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------~----- ~-~~~~~------RHS netters are Student entrepreneurs #2 in district run TeePee Lounge Sec story, Page 6A Sec morc, Page 9 A


.MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1989 Copyright C> 1909 R..Jon Publ...... ng Inc RUIDOSO, NM 88345 Leaky gas Ruidoso offense tanks are shocks Socorro excavated by ROD MAYS 'We're peaking at the nght Ruidoso News Sports Writer time," said Ragsdale. "We have our by AL STUBBS During Friday night's district destiny in our own hands," he Ruidoso News Business Editor football game, the Ruidoso War­ added. Three underground gasoline riors' charging offense dismayed tanks at an old 7-Eleven store site the opposition. ****************************** at 2105 Sudderth were removed be­ The 10th ranked RuidoRo War­ cause of evidence of leakage, Carl riors had a few surprises in store FIRST HALF HlGm.JGHTS Stubbs, Ruidoso environmentalist, f?r the eighth ranked Socorro War­ said Friday. nors. .Jw~t one minute and eight sec­ A benzine health hazard was Ruidoso beat the low altitude onds after Ruidoso received the evident in one of three test wells Warriors 46-22. football, semor rurming back KeIUlY drilled, Stubbs indicated. More than 100 Ruidoso fans Trapp scored. The two previous of­ Stubbs, who is with the Environ­ traveled to Socorro for the football fenRive plays were passes, one to mental Improvement Division game, and they weren't dis­ Trapp for 10 yards and one to jun­ (EID), Health and Environmental appointed. lOr Jesse Guardiola for a 59-yard Department, State of New Mexico, Head coach Doug Ragsdale said said a test well drilled earlier at the his football team is in good shape. Please see Ruidoso, page 6A site showed evidence of leakage. Last week, when the tanks were excavated, soil contaminated with gasoline was discovered, Stubbs said. Ruidoso aims He said the tankB were nushed Spooks with nitrogen and didn't present a hazard to the public when they were removed. Carnivals and haunted The UST division of the EID in Santa ghosts and goblins Fe has been monitoring and direct­ busy this Halloween. RepresentatIves of the Village of the new golf course and hotel pro­ ing testing of the Ruidoso site, Pictured clockwise from Ruidoso were in Phoerux, Arizona. Ject. Ill' sai~y listened to the lnforma~ proposalR and seemed interested. Stubbs said. upper left ara ~ leather on Wednesday presentIng Last suromer the Southland Cor­ tion about Ruidoso and the sur~ He saId the two groups dis­ poration, headquartered in Dallaa, Tr.antham fishtng at the rounding area to the chairman of cussed the cost of the operation, Texas, parent company of 7-Eleven Nob Hill carnival; Kelly America West Airlines which WIll vary according to the Rtores, sold all the 7-Eleven stores and Casey Dorgan at According to village manager level of servlce Ruidoso would like. in Ruidoso to Allsup's which is the Ruidoso Care Cen­ Frank Potter and transportation Morris saId they discussed start­ headquartered in Clovis. ter carnival; assorted and aviation division head Tim ing the air servIce in May 1990. and Morris, the group, which also in­ runrung it through the summer, Sergent, Hauskins & Beckwith, costumed kids at Nob geotechnical engineers, of Albu­ cluded Mayor Lloyd L. DaVlR Jr. and maybe through the Wlnter sea­ querque, has been doing the testing Hill; and a frightening and Ruidoso Downs Race Track son. and monitoring work on the site pair of ghouls greeting owner R.D. Hubbard, met for about Amenca West, with head­ under EID direction. visitors to the Ruidoso a hour W1th Amenca West AirlineR quarters in Tempe, Arizona. IS a A representative of that compa­ Downs Volunteer Fire chairman and chl(>f executive of~ faIrly new alrhne. The company VlCe­ was started Augu..qt I, 1983. and ny contacted Friday wouldn't Ray Department's haunted ficer Edward R. Beauvais and who the engineering finn preSIdent for plannIng Peter .1. currently Rerves 46 cities In the repreAents, the original owner or house. Otradovec. Uruted Stat~g and Canada. Includ­ Allsup's or who. The group from RUIdoso waR ing Albuquerque. El Paso and Lub­ Stubbs said. however, that "the there to try and get Amenca West bock. TexaR It has a fleet of 70 air­ original owner" maintained the Auhnes to begm scheduled aIr ser­ craft, IncludIng Boeing 737s, 7578 tanks were safe. while "the pur­ vice to the Sierra Blanca Regional and a 747 whIch the arrllne plans to chaser" wanted testing done. Jubilee llloves to bigger site Airport. use. begInmng in November, on In late July a report sent to the Morns said the RUIdoso group nonstop flights to Honolulu, EID in Santa Fe, apparently by the There may be a little space be­ According to co-chairperson Jon luncheon Rre suggested. Informed BeauvaIs and Otradovec Hawaii. engineering firm, showed minimal tween shoulders thiB year as the Nell Forrester, 41 merchanl8, in­ During the luncheon, a strolling about the race track and the skI Amenca West has shown an in­ traces of gasoline. Recond annual Christmas Jubilee cluding gift shop owners, jewelers holiday fasruon show will be pre­ area and what these two major terest in establishing service to var­ Ruidoso environmentalist Jim shopping extravaganza is staged at and representatives from local art seuted by participating Ruidoso tounst attractions mean to the ious ski resorts. This year, America Edwards said at that time that the Carrizo Lodge. galleries will offer shoppers a vast merchants. area. He said they also provided in­ West wiTI establish air service to report indicated the traces of gaso­ Last year when many, many array of gifts and collectible iteIl18. A nursery and game room will formation from the Inn of the the Vail. Beaver Creek resorts and line might have been caused by sur­ booths were squeezed into the Cree In addition, visits from Santa be staffed for children eight years MountaIn Gods and the Convention Steamboat Springs resort In face penetration. Meadows Country Club meeting Claus will be included. He will be old or younger. and Visitors Bureau. Colorado. However, other test wells were room and restaurant area, it was accompanied by a photographer. 'We let them know what we 'We achIeved what we went to drilled since then. Three such wells shoulder-to-shoulder traffic flow. The schedule includes a chil­ A $1 admission charge per per­ have and what we are planning for do," said Morris. "I fe-el positive were drilled in all, Stubbs told The The shopping spree this year dren's breakfast on Saturday No­ son per day will be assessed for the the future," Morris said. about th.i ngs... Ruidoso News.. will be on Friday and Saturday, No­ vember 11, with Mr. and Mrs. Jubilee. "They were surprised at the stuff One of the wells showed 570 vember 10 and 11, in the Carrizo Claus. Cost per person will be we gave them," said Potter. "They The two Amenca West execu­ parts per billion of benzine, a com­ Lodge conference and dining rooms. $2.50. For more information or to make were really impressed with tIves told the Ruidoso group they ponent of gasoline. Maximum al­ The Jubilee is sponsored by the A holiday Mexican-American reservations for the luncheon, tele­ Ruidoso." would get back in contact with lowable under EID standards is 10 Ruidoso Valley Greeters, a public Iuncheon is scheduled from 11:30 phone the Ruidoso Valley Chamber Morris said the two executives them in January, following the relations arm of the Ruidoso Valley a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Cost will be $6.95 of Commerce at 257-7395 or the listened to the group tell about the bURy Thanksgiving and Christmas Please see Leaky, page 2A Chamber of Commerce. per person. Reservations for the Carrizo Lodge at 257-9131. development of the race track and seasons. Hubbard MuseUIll seeks Illetnbers R.D. and Joan Dale Hubbard are tions connected with the Hubbard complished, he said. derstand the scope of the big pr~ inviting area residents to join in Museum and the $250,000 art Twenty-four carat gold invita­ ject. and become a part of their efforts to award. tions were sent out, and of 105 art­ "This will be the most significant make the Ru:idoso area the center He spoke to the Ruidoso Evening ists nominated, -55 have been in­ art show in the United States in for realistic art in America. Lions Club Tuesday evening, and vited. 1990," he said. The Hubbards opened the Hub­ Wednesday afternoon he addressed 'We expect the average price for The advertising budget alone is bard Museum at the Ruidoso the board of directors of the art works entered in the show to be from $165,000 to $195,000. Full Downs Race Track last year, and Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Com­ $50,000," Hall said. page, four-color advertisements are have enhanced the museum. by of­ merce. That view was bolstered at the scheduled for magazines; advertise­ fering a quarter million dollar art Hall explained how member­ Cowboy Artists show recently when ments will appear in 300 neW8pa~ award to be given at the Downs ships will work and what they will artists who have entered the Hub­ pers, he said. Ruidoso will be each year. offer, and also told of a two-pronged bard Award for Excellence competi­ named in all these ads. Hubbard Museum director John goal in developing the art award. tion carried more than 31 percent Art work submitted for the show V. Hall said the Hubbards want to One, he said, was to create an ofthe $1.2 million show. will be judged on excellence only, include the entire community in award which will be as rrestigious To promote the award and show, he said. Some of that art will be­ their project. Memberships are as the Pulitzer and Nobe prizes. Hall said three mailings of 25,000 come a part of the Hubbard Muse­ being offered in the Hubbard Muse­ The other is to broaden the each are·planned. He said some 138 um collection which, through a~ee­ urn. financial base of Ruidoso, bringing volunteers will be needed the ments with other museums, Will be "It's not Dee Hubbard's museum; people to the village who otherwise weekend of the art. show to take a revolving collection. it'a the public's museum,n said Hall, might not ever know about this care of the 800 to 1,000 people ex­ The Jut1e show will attract so noting Hubbard, who has com­ mountain resort. pected in the area just for the many people that just working out mitted more than $600,000 to the ''We thought $250,000 would get award and show. transportation ana such is _Some­ Award for Excellence project, would people's attention," he said. Instant Hall admitted the impressive what ofa challenge, said Hall. like to Bee the community get in­ credibility was the goal. $250,000 award and the Hubbard Another facet to take care ofthe volved and support the museum. Through getting some 16 Museum may be getting more at­ transportation while a.dding "to the Hall has been addressing vari­ prestigious museum directors from tention elsewhere than in the eXcitement ofthe e~~nt.. will be bus ous groups in Ruidoso to acquaint across the country to nominate art­ Ruidoso orea. He said it is impor­ them with the Roois and aspira- ists for the June show, this was ae- tant for people who live here to un- praase sea Hubbard. page 2A l\ j; •

2A I The Ruidoso News I Monday. October 30,1989 Hubbard---~------

Continued from page 1A Regarding the memberships events will be planned for mem­ being offered in the Ht¥>bard Muse­ bers, who will have their choice tours out of A:lbuquerque linked to um, Hall said the money is not as among various levels of member­ the art show with stops along the important as the show of com­ ship ranging from $40 individual war at historic sites, like Gran muuity support. memberships to $10,000 Qwvera. . "We are seeking commuuity sup­ sponsor/corporate memberships. "It's a big event and a lot of port, not funds," he said, "It's for the commuuity," people," he said. Memberships are being offered stressed Hall. The Hubbard Museum $15 mil­ now in the Hubbard MU/leum. 'What better war to show your lion show will be in Kerrville, Hall said those memberships support ofRuidoso?' asks the letter Texas; Palm Springs, California; will entitle holders to attend special soliciting members. and Scottsdale, Arizona. It also has events at the museum, including a been scheduled and confirmed for dramatic presentation next year by For more information on the Moscow, Russia, he said. The show Joan Sta\leffer, who portrays Hubbard Museum, to learn more will be permanent at Ruidoso Nancy Russell, wife .of the famous about the Award for Excellence, or Downs Race Track until it goes to painter, to find out how to become a mem­ Moscow later in the year. Hall said at least three special ber, call Hall at 378-4431.

Leaky------Continued from page lA EID was closely monitoring tions representative of Southland parts per billion, Stubbs said. removal of ~he tanks, Stubbs said. in Dallas, said in a news story in Larry Morgan of Southland's EI He said the tank company was very June that Southland sold 985 Car and truck show Paso, Texas, division, said last meticulous in ensuring safety dur­ stores since a leverage buyout two summer that such testing is routine ing the operation. years previously. Free shoeshines were offered shop­ when a 7-Eleven site is vacated. Also sold in the Slimmer were 7­ The hole resulting from removal Ruidoso State Bank. Both Sierra Rhino Tank Co. was in charge of Eleven stores in Alamogordo and of the tanks will be filled and the pers and lookers at the 1990 New Car Blanca Motors and Ruidoso excavating the tanks and hauling Roswell. whole area paved over, the on-site and Truck Show at Plaza Shopping Ford-Lincoln-Mercury had new model them away. Markeeta McNatt, public rela- engineer said. Center Saturday. Sponsor was the autos and trucks on display.

. 1989 Bavarian Bash brings in 2,650 by AL STUBBS sion brought in some $2,000 this said the reason is that students A new site is required because Ruidoso News Business Editor year. who were supposed to be working the old airport faces massive devel­ The Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Paulger referred Powers' com­ on floats in the rst were doing opment over the next two years. Commerce can put ~2,650 in the plaint to the organizational division other things "al hours of the Keller also asked board mem­ treasury after the Bavarian Bash at of the chamber and charged that night." bera to support the Santa Cops pro­ Carri"o Lodge, October 20-21. group with coming back to the It was suggested that the school gram to proviae food, blankets and The Octoberfest event drew board with a policy recommenda­ board be contacted anew. other aid to the elderly and other 1,200 people to the lodge, according tion on booths for all chamber Roy Crocker, chairman of the needy people during the Christmas to Ron Wall, who reported the events. retirement services division of the season. statistics during a monthly board Board member Eddie Parker chamber, reported that his organi­ Board members were asked to meeting Wednesday. said the Art Festival poses the zation faces a shortfall of about assist in meeting medical and per­ Ronnie Paulger, chamber presi­ same problem-the same organiza­ $9,000. sonal expeIl8es of a siX-year-old dent, said the impressive profit fig­ tions get food concessions each He said his group will meet with Ruidoso boy, Michael Malis, who ure was due in large part to the year. the advertising committee Novem­ needs a liver transplant, lodgers' organization in Ruidoso Sunny Hirschfeld oCthe chamber ber 2 to decide "where we are Financial reports showed that which provided free lodging to staff said a policy is needed quickly, going." Aspenfest income over expenses music groups and such. He espe­ as mailings on the 1990 Art Festi­ He said there was no respOIl8e was $1,690. That does not include cially cited the "graciousness" of val will be going out very soon. from the county commission to an $450 budgeted for long distance

Carrizo Lodge. Aspenfest chairperson Joan appeal for more support from the calls. ';'j Bailey had praise for her committee county. , ,., One complaint about the . ! in staging the 1989 event. Tony "I take that as a negative reply," The Art Festival, a major annual • Bavarian Bash was voiced at the I meeting by A.D. Powers who WilcoX.Bon was co-chairman and he said...... f~~Qer, _shqwed a $26,102 prof- . represented the Sertoma Club. will be the 1990 chairman. Paulger said the search com- it. . ,j He said the same organizations Committee members were Bob mittee seeking an executive direc­ ,• • each year are granted permission to Barge, Mary Seelbach, Cynthia tor for the chamber was to inter­ John Hall, director of the Hub­ have food booths at the affair. Davidson, Jeamsie Price and Mary view a candidate, Saturday, Oero­ bard Museum at Ruidoso· Downs "It's not democratic," he said. He Maul, along with the chamber staff. ber 28. Race Track, reported on the mag­ suggested drawin~ names from a Bailey said she would like to see Steve Keller reported that nitude of the Hubbard Art Award hat in awardmg concession more floats next year from the several sites have been proposed for program scheduled for next June. privileges. power company, gas company. the 1990 Art Festival, including the "I know where you are coming Cable TV, schools and such Eagle Creek Sports Complex on Ski A new board member was seated Ronnie Paulger, Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce from," Paulger said, but said the One board member said the Run Road, White Mountain schools during the meeting. She is Brenda chamber is not likely to give up the Ruidoso schools have a policy and the old children's home proper­ Buckner representing The Bank of president, welcomes new board member, Brenda Buckner, beeT concession. The beer conces- against students building floats. He ty near the police station. Ruidoso. of The Bank of Ruidoso, to the group.

I Ruidoso council will Eerie kitchen

One of the more un­ meet on Halloween usual setups for cooks at the Lincoln County The Ruidoso Village Council will ments, for annexation of Wingfield Barbecue War Satur­ meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, October Park, also known as the Hall proy­ -day.-at.-Circle B Camp-­ 31, in council chambers at the erty, and for annexation of the Ruidoso Municipal Administrative SBRA prorerty. ground is this grave­ Building. -Fina adoption of the 1989-90 yard arrangement cre­ Regular items on the agenda in­ fiscal year budget. ated by the folks from clude: -Final resolution on the 1988­ the Texas Cafe. The -A proclamation proclaiming 89 budget. barbecue cooking con­ November 1 as Michael Malis Day. --COnsideration of a request test was a big success, -Bid award for a water system from the Eagle Creek Inter­ at Sierra Blanca Regional Airport commuuity Water Supply Associa­ with plenty of food, (SBRA). tIOn. games, arts and crafts -Request to set public hearings -Appointments to various booths and more. for zoning and related code amend- boards and commissions. _____1

i Mammogram costs puzzle hospital board'

Happy anniversary " Police, Municipal Court and Village: of Ruidoso pel'. sonnel ar& on hand Friday afternOon to helpt')hief William Newman celebrate.hisseconB anniversary as1h& chiefof police in'RoidOso.· . ' ..

r'rts"11r , ' • "

.. \ -" '" ' ".. .., .. .It N!QndaYiOlltObtlr;.lO, .1.9891 The Ruldollo New./3A , . . .'.'" J .," '.~.. : .. j ,', -' ., .. _~, • 1.,.., . , _ ...... • .

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,Phil·Robertson is a 'herbologist . Ifdesired, Indian. ehants and/or" who has herbs of all kinds, both songs will be' played for. added. culinary and medicinal. His end of relaxation during massages. the business is called the "Al­ Sunshine Place alao features chemist." homemade candies and unique jel­ Gail Robertson teaches dance, lies which are low on sugar content. tap, ballet and toe dancing, while The Robertsons recently sold their daughter, Shirlee, teaches businesses in Tyler and Longview, r-- .. aerobics. Tex80B.. Gail Robertson says she fell ALAN P. MOREL Clients can, if desired, have a in love with Ruidoso a long time , herb bath, before a relaxing mas­ Gail and Phil Robertson are pictured in one of two mas­ sage. agoHours are f1~ble at Sunahine sage rooms at their place of business, 423 Mechem. They "Sunshine Place" is the name of Place. Call anytime. The telephone Young'. attorney links. the overall business: The building operate the Sunshine Place and are new to Ruidoso. number is 257-4339. . 'WI'-th esta'hi-IS'hed . fiIrm" . Alan P. Morel, a r~nt graduate Norma Morel, works in surgery at Thompson Agency is in Pinetree of Washburn University Law the Lincoln County Medical Center. School, Topeka, Kansas, haa joined , His father, Lee, is employed by' Thompson Insurance Agency, the law firm ofParsons and Bryant, Contel. . . with Eric H. Thompson as service 206 Sudderth Drive. Although born and reared in manager, now has offices in Morel and his wife;Jeanette, al- Kansas, Alan Morel had spent a Pinetree Square at 2810 Sudderth ready have roots in Ruidoso. Her number of spring breaks' and Drive. parents, Donnie and Kathy Weems, holiday periods in Ruidoso over the Thompson also has full-time of­ ~'. live here. Donnie Weems is princi. years. . . fices in Hobbs and Carlsbad. pal at White Mountain Intermedi- . The new attorney was sworn in Thomjlaon moved to< Ruidoso from ate School,' and Kathy WeeIIiB Monday, October 23, inSanta Fe. Carlsbad three years ago. He teaches at White Mountain formerly worked full-time out ofhis Elementary School. Morel will, speci(llize in general home. Alan Morel's parents also are civil law but will do some criminal Thompson Insurance Agency Ruidoso residents. His mother, workfor Parsons and Bryant. specializes in small business group health and life insurance. Through the Equitable company, he can offer nursing home and nursing home Ruidoso State board re-elected supplemental insurance., Directors of Ruidoso State Bank Dr. William A. ~on; Robert F. Also available are individual • were re-elected during an annual Haynswortb, Don Swalander, Wil­ health and life insurance and ; -.' " meeting of sha:reholders at the liam J. Th\lmas, Guillermo A. retirement plans. Thomp'son has bank, October 23. Wolff, W. O. Woolridll-e and MiChael connections with eight life insur­ Signs up " J. Phillip' Mote is chairman of S. Line; Line is also Dank presidllDt. ance companies so that he can the board. Dr. Donald Simms and Dr. Ly;;:uD;:-__-I tail&l"p18llll-te-individual-neeEllB.---- er e rs servmg are are, a VlaolY ee- Ruidoso's 7-Eleven Other offerings include dental Hollis Cummins, Johnny Durham, tors. signs were changed and cancer financial protection. out and Allsup's signs Office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The phone' ""'-''""--'_ erected recently. number is 257-7597. There also is a Allsup's, headquartered toll free number for claims, service ERIC H_ THOMPSON RETIREES in Clovis, purchased or cost quotes. That number is 1­ ...in new office . Most Medleare Supplements the 7-Eleven stores in 800-628-3269, have large gaps that can leave you HoldIng The Bgg In the the village; one in Mid­ , ' town has been closed. event of medical emergencies. Gasoline tanks at that Fun Bus to There are quaBty sups avDII­ able that will take eare of bUls . location have been Laughlin. :'oienHla Qjlick:Print t£trpreSS . not paid by Medicare. UsUally removed. for Ydle or No More Thap Quality Printing You're CurrentlY Payipg.. , , Com.petitive Prices CDII Us for a review. 1·101113 1111" Depoelt Before you ueed It. (Wall PriolO) 1ooODu. at, 1- 81110 Pick up' Direct Mail Programs Seeley & Co., Insurance 2- 5lC7 (plus tlix) Fax Service - (505) 257-5504 1803 Sudderth Drive 2- 3115 257-9704 1a·Klng~ize Wallets 2910 Sudderth 257-5404 a·Ragular Size Wallets

"AT' • , AT: Safeway 205 H"y. 70 West , DATE: Thur., Fri., Sat. November 2,~, 4 PHOTO,HOURS: 9:00 - 1:00· 2:00 -7:00 .


, , , Discount FurnitureSfore " 434..6233' inc. ITU'R'E,P'LUS ALSO STORES IN ROSWELL, N•.M. . W. "A Name You, Can Trust" HOBBS, N.M. UN ',LUBBOCK, TEXAs ...... ".",.;:;:...;:..;:.:;.;.&.:...... __.... "s(n'N. Whltosana&EUvd.-AlamOgOrdO .M~:~~~~_:-6 > · ~ )"':;': ... ::: .. ~ ~; •

., - • • '\, • .'

4A'The Ruidoso News '.Monday. October 30. 1989 .. • " ..

• • -1-


Freshman Shane Wells II and senior Alfred Rue I (left) skip with delight after a field goal. I I Coach Ragsdale (far II left) congratulates .a Ii player. The Ruidoso High School 24 Carat II Gold marching band II (above) brings halftime I' alive. ,I I 1989 Ruidoso, Warriors. I I No. .IIome CIon Ht. -Wl. POllOon I (oIlonso.\lof....) 10 ChrtITarlN 11 5'7" 14. backlsafely 80 lidlll1 GIll'f 12 5'11 180 tJgh1lllld·.... backer 01 8monstnms 12 mooagor 16 Jam•.AMood 11 5'6" 115 quarterb3Ck-cM11Ilf 17 JtiRag_ 11 5'8' '4. quarlerb-"afenstv.~ , . • 13 MImy- I. 5'1' 185 qearterll.x:kId_,tv.llfMf SbWleStm8lt 5'9" 19~ II .\ 19 I. b.cklsaf"'Y ~' 20 - Loglll1Sl1nnlll1 12 5'" 205 bad\:lderoos1vo ond ,I 22 KJof Jell""", 11 5'8" 155 b3duVne backer ~ , - 25 llUs.AmerMIZ I. 5'6" 120 bad I. 6'1' 220 tocfI2Mfofonslvo end 91 '-"0_ 12 6'0" 185 - lIghlandldBfenW' _ ee ZOeh CI1IPIoz 12 6'0" '75 _backer Cokn: RopI_ond1kJld U_W_ Hood COIch: Doug Rag_ , I _IlobSmllh,IIdge_._v-...Zalio_.IloIm..___ .JomU5Sllry.D_U_. ~ i THIS PAGE SPONSORED_BY THE FOLLOWING RUIDOSO BUSINESSES AND FOOTBALL BOOSTERS I. SHAVER TIRE & AUTO "GO, WARRIORS!" WESTERN AUTO . <':.;sr C••plet. Automotive SI."lce 139 E. Highway 70 At The "Y" YOUI' Source FoX' Tires,.Batteries And Go Warriors! A Complete Line OfAuto PadS. III.....' 70 Eat. alllde•• o.WIII 371-4077 brazier;, Phone 378-4303 257~S263 400 Mechem. - , Phone. p 1. Hobbs at Alamogordo 4. Onate at Deming, 7. Artesia at Lovington

, . , ~ Good Luck Warriors! ruidoso .ce~te~ '~.DBJ> .~AB'S·.', . GOOD pa•••,

. , - 5. Portales at Robettso,. 2. Clovis at Carlsbad - 8. Portales• at-Goddard

; .. ;.. '. '. '> - •


• G·O BIG- BLUE! . • " .\ • • 3. West Las Vegas at Robertson 6. Socorro at Silver City 9. Tucumcari at N.M.M.I.. . . , . Jennings Oil· Company ; ,Locally: Owned VIDEO USA • ·I"or~ajloll ..and Croc!etlll!l . . , "Go, Warrlors-f"- ""'"'_., "2812 SUDDERTH DRIVE ~.1IIiiIt 1 .-.d1_"Y. Melt _2Hl ...... lh.. ~ ...:8udil.I... ," .._ 10080 • I • • h , ~' ~ ·~. _.,.u~ ---.~ _.~·~ .u..._"~_ ~~"_~' ~-.- ..bI__...... _-.. ..._m...t·...... 1-__'...... d...' _w._·..·...=_..z_=_'...... t ...... '_·_' e_5_.."...·_d_._...__ __....._,.·_._'_..e_=_·_._M_._.__,_._,_·__... __...... 5.'_...... __ • / ,~r' Jr' ''''I'''"' II'''"'';~,.,..._',...... ,•.,.,-'~'-.-" .-- ~...,....~.lI''""''"• ..-;.-'~,~r'""''.,...... ~.,..,.,..,.. "", ' ·r· :, "~,,, j1"'" - " '- 11""••''.". '11""'" .....-,--"7"

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."'- Mpl'ld/;\V, OctO~,ao, 1ess/The i:tUldp.~N.W./5A .... ' ',..,;(~\>:,.- .,';,'.•"," .~ .

. ,

Ser-ious, .. -" football ,.", , -. "Senior Pete Baca (right) takes down the • quarterback; .,senior

Alfred Rue (be.IQWleft) , , ~ .' ,',; . ';,. , " ' .' , ." . '. ' ";' ..". ,. finds space to run; and ~Ogarne!$ Uste~ tt.~c:J.g ~ ..Use your sj(min tryin.gtopredlctthe:.winn.ersof the ... .-,IXtl1lch ..I;>9.Y9 .. _cOn:.tbfte-two,~pag,es.::,tbe·.~o~tes~.i!$"oP,n:tQ.·~~"erYone- ~'. Ragsdale' .(below) dis. exc.pt·-th... •..... ~mployees of. The Ruidoso .New$ andthe~r 'am.hes. ,entries'mus' be , . CUSSElS a play with 'the ,~y~:oo. ~O. ", referee; "" 10. ,.be Ruidoso .News office·. P.M. '.01'1 Friday.F."d, the ",.' '. ". 11. .gall1es...... IiSl the teall1f5 you think,will,win below and pick the score on the tiebreaker. If a' tie still exists. the prize money will be split. Each week the',winnef(s) will be notified to pick up the prize money at The .. , :~~:~,~~:~:JLI~ttd?nIYthose entries c1ipp.•d.from The Ruidoso.


Name•••••.•••••• ~ _...... Tiebreaker Address...... Pick the score in case of a tie: .I ...... I Ruidoso Cobrc',


RUIDOSO WARRIORS. . ' At Ruidoso, N.M. Friday, 7:30 P.M. --

HUGHES BODY SHOP . C'IRCLE Q)'BAR-B-QUE . "Our Warrfors Are The Best" • • HIghway 70 West Pontiac. GEO. Chrysler. PlYJnou~. Phone :J78-4764 Highway 70. Ruidoso Downs 1825 Sudderth ,257-4105 Phone 257.4081 Dodge•.Jeep/Eagle, Subaru • • ·, 10. St. Pius at Capital 14. Texas Tech at Texas 18. 3;t (ireen B~y , • \

WE-·LOVE YOU WARRIORS 'BENNEn'SSHUR~SAV . D & D BEAUTY SALON ' .' WARRIORS!" "We Need Your Hea'jj In Our Business" RUIDOSO OFFICE SUPPLY . • "GO; - "Let's Go, Warriors!" iv~/tfig~waV ~7 ,AND HALLMARK' ", Mechem D.. . Rl/idoso,'NM 1 Block West OfMiddle School Phone 257-2744 .

- " • 11..'Nebraska a't Colorado Cleveland'at 15.•. South..'Carolina at'C Florida, St• 19. Tampa Bay . . ~, . , • . , ,- . -' , • .THE FRIENDLY BEST OF 'C'nS=====-L'.. ContiD8lita( TefephonG . ' ..... "PLACE' ... :\ LUCK' "_ ' V=,_'!: Et. . Oftbl.,Wost .',:. ., AN EOUAL-OPPORtUNITY EMPLOYER . . '. . ' WAR~IORS 'GO BIG BLUIE!. ~, , I: .' . , .' . 340 Sudderth Dr, , 257-7343 Gooel Luck Thl. 5e••onl , , ! ',' . , . / • . . ',12. West Virginia at Penn State 16~ L.A. Rams at,Minnesota 1 • .iO.Cincinnati. at LilA. Raiders. .

