Sixth Periodic Report Submitted by Bosnia and Herzegovina Under Article 18 of the Convention, Due in 2017*

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Sixth Periodic Report Submitted by Bosnia and Herzegovina Under Article 18 of the Convention, Due in 2017* CEDAW/C/BIH/6 Distr.: General 19 April 2018 Original: English ADVANCE UNEDITED VERSION Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Sixth periodic report submitted by Bosnia and Herzegovina under article 18 of the Convention, due in 2017* [Date received: 19 April 2018] * The present document is being issued without formal editing. Note: The present document is being circulated in English, French and Spanish only. CEDAW/C/BIH/6 Contents Page List of abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Part I ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Article 1: Discrimination against women ................................................................................ 5 Articles 2 & 3: Measures to eliminate discrimination against women ..................................... 5 Article 4: Promoting equal rights between women and men ................................................... 14 Article 5: Elimination of stereotypes and prejudice ................................................................. 16 Article 6: Combating trafficking in women and exploiting women for prostitution................ 20 Part II ......................................................................................................................................... 21 Article 7: Political and public life ............................................................................................ 21 Article 8: Participation in diplomacy and international organizations ..................................... 23 Article 9: Citizenship ............................................................................................................... 23 Part III ......................................................................................................................................... 24 Article 10: Education ............................................................................................................... 24 Article 11: Work, pensions and social protection .................................................................... 26 Article 12: Equal access to health care .................................................................................... 30 Article 13: Other Areas of Economic and Social Life ............................................................. 32 Article 14: Rural Women ......................................................................................................... 32 Part IV ......................................................................................................................................... 33 Article 15: Equality before the Law ......................................................................................... 33 Article 16: Marriage and Family Relations .............................................................................. 33 2 CEDAW/C/BIH/6 List of abbreviations AP Action Plan BD BiH Brčko District BiH BiH AS Agency for Statistics of BiH BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina CIK Central Election Commission of BiH DEI Directorate for European Integration of BiH DKPT BiH Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of BiH EIGE European Institute for Gender Equality EC European Commission EU European Union FBiH Federation of BiHFBIH FIGAP Financial mechanism for implementation of the Gender Action Plan of BiH FMoES Federal Ministry of Education and Science FMUP Federal Ministry of the Interior FPA Federal Police Administration GAP BiH BiH Gender Action Plan GCRS Gender center – Center for non-discrimination and gender equality of the Government of Republika Srpska RS GCFBiH Gender center of the Government of the Federation of BiH GEC Gender Equality Commission of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH GEL Gender Equality Law GEA BiH, MHRR BiH The Gender Equality Agency of the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH HIV Human immunodeficiency virus HJPC High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council IRBRS Investment and Development Bank of Republika Srpska CB Coordination Board CoE Council of Europe CoM Council of Ministers LGBTI Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersexual LPD Law on Prohibition of Discrimination in BiH MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey MoD BiH BiH Ministry of Defense MAFWM RS Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management MoS BiH BiH Ministry of Security MoI Ministry of the Interior MFA BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH 3 CEDAW/C/BIH/6 AF BiH Armed Forces of BiH OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe HoR PA House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly RS Republika Srpska SC Steering Committee UN United Nations USAID US Agency for International Development UNDP United Nations Development Program UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNHCR UN High Commissioner for Refugees UNSCR 1325 UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace and Security 4 CEDAW/C/BIH/6 Part I Article 1: Discrimination against women 1. Gender Equality Law in BiH (hereinafter: GEL)1, and Law on Prohibition of Discrimination of BiH (LPD)2 provide legal framework for gender equality in BiH. Mechanisms for protection against discrimination were improved in line with the EU directives. In cases of direct and indirect discrimination, and incitement to discrimination, according to the provisions of the LPD, the initiation of civil proceedings was enabled. Harassment or sexual harassment and acts of gender-based violence are subjected to the claim before the prosecution, in accordance with the standards of criminal legislation in BiH, under which the procedure is being conducted. 2. The Law on Amendments to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination of BiH, adopted in 20163, provided a better definition of discrimination. The list of prohibited discrimination grounds is expanded and they now explicitly include age, disability and sexual orientation. The position of the victim was improved by use of more effective protection mechanisms, in particular the judicial proceeding for protection against discrimination. 3. The Law on Prohibition of Discrimination and the Rulebook on the Collection of Data on Discrimination Cases in BiH stipulate that the competent institutions in BiH are obliged to regularly keep records of all reported cases of discrimination and to submit the collected data to MHRR BiH. In April 2016, the Council of Ministers of BiH (CoM BiH) adopted the Report on the occurrence of discrimination in BiH, along with the Action Plan for implementation of measure proposal to prevent the occurrence of discrimination in BiH. Articles 2 & 3: Measures to eliminate discrimination against women 4. An important measure for eliminating discrimination against women is provided by establishing institutional mechanisms for gender equality in BiH, which is regulated by the GEL. (Annex II -the scheme of gender institutional mechanisms in BiH). 5. Harmonization of laws and policies with the GEL makes an important measure for eliminating discrimination against women. GEL in the Article 24 paragraph (4) states that authorities at all tiers of government are obliged, before submitting to the legal procedure, to submit all regulations and other acts within their jurisdiction to the opinion of institutional mechanisms for gender equality for harmonization with the GEL. 6. GEA BiH, MHRR BiH and the entity gender centers continuously provide opinions on legal and other acts, and recommend ways to align with the GEL and other legal standards on gender equality. In the reporting period, a continuous annual increase of around 30% in number of submitted acts that requested the opinion of GEA BiH, MHRR BiH or Entity Gender Centers on compliance with the GEL was recorded. 7. In 2015, GEA BiH, MHRR BiH prepared the Information on the Compliance of draft laws and other regulations with the GEL, which was submitted to the CoM BiH in January 2016. All the institutions have been provided with an act, reminding them of an obligation to obtain opinion of GEA BiH, MHRR BiH on legal acts and bylaws before their submission for adoption. 8. In 2015, the GEA BiH, MHRR BiH gave the opinion to the total of 32 legal acts and bylaws, and in 2016 the number of materials was increased to 45 acts. Number of submitted and processed legal acts on compliance with the GEL increased in about three times for the period of 2013-2016, and these acts are mostly related to the area of security, judiciary, public administration and statistics. In 90% of cases, the suggestions made by GEA BiH, MHRR BiH were accepted. 1 The Official Gazette of BiH, number 32/10. 2 The Official Gazette of BiH, number 59/9, 66/16. 3 The Official Gazette of BiH, number 66/16. 5 CEDAW/C/BIH/6 9. The BiH Directorate for European Integration (DEI) instructed the institutions of BiH to include, where applicable, gender dimension in situation analysis and sex disaggregated statistical data when providing written inputs to the Annual Report of the European Commission (EC). The situation analysis in the allocation proposals of IPA 2016 and IPA 2017 include gender dimension. In the allocation proposal of the IPA 2017, the Action document envisages the establishment of a system for implementation monitoring of the GEL, accompanied by the comprehensive public campaign. Moreover, the CoM BiH has adopted the Guidelines for Reporting to the EC in the process of EU Integration, which
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