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Three underground gasoline riors' charging offense dismayed tanks at an old 7-Eleven store site the opposition. ****************************** at 2105 Sudderth were removed be­ The 10th ranked RuidoRo War­ cause of evidence of leakage, Carl riors had a few surprises in store FIRST HALF HlGm.JGHTS Stubbs, Ruidoso environmentalist, f?r the eighth ranked Socorro War­ said Friday. nors. .Jw~t one minute and eight sec­ A benzine health hazard was Ruidoso beat the low altitude onds after Ruidoso received the evident in one of three test wells Warriors 46-22. football, semor rurming back KeIUlY drilled, Stubbs indicated. More than 100 Ruidoso fans Trapp scored. The two previous of­ Stubbs, who is with the Environ­ traveled to Socorro for the football fenRive plays were passes, one to mental Improvement Division game, and they weren't dis­ Trapp for 10 yards and one to jun­ (EID), Health and Environmental appointed. lOr Jesse Guardiola for a 59-yard Department, State of New Mexico, Head coach Doug Ragsdale said said a test well drilled earlier at the his football team is in good shape. Please see Ruidoso, page 6A site showed evidence of leakage. Last week, when the tanks were excavated, soil contaminated with gasoline was discovered, Stubbs said. Ruidoso aims He said the tankB were nushed Spooks with nitrogen and didn't present a hazard to the public when they were removed. Carnivals and haunted The UST <Underground Storage houses keep Ruidoso for air service Tanks> division of the EID in Santa ghosts and goblins Fe has been monitoring and direct­ busy this Halloween. RepresentatIves of the Village of the new golf course and hotel pro­ ing testing of the Ruidoso site, Pictured clockwise from Ruidoso were in Phoerux, Arizona. Ject. Ill' sai~y listened to the lnforma~ proposalR and seemed interested. Stubbs said. upper left ara ~ leather on Wednesday presentIng Last suromer the Southland Cor­ tion about Ruidoso and the sur~ He saId the two groups dis­ poration, headquartered in Dallaa, Tr.antham fishtng at the rounding area to the chairman of cussed the cost of the operation, Texas, parent company of 7-Eleven Nob Hill carnival; Kelly America West Airlines which WIll vary according to the Rtores, sold all the 7-Eleven stores and Casey Dorgan at According to village manager level of servlce Ruidoso would like. in Ruidoso to Allsup's which is the Ruidoso Care Cen­ Frank Potter and transportation Morris saId they discussed start­ headquartered in Clovis. ter carnival; assorted and aviation division head Tim ing the air servIce in May 1990. and Morris, the group, which also in­ runrung it through the summer, Sergent, Hauskins & Beckwith, costumed kids at Nob geotechnical engineers, of Albu­ cluded Mayor Lloyd L. DaVlR Jr. and maybe through the Wlnter sea­ querque, has been doing the testing Hill; and a frightening and Ruidoso Downs Race Track son. and monitoring work on the site pair of ghouls greeting owner R.D. Hubbard, met for about Amenca West, with head­ under EID direction. visitors to the Ruidoso a hour W1th Amenca West AirlineR quarters in Tempe, Arizona. IS a A representative of that compa­ Downs Volunteer Fire chairman and chl(>f executive of~ faIrly new alrhne. The company VlCe­ was started Augu..qt I, 1983. and ny contacted Friday wouldn't Ray Department's haunted ficer Edward R. Beauvais and who the engineering finn preSIdent for plannIng Peter .1. currently Rerves 46 cities In the repreAents, the original owner or house. Otradovec. Uruted Stat~g and Canada. Includ­ Allsup's or who. The group from RUIdoso waR ing Albuquerque. El Paso and Lub­ Stubbs said. however, that "the there to try and get Amenca West bock. TexaR It has a fleet of 70 air­ original owner" maintained the Auhnes to begm scheduled aIr ser­ craft, IncludIng Boeing 737s, 7578 tanks were safe. while "the pur­ vice to the Sierra Blanca Regional and a 747 whIch the arrllne plans to chaser" wanted testing done. Jubilee llloves to bigger site Airport. use. begInmng in November, on In late July a report sent to the Morns said the RUIdoso group nonstop flights to Honolulu, EID in Santa Fe, apparently by the There may be a little space be­ According to co-chairperson Jon luncheon Rre suggested. Informed BeauvaIs and Otradovec Hawaii. engineering firm, showed minimal tween shoulders thiB year as the Nell Forrester, 41 merchanl8, in­ During the luncheon, a