. , PHARMACY ' ." GOOD 'LUCK THIS SEASON 238 Sudderth Dr. 257..5194'

• .GOOD ·UCK • 13. Florida atAuburn' 17.,Dallas at Washington WARRIORS , .. '., _ .. -., _'c_ ',", ...... ,.' .••••- ~ -~, _", .. ~_. '-.,.. ~. - ._.... -~; ..... --, ,-' ';'" -" -. -q ~ .• .. "- _. "0 ,0,",- " -'. --, '~', ~". ·-"-··i.'~· -"', ·'v .. ~" ,-" ...... , :--' - -- -," •. .. . ~"" , ·c' '. " ." .. •

, 6A I TIlIll auldCl_CI N.;"'~ I Morid~y, Q<;tQber 3~, .U!.~9 . ,...... • ...... , ...... ,, ....t:..' __,...... i...'!"...... ,._...... ,,...... ,-~-~,~'.l"....__,."...... __....._...., _ I. -:b,...... "'; I- . " . f s . . I I '" " ..a:rts , I i .RlIS volleyballtti'atl\ ranks , r ~-s\~~on.(j~inq:(istrfcts·tal)etiJ)gs

'bYROPM~¥S . , The t'J;esh;Qlan .W/iln capped.ofF gam~lIft:ertrailingI3.2_.. . R.uldOso News ~ports II'friter the aeallQn det:ea~ng Cob~ in two Wnuung the allCQ~d game., 15·13, All three' RUldoao High School· gam.es.· ~eJ~or varalty (JV)' apows how.detenmne« the vol· (RIlS) vol1eyballteama ., won' team. alao, WQn m two gamea and leyball team.la. ' . . matches in C\lbre on S~turdayl wUl .go to the diatrict playoffa in 'The v!U'sity, volleyball team. will The WlUTlQrs Val'lllty ·vQlleyball DlmUng next Saturday. play.agamat7 p.m.. Thuraday, No- team. beat the Cobre Indiana in "rm reall~proud of the way the vember 2, in theRIlS ~aium. ,...~~egame~. 15-8 15·2 15-7. The t~~ nlaved, I. said head coach Hop- A win ThuradllY will ·Illlt the varidty' girlS are' r'itiikiidseoond in .. '-i'bottthevaiilityteam: "Th.eYsta~forthe Warriora togo to district." . came bac~andwon thesecocil. Deming for' the diatrict ".. . championship. . , 46~22. Firat and second place telllllS in Another pass intercepted-junior Chris year; beating Socorro The Warriors dialric1; gQ to the state plavoffs in Torres brings the ball down this time. are playing .Cobre for the .district . &awell. . '. Ruidoso also recovered three fumbles and championship this Friday at W;D. Horton '. . Hop-kina invites ~vexyoneou\; the offense scored the most points this Stadium. Thuraday night to root the War­ rior!! on to victoxy. This is 11 must­ c~1IVip.--matehtogo tAl' diatrict .and 'state playllfFs. ao aQme hQMe coUrt a~pport and enthusiaam QJ:l.. Thurs­ Ruidoso Socorro received t;he ball but According. to head coach DQug day:might be juat the advantage Continued from page 1A 15 yarda on the first play ofthe sec- Ragadale this waa an aggreasive the WaIriors are lookingfor. gain. ond half after Kenny Trapp aacked football ganle. .. . Go Warriors! It looked like Ruidoso had ac- their quarterback. . That'a why Ruidoao bad 11 . . quired a brand new offenae aince Socorro waa intercepted by jun- penalties for 130yarda, andSocorro ~ssista':lt col'lch, Donna Parker and head coach Jody Hop­ laat week. The Warriors mixed up ior Jamea Atwood on the next play. bad five penaltiea for 66 yarda. kins revJevy the gam~ pl<;tn ~or the varsity volleyball players. their ofFenaiveplays and were Ruidoso threw an interception Intenae play alao ahowedup in The team IS second In dlstnct. . quickly ahead 7-0. and Socorro had another chance to other areas. Freshmen,·· On Socorro's aecond offensive get aome pointa. Ruidoso had 35 :tuBhes for 181 possession, Ruidoso intercepted a Senior Alfred Rue intercepted . yards and 18 first downs, Socorro JV.gridders. paas. another paaa.· had 28 carries for 69 yards and 16 Trapp got the ball on Ruidoso'a Ruidoao couldn't get a: mat down first downs. Each team loat the ball next offenaive play and ran 23 and punted. three timea after fumbles. end season yards-for his second touchdown. Socorro coUldn't move the foot- Kenny Trapp waa the leading The Ruidoso High School With 4:50 left in the second ball and fumbled tzying to punt. rusher with 75 yarda on nine car- :nAuto II U 9,_ 31-18. Coming back from a 6-0 Otero Co1Inty Co-Op 4. 12 9,llO2 deficit, the frealu;nen ahowed Socorro fumbled again on their ball back. This forced them to pass The leading receiver was OutBtBnding bowl ~or thiB weelu T8Dia Abe...... ~.219, Triola Tully_ .Goddardwhatthey're made of. own 30 and Ruidoao recovered. and junior Chria Torres inter- Ruidoso'a Joae Marquez, with three 177, Wa3'De - ".204, Ti.m Sherloek-237&2111. The team.'s only losa waa to On Ruidoso'a next play, cepted. receptiona for 98 yards. .. . , . &s.well. Usser;}" siUd the Roawell , aophomore Manny Guardiola threw Sophomore Joae Marquez ''We are looking forward to the Stendinp~mixedleacaebowJ.in&' onTure.day lo-l()..89. team. had somll big players.. it a 35-yard touchdown paaa to junior atretched his legs on a 3O-Yard run district.championahip thia ,Friday TEAM WO~ LOST Drew Mathewa was a main Rick Ragsdale. when the ofFenae returned to the night inWillie D. Horton Stadium." ShadowMountafnLodp, 13 7 • I' _~' r-- .. acore was now ,. .'•. ., H U 7 thill.year. . Ruidoso. ball away. - . Ruidoao' :Will romp With the Fodrw_yMeadow. 12 8 Socorro acored on their next pos- Socorro ran out aome time on the Cobre Indians at 7:30 p.m. 'Friday, Bugbee'Body Shop 12 S The junior val'llity team baa aeaaion, but it aeemed nothing clock, but had to give Ruidoso the November a, on the hQMe field. Jepqfup' on Co. 12 8 one more game to plllY'in SDlOke;yBearMotel 9 11 Deming next week. The JV team could stop Ruidoao. ball back after a fourth-and-one Ragsdale .. invites evexyone to W_te>:nAuto 9 11 run,ning has played well this year and ia When Socorro had the ball play failed. come·to this final in-season football RadioShack 7 13 looking for a win against the. again, they were forced to punt, but Beginning the last quarter, ganle. GoodOIlloY8 7 13 junior 'Kief Jolmllon blocked the Ruidoao took poaaession, but bad to "It meana a lot·to the players to Wildcata. . ate- CltyCo-op 8 14. Coaching the junior val'llity kick. punt. look up in the atands and aeeevery- autBtoondl"cbowJerB ~or ~week: David lIoffer-7QII (24.8,224,2311), Fred After a penalty (one of many) Ruidoso's d!!fense continued to body there, dressed in blue and Paiz.276,Albert Blchardaon-22lI,211; Sherry BorIoh-213, BIllMcBeth-2111, dub ia Ridge Bowden and he ex­ Ruidoso had a firat..and-15 situa- haraas Socorro and anuffed out gold." Bob Promt-2l2, Carol Wall_ClI1S,I4.7,ll1'2l. Chu;y CaBtanedo-23$,lI2IJ, pecttr good reaulta for the varsity VlrcURaynoJda-1I1S team. next year. lion. . their ofFenae. Go Warriora! I No problem, juat throw another Getting the ball back on the • paaa for a touchdown! Socorro 32-~ard line, Ruidoso gave This time aophomore Joae Mar- some oftherr top offensive players a • quez l:llught an IS-yard pass and reat. K- " THE carried it in for a touchdown. Junior Rick Ragsdale l:8lIle in as DAIRY QUEEN . Behind 33-6, Socorro organized a quarterback. TwQ playa later junior TASttE fllEEZ ROTARvcwa .. scoring drive. Quarterback Aaron Kief Johnson ran for an llcyard SKI APACHE STARTI'NG GATE Chriatensen threw a 2O-yard touch- touchdown. MBCALERO alNGO '. . dowft paas to Willie Vallea. With 6:14 left to play, Ruidow CONTEL ~d MACIC-wAvNe_es Receiving the kickoff, Ruidoao's 46 pointa to Socorro's 14. SUPER a MOm. $3.25 .RESTAURANT ofFenae loat the ball after a paaa Socorro acored on their next pDs- WESTERN AlIfO RADIO SHACK (Hwy 70 -NeXt fa Wal-Mart) waa bounced from a Ruidoao aession. J.F. CONSTRucnoN.. INC. - reeeiver to a Socorro defemler. When-Soco~'G-1t;O--F ¥4MC. This didn't help Socorro'a ofFenae score again, junior Nick Herrera in­ MlIHOWNMAllT i • MOUm tOPsEllVlces because Ruidoao junior Chris tercepted.. . M"M e vIllGi (served 11:00 am to 2:00 pm) Torrea intercepted a paas. Fumbling the football on first Driving to the Socorro 27, the down didn't cause much pain to ""H COUNTRY INSURANCE AGENCY Monday - Ham & Cheese with Chicken Noodle Sciup RUIDOSO flNANC....LlNSITIUJES Ruidoao Warriors tried a field goal, Ruidoao. ClEARIIIGHOUSe Tue:;clay - BLT with Cream of Mushroom Soup . butit waa wide to the right. Socorro was defeated. They tried RUlDO$O FORD .Wednesday - Turkey & Swiss with 8C[tan Be Bacon Soup At the end of the firat half to paaa but were intercepted again. nMWlSHAIlD . VAl1EVlllANSITr,lIlC Thursday -·GrllledCheese Eddy with Minestrone Soup Ruidoso had a comfortable lead 33- The dock ran out with Ruidoso's . ....PEN PHAAM!.>CV 14. offense on the field, the- acore was RUIDOSO NAtuRAL QAS Friday n. Tuna Salad with Cream of Brocolli Soup . M.L$. O~ RUlbC>SO . - - ****************************** 46-22, Ruidow. RUIDO$(I NOON UOIl$ . llMaERIlNE'MOm. Enjoy our AdvertlsEldSoLlP or SouP of the bdY' SECOND HALF ******-********************* caL WMIER ..$UPPlV mGHLIGHTS WRAPUP a_WATER'tmlG:lJ11'ER$'/$IEM .TRUEVAj,UE IIARDWARl!

i ... , , "'. ,I I I Plantting~AHolid.ay'Party? I Lell1s lI.elpl ..• ·n·····, ecoralons-•..•.. ·'1'·' .•...• ·;M·.... ··USl(1··.··,~·-... '" ... .. I .J1:~lidayMenu . . 1 I Call Now! ,I 257..7967o:r25.7':'3148 . . J ..(B)1'n n .,.th. • . . m+unt"in 0.4$. • , on TfMt Apachcl Flewrvation . __A.M.e.·SCALERO APACHE ENTERPRISI: I I ....( _._.. ~._. ._....._._'S=' ... ..__...===_=_.="_.,_~._=...:._. =_.:tft ._,_=_...... = ". -...... -~_._~ .. _...... ~_ ...... _" __ ~_. __.~J.£" ~~ ~ . ._~_. ~._ III!"' '.+ '"PO'''',,''' ·~""""~·~'··,,.."'r:\"-'·JI"'"·-""'·~""·r~:·~,"'''·' ',':':-'~'F'-"P-C~:"""~""""""'I"""~"":-"'!' "•. ,:". .. , F" ,.,.,... _: ",r:" .." .. ",.... ''''- ~: ...-", _ .,----, . ..- ~ - __,....~.~W-'W---...~.·.,...,..~.~"":~'P"'~~'"-...... -' -- ,.,..-' ,...... _ ; " '. '. . . "" "' .. ,: .' '...... ,' " , " , ,< '.• • , .. , ,, . •

.," .. -, . .- , ',1" MlJrldpy, Q.Q1Q~t 80. ~\l(!lIlThlJ fI",rdQlllJ NewlS 17'" } .. " 1 '" .. _i ,J, t , • '1' t., ". .~.l i ' ( " , ' ) ,2, _t., .. 5 ], . , __ i. '. i,c~ {p.X,' .. , ";"

", "

. ,,~,". " "':I"e'.. \ . ". "" ".' , .... ,'" ." .... ' .Pie0 -- ... ..

.. ' , ," --'- '. ', ,L _," i ,'". ' Fellowship to • sponsor conference ~~--_._,- - .....:....".~,-----'--'- -_.----~.~.~ -... "", '.--- . .. . , Christ Commu.nity FellowslUp is '0 Monday, October 30, Sat1;u'dal, !'T0vembllr 4, with no-hoatcocktails at6 sponsoring a W.omen's . Spiritual • p.m. anrl dUUl.eJ.' at 7 p.m. Theevent is the FiratAn- ,Renewal Conference, Friday and "COl\lMUNlCATIONAND COOPEa;ATlON' nual Second Congressional District Si;atllwi~ :aall Satnrday, Nllveipber 17 and 18, at is the topic for the' Monday, October 30; aession6f of Fame Celebratiol;l.. 1he guest s~aker will be the Bomto Park N'uaren.e, Camp;' the freelarilntinw course, "Raising Capable Chil­ Senator Derinis DeConclni, Democmt of Arilllllna. g!'outtd on State :Highway 48 near 'dren an. Youth,' given by ~. Birgit LaMothe, Forinfonnation andreservations, conta,ctthe event the CamlllOlllo tum,llff. , from 7-9 p,m. at the Ruidoso High School com­ • chairperson, MaIy Gail Gwaltney at 524-7678 or . Pat Sta,ntonftom LubblXlk, munity room. 523-4515; or, state parly fuDdraising coordinator Texas,will be the minister. Stanton · Judy DeAtley at 842-8208 or 891-3443. .'lu!s . spe~t the past.several yeani . IDllllstenng thfongh the Rays of Wednesday and Thufsday, TheRUIDOSOB~PlJOES\villliiveaHoliday" ..... Ho~Mini.stty; .•.• . BUlladrom 9 a.m. to6_p.m. Satw:day, November . Accol'ding to' a news ielel\Ij!l, November 1 and 2, . 4, at the]!llka Lodge' on If!.ghway 70. There Will be Stanton closed the Rays ofHope 'Qf· . , lots offirie. handcmfterJ,gl.1'tB, arts and crafts, and fice in Lubilock to give hcmilJ,f to A FLU SHOT CLINIC is scheduled from 9 a.m. food. The buaar will feature many local artists, the continuall.rayer and the ministry to 4 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, November 1 R~doso Pl'ove will be selling crafts of all kinds; ofthe wor . and 2, lit the Ruidoso Senior Citilllens Center. The . Fran Barton. one of a kind sweatshirts; Crickett . The I:.otd has given Stanton the flu shots are free for those 65 and older and those Hall, cross-stitch pictures, aweatllhirts and cmft.s; boldness to speak the. word and to in the 'high risk group. For more infonnation, call Helen Whitwam, wooden jewelry and crafts; Diane" see the Lom stretching forth his Bette Romans at 257-4565. GQl1as. quilts; Shana ComelillB, t-shi:rt fashions; hand to heal with many signa and. Km-en Foster, ceramics and cross-stitch; Belinda wondem, continues the release. The .' . .', Puckett, holiday Wfeatha and table ammgements; Lord is also using Stanton to speak ,. Wednesday, November 1, Alamogordo Pl'ove, V~OllB CJ;'Ilfts. The proceeds prophetic work to chmches and to from the buaar will benefit the local and national individuals concefcing God's bless- A FREE GLUCOSE'SCREENING, sponsored Multiple Sclerosis Society. ", iog and holiness. by .the American Diabetes Association, the New o .All area women are welcome to . Mexico Affiliate Chapter and by the Rol!well · There will be a POW WOW from 2 to 11:30p.m. the conference.. For further in- frAT STANTON Diabetes Support GrouPJ is planned from: 10 a,m. to · Saturday, November 4,. at the Mescaieio .Com- fonnation, call 354-2246 or 354- 1 p.m. Tuesday, NovemDer 1, at the Roswell Mall. mnnityCenter Gymnasium, :aead Drum. will be' 2726, or write Retreat, PO Box 413, Participants Dinat be 18 or older .and a two-hom . Vincent. Toya, everyone is welcome and admission Capitan NM 88316. ,. " fast before the screening is suggested, but·not re­ ·is free. There will be !bod concessions, rames, arts Bridge Results quired. Each pmticiJ.lant. will receive a written and crafts, gomd and social dances. report to be given to his orher doctor indicating the The Ruidoso Duplicate Bridge Billie and Bob Statton tied gluc.olJe levels in the blood. This procedure takes Club .Ji1et Wednesday, October with Rachel KirkWood and Betty 'I November~, '. only a few minutes and will be adminiatefed by Monday, In the 18, at the Senior Cimens Center Powell for .finJt place. Tllh-d . '1 qwilified nmsing pemonnel. • with fom,tables in play. place went to Ava McCnne and • • ~s I TlJ,e OF THE LJlUlARY AND THE Kathy and Joe Ranne won. Marilyn O':aara. 0 I NEW l\lEXICO ENDOWMENT FOR THE service fust place,' Ava McCnne and , With the. summer season I Thursday, November 2,. HUMANlTIESPIt.ESENT- BOYD BA.RBE'I'T, Marilyn O'lIare WCl'e second, over, the RUidoso Duplicate "! perfonmng "Tales of Enchantment," at 7:30 p.m. NAVY PETrY OFFICER SEC­ with Doria B1!1'leson and Sam Bridge Club is in need of more SANTA COPS will have an organilllational Monday, November 6, at the, Ruidoso Public Li­ Gold finishi.ng third. bridge playenJ, according to its bJ'lU'Y.Ther~will OND OLASS MELVYN N. WAG­ meeting at 7 p.m. Thmaday, November 2, in the stories from New Mexico's his­ NEIl, son of Melvyn N. Waguer Sr. The Ruidoso Duplicate Bridge members. eonrl:room at the RuidolJO Police and Conns Com­ tory, in drama and music. Admission is free and of Ruidoso,recently reported for Club als.omet ,on Wednesday, plexfor all people interested involunteerlngto help refreshmentawillbe Jlerved. duty aboard the fleet ballistic mis­ October 25, with fom tables in Anyone interested, '~y call the Pfognim. Refteshmen.ta willbe served. aile submarine U.S.S. Alabama, play.. 2584332 for more information. LINCOLN COUNTY REPUBLICANS FIRST homepofted in Bangor. Washing­ , MONDAY will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, November 'I The TEE PEE LOUNGE at Ruidoso High . tom School will have fresh garden salad,: chicken 6kii~th~Ruidosl)Inn. Yvonne Lanelli '¥ll spe~ on He joined the Navy in October' . JllIJ'I!rlgianasti1'-fried ve¥ctaples, rice pilaf, fresh ·S g' m: New Zealand. For ·t'mther informatil)n, . garltc bread, apple-pear pIe Wlthsauce andlCed. tea call 354-4273. 1982. or coffee on its menu for Thursday,· November 2. *'$ ItsTimetoThink •.*' The cost ofthe meal is $4.50, and reservatioilS are Judging for' Family . Crisis Center's -blVfti·>lahle-by..eallillg-thHi~eh60ll" -a26518~-44!9fJl090.r----!,SiI'P'AA!lOGiJjHE1!J:!lll!m;I-CCI;J_Iz<'l'\SSlC eooki::5; oompetitia . be at 6:45_p.m. Monday, Nove er 6, at the Inn­ Credible. Contestants in the spaghetti sauce con­ Saturday, November 4, test may pick up contest rules at the InnCredible, the Fireplace Centerl Dr. Arlene Brown'lJ office or A SPECIAL INVrrATION TO LINCOLN theRuidoso Valley Cnamber ofCommerce. Thereis AND PLANS ARE COUNTY DEMOCRA!I'S has been prelJented by no Charge to enter. Admission to the judging, which state Chainnan Ray Powell to attend a fuDdraiaing incllJdea samples of the sauce entries and com- UNDER WAY FOROUR event in Las Cruces at the Mesilla Valley Inn on plimentafy wine, is $1. .

I ANNUAL DOll WINTER SPORTS UBHIUP YOUR URWIlH TABLOID! . CUSTOM SEAMSTIJESS . • Se.nior Citizens Now Taking Appointments $1- hearing test - Also AlteralilJns - 257-5997 -, J!;...... -+---.:~~nl~ovem~==:::~~=:~~~=-:::lt=P:. ':"~:,l:a.~.,=rrllb~C~"="':":' ~::....=-:.-!:;~.:;. r- IfyoU havetrouble hearingorunderstanding. thistest(whlch-uses the latest electronic equipment) will determine your particular loss. Test Is perfonned bystate licensed hearing aid personnel. You will see a hearing aid so tiny it fits. totally within the ear. FOOT CARE ForAll Foot Ailments :.~ Mir~cle~Ear® . Dr,;'. Jeffrey A.· ~oth FOR THURSDAY MORNtNG SmRRAPROFESSIONAL CENTER APPOINTMENTS Si.enal?rotessiona{ Center CALL 257-7712 ~o NOWTO .' llr.;Paul WhitWlm1'S Ofti.oe • SltlrraProlesslonalBuildlng • ~ai.1 REseRVE YOUR 24$. Mescalero • a °"0- . Ruidoso.NewMe::doo • 2lSNU46 ilppOb:o.tDle~t APV,ERTISING SPACE: . Calltoran to a'Voi.d waiting: ' ..... )' • A~noun~ing . .... '. The .•SPECIAL.AbVERTISING,RATES

"Extinction,'" ofthe. Bifocal". .", .INFORM'ATiVE-AFt-TiCl.ESAND-­ FEATURES ONS'KIINGAND OTHER The Age ofthe OrdinaryBifocalis Over. . WINTER ACTiViTIES· ... '. . , New SmartSeg@ Iirovides YOllwith eINeREASEDCIRCULATION••. , .. . '. Sierra the .sharp, mid-range vision 0 • lJee~ Over '11,000 oopies will, bE;! "Mall' you've missing with yO,ur '. distributed ,··throughmail, ····home current bifocals, plus a'll the' ...deliveryahd· newsstand sales; Hev Kids. . reading-correction you expect. PLUS additicmaf'oopies .will be .. So you canr{!ada.computer . plaoed· at the' Chamber' of Com­ $!gnUp' ....ow'orUt. j<.tck~o·ICIl1terl'l "screen, sink a putt, and skip merGe. motels,' restaurants. ski eontest and, the costume conlest.. . ~own the stair:> ··with comfort " . ~hops, etc... . Go bythe mall for details. and confidence. Seefor yourself . CIHPRIZES AWARDED '} ." why ordinary bifocals are a . DEADLINE ...... iIcI;'=~.vapil""'.ClUiCiii...""'~.""'''''', ~ th~g ofthe past; TRIC OR TREAT IN tHE MALL '... ., ..FOR 'ADVERTISING ...... , '\ ' I Tuesday, OCtobet31 . ' IN THIS SPECIAL TABLOID I ~ $20 off _i ,-' .. 3:30 p.m. 5:30p.m•. ..SmartSeg .. NOVEMBER 9 FUN FO~ ALL AGES! .~ @@Eb&,Sc>laSmartseq orPtogr$$slve ~. SIERRA VISION CENTER , • The Ruidoso News I.~MC Dr. T. T.Merquardt,.O.D. $U.l'I'*Pl'O~;~:I8ulld,ng 257-4:001' • Ita '. 1M 1iiilIIIlIl_ ,, , "'",' • -" ", •• ,- 'r- .". ,~•••••• ,' ~ ..'.'~. __,_.".."}"..,,-, -'n, ~._.,".,.,. .' ...... ,~ ~- "".,~T""'.,- "'f...;,....""""-.;I\l'\"'1;,..-.~,~;jT"I ~.;~_7'll~-~ -4-*',lI''''_i:'"'-"i',~ """",:;:II'I''ildC:e''''I,J.'t:"fW';flM,,.,.~. .. . " ',' . .,' ,'","._.,0;"'" ,.... .,.: '""J.,...... ,...... ,,,., .. ...TIlI:.. ,I • .,..,=. ,~. . , ;':.' - f : .. ,:, . , . " -, .- " "" ". '. '.,.,. I .-'". " . - i . ' . . , •

SA I The Ruidoso News I MQnday, Ol::tobllr.30, 198.9 .. ,. 1 " t;; :,::' :.J. ,.:' , , ,'" l' ,I , The· willow, wild Jl~, and :mo~tain Carmval on thetwent)'.!!~V!mth. I1s4, ate all faU!IiB', floa~l,lg~tly Hall.0ween .~~ Onit of pur favorite :~ugh,th~ ye/lr~. d0!W: ,.pon. the .. Cl}'ftti;U. elllar. days'?ack. We I" l'1IJlJUng ~UIillt ~tream, tinybQllts . ·nade>Jl1ck.-o-olant.erns .out of coffee Drea.mer- gold arid crimson;· saUbJ.g~ugh ea~with acai:idJ.einside, l\lld went . .autumn an;hway~ of the overlean-fNm hliu~e·to .house collecting Va"da C',•·Frank·.·s tre~~.i ~!'ti~~ , Dan Storm' inS; theh' moving pumpk.in.pie, and.holl1emade fudl1e • , shadow Ol theIr (lift'erent forms On and cooki~~. We dived for apples 10 G1.'aveside service!! will be con- Richard ,K. C.ollins and :Mattie the bedofthfl·strea~sthey float a washtub full ofwater and tried toductt:d at 2 p.m. ~~~day, October ~~e"," CollinS. Shem?Vllll. to ON THE EVE OF EIGHTY frOm a:mong the soft green'of the toward the distant sea. .. catch apPles hanging on a string in 31" mSan Antom(),Texa~, fo"," Rwdoso 20 y~r~ ago andlived here Thi~ is being ~ent'to you just be­ evergreen~,'in Punt crimson, 'Ught ABlRTBDAV.CANDLE ourteeth, . . . RuidoSo residelJ.t Vada C. l"J:anks; of(and on for 'those" years. Sho'also

fore .high noon on October twent¥ gald,dark gold, andpu.mpkfu tel" Brother-Lyi)n..and.hia-wife,Mu. .... UWe-..-Col"ina, the- ·Black Bal" 72, Who.died.-Satu,J;day in the Lin- had lived inEIPaso-Temsand, ) " - in six, the eve of my . eightieth low. .'" . ine, an~,their daughter, .Amiie "T!?-e loween ca~, is here dozing in the eoln Count;y Medical Center. . SanAqtonio, ~hining ~ending , birthday, and will reach you on Oc­ The river treeS' are un- .' Gopher, were up from doWl1 Austin sun 'you a happy Hal- . Graveside services willIi'e at the I tober thirty, the eve ofHalloween. Ilera pure silken blue sky in gently way, and on the twent¥"fourth up loween. And the same lIIessage is ~das Achim. Cemetsry in San Survivors include· 'a sister, ... I Mother Earth is .dressed in her rounded forms of bronze, I11Sset, . at theh' 'WeeHou~e on the being !!ent from put in the garage Antonio. . DorothyCollip~ Flac.k, of Baton '. j , finest Indian . Summer . colors orange, and aI1 shades of gold and Hillside" t'hey brought out a grand where Little lIIDk Face, the young Born May 20,._1911, .in...BexarRopg.e>_J.&uiailma..;.l!nd..1L.bm.ther•. ,. , celebrating many things: all Octo­ amber. The little' apricOt tree' just dinner of chicken and dum'pllngs, .black cat, and her four black kit- .. County, Texas, Franks was married lWy D. Collins, of San Antonio, ber birthdays, the glorious Autumn outside the sUIiroom has turned its and sang me Happy BirthdaY. It so tens are making theh' home. to Leo Franks who died in 1969. Texas; and many niece!! ana time, the pride 'Of life in the leaves pure' sunl,ight ,1.ellow. In happeneil thatC,R. Hicks of Ednll, .' She was the daughter of the late nephews. ", Mountain Land, and the great joy harmony with the colol'¥atterns of Texas, way down in Sputh TIl¥SS, The 'We~tern Bluebh'ds are out ofliving inAmerica. the mountains, hillsides and val~ had sent me an Australian Apricot around the Bluebird tree flashing . This will be the last mess,a1e I leys, the mouiltain meadows are cake in a 'r0U!'d tin b~ For dessert ~heh' b~ht co~sas they go.d~c­ . ti " J will send you before I tume,g. J;y, sparIt)'109 10.• the ...b!l:llellfl .m.p ...... '_1. we allllad's.lllllll!ofthiameanlLonmg a .. ~t~1!8'.. ~and m-cllllg...... , . ' ...... C·or.rec on .1 and my heart is filled with gratefUl­ light crimson, scarlet, 'bronze and my slice there was a small red through'the air singing their songs ness to you, and to God for bringing gold. The air is rich in the aroma' candle. So after the singing it was pf happine~s. The West \rind sings. Some statements reported in. The News and attributed to me to this landinark in life. ' and the tlavor of turning leaves, easier to blowout O)1e candle than a song' of deeep contentment the Thm:sday, October 19 article Modon were actually made by Out past the American flag, ripening herbs, the last of the wild eightI. So I go\iZT.oh. . throug~ thil! sacred vale: And in my . covering the c.B.pitan Board. of DorothySmith. floating in a brisk western breeze, grapes, and sun-warmed ,Pinon .HAPPY . WEEN '.. heart IS a song of gratefiJlness to. Trustees. were incorrectly at­ you can see the patch ofOak Brush needles and Cedar branches. I think that it is very nice that yOlL Let us all be grateful to God tributed to DorotheMorton. . The RuiclQSQ News regretS in House Canyon shining down, Leaves of the oak, box, elder, the Care Center AuxiliarY is plan- for his many blessings. . Those statements reported by the error.

( 'A'A"'A'A'A'.J"',"A;'A'4'1''''''A''''~'' ~,~ •,.'A' A'A....,.",'A''.A'A''''..'. . .•... < . ". ','.' . .. '..... i,j..'

r------~-----, White-Westinghouse SO',' Gas Range CRAZY, . FREE HEARING rEST I with Porcelain Enamel Oven '. Bring this ad with you - Adults only. ,I MODEL' HORSE • Local Service I GF300H October .We honor our competitors I • Easy·To·Clean coupons and match their I Porcelain Oven Specials prices., • P-orcelain lift­ i ·One year service with pur- I Off Cooktop Sculptured chase. 3q day money back ,. • Front-Mounted .Nails guarante~. Controls Reg.$5Q .COMPLIMENTARY I FACIALWITH OUR .Comput!erized Hearing Test • L1ft·Off Oven Door $35 I Now FABULOUS FACIAL and Hearing Aid Fitting. • Two Removable FmMMAe:a::tlIIE . . I Oven Racks 'WI Whlla,Wesllhghaus'e Also Specializing ....th ~. or' -I1--'k.-MeD!e-Manioures-----=------.:===~·=~~~·5J-~-'--~ J,Our-localservice is-youf.-Qdwm/Qg • ----'"-"IOU.vlIt-tJrOlIler------,..--"ll::.:=;.-MGgeI=-GFaOOIH-~~ • perxnanentJuUrdolO... , I, ONLY- Reg. $lloLlIO , SOUTHWEST HEARING SERVICES I Now$9.00 I I $299 I "Hearing Better Is What We're AllAbout" I ForAppointment Call Teresa or Debra I 437-3708 257-4444 I ~t.1.1~g~ Eariy or Late Appolntme:i1ts Avajlable " Medical Arts Complex ~ r ':;':;::1 616 Mechem " . 1211 10th st. Suite 3 ~,r;;-~'''= Ruidoso I' RUIDOSO FINANCIAL CENTER, I Alamogordo Wed day I Rnanclng Available nes I AIRPORT SIDE L Monday - Friday Se Habla Eopanol ...J PHONE 258·4490

, N -:§ ~'IIIII'I'11111 TIIIII'I'I'lllllllllll~ '1111\'1'111~' "ltll\IIIIII'\IIlIIII1'111111\llllllIr111111\1111111\111111'\'111111\1111 ~11\'IIII' M ,.~ 7, 81 l:II 110, 11 12 13 14 15 C'? I ~i tt.••••••." .. 1 t .... I'" Ut~ Ifyou've been ~(i) ,I, • I "'~ making excuses ~ ... I ~C'? ~ o).§ about getting rid of ~ "'~ those unwanted ~o ~ THE Ie ~ -C...... inches, come by ;:(0) ~ ----,. " ltt you' the easy way ;"'" to workout. =- ~~ · CO~ ~ " ~~'" We Carry, i,... ~.... ~; O~ EXERCISE TABLE - Sunbelt Clothes ;;'"", ~.. • . I Breakfast ~ (,)~unllm~,:=~~~or;!o r~ODC3' AnEn~ ~CQ • .... " "We now have a. ) '1' I U \}--/ .. ~ ~"'" · ~ Licensed Massage =.~l . ~ ~ l~t~i.~,-::,?O ~ i Therapist for your ' ~ ?s ~_:~ . ". ,'. '.' T6..: ~ convenience." Eo- _ 'IOU.o.n-.. PhOlleord..-s31a.4303" . : ""~ ~'lI' UWE SUPERNOVA Plaza cenler Olli"~ Q;jll"';" ll'~OJSOIIl'(ltC;Od$C~""SOU.:'l'f"'*.:"".,....l'..lJ'\X!O'~"''' ""~ TANNING BED 1703 SUdderth Dr. • rIP'll...... ~..~rTl"",;:'0' ~!l.' 'p·l'~ Cl'l·!4'liI" "N , ' c.,uoIdoOt:croot\llD ' .~._f;_~~,",po.c... ~ • ~ ACU-MASSAGE TABLE 257-5550 g.... • 1111-\'11/.1 1111l'!III"1l 1111111t'llillfilti 11111fl l\I1'1I 111'111111 Ulllll'~ 111111111111 I~IIIIII J1111~ 111'1111111 11111111'IIUIIIIIIIII 111 ~ C'? \\ · T t 1 .:. . 43 44 4 5 4.6 47 "Il8 "Il9 5 0 51 51 ~c'i I.-,:,,-~.-,:,,_-,:,,_.1 __.--.:..._-r:.._...:.._...:.._....:.._~....:.-:;;.;.;.... ','. ,• ,. '. • " ·• ...... · •· ~ . I" ..•.• . , .Fun BusTo .• ,

Las Vegas, Neyada : , . t Bus tJ,"ansportation, 3 nights .- (+ tax) at Flam,ngoHilton, 2 • ~ Fire, .. Smoke Waler :;. buffet di11J1ers, 1 late shoW· • • ~t hotel. Canfor detail$'.- • . . ' • .AFARt TRAVEL,.INC.. • . . 613 SUddettll IJdvtt . III. . • CHARLESrON~~R~f~ • . . ,_._.

