Early Finding Aid Notes (Searchable)

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Early Finding Aid Notes (Searchable) :z::Jq Repository Dutchess County Historical Society Early Finding Aid Notes ,2 . , 'fl Jo •1864, Apr.1-May 27 Papers per~~~ning to~eorge · . F>acke~;t 1 . VF"I J I ' 1864, May 25-June 29 Acknowledgements .of Company , .history vPI 3 -;;,-1864, Sept 12 Special order #69 "Board of s'ur"vey" '.1)/V/ J 3 ., 1864, Sep1<· ~ 2- . r · . ,. .,, !" ✓ r . , 1865, Apr.4 Inventory of unservicaole equipment . r 1 rf Jt.f 1,864, Sept 13 .... ,.. -. L(t~t er of , ,S.K.Woodb~ry to Richard .~itus VY/ 3.s ~ 1!364, Sept 23 Letter of Jilias Titus to Richard Tit .us .• J;frl J ~, 1864 :,, Sept , ~. ·· · c · . • 1865, June 15. Monthly report o{ absentees . i);v I 31 , +8-94 ., Dec ; ~O i,, . R~c_eipt sh~-ets f..or clothing (Pl 3f- • 1864 \? 1' Roll of Co. B 1st Bat. 20th _AC '- yP-·/, .3 'l "1865? .. _C.a,mp and g ar~ison equ ;ipment f'.oun~ , Bound bc>.oks1 •r . , . , , , • : , , d . -;t/<J~if!J• l8 162, : -Np~-i18.6,5, , .4Pr - ;,3 ."Company ,ino17rii~g reports . r • :· ~;. r •. st:B 1-/-1 186;3, J an_.1- f'i'·_' j! . .. , ~ . ~ , 1865 ·, Apr 6 tt Diary of Richard Titus (Rough leather, cover) //A Transcript of ~ 9-,\ar:y by ,Al;-len Frost . · ' ' f II-~'- 1:~61.t,,, Ma,1;,~_il Apr .16 .-f·q9mpany .rinspection reports · •· rtt3 4-3 1864, Ndv ~l4- . t . ·,.,.. ~;LB.65.,c ,-iay .. •; •• ,- .. ,Memorandum. book of Lieut Dav.id B. Sleight ,;ti<.~.-s L( 3A• -·:soo·k .;L~bleq•"Oo)llp~ny ord~r.d "· _,,..,,i~l.:.~nk . ' . 1 -~·fl .lfi 1l8 1q_4•MqLellan , ·:•.•· •.t't.~n1;111=t of •ba;v.o.n-et -~,xercise . ~ • , : , ·ttrf 4 .S -1862 ,,-_, •-,:-- :· . Revise.9- -:re~ula t ions for the ar,my o.f ,the U.S. ;t" <tl t.J.~ ._l:86Jt , r , : -1 .· • i . - ,U.J3·.1 .n:Can-try taoti •q~- , ..:· .,.. , . ·. ~t: [j 4 ~.J.1865 .• •·: ,, , Colyer' s repor,t 1 on care , of returnipg sol- ... ,r, ! ·.1· ''·"'. ,;.,,.,d1:ers _ .. ·· r. • • • ,,, ,. ,-, ,' 1 ,C-1-rcul •ars · ·,.-..... · , 1 yr- I 'I 7!-186~, 2f1~ri::·,28 . , • ,C1,IiCU1fl:r #.:10 -r; Rev;1s1on of :.;o.p~n~n p e, ~forms ~ J/41865, Feb 18 Pamph l{_et cP~P,P_!t1ng _ findings- _of f'·.a g,eneral : 1 '\' • • ., J. · , • • • , •• ; r.,. ~I ::: C...,ou1';_~ _martial f . __v r. ,. , ,~;-, r q. 1• . [F,oJder of ·ph~ l~P._gaphs of; tne ~ .r .5ffth Reg' t N. •:Y.Volunteers (Dutchess County Regiment) (For. d,eta1 l s see ,·p.4) ; · ,.. i, -/4.Rh.PC\.,'ifJ. '+ ~tiHt~ ~~A ;. (,65.._p_,hp tos i) \ : :r·,r' ·: · •,. r ~ i ~ . {) ,,. ; \i Fj .~\_lq~,le .. o.f 9 •:cS·f·M'~'.9J'i::.pr r1•n~~ d f~rnt~ .. .:- unused _ ,(36.,J> ap~rs .) : 'J);-v/ D ~- I• . Mewspaper clipping f' ~ -:MB:Y~ ~9~, ,.l j}_p2 - reg8;rd1 :ng G.;f\,R•r _ of Poughkeepsie - , .·, , f r:._r:, - . , - :-•~ -- -. r- f l ._ f.. -- • .. I ,.. - c...-\-J,-::f Girt ·o·f Stephei ~.. M1 1.le t t, Washington, in memory ' of · ./ Mary:1 .Bockee rr'ower.- ..Rec~d Oct.1969 .~ r {{-J-·•1698 ;,r. J9:n. 6_ . .o·eed be_tw i en J~~ridric~ Tenyc _k and .Wolf.art , _ r. .