Proteaceae Conospermum Caeruleum Subsp. Caeruleum Adj Adj Proteaceae Conospermum Petiolare Proteaceae Conospermum Sericeum

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Proteaceae Conospermum Caeruleum Subsp. Caeruleum Adj Adj Proteaceae Conospermum Petiolare Proteaceae Conospermum Sericeum Proteaceae Conospermum caeruleum subsp. Adj Adj caeruleum Proteaceae Conospermum petiolare Proteaceae Conospermum sericeum Haemodoraceae Conostylis setigera X X X X X X X X X Cyperaceae Cyathochaeta avenacea Adj Adj X Cyperaceae Cyathochaeta equitans Goodeniaceae Dampiera juncea X X X X X X Goodeniaceae Dampiera linearis Adj X X X Myrtaceae Darwinia vestita Adj Dasypogonaceae Dasypogon bromeliifolius X X X Fabaceae Daviesia incrassata X X Fabaceae Daviesia alternifolia Fabaceae Daviesia flexuosa Fabaceae Daviesia spinosissima Restionaceae Desmocladus fascicularis X X X X X Restionaceae Desmocladus flexuosus X X Droseraceae Drosera scorpioides X Droseraceae Drosera ? Subhirtella X X Droseraceae Drosera erythrorhiza Droseraceae Drosera ramellosa Droseraceae Drosera sp. (insufficient material) X Droseraceae Drosera stolonifera X X X X Poaceae Eragrostis curvula * Myrtaceae Eucalyptus staeri X X X X Adj X X X X Myrtaceae Eucalyptus decurva Myrtaceae Eucalyptus marginata intergrades with E. staeri Cyperaceae Ficinia nodosa Adj Fabaceae Gastrolobium bracteolosum Adj X X X X Fabaceae Gastrolobium retusum X X Iridaceae Gladiolus sp. * Adj Fabaceae Gompholobium knightianum Adj X Fabaceae Gompholobium marginatum X Fabaceae Gompholobium ovatum Adj Fabaceae Gompholobium polymorphum X X X Fabaceae Gompholobium burtonioides Fabaceae Gompholobium confertum Fabaceae Gompholobium venustum Fabaceae Gompholobium villosum Haloragaceae Gonocarpus trichostachyus P3 Proteaceae Grevillea fasciculata Adj X X Adj X X Haemodoraceae Haemodorum spicatum X Haemodoraceae Haemodorum discolor X Proteaceae Hakea ceratophylla X Adj X X Proteaceae Hakea cormbosa X Proteaceae Hakea cucullata X X X X X X Adj X X Proteaceae Hakea lasiantha X X Proteaceae Hakea prostrata Proteaceae Hakea trifurcata X X X X X Proteaceae Hakea undulata Proteaceae Hakea laurina Likely introduction, adjacent old road, atypical habitat and range Proteaceae Hakea ruscifolia Proteaceae Hakea sulcata Proteaceae Hakea tuberculata Adj Lamiaceae Hemigenia humilis Dilleniaceae Hibbertia lineata Adj X Dilleniaceae Hibbertia recurvifolia X X X X X Dilleniaceae Hibbertia gracilipes Fabaceae Hovea chorizemifolia Adj X X Fabaceae Hovea ellipticum Adj Fabaceae Hovea trisperma Restionaceae Hypolaena exsulca X X X X X Proteaceae Isopogon longifolius X Proteaceae Isopogon formosus Proteaceae Isopogon heterophyllus Fabaceae Jacksonia furcellata possible Adj introduction, 1 plant roadside Fabaceae Jacksonia spinosa Hemerocallidaceae Johnsonia lupulina Juncaceae Juncus pallidus X Fabaceae Kennedia coccinea Adj X Dasypogonaceae Kingia australis X Adj X GHD | Report for Main Roads Western Australia - Cheynes Beach East, 61/31004 | 43 Myrtaceae Kunzea recurva X X X Proteaceae Lambertia inermis Adj X Asparagaceae Laxmannia sessiliflora subsp. sessiliflora Cyperaceae Lepidosperma pubisquameum X Cyperaceae Lepidosperma sp. X Cyperaceae Lepidosperma squamatum X X X X X X X Cyperaceae Lepidosperma striatum X Cyperaceae Lepidosperma drummondii Santalaceae Leptomeria squarrulosa X X Santalaceae Leptomeria ericoides Cyperaceae