• If I Disaster Restoration SpeciaUsts " , 257·7714N.M.1#029672

1. • SF' 7 ; , 7 7 En srt* +ttl! " n rl t 7 7· nmn SiS 2 5. Ott. tn. Mm m5 17' * -m rJ-j·_".-_ 'ff '.... _ .• _ _- __ ._. _. ---" p,pl. •• P * ,... ,....,.,....,,-Il"'" r"""..,..---,...-- ...... ,... ~,...- ...... - _ .,...-, _ .,.,.-'.,.-, ...... ,.':""" ...... - ....-:",.,- 'l<" u eo • _.f4'y. "!'" .,.,.-,.p I""'"'p p.p ",PSi." Pl,;:' P. ,. $., P Pi A .. p.' ".p,p, if! A A·II" .·11 PP*"P-PPip,PPPF·W##1:P p, pip :p ¢ P Ai Pi P ' P $ p». - . . " ' , " ~. M' PI > . . . • ,.' i , " .', -. , . II ,. " .' . , .' ,. ".'- -...... , . ,j • ! ", . .-. , "- '1 .' •, " , . .' '! ," - ~ ...., ' i 'RJiS.s~dents()pera.t~th~Te'ePeeLouhge\:. - '. • •. MOJ1day, QQ!Ql$r (lO/ 11!81i1 I 1'hlt RUldQ-lIO N.Wlit9A · " 'Obituary . ,0

., .,' ,n . ' by.ROP, MA_·y.S fiveyeus;' . ,. testam.;.nt. .'lybYCllJImgauilJosC) lijghSchwlat. o 25'4~0. ,-".~- to". AYld S(lNewsSportsvvl1fer • . Students eompleting roOds 1._ ...... "bel' •. 'tit· '.' , "lle K"az'"'h'e .Lai!tThIml~Y' was the grAnd. sUllllessf\llly ean bUy into the .'ree,' ~youwAAttoeatattbif!;fb,lellil- ;,;:g:1 . ulVmg,"S0glvee , '.Re".' '.... '. "',' '.. , . .' opening oUP-1l 'ree. ·PeeLoupg-" th& ti K.an W: ld Leste D . Kazh b te bin' '. . Ita t..e • h . fri dLI . __". . , . '.' . '. ...,.. ',.,.. . .", ·······:~~~l~;~~~nMe&: .. ·J~sii;ii-~~~e;'rfopnPe1'~lGi~~ ··&e~ren:iu-s· g~ung,~ooFlii1i:;-~';il~. ~. 'iii~iiI:efu~u'a~~~~~~~--'The-~tUdent$~ahhe- Te~·pee"jo~n9~"'~re-~o~ki~g·-;~m~~='~~··· calero,she was Jl1lU'l1.ed JP-,1933to_ 2I1nne~d IronBarrmgton. . Foods I and Uelassell for more than fresh sa,lad, desseJ1; and 1ee/tea or thing delioious', Every Thursday the-olass senies fine food ... I Da'l'id.Kame J:r, whoSUl'Vlves her. HOl1orary .Pllllbearers .will be 10 years. . coffee. . " ..'..'. i Ka¢:he bad worked for. t:he D~· Ke~thMiller, ~aU!1eeEnjady, :Pete The 'ree Pee Lounge has been a No' wonder there' is: standing for the publiC. Reservations,are adVised, slnoe the class IS I partment of Human Serv:u:es In Kazhe and Cecil K:in2lhUlI\a . l'art ofDurham's Program for about room only at the Tee Pile usually booked for lunch. '. .


,~'j'...···if.'!'.'.,.,.,.,.,.•,.,.,.,.,.,.:,.,.",."",.,.,'.'."""""'i'j . . .' '. I'

:] • ",.•,.""".'··1'1'".,1',"'" 1"'"'A'1"'.'1'.,.,.,.,1,., FROM ASTATE·---'----:;;:~;;:::::<:; FAMOUS­ Triangle' , ·t=ofl ITS Sporting Goods SUNSHINE We Special Order I· '. Letter Jackets and Em:blem.s.

!.lmU;o~ S~r~en ~J.j.n..tina: , ,. ..•. .- ,., Crosley -T-Shirts ~ . IN SPITE OP OUR SUNNY DAYS. Nru!riclttf Tannins Syslnns cf e%posJlr~: -Jackets a 'on... 'ndir",ll lib's ,I.e •.and selling sun'"'' .ables ,,, New .------".....-:...... ---'---::--:------tt--~-i ---i,i; pins. • eM "8snlJwcones 0 'mD;I... U¥' sJlpJ1'03e --1/------...... ~.'- & • Nno Mex;a, CIa:lififtf"Ad Network -'f'~'~"'f.Attf«U!" ) ·Reg.~ - earn nI orm.s ECLASSIFIED T.nnlng"s"ds 1uI~ run O'tIn" 40 limn-I,. ,he put -yNr ,It .~1 (OmttIu,.,'Y new!l1H'pd& (induJ,'ng thU one) GlJd 1uIvt: rrttc1red WC'l!'A:ly wu 219,f'MJ < Kordite'· .~~ 5uhsCr-i[rtn. . -Caps . ':" tiTWORK n..,'s 50nw: t"JtpQsureJ i!'you.',.;: lookingfin' 'M' Iypi: o/_dverlbfng t : - uptMurrUo,.,gd',hu nnwJNIper" . 7.77 . .stff1~s , ''Everything for the Athlete" . Reach ZI9.00Q readers through 31 hOmetown newspap~rs. Contact: Kordite 3S:;;Pk. Lawn • Almond color . .10_...... my ~ (505) 437-6601 and Leaf' Bags are extra'· .•-"ov_oven door Reg. .95 The Ruidoso News . strong. hold plenty of outdoor • 8lCll1llll' d.- 902 Ave•. debris. Drawstring toP. 39-gal. .~' -• SALE . DoWntown • Phone 257..4001 • papaclty. "·3500 - .---- 34999 It can ",ork for YOU; too. QUANTITIES LIMITED...,.. • Alam.ogordo..

r:===HAM-BURGER KING~ , 2547SU_Ih, 257-3275 op.n 11 ••m.-4p:nt. . ~ op.n 11 a.m.-7 p.m. SUn., Mon.. Wad•• lburs.- ., Friday and saturclay , Juatb

I __ ~ 5 .. _l I . AI IAd....rtIi.d' 0, 99 ~t N'bti(li'l(l! tv WHit! 'CHlI "'a,,1: .. h....'i'••" t.b.e.••' Iiot&[ J .... le:r...... ,._r•• -, s,ufflliS t;~;H~fI.C: .In,, .nd' .Odlc: "'•• ~.u~ 6 ,."••~t; -:=._ ·&filliit- nd on. ClII.,.,.'•••t. .AST ~ ,.,Ita ugt~ IU.nll 4n. tAt'.. ~'f. EA't ... j , ',' ·. Ptntk Anti-Freeze 't Gal...... ti*Q '....ti'ft eM only thin._ t"tr.~ . . 1'1 ' Get :vear ,orou:...d protc:(fion With ,?ne- of the ....". -a"Milt M."" kln.d1 or- tet04l \ihicb t~Odltl9 btQfids oJ dnti.freeze-. Meet$ iJ'I~l~t ',~ ~ 6---- - doICm()blte "'ArG's SI'ec,fill:otions 'ond i$ 'It ·UM, "~ "'l'jWIi.r.'. . COfl'1pcihbYer with 'Othll!l'r btalid$. 1h.t~ .Uk""_ hu.. .-*\11 i;OM lwp;1' Jf ~ ,...... , . .N---:5 .. c... 0 t' ",lnl; .Ji4 ••t, 'U'Ub ...... ·.4l'#'t ~"'l1a~e """*11e liAgla_i'. " ..~-. '. • • • • . "',; , ... " .,/' ~"­ , . -~" .. • '. • , " ' "

.' . • •


.,CiJonfetence- , , .. ',- is"aboutw'ater.. ...' . .. .' ,.' .." -, by BRIAN I3I..Al-OCK'Mayor .• Jakl! Harris, ''J.'rwltee··· eu~ai()l,1a about waterq~1i!:Yalong ROldc)SQN$W$ Staff WrJterLeV~e .Cole and her daug:1,lter, ~ .. flver. The cQnference. was , "'Manl 10cal.8.0vernn;l,etit officials Kire !J.ole, represented the VJlla~e . highIig"llted b;Y a speee"h fromqov, and pnvate CltizeQil attended the 'ofRmdoao powns. . . ·emor ,Gamy Cattuthers· who ~.f.Qw.th. Nmll-ltl New Mexico .. Also .~ttendiug the conferenFe apok.eont:b.e sW,te's llUiMli liitua­ Water Confl!rence on ThUl'sday and .from ,this: .area were .Leonatd tion. and thil ·llffeet thQae landfills· ·.... Frlt~inll~rii~jll. conference was ~~:rrt:~(l ,~~~t~~o~:t~!I· t':~~aJ~e .•. co~tam.i!lation . of , .slJ1lnsQred by the New Mexico· .. Potter sllid the conffl)'enee dealt .rotWrandMilscalero Tribe Pies~ ~:=.Resources Researeh- In- b~:u~s~~~1:fr:::~t:l;::e\~:::l!,t~~~l~t~~~ . R/li.doso village. manager Frarik issues inso'Q.theasternNewMexjClJ)ll.ents wi the·PeCOS River B~jncim · Potter .. sllid Lincoln C011U!:Y was wIIS, presented l)nd toe silttlement pIan fQl"t.twfuture,. ~., ...... : · w!!~1.repr.,~ell;ted at the confe,rencl! with T~s oyer ~e Pee,os River .. PQtter.·,s.i~idthe an,nualviater which pro'vided an outletfor discus- water ngnts was dIscussed.. . . . conferenee Ul.always a gool!. sour.ce . · siou(lfr~i;lvantwliteJ:'issues. Hll sJiid the eonfel:encllalsodealt-o£jnfonnatiQn:ahQ\ltwaterissues;~-. Besides Potter,81so representing with t'aeteationalissues alougthe·· . . the Village of Ruidoso were Infra- Pecos River, like Brantley Pam 'and "At the aunuid Water conference, structure division' director Becky its impaet on southeastern New you 1earn about, federal I!lld ll~te Bell-Durham and head oftheWater Mexico. ' . litigatiOllS and the effel;t they have 1 Departm.entRichard Sanchez. The conference_lllso!eature~dis- onN,.ew M~co:'1l.~~~d~=c c •... , _...... _._" •. _.~~ ',F ""', -,..._ •._,,,.~ '., -,-- , , , . . New toys! Santacops gets set These children are playing or) some of the . The Santacops program shifts law enforcement personnel. field Street in Ruidoso. new playground equip­ into full _gear this week with a Trophies will be awarded to the Refreshments will.be served and ment at White benefit volleyball tournament and a teams. pmspective volunteers are invited Mountain Elementary meeting foJ' volunteers. AdInission will be $2'for adults, to attend. . . - .. The volleyball. tourna)ll.ent, $1 for students and 50 cents for SchooL The eqUipment orga~~rs· was purchased for the sponsored by the Hondo Athletic children. Even the ,players in the . SantaCOPll aIsoan­ .' .Department, will take place Frlday, tournament willbe,paying the ad­ nounced this week. tliere will be .a school by the parent .. NovelUber 3, at the-- Hondo High Inission chlu'ge because all proCeeds bake sale and a garage sale on Sat­ council. School gymnasium. The tourna­ go ~ the ~tacops progrllm. urdaY', November 18, to raise f11Uds ment will begin right after school In addition to the tournament, a for tlie program. Anyone interested and will continue until everyone is calm allction-and severall'afiles are in dOlUlting items for the garage ·womout. !1=:p~tht:he,proceeds going ~ sale shQuldel/lltalt the Ruidoso Po­ · $x different teams will be par­ lice Department. during the week, · ticiSfn~g in the touma:ment in· _ This week. lit 7 p.lfl, ThUrsday, at 257-7365. . , Clu' the Hondo boys, the Hondo November 2, a meeting for anyone girls' team, thl! Hondo semors, the' interested in helping with the The bake sale will be at Wal· Hondo school faculty, associates Santacops program is planned in Marton Highway 70 and the loca­ fro)ll. the }flC!l1 Wal·Mart store and a the muirlcipal courtroom at the Po­ tion .for the garage sale will be .. Santacops team made up of lQcal lice and Courts Complex on Wing- detenninedwithin the next week. 'For • the record .• ..Court-._. '. reports , .Appearing before Magistrate Judgll J.R. "Jim" Wheeler recently, on charges listed and action taken, were: (Defendants sentenced to DWI school are required to pay $100 registration fee in addition to other fines, court costa and correction fees.) Robert Kleinkole (5·16-66) Mes­ calero: No drivers license. Ordered Your5-Star ChevY Dealer is outto prove ~t his AdvanCed to pay $38. I Loy Van Askew (2-26-62) Three .. New Chevy TRick beats the pants off, Ford!. counts of possession of a controlled . .. substance, one felony, two mis­ SouthernNew Mexicotrock buyersare prClvlng Itlothemselves: Feature for feature, the demeanors, possession of drug technologically adVanced Chevy bealS the oJd·lashion!;!d Ford pickIJp. fn~~~~~ound over for trial CHEVY HAS MORE STANDARD inA:;~ng~ef'la~Ro,,:m:a~n~sri\(4-t:l2.-l-54~)~P~o:ss:e::s'=-__ ~ftR sian of a couLroHed substance. -I-_------. :v ----:.---~------Bound over for trial in District • The advanced, fuel-injected 4.3L VOrleo VB gives you 15 more standard Court. horsepower than Ford's old design in·line six.· 61):uid:o:Bdfatn::::ttof(~O:~ • CHEVY HAULS MORE THAN FORD. i trolled aubstance and recei~' Chevy's got a bigger staJ'K/ardhatf;ton payload than Ford's. :':ro;~~~:ril~~~Free CHEVY'S GOT MORE CAB ROOM. on his own recognizance. There'smore teg room, moreshoulderroom and inoretotalcabroom -Aaron Bishop (2-23-70) than Forel. Plus Chevy gives you more glass area and Ruidoso: larceny under $100. Given flush·mounted windOws to reduce wind noise. ~~~red~:V: 1~~ 1:;: ~ ~~~=:: CHEVY HAS MORE probation and make a restitution ·ft~'D· payment of $37.50. TW~ ED . C;rIs~nk:::~1ji&,~~t~: . GALVANIZEDSTEEL tban $25~. 3~id: ~ ~r::: THAN FORD. ten J p~ba:. '. .. '. d.:ed ::erve 364 a:.,:1IJl. Every outside panelexl;9pt the roof is .twa-sided galva.nlze(f steel. In . tion and make full restftUtion. critical areaS, there are as marty as sellen layers of·corrosion protection. , ~:ns?o~tte· Rtn:""'do:Vsoalarn· .. m·epsted(2b·2a3tte-63ry) CHEVY HAS ADVANCED DOUBLE .. 011 a P.9ace ofti~lind resisting ar·A-ARMINDEPENDENT FRONT 86l'd~;~ein,:f~:r::n::r::SUSPENSlON, TOO•... ,'. ..•. .•...... ; ... 364 days on probation. . Ford's old twin '·beam mal

II.' ~ •-, j""' ! .~ .~ ._~ ._~ _.._...... _",__...::.._= ...... __,... ___"l_._;_·_7_ ...__••__._. .• _E•••••••__ •••• ,_ ••• _ . ------'--._--- , _ ... ~_...... ""' .. " '"-- . •. '", ,-.

" ' , . . Ii...... ,.H . MPflday,OtllQb$r 30. 198$I'Jhe RUldQ.QN!!W.ItJ.ctli:m··... ,---- , ' -.-- . (£ ' .. (t., ' . ,f . 't.' .... ,', __ i '.. :

• ini'on , ,.. , .' , ; , ... , .1\, :1. 12._

Hallowe';ll, with Its tfl;!.dition oUtlc.k-or-treatlng from) door-to~oor,canb.~ a fun time for youngsters. The!3EY ,':1 'f' ,"'~ --:daY$clot$·qf-gl'OuP/il-anlit-fal'l'liljesar~fjfldjn9aJtl;Jrflati~. -,-,~, - • 'WaysJ(lcelEtl;Jratg,.with organi~ed pa~iesand.carrii- . • • .,vals.But,foi'those families whosijchildren $till .take p~rtjrftrjck-Qr::tre~tlngi1he NeWlVlexiCf?Federatioh Qf , .~ TeaF~~!~"i.a,$_.R!;Q)(I9J1)~ ,aj~h_eck IJ~ .9IthQy'v~g~l1jC)¥ ti. , ... ~._._ . 'safil and happy HallQvveen......

~Make sure children eat before going out trick-or- . •• I, I. treating. ." .f ... ---, - ... - - -.-- --.""~"-" -'.- ,.. .-- ,_ -.------Instruct children not to' eat out of their bags before coming home.

. . -After trick-or treating, share the fun by letting.chil­ .' '. dren show you their bags of treats.

.'-Inspect all treats to make sure none have been , opened or tampered with. , "J ~ -Throwaway any unpacked items or those with torn wrappers;

-Wash fruit and cut into· small' pieces to make sure nothing has been placed inside. J -Encourage children to save some candy, suggest­ ing that they eat one or two pieces a day, mayb~ at snack time and as a dessert following a meal.

-Along with the sweettreat at snack time or dessert, offer children milk or juice to drink. Letters to the aditor -Suggest alternate'snacks such as fruit, sandwiches -.' or cheese instead of the seets. EDItOR:. . your assistance is still greatly ap- ter. I I nEAR working with your members and Our council wants to thank preciated. stafti Nancy, you do make a great -Even if you rarelyallowyourchildrento havesweets, members and staff of the Ruidoso cup. ofcoffee. Thank you sincerely 1 Gymnastics Association for allow­ We thomughly enjoyed meeting Michael P.Brillante I try to take a casual approach to having the treats ing us to be part of your Arts and the various artists andcraftpersons Next Fair, should you desire our • G:rand.Knigbt Crafts Fair on October 7 and 8, around .at this time. Your relaxed attitude might help your fair brought to Ruidoso,and it company again, we will have all the :Knights ofColumbus ,i keep your .child's attention from focusing on the 1989. was a pl~,sure serving each and experience we gained this year to·. Councll6G97 Our location was excellent and every cus)lllmer. It was a real joy make the next year's so much bet;.." Ruidoso sweets. , ","

~-----i---;;'f1E1aictT'31::hitct1thEri·1T1J:JOIrtancB'CJfi:lTUsh~Jt.heteeth-or-tD""EARL:difED'ThITO~dRa;1o riifrZlitiiiY~;ue:t~E~"a~I::jJGhe~arte~iIniiiiniiQii~w~ati'sv-it~hr.-e----rm 'lAboffisut'lo)fth~e. ~0ri.lpljijYlsdis§li·[}juqitm8i· e~tin,'",pg~n~o.iiitee-_a_cti-=-·VI-'.·ty-,,-o_f_thi_·S_1ri_·-:,-~:-:-d.----:.--=-_-::-::_-=-_\ Last Th\l18da:v" ·Dig my·o· e turnout;....., was s sequen ya • r' \ rinsing the mouth with water after eatio!} sweets. .and I were privileged to attend the vised that alDiost pOO memberships was the compos!tion of the audien- In any event, the dedicated local first concert arranged by the were sold-which'represents an as~ ee-alDiost an .were older people. peo,Ple responsible for bringing this Ruidoso Community Concert Asso- tonishing seven percent ofthe year- An effort to draw more younger senes to Ruidoso are to be wlirmly Have a safe and happy HalloweenI ciation.We found ita delightfula:·· round population. In Los Angeles, peo~: mcluding school children applauded for their effort and tlie perience to listen to a world-class. where we lived for many years, this (per ps at reduced jlrices}-would cultural enrichment it has already grou:p of classical musician&-the would rep1'P.sent a half-million or so probabl, pay both short and long- brought to this community. Emprre Bras8--:perfol'll1 here in the people-enough to fill five Los term dividends with regard 1".9 in- JohnWeinberg beautiful setting ofRuidoso. .A!tgeles Coliseums. terest in and support of continuing Ruidoso Downs Where to contact DEAR EDITOR: verged in front ofour home at 407 regardless of weather! when' the _~~uld have been with you it h~ . , This moming (2 a.m., 10-25-89), Brady Canyon Drive. The units aliinn goes out. There IS always an could. I know he would have been o u.r .1 aw'm'a k.·e·'rs we were awakened by our dogs, used our night light and ample element of risk responding but you proud. .I'----..."...--=----'------'------~Y ... that something major was"happen- parking to plan their attack on a would never know it by watching. to ing in ourfronty,ard. All at once 4 fire further up Brady Canyon, out Our hats are off to all of tlie Thanks, thanks, we all ap- Ruidoso Village Councillors fire engines,Chief Reynolds' sta- inthe county. responders as they are ever ready preciate your valiant effurts. tion wagon, one Ruidoso police car, We in Ruidoso are extremely to protect life, limb and property in one Emer~cy Medical aIobulance, fortunate to have' sUch a dedicated, our beautiful valley. J.D. James •.• Box . Sincerely 2369 ..• 257-5235 (H), 257-7304 (W) . all with lights flashing, and abOut highly trained and coordinated task BillandVernaAllen J.A. "AI" Junge •••.Drawer 2244 ... 257-7615 eight or nine private vehicles, Con· force that responds, day or night, Yes, our late Jimmy Sanchez Ruidoso " Frank Kolb ••• Drawer 2200 •.• 258-4053 (H), 251-9057 (W) • Thomas B. McNeil ... Sox 3583 ... 257-2647 Larry SImon ... BOx 2161 ••• 257·2887 Jess Stinson ... Box 37 '" '257-6 I Capitol Co~mments there. businesses have a "definite" respon- Ruidoso Municipal Judge . . But it takes time and concentra- sibility to clean up their air. and tion and a 25-cent stamp to those waterpollution. by Kate McGraw things. It is Ilasier, by fai, to cut up Inthe same survey, the pollsters Billy Gene PaynG ••• 1714 Sudderth DrIve ." 257-4338 the ~n cilrds and drive on by learned that of the persons sur- u ... Mo d L deal ut f b' b'ust' the locaI station... veyed 40 percent never recycle ••'Y man.. . . er0 0 usmess, :1 J g~g ••••• ••••• ••••• their 'bottles and aluminum cans; Ruidoso Mayor· ...Had a set-to recently because else'Wh~re, than. t/) ~ so~ething WeShouldExpect_ 50 percent never avoid aerosol pro- when I go out oftown I still stop at ~otrtmJligllt. reqwre. some time and ...Our ~rations to be more ducts., 56 perceont never use -. the same station for "full-service" "ll' .ke Lloyd L. DavIs Jr. Oraw!'!r .Q' 2584243 that! always·have. _'Writing ~ letter to Mann respo:lSible or theirc-actions, and biodegradable, 10w-phQsphate ji . Them good peQple at that sta. Lu·an. and telling him we et ceif;ainl7 Exxon hall a long "fay to '. soaps; 64 percent never recycle r:luldoSO Muhlclpal AdmlnlstratlVG center tion: they check the tires and ~to hold the corporation's::'to' go m.~t respect. ~ut we re ,all ~wspa~s; 66 pe~cent never use . 211 Ct. Mea.~wsDrlve coo~ant and oil without ha.WIg to be the fire and make Ettoll pay for r~~porisible forthe enV1Fo~ent!all biodegradable plastic gar~ge bags; 258-4014 asked two or' three timell, and the cleanup . livmg on. the only planet we re.1ike- 78 percent never use public trans- without s:ulking.· _ Writmg letters to Jeff ly to ~o,,:. pottation o~ ear. pools; 79 pe~cent ... - Butitis an. Exxon station... B~' Pete Domenici Bill This lS no exe;use for. .the never contribute money to enVU'Oll- ,.•.. ..on",.. . .. Ri 'S "~'L'''' 'a - devastation to Prince Williaxn men.tiU grol1P; 80 nercent never . .' .'. c son, teve iXDlII an Joe Sound b t dr .ti t lik 'te I "'-. h litiF.;- • MyMother...· '.. Skeen and telling them· the same .' u, a ama c even e ~ ~.J"'rs .... po ..CUltlS exp~s· ...And\llenty or othel! Amerl thh].g.. ." . that doesn t ~o nearly th& dl1nl;l1ge· mg Dpin10ns on.enVIronmental 18·, \ cans \" . ' _-----.,.....------;.;;..;~-....,..- ...... -_.' ' ...... wh~n ==li~. ___--.,...--__...._Chalrniatl.Oftlw Boiltd-l.. _._.. . sx:" it I .•"po:t tha.t.elittle n on all':il tanke.0 :.', 01.d.' World.:Report: learned that nearly.. . As Pogosai.dmore than20. yeax:s ...... ' . .'. K;~-G,,;;;n:Fii.bii;h~r \ -, ...... '.. stajilo;t The bUStness there Jl1ustas well ali new. 'l'he can. .,'be .75 ~ent ohJOte !fum 2,000 pe~ ~p, e have metthe enemyand It eve 1V fr.nk.." .....11. Editor .c.rtnen Edw.rCI., Ad MlInBg9l' beld~ about 80 J:rCent. The tetrofitted orthey l;8n be scraemit0 IlOns surveyed .. be!i Atnel'J,Cl1D IS us. . ~1I~~~'!~~~~~~~.o toutists~ r ...... ' . \. . ppOpIel many of em -.Calling the NationaIWil 're \ COpytlg/lt198I1,R.ljon PubMshing InC••, 'dri'fe 1D, look up at the sign ano Federation or Sie1'l'l1 Club and . .. M~llo1g IIddr•••:P. o;./:l()x 1:!t1. Ruld\leC), 11IM llllS46 . ° drive on out,. their faces tight and b~nL.0urse1ves.up to date on

~~;;N~-;;;.,;;;;u:=:~~~~di·,;;p.; ,ii~~;;l ! SInitgseemlla8hame ~ me: I don't· ~~s ~.:n:dto~=ceaJI~£a~· .r-...... """':-....:...... ~-~-._.---'-_.,...~~~~~---~--.., ~.l.1tIbIIltytor~_lnlldv4lrtlllllgllh8JlllOl.llCttd ...V Olth.~1 , even know the owner'lJ. name, but needs to be do~e. Maybe even Letters to the'editor pOlicy I ~1nM1lCh1lW __und....bitlallmdby_*ClIort'"lIW-l-•.' J he'salW8Y!ll'tlnagooUshop. Ijust share a bllck or two with them. por*Inof ~~....ybit~,"il/IYm_""-IIW'l0' _0••~ w....deJ~...... p .ras.....n....11 an'd . 'the natllllo£the'Vfritllr mutit .delivered to The New. of6ce at CllIoa..FlIIdoa. O. 11011128. 1'IIIIdo1O. n~ than to do. ~. It's '80 keeping up ~ the .con~Ui1'lg · ;~-rbe In'.1:.....•.....foneri1ication PO h l'''',RuidOllO NlIass.l5. 1-0- -"-__NM.'"--1--_-'- ...... -1 much llUiIr,to put the loCal EUon b:ti. to ~ tht 8Xl-'hl'OI11tIOIW-"er· m :nMI_ - , • , • • • , • ...~ _ r' r, • R • • ~._".<~""",-.~,,,,,,, ,,,~_.,~.,-,,,, ~" ~ --, . ... '" .•. •. ,-" ,.. -., "" ~1 ~''',_. ~~-- .""'~',.""''' .. - c , , " • .,.,. - .,.., ...., -,.' -.. ...,. '""1"""" ...."..:----.. t· "t 'if' . .', . ..'i • ", ., . ;':.. . • 2a, Thlt RuIdoso ",",wa' Mcmday. OQ\Obl;lr 30•.1Q89 . ..-. . '( ..t" d _ ,-' .. ,I; __ ; ,.:.':.., 1.1 __ ;[ . I.. 1 ·iL. .J. -' .. ,.j d 1 .-' i__ ._ ..i .. 'I . , .. ,,' i _ .• ' i; .t j. l.tI.. . . J...... j e); ;

