sscs_NLsummer08.qxd 7/11/08 8:53 AM Page 1 SSCSSSSCSSSSCCSS IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS SOCIETY NEWS Summer 2008 Vol. 13, No. 3 Eric Vittoz The Electronic Watch and Low Power Circuits sscs_NLsummer08.qxd 7/11/08 8:53 AM Page 2 Editor’s Column Mary Y. Lanzerotti, IBM,
[email protected] elcome to work and impact of Dr. Eric Vittoz, As a result, we are honored to the Sum- who has written an extensive lead offer: Wmer 2008 article entitled “Electronic Watch and (1) “A Short Story of the EKV MOS issue of SSCS News! Low Power Circuits.” I am grateful to Transistor Model,“ by Christian As with prior Dr. Erik Heijne for suggesting Dr. Vit- C. Enz (Swiss Center for Elec- issues, its goal is to toz as a potential subject and feature tronics and Microtechnology); be a self-contained author, and for his recommendations (2) “Watch Microelectronics: Pio- resource, with original sources and of experts who could attest to the neer in Portable Consumer new contributions by experts describ- impact of Dr. Vittoz’s career on the Electronics,” by Mougahed ing the current state of affairs in tech- development and commercialization Darwish, Marc Degrauwe, nology in view of the influence of the of electronic Swiss watches. Please Thomas E. Gyger, Gunther original papers and/or patents. be sure to read Dr. Heijne’s Intro- Meusburger, (all at EM Micro- In Summer 2008, we feature the duction to this issue on page 4. electronic-Marin SA), Jean Claude Robert (ETA); (3) “It’s About Time: A Brief Chronol- IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society ogy of Chronometry,” by Thomas SSCS News Administrative Committee Elected AdCom Members at Editor-in-Chief: President: Large Lee (Stanford University); Mary Y.