Cdgbvc! BzziOV]V Greater Lansing Debates the Broad Museum Page 11
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb February 15-21, 2012 CdgbVc! bZZiOV]V Greater Lansing debates the Broad Museum Page 11 New D\`a\iYXej intown FEC@E< :`kpGlcj\# AGAINST THE K?@JN<<BFECP 8KC8EJ@E>JPDG?FEP GRAIN FI:?<JKI8ËJG<I=FID8E:< ]i\\glYc`ZXk`fej see page 25 J8M<,, FE=<9%)+ J<<G8><) J<<G8><- 2 City Pulse • February 15, 2012 DEAL OF THE WEEK 1 & 2 Bedroom start at $570 USE BONUS CODE: Downtown on the Grand River Pets welcome! Free parking MUS99 4 blocks from Cooley/5 minutes from MSU Indoor bike racks Free heat & Wi-Fi SAVE 55% (517) 372-1770 AT Lansing Symphony Specials only $49, reg. $66 Orchestra’s Performance - a single process color - a blowdry - a conditioning treatment Friday Feb. 24 on - a manicure - an eyebrow or lip wax only $29, reg. $46 - a haircut & style - a conditioning treatment - a manicure - an eyebrow or lip wax Innova Salon art creativity 517.702.9549 | 1606 E. Michigan and Day Spa imagination Lansing | Iron & Steel Preservation Conference Hosted by Appalachian Spring Lansing Community College Don’t miss the opportunity to experience one of March 5 – 6, 2012 America’s best-known and most beloved works for West Campus orchestra - Aaron Copland’s Appalachian Spring. Restoring a building or bridge is like preserving a The Tuba Concerto by Bruce Broughton, another piece of history. LCC is bringing together engineers, great American composer, will feature LSO Principal craftsmen and national and local leaders in historic Tubist Philip Sinder. Broughton, an Emmy Award- preservation to explore the art and skill of working winning television and lm composer, creates an with historic metals through lecture and demonstration. experience in this work that is uniquely fresh and full of technical wizardry. The evening concludes with a work from the heart of French Romanticism, Cesar Franck’s Symphony in D Minor. You must sign up and purchase our stupendous deals online only at: City Pulse • February 15, 2012 3 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC Collage V ...a fast-paced, non-stop showcase of musical talent Friday, February 17 AL!VE IS -XLEWFIIRWEMHXLEX]SYEVI[LEX 8:00 p.m. ]SYIEX0SSOMRKJSVE[IPGSQMRK Wharton Center for Performing Arts you... TPEGIXS(NOURISH)XLI FSH]ERHWSYPKEXLIV[MXLJEQMP] ERHJVMIRHWERHPIEVR[LEXMX MSU Federal Credit Union XEOIWXSEGLMIZITVSTIVRYXVMXMSR# .SMRYWJSVEUYMGOFMXISVE showcaseseries LIEPXL]TSVXMSRSJPIEVRMRKERH (RELISH) XLIXMQIWXLEXQEOI ]SYJIIPXVYP]%0:) AL!VE is an experience-based, destination health park designed to enhance the overall health and vitality of our community. *MRHQSVIMRJSVQEXMSREFSYXRYXVMXMSREP SM Tickets: $20, $18 for seniors, $10 for students NOW OPEN (800) WHARTON or Tickets: $20, $18, $10 • (800) WHARTON or ;0E[VIRGI%ZIRYI'LEVPSXXI1- SponsoredGenerously by sponsored the College by the Collegeof Music of Music National National Leadership Leadership Council. Council. &ROODJH&3XOVHB_SJLQGG 30 City Pulse quarter-page (5.042 in x 5.625 in) Nourish Operations Ad 01 4 City Pulse • February 15, 2012 Feedback Mfcld\((#@jjl\). The tongue of Newt Pulse issue of February 8, 2012 by try- I love your publication and read ing to belittle our government in this (0',<%D`Z_`^Xe8m\%CXej`e^#D@+/0() ,(. *.($,-''=Xo1,(. 000$-'-(nnn%cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd (almost) every issue. However this manner is wrong. E\nj Fg`e`fe% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % + 8[m\ik`j`e^`ehl`i`\j1,(. 000$,'-( week’s kissing cover with the tongue of It is people with these bad ideals, :cXjj`]`\[X[`ehl`i`\j1,(. 000$,'-- GlYc`Z Efk`Z\j% % % % % % % % +# .# /# 0# (' Newt was disgusting, tasteless, repellent that is lowering the values of our gov- fi\dX`cZ`kpglcj\7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd :fm\i Jkfip% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % (( and gross. What ever possessed you? I ernment and country. An apology would <[`kfiXe[GlYc`j_\i 8ikj :lckli\% % % % % % % % % % % % (+ 9\icJZ_nXikq think your artistic license is in danger be appropriate to those who still thing glYc`j_\i7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-( Dfm`\j% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % (- of being revoked. that we can still have a government that 8ikj:lckli\<[`kfi is not a joke. 9ffbj% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % (0 AXd\jJXe]fi[ aXd\j7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-/ — Wing Dunham 8[m`Z\ >f[[\jj% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % )' Fek_\Kfne<[`kfi Lansing — Pat Warner :cXjj`]`\[j% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % )' A\jj`ZX:_\Zb\ifjb` Afe\j`eË :ifjjnfi[% % % % % % % % % % % % % )' a\jj`ZX7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-0 French kissing not tasty … er, JkX]]Ni`k\ij Flk fe k_\ Kfne% % % % % % % % % % % % % % )( tasteful CXni\eZ\:fj\ek`ef Klie `k ;fne % % % % % % % % % % % % % % )) cXni\eZ\7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd I’m a big fan of the CityPulse, and 8e[p9XcXjbfm`kq especially of the clever art that often Have something to say about a local issue E\n @e Kfne% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ), Xe[p7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd =i\\n`cc 8jkifcf^p% % % % % % % % % % % % ), Gif[lZk`feDXeX^\i graces the cover. But Romney and or an item that appeared in our pages? IXZ_\c?Xig\i =ff[% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % )- Gingrich French kissing? The bows, Now you have two ways to sound off: X[Zfgp7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-- arrows in the back, and the hug would JfZ`XcD\[`X:fejlckXek have been terrific. “Clever” in this case 1.) Write a letter to the editor. Alc`\Gfn\ij • E-mail: [email protected] alc`\7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%ZfdKn`kk\i17AGfn\ij(,, was pretty repulsive. And please ... I am • Snail mail: City Pulse, 1905 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48912 8[m\ik`j`e^ not even remotely homophobic; this was • Fax: (517) 371-5800 Dfe`hl\>fZ_#;`i\Zkfi just tasteless. 2.) Write a guest column: dfe`hl\7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-) Contact Berl Schwartz for more information: 8ccXeIfjj [email protected] XccXe7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-* — William Rowan or (517) 999-5061 J_\ccpFcjfe Lansing (Please include your name, address and telephone number so we can Editor & Publisher j_\ccp7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. -+*$(.'* reach you. Keep letters to 250 words or fewer. City Pulse reserves the Berl right to edit letters and columns.) Schwartz :feki`Ylkfij19i`Xe9`\ebfnjb`#Aljk`e9`c`Zb`#9`cc:XjkXe`\i# City Pulse disgraces entire DXip:%:ljXZb#A\]]?Xdd\i#Kfd?\cdX#:_i`jkfg_\i?fiY# K\iipC`eb#Bpc\D\c`ee#8[XdDfce\i#;\ee`jGi\jkfe#8ccXe@% country Ifjj#Af\Kfifb#I`Z_Klg`ZX#JljXeNff[j#GXlcNfqe`Xb# Your Cupid Performs A Miracle 7 p.m. Wednesdays 8dXe[X?Xii\cc$J\pYlie#Lk\Mfe;\i?\p[\e#Al[pN`ek\i CORRECTION @ek\iej1Kfep8cXe#8cc`jfeD%9\iipdXe#8cpjjX=`ik_#8[Xd COVER Art by Justin Bilicki is an This Week @c\e`Z_#>\eeXDlj`Xc insult to our country, community, reli- A column in last week’s issue about MSU Professor Soren Anderson on the ;\c`m\ip[i`m\ij18Y[lcdX_[`8c$IXY`X_#;Xm\=`j_\i#BXi\e gion, and social affairs. What a disgrace U.S. Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra’s ethenol mandate EXmXiiX#Ef\cc\EXmXiiX#9i\ekIfY`jfe#Jk\m\Jk\m\ej to upholding the countries values, on Super Bowl advertisement incorrectly your part, during a time when so many stated that China owns 26 percent of The late Jeffrey Zaslow individuals are struggling to keep their U.S. debt. The country owns 8 percent jobs, homes, investments, and religious of U.S. debt. values. To produce a cover on the City CLARIFICATION EFID8E#D<<KQ8?8Yp M@E:<AFP A story in last week’s issue that fea- brother, during the trial of Charles Lewis, tured an interview with Lori Black, the Jr. Lewis was convicted of first-degree mother of murder victim Shayla Johnson, murder and will be sentenced in April. reported that Black told City Pulse no It is unclear who owned the plants, but marijuana was growing in the Lenore “I don’t think they belonged to Shayla,” Avenue home where Johnson was taken said Ingham County Assistant Prosecutor from and shot in the trunk of a car in July Jeff Cruz. He speculated they might 2010. have belonged to Shayla Johnson’s boy- Black told City Pulse in follow-up friend, David Allen, or possibly Anthony interviews that 48 one-half-inch-tall Johnson. Black said she believes they “clones” that were not ready for harvest belonged to Allen. Black added that the were growing in the attic at the time of plants were in enclosed, makeshift boxes the incident. This matches testimony beneath grow lights in the home’s attic by Anthony Johnson, Shayla Johnson’s and were being tended. PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Accuracy Test for the February 28, 2012 Presidential Primary Election for registered voters in the City of East Lansing, Ingham and Clinton Counties, has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 21, 2012, at 9:00 a.m., in the City Clerk’s Office located at East Lansing City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, East Lansing, MI 48823. The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the program being used to tabulate the results of the election, counts the votes in the manner that meets the requirements of the law. All interested persons are welcome to attend. Marie E. McKenna East Lansing City Clerk City Pulse • February 15, 2012 5 a Feb. 7 probation violation hearing involving Mohamad Abduljaber — Husband Wiggins’ husband — that revealed sev- en guns were seized from the couple’s Eye Jolly Road home in Okemos. Other candy! and wife sources have said the north Lansing clinic was also raided and that all three of the week Why is the U.S. Drug Enforcement incidences are connected.