'. ...; , I , , ,.. . LEGAL NOTICE the P1u;Ise I l:'roperty, the Special IslGleno. Baldwin 4. w:Ql!i1Jlity to Ol' fanMarity con.tract ,has been lIuccessfolly ne- De&>nCIa..ts. TWELFl'HJUDICIAL ' Ml!.stel' will sell and convey to the Speeild Master with thll Mellin which the gotiated with a q'!alified finn Or the No. OV·S1Ml$5 DIS'l'mCT COWT . highest bidder foer' cash. all the APP:I.\OVJill)1 WC'jlilct is located; pl'tii:llsli is terrniijate(ianda n.~.-e-. . - D1Vlsonm ' COUNTY OF UNCOLN right. title and interest ofthe a\>Qve :FE'l'l'lNG8a, and,BLOOi\l Points 5 ' qyeelst "or Jmn aal~" • ·ti ted NOTlCEOFPENDl!lNCY , STATE OF NEW MEXICO named Defendants in and to the ,IlYl/stJohn.. R. ~.. 5. the amount ofdesign woerk The ~t:et~~ te "'~:re'd ~()JI'ACTlON ',- -, BAN.ltOF R~OSO, real propeerty known as Phase II of AttorneyforPhUntift; that will beperoduced byaNew In'ovide . pJ:OOf of PrOfllssionai TO: -J. H.RM.JlJIGH and RENA Plaintiff, the Sierra Mall Shopping Center, TIlE BANK: OF RUIDOSO Mexico business within this Liability lnSUJ.'8nce in an amount of I: !lALEIGH, 1I.usbancl"and wife, if VII. ,,'. located on Mechem Road, RuidOso, P~O.J)QwerMstat.e;, CSD, INC, a New Mexico Lincoln County, New MexicO, moere AIatp.,gordo, New Memo Points 25 .not.Jr;~Jft~s"the -iigj,.'t ]i'jf~ilie(rt1ie.\inmown 1iiili:s C~~OIl", SERVICE spe«;ifically described·as: 88310 ' 6. the volume ofwork pereviously to cancel this Request for PropqsiUs of . J;.B~>jWiegIi-and Rena I. CON'.l'll4CTQRS,mC.,Lot2B ofthe Re~tofLot 2 '505-4S'1~O done for ~ Ruidoso Municipal WAl'NIU>ACY,O'l)Eu. ofthe C.A. EIL.ANn TRl\CT. as Legal f6461 4t(10)23,30 Schools wlij,ch is not 75% :::n';iv::Jrjn{:Il:~~~ o~:mm:P,~:COW!1cllliman~ of SPURLIN, NATlONAL shown by the Replat -thereof (11)8,13 complet-e with n:spect l'.c:! basic response to this request a:n.d to Intl!res,t m,the premures adverse to WESTERN-LIFE :tiled in the o:f6ceofthe ~fesSlonatdlllllgn sel"Vlces; award the-tom:PJi1llliDP:llolely w.ithinPlam.---,·-,,-----' CITrO ...... ".,. C ' " LEGAL NOTICE IN..." .._,..,,",, OMPANY, County Clerk and Ex-Officio REQUESTFORPROPOSALS oints 10 ' the bestinterestofthe District. rWSE BE. ,ADVlSED j;hat SJERRAMAJ.,J.,; L'rD" Recorder ofLincoln County, New THE BOARD' OF EDUCATION 7. quaIifications ofthe key , INQUIRlES.a\>Qut-this Request RALPH' ASHLOCK and ~~S ~RUE, Mexico, December 16, 1982, in ofthe'Ruidoso Municipal Sehools in ' pel'sonnel assigned to this for Proposals may be directed to E" ASJYlC~_l1qs~and _aru\wife, BURKEl superinte~ent ~ve ag~you C~~.r~~~'WS, ~~~tD, Slide No. 108. Ruidoso. New Mexico is1'e!luestin~ ~ect, including consult;ants; Mr. Sid Miller, of ,lJ,I.el!: S1.Ut mthe Schools 257-4051., District Court o( Lincoln County, MANAGEMEN.l'..INC.,andAtraet-oflandinLot2B ' =~~~~:m~~~~W:il ,Points40 ', ,,- '" " " '" '~'1646/j3t(10)28,30 . -~ew:~co. nC-T!te"'libjec!:;of~llll" 'l'RIANGLE ELEC'l'RICALbeingareplat ofLot 2 of until' po, - ' 8. overall quality ofthe peroposal; (11)2 tion ll! a ComplainttoQ1.Ue!l Title. SUPPLY CO., the CA EILAND TRACT, 4:00 P.l\'JtiJ,Tuesday,Novem- Points 10 ," Yon aref\i'rtheradvi$ed that, in .. DefeJJ.dants. Ruidoso, :Lincoln CounW, belr 1'· 19~teatd' etomfc~"r!SiI'd Mu- TOTAL POSSmLEPOINTS 150. , I.EGAL NOTICE the event )'l!u should fall. to file a No. CV.87448 New Mexico; and descrlbed by' er, Supenn n en 0 .,..".00 s, 2oo ,Based on those evaluations, the TW.lUJi'TH Jl1])1Plt\L responsive pleaclliltll1'ri!otlollon oer , Division II metes and bounds as follows: Horton Circle, Ruidoso, New Mexi- highest rankinlf firms will be in- DISTIUCTCOWT befOre Decembeer 4, 1989,judplent "" OF SALE B .. t th So tit t co 88345. Respondents should sub- VI''L_-' ~"',m'te---ew, WI·th:·/fi.the ~m- CO~OF LINCOLN oer othtir rilUef will be -rendered NOn'"'' egmmng a e u wes mit Seven (7) copies of their ..... W ,., "'" NOTICE is hereby given that comer ofsaid'Lot 2B; thence proposal whie,h should include' mittee. 'Dlning the interview,each STATE OF~WMEXICO againstyqu ro- default. . _ the undersigned Special Master Sonth 89' 48' 32" East along Ii d filII finn will be evaluated in accoer- RAJJ>Jl ASJlI,.OCK and The lawfiim ofUnderwood, Dut- will, on the 27th day 'Of November, the South boundary ofsaid Lot cent. an co~tractor re ences. dance with it's ability to: ' ~CES,E._.MDILOCK. ton & Griftin,.Ltd.,-229cBioSb:eet, 1989, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., at the 2B a distance of295.36 Feet; ~~ttals receIved after the dead- 1. develop a positive, effective' HusbandandWife, , Ruidoso, Nlilw' :M.~o 88345. Tela- , East door of the Lincoln County th Noerthor 18'08"West lliwwillbereturn~1Ul0P!'~ed. working i'elationship with the P1abJ.tiffs, , phone: (505)257-2323, is the ft­ ence , -" . THE PROJECT IS Additions and Courthouse,Carrizozo, Lincoln along the J!last \>Qundary ofSaId. Remodeling to Three' Schoolll., A Owners sta1'l; VII. toerne~ESS.MYfoer thtl PIatntiffil. County, New Mexico, sell and con- Lot 2B a distan~ ot;251;.22 Feet; preliminary study of the facility Points 40 .HAND AND vey to the highest bidder for cash, /tI;1enceSonth89 4140 Westa needs ofthe district has been com- 2. demonstrate an understand- SEAL of the])il!tiict Court of Lin,­ , all the right, title and interest of dilltance of291.68 Feet to the pleted and a bond issue has been, ingofthe scope ofthe,woerk and coln COluity..l New' Mexico, on this ~ke:~~ 17th day ofuetober, 1989.. the above named Defendants in and West boundary ofsaid Lot 2B; recently passed which provides conditiowr,:, , I~'o Lhlclsa tofthreaISiprope~FShown ~s PCh/Ultee I thencehSouth 00' 23' 00" East' $3,000,000 for the following fac;iIity 3. develop 'a' wo~k plan"~ , o e erm oppmg en r, along t e ~est boundary ofsaid improvements plus' architectural' lv. DistrictcoUrt di:l, located on Mechem Road, Ruidoso, Lot 2B a distance of251.63 Feet fees furnishings and'equipment: delivery ofthe required services; By: I~abethl.ueras . Lincoln County, New Mexico, more to the place ofbeginning and . ' .WHITE MOUNTAIN and DeputyCOurt Clerk specifically described as:' containing 1;703 acres. more or INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL- Points 20 IAilgll,1 f6460 .t(10)28,30 A tract ofland in Lot 3 of less. 4 to 6 new classrooms ' 4. demonstrate any special skills -<11)8,13 the CA EILAND TRACT, (''Phase II Property") Miscellaneous remodeling ortalents whichu:J:l make the Ruidoso, Lincoln County, The sale ofPhase I Property will *RUIDOSO MIDDLE SCHOOL; finn UJ)iquely q . ed foer the LEGAL NOTICE, NewMexico, as shown by the be made pursuant toa J:ud/Pllen.t of Renovation ofelaSSI'OODlll ~roject in question. plaUhereof:tiled in the Foreclosure enteered in this action , *WHITE MOUNTAIN TOTo~'iBT IpO 'SSmLE POINTS 100 Office ofthe CountY clerk and in favor of the NATIONAL WEST- ELEMENTARY SCHOOL; au O PUIUCATlONCOPV - COUUEACIM.AJtP SAVING8 JAN1C8 •• Ex-Officio Recorder ofLincoln ERN LIFE INSUJ,U\NCE COMPA-' 4 to 6 new claSSJ:OOIDS ' In ordel' to allow each finn being • CON2DUOATEO REPORT OF CONDITItlH (InI*,dng ~ Mel FcnIgn ~ LEGAL nfl.1! Of' UAHI'; STATEi W\HK NO. County, June 24, 1981, in NY on October 13, 1989, which was hnperovement ofcafeteria interviewed an eqtial opportunity to "",o=l12~'=,..- IIFit _o..naftCl~_Irom~_ .. _ .._Mattng~_~__ coerner ofsaid Lot 3, thence WESTERN LIFE .INSURANCE 1. Program review and November 21, 1989. Interviews "" ~ _ tIP/lI'lQ bIlIo-. • ..~"-wid" __~_ -:p__a 10 _In__ c/l'IcIn ct U1e benll South 89' 48' 32" East al!lng COMPANY was adjudged to have a evaluation will then be held at the Conference .-.. eta EG;oIo" ~ _ ... In Illf. L F__a(*l the North boundary ofsaid Lot 3 lien. a~~t the Phase I Property in 2. Site de;:~f:me~t planning Room of the Superintendent, 200 to a.a.- ~...-~....nllIltI_ .. ~_ ..--.,...cr--"-'~ E±~~ a distance of225.58 Feet; thence the pnnClpsl sum of $2,088~677.91, 3. Conce DeSIgn Horton CiX'cle, Ruidoso, New Men- 4 ..-w IlnIl ...... 1:nM<:lng _lOllIM. Cl-l..E-tl:J;:~b. U!M, -.-t:II'.....t=--_ South 00' 11' 28" West a accrued interest to the date ofjudg- 4. Design Development co on November 28, 1989 at a time d. ta.n:!I.,."...."... ot _._._.._(lEa'rl ...... ,. ..O.,.. .. ~ distance of76.42 Feet; thence ment in the amount of$512,604.41, 5. Presentations to Staft'and to be established.' Interviews will .,...... MIG."~_\,, South 89' 41'40" West a distance attorneys fees, gross receipts tax Community be liI!rlted to 1 hour'allowing 40 e.~WICle-l_~~_17or...... ~,InUl~ c·' ...~__~ 6 Pr .~.'--l'... mi$_ .... ~__~ -90f~2~24~.8!!lfeFstee;ot~;~~~e;anlllceooN~oerthd"l:B;3'OO'j-'-ea~nNJdi1iD:c0t'stsonrJ0~f;OOCtoll1ielf,ctiJ'0iJjn:WJiniitEmtilEhife-1)(.iCijieifjPijj8rati_on--=--of-:C_o_n:-tr:--::ll-=-ct:--__-jm 'Ul·nfjutes for the finns resentation :: amoun 0 , • ,p us,m re antiUl au mmu s questions an 11 o.r,.;,_ 12 • TCQl' UHttC_CII_ I DlRN:ll1 "I Feettothe said place of at the judgment rate to the date of 7. Assistance during bidding answers. tLl.ocD_~bUU.fJCllU:ICD beginning and containing 0.400 sale, costs ofsale, including Special 8. Administration ofconstruction At the completion of the inter- c , ~_pur..-NC:OUUIlC la:!2G:1l....."'_,:a.. _12bl """"""D a.:et= .. "'~~ acres, more oer less. Master's fee, and NATIONAL contracts views, the committee will evaluate fll'IOI_Il·~ A tractofland in Lot 2B being WESTERN LIFE INSURANCE 9. Field Inspection each finn· in accordance with the ~ ~.!:IUnIiQ 0. In!l:ltllglndJioh, li!~""~-._WI a replat ofLot 2 ofthe CA COMPANY'S' costs expended' for METHOD OF SELECTION:. Interview Evaluation Criteria lIS CII~lIf·DNIln;,I 121 ",*",.~ EIDAND TRACT, Ruidoso. taxes andinsurance, ifany. A 7 member Selection COlD- set forth a\>Qve and rank each finn ,. l'"_t.rol:lo~_~",*,_aQl_I4r.:$IO__" __nc:r."._ .da~.~-""."I:l". "_,,t.n:a~ LincobWliunty, New MeD.co, The sale or Phase II Property mittee will l'eview and evaluate all in order ofpreference. In the event b-~c=I::I_~I::I~M and describedby metes and will be made pursuant to a Jud,- proposals in accordance with the of a tie, the finn scoering the most IS ~_~lOlI-.U.o.'''''''''' lI,oen.~.....-y bounds as follows: ment ofForeclosure enteered in this Pro~sal Grading Criteria as set points in the proJlOsal imlluation " UClI"..-a- __~...-OI;IitaI::Im __ ' .. e-.. ~on~_~ 'ld~ Beginning atthe Southwest action in favor of THE BANK OF forth below: phase will be gIven the highel' NoItIIIIn::I~"""l2oil"'fllow.:ao=a • "''!II __ .. corner ofsaid Lot 2B; RUIDOSO, on October 13, 1989, 1. specialized design and ranking. It Toul ....e--n C1J ...... IS IIOr<:u;iI> m thence South 89' 48' 32" which was a suitbyTHE BANKOF teclinical comJi(ltence ofthe CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS R~_dl""~_ D~ptI-""'C=:O(N;l cf_~ ~IiEJ~ East along the South boundary RUIDOSO to foerei:Iose a Note and. business,including ajoint will be initiated with the highest ...... ;t CC&r.lnDn_(ND ClI_. ~Id lfm nrm ofsaid Lot 2B a distance of Mortgage held by Plain~ and venture orassociation, regarding rankedfum. The contractfomiwill ..,.. tl~ 00000 I .. ~ 295.36 Feet; thence North 01' wherein Plaintiff was adjudged to the type ofservicesrequired; be the A.LA. Standard Form of H. pr;:u,...., QIP!:-'_ o.~Net~.."",~~...... -. 18' 08" West along the East have a lien against the Phase II Points 25 Agreement between Owner and Ar- 11' ~1::nqI~~~ 0. t..c:.i~c-apble-:-",...... m~2J) • B boundary ofsaid Lot 2B a Property in the perincipal sum of 2. capacity and capability ofthe cliitect Document B141, 1987 Edi. tlu:a..dAnI(I~IDIIU.tl.O tt:220 ;jJl. '" t_....,.~...,~.,.,."...,~101'U8C1c:l::10(tlnd _a. a:a-ll) am. distance of254.22 Feet; thence $141,503.68, accrued inteiestto the business to perform the woerk, tion as amended by the DilItrict. a l'Ql8l~~.a.~~~~ __~~tel ,:tuoc tt;'3 o;t_tt.$Ot••,.,UllI :I- South 89' 41' 40" West a Negotiations. will inclwie the fee, ~Mo:ua....-41", "cfAr,>c:n·a.:.o: 1 • ~..-sdC'lllJl.lctil ~ ~ fa distance of291.68 Feet to the $38,911.59, attorneys fees, gross Bel'Vlces, WI the time scope of services, schedule foer • t1Arnc:lnfet~"""d~"'_'... ~tel_ll'r'--4\~~1oI -0- West boundary ofsaid Lot 2B; receipts tax and costs of collection limitations; delivery ofservices andotherissues UOtt. '"""""""l'IUf: t.'!Iled9''''~clIaIr,'t.ll1i:'d _tyto;::l""'1rl8O'I ""'"~¢*v.... e-~ !I'i':'i-"f"C": thence South 00' 23'oo"East of $67,828.59, plqs interest at the Points25 which may'1Rl appropriate. Ifun. WIa, V>i: ~OCI"""'~"~R"P=1d ~l;up.;, p .....-..1"'G:::flbtr_-.aGlk3f~...,__ ~l along the West boundary ofsaid judgment rate to the date oft' 3. pastrecord ofperformance on able to nfilgotiate a 8atisfactory con- ~. ~ AUf~JO J&~="lr~D2~'~"~'.~'SW:~i5;HO ---I.o~~t iil5D1'. • - '0 - " ;;=-11--- costs of sale, including Special contractll with guvermnen •• w... _u_...... ~.-t_ ...... 'K!lI oI n-td~__...... ~--=lIdt:tw_I:li IDtAArsttAu ~~"""~""""'_l:'iiiI' , dql1 .. J "0' ("Phase I Property'') DATED this 19th day of Octo- and ability to meet schedul~s; finn continued inaccor- -.l1~c.d'I"..t_aa""~~~d~"'" ,tfd11 .~$a .. nmked and """"""=i!ul:A~ 8-5 rg 9'2 ~ .~M:taf)'f\>tIIt In addition, fOlloWing the sale of her, 1989. Points 20 dance with this p:t'OCedure until a I.AgolIlIMn1 II • W'aat To 'Hear That Cash Register 35% Off Jingle More Of_en? REGULAR RATES! We'd like tohelp••.AND Your Ad This"Slze " . Save You Money ,Is Only $30 Per Week! Here'sHow: • Don't' Miss Out :. l.1ncooperation'With otherme.-chants offedd.g.batgalns.getbig-adbnpact You've .Got 'Sales To 'Gain, for 4 weeks'" -for Just $30 per week...... ,,.. ,.'", , 2. Feature a 'different iteDlIn your ~d every Monday. and make the item'S And Nothlng- " pricegood for a fuUbusinessweek. Monday tbroughSaturday. sothatyour To Lose! customers have lots,ofchances to CODle see you! ' ' (AMondaythought: Ifyouwanttbosecountycostomers'tocomeseeyonon Ad.vertisbig' DtlaclUDe:TI1Ul'8day" " • a weekend, your Monday ad will get to tbem before the weekend.) , November 2,IS:OOp,m~ , -', .. Monday. Noventber6: IIbJlday'. Nove." 13; Monday. 'N.CWe:mber 20; MOXlclay. Ncweltlber 27. ,** Retail A4vertlRmOnlY. -.'


~._=_. ~ ~ ~ ,_~, ~ u __._=_nn_._=_._'_- _.__.__=__ _,_.. __._, _._-__"'_.. _''9"'_0_._.'-_tt'_._. • _.,_:...__..... «0_' __ ..... ' _ ,_, 'M .._ " !..'''._:.._,_'_=_. ,_._.__ .. _--,.-.--.----,.-.~,--_... - - --_- __ ~-"_-,, -~- ._- .. _~...... ,.-,...~.~.~_-",...----JrC "...... , .. ,."...-.'~--,.....,--.-,-.....,....,...-.~.~ .. - ...... - .•__-.:..,.,---c.""-: ",.-:_-,--...... ~-...... ",- --....--...... -.~~~ ,..--.,,,....,,. -.~' "",' ... ',':' ",--" ..--' -, ~ '" ,...-' ,..- .- r- ... ' -,..-- "'" .,..-' "-."- '. '" '.,..-- r " , J .... " • . ,, . . . ;~ '; . ,- '. • . , ~ II . , .. '. . .-,- M~Y;OQtqbW ao.".,Th. f1UIClotG NiIIWii I as " • .' .C': . . , ,'- " • ;; <' " I ., ,... ' , . .•...... ,' Legal.' Nql1geS .' . , llEAllLIftE$ ..l'C1'l. ALI. I,l!G4I. tfOJl(:~ 1buredlly,.p.",.1cIt'"Molid., I.....; ~,Sp"".fciI'''''J1I~1'_· ., . . , '," • , -\ ~ . ~.'l;h.,,ttlh.e.. area wbichthe project is 'J.'IlJil STAT.El Oli' N:iilW'JdEXlCO, .;.;.".,,...... -.;;...;..;;..,..,;.;;;..,;;....,.....;.;;..,;;.;....,.....;,,;.;;..,..;;:.;.,,..;;:.;..;;,;..;;..;:;;..;:;:.;;:...;::::;:;:.. '. ~...:ated .TQ; TE:tmY1>.. IlA.DS: .'- ~~rtn:~S!~~~~.=!:r~ .~Iai$sified .... , ':3~~.J't~f:rirRiJi~$O ~~erve~ f€:u!.••~: lUld DEAD"'INE~ FOR CLAS~iF ...;:D one time basis. ". Thursday, 3 p:m. for theMonday ISSllej theTk~1)}~ re:'ijt~:trr~-con~ -~:~~ '~tmedth;tan .~~~:~~:y~S~~:~:J::~J:il9.:;~-~~~~~~~p~~~Rf!r~~:~~~~::I~~:i Tyesdl!Y, 3p.m. fllrtbeThursdayJssue.,. d~a Pre-1:o~al O~nferenCe.to a""'on has been commJ enced and.is . a.m.forlheThursdaY,issue. '.' Tuesday 5p.m. for lheThursday Issue. Publillher8SSUltl8lS nOflnlinolllll'HJll1n81- d,ocusothe ...... ect __"h -"ow .ft. "...... ' '. bllltyfor~.r-.hl!l8lllfro... lnl!dVlll1r- ~~. ~'to ~.'th:U-'li;;t now pen!lingin the District Co~ CLAS"IF;lEPReADERADSare sched· DEAI)LINES FORAL.L SHOW·RROOF 1lIlIl1ts~!lllpttoPubllshl!eorrec:tlonlnlhe ·The L¥co~ County 'Lo.dgel"s sill'h~. FUrtheJ: ~tioti-~n. of 0t:erO Coun~iu-jl~w Menco uledQnlylncon!leCilllveissuesorona ADS-ReAL ESTATE OR CLASSIFIED: . next/asulL-' . TuCo~~!!hallhord then-reg- ~g the ~sa~.Will be :made whVINerem su.ri.Jt.. .' thFE~:; CI.A$$/RI;i) RATES 2OWoRlJs.: ;._ ;.~ _ 3.20Bllia~ .Ad "- :_ 1.58 uIarmee~at10:ooa.'(Il..,onWed- Q.vaJlabIe at the Qoii:ference. The SA: OS 1S . e " ~T1meRlltaOnly 21WORDS : _ _._ 3.35 nesday, November 8, 19'"89; at the . Pra-ProposalConterence, Will 'be' and YOl,l.are ~e '1>efllndant~, ,1l!U~ 22 WORDS _ _ _ .3.55 Monjllal,l Shadows on the Bonito hllld 10:00 A.M. Monday Novem- C!1use bemg N"•. qv.,89t270; Di~- . (~TlIJllneluded) 28 WORDS _ .3.&7 Route, Nogal. . bel" 6 1989 at the VIDa e Hall 313' Slon III on the Civil·Doc'ket of smd 16WORIlS·ORLESll•..•..; _ $2.56 24 WORDS 3.B3 THE RUIDOSO NEWS ~ .. ' ..; ...... Afi ~ .-II., . Court~ .. ~7 WORD8.. , "" ,;2.72 25 WORDS _ 3JHI ~'u. • . IBlNick J. PlWPali C!'lle. Meado..wDrive..m._terested_._._ _ . .. V._ . "' r notifi·.ed -·t __e . 8 !f,ORIl8. _ _ .2$1 :Ill WORDS _ ,5 257-400'1· L~e.:.':.'ma~f~ :~~~l!u;;r~-::tf:' ror:~:ijat;:~:a!1!:.·· J~ ~~~."' ~~ ~ Yi~Il~,,·-.·· ... .. •..._._- __.•" .. ..·..·· u.w_ .f.33 .•. ' . Pf9j1Os$ls and{Qf< wIPYe. 8!1Y ~_. mg !late of FebXWU'Y 26, UJ86),~· . DON'T BE A THROWAWAY - Be- SUPER8 MOTEL, - now accepting oriml!UWityandlor'~ luminum foiilumty !JCllted'by Terry D. :QayeB' reqonll!d .••. .,..,. . .,,'. jj;cleteyourur ai cans. apfcations for relief night ject any' :reAAODjiI! to thia~Uellt m Book 133, fages .290-295. of the PUBI:JSHER'B. ~QTIq:$ -.A.11 real th°na rk t 'f~~ 'T:ooto au ·tor. Apply in person. REQuW~NWcfloSALS and to award the propos$lsolely RecFEDERAL pearance m slUd ca~use on orbefore .t~t all dwellings adv~sed m M-J-99-tfnc willfug to travel.B.end resume to Mexico 88345. .' SAVINGS ~ formerly ,the 5th da;?; of December, 1989. this newspaper are available on KNOW A CRIPPLED _ or burned Box 3574 H.S., Ruidoso. Propos$ls (2copies)J!1ust be sub­ Otero Savings &lA»an judgment will be r!lIldered against an :t:u~ opp?rt~ljY bllsis. To ehild? Call Shriners for free . 38-8-49:4tc mitted. conl:!'iDjDg suffic!ent in­ Association, a Federal y~u by default, and the Plaintiff romP of discnmmation, call help; 2564406. 257-4871, 257- NOW ACCJ!lPl'ING ~ applications , . fOrll:lation to anow selection com­ SavingsBank, will applyto the Court for the relief mm toll-free at1-800-424-8590. 2079. During 1968 there were for full time housekeeper. Apply mittee to ev$luate the fi:im in the . . Plaintiff. demanded inthe Complahtt. For the Wash.ington.DC area 107,756 patients treated in our m person, Super 8 MoteL following areas: va. '< BURROUGHS & RHODES. 906 please call HUD at 426-3500. own hospitals. 27-8-2.tfnc M-8-51-3tc 1.. Qualifications of the firm's TI'JRRY D. JIA.YES; MICHAEL WO~R NEED~ staff .. Virginia Avenue, P.O. Drawer N The toll-free telephone number CUSTOM DRAPERIES _ and NURSERY - L.SIMMERMAN and . Alamogordo, New Me#co 88310 ani for the hearing Irilpaired is 1- upholstezy. Decorators Studio'of- S!Ulday ~onnng and evemng; 20points JOBA'NNAM. SIMMERMAN, the attorneys for the Plaintift: 800-543-8294. R-29-tfnc fers 35 years ofcombined experi- First ,Baptist ChUrch. Call lli'rer 2.. Evaluations from referenced . hiswife·ARDEENP. .WI~SS. my halid and seal of ANNOUNCING - The Ruidoso ence. Come see our latest South- 5pm, 258-4930. M-F-51-2tc clients 'BASS'BuJl1!lGARD slUd Court this 11?th day of9ctober. Advertiser, a weekly publication western fabrics. 700 Mechem, EXPERIENCED - housekeeper, llQ.voints STROuEI.; aDd JUDITH 1989. ofThe Ruidoso News. The week- 257-2350. 21-D-5-tfc references please; 258-5704. • 3~lated experience F.COTHRON, . IslMBrgo Eo Lindsay 11 Advertiser is a winter edition M-R-52-trc 30 • ts Defendants. 4. :Bilityto ~ormwork within No. CV-89·270 District CouriCIerk ofThe Ruidoso Daily. . JACK'S TV & APPLIANCES SALES REPRESENTATIVES _ the time limitations Di'risionm By:IsIElizabeth ~:;:Sty.' 22-R-34-tfnc We serviceAll l\IIakes needed; thousands of gifts and 20 pointS SUMMONS AND NOTICE • T .-al'64 0 ~, . ELKS LODGE BINGO - every Home Appliarices, specialty· iteins. Sell for 2-3 5. proximity to or familiarity OF·PENDENCY OF SPIT -:Ai> lit41(1) ,30, TUesday nightat 7:30 p.m. TVs and VCRs times cost. Dollars fill' Christ- (11)6,13 E-8I-tfnc mas. can now, 505-257-2923. _--______THRIFT SHOP - Hospital Awrll- CALL 257~9247 21-M-52-2tp .' iary. Open Tuesday 1:00 .m. to eeded.foJ:!.eld LEGAL NOTICE . p.m., . e ay ly lady; her home or yours. urday, .10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pleasecall257-2985 or 258-3145 140 Nob Hill Drive. Telephone, for more information, 19-K-52-2te STNationalBanR 257-7051. H-43-tfnc FAX LineShare- OF RUIDOSO FOR ANY PERSONAL CRISIS ­ wtll·.-m.uc.lJ., I"OUIa InbomIngvoice -nd FAX f RUIDOSO. NEW ",EXICO 8834s . call the Mental Health Hotline ...... -one..".lo..... dMtIiWtIone7 Need live-in help for at 1-437-8680 (collect). REPORT OF CONDITION M-55-tfnc elderly lady in Texas. At the CiON of builn••..-on September 30, ,19 89 publlahed In.r.,pon..tocall maHb)'Comptroll... HELP WANTED Un1t~ YOU CAN GIVE - the gift; ofsight Call 257-2357 of 'hi CuRancy, unCI.r UU. 12.. Stlt..Cod" Sectlo,; 181, Chart., Number 2110Q COrnptrollerO. the CurrenC)' M §.2!!;~wel'Jt.ern D'.trlel by being an eye donor. Contact CA'ITLE BARON - Steak and any Lion or i:all 257-2776 for Seafood Restaurant, located 657 details and a donor card. Do it SlaI."",nl 01 Resaurcee and UablllUeo Sudderth Drive, is accepting ap­ McGary Studios now; there is atremendous need plications for servers, buSser, 1'hova8nda of doll.,.. for eye tissue. L-87·tfnc Permanent fulltime opportu· cash and balances due from depository Instilutlons: II dishwashers. Apply in person for NonInt• .-.I·belrlng belenc.s d curroncy d coin...... ••• •• •...... • appointment, Monday through nlty for craftlilperson at fine baJ~ ~...... q¥.go~ PREGNANT, NEED HELP? - call Inter.at-bearino .. u •••• ••••• _ ••• _ ••• _. - •••• •••• ••• • •••• ;: art foundly. Must have artis­ Securltlea .. '" ••••••••••••••••• _•• ••. •• •••• .• .•.•.....•...... •.. •• •• •• •• •..•••••••.•.•••.•.••..•.. - -_ .. Birthright, (915)533-1818. . Saturday 2:00 -5:00 p.m. Group Federal lunda sold and seeurlUea purChased under agreements to resell In domesUe offices M-S-87-trc Health Benefits available. tic background with current. 0I1IIe bInl< enlI ollis Edge and Agreentllnl subsidiaries. end In IBF .I 1 • S95 •• TRYING TO REACH MORE ­ Serious inquiries; no phone calls, job references. " L.oan8 and I financing receivables: please. E.O.E. 36-C-40-tre-A call Cindy Loana end nelol uneemed Inc:cme...... 12.567 people than our local market? LESQ Alfai!Iark:e tor loan and lease losses - " 88 How about 215,000 readers in 33 FULL TIME FIREFIGHTER-one 5051354-2402 LESS: Allocated trW, dsk i.aerve _.• a. •• -0- hometown newsp~~rs an over year firefighting experience or LQena end' leas net of qnoamed Income. allowance. and r rv. . 12 7 ~,. . , New Mexico, For $85.20 your 25 degree in related field. Worli24 Aaaata tMtkIln trIiding accountS " __ '1----''?!':'--1 PI - and au.t& -&nclu ized eases . word ad will reach 33 papers hours on, 48 hours oft: $14,162 McGary Studios otheFteal ..tate 0'INMd "•• " '" ." '" '" • '" " '" '" "•"•• -~o eo uquerque. year . pass s p t-h=v.pe.....r"'e"'niiN...... 'p"'ro....eD s"'siiffiio;r;nHiia,;T.-1l------1 Invhltnenta .. ullCQr\SOllda.led ,ubSldlarles lind _sted CClntpenlaa •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - - Ruidoso News at 2574001 for 258-4343 for complete job .des- office person with good CiJet-.' Hebllltv to lhIa ben!< on .cceptaJ>c:8$ OUtstanding...... •.., . - intangible t. . ~ ; ~ . - I -more information. R-92-tfnc cription and application. Send. phone, computer, typing

Other 0· " - t~r3:~::1 application, reswne and :related and transcribing skills. 'TotaJ ta •• " _.....•...... •...... ONLY $1 EiTRA - gets your fire training certificates to Vtl- Current' reference rieces- reader ad in The Ruidoso Ad­ lage ofRuidosil, P.O. Drawer 69, sary. salary DOE. CallJerre . , vertiser, following one or more Ruidoso, NM 88345. Applica. Depoelle: . ~ J:::::]~!!2 p,!1blii:ations in The R.uidoso tions will be accepted until 4:00 505/354-2402. In doi'ne$tlc offices 4 , ••••••••• , ! •• il'6!!!6!2::::JI News. . 2o-R-S4-tfuc pm, November 6. 59-Y.5().4tc NonInt•••~beartng ..- 1 2.090 I -! lnterUl-beark1o' , 20,572 1[=3==::J1 WOUK'VANTED .. In fotetgn offle... edge and Ag~m.nl .Ubaldl~rle9. and IBFs. .••••• ... •••••• .. •••••.••••. .-0- o •

o t-Jonlnt t-belU'lng•••• 0- " 0-' ••••J -0- I COMPLETE BUILI>ING -ser­ ltIt.,..t-beJlilncr "",,, .. ~ ~;, •••••••••••••• ; '•.••'•.•••'•••• ~ .. -0- Its toThink ·F_fUOde jllItchliled and ..curtll•• &Old und., agre.m.nta 10 r.wrc:h/latIln _aile ** lime *• viees, from eo:snputeraidelf de­ . oIft'ce. 01 thio bInl< and 011.. Edge and All

The .Ruidoso• News 25'7-4001 .. ' 2574030

,, " - .