•. ,1 J· . 1 _. ~ ;Webbers .,Si,~d o;thers _ . ,, . , . - ~ J .S 3 •1749, Dec 23 Agreement ...•p _e_-.,twe ·en ., Henry Bo·ger _t and -Abraham Bokee , .. r . ,.- ( r.. -:- t;,, ,,,,,.·:. -p ) - - - - ) ~ t - • - - : - \ • - , • , ,.. ,, r · r , ,, . -~~s ,tw i_c~ ; _p~p_.ers ,.( Ch,0:rrles Edwal'd) '. .. ,· - ~, _. , G1,ft._,of Ha,riiY, 0~ Bqs-twick, ·r Ba~adena:, r 9~11f • . July , 6~ 1952 ?/VI ...(4{,· 1862 ~,· Aug. c..l8 r ·•~-- Appoi~tment .,.«>f , Ch!=l,r,l~s Edward ,B!'.)stwick - ,,.,,, s/ · r 1·· •' "'i, ~ ·--,.. C9:pta1n . ,128th : R~gt . .r, , ··, Yfal 0 J t- 187 t ,· .$_ep:t 3 ~, Ro~ter of Capt. efi&mtes Edward ,Bostwick' s Co. (j) , .. • .. , , , ~ Compa,ny B, -;-l28th Regt . __-;- . · • ._:i/v) '5h •cl86 _2 ·· 1- . I . • Li ,t'ho _; _of , Cam~, Hl_ll1_n ·~ton, ~~lt~ :ore :, - McHi. 128t.h Hett . , ,.. ~ • ! • t I A ..,i ( . ,,, . : 'TITUS 'P.A:l>ERS'I. l . • ~ '. , • .. ,- '. - Gift ofFr"orence Ti tug & Aiida ' 'Titus Marshall . ..·l··· Rec'cf .·19~2&1948 ... · 1 ""'''1,• (. ')•/· - ' '. {; • r • • - .,. ,- • • , ,-.(": ~ r ! _.• ~ \ :.. , I r . 1 / , 1862 Broadside "Rally for Dut. Reg • t 2 •1862, . Aug.20- : ·.·,,:~ · .. 1.•r -,, ' ., .: • • 186J ., ·Aug ·31 ··, Volu'.nteeT -ehiisfarient ~'-papers · '(98 sheets_) 1 3 , 18 6 2 , bet · .;. · , ,, · i ~ ' ' . ·, · · ' · , • · · •· • • ' , . - 1865, Mar Return of officers and m~n ( 23-·sheets ')• · 1 186 1 .. })fa 1 . Lf' is6~~t A~~- JO M~~t ·~~. ;~~{; :~~,~~;~-~;: · 1862 ~ i :~ rni( .~8' sheets) 1 1 1 -VY( · .!),.,.•1862, Oct 1_5- · :· · ' r · r'' · ' "c· (39 letters ·) ' ! . 1864, . Sept J.8 Letters ·o't' ··If1cnard ' 1·~1:tus (for details see p.Ji' · · J,,v~ - b •1862, Nov. 3- · 1865, Oct 20 Commissions . of Richard Ti"tuei ·· 1 r·,,_,__ . 7, 1863, Jari.1- . -•~··Ritforh (of"d¥dnariee . store's, ' :rec}~ {i ssu ·edc. ,- , 1865-June 19 amd remaining on hand (rl sheets ·) · 'i) f ~ - ' 8r63··~~J 1 .~ . :~1(, J (J ... "'"'· :• r1'r ..~ . ,:. f .. .. ·.. _ , • • " .. , . • • • .. , . j)/.1,/ f"'• l · , an • - , , .. 1 1864, July 1 Pric .e rli ·sts . of clothing ~ 1 .. · '/ • · _ . yi::;-. 7• 1863, Feb.11- . Des"e'rt'ers "'and 'expenses "for t'heir ' app~ 1ehention 1 1 1864, Aug.22 (4 sheets) · -r . •·:r, _, .t ..:.i 1 ' 0I 1 PR, 1/ 10.-1863 / ;Mar .12~ I ,, Vo-lunteerif "Defscr1'.pt'l ve l _tsts " _blolth1hg and 1 r 1865. Mar 29 'pay'· ac-cd u'rits ~· .re , r!''"' l (JJ ' s'he ets) ' r•( VJ,;../ II , 1863, Mar,31- -: ·. 'Aos1r~cts ~~of ~mat~t1 .=-a1.~s expend'ea. .. a'.nd corfsUmed • I • • ·1so5, Jurie . ,: 'I( •• 'J. - -J,... 1,· ·,•· r-,.. (9 sheets) <:~; ..,.) / ,1rl863, Apr 2 & , Letters ',of 'A1ffe 'of T~~~s to his uncle ' ~~ 1~ar ... J_(1,s65, 1 A1fr~ 7 . · .; "T1 tus r ':- ;: • •., •• · ). ( 2 letters) ' r -.· /3 tl86J, June JO- Invoices-'of o rdnance• and or~nan~e stores 1865 ,· June 30 transferred ! • •-(~6 - beets) / t1-·•11'B'64;- 'July ''26.:/ (\ · ' Stat"el\ents _::of ·ortlrianbe stores :,a.a:ina:ged \ , lost . 