Lepyrodia hermaphrodita X Ericaceae Leucopogon elegans subsp. elegans Adj X X Ericaceae Leucopogon glabellus X X X Ericaceae Leucopogon tamariscinus X X Ericaceae Leucopogon gibbosus Ericaceae Leucopogon pendulus Ericaceae Leucopogon penicillatus Ericaceae Leucopogon verticillatus Lindsaeaceae Lindsaea linearis X X Linaceae Linum marginaie Adj X Loganiaceae Logania serpyllifolia subsp. Adj X X serpyllifolia Asparagaceae Lomandra purpurea Adj Asparagaceae Lomandra sericea Anarthriaceae Lyginia imberbis X X X X Orchidaceae Lyperanthus serratus Adj Ericaceae Lysinema ciliatum X X X Ericaceae Lysinema fimbriatum Restionaceae Meeboldina scariosa X Restionaceae Meeboldina tephrina X Myrtaceae Melaleuca sp. X Myrtaceae Melaleuca striata Adj X X X X X X Myrtaceae Melaleuca suberosa Adj Myrtaceae Melaleuca thymoides X X X Myrtaceae Melaleuca violacea X Myrtaceae Melaleuca cuticularis Myrtaceae Melaleuca preissiana 1 seen by roadside Cyperaceae Mesomelaena stygia X X X X X X Cyperaceae Mesomelaena tetragona X X X X X X X Cyperaceae Mesomelaena graciliceps Orchidaceae Microtis alba X Poaceae Neurachne alopecuroidea X Loranthaceae Nuytsia floribunda X Adj Rubianceae Opercularia hispidula X X Iridaceae Patersonia occidentalis Adj X X Iridaceae Patersonia limbata Iridaceae Patersonia pygmaea Iridaceae Patersonia umbrosa var. umbrosa Myrtaceae Pericalymma spongicaule Adj Adj Proteaceae Petrophile divaricata X X X Proteaceae Petrophile media X Proteaceae Petrophile squamata X X X X Proteaceae Petrophile acicularis Adj Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca octandra * Thymelaeaceae Pimelea longiflora subsp. longiflora X X X Apiaceae Platysace filiformis X Orchidaceae Pterostylis vittata Fabaceae Pultenaea verruculosa Adj X X X X Orchidaceae Pyrorchis nigricans Adj Asteraceae Rhodanthe citrina Adj Iridaceae Romulea rosea * Polygonaceae Rumex crispus * Cyperaceae Schoenus grandiflora X Adj Cyperaceae Schoenus sp. (insufficient material) X Cyperaceae Schoenus sublexus X X Cyperaceae Schoenus brevisetis Cyperaceae Schoenus efoliatus pedicllate form Cyperaceae Schoenus subfasciculatus Fabaceae Sphaerolobium alatum Fabaceae Sphaerolobium grandiflorum X X X X Ericaceae Sphenotoma capitata Adj X X Ericaceae Sphenotoma dracophylloides Adj X X Proteaceae Stirlingia tenuifolia X X Proteaceae Stirlingia latifolia X X Stylidiaceae Stylidium gloeophyllum P4 Adj X X Stylidiaceae Stylidium hirsutum X X 44 | GHD | Report for Main Roads Western Australia - Cheynes Beach East, 61/31004 Stylidiaceae Stylidium luteum Stylidiaceae Stylidium repens X X Stylidiaceae Stylidium scandens Adj X X X Stylidiaceae Stylidium schoenoides Adj Stylidiaceae Stylidium spinulosum Adj X X Stylidiaceae Stylidium amoenum Stylidiaceae Stylidium daphne P2 Proteaceae Synaphea polymorpha X X Myrtaceae Taxandria juniperina Myrtaceae Taxandria parviceps X X X X X X Myrtaceae Taxandria spathulata X X X X Cyperaceae Tetraria octandra Cyperaceae Tetraria sp. Jarrah Forest (R. Davis 7391) Orchidaceae Thelymitra crinita X Orchidaceae Thelymitra fuscolutea Adj Asparagaceae Thysanotus multiflorus X X Adj X X Restionaceae Tremulina tremula Hemerocallidaceae Tricoryne elatior Adj X Cyperaceae Tricostularia neesii X X Cyperaceae Tricostularia exsul X Cyperaceae Tricostularia sp. south coast (R.T. Wills 1423) Fabaceae Trifolium sp. * X Iridaceae Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera * Xanthorrhoeaceae Xanthorrhoea platyphylla X X X Apiaceae Xanthosia rotundifolia X X X X X X X X Apiaceae Xanthosia singuliflora Adj Apiaceae Xanthosia huegelii # Hakea lasiocarpha was recorded in 2012 (specimens confirmed by WA Herbarium). However, inspection by Libby Sandiford in 2014 identified these plants as H. tuberculata. GHD | Report for Main Roads Western Australia - Cheynes Beach East, 61/31004 | 45 Location of conservation significant flora recorded during GHD survey Species Status Count LAT LONG Y_PROJ X_PROJ Date Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.81114634 118.254202 6147182.942 614713.5555 28-JUL- 14 01:57 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.81173106 118.2526249 6147119.897 614568.4875 28-JUL- 14 02:15 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.81218704 118.2509029 6147071.293 614410.3513 28-JUL- 14 02:29 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.81240153 118.2492828 6147049.351 614261.8735 28-JUL- 14 03:19 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.81201538 118.2507098 6147090.55 614392.9244 28-JUL- 14 03:24 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.81182754 118.2512891 6147110.721 614446.1768 28-JUL- 14 03:25 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.81169351 118.2519275 6147124.857 614504.7525 28-JUL- 14 03:29 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.80970868 118.2567072 6147339.514 614944.6974 28-JUL- 14 04:22 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 2 -34.80974087 118.2568359 6147335.797 614956.4294 28-JUL- 14 04:24 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 2 -34.8096604 118.2568145 6147344.746 614954.5782 28-JUL- 14 04:28 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 3 -34.80955848 118.25719 6147355.619 614989.0678 28-JUL- 14 04:38 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 2 -34.80952092 118.2571846 6147359.79 614988.6288 28-JUL- 14 04:39 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 5 -34.80948874 118.2572061 6147363.335 614990.6365 28-JUL- 14 04:40 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 5 -34.80944582 118.2572919 6147367.996 614998.547 28-JUL- 14 04:46 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.80919369 118.2576084 6147395.595 615027.8478 28-JUL- 14 04:53 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.80905422 118.2576513 6147411.014 615031.9676 28-JUL- GHD | Report for Main Roads Western Australia - Cheynes Beach East, 61/31004 14 04:56 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.80885037 118.257705 6147433.559 615037.1574 28-JUL- 14 05:03 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.80882891 118.2578498 6147435.773 615050.4359 28-JUL- 14 05:05 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.80836757 118.2581824 6147486.556 615081.5007 28-JUL- 14 05:18 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.80420479 118.2617337 6147944.138 615412.1424 28-JUL- 14 06:21 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 3 -34.80417796 118.2617873 6147947.052 615417.0875 28-JUL- 14 06:22 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 1 -34.80414578 118.2617873 6147950.621 615417.1324 28-JUL- 14 06:23 Andersonia sp Jamesii (J. Liddelow 84) P4 3 -34.80394193 118.2620984 6147972.87 615445.8777 28-JUL- 14 06:27 Andersonia sp Jamesii
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