• • .l, ~ , .' p ., .....' , ," '.; ',c.• ." ",;m;&.;;.~,.".j,<~t'"0{1~..." •. 'i" ,!c·l,'.... ".~ . .- "",' .,. ,".'.';' ~ .•..,'~.~'" -j" .,~-,' ~ I',· \' «"j"., :"~;~,'.' ":I',,'n. • ,.~•• " ,.,_.It'J,i"""l~~m,"":l~;i1il1:.'\"'~,u.,.,,~~~,-',,r~·"j·-·""r"~··"·'r"'"~""'''..f''''''\'' ",.,... ar: ,,~, .. i)'" ~P·t'l\f:' ....[' .. T"[' -l":'l" "~r- "~":;"1"'-"""","I""'~"TI"'~j1 , . . ',. .' I' . ",r' , .. .,. ••. -i. 4BtTheRuidoso News I Monday, OCtob'er30, 1989. .' '. . .,'" .b th HOUS'E'~ORO'nE' $5 000 "d ,. HOUSE PAINTING .....'IINo job Wo MOBILE HOME ..... and,RV spaees; 'TAP HAPPY" .... Enroll in tap, bal- FURNISHED - efti~e~cy ap~ TWO B~R9qMS - one /l ,. Ji I I1!1J:I ~, own small." Winwr rates for Wide senior discounts, 3784396. :. let and jazz, Lotal! fun! Call 257· . J]len~ $200 plus eleetrlc, DeJlQ~lt oversu~ ll~g room, c~tedl " and assume loan, 2l2~ square work. Non·diiuker Tommy Wjl.' .., M-H42·tfc 4349. M.R-51.2tp-A ~ufred, ~o blocks eaet of Oil· fh'~place, carport, ,mountain ana feet, excellent loeatJon. 257· 1~Q4..2606 M·n~l·tfc de~d·end H ' M·W-A9·8tp . '. ~goD.. ',' ,~.· HEELE~ re~aWred, cle It 3784661. river VJe\l'S, Q\1let, . 7836, ":, _ M·J45·tfc· ant3, , j., " It. THE BEST .....,m fUPS ..... AKC CLEAN ONE BEDROOM, __ fur. street, Golf, oo.urse ftontage, CREE MEADOWS _ tilWDiiome; 3 y~ C~~- ~~, tree coIn County. pInOn, Jumper, Australian cattle dogs, ieds and Uished house with ~t\: 37~ S~!~ and refrigera~r, $350 plus bedroonl,.2 bath, cedar exterior, ~~'J ~g, pme ~eedles, me~lace ~~, ~80 ·per$ cord, blues; for show, pet, sOOck, work 4a96., M.H42.tfc utilities and dePQS1t, 257·7911, euswni in~rior, Comer of Eagle ha~g, mmor ~ntry work, Jumpe~ 1~ stove wood,; 95 per or pro~ction, 378-4047, '. . ffi • 257-5218. 31·K·52·tfc and Rowan,' Natural ga$ and pamting.257.2266, M.A49-8tp cord, SId Goodloe, 354-2379. 18-H-51-3tc SMAIf, C~ - ~ CltillcY FURNISHED one b~oom' many extrile" Priced for immedi SHARP~NING - E.~, Sharp-All. ... 24-G.5~6tp SECOND TIME AROUND. - 10- '~~'l~d:'toe~::& cJ apartment 'Yith fireplace; U,~p~r ate, sal,e, $2:500 down .~ .~~ We glve ~ou a ~at edge, 258- HAY FOR SALE - all grades, by ca~ )Jehind Bennett's, IS open ~57.7537. I M.~50.tfc Ca~yon, Main 1Wad, easy WUlter sume mortgage, Call Albuquer- 5699, Erwin Toe~. " bale, 'or. to~ The Hay, Depot, tive days, closed SUJld~y and BOVll1 APARTMENTS _ two accessi Suitable for one or two que, 275,.1693 or 269.~799, \ RE=P~~~RS=----apartm-.-en~ts--:',M.T-51.stp CapItan; 9.00~ednesday,am • 5.00, pm, Monday,~fts,We have used furni· ,be~oms,'U bath~, adults.utili~esNo pets, ·$285 per month, PROP~TIES\35.Q.45.8tA: h-om"':'es MQnclay, J Friday; tore, toys and clotbb,1g, ,1 1/2 un· and cable paid, Lease CAPITAN _ 'three' and traile~, Drywall, plastering, Saturd~y til. noon, :it:~:2, Now 20% off our already lo~ ~hJt ~all ~lia:s, ,and deposit required, 257~7267. bedroom adob~ home near LiIl. ~Cco, ~ckJ .b1~ck, roe~ P~ck!! After 7.00pm,Larry,3, -~fli~ pricesoncoft'eetables, LaschRem~' 2574011 1, ~ . -" - - 33·H.5~·tfc, \colij Town;13~~F20% dOffil,. -. -- and trailer skirting. Reasonable. ., 2~H.uv te.. 32.Dil-2tc ~ v/I 17.P44-tfc FOR RENT _ one and ,two 10 to· 15 years owner finAAcing. , 257·9371. , 17.T·51.2tp ONLY AT A·1 .... Mobile Hom~s, HERB8-HERB8-HERBS _ "The bedroom apmtments; furnished Grea.t view, Macres with well, .....---...... Alamogordol We have alarge m· Alchemist"; larges~ selection' of FOR ~.NT - one bedroo~, 1bath and \lllfurnished•.. One duplex $16,600; 12% do~; 10 'y~ar ~bm, J. F. CONSTRUCTION, ,venoo...ry to choose; fr.G.m.. ;.....2.8 m.edicina.l an.. d. "culinary.•... ,Open ..5... 16 .Wmgtield: .$290,an als0;1250 to $275. For more in. finanem.'.lS on balan..... ceat 10%.. 1Il' INC. mobile homesl ,starting at$l~O frQm-Gan'til Gan'tl P-ho~ 257· biU~i~d~ ftilly rumshed, Call fonnation, call Paul or Sandy, ~rest. Good ~election ~~ 1to, 2 Ucenle '28461 • Bonded Ind lnl\ll1ld per month. License #D00476. 4349 423 Mechem Rwdoso, Rose P~Dlesafter 5pm, 258- 257-3146. . U.8-52.tfc.A acretraets With ele~Clty,Clty -Commercial a: Residential- 505437-6776, 505-434-0835, ' '21 R-512tp-A 5772,Owner/agent. 23·P-45·tfc '. . waoor and cable TV'·' $7500 to Construction.26-A·5~tfc·A ~ 'bal~Ce ..0 . .. • fa TWO BEDROOM MOBILES .- TWO BEDROOM CABIN - $295 '$12500" 15% down 10 _:~~k AP~?tj~~ HO~~Jl~ •. =U~j ~J~3ii: e=~;~ ~'~~.l~~:. ,,=~·v :~1 .,r.t:l~,\ ",-_"'j'i: .._...... -No Job Too Small- "SPIN.ART MACHINE - for sale, '. ., , . . THREE BEDROOM _ furnished funnahed. LudW1ck]{iaItY, 257· mto; financmg aV81Iaole, 15 to - No Job Too ...arge - 'Includes ' paints, dryer, etc, FO~ SALE- three ~obile~~~ .mobile on .all.weather road. 4861. 24-Ir52·tfc . 40 ~cre tracts ad~oining Lincoln guality Work••AII Work OUarunteed $1600 0.b,0.257-6641 pIckup, boat. b

;::e~.d~~SS.':ka.e.~rso~..E.. mn~ BOr~~::::::z~t~bedtoom Qpa$l.. '. ·.en~.. bffis.··.. ~..o.'.~.'" TwO'BE.·D.R..OO.M TRAlLE'. R. ~.'.' ~='g~~.1~.ce.1' ectue¢l. C~~~on' ily As~ates," 7200 . ~ont- .'$48--' ." one:per80nonly,.' .•.. '. no petS, ,225 .with_2-taI'carpoltj 143ltieander ' or.".' '. . -. cOUl'lie,Prlced to sen only gomery;8wte 367, AlbUquerque,. Opin9:OO tg 5:oo montlL l~i M~1t33-3~tPDrivel 3784264, M·W-52-ftc '. I' .' .. M.~.25.tfc$837501 .Evans andcJ. Real. .. .

NM 87109., 20-A494tp ONE BEDROOM CABIN - "com- ' I • , 3000 'SQ,Fl'. -. ~n cree. golf E.J,~iA '25''7 ntlM 2'I\'e'.5'1.6'4;..' . ALTERATIONS -. pr~e6Siort8liy, ',~' ple~y rutmshedi Upper C,an. NI:;Y' ~HEDdo:-: '~ourse~jiedt1ced to $139,000 for ". DWl~, .. •JW\I.I!".. w, done; reasonable/ 336-8016•...' "D'O.. N':T.. " Y~n. Wo pets. $200pltlS bills. . tub ~':'d con ',POO CalI ii11D1ewate sale/257~6193; , ., M-q.494tp-A 'I '.. 257~7~.· M·M-35-ffc 91iGss~!7~ OW! ;a~2-6tP . , .. M.M-1a.tfe-~, JJl,~ FREE DOBERMAN'PINCHER- ". WAIT I UNFURNISHED ·· 0" ' .. ...•... . '.' ..THREE BEDROOM HOUSE ... fogood h6me,P1ease ca1l257- . . apartnIenqappliances,fUeplace, TW9. BEDROOM-wi~.Jarge q~denUal .. area; .. 6rep1a~, . 61~j'~3~~ M-84~w.; ~~. li~ pI1.tio,.Car~ ,~ ~9.12 . ACT now before It's too late ~. &l1icient, near AltO. No..'.~, area./covered ~.wea~er.. , .. e.ilCelL..BY. owne....."..f.. I.a.57.. 9..•.... '. 1984 RIVER OAKS0'J1ll00li~- deluxe; solid~ .r~~I i h . 1~ pets,$300. 52.,521.M.~~7~tfc.· .$17~natural. gas, "a~r , ....DO~ ...... l,{-I,.28-ffconl~, . , ·WOOI1cabineU, 'youand .•prte::psipeU.p',.w.I, . . q •• _, ••••••• road. month, and LOW PAYMENT ~'1I extu~tlon depo8lt.37~ c~a,~ With tor " I . .::' .'. .... •'• Mue pald, $100 log, cabm eold with _ S~ TRAILERS ,-for rent, ... 4742,...... ".23:T~~tp, WIth. nver, rock ~lace, ~.'"_fiT smtablero~ .~,OOO,C1q ~ts '..JWi;e*.'·..tOO.•• uP..CALLl<.A.S. homewlntlHt.. .

! " i

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,I ~5000d" " 4B/The Ruidos.o News I Mond$Y, October 30, 19.89 , "',. -', tb aUS'B ti RSAT'D, HOUSE PAINTING-"Nojobtoo MOBILEHOME-andRVspaces; "TAPHAPPY"-'Enrollintap,b~ FURNIS~D - eOi!'le~C)' ap~ TWO B~ijRqqMS :- one ba ,H ~O '~fJ""'f I own, small." Winter rates for inside senior discounts. 3784396. let and jazz, wtsa funl can 257· . men~$300 pl~ electric, De~~t overs~~ '~vmg room, ~Wdl .,' and aSB\Ulle loan. 2,2~ square wor~ Non.ehind Bennett's, is open ;7.7537 ' M.L-50.tfc C"anyon,MaIn Road, easy wmter , sume mortgage. ,Oall Albuquer. 5699, Erwin Toonsmg. bale. or ton. The Hay Depot, five days closed Sunday and · NTS tw . accessi Suitable for one or two que, 275*1693 Qr 269.0199, ~ ~m us~ 35~G45~8~ i M.T-51-8tp Capitan; 9:00 • 5:00. pm, Monday. We have furni. HOYT APARTME - 0 adults. No pets. $285 per month, ,'

REPAIRS. - apa~ents, ho~es Monday, ~ednesday, Friday; ture, gijls, toys and clothipg, 'be~oms, f 1 1/2 bath~, un· ,utilities' ~ ca~le paid, Lease CAPITAN PROP$T!ES,.;... three .. and traile!B' Drywall, plastenng, Saturday til noon, 354.2282. Now 20% off our already low ~h;t ~ n~liano: ,and deposlt reqmred. 257~7267. 'bedroom adobe home near Lill., stucco, ~nckl .b~~, rock. Decks, After 7:00 pm; Larry, 3~25~~' prices on coffee tables. Las~rReaIetyr. 257-4011 ,f, ,. 83·Hw52·tfc com Town, $3Z,~; 20% do~, ".'-. and trailer SJDrtlDg. Reasonable. ,2~ • IMtp_ . 32·Di1·2tc ~ , 17.P4tfc FOR RENT _ ope and"two 10 to· 15,' yel~~owner ~~. , 257·9371. , 17.T-51.2tp ONLY AT A·I-- Mobile Hom~s, HERBS-HERBS-HERBS - "The bedroom apartInenWi furnished Great VJew, 8.8 a¢e$ mth w~ll, Alamogordol We have alarge m· Alchemist"; largest selection 'of FOR ~NT - o~e bedroom, 1bath and unfurnished. One duplex $16,600; 12% doWQ: lQ 'year J. F. CONSTRUCTION, ven~ry to choose;_ from; 28 medicinal and culinary. Open ~b1J1i ~16 WIngfield: $290, all also. $250 to $275. For more in. financinj on balance at 10% in. INC mobile homes, .starting at $150 from Can 'til Can'tl Phone 257· billo, pa).dl.fully fumish~d. Call formation, 'tall Paul or Sandy, terest~ Good ~electio.n or 1to ~, UCCDla '3846l • BOodad'Ddlll'llRd per month. LIcense #D00476, 4349 423 Mechem Ruidoso. Rose Peebles after 5pm, 258- 257.3146. . 24-g.5~t£c.A acre tracts with electricity, city -Commercial a: Residential- 505437-6776,505-434·0835. ' '21.R-51.2~A 5772. Owner/agent. 23·P45·tfc '. water and cable TV: $7;500 to N:::::::~~kConstruction~:;::' 26-A·50-tfc-A HO~~E _.are TWO BEDROOM MOBILES - TWOpl~sBE,DROOM~eCABIN - $295 $12,500; '15% down, balance 10 APPLE WOOD - $90 per cord; BOARDING fullab1 :. one, Cherokee ,Village and one, , bills. bedroom home, years at 10% interest, Nice selec- RooliDg, Masonry, $125 delivered. San Patricio, cilitr, :~~~ ::ans~' 653. private )ot. Washer/dryer, Airer $495, plus bill~, On~ ~oom ~on of1J19biles"doublewideo and Sheetrock Repair. Insurance Work 6534331. M·J·50-8tp 452~se 0 M.R-52-4tp-A 5:QO,2574973. M·N-45·tfc lllob~,e, $295, b~s ~ld, All' are ~~es on ae;reage,r~ady~ move - No Job Too Small- SPIN.ART MACHINE - for sale. . ,,: -. " . THREEBEDROOM-furnished ' furnished. LudW1ckRealtyr251~ moo;, _ClOg ay~~ble..15' to - No Job Too Large - Includes paints, dryer, etc. FO~ S~ - three~~~1fe~~88 mobile on 'all.weather road. 4861.,. 24-J.,.52·tfc : 40 acre tracts adJommg Lincoln Quality Work.,AIl Work Guoranteed $1600 o.b.o. 257-6641.PlCkup, boat, aa'Y~dan U:j1ller Large covered declL Water fur.~ , Nagonal F~restj 10% down, 257·7818 '" M.T·50-3tp·A P~~ space 9, back 81 e. nished.378-4964. ,M.R-46-tfc o~erfinancmg on balan«;. Also ,". M.H.52·1tp-A . . ..' LIncoln County bar and license FOR SALE -. ~976 Pontia~, yery COIN OPERATED _ }l(101 ~ble, NICE MOBILE HOME -14180, 3 for sale. Lamoyne CaqJenter " ',., MISCELLANEOUS good condition, new tll'es. cue sticks and wall racks; $600: bedrooms, fireplace, $285. BUD Land Sales, Ca~tan, NM 3~ . ',:~:~ Saddl~, excelle~t shape.. Two 1'2 257-6169, M.K-52.2tp weicollle, 378-4498. 30-C47·tfc . 2281., , 106-C-45.tfc.! ,.. r-- ". .. , ton pICkup trailers. Wmneba~o _. d .'Pit· SELL OIl RENT ~mobi1e"homes 'WILL" PURcuA~E" " ,., DISCOVERY TRAVEL - 257· 1'2 ton camper shell Cash regis- FREE PUPPIES.,.. rea ynow. t .. airel B Campgroun~ 2 UtW owner 3030, 443 Mechem, for all your ter, 336-4580. .25·E-51·2tp BullIrerrier mix. 257·6169. bmomse furnished. $275 • ' financed ,mortgage notts and k,."'''': ,"',,; travel needs. . M·D·2·tfc·A FIREWOOD _ mixed, reasonably M.K-52.2tp $300 lus'de)lQsit, Call 3764990, real estate contracts.' ~all ~05.' . ." A.". . AT JOYCE'S - Furniture Barn, we riced, Corner of 4th Street and 25" COLOR TV - older model, ,P 19.C-47.8tp 3364372. MD46 8tp have a large inventory of rea· ~tanton Capitan 354-2497 or good condigon, as is, $75 firm. FURNISHED/UNFURNISHED ALTO CO .YCLUB - full golf '1.1.I sonably pricedfurnit\l1'e and ap· 354-2408 'M.S-51.8tp Call ,258-5890. M-e-52~2tp .bedr h .' ha 1 - mem. s¥p lot. Will negotiate pliances, Open 10:00 • 5:00, 6' ...... o~e oom ouse" s arge . price, hiOO is less than presant days a week. We buy, sell and FOR SALE - ~971 Star<:aft pop- kitcheQ, swrerpom, fenced yard. $20,000 menlbership fee, 214. ,I trade. 650 Sudderth. 257·7575. up tent trailer; electric wa~ 258-3397: Broler/owner. 424.6871. . 19-Q.47.8tp I, '" ,1 ' 30-C-77.tfc pump, heater, excellent condi· M·M-48-tfe ~~,~,~~--;-.....-=- ~--=~~--:--=- tion. $1,100 or best offer. 257· PLYMOUTH ~ DU~R - DOUBLEWIDE _ three bedroom, 'JUSTVACATED. ALTO y,ILLAGE ~ three ~om TIGHT. BUDG~ - ~ed office 7739. 19-P·51-4tc four whee~ ~nve, low miles, very 1 bath, Plnecliff, unfurnished. 2bedroom,2batb,foUyfurilJshed furni.shedchalet; full golf, Qmy ~ture. Wld~ g~d ~ Z selection, DESKS _ natural wood, good con. good condition, $4,000. or best of· $300 IU,B bills, 806-795.1236, home with great view of Cree $109,0()0. Evans and. Co.. quality, .good p~ces. Now buymg , ditio . $45 •$85. Electric water fer, 257·7836. , .M.J45·tfc evemn:s. ' ~.B-49-4tp MeadowsCountfy'Clubj6replace, Estate, 257·9600, M~C·51-6tc ~d selling. Rwdoso Office Sup- heate~ electric e' $35 each. 1978 JEEP WAGONEER ':'"" AIr, " . -washer/dryer and more. REDUCED _ $49,500; 2bedroom, plies,257.2281,257·7014. 378-8178 rangM.W.51.2t AlC, AMIFM, cassette, cruise, CLASSY PAD - fireplace, Vl,ew, 2 $300 monthly 1bath, fairly new, nice neighbor. 20-R-101·tfc· p tilt steering, select trac, $3,000 master bedrooms, furnished, hood, Assumable loan. Call 257· ~: HUMANE SOCIETY - Kits N' ~RAPEUTIC" MASSA~E -, firm. 257-6160,258-3333. $525, lease. 257·9091, 258-4199. CaD ~~~: :;~~4202 2576, Sierra Blanca Reijty. Kaboodles shop' now open. New ~ody ~orks . B~ck pam, poor , M.S-494tc . M·V-49·tfc Owner/agent" 17.D46.tfc inventory; all types of window circulation, stress, let us help. 360 V-8 4 FOR LEASE - furnished or un· ..._-_....- .. ~' cove . 'Ius donated odds and Licensed and ~ccredited. Call 1982 WAG9NEER "':" ' ..' furnished: 3bedroom, 21/2 bath, HA~VE:-:SEVE==-RAL':":"", -_-=-five-acre-'l-tra-:""cts ends~ Wednesday, 10:00 to 257r4349. ~op-~ welcome. 423 wheel ,drive, excellent condition~ 2car garage, wwnhouse qn.~ee near Highway 37j walking ~.s- ,2:00, $d Thursday, 11:00 to Mechem, RmdoSD. 22·R-51.2tp-A ~~3~es. Gateway ~~Jc Meadows, excelle~t condition. tance to,Nogal Post ~~e'lJ?n W 3:00. Ifyou could volunteer afew LA COCINA DE JACQUI - would . Call 257·3100, evemngs. I TOP BRASS REALTORS - has good gravel road; walking dis. hours a week, please call 257· like to invite you wtry our 1987 VOLVO -. ~our door sedaIl; 21-M49-tfc cabins and condos for rent: tance to the heart of Lincoln 4547. Gavilan Canyon Road. breakfast burrlws this wee~ e~ellent condition, loaded, low TWO aEDROOM _ trailer, com. nightly, weekly, monthly, 257· County wilderness. Bear, elk, I- H·18-tinc Thursday, .10-26 through 11.2, ~es. Assume lease or buy out- ~Ietely furnished, part bills paid; 6327. M.T·5·tf'c deer,' t\l1'key; ask ~o one f{u ~UA~Q(HG=-E "'=THE=RAPY:-:-:::---':---:-fo with complimentary coffee. Our nght 257-5156,336-4313. 200 plus deposit. No~tB. 257· C'AuINS AND C'AC!IJITli'S _ day, permission' you will haveQ~t. !Y.Il1OIJlt IS r b' filled 'th k M·T·52·tfc·A . tiDwee~ l1IJ!1JfJ .' al ail Z Every Body. Relax, rejuvenate. lJl!ltoS are WI)lQr or I 7543, ·M·50·tfe month. Clean, comfort;. Lights, phone, natur gas av, • gs Call Jan Prince at The Perfect chOIce chunks of ~w bee~ et , 1979 C~OLET - pickup, 414, UNFURNISHED _ three bedroom; - able, convenient, private, practi. a~le. 900d, ~eet water arl~' I, Ten, 257·3233, M·P·65-tfc·A cheese, ~llZI be~, t en 350 en~e. 19~ 650 Yamaha carpeted, fireplace, nice fard, cal, pleasant, cookouts, Every. ~cmg available. North ,W W 1 .. ' BUYING - wrecked cars for sal· smothered WIth red or green street bike, 2cylinder. 257-4218. East S~g Street in Rmdoso thing furnished and paid includ. .RUldoso NM; road.goes over Ute ~350 1 d lling no,.foa M j.ft:ft sauce and more cheese. Try 0\11' M·T-52-2tp Downs month $100 ing kitchenetres~ Near fine mountains to Bomto LakealIR vage an se JI'U IQ. OUDW1lli hue os rancherosI 111e are 10- . til, '. b kloft R'd The most beau ~~ , I' • __•.. n yt'. '. w. .--.-.,...... ",.,~ Salva=8-81l0~e east of Back M~B-91·ttc40 Trailer ~ted-llebin~4oso-Jainv... ,2~B-50-3tpPJIl..----..-.reatauranUl, Bbops,.fiohmg, maB. .ac m.oso. . ,="""'- ...... •.•---...... _"•. -_._._._. _.- . s~ , soge'athletielhealth clubs. 2641 tiful.drive mLincoln County. ter, 1()4 Vme. You'll 0\11' -' FURNISHED bedr j t, Sudderth 257.9300. Boykin Real Estate, Bol 490, ALL KINDS - and types of used flags. Hours: 8:30·3:00, lunch, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - I, - two oom, one ,' 31.M-52.ltp-A Oarrizozo, NM 8830l. Tele- fmniture for sale. can 257·7315. 11:00 - 3:00, Wgo orders. 257· need several nice houses and bath house; fireplace, n ~~d. phone,648-25n 84-B-48-tfo M·Ir5·tfc·A 9477, Monday· Saturday. condos for permanent rental. derth and MecheJJ;L E1ectriClty FOR ALL YOUR _ teal es~~ FOR SALE - permit to operate 78-F-51.2tp Please call Doli Harmon, Four and water ~shed. $300 . needs contact Bill Smith Real~l taxi and limousine service for WHAT ACHRISI'MASI - Full Seasons Real Estate,257·9171. month, $100 de)lQ81t. ~~~3i.~c 1925 'Sudderth Drive, RuidosO,' Ruidoso and Lincoln Coun~. length sapphire mink coat, never 21·H-88-tfc TOWNHOUSE IN ARKANSAS _ NM 88345. Phone 257.2727. Call 257·9516 for further m· worn. Appraised $9,800; priced MOBILE HOME SPACES - for THREE BEDR~M - 2V2 bath Ozarks (Bella VISta) for sale or ' 18-B-49-8M, formation. 19-D-16-tfc less thanr 1'2. 625·2815. rent. L>cated on the river ~ near ttuse a:thtifulcarportdi;d trade: 2bedroom, 11/2 bath on NICE THREE BEDROOM .:.. FIREWOOD FOR SALE - several 17·S-51-4tp shopping center, Call 2574U8, GPti' ti n. tao 2:OO;~waoorfront, 806-745-5104 (Lub- mobile; 2baths, 14x80. Leaving kinds; top soil and flagstone. REDUCE _ safe and fast with 257·7697 M·K·1·tfc mba:£tilly furnished condo. bock, Tx.). 20.P-43·1Otp town. 257-4261. M.R49-4tp Call Porter's Nursery, ~~~:~~ Gobese tablets and E-Vap water SHAW APAR~NTS - 1and 2 Both. available immediately. BEAUTIFUL _ 2year old home, 3 FOR S¥E - prime Mechem com~d ... pills, available Don's Prescrip- bedroom furnished. apartments Glen m Albuquerque, 1·298- bedrooms, 2baths, very energy mercia1 pro'p~rty; 1,725 sq.ft" ,5 FIREWOOD - ~e, Jumper, black tion Pharmacy. M.o..51-4tp for rent. Good location. No pets, 5555,1.294-4040. 29·V.51-4tp effi~ent, beautiful lot and view. years old, Mechem fron~ge all walnut; cord, nc~ 1'4 ~,1'8 SPINET/CONSOLE PIANO _ to 258-3111. M·V49·tfc WANTED _ res risible wnant. Priced to sell, $59,500. Call windows,""Art gallery, ;retail, real cord, stove cuts, delivered, brand. Assume $60 paymen~ NIGHTL~IWEEKL YIMONTHLY Two bedroom, ~ne bath, un. daytime 258-3313j after 6, 378- estate, restam:ant, ski shop, etc. stacked. 257.3~. ~.M.38-15tp See locally. CaD immediate} , 1. - cabm, con~os, wwnhouse, fuinished; $300 month plus uti!. . 5470. 25.H~tfc Reduced drastically to $105,~. ~ooD - Jumper,~, 800-521.7570. 28-J.5f.2tp homes and mobile rentals. C~ iues, water paid, $200 deposit FOR SALE _ two bedroom 1V2 33649,78; owner/agent, Century . pmon. Se~oned stove ~ avail· . ' Cen~ 21 Aspen Real Estate, 1.298-7294, before lOam. bath condo, Unfurnished, ~uti~ 21 Real Estate. 35·D-49-4tp able. Quality and quantity. Also TWO SHARES - Cree Meadows Vicki 257·9057. 19-C-92-tfe 19-F.51-tfe fuI view of river Sierra Blanca RUIDOSO Rrl'REAT - three general clean up and removal. Country Club st

~I ...... ~ . j 34-A-6().fic.A can and'alk abOUt,our win.. " W_le.Call258033301 SPACIOUS ONE BEDROOM """" linaricing, '. OWner/agent, 257. COLDweu ~. ~. - let IilOlllhi,$fieC1a1 off$l fot .'_"'." ~ MoH~~ •. JIoule,YiliYni~IatRe~: 4861, Liid~Rea1ly'53-W1.tft BANl(eR~] 65_ 18 tables.table your unaflended propOrly. W2 unfurnished, ~. Wi nver ifIg deck, • tumished or , , ",',u, , .' rJllg(I .~.Iiloi\, I'm' . CALL US llibill; ".1l1: $200, 30~, ~ -$360 IilOl1lIt Ji\us JOR SALll .. 40 BJ!IIItIlV pm'k, SOC, REAlJORSt ,-'~ Jni~~: ~'t'~1'8~ iilitiel.1.au31~hu61""'1 pti~, 41"~W_", ,.::n3 3364918~ 1.iJ'~ 3364975, ,25-7:'137S;P. 'W."'1~A close to rues., traCk: roodIf.H~Ml4l ~iIliifiIfAlWlliIIIiii:l"WiilI 1t.1. ,-t M.lM&Mp .. 7, ParbuaARiattL lI"ti,) , ,. ' Call878439&. ..r ..''..._ .....k...... ,. il , . ''''I. ,'."'--' ','-, ,. .•. .,'j ~ ''''r' " ._ ..... ".,' .:-",' . -,. ,- ';, ' 'I... "'- • • " '. . Pa e 2/ The Ruidoso News \ .. -, ...- '-~'" .- ...... -t,· .... - '". - __ ;.....~r<~.••.:.. '. .,..'- ',-