strolling about the race track and the skI Amenca West has shown an in­ traces of gasoline. Recond annual Christmas Jubilee cluding gift shop owners, jewelers holiday fasruon show will be pre­ area and what these two major terest in establishing service to var­ Ruidoso environmentalist Jim shopping extravaganza is staged at and representatives from local art seuted by participating Ruidoso tounst attractions mean to the ious ski resorts. This year, America Edwards said at that time that the Carrizo Lodge. galleries will offer shoppers a vast merchants. area. He said they also provided in­ West wiTI establish air service to report indicated the traces of gaso­ Last year when many, many array of gifts and collectible iteIl18. A nursery and game room will formation from the Inn of the the Vail. Beaver Creek resorts and line might have been caused by sur­ booths were squeezed into the Cree In addition, visits from Santa be staffed for children eight years MountaIn Gods and the Convention Steamboat Springs resort In face penetration. Meadows Country Club meeting Claus will be included. He will be old or younger. and Visitors Bureau. Colorado. However, other test wells were room and restaurant area, it was accompanied by a photographer. 'We let them know what we 'We achIeved what we went to drilled since then. Three such wells shoulder-to-shoulder traffic flow. The schedule includes a chil­ A $1 admission charge per per­ have and what we are planning for do," said Morris. "I fe-el positive were drilled in all, Stubbs told The The shopping spree this year dren's breakfast on Saturday No­ son per day will be assessed for the the future," Morris said. about th.i ngs... Ruidoso News.. will be on Friday and Saturday, No­ vember 11, with Mr. and Mrs. Jubilee. "They were surprised at the stuff One of the wells showed 570 vember 10 and 11, in the Carrizo Claus. Cost per person will be we gave them," said Potter. "They The two Amenca West execu­ parts per billion of benzine, a com­ Lodge conference and dining rooms. $2.50. For more information or to make were really impressed with tIves told the Ruidoso group they ponent of gasoline. Maximum al­ The Jubilee is sponsored by the A holiday Mexican-American reservations for the luncheon, tele­ Ruidoso." would get back in contact with lowable under EID standards is 10 Ruidoso Valley Greeters, a public Iuncheon is scheduled from 11:30 phone the Ruidoso Valley Chamber Morris said the two executives them in January, following the relations arm of the Ruidoso Valley a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Cost will be $6.95 of Commerce at 257-7395 or the listened to the group tell about the bURy Thanksgiving and Christmas Please see Leaky, page 2A Chamber of Commerce. per person. Reservations for the Carrizo Lodge at 257-9131. development of the race track and seasons. Hubbard MuseUIll seeks Illetnbers R.D. and Joan Dale Hubbard are tions connected with the Hubbard complished, he said. derstand the scope of the big pr~ inviting area residents to join in Museum and the $250,000 art Twenty-four carat gold invita­ ject. and become a part of their efforts to award. tions were sent out, and of 105 art­ "This will be the most significant make the Ru:idoso area the center He spoke to the Ruidoso Evening ists nominated, -55 have been in­ art show in the United States in for realistic art in America. Lions Club Tuesday evening, and vited. 1990," he said. The Hubbards opened the Hub­ Wednesday afternoon he addressed 'We expect the average price for The advertising budget alone is bard Museum at the Ruidoso the board of directors of the art works entered in the show to be from $165,000 to $195,000. Full Downs Race Track last year, and Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Com­ $50,000," Hall said. page, four-color advertisements are have enhanced the museum. by of­ merce. That view was bolstered at the scheduled for magazines; advertise­ fering a quarter million dollar art Hall explained how member­ Cowboy Artists show recently when ments will appear in 300 neW8pa~ award to be given at the Downs ships will work and what they will artists who have entered the Hub­ pers, he said. Ruidoso will be each year. offer, and also told of a two-pronged bard Award for Excellence competi­ named in all these ads. Hubbard Museum director John goal in developing the art award.
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