1'8'65 ' ....T,, ' •• ., 30 ' i·1·' r·' ..... -t,,• ,..-rt ''' 'di - ( l'" 1 ' \' ,.. ~,'· ~- r ,,. u•une or 'ues ·roye l ' r ., ' ' l ' · ·1) JI /.J-; 1863, july - Monttfi )r l'fetur1\' rbf clothing, camp and garrison .:)IV j ~-:1 'ff€5 ' r<Jun'e · j . ,, r'J 1eqUfpmen l;' P('24 'Ti;,ems~8 pages f· ~aoh) vf' t-· /t 't1'80~ ,'•·'Augtt31..:rc'·1) \; t "'! ~•/~·1 n. - r·Prl , If· 1865, June 17 Mi'ffc l'laneousmemoramda 1)1vl I 7' 18~ 1';G'Au~ ;3~- :' 'r r ·Memds'o:f Quart~r,ijas~~rs·' and' \ or&'ne:nce supplies . · 1864 ', ;Sepe ·r4' "r .. - ·~·rs1sue( tofu~n ·r:,. ·'r•~ • r. ' (12 - s}ieets) · 1VP I /f'- 1863, Sept 8- ~-·,,,., ·.:- ·.·,·r• 1 1864, Nov -28 Papers relatrng ..to f'Urlo11ghs- ,d & 1 r •1s63 ·-" s'ept · :i6-' j , ·• · ;;.('11.- ·: 1 , i: ·, 1 ·: r-~. · .. • .. · ,. ~u1 · 1 ,y ,.. I .• l865' MayI 22: I 'Ro~pi talfza:t''i or{"'pa .er's f ,lo• 186}, '.r ~rept~Oc~ y- ;·' State 'inent ·s 1 '.ofl ii l'.·llwances for cldth'ing ( :,, . J) / 1 ,1../•1863, 0ct,7- ···s t a."tements ·•·,cfr'c'cnarges on mRster and I , fr J ·~-.·· 1:865 ; ,1June' · !'6 . -r.~:,.~ pa:y·,T-olls · fY•· . ( ~ C :. G '!)Jvl ..7~•1863, Nov.13- r ,·o~· , 1865 , .. May· 30 - -Oischar~es · · - . (S- sheets) Vr l :?.2 · ;t86J ~ . ' I • Addresses .•for l'remYtta"nrfes i,rfrom enlisted men ~1/-186 '4, • Jan. 6-N1 v~ l • ''Papers ~rel'attng ·to· 1me"b.... ' on . s}feC"lai· detail 1 1 ,2.j ", 1'864",·iJan. 7 I·" liequ1s1. t11onffron r brdn'ance and ,. or 'dna.nc~ ·stores ;z.C,1864, Feb.1- Reo~i N~~<:ror · issue of or.dnance supplies . • c, . p 1·80~ J,t lT:u· 'n· e ·'16" I ,;,f ,{' -~- ·'.: I' '•o ' . ... 'i . (l f.; 'h. ,, . t ')' ' .. J, .., . '· · · · ··. ' • ·- .,..,....,,__ ·:1. ee s . 21,l864, Mar 16-Sept~ l:'4 .' _--;J:r~nspc>I :ta t ion . papers (lo she -ets.) : :2? ,i-864 •,' '.Mar. ·19·: , "n Acknowledgemer{t tff "returns" of ordnan ·ce ··. 1865, Feb.14 and t'.or 'dna:nce Lstores · /_I ;1...7 .. 1864, Mar. 267Aug. 6 Paymasters reports of payments to enlisted men (9 sheets~ . I ' I 2a Caverly-Lud -hngton · papers Gift of Hazel Andr .ews 1948 t ' .5"7• 1804, Aug 2· Deed frpm William p,ayerly to John I. • Caverly · y-p;/ .:rh 1838, Apr .19 & Letters to -Mrs. Jemima Krom from 1 ·1 ·· 1838,June 18 · Lucas Krom 1 _VP I s-1~ Telephone booklet containi -qg cli ppings referring •to Henry B. Caverly and family ' yf f . ,~ o 1 1845, Mayt 25 Letter · to Henr-y B.Ca~erly from John ll!a.verly Letter .to John Caverly -from Henry B. Caverl'y : y f I 'I, Jo 18 4 5 , Jan. 26 t yf l I:;,:i-t l 796 •· July 29 Letter from Henry G.Ludington to Henry . Ludin gton - ' Yfr I ~·3• 1841, s ·ept 27 Letter to John I Caverly from Henry B.Caverly o(\lt 6 '/•1808, July 19 - ~ eed de ,tween.Lutting Caverly and John I Caverly ·Vfl 11,~-,1865, Mar. 15 2 draft notices for Henry B.Caverly rl ! 'b!et no' da t e 1'0 a:utogra:phs or- prominent peop l e -- V 1 ll / b 7•'1765-1852 6 rec ·eipts :, · ,, ,.. r.
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