The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig.” Apr./May 1980.

6. Biographical blurb on Nathan Glazer (not Nahum Glatzer!)

15/6 Syllabus… 1. Personal note to NNG inside. Jonathan P. Siegel (Sir George Williams University, Montréal), “History of the Jewish People: Religion 222, Syllabus and Additional Readings.” 1972 The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

16/1 Booklets/pamphlets (2) reprints (2)… 1. John Smith, The Plot to Save Eichmann. Chicago: Domino Publications, 1961.

2. , “‘Let My People Go’: Some Practical Proposals for Dealing with Hitler’s Massacre of the Jews and an Appeal to the British Public.” Covent Garden, England: V. Gollancz LTD, 1943.

3. Regards. Toni Oelsner, Review of Salo W. Baron’s A Social and Religious History of the Jews: Vol. XIII, Inquisition, Renaissance and Reformation. Vol. XIV, Catholic Restoration and Wars of Religion. New York: Columbia University Press, 1969. Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, Summer 1971.

4. Gustav Lössler, “Vom Wessen des Führers: Ein Versuch zur Deutung des Führertums.” Der Fährmann, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1925.

5. *reg. Heb. Chaim Rabin, “The Translation Process and the Character of the Septuagint.” TEXTUS: Annual Review of the Hebrew University Bible Project, Vol. VI, 1968.

6. *reg. David Neiman, “Sefarad: The Name of Spain.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. XXII, No 2, Apr. 1963.

7. *?Heb. Raphael Loewe, “The Polarity of ‘Holiness.’” Conservative Judaism, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, Fall 1963.

8. Typescript on 8 1/2" x 14" paper—3 separately stapled units:

a. Statutes: The World Union of Jewish Studies.

b. …Hebrew text...

c. Third World Congress of Jewish Studies: Closing Session.

9. *reg. James D. Purvis, “The Fourth Gospel and the Samaritans.” Novum Testamentum, Vol. XVII, fasc. 3, 1975?

16/2 English Reprints (4). Typescript. 1. *reg. Heb. Chaim Rabin, “The English and Hebrew (1). Translation Process and the Character of the Septuagint.” TEXTUS: Annual Review of the Hebrew University Bible Project, Vol. VI, 1968.

2. *reg. David Neiman, “Sefarad: The Name of Spain.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. XXII, No 2, Apr. 1963.

3. *?Heb. Raphael Loewe, “The Polarity of ‘Holiness.’” Conservative Judaism, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, Fall 1963.

4. Typescript on 8 1/2" x 14" paper—3 separately stapled units:

a. Statutes: The World Union of Jewish Studies.

b. …Hebrew text...

c. Third World Congress of Jewish Studies: Closing Session.

5. *reg. James D. Purvis, “The Fourth Gospel and the Samaritans.” Novum Testamentum, Vol. XVII, fasc. 3, 1975?

16/3 Reprints, articles, book review, 1. Brittle government publication on timeline—all German, 6 items. newsprint. “Für die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands.” Subjects: Various. July 1953. 2. Paul Winter, Review of W.D. Davies’ The Setting of the Sermon on the Mount.

3. Fritz Ernst und Karl Jaspers, “Vom Lebendigen Geist der Uiversität” und “Vom Studieren.”—Zwei Vortrage, 1946. Schriften der Wandlung 1, Heidelberg.

4. Clemens Thoma, “Jüdische Apolkalyptik am Ende des Ersten Nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts.” KAIROS, Heft 2/Jahrgang 1969 (Salzburg).

5. Leo Prijs, “Drei Aufsätze über Judentum.” SEINE Rede geschah zu mir: Einübung in das Alte Testament (Fritz Leist, ed.). München: Manz Verlag, 1965.

6. Reprint? Photocopy? Handbound in manila by NNG. “Zeitafeln: 1842- 1851.” Veit Valentin, Geschichte der Deutschen Revolution, 1848/9, Vol. II. Berlin: Verlag Ullstein, 1931.

16/4 Reprints, Articles, Art Exhibit 1. Hebrew reprint from CCAR Journal, brochures, Gov’t publications…Eng., Jan. 1964. …Hebrew text... Heb., Germ. (12 items) 2. “Summary Guide to the Exhibition Subjects: Various. Galleries of the British Museum with Plans and Illustrations.” London, 1932.

3. Wilhelm Lunen, “Kurt Tucholskys Testament (‘--his self-hatred’ NNG)” Journal title illegible, June 1947.

4. German (except English cover). “Exhibitions, Lectures, and other Public Events 1951-60 of the International Institute of Arts and Letters.”

5. Fire Over London: The Story of the London Fire Service 1940-41. Published for the London County Council.

6. …Hebrew text... (English also.) “News of the Jewish Historical General Archives, Jerusalem.” Zion, Vol. XXIII-IV, No. 3-4, 1958/9.

7. Poem. Stefan George, (Carol North Valhope and Ernst Morwitz, trs.) “The War.” Starts with a piece of Dante’s Divine Comedy, Paradise XVII. Quarterly Review of Literature, Vol. 1, No. 4, Summer 1944.

8. *reg. Carol Adler, “Bikurim.” Southwest Review, Vol. XLVIII, No. 4, Autumn 1963.

9. *reg. C. Allyn Russell, “Mark Allison Matthews: Seattle Fundamentalist and Civic Reformer.” Journal of Presbyterian History, Vol. 57, No. 4 (Winter 1979): 446-466.

10. *reg. Photocopy. Stephen S. Bertman, “Lao-Tzu (c. 604-531 BC).” The People’s AlmanacTM #2 (David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace). N.Y.: William Morrow and Co., Inc., 1978.

11. *reg. Photocopy? Oscar I Janowsky, “The Values and Uses of History.” Festschrift to Ira Eisenstein, pp. 251- 8.

12. David de Sola Pool, Two Sermons. Most English, select lines are … Hebrew text.…. “G’Vuroth: Delivered on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday,” May 15, 1965. “Inaugural Sermon,” Dec. 21, 1907.

16/5 Reprints. (3 items: 2 Germ., 1 Eng.) 1. Leo Baeck, “Israel und das deutsche Volk.” Merkur (Journal), VI. Subjects: Various. Jahrgang, 10. Heft, October 1952.

2. Yonina Talmon, “Mate Selection in Collective Settlements.” American Sociological Review, Vol. 29, No. 4, Aug. 1964.

3. Germ. Hermann Langerbeck, “Werner Jaeger.” Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die gemamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 34, 1962.

16/6 Sonne, Isaiah “Expurgation of 1. ~ A Contribution to the History of the Hebrew Books: The Work of Jewish Censorship of Hebrew Books in Italy Scholars.” 1943 in the Sixteenth Century. New York: New York Public Library, 1943.

16/7 Two Catalogues… 1. The Research Staff of the Commission on European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, “Tentative List of Jewish Educational Institutions in Axis-Occupied Countries.” Jewish Social Studies, Supplement to Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1946.

2. The Research Staff of the Commission on European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, “Tentative List of Jewish Periodicals in Axis- Occupied Countries.” Jewish Social Studies, Supplement to Vol. IX, No. 3, 1947.

16/8 Chyet, Stanley F. “Lewisohn, a 1. Stanley F. Chyet, “Lewisohn, A Zionist.” 1974. Zionist.” Raphael Mahler Jubilee Volume. , 1974. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

17/1 NNG’s folder entitled: “Medieval 1. …Hebrew text..., Nov. 1950. Hebrew Poetry.” Includes pamphlets, reprints, news clippings. 2. News clipping. …Hebrew text... (17 items.) 3. News clipping. …Hebrew text...

4. News clipping. …Hebrew text...

5. News clipping. …Hebrew text...

6. *reg. Heb.? Simon Bernstein, … Hebrew text...

7. *reg. Heb. Simon Bernstein, … Hebrew text... Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. XIX, 1946.

8. Simon Bernstein, …Hebrew text...

9. Simon Bernstein, …Hebrew text... 1940.

10. …Hebrew text...

11. Israel Davidsohn?, …Hebrew text...

12. *reg. Heb. Simon Bernstein, … Hebrew text.…

13. *reg. Heb.? …Hebrew text...

14. *reg. Heb.? …Hebrew text...

15. I. Davidsohn, …Hebrew text...

16. I. Davidsohn, …Hebrew text...

17. …Hebrew text...

17/2 Pamphlets, reprints, articles, book 1. *reg. Marver Hillel Bernstein, ads… “Inaugural Address.” , Oct. 5, 1972. Subjects: Various. 2. Germ. pamphlet. S. Fischer (publ.), “Tibor Déry, S.J. Agnon.” Articles by several authors Déry’s and Agnon’s lives and accomplishments.

3. Israel Bernstein, …Hebrew text...

4. Israel Bernstein, …Hebrew text...

5. Israel Bernstein, …Hebrew text...

6. Israel Bernstein, …Hebrew text...

7. Germ. book review (photocopy). Jacob Allerhand reviews Steren T. Katz’s Jewish ideas and Concepts.

8. *reg. Germ. Josef Soudek, “Preissturz oder Deflation?” Die Wirtschaftskurve mit indexzahlen der Frankfurter Zeitung, Heft Nr. IV, Jahrg. 1931.

17/3 Lectures, reprints, pamphlets (13 1. Amos Funkenstein, “Intellectuals and items). Jews.” Albert T. Bilgray Lecture, University of Arizona, April 6, 1989. Subjects: Various. a. Copy 1.

b. Copy 2.

c. Copy 3.

2. Robert Alter, “Language as Theme in the Book of Judges.” The Eleventh Annual Rabbi Louis Feinberg Memorial Lecture in Judaic Studies. , Feb. 22, 1988.

3. Robert Alter, “Putting Together Biblical Narrative.” The Albert T. Bilgray Lecture, University of Arizona, March 10, 1988.

4. Otto Pöggeler (Bochum), “Hegel, der Verfasser des Ältesten Systemprogramms des Deutschen Idealismus.” Hegel-Studien, Beiheft 4, 1965.

5. Boaz Cohen, “Note on Letter and Spirit in the New Testament.” The Harvard Theological Review, July 1954.

6. …Hebrew text...

7. “Code of Ethics for Rabbis, Adopted June, 1982.” Central Conference of American Rabbis.

8. Robert Moses Shapiro, “The Polish Kehile Elections of 1936: A Revolution Re-Examined.” Working Papers in Holocaust Studies. Holocaust Studies Program, University, Sept. 1988.

9. Eulogy for Jules Backman, 1910- 1982.

10. “Assessing the State and Direction of our Movement.” The Central Conference of American Rabbis Ninety-Third Annual Convention. June 28-July 1, 1982.

11. “Constitution and By-Laws, Adopted June 1953 and as amended in 1955, 1956, 1958, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1971, 1976, 1982.” Central Conference of American Rabbis.

17/4 Reprints and articles, (6 items…) 1. Jacob Taubes, “The Issue Between Judaism and Christianity.” Arguments Subjects: Prayer, etc. and Doctrines (Arthur A. Cohen, ed.).

2. Inside front cover of reprint: 1 single page (Germ.), 1 Solomon Zeitlin name card. Solomon Zeitlin, “The Origin of the Synagogue: A Study in the Development of Jewish Institutions.” Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, 1930/31.

3. Louis I. Newman, “Prayer in Our Time.” YearBook of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, Vol. LVII, 1947.

4. Robert Gordis, “A Jewish Prayer Book for the Modern Age.” Conservative Judaism, Vol. II, No. 1, October, 1945. 5. Maurice Zigmond, “The Jewish Calendar—A Dilemma.” Central Conference of American Rabbis Journal, June 1962.