, 19) ~ll The ClDltlItIlll.llltm • CD «HI 'Il!. ,CulI"lIl ThilC.t Petple (I) tffll" 1I0W111l1 III MORNING ~ ~) ~'r':::g'I\~1I0 1;1 lm. W~I YodIUn:.Kld From P11. _ CD (FRI TIt,lIll1·Hlnd Trulb 'CIl.(FRR••Q • (I) ISmoklilg: Everylhlng You " Your l!!l I Dill" ftRc. M. ,. , (!)2~llslHR~'-F ' ~=~:~n , ~ ~031~: ~~:.~=~ ~m(~R~= OW ::'~~:'oIS ;~ 5:00 = Frog ?h: E;I g lIIl F:i's OI:U':' " .. •• lllil$':-· . . (I) (TH U.. Frem Planet Earlh 1;1 lUl Leave II To Bemr QI HI..To FlYiI ' ~ O~.F~)~NN =~:'~:~':.~k.r g ~g):~=: ~'lAlmosl W.sn·1 lBJ (Tl.I;n. lI.ililg AH D.cmlllQlUl FII. Orph'.IiSQl'TlilW\ld 1!21 Good nmlS =MolSIICI.. =IVrEI 'f.UIl/. Prince '. ·TodaVe; "." ,@l ,TU,TH,FRI.On ,Sill' IUJ Ullin IS (MO,TH) To Be AnnouRc.d@(THllnS••rchOITlt.WowWow.lBJ·IWEI Country Kltch.n!htJil.~~llIIflIrY kOchen , I1ZI Music Vld.os IS (lUI Play Tlto Plano Ovtmlghl W1bbl. WIlIIi~ W. Woo ., .. ,1Dl1f1tel ..... 1!11 Bugs, 0.1'" And FrI.nds IS (WS) Winning AlLosllg W.lghl - =(FR1RIgg.dYAnn And AndY: AMUIIclI ' lIII MIg~lIl; pj, . llll,OIIIMt'l. 'J Advtillllre. dJ.Wetllltl " You lIJS~.r SjItOnl 5:15@IWE)lbIGhoslAndMrs.Mulr 8:00 ~IY."EI prote~~~0tidVb~~~~ 9-(MOH¥.nhDJ--- ~ e.(IIH.v.II...... !h1d.' . _ _ \ ~t'Ih. Cblll!!'!unki 5:30 (2J NeUon'l Busln.ss Tod.V . w M,lliilIOgers n.,gn om...... 9(TU1 TIlil,PI~ure 01 Dorl.n Grey@·(MD.WE,TII,FRILunchBox @ 'E~MOUP Faclory @ NBC Nlws AI Sunrise CIl (T':lcslrOI\ Elgi. 2 9 WS)KlflYFOYI. ' I2J (lUI Leg.ld 0 'Sllepy Hollow E;I aI. WE' Chlmey Sw••p (I) (MOl T.lts 01 UUII Wom.n: InvltaU.on ~ r.~fj;D'Y aJ HI Tlte SlslersSChlr. R••eIlo. . . t8S. Pyremld . To The banco 1!21 FI.lasy Illand aJ· FRI S.lurdlY's Chlldr.n 1:05(1) (MO,WE.tH.FRI Tom And JIIIY'S 3:35,~ GoOd nmes .. (I) (TUI Encycloptd!a: TIt. HVolum. ~ lUl MOl Am.rletn Album 10:05 (I) P.rry Mllol funhou*t , 3:45 CD (TUI ProllSslon.l Sw••thu" (I) (WE) N.lulll W.tcb: Tlte O.ad y aJ) II Nalull 01 Things 10:15 Q) lWEI lTV '.(1) ITUI Tom And J.rry'S H.llowHn CD (WEI The Farnier In Th. 0.11 S'II~~jtbE;l ~ ltd lUl S) women om. World • 10:30 CD BOdvShaplng Sptcl.1 . CD ITII)FJllbl FromG1o" . ~ (FRI Mv:~ur.~ 8, ~o~ S.wv.r. For ! .f~a AmDls:~~~1::::,'T~~olsl Q) (lU)Som.bgdv Else's Pilc. . 1:30$ (MO)HBoIWIfIIM'I!"orId :,. B b U 4:(10 (}l (MOl' C.U!Dlllla· .SlallI Gi;Karl Th. Lov. 0' B.cky "" (!I G,nlreUons .. wIT. tvr Leag.... lse. Chemplonllilp·· .,' .. ;e, Buslnns DIY ® M .FRI Convers.llon With DInah fF\ lWEI' MemorilS 0' M.·... M.gtzlH' (}l ITUlBesl Of Muscl. MIII.rln. . ~ Ev.rydav With JOIn Lunden ® (lU,TH) R.mOd.llng And D.coreUng W .'... CD~HI NASA AI Work (2)(W~,T".FH) .1989 AMNSup.rcress ~ GUnlby . • ~d~E) Counlry Kllcban ~ :J.ni":~I:H BlbV Wy;FR Shlnllg. nml SI.llon 1;1 WtOI Survlv.l Spanish \!3l Dlnos.uc.rs AndTb. Secret Scouls IUJ 700 Club With PII Robarlson \!3l (lU) B.auty Br.aklllraugh For TIt. lUl \11I1111" • W ,U,We.TIf,FRj3.2:1Conllcll;l 1!11 J.tson. lI!l MUIIc Vld.os 9O's' ®CIOlIUChI" (!I, illd. Copy .. @ (MOl Spinoul 1!11 Bre.dellt PlIlI \!3l (WEI Am.nc.n Sn.pshots \!3l. F.UltrKlIOwsBesI (I) (lU) Running On Empty E;I ID Po~.y. Hour at Police A~ad.mv E;I \!3l (THI Clble Kltchtn QJ MI~ 10 MlndV (i) Worfd Tod'Y @ (TUI Solid Gold Rock 'N Roll .... Good UOlllng, Mlck."! llil CNN lI.adline H.lws· @. tMQ.~TH.FR) Dumbo's Circus (!) Gel·ldo . ..., "" QJ Silver Spoens 9 BUmpill.SIUl1lptrs. (!Al 31d Qigrll 5:45 1m Finn And Rancb Roporl @ C.rloon Express. @ (lUI H.llow••1 II GrIncb Night 1:35 (I) IMO.WE,TH.FR) Fllntslanas lI2lCharles'l Ch.rg. ~ ~ !~!"I'rAnlc' 6:00 =::sntrelCb 8:05 (I) (MOl Hous. 0' 0p'rk Sitldows 11'00 C2l i OI Protes.lonal T.nnls 2:00 (MO.TU,WE.'I1I1 Leg.nds 01 World .lnmMal.Wgaorlzlnd. . = (I) (lUI Tltls House oss.ss.d . C2l UI'Canldlln FlIlIIbali Lelgue CI.n WrnDlng .. . ""'H"":'O.... .-d·.M C I k..J. (I) ~Ol Sev.n Mlnul.sln H••v.n 1;1 (I) (WSI VIII.ge 0' TIt. Dlmn.d WE)' C h' C . • (}l (FB) World Class Wltllllig '.~ ',","hu. N1 .. C 1!,1111 C.~ (I) II Th. World's GIllIteSt Lov.r 'CIl (TH) 'Th. Two Worlds 01 J.nny (2J o.c I .om.r tTl .~.._. S••••, lIII Who ~ The Boss? E;I . (I) WE) A II TMrd Lon.. ' . (2J I Aulo Heclng W 11.... JMO TU Wl:JH~ W Ih WI h PPIlll ce 0 U er..... "" (FRI Mlckell Tltompsan's on Doad ,..., HI T.olI n... ' (!), ,no;, ".r,. Ie (I) (T~! Muncbl.s (I) (FRI Th. Slrlnge V.aguac. DI ChlmplanShlPG/ud Prlir." (i) MOj files OIW'sh'(;atOl IlVlag dJ FR) Tltls WI. end , CIl IFR& R.d E;I Rosall. (JJ (MOl Ch.D.ng. 01 Thl UnknDWI (I) The W"" Wltch.E;I ~ QI upptl Bebln ~ ~:~ =:~d N.ws This Morning E;I 8:30 (]) (THI Adv.nIure (JJ ITUIITV . (I). I The Story OIFlftlln Boys 'f' (MP,WE,TH,FRI W.lcom. TI Pooh 1m CBS This Morning CD SqUill OM TV E;I CD (THReading Ralnbtl' 1;1 (I) I I. Uve From ~n.1 Earth E;I ~ggle Rock 1!21 Bot lUl (WEI Looking ElII (!) Davs 01 Out Uvea (I) FII Bab.r; The Inllud.r· 18 High HolI.rs \!3l wo:'.r lUl (FRI JUII For TIt. Record ctl (TUI Hal·Sol.Gru, Momlnts In SpDl1s: (i). . D.V, . , I!II BIIlIS. Porky And Friends ® Top Clrd Tlke 11I1;1 \ (I) TIlt Judge QJ C.D.P.S. ! g~:n1~e~~n~e~:: (i) ~~,nva UvCh.lkllft LA. 1m GlIidIQpili Ughl 4'05 (I) Beverly HUlb1l1t1S ID (THI Will Dlsn.v Pr.sents.... (!) ... liV ren a2i C• . '.5...... IS (lUI To B. Announced @ Wllcom. To Pooh Comer l!I) As Th. World Turns @lIIUovery 011 Th. Go 4:30 (2J SpOlls~k IS Mr. Mageo Q lUl HIWI @l NashYillt Now. W MOl SurvIYIlSpallsh 5:05 (I) GIlligan'. Isllnd 9:00 (2J G.Ulng FlllUlHew Anlm.1 World IDl (MO.WE,TH,FRI Fonzle And Frl.nds CD II MotorWllk '90 6:30 (2J SportsC.nler CD 3·2-1 COntlct E;I IDl IMO,T1l,FRI Vlrltd 1Dl(TU) Levernt &llhlrlq . W WE) 11111I QuUUng CD To ur.1 Yogi @ Scrabbl. \!3l TUI Dilly M~lr lI!l H.g 30: MTV's III.db'lIQIrs' H.II W THI COmpuler Chrollcles \!3l Mlplelown (I) (MO) Olloelilon: Th. Loul. And.rson \!3l (WE) BeIUty Bre.klhrough F.r TIt. Hour . W FRI VJclery .G.rd•• E;I Oil CHN Headlln. Hews Show D 90s aIIllucll RDtlrs" (J) Cun.nl Altair I!II Gumbv (i) O.vWalch lI!l MUllcVldeos QJ Leave nTo '8nver (I) IWE) .KIller Klowns From Oul.r at Smurts (I) ~ Joan RIY.rs all Everyday With Joan Lund.n I2J MO) BIg' Bird II China SpKI @ (lU,FRI Schema 01 Things 1m Donahu. 13 T.lk.boul @ WEI D.kOlI (!Al Jeopiudyl Q . ID Fregal. Roell l!J) Tillel 01 Th. World @ ITUI Which WileII' fs Which? @ T .H., Qull. Human II E;I ~ WKHP In Clnclnn.tI IS lWE,THI To Be AnnDunced @ VldaoCounlrV @ (TH APock.1 For Cordliro, .@ FRMr.lloOgtdv. @ Molfltr Hature IS FRI Solid Gold Rock 'N Roll at Succus.N.UI. 18 Last II llpm . ID M)3TIlt VnetI•• Allalr I!il CHN H.adlile News 6:35 (I) Bewllchad @ Dould Duck PlIsents 11:05 (J) (MOl Ch.m~tr Dr Jltnors ID Ul TIlt Skull all TQI 5:45 CD AM Wealbar ID (MO.WE.THI M.iIletl Center (J) TUIDarkHlghlOlllleScar.clDw IDj5WE)l/Iev.rdlcl.. all SUpttM.rJo ""!"'IS (I) News IS lfe·MID (I) WEI The Grot/nds'.rC.llp!racy 9· HIItt ot TIle Cllv' @ MO) BlaplS'Carloons 9:30 (2J BISIe. Trelnlnl Work.ul (I) lrnl Flgbl.t S/ju.dron, 9 FR) J1ehllll 01 TIl. B.6mlit I2J TUI M.... F.cIOlY 7:00 c2J (TUI Prof.sslonal Goll '" 1U01IH s Apple'" (I) FR TbaFIY. Min Ann" . . (8 alllt Tltal:Tue@WS)pD¥lIdPuPp!ts (2J llWE) Horse Show Jumping W ,". W IV ... '2:05(J) fliRlsIOlll$ ID WuzzIIs ron JH'JiHM..Drag Rlclng •. CD (Til. E,TH,FR) lTV 11:30W (MO.TIfI lTV FR M t. Th Ir (2) (FiitThorOughbred Dlgesl ~(lUKkl"Jcense To Orlvi _.. . ---~fHDlJ:Thr:H.a1u0'rlelaldose, WillS 2'15tDiTUJ-Mtl!Aphiillll' S ...I ..!1'!":<'!~.,.,."".""a"".------J--- CD Seume Slre.1 E;I • @ M ,.. . /' (l)(W()AnOIlIfF,Ud·l~ : r,:~s::.7~: Pals Dt~Jllllfe @ Today E;I (I) (FR) Rlmember When: Wheels. Wings lBJTop card I CD W . (i) OIVWllcll .. Whistles (IJ} Ctltbrlty CIl.ls :' 2:30 (I) iI T1HI BtsI 01 El\CYCloptdla E;J 4:35lJ) AMy GrllIIlh (fJ Good Morning America Q lUl Pilquale's Klrchln Express QI Lesl Word ." , ctl Fill SlirYfval SI"II: lalllt 01 TIt. 1!21 Bugs Bunny And Frllllds ' ® 01 SI'g. @ Yau AId MI, J(ld . BlIOII Firm l!J) Assignment DIscovery \!3l SColt Hoss Straight T.lk 11'45 W (WE) tiS eHIIIMl.. ro (MO) Chin. Sky' . @ Am.r1CllD Magula. @ Dumbt's Circus .... III (fRIAmtrtcaii MDVIe Leglnd: S.mu.1 5:00 (2J SpartsC.II.r \!3l Our Kousl 9 CarlHI Express GaIdwyil W t!Il Hrn I!II Clr. Bears 9:35 (I) lWEI Aidy Griffith • . (!) IuIftEdititII (J) NBC NIiIlIIY NIWS Q ~ ~~:~: ~ J~~~~~ Raporl 9:45 CD (WE) Cltbt Walcll 12:00 (2J (THI 1919..Ulllmlltd "Vill.,..n. I =.;: TIll NFL • ID You And M•• Kid 10:00 (2J BodIes In MoHon Rac"" (lil CHH fit ItN.n III MO)""" ot Stralt.1S ID ~Ol Cva"'la (JJ (MOl lTV . (2J ~FRI AslroWtrfd SlrIII 01 Dog@YalM1YRipsTodiy

, 6p.nt. - PERFECT WITNESS with Brian Dennehy (I) ~...,.:PtrhII ot AMislrIU t!1J tIllIl MTY m"'Ihll,....I.iS.lItptrt· '. '.. ~DNESDAY • ~ktv~~.·· :t*...,~n" ..ver m1:=rIM~. 4:30 p.m, - KILLER KLOWNS'FR'OM OUTER SPACE.a:=:':Exprn, .a) IF~ MtT...· mm3 ::::~ ,1lInIdtr. 6p.nt. - PUNCHLINE with Tom Hanks .._'*11I11II A.....kl a tiC IC '*"" (i) Cllatn . THURSDAY ; i'MO) r.y;;CiIII . 3:05(1) MtIIIlm ~ m·=: B 5:30 p.m. - MUNCHIES 1:00 £%l ;),=Raclllgg~=.r 7p.m. -IRON EAGLE II With:~ossettJr. . .~ wf :::'~thlll ot AmttIca 3:30~~)'::=,D.I. ~ ~r':)J: =:, '. 6p.rn. -18 AGAINI With George Butns " .•~ iiJll,=~ .' .gJ, ·WJlEl trM1I;~. g )~~::: 'CInII41Ifttir 8p.rn. - VICE VERSA WiIbJUdaeheinhold- . ·~ ..•!~I~ ~.RiIrllItw.. '". ~ I _ ' .•. -it:~Rock SATURbAY ~ = .... (2) (fll)-...... '/II='!"UIIleQ ...... m...... IftlIr' (JJ 1••11 OM TV E;I, '. '. <8 FiIIIIII1 TltsE;l . :::~~ PU~'itt~~~~ry·. y .~.'.~MO));;;; =.·.·)J.;.~II~~. :=,:.~ welrrna ,·0:-....1.""'~~.. =..•. ,. 5:35(J)~MI'"'. .. ' SUNbAY ""' lWEi """ ,... • 4:30 p.m. - THE HeAVEN'LY KID •. . " • 6p.m. - MADAMESOUSATZKA with Shfrley Macl.8lne '. . • I • 257-5121 .CABLEVISION, .. 111Wlngrteld Ave.. • . .

. " ...... , , .,' . • , • • ;' , ,- - ,." • .. • • '"' r •• • , • @ W.r ~torl .. Bailie For War~aw am Dosignlng Women Delta Burke, Annie Jamaican housekeeper offers emotional The Ruidoso News I Page 3 ~ Chureh Strul SIlUDIl 1'Qlts,. J.eall· smart 1;1 support to tho conlllsed adolescent son of a III Who's 11Ie BDSS? Tony Danza. Judith Q5l. MOYIE: Terdiorj·QI-Oll!•.11I Man Is anOl. . ~eallhyAmerlclll family who is staying at a Light. Ki1tharine Helmond Q . ... outsldllf:lttl!hll"desQlatealid barren ..O);h'Jlenaa' .. .., .. J~SOrLWhoopl.Goldberg. Michael .()ntltean .. .lmJ..Q.s~u.:.9.tlQ > W~I!llarid!lr t~eSQuthwest. little seen ~ 'Church Slreet StaUon •(1988) r:;I . .' Q» Beyond -

'" deseItWlrdlife.fSvlaweij. (1974) ,'.' l!I)B.Im,n ... ' 12:20 ID MQVIE: Tb. W.lklng Oe.d Electrocuted ®N'$hVlll" NilVi' ,;/" MORNING . ,. OllClisslc MT\I . tm·RlIlt1ote Co_trol. man Is brought back to the living so he can Oll COMnUI~yd's Halloween Special I:', :Jo . :.'. . • " "_ «I) Nall,bl1a'lifogr,phlc: Uvlng Sinds III .' ,OJ Crll11ilWalmTolIlgbt mete !lut vel,lgeance. BiJrlsKarioff. Barton OJ) Hunte, Q. . .-, i 7:009 MOVJE: CYI1lhl!! Wh~n her parenls' l!lst N.mlb ". -' 1m w..r pm. WOrlds" MacLane (1936) ". 0 Weillher W,lch dream$ makll them 100 cauti!lus about her GO Growlngp.ln,Q.· .IDSwlJs F'amlly:Roblnson Martin Milner. 1 00 ""IHD.O. R I W Id N t' I F 1m Milgnunt. P.I. health, agirl dilcldes II's time to taste life to ID ~!d•• ln~lIJIIOraledRyan Lambert, Renee cameroil Mltchelf,Pat ~/any : .... on r g ae ng or alona s rom @RaggedyAnn.And Andy: Pumpkin Who Ih~ EII1il~ot" d~,.' fuJlQsl. TaYlor, Mary Asror S8I1. • Rahsa..an Patte.rS(){/ .. ID Murder" She Wrole (Z)Norwalk.MOVIE:OHPeyond.(R) 'VlcIDN Five men are Couldn'l..'..SmllaRaggedyAnn andAdn yeph I (1947) . IDWlOVIE: ThIs Earth Is MI.e The' 9:30 WSporlsCenler assigned to hold off the ~nerny while the unite a1i"le boy with a lonely pumpkin to 7:30 (2) Professlon!!1 Gall Nabisco Champion­ granddaughter of Ii p!lw.erful vintner op- CllSPorlSTonlgbt main body !If troops retires from fiattle. lulfjU every~hild's HaUoween fantasy.

Ships, Third Round Irom Hilton Head, SC poses her family In her love fpr ayoung . OJ) Newhlrl Q Wl1Ilam BiJud,' James GleaS(){/ (1932) (1979) . 'f (R) . upstart trying to make his way in the wine ...a2l HIIIS,treet Blues ' ID Jem . cornmumrPffockFfiiosOl/; J'eanS/ititnons...... C....·-Okn~.. Ise-· .!D.MOVIE:..J.egentUlUlieapyJlollow A WltOVI£:l'edl1{ couple Of mlsmatchild Doroth". MCGulreJ ). :;;:.lI.'''''Im.'clIln''''.~~ delightful version 01 theAmerlcan classic by 7:30 (!JTlle Wilnder YealS Frtid Savage, Alley FBI rookies try' .10 make the grade with 1959 , PS WI} Washington Irving, with the skinny school- Mil/s, Sean Baca ~ hilarious results. Rebecca DtiA!Qfflay, Mary ID 0.1Inco .rty .A' "'"\W Music Videos master and the terrifying' Headless ...... - WIIcb'S·Nlnht11" u·t Wh en aIoneIy, witeh ,-':' (J'ros$ (1988) 1;1 6:05 CIl",9VIE: PoUergtlsl Supernatural spirits ,llJI ArSelllbHl1I Horseman. Jeff Goldblum", Dick Butkus turns ,aU' the children into monsters, her 8:05 CIlMOVIE; House Of O.rk $h.doWl Two step Out of aTV screen to turn apeaceful 9:50 ID DISI\.ySlIlutes The Amerlc.n Te.cber . (1980f r:;I '. .. magic wand Is stolen and she has trouble doctors belle\levampilism to be the cause suburban home into ascene ollermr. JlBeth Barbara BI/$h (19811) . 2:00 (2) Legends 01 World Cllss WresUlng ~hangi~q them back. (Alllmated) (1985) for aseries of deathS at an ancient eslate. Wi/llams, Craig T. NelS(){/. Beatrice Straight 9:55 (I) Kldsln TheH.li Dave Foley. Bruce (I) MOVIE: TIle WPrsf Witch Atimi~..§,tudent ID He man . Jonathan Frld, Joan Bennett (1970) (1982) .. .• McCulfoch. I(evln McDoriald r:;I , persl$ts in her ambitron to ffiaKe1fff an~, 7:45 mThis Is Yllur Ule: Boris K.rlol! 9:00 (2) GeWng Fit With Denise Austin ~ 6:30 (2) NFL Monday Nighi M.glzlne 10:00 (2) NFL's G....test Mom.1I1s '. e~clusive bo~rdlng school for apprentice 8:00 rn American Exptrlen~e Q ' 9:30 (2) S.slcTralnlng Workout • ~ :WE:O~Srl~~o~leof mismatched . ~ Journey Into Slop Explore spme of the WItches In thiS enchanting, whimsical tale. @ In The Helt 01 The Nlgbl Garroll 10:00(1) MOYJE:Tucker:ThI M.1i " His Ore.m FBI rookies try to make the grade with discoveries made about the phenomenon of Charlotte Rae. Diana Rigg 1;1 O'Connor, Howard Rol/lns, Dina Almeida In the 1940s, Preston TUckel' had avision !If hilarious results. Rebecca DeMom~y, Mary sleep through the eyes of distinguished ID MQVI~: Thl Skull Notorious French Q building the 01 the future. His genius and -Gross (.1988) n physicians. D . nobleman's skull wields alIlcious influence rn Not-So-Grelt Momenls In Sports: T.ke • car ... @ III OJ) Mews on thOse who have It In their PQssesslon. III Combining candid talk witli rare and amblflOn were no match for Detroit's Big III EllterllltllllJnt Tonlgbl , Cll NIWlNlgkl Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee (1965) famous Iilm footage, this program cele- Three carrnakers. JeffB"dges, Joan Allen (1988) D . ~ r.:~ r.!h:~? r:;I ( CIl Naliollil Geogrephlc Explorer 2:15 (!) MOVIE: Men Ag.lnstlhe Sky Behind the b~at~s the weird, .astounding and often ~ MOQIE: Melodv TrlU Gene Autry IIil CNNH.llIl1ne News tOl Spod{ng.UI. scenes activities In amodern aircraftfactory hilariOUS moments In sports. 1;1 "'b ~ NlSl!Vllle Now witlt drama, emotion, and ,pathos. Richard (I) Evening News protects his glrllrlend's ranch from cattle MTV' Nt AI N Roseln~. rustlers. Gelle Autry, Smiley Bumelte m s Wi '11 I Q5l ,.,OVIE:Terrilory 01 Olhen Man is an Dlx, Wendy &rrle(1940) . llJ Roseanne Barr. John Good- (1935) .... aNltbl Court r:;I outsiiler In the desolate and barren 2:30 @MOVlE:Blaekbl.rd'sGhostTherestless man, Usl i,1iJranson Q . @MOVIE: Cinderall. Abeautiful young girl. !Mlcl·~~use Club 1;1 wasteland of the Southwest. Little' seen spirit Itf along dead pirate must wa'nder th'e' OJ) Wo.1I Jack Scalia, NIcolas Surovy. Seth C press deserl wil.dllfe 1$ .vlewed. (1974\ . rth'" '11 . i1 Jaffe r:;I mistreated by her stepmother and stepsls· 7:00'P"_(2j Yachtflg.... "'" M ty puthlll'IFI hi "I J ea unti t pe· orms a redeeming att of Ol llJI News ters, is granted the chance til meel Prince (J)VtaloliOf 1ht COllsUtuUon(jJ T:Orr~~~~DtIuJk ~" reus good. Peter Ustlnov. Dean Joi!~s (1968) Q» Anlm.1 Wonder Down Under Charming. \Animated) (1950).r:;I @ ALF M3)< Wright, Anhe Schedeen. J. a Nigbl COUrl r:;I 3:00 (2) Reneg.dlsJ TNT Monsler Truck ~ 700 ClUb With Pat Robertson ID MOVIE: v.nhue Chivalrous romance and Mus~Vkllo, courtly Intrigue. based on the novel by Sir Bullock Q. . .•.... . ID MOVIE: My F.lr "-dy Enchanting Ch.Re•.Serles From Long Island, NY tm . Cll Llrry KlIlI LlVeI muslca!' from Shaw's Pygmalion, with (1) GO MOVIE: H.llowee. 1II: Se.~ 01 TH Walter Scott. Robe.rt Tay/a;. Elizabeth Taylor WIt~h ~vil (1953) CD MOVIE: '(oung.Mr, Uncoil The story of Professor Henry Higgins transforming a 3:30 (2)' NBUod.y Season Premiere 'Ancient witchcralt ahd scientnic L1ncoln's early years. beginning in 1832 guttersnipe Into a regal lady to' win a bet. 345M'OVIE: p' I' genius come together when a m""terious ,10:30(2) BodySh.plng With Cory Everson when he was a YO\lRg lawyer, is enacled. Audrey Hepbum. Rex Harrison, Stanley :. ~ I ~ ·acdesslon.1 SWHlb8lrl A toymake[ plans to use Halloween masks to 11 :00 (2) ProfessloR.1 Tenall European HenrY Fonda. Alice Brady, Marjorie Weaver Holloway (19M} . s!mp eyo.ut .su enlyhaslamethrustup~n kill trick or treaters. Oan O'Herilhy. Tom .(1939) . 13 Prime TIme WllSUIng him a~d !scompelled to con~uct even hiS Atkins, Stacey Nelkln (1983) . Community Cham~ionship, Final Match ~ from Antwerp, BelgIum nn aBC M"'d.y NI""t Foolb.U love hIe In the public eye. Ginger Rogers. - M'DVIE', Adventures Of' Icbl.... ·"d Mr. lim G.rflaldO:; H.IIOW~"Advlnlllre Garfield 10:25 ~l~~prog~;::~~::~:ero~. ~ge Normap Fos.ter (1933) h.d A gangly schoolteache7"'si::'mbles 11:05 CIl MOVIE; Ch.mber 01 Horron Convicted enlists Odie's company to go out on 4:00 (2) Besl Of Muscle M.gallne across the countryside to escape frorn the' and sentenced t!l hang. ahomicidal maniac Halloween to get more candy; when they get stories memori~ljzed in the celebrated AIDS (I) MOVI~: Rqllnltlg On Empty Pursued by terrilying Headless Horseman In this version cuts off his chained hand and escapes. But caught in a storm they take shelter in a . OU.i1t and how the devastating disease has the FBI. two lormer '60s radicals must of Washington Irving's tale. (1949) 1;1 he soon (etums for revenge. Palllck O'Neal, haunted hous6. (1985) r:;I umted people across America. Q ~ons!antly keep moving and changing ID MI.ml Vice . Suzy Parker (1966) tOl S.I.rI 10:30 (!) BeslOI C.rson . IdentIties. ~t age 17, their eldest son longs 8:05 CIl MOVIE: Munstar. Go Home Herman ~ N.shvlllll Now OJ) Chelrs D . for anew hfe. Judd HirsCh, ChristIne Laht, Munster Inherits atitle amanor house and AFTERNOON GIl Mu.VkIIos a2l MOVIE: Cbl.mber 01 Honon Convicted (1988) r:;I hi' . '. QII'NaUonil"phlc:Raln Foresl and sentenced to hang, ahDmicldal mariiac 4'30 "" S "'Look . aw o. eparcel of hilariOUS problems from . 12:00 (I) MOVI~ Bless THBe.sls AId Children l1! W••k W.lcll . cuts off bis chalned hand and escapes. BUI ' \,6/ po.~ " hIS BritIsh un?e. Fred Gwynne, YVOTIf1fI De S~ boys attempt to stop the sensaless a 21 Jump Slreel Johnny Depp, Peter he soon returns lor revenge. Patrick O'Neal. 5:00 (2)SporIsC.nt.r Garlo. AI LeWIS (1966) slaughter ofa herd of buffalo by freeing the DeLulse'D - . Suzy Parker, Wlilred Hyde WhlJe (1966) (Z) MOVIE: sen Ot Oracul. The mysterious 8:15 (Z) MOVIE: Housa 01 F~nke"'sIIln Vengelul animals marked for destructiOn. Bill Mumy, ID lWOYfE: Frlt!ldshlp In ViIlIIlI The OJ Ouldtot' Of. Cou~1 A1ucard travels to the AmerlccmSouth madman uses atravehng horror show as a Barry Robins (1972) . friendship of two 13 year old girls. one IIil CNN lIlIdUne News to find a bride, Lon Chaney, Jr.. Louise frontto enact his murderous~chemes, aided 12:30 QJ MOVIE: Gypsy Cllt Adrought stricken Jewish, the other the daughter of aGerman all PoslModtnI M1V Allbrlltoo (19431 \. by UlUnchback and the monsters he larm couple IS f01ceil 10 setnttetr.1itl1hre--""'col •. .. , &IklI-Matulnl encounters. {Jgr/s Karloff. too Cl/aJMy, John daughte.r's be.loved colt tll a racing stable. persecuti!ln of the Jews. Ed Asner, Jane . all AtIIlIIo IIIlI Season Iii Review Garradine (1944) - 50lI milesaway. Donna CorCOliln; Ward Bond' Alexmder, Stephen Macht (1988) r:;I .. 11:20 ID MOVIE: s.ckTo S.tll.Acolonelforms (1954) . (8 Jim a guerrilla army and leads a raid on the 1:00 (2)SportrIiIs Martina Navratilova& Michael 7:3O@ TIll Wickldest WiICIl All evil witch Japanese In orderto help Americans landing Gross . enlists thl help of acallfe of gargoyles on 6:00 a> Prtftssloul BRv'uIIdIIlI on Leyte. John Wayne. Anthony Quinn. (Z) MOVIE:'S.hlH OfllclDtpn A stenu- Halloween to help her end the curse thaI has ',M NtIlJ' ..-li__O ••; Beulah Bondi (1945) graphers secretlovl!l for asalesman and her banished her to the netherworld for 300 .. CD Ie. .. mJlNMlr 8:30 III Ch!ckln SolIp Rita KarIn, Jackie Mlson. support of him behind lheseenes Is, year~, Rue McClanahan, Ram Oli1JiSIo. 7:00"" Prtllmolal GttI Nabi~co Champion- ~':V1iM=t\YllHSSAlterwitnesSlng 'fritzl BaiTq responsible for his promotlon 10 president. JackI~ Gly/~ . \,6/ agruesome organized crime .killlng. aman is (g) TfIVIler CShowc.se u,", Astor, Ricardo '(1931) .... FJIlltlIS T..LIu ZJon CfIH'l Erica Yoirn ships, Final Round from Hilton .Head, SC hed b tBl Oil SlIM --T Cortez \DII ...., ". • , (R) '. . . pus . y an intense lawyer'to testifY, no 111\ .CNNHe·.••.w... 0_ 1:30 (2) Bowling WDrJd Dennis Upscomb r:;I QJ MOVIE: Dr. Jekyll- AIItl Mr, Hydt matter the risk to the man's lne orfamily. \lSI ...... 2:00 (2) I...... Of World CIIII WresfI.... G4 He·M.1I Stevenson's classic horror lale about a Brian Dtnnehy, Aldan QUinn, Stockard 9:00 (2) UgIdIr SIde Of Sporis _n... V "'It 8:00 (2) SWImSlIIl'81 Channing (1969) r:;I (J) You SholIld Knowl ~ge~O~~ne~ be:u~lIhi£.~IlrX W1~ "wasx C~ (J) Art Of TIll WIsffill World mental specialist who conducts experiments' mrlmtNews .@MIdtlIghICilIerWendyKilbouTM,Gary .. ~ "" @ MOVIE: NBC all At TIll on himsell to separate his good and Ivil MOVIE: Gltost S"''''' Four elderly New COle Mhut Taxler " Communistspy. beComes a r~erand is I , sides Spencer Tracy, in{Jrid BeTf1l1laJl I ...., ::I'.". , sentto Venice after adiplomatic tReetlng Is Moves s,m. TAl S"" A Chicago (1941)' ng anders are tormented by an old secreteD l'les F~1heCryptTr\fQgy Get ready bombed. Robert Vaughn. EII0 Sommer policewoman retums 10. her homelown 20 which has come back to haunt them as well for three chming storiesftom HBO's new (1967) years aller being raPB!f to track down her 7:30 (I) MOVIE: Perfecl WiIIlIss After witness- as. their sons.(Ed~ed) Fred ~talre, Alice series. directed by Hollywood's top direc- . attacker, Jaclyn Smith. Howard Duff, lng a gruesoma organized crime killing. a Knge. Melvyn Douglas (1981) ~s. (1989) r:;I.. 2:30 (Z) MOVIE: CIlIu SkY Adedicated doctor RlcNrd ~ur (1989)t:;I man Is pushed by an intense lawyer to tOl OISCOYlry Showcase I{Dllywood Ghost \&I MoneyIlIt Joins his Chinese comrades In fighting the (I) MOVIE: Tucker: n.. Mu &""Dream testifY. no mailer the risk ta the rnan's Iile Stories Illlhlrlysomtltting Ken Olin. Mel Harris, Japanese during World War II. Randolph In ~ 19405. Preston Tucker had avisiOii of or family. Brian Dennehy, Aldan Qulnil ~ CliImrsaliDll WIllI Olalb Polly /lriper r:;I SeoU, fMh W!rrick (1945) builditlg the car of the future. His genius and (1989) r:;I tI5l MOVIE: Nub Alaska Is the setling lor OJ) Isllllll Soli Richard Chamberlain, Kwan 3:00(21 ~q"dtsr TNT Mmt" TflIck ambition were lio match for Detroit's Big 1:05 (ll MOVIE: ~ House POS$ISSId A an adopted Indian boy's adventures with his Hi Lim. carol HuSloo Q CIIJ . From Chicago, IL (R).. TIIree carmakers, Jeff BrIdges, Joan Allen. nelVOIlS collapse forces arock star to seek foresl ranger tather. Jed Allan. Jeff ~Ntwllar! 3:30 (2) S.tItI.D.s. Martin LandIU (1988) Q solitude at a secluded mountain estate. Pomerantz, Mark Miranda (1968) (!J Arntricln AJblIm (I) MOVIE: FIIlllII'., _ Aplt It·s a Cll EYIIIhlg News MerStevenson, usa Ellbacher (1981) ~ lID ClUsIc M1V • tBl VltlHCIIIIdry mismatched. mi•..!..... ro • thai just 91 Mtrphy 8rIWII Clndice Bergen. Pat 9'00 "" r-..Mwo Fit With nanise '''stin (II HlItlIIr Q . 8l1a1mH ,"" UI' " "'" Corl6Y. Gnnt ShaUd Q ' \A' ...... "" "" ell GrowhIt PlllIs Q. tm Rlmelt Control might be perfect when afiercelylndependent ~ glMws 9:30aJIlasIcTreWlt WII'kOllC =aXJa,1IcerpemeiI Ryan Lambert, Renee (II CrlmeW.lCb THight sch!lolteacMr ,meets a lonely haarts. '"' •...-.ta. "".sf. To' Coasl (I) MOVIE: LkIaI To DrlvI The tale of1WO ...... 1. D.~•••• ""/1-"" "'" M·· St.- Wrote ,I columnist MirY Tyler 'loam, Rob!rt - NIIWI...... I' h' I' I" II the _III...... ~I r. ~...... IlW Presloo (1985) Q 81711 ClIII_ Pll RIHftson eens ac l.ng..OlVe ,,0. nany ane ycan ID NBA PrtSmoa BlSkllblll 9:30 'P(2) SpOrlsCllllr . ell AlltII.lllhnr:;l get into With tour wheels underneath them, G4 DIlicI P.tty USA ron C- 1 lUI.... • 4:00 (2) CaI/ftnIIa SIIIt Go-KIII C~ .... MIami...... Corey HIlm, Corey Feldman (1988) \&> I n ...... , ----Erom-lUV.essid'!.-CJl(B) ----.-:'P .~ [email protected] 6:05 CIl MOVIE: TItI GIIIIl ~ Mr, CllIcku A Cll $perts 1'onItht ' ~ l.'" I d. I h' 'bi h n"- . be e smaIHOWffileWspapet'-typesetter,with B illMOW'·' .• t~ . 4:30• (2) and his photograpbet daughter enrOlJtI!l to a'1 0 ,IS rt, IlKl8r proves . an driving ambition 10 become a reporter, daughter kidnap$herlover's fiancee. leading • 5:00 (2) SpIrlsCullr' Mexico to research abook Oii de/l1OliO!ogy OIJtstandlRg horse,constantly helplRg Roy. stumbles upon a murder mystery; Don him on adangerous search fDr her- across (Z) MOVIE: HoIISI Of SlQIgIn Aruthless are menacecl by horrific .creatures.Comef Roy Rogers,D.1Ie E~ (1949) Knot~ Joan Stale~ uam Redmond Europe. Gloria Holde". Olto1 "'" /lfchlrd ~, Jaml Girlt, JIsCfI PIMa .. to SIlit his llWtll1eeds. Eilwatd G. Robl/lS()(/, ..'.' (!)M.· Andy Griffith, Clarence Gilyard, an adopted Indian boy's adventures with his :(1986) . Richard Conte. Susan HaYwWd (1949) Anita MoiT/U:) . forest ranger father. J,d Allan, J~fl . t ' • 12:00 (II MOVl~ ~I.ra's Hliil A kind, wise It) Urry J(lllg L1nl Pomerantz, Mark Miranda (19li8) .

