Kythera Summer Edition 2016

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Kythera Summer Edition 2016 τυ KYTHERA ISSUEΰ Summer Edition 2016 FOUNDERρΙΔΡΥΤΗΣό ©METAXIA POULOS • PUBLISHERό DIMITRIOS KYRIAKOPOULOS •ΰEDITORό DEBORAH PARSONS •ΰWRITERSό ELIAS ANAGNOSTOUν DIONYSIS ANEMOGIANNISν ASPASIA BEYERν JEAN BINGENν ANNA COMINOSν MARIA DEFTEREVOSν MARIANNA HALKIAν PAULA KARYDISν GEORGE LAMPOGLOUν KIRIAKI ORFANOSν PIA PANARETOSν ASPASIA PATTYν HELEN TZORTξ ZOPOULOSν CAMERON WEBB • ARTWORKό DAPHNE PETROHILOS• PHOTOGRAPHYόΰDIMITRIS BALTZISν CHRISSA FATSEASν VENIA KAROLIDOUν JAMES PRINEASν VAGELIS TSIGARIDASν STELLA ZALONI • PROOF READINGό JOY TATARAKIν PAULA CASSIMATIS •ΰLAYOUT & DESIGNό MYRTO BOLOTA • EDITORIALρADVERTISINGξΣΥΝΤΑΞΗρΔΙΑΦΗΜΙΣΕΙΣό ψ9φφξχχσωτςν eξmailό kseοσ99υ@yahooοgr FREE COMMUNITY PAPER • ΕΛΛΗΝΟξΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ • ΑΝΕΞ ΑΡΤΗΤΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ • ΔΙΑΝΕΜΕΤΑΙ ΔΩΡΕΑΝ George & Viola Haros and family wish everyone a Happy Summer in Kythera GOLD CASTLE JEWELLERY WE BELIEVE IN TAKING CARE OF OUR CUSTOMERS, Unbeatable prices for gold and silver SO THAT THEY CAN TAKE CARE OF THEIRS. A large selection of jewellery in ττKν σ8K & σ4K gold Traditional handξmade Byzantine icons wwwοstgeorgefoodserviceοcomοau Αμαλαμβάμξσμε ειδικέπ παοαγγελίεπ καςαρκεσήπ κξρμημάςωμ και εικϊμωμ All the right ingredients CHORA Kythera: 27360-31954 6945-014857 With a view of the Mediterranean EnjoyEnjoy restingresting inin anan idyllicidyllic environment that would make the gods jealous Νιώστε στιγμές πολύτιμης ξεκούρασης Nowhere but Porto Delfino Νιόρςε ρςιγμέπ πξλϋςιμεπ νεκξϋοαρηπ σε ρεένα έμα ειδυλλιακό ιδαμικϊ πεοιβάλλξμ περιβάλλον t. +30 27360 31940 +30 210.6645304 ΒΕΝΙΑΣΰΚΑΡΟΛΙΔΟΥ AGIA PELAGIA email: [email protected] t: +30 27360-39150, 39170, f.: +30 27360-39180 url: e-mail: [email protected], και όλα μέλι-γάλα pure Kytherian Ανοιχτά από τις 9.00 π.μ. thyme honey έως αργά το βράδυ για καφέ, θυμαρίσιο μέλι μεζέ και φαγητό Κυθήρων ΜΥΛΟΠΟΤΑΜΟΣ ΤαΰΚϋθηοαοοοΰρεΰλίγξΰθαΰςαΰβοξϋμεΰξΰτχςξγοατίαΰςηπΰ ΜΗΤΑΤΑ Καλλιόπη Καρύδη Κύθηρα τηλ.: 27360-33397 αωορίαε! welcome! τηλ.: 27360-33010, 6978-350952, 6977-692745 ΞλίίίωίπίπίππίίίξίΣίί ίίμίίΙίηHistoryθλίίΓωίηGlossologyθλί ίΦίηPhysicsθλίίΜμίηMathematisθλίίΑί ηArchaeologyθλίίΑίηArchitectureθξίΜπίί’ίί ίίΜίηMuseumsθλί’ίίίίίΜίηMusicθλί ίπίίίίΘίηTheatreθίνίίΚωμίηComicθίίί ΤίηTragicθίίωίίίμωίίίίΦί ηPhilosophyθξίΚίίμίίμίίΑίηAntidoteθίίλί ðáñáäïóéáêü êáöåêïðôåßï μπίίίίίίίωμίίξίΓ’ί æáê÷áñþäç - ðñáëßíåò - îçñïß êáñðïß ίίίξίΓ’ίίίπμμίξίίίίίίίίίίίίίηΗΛξΑΝθ ËéâÜäé - Êýèçñá ListenίreallyίcloselyξίItίisξξξίtheίSoundίofίSilenceξξξίWelcomeίtoίKyν Ôçë.: 27360-37333 thera!