6. Presentation card from author inside front cover. Martin Plessner, “Die Bedeutung der Wissenschaftsgeschichte für das Verständnis der geistigen Welt des .” Philosophie und Geschichte, Vol. 82.

17/5 Levinsohn, Moses Wolf Der Prophet 1. Moses Levinsohn, Der Prophet Elia: Elia: Nach… 1929. nach den Talmudim-und Midraschimquellen (Mit Ausschluss des eschatologischen Teils). N.Y.: Up-To-Date Printing Co., 1929. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

18/1 Booklets, pamphlets, prayer books. 1. German. Sigfried Stein, “Die (6 items) Zeitschrift ‘Sulamith.’” Festschrift für Geschichte des Juden in Deutschland? 1937.

2. Meyer J. Perath, MD, “Rabbinical Devotion: Prayers of the Jewish Sages.” Series: Semitic Texts with Translations. Netherlands: Assen, 1964.

3. Lenn Evan Goodman, “Did Al- Ghazali Deny Causality?” (to the memory of Richard Walzer) Studia Islamica, Fasc. XLVII° , 1978.

4. Louis D. Brandeis, “A Call to the Educated Jew.” 1914, reissued by Dept. of Youth and Education of Zionist Organization of America, 1941.

5. Germ. Berl Locker, “Was ist Sozialistischer Zionismus?” Some … Hebrew text... , front cover. Tel Aviv, 1937.

6. Two Germ. Lectures. Isaac Breuer and Jacob Rosenheim, “Erez Jisroel und die Orthodoxie: Zwei referate…” 1934.

18/2 Mixed: Materials, Topics (4 Germ. 1. J. Lewkowitz, “Die Philosophie Henri items, 1 Hebrew Pamphlet) Bergsons.” Veröffentlichungen der Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung jüdischer Lehrer und Lehrerinnen zu Berlin, No. 1, 1913.

2. “Gedenkreden gehalten an der Bahre von Dr. Josef Horovitz.” Feb. 8, 1931.

3. Book ad. on postcard, 1972. “Moritz Lazarus und Heymann Steinthal.”

4. German poetry. David Luschnat, “Bleibende Zeitgestalt.” Blätter für zeitgenössische Literatur, Folge 37.

5. …Hebrew text...

18/3 Reprints (6 total: 3 Germ., 3 Eng.) 1. Ralph Marcus, “Judaism and Gnosticism.” Judaism: A Quarterly Subjects: American Jewish History, Journal (no date given), pp. 360-64. Jewish Mystics, etc. 2. Stanley F. Chyet, “Jacob Rader Marcus: A Biographical Sketch.” Essays in American Jewish History, To Commemorate the Tenth Anniversary of the Founding of the American Jewish Archives under the Direction of Jacob Rader Marcus, 1958.

3. *reg. Eng./Heb. Stanley Chyet, “Aaron Lopez: A Study in Buenafama.” American Jewish Historical Quarterly, Vol. LII, No. 4. June 1963.

4. Germ. Gershom Scholem, “Die Lehre vom <> in der jüdischen Mystik.” Eranos, Jahrbuch XXVII, 1959.

5. Germ. Gershom Scholem, “Religiöse Autorität und Mystik.” Eranos, Jahrbuch XXVI, 1958.

6. Germ. Alfred Dreyer, “Joseph Kastein, ein jüdischer Schriftsteller (1890-1946): Die Bremer Jahre.” Bremisches Jahrbuch, Band 58, 1980.

18/4 Reprints and booklets. (6 total: 1 1. Zakkaius, “From Balfour to Bevin: Eng, 5 Germ.) The Tragic Course of British Empire and the Challenge to Zionist Leadership.” The Menorah Journal, Winter 1947.

2. Germ. S. Hurwitz, “Ahasver, der Ewige Wanderer: Historische und psychologische Aspekte.” Analytische Psychologie, Vol. 6 (1975): 450-71.

3. Germ. Land und Arbeit: Zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum der zionistischen Arbeiter-organisation. Berlin: Hapoël Hazaïr (year?).

4. Germ. Hugo Gressmann, Die hellenistische Gestirnreligion—mit 4 Tafeln. Leipzig: Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung, 1925.

5. Germ. K. Th. Preuss, “Tod und Unsterblichkeit im Glauben der Naturvölker.” Sammlung Gemeinverstandlicher Vorträge und Schriften aus dem Gebiet der Theologie und Religionsgeschichte, Vol. 146, 1930.

6. Germ. E. von Düring, “Enuresis nocturna.” Monatsschrift für Harnkrankheiten und sexuelle Hygiene, Aprilhelft 1928. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

19/1 Reprints and booklet (5 items: 3 1. *reg. Marvin Fox, review of Eng., 1 Heb., 1 Yid.) ’ Guide of the Perplexed (Shlomo Pines, tr., Leo Strauss, Intro. Subjects: Various. essay):1963. Journal of the history of Philosophy, Vol. III, No. 2, 1965.

2. *reg. Leon Weinberger, …Hebrew text.... Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. XLIII, 1972.

3. *reg. Heb. Jonathan P. Siegel, “The Employment of Palaeo-Hebrew Characters for the Divine Names at Qumran in the Light of Tannaitic Sources.” Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. XLII, 1971.

4. S. Landshut, Jewish Communities in the Muslim Countries of the Middle East: A Survey. London: The Jewish Chronicle, LTD., 1954?

5. …Hebrew text... (reprint)

19/2 Book. German (1) 1. Germ. J. Ettinger, Emek Jisreel: Ein Blühendes Gebiet, Sein Verfall und Book announcement. Germ. (1) Sein Wiederaufbau. Jerusalem: Keren Hajessod, 1926. Lecture. English. (1) 2. Germ. book announcement for Reprints. (2 items: 1 Germ, 1 Eng.) Geschichte der Juden in Wien (Hugo Gold, ed.) Bibliography of Victor Ehrenberg. 3. Salmann Schocken, “An Address delivered at the diner of the American Friends of the Hebrew University, held in New York on January 17, 1940, in honor of Mr. Schocken and Dr. Chaim Weizmann, chairman of the board of governors.”

4. Germ. Abraham Heschel, “Das Wesen der Dinge nach der Lehre Gabirols.” Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. XIV, 1939.

5. *reg. Heb. inside front cover. Frederick P. Bargebuhr, “Ibn Gabirol’s Poem Beginning ‘Ahavtikha…’” The Review of Religion, November, 1950.

6. A List of the Writings of Victor Ehrenberg, London: Onians, Scullard, et. al., 1962.

19/3 Reprints (4) Book (1) 1. Joseph Marcus, “Three Hymns from the Genizah.” Essays and Studies in Subjects: Various. Memory of Linda R. Miller, 1938.

2. Karl Barth, “Helmut Gollwitzer: Hiob.” Nachtrag zur Biblischen Studie, Nr. 49.

3. Simon Bernstein, “The ‘Unknown Mahzor’ in the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.” Journal of Jewish Bibliography, Vol. III, Nos. 1-2, Jan.-Apr., 1942.

4. Arthur Marmorstein, “The Confession of Sins for the Day of Atonement.” Essays Presented to J.H. Hertz.

5. Harry Knopf, Wegweiser für das Bundesentschädigungs- Schlussgesetz. Tel Aviv: “Achduth” Co-Op. Press Ltd., year not given.

19/4 2 Reprints, 1 Photocopied article, and 1. *(initials) reg. Adolf Leschnitzer, 1 Pamphlet. (4 items: all German) “Vom Dichtermätyrtum zur politischen Dichtung: Heines Weg zur Subjects: Various. Demokratie.” Zur Geschichte und Problematik der Demokratie: Festgabe für Hans Herzfeld. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, year not given.

2. Kant’s Werke? Über das Misslinger alle Philosophischen Versuche in den Theodicee? Band VIII, Abhandlungen nach 1781. Berlin: Druck. & Verlag Georg Reimer?, 1912. 3. Abraham Heschel, “Der Begriff der Einheit in der Philosophie Gabirols.” Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums, Heft 2 (März-April), 82. Jahrgang.

4. Very old German pamphlet; fancy marbled paper cover. Samson Raphael Hirsch, Vorläufige Abrechnung.

19/5 Reprints and prayer book, et. al. (7 1. Germ. Elieser L. Ehrmann, items: 3 Germ., 3 Eng., 1 Eng./Heb.) “Arbeitsplan für Purim.” Reichsvertretung der Juden in Subjects: Various. Deutschland. Berlin: Schulabteilung? , Jan. 1938.

2. Germ. Alfred Dreyer, “Josef Kastein —Schöpferische Jahre in der Schweiz.” Bulletin des Leo Baeck Instituts, Nr. 6o/81.

3. Germ. Wilhelm Schreckenberg, “Judentum—Schicksal, Wesen und Gegenwart.” Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, Heft 5, 1966.

4. Includes author’s complimentary card. Leon J. Liebreich, “The Pesuke De-Zimra Benedictions.” Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. XLI, No. 2, 1950.

5. Gary G. Porton, “The Grape-Cluster in Jewish Literature and Art of Late Antiquity.” Journal of Jewish Studies, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, Autumn 1976.

6. Heb./Eng. summary. Rivka Horwitz, “An Early Plan Towards Martin Buber’s ‘I and Thou.’” …Hebrew text... IYYUN: A Hebrew Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 4, Oct. 1971.

7. “Prayer, The Prayer Book, and The Synagogue.” Akiba Reader, Vol. II, No. II, May 1958. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

20/1 Reprints/Articles. (2 items: 1 Eng., 1 1. *reg. Heb.? Albert Germ.) Ehrman, "The Origins of Ritual Murder Accusation and Blood Libel." Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought, Vol. 15, No. 4, Spring 1976.

2. Jakob J. Petuchowski, "Beweggründe einer religiös-liberalen Gesetzeserfüllung." Tradition und Eruerung: Zeitschrift der Vereinigung für religiös-liberales judentum in der Schweiz, Vol. 24, November 1967.

20/2 Photocopy: German reprint. 1. Hans A. Fischer- Barnicol, "Wortwechsel oder Gespräch? Bedenken zur Begegnung der kirche mit dem ." Una Sancta, no date given.

20/3 German. Reprint, Article on Politics in 1. *reg., very light on front Israel. cover. M. Seliger, "Ideologie und Politik in Israel." Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, Heft 9, 1967.

20/4 Two pamphlets. German. 1. Ernst Loewenberg- , "Jakob Loewenberg: Lebensbild eines deutschen Juden." [Journal title handwritten illegibly inside front cover], Bd. 29, 1931.

2. "Seminar für Judaistik." 1973.

20/5 Xerox book (Nobel=subject) and 1. News clipping. Solomon News article on Samaritan Prayer Brown, "The Samaritan Defter." No source: May 14, 1954.

2. Germ. Oskar Wolfsberg, Nehemias Anton Nobel 1871-1922. Frankfurt am Main: Kauffmann Verlag, 1929.

20/6 Three German Pamphlets. 1. Max Meyerhof, Persisch Türkische Mystik. Hannover: Orient- Buchhandlung, 1921.

2. NNG’s handwritten catalog-card enclosed. Harry Torczyner, "Der Numerus im Problem der Sprachentstehung." Fünfundvierzigster Bericht der Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums in Berlin, Nr. 24, Artilleriestrasse 14. Berlin: 1924. Pp. 23-47.

