James Bond in Our Sights: A Close Look at '' - Andrew Mcness - 2011 - 124 pages - Author Solutions, 2011 - 9781465382399 DailyMail.com tracked down the 81-year-old's home to a quiet community just outside the coastal city of Arecibo on Puerto Rico's north coast. Blue tarps are seen atop her grandmother's home, which appears to still sustain damage since the passing of Hurricane Maria and Hurricane Irma. A woman who identified herself as AOC's aunt told us, 'We are private people, we don't talk about our family. We don't speak for the community'. Her aunt said: 'In this area people need a lot of help. Largely seen by fans and critics alike as the overly-formulaic orphan child of the 1970’s smash Bond hits, A View To A Kill (1985), the 14th instalment of the modern cinematic classic, is the film in question in Andrew McNess’s " In Our Sights". McNess puts up an exuberant display of a film critic’s sharp, trenchant observations and a complete fan’s reverence for the condign qualities of Ian Fleming’s cool and womanising spy-hero. The film marked Roger Moore’s final performance as Agent 007. However, in the author’s superbly well-reasoned contention, A View to a Kill's intriguing, ev But a closer look at character motivation, development, relationships, and some plot structure shows that the film actually goes out of it's way to try something new, on a rather epic canvas. I found this aspect of the book fascinating and it made me re-watch the movie with a new sense of appreciation. I am already a huge supporter of the underrated A View to a Kill and was quite delighted to find this book. Andrew McNess offers very detailed, almost psychological analysis of the film that made me appreciate it even more. But in the end, "James Bond in our sights: A close look at A View to a Kill" is probably even better for not overstaying its welcome. I highly recommend this book for every Bond film fan - and especially for those who want to give AVTAK another chance. Read more. A View to a Kill. San Francisco. Yeah, A View to a Kill wasn't the best Bond film, but it had at least three awesome things: airships, Grace Jones and Duran Duran. You also go inside San Francisco's City Hall, where *cough* California State Geologist had her office. It's also the building that villain and henchwoman Mayday set ablaze to cover up their murder of Stacey's boss. You only visit twice: The final scene in From Russia With Love (where Bond kills villain before she can kick him with her switchblade-tipped shoes) also was shot in Venice, as were parts of Moonraker including the absurd bit with Bond driving a gondola-turned-hovercraft through St. Mark's Square. You’re read light novel James Bond - A View to a Kill Part 1 online at NovelOnlineFull.com. Please use the follow button to get notification about the latest chapter next time when you visit NovelOnlineFull.com. He was heading north towards St Germain and there was no one else in sight in either direction, except, perhaps half a mile ahead, an almost identical figure - another Royal Corps dispatch-rider. He was a younger, slimmer man and he sat comfortably back on his machine, enjoying the morning and keeping his speed to around forty. Tonight Bond decided to tear up this dusty address-book and have himself an old-fashioned ball. He was on his way through Paris after a dismally failed a.s.signment on the Austro-Hungarian border.