• . • .' • • .. " -,.------,.-~- ", ' , " • , -'" , , .~ '" .. _ ...... ~ ...... I I.. t , ...... ~ ',~ rq'tV'A~J'Jf. :.'!, , -,' "A : A '-- ...• '::::>"',1. ~..• " . " ....., ~ ". i"1'...... ,_...., ~- -'Y~ ..~ ." .. Page 4/ The Ruld()so News ® MOVIE: The Story 01 Fllleen Boys Based videos that provided the definilive images Q]) Nashville Now "" . ,_aparilto[.1I~!S!"Ja.~9i~~_~iJ~!)'19~~(~iJljnl!-- @ Monly Python's Flying CircUs on the nOvel by JUles verne, thIs advenlure for each 'year Of the 80s. Thls -epiSOde: - ~MOVIE:'Nortlt-Country--TwO'111en;llaCh -~1or'10bt;ury, lie musl 'prove PIl! mnol;llnce, II! Tomorrow's OuUook tells of agroup of boys, shipwrecked on a 1984. living Off the land, In the remote Alaskan "6te~efJtodifi.AYdreytQf1li(t947):,.., ~ Night Court 0 desert island. who may never be rescued. I!IJ Adam 12 ':Iildefnes$; filce danger and ad'venture with, 3:00 ~ 'Riln~g.deJJ .n~jMol\.J"r Truck ~ MOVIE: The Ghost And Mrs. Muir A (Animated) (1988) lIJ Wealher Watch, 'llm~9) help from, modern technology. .' Ch.n"nge $~rI8$. From ~lchmond, VA (R) lonely widow finds peace and material for a @ MOVIE: Dakota Ayoung rebel, on the run @ Magnum, P.I. . • best· selling book when she fallS in love with from ashady past. mustfind the courage to @ MOVIE: Fant8sllc AdventuresDI Unlco @ Monty Py1boil'sFlying Circus 3.30 C2l R"d M.n/ TNT All American Pulling the ghost of an old sea captain. Rex Harrison. face himself before he can begin to make a Brightly animated iale of Unlco, the unicorn lIJ Tomorrow's Outlook .Serfe" (R)· . Gene TIerney. George Sanders (1947) new life. Lou Diamond Phillips. Herta Ware who puts his powQrof kindness to work to @ Nlght.Court Q ,',: . , , (I) MOVIE: Howling III Australian w,er· 131 MOVIE: Trick Or Treats An Innocent (1988) reform ahaleful magician. (1961} @ MOVIE: Million, Dollar Mermaid Based eV/olve.s, roam the countryside,cauSlng teenage babysitter is caught in a terrifying @ MOVIE: The Verdict Dismissed Scotland ~Jem on tlie 1110'01 Annetlel

, •

'~,. I • ''''' . ri, .. ~.., '~ - , ". " ','. " ,-- " .,'" , - ,,- •"" ,', ,'. '"', -" '. - .• ' ." ; . , -"", . -, ",,' '-',.' .• ,. , ", .- .,' -·-,·v~··,·n",_ ,.:~,;{< "'~ ""~"~'~' k"'_;':t,~,~;", I*"}~""'" ~,f' ","'~""li:'; ~.,\ "lo"'\'i~ i.;:u:~ i,,11.~ ,~ :~ ~", ~ ·~~if<~ ~ ~iih~:.. f'"f';W'.. ~. .~. ~ , "~ ~""~'lI'.• "',.,;;~>. ~ ~"~'. ~ hR .. fI'd,:;.;"'''.' t,~ "I 'll'I't,h" t,'" I,",:",..'\~.. ...~. ':'»1s til.; '"""'l~;'~ ~ j. .4:'~~~i.i .. -~.-. ~"'ll.. :ii:'" .. ,,':o:~'.,••:lr, ..'.'.'\i.'.'?!''':'::)'':;"l\.JIo"'-"'~:":~oIl:.:·"·:.(·1"~'·~ '"~,. ..,..~ 'O\:":4' ... f,' •. "J,. \.,':t'., .>I,t 'i-:>'4.,",.

...... '.,"'" .... Hew.s ..c•. , ,..~ .• ".. ., - as'well"s gam....hlghllghts from thl's.uear's 'lR\ 700 Clu'b'''"I''1b II t R'" ·tt . , Th~ Ru!doso N~ws/.pagQ ti e7fC ;:P'lont/i$Q1 Nature ~ . , pre-sea;o~ actiQit,···· 1" !i.FN~d:oNasY N.,i~.t. ~o.".~~ '.BI~::S ,s,on- . , ·~a!~or;V"I~.~.fi .'UI l!-r~ln.'g-H.··e,-jg'h.'·Is"-A "t'r~a~gl'c" i§)lPOCllIb Wllh,'Patltobetl$on" @ Bill BUllud's Animal 0~ys5ey I!!U. ¥ ...... III ~ w161 aMOVI~;8Ia~lrnarllO"'~lm$l!ee' Ch~rch ,betWe~nan 3: • , .... Sireet Slation ...... MOillE' C''urly Top' A nh 'I'p Ies romance davelops aristocratic Drellll! Walllol$Sav~n teenS !n'a .p"sYChia- . '. " .::i MOVIE'J'e's's''e' O·'w'e'n" 'S't'oN (PI' 2 01 2) -the'w'eawl'th' t'r's\ ' f nor., ahnca Iva h young girl and the man who. tends her · , . f···· "'" '.' '. .... ~, .·r·· . 'Y u ee 0 ,an orp anage, w 0 lather's stables. La.urence Ollvle~, "erle tric ward. share VlOlent.terri~Ing drellmso ' " , True storyoUhe man Who won four gOld ildop\S her and her older slsmr. Shirley ,~, "" a sadistic killet...Frelfdy Krugerl Together, .' .. '. .\ .' medals' at the 1936 Qerlin OlymplcsfrQm Temple. Rochelle Hudson John 80les Ojleron, Davtd Niven '(1939) they must meethimon his !lWn turf.flobert 7:30 (2J Professional GqifAskhl Cup from Tokyo, . tollege days to his 'POSI;OIympicperiod (1935) ..,' ,, ! ~ho·I!Ve.lrsE" ·l:;1ngel Hea'rt An en'lgmatl'C m'an E. , " u th r L g b' D trl I Japan-2nd Round(Rl '. . hi' 'I .... "'" '" Al A1j3u~~~ 1;~87) e . an ef/~amp, .-a c,a WMOVIE:Hot Shli'A hot'headed American w en shame esslyexp olted,Dorlan Har· IS Miami, Vice sends aeonfused detective. to New Orleans . sMlamPtilce ', , youthlearnslhe,princlple.sand phll9sophy of (~~~ Geofg StanlordBrown. ,DebblMorgan 8:20 (I),N~A WresUing Power, Hour io find .a once;popular singer whodisap, 8:05 e'l MOVIE: Marlowe Private 'ey,e Philip soccer from 'II kindly former Brazilian pro l!ll Top 20 Vldio COllntdown 8:30 rn Wall Stroet Week r;t' peared fr.om an asylum shortly after World Marlowe, hired bya girl to find her missing player.Jim Young~"Bllly Warlock (1986) OJ MOVIE: Kiss 01 Thospider Woman Two (!) Amerlca,n MO,vle ~egend; ~lImuel War II. Mlqkey Rourke, Lisa Bonet, Robert bmther, encounters gangsters and murder 8:05 (I) MOVIE: The Str.nge~ Vengeance 01 very dissimilar cellmates In asqualid South Gol~wyn ThiS senes of speclal.s offers DeNlro(19B7) ashe-chases down dancer'skille'rhusband, . .,Rosallellnlndlangirl kidnaps'a traveling American prison indulge in vivId verbal prQ.lile.s.!!f~elellratedHoIlYW09dJ!r1ists..lJus ~ ~~:~~gl~M~:s James,Gamer, Gayl8Hllnnlcut, Rlla Moreno' salesman to keep . her company in her fantasies as a rneansol emotional and Installmenl, pr~fiIes'legendary aD Arsenlll Hall " ". (1969) . . . ,isolated New Mexican desert town, Ken psychological survival. William Hurt, Raul producer/philanthropist Sa!TIueLGoldwyo, 18 Ra~ Bradbury Theatre '.30 tn De'a'r'J'ohn '''''0 U1rs~h •. 'ine Carr:, "n Howa.riJ, Bonnie Bedel/a (1972) Julia, Sonia Braga (1985) l!l Just The Ten 01 Us Bill KifChenballer, 8 = "iou, m ., '" ". GI FI Gro.wlng Pain's.., Deborah Harmon. Heather Lanne.nkamp'" 10:35"" M*A*S*H HoOks'" " 11:011 ~1 ell ng I With Denise Auslin L kl I: >I'''' UJ 'i.'" 011h '''lid 930 BIT II W@Edison T~ln~ Andrew Seblston, Mamle@oo ng ~ast , 10:45"'" In,slde NBA( (!)) OfPlllnS . en.: C2l as c II n,ng orkout M0'h '/ . ® Classic Rock WIh W II J k ,...... G e J Jh Uvi g L gend - C.-, ai, Sunny Bensen-Thrasher "." loman lIC 11·,00 ~ M'asterplece Thealre I·net McTiee', "'" . eorg ~nes: e... n. e.,. 10~00 ® MOVIE:, LoadedPlslols Gene Autry @ NBA Basketblll , (lJl CNN Headline News ""' ".,. eQuntry mUSIc legend ~eorg~ Jo~es I shields a boy' wanted for murder while he "'" D' .' P tfu USA@NBABasketballJohnBoweJohnMcEneryl:;l pe.l'forms many of his classIc hltslOcludlOg I ks d th I kill GAt .... ance a", " . " . ® MOVIE:'FreewayThereis more Ihan 600 He Slopped Lovin' Her T()day and Who's I {;;bara ~%~on (~;:~) , er. ene ury, 6:05 CIJ MOVIE:, Brass Target Gell, George 9:oo@MoiorweeklUuslra'ed miles of continuous, hypnotic freeway and Gonna Fill Their Shoes, . ID MOVIE: Raggedy Ann And Andy: A Patton is suspected of being ,assassinated W Mayers; The Power 01 The Word [J someone is stopping traffic, Agrisly series (lJl CNN Headline News, ',. M I I Ad t Wh 'I after WWII because of a gold heist @ Mancuso, FBI Robert Loggia, Lindsay of murders has drivers panicked, Darlane ...Sparky's Milglc P,lano. Eighl year old boy I lUIs ~I " hven ur.. anever ayOung glr perpertrated by his subordinates. Sophia Frost, Fredric Lehne J:;I Fluegel,' James. Russo, Billy Drago (1988) ..., a sas eep er rag dolls come alive and'lead L 11 ' G1 Moneyllne reluctantly practices the plano until one day the other toys on Incredible adventures, Dldl oren, max von Sydowes, George Kennedy I:;l his la obeg''ns to pi y by 'tself Spa ky's (1977) (!) MOVIE: The Moon's Our Home An tTl Sh BI T d P n I a " I • r Colin, Mark Baker (1917) " . aclre~s and a noted. explorer marry on a \.l!J ow Z 0 ay 6 30 ~oa:C,a~:~:w:~. ~!, ~&~t:t ~:. Mel@MOVIE:Salurday'sChlldrenFatherof • @ Wheel ~I Fottune I:;l ,sudden impulse, realizing later that each ! ~~r~a~:n~t~~W I', average Manhattan family teaches daughler ill MOVIE, Wulherlng Helghls ,A tragic must adjusllo the other's fame, Margaret \!:lJ @ MOVle:Sllbmarlne Corilmlnd A and son in law the relative unimportance of romance, develops between an anstocratlc Sullavan Henry Fonda Margaret Hamilton l!ll Music Videos submarine comll)ander durl~g the Korean money. John Garfield Anne Shirley young girl and Ihe man who tends her (1936) " OJ Joe'Franklln War mus!cope With guill overpast mistakes '(1940) " father's stables .. Laurence Olivier, Merte "" 2'0/20 .., @ Hitchhiker .tliat cost chlm I.he. lives of several crew . ' OberDII David Niven (1939) UJ... 11 0' B members William Holden. Nancy Olson 10:30 C2l BodyShep.lng With Cory Everson. ".. @ News :1 l!l enson William Bendix (1951) ,. 'wMOVIE: Vice Versl A father and son's l!l Enle!'Blnment Tonight @ Discovery Showcase Hollywood Ghost 11:15 @ MOVIE: The 'Burbs An average . lives are turned upside down when, by the ®J Who s The Boss? I:;l Stories . s!lburbanile's plans to spend a qUiet 9:00 CIl Spor\Slook power of a magical skull from the Orient, 02l NBABaskelball ® YldeoCounlry vacation at home are shattered when aweird Winside lbe NFL they miraculously exchange bOdIes. judge ® Crook & Chlse l§) Bllman family moves In next door to oreale havoc, . ~ MJOneV~IEII"neThe OuUaw B'llly the Kid, " ftelnhold, Fre,dSa.,vage,(t98a) I:;l Oil ~N,N Headline News lIJ) CrlmeWatch Tonighl Tom Hanks, Rick Ducommun. Carrie Fisher UJ 'II 11 00 nn k 1h Ofl R d Ch !M'lihck'e'yCOMuortul:;lse CIUb..,@Mu.rder,SheWrOle(1989) wounded and on the run, Is a,lded by Doc ' w MIc. ey· omJl$on s oa 1m·..., ... Holliday andavoluptuousllirl.Janl1 Russell. plonshfp Grind Prix From Houston, TX @ Carloon Express 9:20 (I) Nlghl Trecks: Power Hils 11:30 @ After Hours . Jack Beutel, Walter Huston (1943) :(R) . .. 7:00 ~ Adven'ure 9:30 ~ SportsCenler (iJ NewsNlghl Update C!1 Prlmellme Uv8l;1 11:0S (J) MOVIE: The Five Min Army Five men sel ill Market To Market (iJ Sports Tonlghl @ Greal Escape ®J KllolS Landing William Devane, Michele out to heist agold shipment from atrain to @ Baywatch Shawn Weatherly. David l!2l HiIISlreel Blues ® Classle Rock With Wollman Jack j Lee, Joan Van Ark I:;l . support revolutionaries.' Peter Graves, Hasselhoff. Jeff Altman I:;l ® Crook &Chase a To Be Announced j @ Newhlrt James Daly (1970) (]) Larry King Uvet' @l Balman 13 Werewolf Q}) Selarl , CIl Full Houst Dave Coul/er, Ed McMahon, OJ Arsenio Hall 11:35 @ Super Sense: The Making 0\ Super ® Vld"Country John Stamos I:;l aD Twillgh' ~one S,ense (t988) @l Bltmln ®J PllIcelble Kingdom Lindsay Wagner. @ Snow While: Slngln',Dancln', Heigh Ho 11:40 C!1 Nlghlllne Q lin Remole Control MOV Tem Wiopat MeliSsa CI,ulon .., Taped at Disneyland, Ihls speCial features . .... CrlmeWllch Tonight 12:15@IE:DalllerO\lSIyTheyUvelnWWII'ImAmerlcl'nalbumUJ"'Snow White, Ihe Seven Dwarfs, Ihe Prince, 12:00 ~ SporlsLook II.lIJ a girl who has memorized Allied ship ..., " CIl MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour ID Best 01 Wilt Disney Presenls locations Is kidnapped by Nazi spies, but is ® NlShvllle Now the' Wicked Witch and the Disneyland h I 13 Murder,She Wrole al'ded by a young doctor. John G'."','el". II! this Weekend dancers, (19B7)@LaleNlgtWlthDavldLetterman l "'" u, MO • ', ®J MOVIE: CBS Lale Movie Sh'kl!~D nOn 9:30 ~ Sport'Cenler, , Nancy Coleman (1941) a VIE: Poltergeist Supernatural Sptrlts 1~ ~ Prolesslonal Goll . The SURsal Strip An ambllious L ,Vice • rn Computer Chronicles 12:30 W'MOVIE: Shlron: Portrait 01 AMlslreu step out of a TV screen 10 turn apeacelul CIl To Qe Announced cop's bold pursuil of a noloriQ.u madam l (iJ Sports TOftlghl Awoman has aseries 01 affairs with married suburban home IOtO ascene ofte~ror,JoBeth @ C!1 ®J News uncovers widespread corruption fn lhe pollee 02l Hili Street BlUes . men becauso she is unable to make alasting Williams, Craig T. Nelson, BeatTlCD Stra,ght W Kids In Th~ Hall Dave Foley. Bruce department and sels up a huge scandal. ® Crook' Chase 'D (19821 McCUlloch, KeVin McDonald I:;l D rrd v S Ii bl 1 V. A· @l Batmln comn'lIlmenl. Trlsh Van evere, Patrick @ MOVIE: H.oboken Chlcken.,Emergency A (iJ NewsNight ({glaring, eason u ey, "oan an T. @.Muslc VI~ii:S ~__11;'O!oo~o~~~e~~/o~~t!97-l7~)I~~LJl!rmilllm:.-C.uJL1JlOID.__~y[:outilnglhbnll°~YI..;trINigg~erc.Js~paS1ln~lc~mllih:gls.ll!h0a,Jm1Iri!l~t,~:~ ~:1II l!2l Tales From The Darkside -,-----9-:5-1ID OlnlY sa~u ..sThe Amerlcan Teacher GulfSlream, FL (L) . • 266 pound chicken home for Thanksgiving~ MOVIE: JesSeOwens Siory (PI 2 01 2) ~~~ol"c-ou-nt-ry------"--l 0 irn Barbara Blish (1989) (IIMOVIE: The HIU·Nlked Trulh Acarnival OIck Van Patten, Peter Billingsley, Gabe True slory of the man who won four gold trn 700 Club With Pat Robertson pitchman devises away 10 make ayoung girl Kaplan (1984) medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics from l!Il SUSlllnlng 10:00 mProllSslonll 6011 Into an instant celebrity. Lee Tracy. Lupe @ Jem college days to his post·Olympic period II! Plcillc Weekend Outlook rn Blick P.rspecUves Velez (1932) 7:30 rn Wild Amerlcll:;l' when shamelessly explOiled. Dorian Har, a MOVIE: Oealb Race 2000 Five race car @L.A.LawMlcheleGreene,JlmmySmlts. 2:00 ~ World Clm Wreslllng CIl Family MI,tiers Reggie Vel/ohnson I:;l ewood, Georg Stan(ordBrown, Debbl Morgan drivers challenge Ihe nalional champion In a RlchardDysartQ.. . -MOVIE:'M DM" d AI I b th ..... HM (1984) WV1tllllm War SloIy.TIteLasl Dlys;lbe ..., " r'''''''ley ami y uys eir '0 e· an cross country race Where the drivers score LISt SoIdiIf ,., dream house only to discover that the 8:00 ~ Muscle Mlgazlne ! ~~lshlwCeekrte~ . points by runnlOg down pedestrians. David N . NIibT preVious owners, three ghosts, refuse 10 rn D.C. Week In Review I:;l ..,. g ou... Carradine, Simone Griffeth, Sylvester (iJ ew~ leave. John Astin, David Faustino (1986) 00 Hlrdball John Ashton Richard Tyson @MOVIE:Tltlnksglvlng Promise Ayoung Stallone (1975) . C!1 Pi .~W~OIId DUd 9 MOVIE: Rerum Of lbe Bldme, Aman Jason Bernard I:;l' 'boy IS, lorn between ~IS love for an Inlured @ Advenlur~s 01 Ozzle And Jllrrlet OWe ~ H:~:i1lt No;r DWlI n.r plans to stake a claim and marry a peace WfllOVIE: VIce Versa Alalher and son's ~nadlan gQo~e and hlS,agree'!1enl to fatt,e~ Nelson, Hamet Nelson. DaVid Nelson trn MOVIE: Jass. Owens Siory (PI 1012) officer'S widow during the Ok/ahoma land lives are turned upSide down when, by the a d ~Iaughter It for a ~elghbor s Than~glv .JaMllmI VIce" True story of Ihe man whO won lour gold rush, Randolph Scott, Anne Jelfreys power of a magical skull from the Orient, ~~da~n~~:iJg~;a(~:a~fr:' Lloyd Bf/dges, medals atlhe 1936 Berlin Olympics from his (1948) they miraculously exchange b~dles, JUdge @ Hilchcock Presents college days to posf.()lympic period when 3:oo~rl::~A~ln/ TNT AII·Amerlcln P.IIlIIng ~e9~~I'~ Fred Savage" Connne /1()hrer 10:20 (J) MOVIE: Clvemln Follow Ihe stone age' I ~':ele~~f:'110b%~~Z~~:ar:r:~ (II MOVIE: The Last DIY' 01 PompeII In (]) Evening News . adventures of a misl!t living in One ZUlion MORNtNG (1984) ., ancient Pompeii, apeace loving blacksmith (!) Perfect Strangers Mark Linn-Baker, B.C, who lorms hiS own tnbe, composed of '"'M"'1y -o,'s Flulng Circus smve5 for wealth by becoming achampion Bronson Pinchot .., outcasls from olher caves, Ringo Starr, ;T_~;OuUoOk 8:30 ~ RenegldtSl TNT Monsler Truck gladiator and head of the arena, Preston ®JDIUn,La/TYHToman"PalIiCkOuffy, Ken Barbara Bach, Shelley Long (1981) Challenge . QI H...... Court 0 Foster, ·Basll Rathbone (1935) Kercheval Q 10:3O@ Tonlghf Show . . , rn Understanding Humlll Behavior , IDMOVIE:M••eln HUvellTwo souls meel 3:30~ Scholasllc SpOl1s Americi I!ll Women Of The World B.> 1st" Ten: MladGlmes O.J, Simpson. Ci) Style With Elsa Klensch in heaven ilnd fall inll!Ve and are given only W MOVIE: Rad Ahigh school BMX champ • 3D years to lind each other on Eatlh. Timolhy Wishes to enler acompetilion and must Hutton. Kelfy McGillis, Maureen Staple/on convince hiS mother to agree to Itthough she (1987) would rather he study than race. Lori lS lbursdlY Highl FlghlS Laughlin, Bart canner (1986) Q 10:0S(I) MOVie tho Thing (From Aiolber 4:00~ 198UMA$upercross dining & entertainment guide World) Astrange thlt1g lrom another werld . f __ terroriZes an arctic U.S, researCh station. 4:30 (}) SpOds...... k Kenlleth Tobey,Margarel Sheridan, James S:DO~ SporlsCellltr . ' I Affless (1951)" '. W InsUe 11HI NFL Tbi5 weekly program JG.-.oB-S .' . JlAMltJlI.CElUdN(; tNNOfntR I oilers game reviewS, highllghls and • AttiteY' 2Sf.7Sa.ltkttll MoUNTAINCOOS I ~_~ . ~aan:aoalyses,aswellasinsfde.informalian.ab.Q1rt_X:&V;;h;,~~i1:~-::m:-.4~'t~f1~;;;.bb;]~;;;;;;;;~n~:"::'~W::':32:7S~:;];;;;;;;;----3,.s.s••~I"'~~$..~.~ot~R~lII""._~-----~-- • players, coaches ari~ upcoming NFL X·BoV., In acldiliosllo~ ihefllWllll.tSbIn. Has thebollioltpldllJlnlD11J1loaoryel""'.....de n_257~.C1 , alJlo~,.~.~ddU,.1eI'r • 10:301I1 TOllY lkIWi's Jovmal games, the South_I. l.ttu. the Jueeat oU.d bu In. I!nJo1CUU11brN.lc&'1ltortIllld1,AndexporierlD!lhe I ~~~J:'MillIIthtTrIIRT'Mts;ow ~re~~: P~OI:':~O~~rm~nA: ~=I~:;:;'~·aIoofilh&tld tr.r::;'~s.::.~r.~7~ ~~=~the~~~ HI Urged by J1lyste~ voices, Billy Crystal is sudden ~mpulse. realizing fate! that each '11lIJT8dclfoomat~1jatJll\lICXOi:IiIliOdaleuplo ~ O'TheJnri.ops\dally I moved to travel .through fltJ$sia by train. must adjust to'the other's fame. Margaret 35peop1e!or~/"'II1IlIfll~~e1e' t . . &om 11:30 am. to 9:IJO ~ CIDI pIMa_ is I spreading laughter and firnling hisraots. Sullavan; HenryFondi (t936) K-Bllff.1a ClpII\7da,. a w.k. - enhm:ed by the -r1l8lerqorthe pIA1lo bu, I Q 'S''30"" 'NrI's .., _ .....i.Su....rstar. :;..'"tbl~uNque~lnthe. Maln~2Z' I C!1 MWS'H . • MtkeD~ka _...... - 1"" CUlCLEJIJAJt+QtIJl ~.."~~ ~I'~'":: , I .' CilCIINt'sQ' .' 1I88tJD1)1lKJHJ»L' nESt'AImNCCA11l ---'I)". .... -r-·--~ @M', • .'.' • I , ,. ,. , " ,- , ,.0''' __ .••__ ~., _," .•.E ..·_.w 0 £ '. ",."','", "r., •. ~.. ~ .•"T.-~'-_., .. ,,-,•. ,...... '~', " .', , ,,