3. NNG’s handwritten catalog-card enclosed. Margarethe Lachmund, ed., Begegnung mit dem Judentum. Berlin: "Stimmen der Freunde"…, 1962.

20/7 3 German Pamphlets—19th century 1. Der Wahre Deutsche National-Verein. Rastatt (Publ.?), 1861.

2. Brittle. (NNG’s handwritten catalog-card enclosed.) Samuel Holdheim, Der religiöse Fortschrift im deutschen Judenthume. Leipzig, 1840. 3. Brittle. M. Brann, "Ein kurzen Gang durch die jüdische Geschichte." Verein für jüdische Geschichte und Literatur zu Breslau, series?. Breslau: Wilh. Jacobsohn & Co., 1895. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

Mixed Subjects and Authors

21/1 Reprints, booklets, photocopied book 1. S.H. Bergman, "God and parts (1). 6 items total: all German Man in Modern Thought." except 1 Eng. Arguments and Doctrines (A. Cohen, ed.). Subject: Various. 2. Germ. Photocopy of Part I of book (70 pages). G. Nathaniel Bonwetsch, Die Apokalypse Abrahams.

3. Germ. Alfred Dreyer, "Josef Kastein: Entscheidung für Erez Israel." Leo Baeck Instituts, 66/83.

4. Germ. Die Araberfrage in Palästina: Sammelbuch. Heidelberg: der Freien Zionistischen Blätter, 1921.

5. *reg.? Heb. Ernst Simon, "Judentum in der Begegnung." Begegnungen mit dem Judentum (Bernhard Rübenach, ed.). Berlin: Kreuz Verlag Stuttgart, 1982?

6. Germ. Louis Ginzberg, "Die Haggada bei den Kirchenvätern, VI. Der Kommentar des Hieronymus zu Jesaja." Jewish Studies in Memory of George A. Kohut. 1935.

21/2 Book announcements (1), articles (2). 1. Germ. book announcement by J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) of Tübingen of Jacob Toury’s Die politischen orientierungen der Juden in Deutschland., et. al.

2. *reg. Boris Kozolchyk, "Transfer of Personal Property by a Nonowner." Tulane Law Review, Vol. 61, 1982.

3. Photocopy. Hans Joachim Schoeps, "Aus dem Briefwechsel Steiheim— Zunz." Jahrbuch für jüdische Geschichte und Literatur, Vol. XXXI, Berlin, 1938.

21/3 Booklet (1) and Typescript (1). 1. Typescript (carbon copy). "Memorandum on the Subject: Encyclopedia Judaica. ."

2. Encyclopaedia Judaica: Guide for Editors and Contributors. Jerusalem: Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1966.

21/4 Miscellaneous pages—Eng., Germ. (=number of pages) Pages from:

Hebrew reprint. 1. (4) Judaism: A Quarterly Journal.

2. (1, cover) Germ. Nikolaus Müller, "Die jüdische Katakombe am Monteverde zu Rom." Schriften (Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums, ed.)

3. …Hebrew text...

21/5 …Hebrew text... 1. …Hebrew text...

a. Copy 1.

b. Copy 2.

21/6 3 Hebrew pamphlets, 1 Heb. book 1. …Hebrew text... cover. …Hebrew text... 2. …Hebrew text...

3. …Hebrew text...

4. …Hebrew text...

21/7 3 Hebrew pamphlets and one Hebrew- 1. …Hebrew text... English-French lexicon. 2. …Hebrew text...

3. …Hebrew text...

4. Hebrew-English-French lexicon. …Hebrew text... The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

Mixed Subjects and Authors

22/1 Five Hebrew Pamphlets: …Hebrew 1. …Hebrew text... text... 2. …Hebrew text...

3. …Hebrew text...

4. …Hebrew text...

5. …Hebrew text...

22/2 One Hebrew paperback book (1944): 1. …Hebrew text... …Hebrew text...

22/3 Typescript re die Zeire Misrachi (3 1. "Entwurf zu einem Programm der Zeire Misrachi." Aug. 21, 1928. (4 different, all German) pages)

2. "Thesen und Erläuterungen zu einem Programm der Zeire Misrachi." Aug. 21, 1928. (4 pages)

3. Abschrift: "An die Zentrale der Zeire Misrachi in Hamburg." Aug. 21, 1928. (1 page, certified copy on tissue)

22/4 One Hebrew Pamphlet: …Hebrew 1. *reg.? Heb. …Hebrew text... text...

22/5 Four Hebrew Pamphlets. 1. …Hebrew text...

2. Hebrew Workbook for English-speaking students. …Hebrew text...

3. Yiddish juvenile fiction? Cataloging information inside front cover. … Hebrew text...

4. …Hebrew text... Concerning pregnant women?

22/6 Five Hebrew Pamphlets. 1. *reg. Heb. A. Hurvitz, …Hebrew text...

2. *reg. Heb. …Hebrew text...

3. …Hebrew text...

4. …Hebrew text...

5. …Hebrew text...

22/7 One Hebrew Pamphlet 1. …Hebrew text...

22/8 English. Advertising materials and 1. Dover Publications, Inc. Occult/72 book cover letters. 2. Instant Copy Corp., price sheet. 3. Schocken Books news release: (Neugroschel, tr.) Fairy Tales and Children.

4. Schocken Books news release: (Kurzweil) From Generation to Generation.

5. A. Altmann: List of Publications (excluding review articles).

6. Letter from Betty Zirnite at Cornell University Press to NNG.

7. Monograph enclosure from American Jewish Historical Society.

8. Handwriting at top. Book enclosure from David McKay Co.

9. KTAV Publishing House cover letter.

10. Schocken Books news release: (Levin) While Messiah Tarried: Jewish Socialist Movements…

22/9 3 English Pamphlets… 3 pamphlets from the Judaism Pamphlet Series:

1. William B. Silverman, "The Jewish Concept of Man." Washington D.C.: B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, 1962.

2. Samuel Sandmel, "Judaism and Christianity." Washington D.C.: B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, 1960.

3. Stanley Rabinowitz, "A Jewish View of Love and Marriage." Washington D.C.: B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, 1961.

The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

D. Mixed Subjects and Authors

23/1 Typescript…NY Times Space 1. Typescript (mimeograph). Section, 1961. Willy Hartner, "The Place of Humanism in a Technological World." Background paper for The Encyclopaedia Britannica Conference on the Technological Order.

2. Space Section. New York Times. Oct. 8, 1961.

23/2 News clippings. (8 items) 1. News clippings:

Brookhaven lecture series (3 issues), a. Isaac Asimov, etc. "Hello, CTA-21 —Is Anyone Subjects: Science and Religion. There?" New York Times Magazine.

b. John Pfeiffer, "We Still Have Five Billion Years." Review of George Gamow’s A Star Called the Sun. New York Times Book Review, May 10, 1964.

c. Robert S. Cohen, "Human Values and Goals of Science Analyzed by B.U. Physics Professor." Jewish Advocate, Passover Issue— 5724, March 26, 1964. d. Harry Howe Ransom, "Man and Method— Which Is Master?" SR, September 26, 1964. e. Author not listed. "Faith and the Scientist." Time, June 29, 1962. f. Walter Sullivan, "Charting Galaxies: Phenomena Discovered in Core of Milky Way Are Described. g. Author not listed. Review of C.F. von Weizäcker’s The Relevance of Science: Creation and Cosmogony. The Times Literary Supplement, December 10, 1964. h. Isaac Asimov, "Is There Another Universe?" Boston Globe: Science Reading Series. April 27, 1964. i. Obituary. "Dr. Leo Szilard, at 66, Helped Unlock A- Power." Source not listed. May 31, 1964.

2. Brookhaven Lecture Series.

a. Edward Purcell, "Radioastronomy and Communication Through Space." No. 1, Nov. 16, 1960.

b. C.H.W. Hirs, "Inside the Protein Molecule." No. 3, Jan. 11, 1961.

c. Herbert J.C. Kouts, "Neutron Physics of and With High Flux Beam Research Reactor." No. 5, Mar. 15, 1961.

3. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Part VII: Science and Religion. Volume 12, No. 10, December 1956.

4. Personal note to NNG from ‘Kitty’ attached to reprint. Henrik F. Infield, "Notes on the Noetic Nature of Mental Processes and the Possibility of a Systematic Exploration." The Israel Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines, Vol. 3, October 1965.

23/3 News clippings. Hebrew. 3 items. 1. Hebrew news clippings (re ?): Reprints, advertisements, monographs, pamphlets. Various a. …Hebrew languages. Various topics. text... b. …Hebrew text...

c. …Hebrew text...

2. *reg. Heb.? Ben Zion Wacholder, "Attitudes Towards Proselytizing in the Classical Halakah." Historia Judaica, Vol. XX, Part 2, Oct. 1958.

3. *reg. Walter J. Fischel, "Der Historismus in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft Daorgestellt an der Entwicklung von Adam Müller bis Bruno Hildebrand." (Vierteljahrschrift für) Sozial-und , 47. Band, Heft 1, März 1960.

4. *reg. Heb. Shemaryahu Talmon, "The New Covenanters of Qumran." Scientific American, Vol. 225, No. 5, Nov. 1971.

5. Secure and Recognized Boundaries: Israel’s Right to Live in Peace within Defensible Frontiers. Elements in the Consideration of Israel’s Position on the Question of Boundaries. Jerusalem: Carta Jerusalem, 1974.

6. Lecture Brochure. "Qumran Anniversary Lecture and Seminar Series." University of Notre Dame Spring Semester 1972, Department of Theology.

7. Eugene Anderson, "Nineteenth Century Europe —Crisis and Contribution. Publ. No. 29. Washington D.C.: Service Center for Teachers of History: A Service of the American Historical Association, 1960.

8. Stanley J. Idzerda, "The Background of the French Revolution." Publ. No. 21. Washington D.C.: Service Center for Teachers of History: A Service of the American Historical Association, 1959.

9. William J. Bouwsma, "Renaissance Humanism." Publ. No. 18. Washington D.C.: Service Center for Teachers of History: A Service of the American Historical Association, 1959.

10. Ilse Blumenthal-Weiss, "Begegnungen mit Else Lasker-Schueler, Nelly Sachs, Leo Baeck, and Martin Buber." Private printing for the Friends of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Leo Baeck Institute, N.Y., 1977.

11. Book ads (E.J. Brill):

a. B. Jongeling, A Classified Bibliography of the Finds in the Deserts of Judah 1958-69.

b. Elizabeth Koffmahn, Die Doppelurkunden aus der Wüste Juda.

23/4 News clippings (11 items). 1. Photo from N.Y. Times (date not given). Caption: Subjects: Various. (Several ‘Germans Report Allied obituaries) Bombing Here. In Freiburg, Germany, the university (shown) was not hit.’

2. Photo with Caption: ‘Bull Session…’ 3. "Weizsaecker Dies; Nazi Diplomat, 69."

4. Dr. Loewi Dead at 89; Nobel Prize Scientist: his Experiment in Nerves’ Use of Chemicals Started as Dream."

5. "The von Weizsaecker Sentence." (Letter to Editor of N.Y. Times.)

6. "Death Asked for 21 of Nazi Diplomats."

7. Moshe Brilliant, "Dusty Israeli Journey Rewarding Experience." , April 4, 1965.

8. "Abraham Yahuda, Expert on Bible, 74: Orientalist and Lecturer Who Was Professor at New School for Social Research." Source not listed, Aug. 14, 1951.

