Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series 1, Szeged, 2003 MINERALS OF THE METAMORPHOSED Mn-Fe DEPOSITS IN ROMANIA: OLD DEPOSITS, NEW SPECIES HÎRTOPANU, P.1, UDUBAŞA, G.1 & SCOTT, P.2 1 Geological Institute of Romania, Caransebeş 1, RO-78344 Bucharest, Romania. E-mail:
[email protected] 2 Camborne School of Mines, Redruth, Cornwall, United Kingdom. The main metamorphosed Mn-Fe deposits in Romania pore, groutite, etc. V. Carbonates: calcite, dolomite, rhodo- are hosted by metamorphic sequences of Upper Precambrian chrosite, kutnohorite, witherite, aragonite, magnesite, sid- (South Carpathians) and Lower Cambrian ages (East Car- erite, ankerite, Fe-rhodochrosite, smithsonite, azurite, mala- pathians) and their mineralogical composition is quite differ- chite; Borates: tusionite. VI. Sulfates: barite, khademite, ent, although the major minerals are the same, i.e. the oli- jarosite, rozenite, szomolnokite, gypsum, etc.; Wolframates: vines, rhodochrosite, pyroxmangite, rhodonite, etc: (1) Ra- hübnerite, ferberite; VII. Phosphates: hydroxylapatite, car- zoare Mn-Fe deposit (Preluca Mts, East Carpathians), sili- bonate-hydroxylapatite, Mn-apatite, chlorapatite, fluorapa- cate-carbonate-oxide-suphide (2) Dadu, Colacu, Oita, Tolo- tite, switzerite, brushite, monazite-(Ce), monazite-(La), evan- vanu, Puiu, Caprarie, Arsita, Argestru, Todireni, Sarisor, site, xenotime-(Y) (with Eu and Gd), variscite, etc.; Arsen- Dealu Rusului, Mandrileni, Ulm-Sihastria, Holdita, Brosteni, ates: magnussonite, sarkinite, johnbaumite, manganarsite, Borca Mn deposits (Bistrita Mts, East Carpathians), carbon- hedyphane, etc. Vanadates: Ba-vanadates. VIII. Silicates: ate-silicate-oxide-sulphide; (3) Pravat, Leucus, Bretan, A. Nesosilicates : 1.Olivine group: Mn-fayalite, Fe-tephroite, Strambu, Jigureasa, Valea Untului, Cugir Valley, Rovina, tephroite, Mg-tephroite; 2. Manganese humites: sonolite, Rascoala Mn-Fe deposits (Sebes Mts., South Carpathians), alleghanyite, manganhumite; 3.