Page 6/ The Ruidoso News (2) NB~ B,s~elball (!) BeeUelulce Q investigative work. His search for amissing 10:15@ MOVIE: TIll Swlllllll Young girl wrller AFTERNOON III conlll~t 't1JlJi""d.OJt;Qp~ 1.l~-~ trying to havQ her stO,ries. pUblished g!rliQ @l Garfield ~nd Frlendsl:;l , porn star leads With acorrupt fruil _. .__ _. in a grower. Tolly savalas. George Coo, Joe . OJ) CNN .1I•• dUIIINI!~s lliag~lne,i1evl$ils Jil't!atalQ 1hatshe1:lajms @ ~I The Movies 12:00 CIl New UI.racY: Inlnl To Compulers C a @ Animal Wonder Down Under Oal/esandro (1989) ~"'"$.'!~/Q,w.rd.· '. .is her true storY. -1nn Mart/ret. Tony rn MOVIE: Running On Empty Pursued by [~f!J~.~ ~te (1~66) @ Country Kllchen .the fBI, two former '60s radicals must 3:30 CIl Thls-Illd HQuSe. t;I 6:;35 =DInger .:a" :QqnnoflY..Rhod,os, Ocean_ , __ _ @l New Generalion constantly keep moving and changing Cil Newsm,kl!rSatuntay Hellman, Chr,lstOf!her Cra/Jb g , 10:30 ill Wesl.m TradlUon .E;J ,. • @ CNN Headline News identities. At age 11. their eldest son longs @ Classic- R\lCk WIth Wollmln Jack 7:00 CIl Llwre\lce Wetk(!)S.t~I'd,,",gh' LlVll ~ S~crelldenllty Dumbo's Circus for a new Iile, Judd Hirsch, Christine Lahti, all My .. I:;l @ 227 'Mar/Ii Gibbp, Hal Wifliams. Alalna ill Ev,ns A~dNllvak I 9:00 crJ Sunklsl K.I.D,S. River Phoenix (1988) I:;l 3:35 @ My Friend flick, Anita Louise. Gene Reed Half Q ' .Ql American Glldlalo" I ill Humanities Thru Arts (lJ News Update Evans, Johnny Washbrook . illShQWBIZ This Week . @ Jus' For ThlRecol'd I ill The Chipmunks I:;l l!.Q) Wlnl.r Sportscasl 4:00 CIl Hometlme I:;l mMOVIE: Brlghani Voung Mormon leader Q})Oral Rob.rts ® Not·So·Greal Moments In Sports: Take @ Greal Wall 01 Iron @ Barney Mllle[ Brigham Young brings his people to freedom (Jj) CNN H"dlln, News I @ Tommy Hunler Tyrone . III Comblntng candid talk with rare and (lJ NewsWltch and a new sense of Identity In Utah. QI Suslllning I famous him footage. this program ~ele· ll]) Wagon Train cJ) World Chlmplonshlp Wreslilng , Power,.·/.inda Dame/I, Dean Jagger (19.40) 10:~5(!l ,y!~~ AII.n Sholll I brates the weird. astounding and often .. llJ) Alrwoll . . l!.Q) Wild-Kingdom mMr.-S.lv,d.reBob Uecker.thrlstopher 11:00(1) To BII Annllunced hilarious moments msports. I:;l Beller Your Home I a l!2I RemoleCantrol Hewitt E;J W MOVIE: The K!lIlng Time On his way to CIl News Update ID SeaUes Cartoons @ Sparling Ule l!.Q) Paradis. Lee Horsfoy, Mal/how New· ; accept anew deputy sherill job at aseaside I @ Loslln Space ill Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show I:;l @ Counlrycllps mark, Sigrid Thomton I:;l resort, aman is violently murdered by a I @ Good Times 12:10 (lJ Heallhweek ~ Borderlown ~ ~~~y ~itch~iker de~d @ Bill Buuud's Animal Odyssey Nunler who assumes ,the !"an's I ill I:;l I!!l The W.ek In Rock .OJJ Weekend Updal' Idenlity, Beau Bridges, Kiefer Suthorfand, @ Wish You Were Here 12:30 New Uleracy: Inlro To Compulers (lJ l!Jl A·Team all COPS Wayne Rogers (1987) @] Bonanza: The losl Episodes Style Wllh Elsa Klensch mAmerican Movl. Legend: John Wlyne (!]J Weekend Updale .... H' , Boo ill,tt",,"pdat. . @ Club MTV ThiS series of specials oilers profiles 01 all Out 01 This World .... .ra s mer ' mMOVIE: Crackln The FltlrrJr p;1nurder in iIII Superman particular IiIm artists, This show celebrates @ Swiss FamIly Robinson Martin Milner, 18 The Equalizer Paris, acourtroom Irial with afamous lawyer @ Good Morning. Mlckeyl cameron Mitchell, Pat Delany 7:30 @ Amen Sherman Hemsley. Clifton Davis. and a double love Iriaogle pecur among the ~ MOVIE: AThunder Of Drums Cavalry the uniquely American portrayals of screen giant John Wayne. 9 Bugs Bun.y And I'lls Barbara Mont{jOfTleryE;J lowest and highestslrala of French society. captain. toughest soldier on the frontier, ill This Wllk In Jlpln lJrson Welles, JufiB/te Greco. Bradford feels hiS new heutenant IS just another West @) College Foolballl:;l 4:30 CIl Welcome To My Sludlo I1il CNN Headline News @ Slar Trek: Next GlneraUon (!) Uvlllll-Dolis t;lDiflmaQ (1!l6O) •. POinter \0 be broken down into a fighting 9 Mlk.Sh.ppal'd @ America Coasl Til Cllul Charles Bronson. Richard Boone, all World Wide WresDlng ® MOVIE: Feds Acouple 01 mismatched machme. 1ft Teen Wln,La" Or Draw (1989) (8l this Week In Caunlry Music Luana Parren (1961) @ Edison Twins Andrew Sebisron, Mamie FBI rookies try to make the grade with 13 Financial Freedom McPhail, Sunny Bensen· Thrasher hilarious results, Rebecca DeMomay, Mary 8:00 CIl Ausl.ln CllY Limits B Music AlId MIra Gross (1988)1:;l @ Glllden Girls Betty While Beatrice @.Ht._~lIlfIIJI 8111 COIIUIlItII 9:10 CIJ Science And Technology Week 1:00 ill Mike Yoursell AI Home Arthur,~roId (lJ On The Me.u ill Pinnacle Goufd E;J' a8epirl." . 9:30 crJ College GameDay m~OVIE: The Nlrrow Margin Detective IS tml J,oplrdyl C rn Comedy Hour: Monlreall.1'I Cornedy ~ Hllch~l~er . CIl HumanlUes Thru ~rts asSIgned to guard grand jury witness on lI2I Chlrles InCharue . •FuUval '89 A galaxy of comedy stars 11:05 (J) MOVIE: The Magic ChrisUan Eccentric @ Saved By The Belll:;l train, Surprising things begin to happen en IDl Oullloor UII, converge on Montreal for a hilarious hour 01 rich British businessman sels out to prove (lJ College Football Preview Q}) Crossbow . . S~ln· I route to Irial. Charles MacGraw, Mario pure entertainment. Rich Hail. Jerry that everyone can be cQrrupted by money, @l Rude Dog & The Dweebs 0 WinMor. Jacqueline White (1952) I1il CNN Heldllne News feld, Bob GoIdthwaft g Peter Seifers, Ringo Starr. Isabel Jeans i @TAndT l!2I MOVIE: Grelse An energetic musical I!!l MTV Rackum.ntlry: Guns 'N' Roses ill Eft..... News ' (1970) . I @ Side By Side ghmpse at the carelree 'SOs' as the new girl This program looks al Los Angeles' Guns 'N' (!) ABCJltul'dlY Mystery B.L Sttyk"Burt 11'10 ill Travel Gilide' I I!!l Club MTV In school wins a place on the pam pam Roses, a hard rockin' band that has become Reynolds, lJI:irI de lUise Q " llJ) Superman squad and the local tough's heart. John one of the biggest acts 01 the late '80s, tmlTlllr 0' Duly TerenctJ Knox. Stephen 11:30 CIl ARchllr Brelhers Band I ' @ Donald Duck Presents (1989) caDrey, Tony BeCkerQ ill Pllllla~" Travolta, OlivIa Newtan·John, Stockard ~ I 10:00 ill French In ~cUon Channing (1978) all Suplrboy TIffI XOn The Trail 01 The Jaguar . om iloleg. Mad House . ll!l Conversav.tl WIth D1.ah . . . ~ HoKywoocI ChJOllIc'" • ,,' I @AlFO @ Beyond 2000 4:5O@ Dlsn.y Salutes Th. Amlrlcan Teach.r ~ ® MOVIE: The Plok·Up Artisl Afast·talkmg @ Remodeling And OecoraUng Today Ba~ra Bush (1989) Q}) HlrdeasUe And McCotmlck E;J l!J WIlli Vou W..f . I ~ I!!l Vol MTV Rapsl @Rock &Roll: The earfy Days Artists from teen fanCies himself a master In the art of Big Valley 5:00 ~ CoUlge Foolllall Scoreboard l!Jl News' the early days ohock and roll are spotlighted meetmg women But now thiS artist has I!!l Musl.c Videos Ql Sewing WIth Nalley QI College Footblll in this musical special. Chuck Berry. EMs finally met hiS matCh. Molly Ringwald, llJ) Knlghl Rider (I) Clpllal Glng @ MOVIE: Pdnciss BrIde Ayoung boy, Presley, Uttfe Richard • Robert Downey. Denms Hopper (1987) 0 o This Weekend m MOVIE: The FrelH:h Une When a vl~ted, ~ PreSI~ CIJ NewsDay @ Zarro Henry Darrow, Paul Regina, Bill bedridden with the lIu, Is by his Hflehcock beautiful millianalress travels to Parts, grandfather who reads him afantasUc tale of 11:35 (!) Freddy'. NigIllmaras (!) Animal Crack'Ups I:;l Dana posmg as a model, a dashing Frenchman l!.Q) ~dvenlures 01 Raggedy Ann ~nd Andy QJ MOVIE: Damon ~nd Pythlas Durmg monsters, glanls. fencing. chases and 12:00 W SporIsC•..., takes nolice. Jane Russoll, Gilbert Roland, escapes, Elwes. Mandy Pat/nldn, Chris CIl AusUtl limits colorlul tImes In the ancient world. the Arthur Hunnicult (1954) cary CiIY o Bohemian Damon and tho logical AtheOian Sarandon @ Soul Train (!) H•• Haw (1987) @ WWF Wreslllig Chillelllll @OneWorid Pythlas Pll1thelr long·standing fnendship to ~C8S News at Miami VIce ill '11'flalitllll Corraspoldenls @ Celebrity Outdoors the tesl. Guy Williams. Don Bumett, Uana 8:05 (I) U.S. Olympic Gold IIIJ Smasll Hits Orlel (1962) lI2IC""rs 1m Virginian @ Natural World 8:15 @ MOVIE: Never Steal AlIy1hlllg Small A l!2! ra"~ From The D~slde 13 I!!l Music Videos Dane. Plrty USA @ COUItry K1tc1111 small slevedore"s local boss wants to l!JJ Proliltt,Of Hal)lr. llJ) Barella 1:30 crJ Colleg. Football Scoreboard Q}) Rln nn n. K·9 Cop become boss oflhe walerlron~ and will stop ® JC!'!.'tJC1lps , (!]J This Weekend CIl Woodwrlghl's Shop (!Z) Th. BIa R.lctllfl at nolhlng to win. J.unes cagMY, Roger Q}) ...,"" Vole. @ MOVIE: Adventures 01 Ichabod And Mr, (]) Your Mon.y (!J) WIIo'sTIII Boss71:;l Smith, Shirley Jones (1959) (!]J PICHIc Wetk.ad Ou1look IaaJ1 A gangly schoolleacller .stumbles m-Allt-GtIletH'oo~al~ eA-Ttem- - '--", . -~- ---=-=e?'~8IcHldt~~8tmlIs~~htH~TIrn across the countryside to escape Irom the iW Country Kitchen @ MOVIE: Ufe AId TIm.. 01 Grizzly ' terrifymg Headless Horseman in this version @ EmpIy ~Rjch4rd :Mulflgan, Kristy hecUc I~e of a star whO loves. fights, loses all MUlst.rs Today Adams Wrongly accused 01 a crime. the ~1~ of Washmglon Irvlng's tale (1949) I:;l @ Besl 01 Ozzle And Hlrrlel legendary. rugged fronUersman and fur Riker-HasfBY E;1 and wins her man despite the odds. Jean @ To Be Announced 2:00 CIl College Football trader Grizzly Adams takes refuge In the (Ii) CHN HtIllllH News Harlow. Lee Tracy, Ff'IJlchot TOI/4 (1933) 10:30 crJ (J) College Football mountains and befrtends a glanl bear. CD CreaUve Uvlng Dan l!J BIlly HIH ~n~~~~;a:~ l~d I~ :~~~~l[rs ill French In AcUon (3) The Truth Aboul AI•• Ahigh school Hawet/y, Denver Pyle. !Jon Shanks @KlssylurC (1976) 9:00 CIlIlt'lI Q Vegas. the lun loving team from LA athlete defies hiS father and his peers when sllpe~ocks, (lJ Evans And Novak he refuses 10 abandon his best friend when ~ "·s Your Mov. @ HUI!1tr Fred Dryer. Step!anle Kramer, competes with arrogant Dallas (!) lassie the Inend admits hIS homosexuality, Scott Charres ,IWfWn E;J . Scott Strader, Perry Ung. Mmska Hirgllay 5:30 (2) CoJltgt Foolball (!) MOVIE: IlIIIkig Otl Empty Pursued by (1987) . @l CBS Storybreak I:;l Ba/a, Peter Spence (1987)1:;l CIl Sneak Prevllws Goa VIcIto @ This Week In Country Music ill News Update the FBI, two former 'liOs radleals must 12:30 W BowIiII WerJd @NBCNewsE;l constantly keep moving and c;hanging illtptI'b ~I I1il CNN Headline News (J) MDVlE: Devil Dog: TIle Houllll.OI Htil An ill Spet1s Saturny all To Be Aftnounced average American lamily adopts an innocent identities. At aoe 17, Iheir eldest son longs . ~ MtIsIMs • @ aNtwsC for anew life. Judd Hirsch, ChrlSllllllLihll, aI Of TIM. W"lltI HollywOOd I.slder looking dog, not reallzlng It Is tho son 01 the lI2I $1....ta ForIIIne HII.I _U Rivtr PhotnTx (1988) E;1 Q]) Vlrltd . 11:00 CIl Busl.ess 01 Ma.agernell legendary Hound 01 Hell, RIchard Crenna. ~ Nallnl World Yvetto Mimieux, Kim Richards (1978) Q})CI~ (I) C..tiatl:t, ~ CHH HtHIIII Htws @ How To Gel ASectnd Paycheck MOVt~ S~ ill N.wsDIY l!JJ Gred Escape l!ll Music VIdeos (1J MtIrdtr. My RaymondaJ MOVIE: StaIll AM Dtlivtr Adedicaled Chandler $ char~eter•• ~hllip Marlpw~. leacher tutors hls class 01 East LA battlo m MOVIE: Besl 01 The Badrnel Aformer @ C.lebrlty Outdoors (!J) Kate UIIIIE;! !>O~mesinvofvedlRhomlCidean(l.blackmaH Unton officer becomes an outlaw leader but Q}) Guasmok. ~ kids to pass the hlvanced Placement DIlIIIlt T"..... mthiS StoI¥ based on the ~. Farewell, My Calcullls Exam. EdwNrJ Jmlts Olmos, Lou fmally surrenders to clear his name and start @ Top 20 Video Countdowll ~ hte anew, Robert Ryan, Claire Trevor, Robert (!J) Kalglll Rider LovelY, Dick Puwtlf. CfaJfe Trmr, Ann Ofamond PhflJips. OtSott1 (1987) EVENING Shlrfey (19«) Presron (1951) CIt Balman IIIJ SllIrday NiIIlI WlIh c... CIHuII 12:35 m MOVIE: 1felIlItuIt· HelIralMr II A (!) ABC Weeklad Speclall:;l @Grell Amerlcal WilderntSS Aportrait 01 6:00 rn Rtport FrIIn SIIlllI Fe E;1 • rtlurdel'OUs stepmother scberne!l to USe the tml New Melico Horizons America's wildemess heritage. from the @ (!) News ~ Htws blood of In~tsto revive the dead. while ( \ l!2I MOVIE: The. I.crldlble Shrinking Arctic to the Everglades and the Great Plains W MOVIE: hncllIilIt A suburban New aI StctIb Of NI\lIlI her steptlatJQbter rlllhlS to rescue her Woman This humorous story centers on a to the Rockies. (19m Jersey housewife strtJOgleS tQlulfill her Q]) ...... father's loonenled soul. Cfm Higgins, '., contemporary American housewife whose StrItI Hawk t8 dream Of beCOllIing a stand-ult comic and @ MIsIc VIHts Ashley ~ (1988) use of experimental household products 2:10 ill SporI$ ClosI-Up causes her to shrink. Uty Tomlin. Charles seeks guidance from alonely, driven COOlIc. 91ar1ey MIller lD. MOVIE: lIpn's ftI!IAt age 30, each 2:30 W S~ QIiIIlq salfy Flefd, Tom Hanks. John Goodmen a MOVIE: HeIlI Mary lH: PrIM HiIIIfli cmzeo goes t/trOuoh the ritUal of the c:arousel Grodin, Ned Beatty (1981) ~988) ~ebom. f~. l!JJ The Wolf: RlIlIclnl ,{dlaln The wolf may ill FIIbKt Walch t;I , AY!KJng woman is. eagerly anticipating her to be A wh.o realize the \&I PrIlHHews semor prl)m until she finds that slliJ has been carousel s danger flee fOrtbelt rIVes. Michael resemble man the mosl mTIlls Is YIlK LIft: BorIs KerioU ~1IeHmoa IIIlilt 01 HdIuI Gtttra,hIc posseSsed by the goosl of a prom queenYDik, Jtnny ),glJtfer, Richard Jordan @ CoulllryClips ~ Mi~t (!Jl A1rwoll ' ll!l WlsII VIII Wm Hm .....'. HerIIr rmrdered 30 years. ago. IronSide. (1976) at To Be AftIlOUllced l!il CNNHe'" IItws aI CIlaIIeIgt. . Wtndy L}i)1, Justin Louis (1987) 1:00 a.I Cliett f..... r ~ ...... lIla.~-~ , her parents are killed in AlaSkan wilderness, 3:00 CIl FfIIIII GHnIlIt . Q})-MOYIE: TlI'liIU'Irklndian scoutflglrts . (I) s,nT...... (l)HIwsNIiM, a httle girl IS lelt to spend 12 years with W MOVIE: Pollet AcIdemy 5: AssltImetd lor Sioux tenitolY rights at a meeting 01 lIZ MOVI£: TIlt QeIIway Ahusband and (1J MOYIE; TIlt FI'IIlCII I.ltM When a wolves as her only companions, Adam West. Miami Beacll There's no escaping justice chiefs and tommlssioners. VIII Heflin. wife plJII and exetute a bank tobbery and ~autilul millionairess travels to Paris, Denver Pyle, Linda Saunders (1965) even as Hightower. Tackleberryatldtbegang YVM1le o«:mo.Atex NitDf (1951) then attempt a complicated gelrttay,Sl1lVe posing as a model, f dashinq frencf1man . ~ Land 01 TIle Gla.1s ' sip pina coladas Wftilil on vacation at a !'nMOts'VlE:' TIIt~~ ~t""~r'd·S·toandvershoarril~nlek ~. Ati MlcGraw, 8tn JohnSOI1 ~a~~..~" JIM ~1, Gilbert RoI~d, peacelul police convention in Miami, George ..,..,..occur _ •..,.. II (1972), . IIIUIU/ n,uliCtItl (1;,,,,,) 11:30 CIl Business 01 M.nageme.1 between a hole dug in his backYard and the ~CII#lc _ \Wh WelIMH Jack (12) USA T_ • @ Breed.rs' Cup Day Gaynes, Bubba Smith, DJVid Graf (1988) CiJ NtwsWaldl . Iyric:s tll an acid:roc~ a1boin. Stephen Dorff, (J5l Ail 'Jill TIll K-t CIJI Qll PrIiIt TIlt ltd , rn Wallllng: Medicine May Be Hazardous Chnsta Denton, Louis (1987) aI ~'sl(illlll\lfd. IltlIIic , to Your H.alth ThiS program, produced with mMOVIE: MUrder, My Swttt Raymond TriPP aD WHs . , all._111II WItt. . , ·· 1 " ' t1I SIslaiIIIIt . the asslslance of the Consumers Union, Chandler's character. Philip Marlowe. becortlesinvolvel/ in hornicideaJ1d blackmail @MOVl£: ...rIlA:itq1fishsOngwriter 10:00l%! n GIll ra FrWayTllt 1.:n..hda looks at common medical myths and pursues an interior decOIiltlt)Vilh WlKirn hil. CIl TfIIIIIItIr Q dangers and yourfamily's protection. (1986) in this story based on thebciok. farewell, My WtItInI r sh~es~parjYlinillnor~f()llMbaCkather m~1In'I . . 1!O5(1) lIItIltlracb' , I:;l Lovely. DiCk Powell, CI'ire Trel'M, Ann , Shirfey (1944) forClJllinghlm off.Bltk1*Jdsilir,IAJrlSoay, (I)...... 1:30mCMkY MtIsk\ TeIeYIslM ill Newsrnaker Saturday RtlllrGa~ • 95 ,• (!) To Be Announced l!2l ~=-OIic:. cbbtI 'CiJTIIlsWtlkl.-" @ BnI~ Back From T1IlI B1111k Story 01 :=mJJ. . .. lim Other Side Of VJctory '.05''''' 'M'OVIE', St.t ·ac.. A group 01 tIJ ZtIa tnIlI, .'. 0 8lIlIIrMY WIIi 1lIi HIti I fa••M" r ~ Rlnem811 the Virilin Atlantic Flier, 6

..' d ~. .~- ,...... t,·,,"· .{ , ,.i.. ',"-" .• i, .\1, _ \.. ': '. ,'~ ( "- 9. d·· ". " .. " ...- , ...., i._, •• f 2, .•• ,'.. i ,.\ .! ~ F _, , '., '" , ",'0," . ',' 'I • ... :'-.- ,j !/'., .;- "', • ,.,_ '. do' .._

." '

,J,_, , , . .. ',' . ; " ',' " " :..' ','", '-," '.' . RU,ldoso Plipe 7 . ". .. ",' . (l)M.OVt~ BI~fS~o~o~oy: deathSQfthreelnlemational~. pr~ml~nt ,Th"!!!WOll~OI.$p.ed ,N,,",, - --, , .... , from And Beauty • .,' '. . ""--~'~:'; ~.,,:;; A~TERNOON ~~&n~~e:~ofei·ITfeff~lland'f'n~·fi.len~~,,~-,~~~m~~a/~~t~U:%'!(1 98~ea_ue'~;~~1r~'::s-"'-;~'" ;; • '" .'" ; i . -;. _., ._.':'.::: · .:OOjil.cUIllll1:'--'..~'--·_:c.'..;'_~ :"__: along,·ttie~.ay.RIt:kY.. 8uskqf•• o..arlu~_un_ a~,~ker RIt:hatdGrJ.eco, OeiJOrahJra: ,, J21.Ma~lIdrellKal8ySagaJ,Ed+_~· W.MOVJ~;Pelf~tWUn ~Crary, a . " MORNING ...Afterwitnesslng P llrwmneTIf(1987J Q ' Kenam,James karen t;l O'Neill 0 :', .' .' , ' agt'IJe$l1me organized crll'llekilllllll, amil/l is (l)HewsW.lch,. .' .....'. iD~.ry co~per: American Ufe, Amerlc~n @ MQlIlE: WI~rd Of Baghdad Anot too .~, , .'pushe~ bV.an intense lawytlr.tll testify, no roThls Is Your ure. Jesse Lasky Ralph legend .~Itot E~stwood narrates th!S successfUl g~nie,.QrJlered by the king of the B~05 til Qood He.. • .malt~r the riSk t9.the man's life Dr f~mlly,. EdWiU'ds. Cec/IB. DeMille, BuddY Rogers . retrospecllve IQllk, at.one of the screen s genII to buckledown:and do his job properly, 8:10 cilOn 'thIl' M'~II Briaf1Denf1ehy,-Aidlin Quinn. Stockard, !gtIYfC,hIQ... fa~orlte l!act~~, t.wo:tlme Academy .Award is assigned tQlheterritoryof Baghdad. Dick si30ll1ThlfWliik:lifSpoilS .~aW'~1~9~:tl2;..· ... ";-P~~li~~iciPlus ~nh'ich~k~~~g;~Ats. .=a~:if6~':~k~:.1~~e~=~can . (!) IfO"lfI'IllllWn Hour 01 Celebll;Uon @MOVIE;20,OOOYear$lnSlngSlngSmali' ~ Bonanza. The ~ost Episodes 6:30 m Malfl Slllllh's Money World Lellend Clin!'.Eastwood narrates this (l)Hiwsnii~.r Sund.y timl!clllOk. sent to Sing Sing, is let out· on ·OJ Oul Of,ThIs World.. ® I~slde Wlnslon Cup Racing retrospective. look at one of the $.creen's c, ',',.~ .'H'98.,,,2.eNn·.·,eHWe!~~IJy F,ila~lhOnthehQnOr.sY.slem~!Iis accused-of murder. 8MOVIE,~UJcdh~. dSundance. The Early OJ) American SnapShOts favorite aciQrs, two-time Academy Awar~ .. ..". I\HI ,..- ",SP/JncIr;rrocy,BetleDa"Vis, tools c,Ihern",Dly."But9Itan~undance met- as younglJil1lHNlIlIdlllilfNtiws winner Giii}'Cooper. .. .- , ~ St.JCQm (1933) .. men and ll\ledtll beamong th~ most colorful QZI Music Videos 8 MOVIE: High Desert Kill Three sports- lBl CNN HII~III!8News .lDl Sp!lfll~g Ufe, ch~racters In t~e Old WeSt. Torn Berenger. =SnPw W~l\e:Slngln'. oancln;, Helllh Ho men plan arelaxing ~eek of hunting In New a Sn.UII.sler!!!Trucks And Tractor Power . WIlliam Kalt. Jill Eikenberry (1979) Tilped at: Qlsneyland, this speCial features Mexico, but a'strange presenc~ is apparently· @ PUll1bo's Clrclls .l§) Wagon T!'aln 3:GS,(I)l,avelDl! And 'Shliley Snow White, the Seven 1)warfs, the Prince, conducting a gri~ly kind of research, Tony 8:3500 MOVI~: The Undefelted AUnion Army mMTV ReWind: 1985 Asa new decade. 3:30 (i) N8W$makilr SWlday . the Wicked Witch and the Disneyland Geary, Marc Singer, Chuck Connors cQlonelleads his Will, w,ary, straggly band I~oms, MTV loo~s back at th~ .artl~ts and CZl MOVIE~ flying Le.themecks A strict dancers, (1987) (1989) of men,lQilblllQ(fyvletOtYi only to find Ihat vldellS that prOVided the deflnRlVe Images disclpllnilrian officer and his .squadron @Hltchcock. Presents B:30 ®BassM,stel'$ .., apeacetrealY:hadalre~Ybeensigned,.hllm • for each year of the ,60s, This episode: become-friends in Ihe crucible 01 war. 7:OI)m WeslerllTradlllon Q .(!]) John AnkerfJerg , WaYM, Rock Hlld$on, .Bruce caliot (1969) 1985.. 'Directed, by· Nicbolas Ray. Johh Wayne. .. l!l Sister Kate 0 . Oil CNN'Headline News 9:00 (2) SportS Report...· • (!J MOVIE; E.sy Money A sleazy photo- Robert Ryan"Oon rayrar (1951) lIJ Week In Re.vlew . all Benny Hili m Mlster'Roge,,' N.lghbC!rI!* Q Qr~pher attempts to e~dure aYear of clean lDlHollywaodC/tl1lnlcles CIl Nillon,l Geographic Explorer ,a Open House Alison La Placa, Philip WCommon Thlll.ds;· SloolS From The hvmg f~r a $10 mUliory windfall. ROrJneY (BlTruckln' USA f!i Free Splrltp Charles MacKenzie, Ernie Sabella Q Quilt This program eXamInes live moving DanK:ertield. Goraldif/e FItzgerald, Joe Pesci all lassie . l!ID Murder. Sfie Wrote Angela Lansbul}', B:40 @ Instant Replay stories memorialized In the celebrated AIDS (19 3)VIE' Ultl 0 II' T· 1 3:35 CIlJel(ersons Susan Anspach, Rosemary Decamp Q 9:00 nn SportsCenter 'Qullt ~d how the devastating disease has a M0 '.e Ir IIIIs wo. glr s, one a . . . lDl Dls~very Sunday ~ united people across Amerlc~. Q sheltered girl from a wealthy lamlly, the 4:00 (I) This We'k In Th, HBA (Bl Truck's And Tr.ctor Pawer m Mlsterplece Theatre R.H. Thomson. (l)H8W$ Updale ' other from apoor llome, meet at asummer (!) Entertainment This Week l§) In TOUch John Woodvine. Robert WisrJen ,Q "(12) Wild, WllllWesl camp' and race to lose their Innocence. lWlnSport I!lJ The Week In Rock (i) Inside Business • (Bl Instde Wlnslon Clip Racing, Tatum O'Neal, Krlsly McNichol, Armand ~MQVIE;FllSh Gordon The indestructible, 0 Week Ahela ~ EMIO~~. t:rseat «5J Boll.W: The Losl EpisOdes Assante (1980)lnt,rgalactlc hero (rpm the. 1930s comic a ~merlcl's Most Wanted, \!AI QZI Top ~ Villao Cllunldown =Teen Win, Lose Or Draw. (1989) . strip returqsin'ala.vlsh advent~re, baltllng to =Dinger Bay Donnelly Rhodes, Ocean ! =~~~;orld OIl Thrll StOOles ' aJ MOVIE; Just The W.y You Are Ayoung save Earth Irom Mlng the Merclle$s.M~ von Hellman Chris/ophpr Crabb 0 :ii: Uoyd Ogilvie •• a Larry JallllS handicapped musician Ifnds the 10Vllshe haS Sydow, sam J. Jones, Melody Anderson iD Sto~ Of HoHywood Tlie Western ; Arstnlo HIli Weekend Jam @ Good Momillg, Mlckeyl been missing When she travels to aFrench (19801 • @ Murder She Wrole . ~ts,un.'.y C.rlOOIl Express ski resort andputl: her leg In acast. Krlsty lDl Bill Burrud's Animal Odyssey 7'30 WI" T diU'" . a Tllcey'Ullman Show Tracey Ullman . 1 McNiChol, MiChael Ontkean, Robert (Bl Mltoworld • m. es e!fl r. ""n 0 . @ MOVIE: Tribule To ABad Man Ayoung 9:10

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MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY OCTOBER 30 OCTOBER 31 NOVEMBER 1 NOVEMBER 2 NOVEMBER 3 NOVEMBER 4 NOVEMBER,S -Meal Care, Senior Citizen'., -Kiwanis, noon, Upper Can- -Golden Age. Club, noon, -B.P.OA, 7:30 p.m., Blk'i 'Me., Care, SenJoJ: CltizeN -Democrar fi,uadralltng Center, call '157-4565. yon Restaurant. Adult Recreation Center. Lodge.. Center, call 257-4565. event,..6 p.m., Me.iUa Valley -Lincoln County Food Bank, -Evening' llana, supper, -Noon UonJ, noon, RuidOIO -Bridge, 11 Lm., Cree Mead- 'L!nco!n County Food ~. lrmt 1M :Cruclf. open 12 noon to4 p. m., Presby­ Uons Hut Inn Restaurant. ow. Country Club. open 12 noon to 4 p.m., Pm~-HoUday ~ 'ponJO~ terian Cl\urch at the "Y', -Rotary, noon, Cree Mead- -5ertoma Club, noo~ K.. -Sierra Blanca Swb1gen, 8 byterian Church at the "Y". bytheOOBS,9 LDl. -6,p.m., ·Spouse Abu.e Support owa Country Club. Bob'.. p.m., F'utt CuUtian Church: BIb 1Dd~ ATT'END Croupr ncM>!lr Dt.LaMot:he'.a ,-siena Blnnca. Duplicate"". ~Uncoln.-Cou.~FooC~~~~~~o~~· ~tlo~na1~ __~_~~_t"~Pow~"~W~OW~;~2~.1~1:30~~m.~'4_~I'\:..:.~;.J.c.;.I.. ;:;.~.~_-I-_~ ~ office, 44S Mechem. Cnll2S1­ _Co~ Bridge Cub, 1 p.m., Senior open 12 noon to 4 p.m., Pres- meeting, 7 p.m., Ruidoso 0;. MeIClltro Cen- H 6149, Qtizens Center. byterian Church at the "Y". Pollee and CourtI Complex. tel' Gymnuhun. . . ·Sierra Blanca Duplicate 'Duplicate Bridge Club, 7 ~ , CHURCH Bridge, 7p.m., Senior Citizens Center. p.m., SenIor CitiU!na Center. We Have A OF -COmmunication llnd Coop­ eration/' 7·9 p.m.,high 'choo!.. ')J Full YOUR Dr. Birgit LaMothe. Servlce• Escrow CH. O_·I.C._E· Departmen~

'.' NOVEMBERS NOVEMBER 7 NOVEMBERB NOVEMBERS NOV~BER10 NOVElIBER11 NOVEMBER 12 -Friend.ofthe Ubrary,4 p.m., -Altm.., 7:30 p.m., Shep­ -Federated Woman'. Club, -B.P.OJL Doet, 7:30p.m., mb -Meal Care, SeNor Citizena herd of the Hi11J Luthel'Ul I Libruy. 1:30 p.m., Woman'l Cub lDdge. Center, ca11 ~~ , 'Masonic Lodge, 7:30 p.m., ChurclL r BufJding. -Daughten of the ilJncoln Bank, Bastem Star BuQding. -Civil Air Patro~ 7:30 p.m., Junmcan County Pood 'Noon Liona, noon, Ruidoso Revolution, noon, membeN .0pen12n~nto4p.m.,Pl8by- I 'Ru!dOIO 00wnJ Ladie. AtrIC.­ Village Hall r lim Restaurant. homes. tedan Church at the "Y". i1iary, 7 p.m., Village HalL ·Kiwania,noon, UprrCan­ ~. t 8Sertoma Club, noon, K­ -Butem Star, 7:30 p.m., But- 'Chriatmu Jub~ lPOnaotfd ·4-H Cub, 6:30 p.m., Texas yon Rfttaurant. · I ... r , Bob'.. em Star But1din& ' by RuldOIO ValJeyGNelen,4 ~ New Mexia> Power Co. Call ·Lincoln iCounty r I' *Unmln ~ty FoOd BanJc.. . 258-5102 for more informa­ Homebuildem Adodatiora, 'SIerraBlancaSwiJt8erl,8p.m., p.m.-9 p.m., Curito Lodge. • open 12 noon lQ 4p.m., Pm· Pint Chriatlan Church. ' r tion. 6:15 p.m., Cn!e MeadDWI . byterian Church atthe 1I\f'. 4Bridse, 11 Lm., Cree Mead- r -Meal Care, Senior Citiuna Country Club. 'DupUcate Bridse Cub, 7 OWl Country Cub.. r Center, ca1l2:J-'-456S. 'Evening lioN, lupper, p.m., Senior CiDient Center. 'Lincoln County Food Bank, LioN Hut. 'Fami1yCriaiJ CenterBoardof t open 12nOOftto4 p.m.,Presby.. -Rotary, noon, Cree Mead­ Directorl, noon,.Dr. LaMothe'. office. r terian Clurch at the "Y". OWl Cow\tJy Cub. r 'SpoUJe Abuse Support -8oIpital Auxiliary, 9',30 Group, noon, Dr. La Mathe'. a.m., hotpUal CX)~ ~. ~Mechetnr-Call-251-­ -tootn.....-~--- -- 6149. 'Diaab1ed Amerlcan Veter­ -Sierra Blanca Dupllcate am,7pm.,ArnericanLepon " .. Bridge, 7p.m., SeniorCitizenJ Hall. Drop by and have ' ATTEND Cen1et. -siemB1anca Duplicate . -THE "'Talet of Bnchantment-, Bridge Club, 1 p.m., Senior coffee and. donuts.. Boyd 8urett, 7:30 p.m., li­ Citizens Center. withfrIends in' o~ .CHURCH· brary. -American Cancm Society 'Lintoln County Republicans board of dhectora, 11 Lalo, coffee room at the ·OF ' F"lDtMonday,6p.m.,Ruidoso library. Inn. new'btilllch or the .: ~YOUR : \ 'Judging for Family Cri&it . , 'nUIJ\ office Centet. Spaghetti Clank, ·CH'OICE 6--'5 p.m., InnCredible. li' - , .. " - . ' . ~, Deadlll1l For AnnounCln1lnts 10 AppIIt,lnTbl NiXt'CoininUnlty calfndar II,TtJllday, 'No'lllnblr1t 1988 '" .' t- , ~ . oj" , \... i .... f ! 1

, l To Include Your CIU·b/Or ·Orgflni.zation, . ~. - ( Call,Sandy Knox At· B,an.k o·fR... ~doso,257 ..4611. ,' . ., • . "" ' ,. .' . - , , ",,', . • .' ' .. , ,,' ' , " "'" . ," , , r ~ .' ,-<~ - ~ -•.• ' .. , ••.,.- y.-IIi~"" .. "I.., ~ ~ , ..,. • • r,I ..; It .. •

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