9. "Der bedeutende orientalis und Bibelforscher Prof. Abraham Shalom E. Yahuda ist, während er mit seiner Gattin auf Ferien in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. weilte, im Alter von 74 Jahren einer Herzattacke erlegen."…

10. S. J. Goldsmith, "The Magic of Masada." Jewish Advocate, Dec. 8, 1966.

23/5 Cover (1), Lecture (1), Books (2). 1. "Franz Kafka: das Schloss." (Cover only) Subjects: Various. 2. John C. Sawhill, "Ethics and Energy." Backman Lecture. Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, N.Y., N.Y., March 17, 1980.

3. Marshall Sklare, Joseph Greenblum and Benjamin B. Ringer, Not Quite at Home: How an American Jewish Community Lives With Itself and Its Neighbors. Pamphlet Series, No. 11. New York: Institute of Human Relations Press, 1969.

4. Alfred Jospe and Daniel Thursz, Israel as Idea and Reality: A Source Book for Study and Discussion. U.S.A.: B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundations, date not given.

The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

Books (Complete and Incomplete) and Articles, some miscellaneous items

24/1 Incomplete Book (signature form): 1. Signatures of book in Franz Rosenzweig: His Life and blue manila folder within a Thought. fairly brittle straw cover. NNG’s handwritten note: "Missing pages used for B’nai B’rith selection." Nahum Glatzer, Franz Rosenzweig: His Life and Thought.

24/2 Reprints, articles, book ads/reviews. 1. Germ. Nahum Glatzer, English and German (8 items). "Das Frankfurter Lehrhaus." Der Philosoph Franz Subjects: Various. First item concerns Rosenzweig (1886-1929), Rosenzweig. Bd. I: Die Haerausforderung jüdischen Lernens (Wolfdietrich Schmied- Kowarzik, ed.).

2. Zosa Szajkowski, "The Organization of the "UGIF" in Nazi-Occupied France." Jewish Social Studies, July 1967.

3. Germ. Book ad. (E.J. Brill, publ.) August Strobel, Untersuchungen zum eschatologischen Verzögerungsproblem.

4. Germ. Review of Rivka Horwitz’s Buber’s Way to "I and Thou:" An Historical Analysis and the First Publication of Martin Buber’s Lectures "Religion als Gegenwart." 5. Germ. Arnold Momigliano reviews Harry J. Leon’s The Jews of Ancient Rome. Gnomon, Band 34, 1962.

6. Germ. book ads. Several authors and titles.

7. Germ. book ad. Hermann Levin Goldschmidt, Weil wir Brüder sind: Biblische Besinnung für Juden und Christen.

8. Lecture. Archibald MacLeish, "The Book of Job." May 8, 1955.

24/3 German book, signature form (1). 1. Rubin, Simon. Das Talmudische Recht. Das Talmudische Recht. Simon Rubin. Sacherecht, Wien, 1938.

(In NNG’s folder marked "Misc.")

24/4 Photocopy of book …Hebrew text... 1. …Hebrew text...

24/5 Reprints and articles (3) Entertainment 1. *reg. Marvin Fox, (opera) flier (1) Books (1 Germ, 1 "Judaism, Secularism and Eng. [photocopy]) Textual Interpretation." Modern Jewish Ethics: Subjects: Various. Theory and Practice, no date given.

2. *reg., Heb.? inside front cover. Mordecai L. Wilensky, "Rabbi Elijah Afeda Baghi and the Karaite Community of Jerusalem." Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, Vol. XL, 1972.

3. *reg. Heb. Photocopy. Naftali Brandwein, "Literature an Society in Israel." Modern Near East: Literature and Societies (C. Max Kortepeter, ed.) NYU, 1971. 4. Opera program? *reg. Germ.(M.W.), back of title page. Erich Riede, Riccio: Oper in einem Aufzug. Martha Wertheimer, dichtung.

5. Germ. booklet. Stenographisches Protokoll der Verhandlungen des III. Zionisten-Congresses in Basel 15., 16., 17. und 18. August 1899. Wien: Vereines "Erez Israel," 1899.

6. Book photocopy, unordered loose leaves, roughly pp. 123-205 (chapters XII and XIII of S.W. Baron(?)’s The Jewish Community, Vol. II.

The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

A. Almanacs, Year Books, Annuals (Folders 1, 2, and 3)

B. Publishers’ Catalogs (Folders 4, 5, 6, and 7)

25/1 Almanacs, 1919 and 1930. (German) 1. Germ. Insel Almanach auf das Jahr 1919. Leipzig: (A) Insel, 1919.

2. Germ. Cover detaching. Insel Almanach auf das jahr 1930. Leipzig: Insel, 1930.

25/2 Bericht über die Jahre 1925/26 bis 1. Germ. Bericht über die 1928/29. (Germ.) Jahre 1925-26 bis 1928/29. (A) Series: Frankfurter Bund für Volksbildung: Ausschuss für Volksvorlesungen. Frankfurt am Main: Union Druckerei und Verlagsastalt, 1929.

25/3 Jewish Book Annual (Eng./Heb./Yid. 1. Eng./Heb./Yid. Jewish —1 item) Book Annual. N.Y.: Jewish (A) Book Council of America, Calendar, Heb./Eng. (1). 1946-47.

2. Heb./Eng. 24 Year Hebrew-English Calendar: Sept. 17, 1917-Sept. 21, 1941. Pittsburgh: H.J. Heinz Co., 1938.

25/4 Harvard University Catalogue of 1. Harvard University Hebrew Books, Vol. I, A-E Catalogue of Hebrew (B) Books, Vol. I, Authors and Subjects, A-E. Cambridge: Harvard U. Press, 1968.

25/5 Publication Catalogues (3) 1. E.J. Brill, A Catalogue of the recent and forthcoming (B) New Publications Flier (1) Books on The Orient. Leiden: Brill, Autumn 1975.

2. E.J. Brill, A Catalogue of Books on The Ancient Near East and the Bible. Leiden: Brill, Autumn 1974.

3. The Jewish Publication Society of America, Members Catalog. Philadelphia: JPS, Spring- Summer 1981.

4. Germ. publishers new publications flier. Melzer, 1965.

25/6 Book Catalogs and archive list (3 1. Argo Books, Inc. 1970- items). 71? (B) 2. Book News from Israel: The Israel Book Trade Monthly. Dec. 1959.

3. The Jewish Historical General Archives. Jerusalem: The Historical Society of Israel/Central Press, 1961.

25/7 Schocken Reader (Publications 1. Schocken Reader, Winter Catalogs—2) 1946.

2. Schocken Reader, Winter 1947/48. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

Youth Publications

26/1 Youth Publications: Pamphlet and 1. Pamphlet. Divre Gerut: journals and newspaper. Very fragile Guidelines concerning condition. (8 items) Proselytism. N.Y.: Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1983.

2. Fragile folder, fragile contents. NNG’s folder entitled "Youth Publications."

a. Keren Kayemeth;

b. Jung Juda 1918;

c. Blau-Weiss Blätter (1925);

d. Blau-Weiss Blätter (?).

3. Fragile. Empty folder possibly NNG’s hand: "Vorträge und Aufsätze, 1933."

4. Fragile. Central Verein Zeitung. Jahrgang VI, Nr. 31/32, Aug. 5, 1927.

5. Very fragile, front and back covers detached. Blau- Weiss Blätter, 1921.

26/2 Youth publications: (9 items: 8 Germ, 1. Germ. Junge Menschen: 1 Eng./Heb.) Journals and Blatt der deutschen Jugend. Newspapers. Fragile condition. a. 2 Jahrg., Heft 8, Ende April 1921.

b. 3 Jahrg. Heft 11, Anfang Juni 1921.

c. 3 Jahrg., Heft 2, Ende Januar 1922.

2. Most Eng., some Heb. ITON HABONIM, No. 4. Nov. 1935.

3. Germ. Galgal.

a. Heft 1, Januar 1932.

b. Heft 2, 1932.

4. Germ. Jüdische Jugend, 1922.

a. Copy 1.

b. Copy 2.

5. Germ. Kameraden: Deutsch-Jüdischer Wanderbund, Heft 2, Sept. 1924.

26/3 Lesebuch für jüdische Kinder 1. David Friedländer (ed.), Lesebuch für jüdische (Reader for Jewish Children) Kinder. 1927.

26/4 Four Hebrew Children’s books 1. …Hebrew text...

2. …Hebrew text...

3. …Hebrew text...

4. …Hebrew text... The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

Hebrew Journal Issues

27/1 Hebrew journals. Issues of "Hapardes" 1. Hapardes: Rabbinical (5 items) Monthly Journal.

a. Vol. 23, No. 9, June 1949.

b. Vol. 23, No. 4, Jan. 1950.

c. Vol. 23, No. 7, Apr. 1950.

d. Vol. 23, No. 8, May 1950.

e. Vol. 23, No. 9, June 1950.

27/2 Hebrew journals. Issues of "Hapardes" 1. Hapardes: Rabbinical (5 items) Monthly Journal.

a. Vol. 23, No. 10, July 1950.

b. Vol. 23, No. 12, Sept. 1950.

c. Vol. 25, No. 1, Oct. 1950.

d. Vol. 25, No. 2, Nov. 1950.

e. Vol. 25, No. 3, Dec. 1950.

27/3 Hebrew journals. Issues of "Hapardes" 1. Hapardes: Rabbinical (5 items) Monthly Journal. a. Vol. 25, No. 4, Jan. 1951. b. Vol. 25, No. 5, Feb. 1951. c. Vol. 26, No. 2, Nov. 1951. d. Vol. 26, No. 3, Dec. 1951. e. Vol. 26, No. 4, Jan. 1952. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

Hebrew Journal Issues

28/1 Hebrew Journals: Zion (1 issue). 1. …Hebrew text...

28/2 Hebrew Journal Issues (4). 1. Fragile. …Hebrew text...

2. Fragile. …Hebrew text...

3. …Hebrew text...

a. Copy 1.

b. Copy 2.

28/3 Hebrew Journal Issues (2). 1. …Hebrew text...

2. Heb. (Eng. summaries). Hasifrut: Quarterly for the Study of Literature, Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1968. … Hebrew text...

28/4 Hebrew Journal Issue (1). Hebrew 1. …Hebrew text... book (1). 2. Book. …Hebrew text...

28/5 Hebrew Journal Issues (2). 1. …Hebrew text...

2. Heb. (Eng. summary). Kerem: Devoted to the Study of Halachah and the Foundations of Classical Judaism, Aug. 1958. … Hebrew text... The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

German Journal Issues (Alphabetical order)

29/1 German Journal Issues (5). 1. Der Alte Orient, 12. Jahrg., Heft 3. Theodor Kluge, "Der Mithrakult: Seine Anfänge, Entwicklungsgeschichte und seine Denkmäler."

2. Beiträge zur Förgerung christlicher Theologie, Jahrg. 1, Heft 3, 1897.

a. Schlatter, "Die Tage Trajans und Hadrians."

b. Foss, "Leben und Schriften Agobards."

3. Blätter der Stefan Zweig Gesellschaft, Nr. 8/10, Oktober 1960.

4. Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Sept. 1962.

5. Enclosure: Germ. sheet music for 4-part harmony. Blau-Weiss Blätter, Jahrg. II, Heft 8-10, Mai-Juli 1921.

29/2 German Monographs (2 copies). 1. Coniectanea Neotestamentica, Nr. VI. Hans Joachim Schoeps, "Die Tempelzerstörung des Jahres 70 in der jüdischen Religionsgeschichte: Agadisches zur Auserwählung Israels." 1942.

a. NNG’s handwritten catalog card enclosed. Copy 1.

b. Copy 2.