ίThroughoutίhistoryίvisitorsίtoίAphrodite’sίislandίhaveίrealisedί thatίwhatίmakesίKytheraίexceptional…ίareίtheίSilencesξίSoίswitchίyourί digitalίdevicesίoffίandίstepίintoίanotherίtimeλίanotherίwayίofίbeingξί TakeίaίdiveίintoίothernessξξξίyourίeternalίothernessξίAbsorbίtheίdepthί ofίstoryίthatίisίpresentίinίtheίmagicalίlandscapeλίtheίvariousίdivineί beachesλίtheίsimpleίandίyetίgloriousίarchitectureξίAndίgetίtoίknowίaί localξίPutίdownίyourίmobileίphoneίandίlistenίtoίtheίwindsξξξίhearίtheί secretsίofίtheίSirensξίEnjoyίyourίadventureίonίKytheraλίleafίthroughί thisίyear’sίKytheraίSummerίEditionξίItίisίbrimmingίwithίinformationί aboutίtheίislandξίTakeίtheίtimeίtoίdisconnectίfromίtheίmodernίworldί andίabsorbίwhatίKytheraίdoesίbestξίEnlivenίyourίsenses…ί Enjoyίσρςχ!ί ΣΕΛΙΔΕΣ σψξσωό ΑΦΙΕΡΩΜΑ ΣΤΟ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟ ΚΥΘΗΡΩΝ Antonis Zervos Tel.: 27360-31407/8 LOVE KYTHERAν LOVE KYTHERA SUMMER EDITION LETTERS TO THE EDITOR THANKΰYOU ABOUT US Founding Publisher ξ Metaxia θSiaι Georgopoulouΰisΰaΰbigξ IΰhaveΰbeenΰaΰfrequentΰvisitorΰtoΰtheΰislandΰofΰKytheraΰsinceΰσϋϋτΰwhenΰ FOR τυ YEARS Kythera Summer Iΰvisitedΰforΰtheΰfirstΰtimeΰtheΰfamilyΰofΰmyΰoldestΰandΰdearestΰfriendsνΰ Editionΰhasΰbeenΰsharingΰarticlesνΰ pictureΰpersonοΰHavingΰworkedΰinΰAustraliaΰasΰaΰPressΰSecretaryΰ KaterinaΰandΰVrettosΰStathisΰatΰKarvounadesΰvillageοΰSinceΰthenΰmyΰwifeΰ storiesΰandΰinformationΰwithΰlocalΰ andΰAdvisorΰtoΰGovernmentΰministersΰandΰparliamentariansνΰherΰ DinaΰθmayΰGodΰrestΰherΰsoulιΰandΰIΰhaveΰfrequentlyΰhadΰtheΰopportunityΰ KytheriansνΰGreeksΰofΰtheΰdiasporaΰ returnΰtoΰherΰparentalΰhomelandΰgaveΰbirthΰtoΰKytheraΰSummerΰ toΰenjoyΰourΰsummersΰinΰKytheraνΰswimmingΰeveryΰdayΰinΰitsΰwonderfulΰ andΰnewΰandΰreturningΰvisitorsΰtoΰ EditionοΰWithΰaΰpassionΰforΰjusticeΰandΰenormousΰexperienceΰinΰ seasΰwhileΰalsoΰtastingΰtheΰdeliciousΰlocalΰcuisineοΰMostΰofΰallνΰhoweverνΰ ourΰbeautifulΰislandοΰ communityΰpoliticsΰbothΰinΰAustraliaΰandΰGreeceνΰSiaΰisΰtheΰpowξ weΰenjoyedΰtheΰwarmΰhospitalityΰofΰourΰfriendsοΰSoonΰtheirΰfriendsΰ Whileΰweΰareΰaΰtouristΰpaperΰinξ erhouseΰthatΰbringsΰKytheraΰSummerΰEditionΰtoΰannualΰfruitionοΰ becameΰourΰfriendsνΰespeciallyΰHelenΰandΰJimmyΰKontoleonο