Cub Scout Den Meeting Outline
Cub Scout Den Meeting Outline Month: August Week: 4 Core Value: Honesty Tiger Wolf Bear Webelos Before the Meeting Gather materials for Gather materials for Gather materials for Gather materials for gathering and other activities, gathering and other activities, gathering and other activities, gathering and other activities, games and have any home games and have any home games and have any home games and have any home assignments ready. assignments ready. assignments ready. assignments ready. Gathering Bears Fishing Opening Fly ing High Opening Activities/Project Paper Helicopters, Loop Glider Game/Song Land the Plane Business items/Take home None None None None Closing Honesty Closing After the meeting Materials: Gathering: copies of Bears Fishing, pencils/crayons Opening: instructions, opening cards Activity/Project: cardstock helicopter templates, scissors, paper clips, paper, straws, tape, copies of helicopter and loop glider instructions Game: paper for paper airplanes, several pieces of colored construction paper or cardstock for landing pad Closing: instructions Bears Fishing By Kit Wray horseshoe bottle pigeon ring mug snake nail puppy lizard mitten mushroom needle In this big picture find the ring, puppy, horseshoe, nail, mushroom, needle, mitten, pigeon, lizard, mug, snake, and bottle. © Highlights for Children, Inc. This item from is permitted to be used by a teacher free of charge for classroom use by printing or photocopying one copy for each student in the class. Highlights® Fun with a Purpose® Flying High Opening Materials: Cards with pictures of a plane, a bird, a kite, and a rocket ship to hold Cub Scout #1 : (holding plane picture ): Every day, thousands of planes fly high to deliver people and things all over the world.
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