29/3 German Journal Issue 1. Europäische Revue, VIII. Jahr., Heft 8, August 1932.

29/4 Fragile German Journal Issues: Ewer Ewer: Blätter der vereinigten (3). Verlagsanstalten:

1. Feb./März 1921.

2. Apr. 1921.

3. Mai/Juni 1921. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

German Journal Issues (alphabetical order)

30/1 German journal issues (2). 1. Judaica: Beiträge zum verständnis des jüdischen Schicksals in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, Jahr. 10, Heft 4, Dec. 1954.

2. Fragile. Der Jude: Eine Monatsschrift (Martin Buber, ed.), Jahr. 5, Apr. 1920-März 1921.

30/2 German journal issues: Jüdische 1. Jüdische Revue, Nov. Revue (2). 1936.

2. Jüdische Revue, Mar. 1937.

30/3 German journal issue (1). 1. Jüdische Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Leben, X. Jahr., Heft 4, 1872.

30/4 German journal issue (5) Kontakte. Kontakte: allgemeine jüdische jugendzeitschrift.

1. II. Jahr., Nr. 8/9.

2. III. Jahr., Nr. 10.

3. IV. Jahr., Nr. 2.

4. IV. Jahr., Nr. 3.

5. IV. Jahr., Nr. 4.

30/5 German journal issues (3). 1. Advertisement for set enclosed. Kontexte, Band 3: "Die Zeit Jesu." October 1966?

2. Schlemiel: Jüdische Blätter für Humor Und Kunst, Nr. 1, 1924.

3. Werkleute: Bund jüdischer Jugend, Jan. 1936.

30/6 Book and Monograph, German (2 1. S.M. Dubnow, Die items). Jüdische Geschichte: Ein geschichtsphilosophischer Versuch. Berlin: S. Calvary & Co., 1898.

2. Stenographisches Protokill der Verhandlungen des IV. Zionisten- Congresses in London 13., 14., 15. Und 16. August 1900. Wien: Vereines "Erez Israel," 1900.

The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

English Journal Issues (alphabetical order)

31/1 English journal issues (4) 1. Congress Weekly: A Review of Jewish Interests, Vol. 7, No. 7, Feb. 13, 1950.

2. Folio

a. Vol. 2, No. 1, Fall 1963.

b. Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring-Summer 1968.

3. The Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. XLVII, No. 3, Jan. 1957.

31/2 English journal issues (7) Pioneer: The Magazine of Pioneering in Israel.

1. Vol. 1, No. 3, October 1949.

2. Vol. 1, No. 4, November 1949.

3. Vol. 1, No. 5, December 1949.

4. Vol. 1, No. 6, Jan.-Feb. 1950.

The Pioneer Woman.

5. No. 143, April 1949.

6. Vol. XXV, No. 2, Feb. 1950.

7. May 1951. 31/3 English journal issues (6) Prozdor (Vestibule): Hebrew Bi- Monthly devoted to Religious Thought.

1. English summary, No. 3, 1962.

2. English summary, No. 9- 10, 1965.

The Reconstructionist.

3. Vol. XV, No. 11, October 7, 1949.

4. Vol. XXII, No. 13, November 2, 1956.

Sh’ma: a journal of Jewish responsibility

5. *reg.(ed.) 1/1, Nov. 9, 1970.

6. 1/11, Apr. 2, 1971. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

Ephemera: Advertising Materials, news clippings, galley proofs, book covers.

32/1 Schocken Books Enclosure cards 6 items

32/2 Advertising materials 3 items

32/3 Advertising Materials 3 items

32/4 Misc articles, 1 letter Letter from Victor Ehrenberg to Nahum Glatzer (April 1962)

32/5 Misc. articles (Hebrew, English) 11 items

32/6 Newspaper clippings, misc. ephemeral 13 items items

32/7 newspaper clippings 21 items

32/8 Loose pages, galley proofs, mss. German Bible galley proofs. Handwritten notes by Glatzer in German and Hebrew.

32/9 Book Jackets 1. By and about S.Y. Agnon (10 items)

2. Buber Hebrew book covers (5 items)

The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

Items enclosed in catalogued items from the Glatzer collection. Bar code numbers correspond to the books out of which the ephemeral material (book ads, articles, book covers, complimentary cards, letters, etc.) in these boxes came.

33/1 Items are in front of paper with code.

1. 30081 021 140 508. Print of Stele of Ashur-nasir-pal, King of Assyria.

2. 30081 021 140 243. "Irwin Edman."

3. 30081 021 140 425. Walter Jens, "Die Gefahr, sich mit Deutschland zu identifizieren."

4. No bar code number listed.

Obituary, "Aaron Steinberg, Translator, World Jewish Congress Aide."

33/2 Items are behind paper with code.

1. 30081 012 032 441. Complimentary cards of Moshe Carmilly.

2. 30081 022 912 319. Label.

3. 30081 021 132 422. Card, …Hebrew text...

4. 30081 022 916 492. Publishers notes.

5. 30081 021 133 040. Newspaper Photo of Dr. Louis Finkelstein.

6. 30081 012 032 482.

a. News clipping. Robert Weltsch, "Israel and the Diaspora in Perspective."

b. Reviews from Judaism, X, 1, Winter 1961.

7. 30081 012 032 433. Franz Rosenzweig, "From the Classics: The Love of God, The Love of Man." Judaism, Vol. 11, NO. 2, Spring 1962.

8. 30081 022 914 836. …Hebrew text... 1962.

9. 30081 022 912 681. Germ./Heb. postcard: "VII. Zionisten- Congress."

10. 30081 022 944 932. Letter to NNG from Luchterland Verlag re Erwin Lichtenstein…

11. 30081 022 943 967. Typescript: "The Magnes Anniversary Book of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem."

12. 30081 022 915 742. Germ. ad from Kösel-Verlag.

13. 30081 022 946 333. Jacob S. Minkin, "Sainted Master of Books." Brooklyn Jewish Center Review (no date).

14. 30081 022 941 482. Old-style handwritten letter?

15. 30081 022 910 354.

a. …Hebrew text...

b. …Hebrew text...

16. 30081 022 909 778. …Hebrew text...

17. 30081 022 909 505. …Hebrew text...

18. 30081 022 975 910. Hebrew name card.

19. 30081 022 976 207. Hebrew note from Salman Schocken.

20. 30081 022 975 316. Binyamin Z. Kedar, "Crusaders and Contrasted."

21. 30081 023 111 002. …Hebrew text...

22. 30081 022 975 332. …Hebrew text...

23. 30081 023 110 897. Ze’ev Levi, "In Memory of Moshe Scwarcz."

24. 30081 023 110 806. *reg. Heb. Arnold Band reviews Rawidowicz’s Metsudah: Essays and Studies. Judaism, Vol. 6, No. 4, Fall 1957.

33/3 Items are behind paper.

1. 30081 023 110 525. News article. Mary M. Clawson, "The Sabbath in Israel." Hadassah Newsletter, Jan. 1957.

2. 30081 023 110 491. a. (short story) Yitzchak Shenberg, "The Tamarisk." Source handwritten at top, but nearly illegible.

b. Hebrew news clipping. …Hebrew text...

c. Hebrew news clipping. …Hebrew text...

3. 30081 023 110 459.

a. Newspaper Obituary: "Dr. Tchernowitz, Talmudic Scholar…Dies at 78." Source?, May 16, 1949.

b. David Panitz, review of Chaim Tchernowitz’s Toledot Ha-Poskim.

4. 30081 023 107 968. Two pages of book reviews from Jewish Social Studies (no date).

5. 30081 023 108 461. One page …Hebrew text...

6. 30081 021 139 401. Clipping, …Hebrew text...

7. 30081 023 110 822. Brittle Germ. news clipping (no date, no source).

8. 30081 023 181 864. Receipt from Phil’s Kosher Meat Market, L.A., CA, Dec. 21 (no year).

9. 30081 023 181 823. Two pages NNG’s handwritten notes: "Old Jewish Education," and "Akiba."

10. 30081 023 181 971. One page NNG’s handwritten Hebrew notes: …Hebrew text...

11. 30081 023 182 334. Hebrew news clipping: …Hebrew text...

12. 30081 021 131 903. Sheet music: Handwritten (Hebrew?) melody line.

13. 30081 023 107 893. Flier. "Consecration Exercises of the Brooklyn Jewish Center." June 1948.

33/4 Items are in front of paper.

1. 30081 011 314 634. German complimentary card of Lambert Schneider.

2. 30081 011 241 175.

a. Newspaper obituary: "Israel Abrahams, Man Who Built Judaism in England."

b. *reg. Germ. Hermann Levin Goldschmidt, "Erinerungen an Margarete Susman." c. List of publications of Edward Goldston Publishers.

3. 30081 011 241 217.

a. News clipping. Review of Alexander Altmann’s Moses Mendelssohn. The Jewish Advocate, Thurs. Dec. 6, 1973.

b. News ad for Herbert Kupferberg’s The Mendelssohns: Three Generations of Genius. (Charles Scribner’s Sons)

4. 30081 011 241 167.

a. Germ. Table: "Erläuterung der Accente zu Kittels Biblia Hebraica (Tabula Accentuum).

b. Germ. Flier: "Zeichenerklärung zu Kittels Biblia Hebraica."

c. Brittle Germ. page, "Verzeichnis der Handschriften und Abkürzungen."

5. 30081 011 244 005. Germ. card of author’s compliments.

6. 30081 011 243 999. Notes and Index of uncited book.

7. 30081 011 243 981.

a. Letter to Schocken Publishers from William Wolf of Jewish Publication Society of Philadelphia, Dec. 24, 1954. (re Baeck’s Essence of Judaism).

b. Typescript: Index of Biblical Passages. Baeck: Essence of Judaism.

33/5 Items are in front of paper.

1. 30081 011 244 104. Ephraim Levine, "Elkan Adler: An Appreciation." The Jewish Chronicle, July 21, 1961.

2. 30081 011? 243 668. *reg. Heb?. Business card, Bonny Fetterman of Schocken Books.

3. 30081 011 243 627. Book cover or ad:

a. Studies in Pharisaism and the Gospels, I. Abrahams.

b. "By the same author" (also I. Abrahams): Studies in Pharisaism and the Gospels: critics’ comments.

4. 30081 011 243 478. Larry McMurtry, "Imagination vs. History: Troubled Encounter." Review of Robert Alter’s Defenses of the Imagination. 5. 30081 011 244 286.

a. Typescript. Excerpt: Isaiah Sonne: On Baer and his Philosophy of Jewish History (Review of History of the Jews in Christian Spain (Hebrew)). Jewish Social Studies, Jan. 1947.

b. Germ. typescript. I.F. Baer (Jerusalem, Jan. 18, 1948): "Durch die Güte des Schocken Verlages erhalte ich die Besprechung meines Buches "Galut", die in der Zeitschrift "The Commonweal"…ist…" (2 pages)

6. 30081 011 244 377. NNG’s handwritten notes re Mendelssohn?

7. 30081 011 244 278. "Analysis of the Chosen." Review of Jacob Bernard Agus’ The Meaning of Jewish History.

8. 30081 011 244 443. "Behind the Bible." Review of Alexander Altmann’s Biblical and Other Studies.

33/6 Items behind paper.

1. 30081 011 242 314. News clipping: …Hebrew text...

2. 30081 011 242 272. Car rental receipt. June, 4, 1962.

3. 30081 011 219 999.

a. Catalog card: An Outline of Jewish History, Nahum N. Glatzer…

b. "Middle East Chronology: Events Leading Up to the Present Crisis." The New York Times, Feb. 3, 1957.

c. "Middle East Chronology: Events Leading Up to the Present Crisis." Date not cited: possibly one week after Feb. 3, 1957.

4. 30081 011 242 637.

a. "Salo W. Baron Honored on His 75th Birthday." Columbia Reports, Nov. 1970.

b. Salo W. Baron, "A Historian Looks at South African Jewry." Jewish Affairs, May 1958.

5. 30081 011 242 652. Biographical blurb of Joseph Leon Blau.

6. 30081 011 242 728.

a. Book ad: Leonard Stein, The .

b. Hebrew news clipping. …Hebrew text... July 15, 1949.

c. Germ. news clipping. Paula Arnold, "Die Tragoedie der Familie Herzl."

d. Oscar Gavrilovich, "Herzl’s Devout Forebears in Yugoslavia." Hadassah Newsletter, Nov. 1954.

7. 30081 011 242 702.

a. Ad of Yeshiva University (N.Y.) with photo of Rabbi Samuel Belkin. Time, Nov. 24, 1967.

b. Clipping. "Died. Samuel Belkin, 64…"

8. 30081 011 242 835. From a book cover:

a. Ernest Sutherland Bates biographical information.

b. Ernest Sutherland Bates biographical information.

9. 30081 011 242 074. Advertising brochure. Salo W. Baron, "A Social and Religious History of the Jews."

10. 30081 011 242 389. Map of Spain. Caption: "…main places author visited on 1959 trip to Spain…"

33/7 Items behind paper.

1. 30081 011 242 785. …Hebrew text... Yivo Blätter, either Vol. XI or VXI, Jan-Feb 1943.

2. 30081 011 243 031. Invitation to Establishment of Salo Wittmayer Baron Professorship in Jewish Studies at Columbia University.

3. 30081 011 242 983. H. Rabbinowitz, "Proselytes in Jewish History. Jewish Advocate, Sept. 3, 1964.

4. 30081 011 242 629. Handwritten complimentary note from author (last name illegible—perhaps Philip David Roovetaber).

5. 30081 011 242 447. Heb. typescript, 1 page. …Hebrew text...

6. 30081 011 242 587. Book ad for Lloyd Gaston’s No Stone on Another (Brill).

7. 30081 011 250 952. Newspaper discussion of Nathan Birnbaum’s "Confession."

8. 30081 011 250 937. Advertising flier for Falcon’s Wing Press’ The Septuagint Bible.

9. 30081 011 250 903. Clipping. Cyrus J. Purdy, "Biblical Weather Report." Records Speiser’s remark. 10. 30081 011 251 596. Card (1928): Republican candidates for political office (Sanitary District Trustees).

11. 30081 011 251 737. Germ. book ad for Sendung und Schicksal (Schocken).

33/8 Items behind paper.

1. 30081 022 540 847. Germ. publisher’s advertising flier (Pegasus-Bücher).

2. 30081 022 540 730. Germ. book ad: Gustav Landauer (ed.), Revolutionsbriefe (Rütten & Loening).

3. 30081 022 540 714.

a. Germ. book ad: "Geisteswissenschaften und Lyrik aus dem Manesse Verlag."

b. Germ. compliments –of- author card.

4. 30081 022 540 896. Ad: Das Inselschiff: Eine Zweimonatsschrift.

5. 30081 022 541 050. Book cover (in pieces): Martin Buber, Israel and the World.

6. 30081 022 541 712. Book cover (in pieces): Lewis Browne (ed.), The Wisdom of Israel.

7. 30081 022 541 704. Germ. news clipping. Heinrich Eduard Jacob, "Max Brod und die ‘Rechtfertigung Gottes.’" Aufbau, Aug. 13, 1948.

8. 30081 022 541 688. Book ad, "Yale Judaica Series." (One page detached from source.)

9. 30081 022 541 241. Clipping. Announcement of Martin Buber’s imminent publication. Times Literary Supplement, April 13, 1962.

10. 30081 022 540 854. Germ. book ad (Kauffmann Verlag).

11. 30081 022 541 514. Germ. publisher’s advertisement (Manesse Verlag).

34/9 Items behind paper.

1. 30081 022 542 157. Germ. book ad (Schocken Verlag).

2. 30081 022 542 066. Handwritten page of Germ. notes (not NNG’s handwriting).

3. 30081 022 542 405. a. Germ. clipping.

b. Heb. page …Hebrew text...

4. 30081 022 542 504. Advertisement (Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.).

5. 30081 011 251 315. Advertisement: "Publications of the American Schools of Oriental Research." (2 pages)

6. 30081 011 251 331. Book ads (Trade Book Promotion): Arthur A. Cohen’s Arguments and Doctrines and The Myth of the Judeo- Christian Tradition.

7. 30081 022 541 415. Germ. Obituary: Franz Rosenzweig (d. Dec. 10, 1929).

8. 30081 022 542 462. 3" x 2" B&W photo of aqueduct/bridge.

9. 30081 022 541 639. German book ads (Schocken Verlag):

a. Franz Rosenzweig, Jehuda Halevi.

b. B. Jacob, Das erste Buch der Tora GENESIS.

10. 30081 022 541 654. Germ. book ad? Martin Buber, Zur Verdeutschung der "Gleichsprüche."

11. 30081 011 251 166. Book cover (in pieces). Martin Buber, Tales of the Hasidim: The Later Masters.

12. 30081 022 541 605. Germ. book ad? pamphlet? Martin Buber, "Über die Wortwahl in einer Verdeutschung der Schrift: Dem Gedächtnis Franz Rosenzweigs."

13. 30081 022 542 330. Photocopies, 4 pages. …Hebrew text...

33/10 Items behind paper.

1. 30081 021 139 641. Part of book cover of one of Count Heinrich Coudenhove-Kalergi’s book. Biographical sketch of author.

2. 30081 021 140 201. One page handwritten English notes, prob. NNG.

3. 30081 021 140 029.

a. Clipping. "A Choice for the Chosen." Review of A. Cohen’s The Natural and Supernatural Jew. Time, Feb. 15, 1963.

b. Newspaper clipping. Edward Darling, "Judeo- Christian myth." Review of Arthur Cohen’s The Myth of the Judeo-Christian Tradition. c. Belazel Sherman, "In the American Jewish Community." Jewish Frontier, Feb. 1964.

4. 30081 022 541 423. W.F. Albright, Review of Robert Dentan’s The Idea of History in the Ancient Near East. Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 76, No. 4, Oct.-Dec. 1956. Pp. 236-39.

5. 30081 022 540 755. Book ad (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.): Alexander Donat, The Holocaust Kingdom: A Memoir.

6. 30081 022 541 860. Note from Robert Gordis re new releases at Oxford University.

7. 30081 021 139 799. Photo of statue: "Espousal Shrine," Waltham, Massachusetts.

33/11 Items are in front of paper.

1. 30081 021 139 302. News clipping: "A Prayer for All People."

2. 30081 021 133 115.

a. Book cover (in pieces): William Reuben Farmer, Maccabees, Zealots and Josephus: An Inquiry into Jewish Nationalism in the Greco-Roman Period.

b. Review of above title (Farmer: Maccabees…), Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. LXXVII, Sept. 1958.

3. 30081 021 133 370. News clipping: photo of child’s drawing and prayer.

4. 30081 021 130 814.

a. Photo of Lion Feuchtwanger cut from uncited magazine. Caption: "Lion Feuchtwanger: ‘Hitler Will Not Lose the War—Because He Has Already Lost It.’" November 1940.

b. Drawing of Lion Feuchtwanger, author of "Proud Destiny," front cover of Saturday Review of Literature, Vol. XXX, No. 37, Sept. 13, 1947.

33/12 Items are behind paper.

1. 30081 022 541 761. Note from Paul Gray to NNG re return of borrowed books.

2. 30081 021 131 234. All newspaper clippings:

a. Benjamin Richards, "The Nestor of American Zionism: A Tribute to Dr. Harry Friedenwald."

b. Obituary: Dr. Friedenwald, Zionist Leader, 85. N.Y.Times.

c. "ZOA Mourns the Passing of Dr. Harry Friedenwald: Served as Organization’s Second President." The New Palestine, page 3, no date.

d. Miriam Taub, "The Friedenwalds of Baltimore." Hadassah Newsletter, Oct. 1956.

3. 30081 021 130 855. Invoice from Golden Bell Press for Robert Gamzey’s "Ingathering."

4. 30081 021 130 863. Michael Stanislawski, "I Walk Gladly Towards Quiet Ghetto Light." Review of The Selected Poems of Jacob Glatstein (tr. from Yiddish by Ruth Whitman). Genesis 2, Jan. 1973.

5. 30081 021 139 039. David Weiss, "Bearer of the Mantle of Elijah Gaon." Nov. 26, 1964.

6. 30081 021 131 887.

a. Biographical blurb: Solomon Grayzel.

b. Obituary: Solomon Grayzel, 1896-1980. Bookmark, JPS, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1981.

7. 30081 021 131 440.

a. Flashcards of handwritten Hebrew words

i) …Hebrew text...

ii) …Hebrew text...

iii) …Hebrew text...

iv) …Hebrew text...

b. "Recipes to Experiment With (from Weight Watchers New Program Cookbook, by Jean Nidetch)." –2 pages of recipes Banana Pudding - Quiche on Rice.

33/13 Items are behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 021 139 823.

a. News clipping. James Feron, "Some in Israel Decry Rejection of a Goldmann-Nasser Meeting." New York Times, Apr. 7, 1970.

b. News clipping. "Goldmann criticized at Agency executive." Jerusalem Post Weekly, May 4, 1970: p. 4.

c. Photo of Nahum Goldman from his autobiography.

2. 30081 021 131 663. NNG’s paper flashcards/catalog cards (authors and titles are listed on 4"x5" pieces of paper).

3. 30081 021 132 315.

a. Information on Julius Guttmann and his book of Judaism from Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

b. Germ. Julius Guttman, "Das Geistige Erbe des Deutschen Judentums." Bulletin of the Leo Baeck Institute, No. 58, 1981.

4. 30081 021 132 414.

a. "The Shards of History"?, "Unearthing the Past: A Decade of Discoveries"?—title not clear—re Glueck (archeologist). Time, Dec. 13, 1963.

b. Photo: "Explorer Glueck: Following Joshua’s trail."

c. Obituary: "Dr. Nelson Glueck Dead at 70; Archeologist and College Head." Feb. 14, 1971.

33/14 Items are behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 021 132 570.

a. Letter to NNG from Wayne State U. re clerical error.

b. Correction of above error: half-page insert "…of the Kiev Institute’s publications."

2. 30081 021 132 695. Page of NNG’s handwritten notes: "Words borrowed from English by the Syrian Americans…"

3. 30081 021 132 810.

a. JPS News of New Releases (Buber and Horwitz).

b. B&W prints of work by Watteau and Homer. Beginning of article on Winslow Homer.

4. 30081 021 132 091. Review of M. Hadas’ Judaeo-Greek Fusion and Diffusion. The Times Literary Supplement, Aug. 12, 1960.

5. 30081 021 132 653. Germ. Jüdische Wochenzeitung, Nr. 5, Feb. 3, 1933.

6. 30081 022 912 020. Germ. Ad for Sozialismus und Tradition, Eisenstadt und Azmon (eds.).

7. 30081 022 911 998. Book cover pieces: Solomon Grayzel, A History of the Jews.