tentΰonΰpromotingΰtheΰisland’sΰ SiaΰisΰmarriedΰtoΰDimitrisΰKyriakopoulosΰandΰtheyΰhaveΰaΰsixteenΰ economyνΰitsΰproduceνΰitsΰbeachesΰ AfterΰthreeΰyearsΰabsenceΰIΰreturnedΰtoΰKytheraΰthisΰsummerοΰJimmyΰθaΰbrilξ yearΰoldΰsonνΰAlexandrosο andΰitsΰbeautyνΰweΰareΰalsoΰaΰpaperΰ liantΰandΰspiritualΰmanιΰintroducedΰmeΰtoΰyourΰnewspaperοΰAtΰtheΰtimeνΰhowξ forΰtheΰcommunityΰinΰallΰitsΰmaniξ Editor ξ Deborah Parsonsΰhasΰbeenΰcomingΰtoΰtheΰislandΰ everνΰIΰdidΰnotΰhaveΰtheΰopportunityΰtoΰreadΰitΰwithΰtheΰcareΰandΰattentionΰ festΰformsοΰWeΰpublishΰstoriesΰ everyΰsummerΰforΰtheΰlastΰτϊΰyearsΰwhichΰtellsΰyouΰhowΰmuchΰ itΰdeservedΰasΰurgentΰdevelopmentsΰinΰtheΰeconomyΰinΰJulyΰθtheΰinfamousΰ thatΰexploreΰtheΰisland’sΰculturalνΰ sheΰlovesΰtheΰplaceοΰBornΰandΰbredΰinΰMelbourneνΰAustraliaνΰ capitalΰcontrolsιΰdemandedΰmyΰimmediateΰreturnΰtoΰAthensοΰSoΰwhenΰIΰfinallyΰ folkloricΰandΰhumanΰidentityνΰthatΰ DeborahΰregardsΰKytheraΰasΰherΰsecondΰhomeοΰOverΰtheΰyearsΰ readΰitΰIΰhadΰalreadyΰleftΰtheΰislandΰandΰneverΰhadΰtheΰchanceΰtoΰmeetΰyouΰ unearthΰitsΰdeepΰarchaeologicalΰ sheΰhasΰworkedΰasΰanΰarchaeologistνΰaΰstoneΰtoolΰillustratorνΰaΰ inΰpersonΰandΰcongratulateΰyouΰonΰtheΰwonderfulΰworkΰthatΰwasΰevidentΰ pastοΰImportantlyΰweΰalsoΰinvestiξ musicianνΰaΰgraphicΰartistΰandΰθfinallyιΰasΰaΰwriterοΰThisΰlastΰcareerΰ throughoutΰtheΰpublicationο gateΰissuesΰaffectingΰtheΰeverydayΰ isΰtheΰoneΰthatΰstuckοΰSheΰwritesΰscriptsΰforΰfilmΰandΰtelevisionοΰ Notΰonlyΰdoesΰyourΰnewspaperΰeducateΰwithΰfactsΰandΰinformΰtheΰreaderΰofΰ livesΰofΰlocalsΰξΰbeΰitΰhealthΰorΰedξ Sheΰrecentlyΰwroteΰtheΰlibrettoΰforΰherΰfirstΰoperaοΰ ucationΰorΰsocialΰjusticeοΰNothingΰ currentΰnewsΰandΰactivitiesνΰitΰalsoΰprovidesΰusΰwithΰanΰinsightΰtoΰtheΰisland’sΰ isΰoutΰofΰboundsνΰnothingΰisΰtooΰ Feature Writer ξ Anna CominosΰisΰaΰseasonedΰFestivalΰOrganξ historyνΰbothΰpastΰandΰmodernνΰtoΰitsΰcultureνΰtoΰtheΰbeautyΰofΰtheΰisland’sΰ controversialοΰWeΰareΰtheΰpaperΰ iserοΰSheΰworksΰforΰtheΰSydneyΰComedyΰFestivalνΰtheΰGreekΰFesξ natureΰalongΰwithΰstoriesΰofΰtheΰordinaryνΰeverydayΰpeopleΰofΰtheΰislandο forΰ“allΰseasons”ύΰorΰatΰleastΰweΰ tivalΰofΰSydneyΰandΰtheΰAntipodesΰFestivalΰinΰMelbourneΰasΰwellΰ IΰwasΰveryΰtouchedνΰinΰparticularνΰwhenΰIΰreadΰtheΰpostcardΰyouΰpublishedΰsentΰ tryΰtoΰbeο asΰtheΰiconicΰEnmoreΰTheatreοΰAnnaΰstudiedΰdramaticΰartΰandΰhasΰ inΰσϋφχΰbyΰaΰyoungΰgirlΰtoΰherΰfatherνΰanΰimmigrantΰtoΰAustraliaνΰdescribingΰ Survivalΰfromΰoneΰyearΰtoΰtheΰ performedΰinΰtelevisionΰandΰtheatreΰproductionsΰinΰAustraliaΰandΰ inΰsimpleΰbutΰtouchingΰwordsΰtheΰsufferingsΰofΰherΰpoorΰfamilyΰatΰtheΰtimeοΰIΰ nextΰisΰneverΰeasyοΰThat’sΰhowΰitΰ GreeceοΰAnna’sΰKytherianΰancestryΰhasΰinspiredΰherΰwritingsΰforΰ wasΰaΰnineΰyearΰoldΰboyΰthenΰmyselfΰθbornΰinΰσϋυψιοΰIΰalsoΰsufferedΰfromΰtheΰ isΰinΰGreeceΰtheseΰdaysοΰWeΰareΰ KytheraΰSummerΰEditionΰforΰtheΰlastΰtwentyΰthreeΰyearsοΰ notΰaloneοΰLifeΰisΰaΰstruggleΰforΰsoΰ consequencesΰofΰtheΰtwoΰwarsΰGreeceΰenduredΰbackΰthenνΰWorldΰWarΰIIΰandΰ Writer ξ Anna GiabanidisΰisΰaΰhappilyΰelusiveΰGreekρEnglishΰ thenΰtheΰcivilΰwarνΰatΰoneΰpointΰalmostΰdyingΰofΰstarvationο manyοΰSomehowνΰamazinglyνΰweΰ haveΰsurvivedΰandΰweΰhaveΰdoneΰ hybridΰwhoΰfindsΰprofoundΰcomfortΰinΰKythera’sΰnaturalΰbeautyΰ MrsΰMetaxiaνΰIΰwouldΰlikeΰtoΰofferΰagainΰmyΰwarmestΰcongratulationsΰforΰyourΰ soΰinΰlargeΰpartΰbecauseΰweΰhaveΰ andΰisolationοΰAΰgraduateΰofΰBritishΰandΰEuropeanΰLawsνΰAnnaΰ excellentΰworkοΰMayΰGodΰgrantΰyouΰhealthΰandΰstrengthΰtoΰcontinueΰyourΰ substanceοΰWeΰareΰnowΰtheΰoldestΰ hasΰshunnedΰlifeΰasΰaΰlawyerΰandΰisΰnowΰaΰfreelanceΰacademicΰ wonderfulΰeffortsΰtoΰgiveΰusΰallΰthatΰweΰlackΰξΰloveΰforΰourΰcountryο continuouslyΰcirculatingΰbilingualΰ writerΰofΰlawνΰpoliticsΰandΰphilosophyοΰYetΰsheΰisΰunableΰtoΰshunΰ Emmο Maragakisν GeneralΰofΰtheΰHellenicΰArmyΰθretοιΰ touristΰpaperΰinΰGreeceα herΰrestlessΰnatureΰandΰartisticΰflairΰandΰalsoΰindulgesΰinΰartΰasΰ andΰformerΰMilitaryΰAttachéΰtoΰBaghdadνΰIraqνΰandΰAmmanνΰJordan WhileΰIΰamΰ‘theΰpowerhouseΰthatΰ wellΰasΰherΰflowerνΰfruitΰandΰvegetableΰgardensοΰInspiredΰbyΰitsΰ bringsΰKytheraΰSummerΰEditionΰtoΰ naturalΰbeautyνΰAnnaΰconstantlyΰseeksΰnewΰwaysΰtoΰspreadΰtheΰ MIXING IT WITH MIRANDA annualΰfruition’νΰIΰamΰonlyΰableΰtoΰ beautyΰofΰKytheraο doΰthisΰbecauseΰofΰtheΰtalentedΰ KytherianΰsummersΰareΰalwaysΰloadedΰwithΰmemoriesοΰLazyΰdaysΰlyingΰonΰtheΰ andΰcommittedΰteamΰIΰhaveΰworkξ Artist ξ Daphne Petrohilos studiedΰatΰtheΰChicagoΰArtΰInstiξ beachνΰsnorkellingνΰmoonξlitΰvillageΰdancesοΰτςσχΰhoweverΰwasΰaΰyearΰfullΰofΰ ingΰwithΰmeοΰForΰsixΰmonthsΰweΰlaξ tuteΰinΰtheΰUnitedΰStatesΰandΰhasΰheldΰexhibitionsΰinΰDublinνΰ memoriesΰlikeΰnoΰotherοΰ bourΰtoΰproduceΰaΰfirstΰrateΰpaperνΰ LondonνΰAthensΰandΰKytheraοΰAnΰartistΰinΰallΰaspectsΰofΰherΰlifeνΰ DadΰwasΰdrivingΰmyΰsistersΰNikitaνΰTianaΰandΰIΰtoΰtheΰKytheraΰairportοΰTianaνΰlikeΰ withΰcontentΰweΰcanΰallΰbeΰproudΰ Daphneΰcreatesΰbeautifulΰobjectsΰbeΰitΰcrochetingΰlaceνΰweavξ
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