northerly, north-westerly and northerly direction for a may, under paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act as distance of 400 metres to connect with Footpath No. 1. applied by paragrap 5 of Schedule 6 to the Act, within A copy of the Order and the map contained therein has 6 weeks from the date of publication of this notice, .make been deposited and may be inspected free of charge at the application for this purpose to the High Court. offices of the Chief Executive, District Council, A. Roebuck, Chief Executive and Clerk Hexham House, Hexham, and' at the address given below during normal office hours (Monday to Friday inclusive) Council Offices, Codsall, until 20th November 1981. Wolverhampton. The Order becomes operative as from 2nd November October 1981. (784> 1981 but if any person aggrieved by the Order desires to question the validity thereof, or of any other provision con- tained therein on the ground that any requirement of the SOUTHWARK LONDON BOROUGH COUNCIL Act as amended or of any regulation made thereunder has HIGHWAYS ACT 1980, 12ra SCHEDULE not been complied with in relation to the Order he may, under paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act, within 6 Application for the Stopping-Up of Theobald Street, weeks from 9th October 1981 make application for the (Part), London S.E.I purpose to the High Court. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the London C. B. Rodger, County Secretary Borough of Sbuthwark in pursuance of its powers under section 116 of the Highways Act 1980, intends to make County Hall, Morpeth NE61 2EF. application to the Justices for the Inner London Area 9th October 1981. (791) South Central Petty Sessional Division sitting at the Tower Bridge Magistrates' Court, 211 Tooley Street, London. S.E.1, on Wednesday, 18th November 1981, at the hour of ROCHDALE BOROUGH COUNCIL 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for an Order that the high- way known as Theobald Street (Part), London S.E.1, be HIGHWAYS ACT 1980, SECTION 116 AND authorised to be stopped-up on the ground that it is. TWELFTH SCHEDULE unnecessary. Notice is hereby given that the Rochdale Borough Council Plans showing the highway the subject of the application pursuant to arrangements made under section 101 of the may be inspected free of charge at the Town Hall, Peckham Local Government Act 1972 with the County Council of Road, London SE5 SUB, during normal office hours Greater Manchester, in exercise of the powers of the said On the hearing of the said application any person who County Council intend to apply to the Magistrates' Court uses the said length of highway and any other person who- at Heywood on 2nd December 1981 at >the hour of Ten in will be aggrieved by the Order applied for has the right the forenoon for an Order under section 116 of the High- to be heard. Any such person who intends to make rep- ways Act 1980 authorising the closure of: resentations to the Justices is requested to inform the under- signed indicating the nature of his/her representations,, (i) Band Street, for the whole of its length. quoting Ref. AMB/LEG/MAG/1176. (ii) Russell Street, from its junction with Band Street for A. G. Corless, Chief Executive and Town Clerk. a distance of 31 metres in a south-easterly direction. Town Hall, Peckham Road, (iii) Passage to the rear of properties formerly numbers London SE5 SUB. 32 to 48 Brierley Street, for the whole of its length. 9th October 1981. (732) (iv) Passage adjacent (to number 48 Brierley Street (de- molished), for the whole of its length. The effect of the said Order is shown on the plan which may be inspected free of charge at the office of the Deputy Secretary, Rochdale Borough Council, Town Hall, Roch- HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 dale, or the Information Office, Municipal Buildings, Smith Wycombe District Council (Bridleways No. 24 and 29 in Street, Rochdale, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4.45 the Parish of ) Public Paths Diversion p.m. Monday to Friday. Order 1981. D. Shipp, Deputy Secretary Notice is hereby given that the above-named Order made on 9th October 1981, is about to be submitted to the Town Hall, Rochdale. Secretary of State for the Environment for confirmation, or 5th October 1981. (797) to be confirmed as an unopposed Order by the Wycombe District Council. The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifica- SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL tions, will be: NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF PUBLIC FOOTPATH ORDER (a) To divert a section of Bridleway No. 24 in the Parish of Great Marlow in the County of Buckingham which HIGHWAYS ACT 1980, SECTION 119 runs from a point at National Grid Reference SU Public Path (Great Wyrley No. 6) Extinguishment Order 890817, such point being between Finnamore House and 1979 some farm buildings, in a north-easterly direction for Notice is hereby given that on 16th September 1981, the approximately 430 yards, past Bluey's Farm to a point Secretary of State for the Environment confirmed the above at National Grid Reference SU 892820, such point Order without modification. being where Footpath No. 22 Great Marlow aforesaid The effect of the Order, as confirmed, is .to extinguish the meets the said Bridleway No. 24 ; to run from the- length of Footpath No. 6, Great Wyrley from a point A aforementioned point at National Grid Reference SU between Nos. 7 and 8 Julian Close and running in a gen- 890817, in a more easterly direction for approxima- erally northerly direction* for a distance of approximately tely 397 yards, and then in a northerly direction,, 28 metres to a point B, then for a distance of approximately parallel to the said Footpath No. 22 for approxi- 77 metres in an easterly direction around the perimeter of mately 93 yards to the aforementioned point at National the playing field belonging to the Great Wyrley County Grid Reference SU 892820. Primary School to a point C at the rear of 50 Manor (b) To divert a section of Bridleway No. 29 in the said Avenue and then in a generally north-easterly direction for Parish of Great Marlpw which runs from a second! a distance of approximately 160 metres to a point D at the point at National Grid Reference SU 892820, such path's termination to 36 Norton Lane, Great Wyrley. point being opposite Bluey's Farm and being the A copy of the Order and map contained in it, has been southern end of the sad Bridleway, in a northern direc- deposited and may be inspected free of charge at the tion for approximately 120 yards to a point at National Council Offices, Codsall, Wolverhampton, during normal Grid Reference SU 893820, such point being to the- office hours. east of some cottages;; to run from a third point at The Order becomes operative as from 13th October National Grid Reference SU 892820, such point being 1981, but if any person aggrieved by the Order desires to where it meets the aforementioned Bridleway No. 24, question the validity thereof or of any provision contained approximately 40 yards to the north-east of the first therein, on the ground 'that it is not within the powers before-mentioned point at National Grid Reference of the Highways Act 1980, or on the ground that any SU 892820, in a northerly direction for approximately requirement of the Act or any regulation made thereunder 83 yards to the aforementioned point at National Grid has not been complied with in> relation to the Order he Reference SU 893820.