33/15 Items behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 022 912 178. "New Books." New York Times.

2. 30081 022 916 294.

a. "Earliest Zionist." Review of Isaiah Berlin’s Life and Opinions of Moses Hess. Times (London), Dec. 18, 1959.

b. Isaiah Berlin, "The Life and Opinions of Moses Hess (condensed version)." Jewish Advocate, May 15, 1958.

c. Fritz Kaufmann, "Moses Hess: A Revaluation." Chicago Jewish Forum, Fall 1943.

3. 30081 022 911 873. Book cover: A.M. Hyamson, Palestine: The Rebirth of an Ancient Nation.

4. 30081 022 916 229. Book cover pieces: Arthur Hertzberg, The Zionist Idea.

5. 30081 022 913 036. Ruth Fleischmann, "Island in the Heart of Europe." The Jewish Advocate, Feb. 25, 1960.

6. 30081 022 912 368.

a. Mimeographed review. Milton R. Konvitz, "Fear Through Grace." Review of Will Herberg’s Judaism and Modern Man.

b. Ludwig Lewisohn, "The Great Revision." Review of Will Herberg’s Judaism and Modern Man. Congress Weekly (no date).

7. 30081 022 913 234. Trude Weiss-Rosmarin, "Flight from Reason." Review: , Man’s Quest for God. The Divinity Library – Vanderbilt University

Glatzer Offprint and Ephemera Collection (continued)

NNG = Nahum N. Glatzer * = signed or initialed by author reg. = authors regards

Items enclosed in catalogued items from the Glatzer collection. Bar code numbers correspond to the books out of which the ephemeral material (book ads, articles, book covers, complimentary cards, letters, etc.) in these boxes came.

34/1 Item behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 022 914 547. News article: …Hebrew text...

2. 30081 022 914 596. Book announcement: Yitzhaq Baer, Toldot Hayehudim Bisfarad Hanotsrit.

3. 30081 022 914 315.

a. Invitation to reception for H.H. Ben-Sasson.

i) Handwritten and signed card of H.H. Ben-Sasson to accompany his book. Clipped to above letter. Feb. 12, 1962.

b. Typescript outlining Ben-Sasson’s life.

c. Prints of statues with Heb. caption: …Hebrew text...

4. 30081 022 914 901.

a. Orange clipping: …Hebrew text...

b. News clipping. Peter Jackson, "Jews of Cochin (India) Go Home After 2000 Years." 1957.

5. 30081 022 914 893. Typescript: Biographical blurb on T. Carmi from the B’Nai B’Rith Lecture Bureau.

6. 30081 022 914 851.

a. Print of Painting. Caption: …Hebrew text...

b. Print of Painting by same artist, no caption.

c. Book cover with print of painting "b." above. … Hebrew text... Hanan J. Ayalti, Cash and Eternity (Short Stories). 1950. 7. No bar code listed.

a. News article: …Hebrew text...

b. Xeroxed Hebrew pages (130-149)—S.J. Agnon.

c. News article: …Hebrew text...

d. Edgar Bernstein, "Salo Baron’s Impact on South African Jewry." Jewish Affairs, April 1958.

34/2 Items are behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 022 913 762. Typescript. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, "Abstract of a Statistical Analysis of 13,475 Refugees in Shanghai, China as of March 31, 1946."

2. 30081 022 913 887. Newspaper book announcement: Josephus: The Jewish War and Other Selections.

3. 30081 022 913 986. Book ad including Table of Contents: Rudolf Glanz, Studies in Judaica Americana.

34/3 Items are behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 022 913 457. Franz Kafka, fragment of "The Hunter Gracchus," in Description of a Struggle.

2. 30081 022 913 499. Recent publications flier (JVB): "Bücher aus dem Jüdischen Verlag Berlin."

34/4 Items in front of paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 022 911 022. "Desiderata in Kabbala and Jewish Mysticism."

2. 30081 022 911 030.

a. Germ. news clipping: "Josef Kastein." June 21, 1946.

b. Hebrew news clipping re Josef Kastein.

3. 30081 022 945 376.

a. Article: …Hebrew text...

b. Newspaper obituary: "Dr. Klatzkin Dies: Jewish Scholar, 66." March 28, 1948.

34/5 Items are behind paper with corresponding number. 1. 30081 022 944 247. Germ. page: "Berichtigung von Druckfehlern."

2. 30081 022 911 337. Book cover: Ruth Link-Salinger (Hyman), Gustav Landauer: Philosopher of Utopia.

3. 30081 022 944 973. Book ad (Ner-Tamid-Verlag).

4. 30081 022 944 692. Part of book cover: "This work is a memorial Volume for the late Dr. Arthur Marmorstein, a rabbinical scholar…"

5. 30081 022 943 975.

a. Annette Aronowicz, "Theses Possibly or Actually Attributable to Lévinas: A Paper on Humanisme de L’Autre Homme by Emmanuel Lévinas." Epoché, Vol. 6? June? 1977.

b. Jacob Kabakoff, "Professor Israel Davidson: The Life and Work of the Late Authority on Medieval Hebrew Literature." The New Palestine, July 7, 1939.

c. …Hebrew text... Clipping.

d. …Hebrew text... Clipping.

e. …Hebrew text... Clipping.

f. …Hebrew text... 2 pieces of book cover.

i) Piece 1.

ii) Piece 2.

6. 30081 946 606 ___.

a. "By Max Beloff." Jewish Chronicle Literary Supplement, Dec. 10, 1971.

b. Obituary: "Raphael Mahler, Jewish historian." No source, Nov. 7, 1977.

34/6 Items are behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 022 946 614. "Education in Palestine." Jewish Advocate, Jan. 24, 1948.

2. 30081 022 946 705. News clipping (source not given). "First Frankfort Synagogue."

3. 30081 022 946 788. Handwritten note from (illegible) to NNG. Jan. 21, 1976.

4. 30081 022 946 317. "First in 467 Years (Rosh Hashana Services in Madrid)." Time, Oct. 19, 1959.

5. 30081 022 942 738.

a. Book announcement (Brill): Jacob Neusner, The Rabbinic Traditions about the Pharisees before 70 A.D. 1971.

b. Clipping. "Books New and Forthcoming (Neusner [ed.], Formation of the Babylonian Talmud)" Blackwells.

c. Dov Peretz Elkins, "Essay-Review of the Jews in Babylonia." No source, Sept. 11, 1965.

6. 30081 022 942 621. Jack Riemer, "An Essay-Review of ‘History and Torah (Neusner).’" No source, Sept. 30, 1965.

7. 30081 022 942 845. Pamphlet …Hebrew text...: Hebrew Language and Grammar.

8. 30081 022 942 670. French book announcement (Éditions Albin Michel): André Neher, Le Puits de L’Exil.

34/7 Items are behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 022 941 508. *reg.(Heb.) Review of Robert H. Pfeiffer’s Religion in the Old Testament. Conservative Judaism, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, 1963.

2. 30081 022 943 140. News clipping. Chaim I. Bermant, "Glory and Ashes in Germany." The Jewish Chronicle, Dec. 19, 1963.

3. 30081 022 943 314.

a. Harold U. Ribalow, "The Spanish Inquisitors." A review of V. S. Pritchett’s The Spanish Temper. Congress Weekly, Oct. 11, 1954.

b. Book ad/blurb (Plume Books): Henry Kramen, The Spanish Inquisition.

c. B&W photograph (print): "Torre del Oro, Seville."

34/8 Items are behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 022 939 858. News clipping, …Hebrew text.… Tel-Aviv, Vol. XX, July 6, 1937.

2. 30081 022 943 439.

a. Typescript, signed by author? (illegible, but same hand as letters following). "Note on Stubborn Soil." b. Letter dated March 2, 1948 from ? (same illegible signature as in typescript above) to Mr. Kaufmann. Regards publication of Stubborn Soil.

c. Letter dated March 8, 1948 from ? (same illegible signature as in typescript above) to Mr. Kaufmann. Regards publication of Stubborn Soil.

3. 30081 022 941 052. James Parkes, "The Present State of the Jewish-Christian Relations." Source not given.

4. 30081 022 940 369. Obituary (news clipping [source not given]): "James Parkes, theologian at 84." August 15, 1981.

5. 30081 022 940 211. Book announcement (Lillit Publications Ltd.): Bezalel Porten, ed./tr., Jews of Elephantine and Aramaeans of Syene.

6. 30081 022 940 955. Two reviews in one article (no reviewer cited), "The Herods of Judaea: Roman Empire’s Failures in the East," in The Times Literary Supplement (no date):

a. A.H.M. Jones, The Herods of Judaea.

b. A.H.M. Jones, the Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces.

7. 30081 022 941 003.

a. Book ad (E.J. Brill): Ronald Williamson’s Philo and the Epistle to the Hebrews, et. al.

b. Book ad (E.J. Brill): Philo, Legatio ad Gaium, et. al.

8. 30081 022 941 136. (4 items follow)

a. Marvin Fox, Review of Jakob Petuchowski’s Ever Since Sinai. Judaism, Vol. 10, No. 4, Fall 1961.

b. German News clipping. Hugo Bergman, "Stets seit dem Sinai… (Zu einem neuen Buche)." Includes comments on Petuchowski’s title listed above (Ever Since Sinai). No source, Nr. 21-26, Mai 1961.

c. News clipping. Theodore Lewis (rabbi), "Pages Breathe Hatred for the State of Israel." Comments on Petuchowski’s Zion Reconsidered.

d. Book ad (Scribe publishers) for Petuchowski’s Ever Since Sinai.

34/9 Items are behind paper with corresponding number.


1. 30081 022 940 393. No author listed, "Death’s Forwarding Agent." A review of Gideon Hausner’s Justice in Jerusalem. No source given (Time?), July 8, 1966.

2. 30081 022 941 821.

a. Hebrew news clipping. …Hebrew text.…

b. Hebrew news clipping. …Hebrew text.…

3. 30081 022 942 043. Piece of book jacket: ’s A Short History of the Jewish People.

4. 30081 022 941 847. Pieces (3) of book jacket: Cecil Roth’s The History of the Jews of Italy.

a. Piece 1.

b. Piece 2.

c. Piece 3.

5. 30081 022 942 437.

a. German book ad (Schocken Verlag): Elias Auerbach’s Wüste und gelobtes Land.

b. Pieces (2, not the front, so title and author are unknown) of book cover (Oxford University Press):

i) Piece 1: "This book offers a brief survey of the work done on the Old Testament during the past generation…"

ii) Piece 2: "Oxford Books…"

c. NNG’s handwritten page of notes (list of page numbers and comments).

6. 30081 022 940 138.

a. German book ad (Schocken): Franz Rosenzweig, Briefe: Unter mitwirkung von Ernst Simon augewählt und herausgeben von Edith Rosenzweig.

b. Hebrew nametag (small card): …Hebrew text.…

7. 30081 022 939 478. *(Heb.)on card attached to article. Milton Arfa, Review of Ellis Rivkin’s Leon da Modena and the Kol Sakhal. The Review of Religion, March 1955.

34/10 Items are behind paper with corresponding number. 1. 30081 022 940 781. News clipping. Publication announcement for Howard M. Sachar’s The Course of Modern Jewish History. TLS (Times Literary Supplement?), Feb. 20, 1959.

2. 30081 022 939 080.

a. German advertising card (bookmark-sized: Furche Verlag [publishing house]). "Lesezeichen ‘Die Furch.’"

b. German book ad (Furche publishers): Biblische Gestalten, et. al.

3. 30081 022 939 189. …Hebrew text.…

4. 30081 022 939 381. Note accompanying gift of children’s book to "Dr. and Momma Glatzer" from "the Gurians." On formal floral stationery. Dec. 27, 1966.

34/11 Items are behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 022 938 033.

a. NNG’s handwritten page of notes: "Scholem, Major Trends …"

b. French clipping (Brill’s Weekly, June 10, 1961): "58. Sepher ha-Zohar. Le livre de la splendeur…"

c. Book ad (Brandeis): Alexander Altmann, Essays in Jewish History.

d. Personal note (typed) from Alexander Altmann to NNG regarding printer’s error in Scholem’s Major Trends. Apr. 12, 1961.

e. Pieces (3) of Scholem book cover (no title listed):

i) Piece 1.

ii) Piece 2.

iii) Piece 3.

f. Hans Kohn reviews Gershom Scholem’s Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism. Jewish Book Annual 1994-45.

2. 30081 022 937 845. News clipping (Boston? Globe). H.A.K., "Sabbatai Sevi: Jewish mystic." A review of Gershom Scholem’s Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah.

3. 30081 022 938 397. a. Lecture flier: to speak at B’nai B’rith Washington D.C. March 15-Apr. 23 196 7.

b. Miriam Arad, "Shamir wavers on the border: Readable work fails in attempt to cross physical and spiritual boundaries." A review of Moshe Shamir’s Hagvul (The Border). The Jerusalem Post Weekly. March 25, 1966.

c. News clipping. "Leading Israeli Writer (Moshe Shamir) Guest of Harvard Hillel." Jewish Advocate, Feb. 23, 196_.

4. 30081 022 938 405. Photocopy. Martin Chasin reviews Andrew Sharf’s Byzantine Jewry: from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade. Source?, library stamp date: Sept. 1, 1971.

34/12 Items are behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 022 937 795.

a. Germ. page. "Jüdische Kinderhilfe: Genehmigt laut Mitteilung des Staatskommissars für die Regelung der Kriegswohlfahrtspflege K.W." Nr. 769, May 27, 1921.

b. Book advertisement (Brill): Brock and Picard (eds.), The Use of the Old Testament in St. Matthew’s Gospel, et. al.

2. 30081 022 937 647.

a. *reg.(Heb.) Lecture. Ben Halpern, "Nachman Syrkin." A Galaxy of American Zionist Rishonim.

b. "The Hand That Ruled the State." A review of Marie Syrkin’s : Woman with a Cause. The Times Literary Supplement, Oct. 8, 1964.

c. Book cover piece? Blurb on Schifra Strizower’s Exotic Jewish Communities.

3. 30081 022 938 751. Typescript. "The Court Jew." Reviewed by Theodore Weiner-Cincinnati.

4. 30081 022 938 850. Philip S. Bernstein, "A Tribute to Milton Steinberg." Hadassah Newsletter, Mar. 1960.

5. 30081 022 937 738. Lionel Kochan, "Zionism Without Zion." A review of Leon Simon’s biography Ahad Ha-Am. Jewish Quarterly, Vol. VIII, No. 2, Spring 1961.

6. 30081 022 936 722.

a. Germ. flier: "Liste der Freunde deren beiträge diesen Band möglich gemacht haben."

b. News clipping. "Apostle to the Diaspora." A review (Eng.) of Ernst Simon’s Brücken. Gesammelte Aufsätze (collected essays). No source, May 19, 1966.

7. 30081 022 937 381. News article. Joseph Shubow, "Essay- Review of Work on Rabad of Posquieres." (Review of work by Isadore Twersky.)

8. 30081 022 936 862.

a. Book cover: Carl Herman Voss, The Universal God.

b. Chimen Abramsky, "Jews in Hellenic Egypt." A review of Corpus Papyrorum Judaicorum (Tcherikover and Fuks [eds.]). Jewish Quarterly, Spring 1961.

c. Geoffrey Wigoder, "The Greek Within the Gates." A newspaper review of Victor Tcherikover’s Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews. Jewish Post, Oct. 2?, 7?, 1959.

34/13 Items are behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 023 067 097.

a. Book ad: Eric Voegelin, Order and History.

b. Thomas Lask reviews 9 ½ Mystics. The Kabbala Today (Herbert Weiner).

c. Review of Herbert Weiner’s 9 ½ Mystics.

2. 30081 022 937 043. Book cover pieces (3) of Max Weber’s Ancient Judaism:

a. Piece 1.

b. Piece 2.

c. Piece 3.

3. 30081 023 067 030. Brochure with typed note from Carl Voss re how to order his books.

4. No bar code. Instead, entitled, "Hebrew Truck."

a. News article. Walter Eytan, "Birthpangs of the State." A review of Joseph’s The Faithful City and the Kimches’ A Clash of destinies: The Arab-Jewish War and the Founding of the State of Israel. Hadassah Newsletter, Oct. 1960

b. William Zukerman, "Echoes of Deir Yassin." Jewish Newsletter, Vol. XVI, No. 16, Oct. 3, 1960.

c. A.V. Benjamin, "Prof. Joseph Klausner—In Memoriam." American Israel Review, Vol. 1, No. 10, Nov. 1958. Pp. 9-12.

d. News article. …Hebrew text.… Jan. 28, 1935.

e. …Hebrew text.… Received by NNG on Jan. 18, 1968. (Talmon)

f. Very brittle news clipping(s): 2 pieces, possibly one broken. …Hebrew text.…

i) Piece 1.

ii) Piece 2.

g. Moshe Greenberg, "The Meaning of Monotheism."

h. News clipping. …Hebrew text.… Aug. 11, 1933.

i. Newspaper photograph: "Statesman and Scholars study the Bible together. Sat. night sessions at Premier’s home include Mr. Ben Gurion, Professor Yehezkel Kaufman of Hebrew U., Pres. Ben Zvi and former Ed. Miister B. Dinur."

j. Ben Zion Bokser, "Professor Mordecai M. Kaplan at Seventy." Opinion: A Journal of Jewish Life and Letters, Mar.-Apr. 1951.

k. News clipping. …Hebrew text.…

l. Leon Simon, "Professor Joseph Klausner at 75." Brooklyn Jewish Center Review, Oct. 1949.

m. News clipping. …Hebrew text.…

n. Pamphlet/book section? …Hebrew text.…

o. Ben Zion Bokser reviews Joseph Klausner’s From to Paul. Jewish Social Studies "Book Reviews," no date listed.

p. W.F. Albright, "A Great Jewish Historian on the Beginnings of Christianity (re Klausner)." Jewish Frontier, Nov. 1943.

q. Hebrew flier: …Hebrew text.…

34/14 Items are behind paper with corresponding number. 1. 30081 023 067 667. Newspaper Letter to Editor from Sidney W. Lewinter. "The Scales of Evil." Regards Wiesel on Auschwitz and Hiroshima.

2. 30081 023 067 972.

a. Germ. news article. Rabbiner Dr. Löwenstamm- Spandau, "Der Fremde—die Umwelt." C.V.-Zeitung, Jan. 1928.

b. Germ. book announcement (Philo-Verlag [publ.])

c. "Holocaust Library begins Publication June 1, 1978." News from Schocken Books.

d. Book cover: Yehuda Yaari, When the Candle Was Burning.

3. 30081 023 068 004.

a. Book ad for Who’s Who in World Jewry.

b. Letter to biographee from publishers of above title (Who’s Who…).

34/15 Items are behind paper with corresponding number.

1. 30081 023 182 524. Germ./Heb. handwritten half-page. Mar. 1932. Prob. NNG’s handwriting.

2. 30081 023 182 268.

a. News photo of synagog. (no caption)

b. …Hebrew text.…

c. …Hebrew text.…

3. 30081 023 182 250. News clipping: …Hebrew text.…

4. 30081 023 186 780. *reg.(Heb.) Author’s publication card? … Hebrew text.…

5. 30081 027 246 242.

a. News article, …Hebrew text.… June 18, 1965.

b. News article. Prof. Michael Astour, "The Legacy of East European Jewry." Jewish Advocate, Jan. 18, 1962.

6. 30081 023 149 481. Germ. typescript. "On Maharil" written at top in NNG’s hand. First typed word (heading): "MAGENZA." Handwritten citation follows the heading and precedes the 12-page body of text.

7. 30081 028 969 495. Nothing here!

8. 30081 027 475 064.

a. 3"x5" index card with handwritten note from Eric Friedland to NNG. June 15, 1965. Regards gift of old Hebrew (…Hebrew text.…) book to NNG.

b. Hebrew typescript. NNG, "Outline on Book of Amos." …Hebrew text.…


1. Two news clippings:

a. …Hebrew text.… Feb. 26, 1937.

b. Photograph. Caption: "Palestinian Books Exhibit…"

2. Germ. typescript (obituary?). "Julius Guttmann." July 1950.

3. Four items:

a. Julius Guttmann, "Idolatries of our Time." Jewish Frontier, Mar. 1944.

b. News article, …Hebrew text.…

c. News article, …Hebrew text.…

d. Return address-clipping, "From: E. Greenberg, etc."

4. Two items:

a. Typescript. Abraham Joseph Stybel, "One of the Layers."

b. Return address-clipping, "From: Louis Hurwich, etc."

5. Handwritten page, …Hebrew text.…

6. Two items:

a. ‘YWHA’ Bulletin: Official Organ of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association. Nov. 9, 1945.

b. Very brittle Heb. news clipping, …Hebrew text.…

7. Six news clippings:

a. "Our Debt to Dr. Einstein." The Jewish Daily News, Apr. 4, 1921.

b. …Hebrew text.… Apr. 30, 1923.

c. Photo. …Hebrew text.…

d. …Hebrew text.…

e. (2 pieces) I.F. Shore, "Coughlin Blasts Britain, France." N.Y. Post, Feb. 6, 1939.

i) Piece 1.

ii) Piece 2.

f. Ray Bril, "Glimpses into American-Jewish History."

8. Two items:

a. News article. Basil Gingell, "'I Watched the Nazis Die.’" New York Post, Oct. 16, 1946.

b. News clipping. …Hebrew text.…

9. 3 items?:

a. Very brittle Hebrew news article, 3 pieces? … Hebrew text.…:

i) Piece 1.

ii) Piece 2.

iii) Piece 3.

b. Extremely brittle! Newspaper photo and part of article re appointment of Jewish viceroy of India, Lord Reading. New York American, Jan. 7, 1921.

c. Heb. news article. …Hebrew text.… Oct. 4, 1922.

10. 2 items? (one may be from previous section?):

a. News clipping. "Save Einstein from Crowds in Cleveland." No source.

b. Isolated chunk of Hebrew text, may be from previous section. …Hebrew text.…

11. Two items:

a. Very brittle! News photos of destruction at Zion Synagogue and a shop in Oradea Mare , Transylvania after riots of anti-Semitic Roumanian students. The World, Jan. 29, 1928. b. *(initialed)reg.(Heb.) Hebrew article, …Hebrew text.…

12. Five items:

a. …Hebrew text.… (A bit of Germ. at bottom.)

b. "Dr. Shelomo D. Goitein lectures at Columbia." American Friends of the Hebrew University Bulletin, no date.

c. Newspaper lecture announcement (Shelomo Dov Goitein) with photo. Mar. 20, 1952.

d. Formal card concerning Goitein, …Hebrew text.…

e. Jacob B. Agus reviews Yehudah Halevi’s "The Kusari." Great Jewish Books, III. Congress Weekly, no date.